



英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(2)(1/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第1题LONDON—Webster's Dictionary defines plague as "anything that afflicts or troubles; calamity; scourge." Further definitions include "any contagious epidemic disease that is deadly; esp., bubonic plague" and, from the Bible, "any of various calamities sent down as divine punishment." The verb form means "to vex; harass; trouble; torment."In Albert Camus' novel, The Plague, written soon after the Nazi occupation of France, the first sign of the epidemic is rats dying in numbers: "They came up from basements and cubby-holes, cellars and drains, in long swaying lines; they staggered in the light, collapsed and died, right next to people. At night, in corridors and side-streets, one could clearly hear the tiny squeaks as they expired. In the morning, on the outskirts of town, you would find them stretched out in the gutter with a little floret of blood on their pointed muzzles, some blown up and rotting, other stiff, with their whiskers still standing up."The rats are messengers, but—human nature being what it is—their message is not immediately heeded. Life must go on. There are errands to run, money to be made. The novel is set in Oran, an Algerian coastal town of commerce and lassitude, where the heat rises steadily to the point that the sea changes color, deep blue turning to a "sheen of silver or iron, making it painful to look at." Even when people start to die—their lymph nodes swollen, blackish patches spreading on their skin, vomiting bile, gasping for breath—the authorities' response is hesitant. The word "plague" is almost unsayable. In exasperation, the doctor-protagonist tells a hastily convened health commission: "I don't mind the form of words. Let's just say that we should not act as though half the town were not threatened with death, because then it would be."The sequence of emotions feels familiar. Denial is followed by faint anxiety, which is followed by concern, which is followed by fear, which is followed by panic. The phobia is stoked by the sudden realization that there are uncontrollable dark forces, lurking in the drains and the sewers, just beneath life's placid surface. The disease is a leveler, suddenly everyone is vulnerable, and the moral strength of each individual is tested. The plague is on everyone's minds, when it's not in their bodies. Questions multiply: What is the chain of transmission? How to isolate the victims?Plague and epidemics are a thing of the past, of course they are. Physical contact has been cut to a minimum in developed societies. Devices and their digital messages direct our lives. It is not necessary to look into someone's eyes let alone touch their skin in order to become, somehow, intimate. Food is hermetically sealed. Blood, secretions, saliva, pus, bodily fluids—these are things with which hospitals deal, not matters of daily concern.A virus contracted in West Africa, perhaps by a man hunting fruit bats in a tropical forest to feed his family, and cutting the bat open, cannot affect a nurse in Dallas, Texas, who has been wearing protective clothing as she tended a patient who died. Except that it does. "Pestilence is in fact very common," Camus observes, "but we find it hard to believe in a pestilence when it descends upon us."The scary thing is that the bat that carries the virus is not sick. It is simply capable of transmitting the virus in the right circumstances. In other words, the virus is always lurking even if invisible. Itis easily ignored until it is too late.Pestilence, of course, is a metaphor as well as a physical fact. It is not just blood oozing from gums and eyes, diarrhea and vomiting. A plague had descended on Europe as Camus wrote. The calamity and slaughter were spreading through the North Africa where he had passed his childhood. This virus hopping today from Africa to Europe to the United States has come in a time of beheadings and unease. People put the phenomena together as denial turns to anxiety and panic. They sense the stirring of uncontrollable forces. They want to be wrong but they are not sure they are.At the end of the novel, the doctor contemplates a relieved throng that has survived: "He knew that this happy crowd was unaware of something that one can read in books, which is that the plague bacillus never dies or vanishes entirely, that it can remain dormant for dozens of years in furniture or clothing, that it waits patiently in bedrooms, cellars, trunks, handkerchiefs and old papers, and that perhaps the day will come when, for the instruction or misfortune of mankind, the plague will rouse its rats and send them to die in some well-contented city."下一题(2/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第2题PARIS-When France won its second Nobel Prize in less than a week on Monday, this time for economics, Prime Minister Manuel Valls quickly took to Twitter, insisting with no shortage of pride that the accomplishment was a loud rebuke for those who say that France is a nation in decline."After Patrick Modiano, another Frenchman in the firmament: Congratulations to Jean Tirole!" Mr. Valls wrote. "What a way to thumb one's nose at French bashing! Proud of France."Some in the country were already giddy after Mr. Modiano, a beloved author, whose concise and moody novels are often set in France during the Nazi occupation, won the Nobel Prize for literature last week. The award helped to raise the global stature of Mr. Modiano, whose three books published in the United States—two novels and a children's book—before the Nobel had collectively sold fewer than 8,000 copies.Joining in the chorus, Le Monde suggested in an editorial that at a time of rampant French-bashing, Mr. Modiano's achievement was something of a vindication for a country where Nobel Prizes in literature flow more liberally than oil. Mr. Modiano was the 15th French writer, including Sartre and Camus, to win the award.Yet this being France, a country where dissatisfaction can be worn like an accessory, some intellectuals, economists and critics greeted the awards with little more than a shrug at a time when the economy has been faltering, Paris has lost influence to Berlin and Brussels, the far-right National Front has been surging, and Francois Hollande has become one of the most unpopular French presidents in recent history. Others sniffed haughtily that while France was great at culture, it remained economically and politically prostrate.Even Mr. Modiano may have unintentionally captured the national mood when, informed of his prize by his editor, he said he found it "strange" and wanted to know why the Nobel committee had selected him.Even Mr. Modiano may have unintentionally captured the national mood when, informed of hisprize by his editor, he said he found it "strange" and wanted to know why the Nobel committee had selected him.Alain Finkielkraut, a professor of philosophy at the elite 图片Polytechnique, who recently published a book criticizing what he characterized as France's descent into conformity and multiculturalism, said that rather than showing that France was on the ascent, the fetishizing of the Nobel Prizes by the French political elite revealed the country's desperation."I find the idea that the Nobels are being used as a riposte to French-bashing idiotic," he said. "Our education system is totally broken, and the Nobel Prize doesn't change anything. I have a lot of affection for Mr. Modiano, but I think Philip Roth deserved it much more. To talk that all in France is going well and that the pessimism is gone is absurd. France is doing extremely badly. There is an economic crisis. There is a crisis of integration. I am not going to be consoled by these medals made of chocolate."Robert Frank, a history professor emeritus at the University of Paris 1—Sorbonne, and the author of The Fear of Decline, France From 1914 to 2014, echoed that the self-aggrandizement that had greeted the prizes among the French establishment reflected a country lacking in self-confidence. In earlier centuries, he noted, the prize had been greeted as something obvious.When French writers or intellectuals won Nobels in the mid-20th century, "there was no jolt at that time, because France still saw itself as important, so there wasn't much to add to that," he said. "Today, it may help some people to show that France still counts in certain places in the world. This doesn't fix the crisis of unemployment, however, that is sapping this society."In academic economic circles, Mr. Tirole's winning the 2014 Nobel in economic science for his work on the best way to regulate large, powerful firms, was greeted as a fitting tribute to a man whose work had exerted profound influence. It added to an already prominent year for French economists, as seen from Thomas Piketty's book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, which became an immediate best-seller when translated into English six months ago.Mr. Tirole's work gained particular attention after the 2008 financial crisis, which revealed problems in the regulation of financial firms in the United States and Europe.But some noted the paradox of the award going to an economist from a nation where the economy was less than shimmering, and where many businesses and critics bemoan a culture of excessive red tape.Others like Sean Safford, an associate professor of economic sociology at Institut 图片Politiques de Paris, the elite institute for political studies known as Sciences Po, said Mr. Tirole, a professor of economics at the University of Toulouse in France, was notable for coming at a time of economic malaise and brain drain, when so many of the country's brightest are emigrating elsewhere in Europe or to the United States. "The average French person, who is struggling to pay the bills, is not going to rejoice," he said.At a time when France is trying to overhaul its social model amid withering resistance to change, others said the award had laid bare the country's abiding stratification between a small, hyper-educated elite and the rest of the country.Peter Gumbel, a British journalist living in France who most recently wrote a book on French elitism, said that while the prize would provide some sense of national validation, the two men did not reflect the country as a whole."Undoubtedly the French ecosystem produces incredibly smart people at the very top end, whoare capable of winning prizes, and who fall into a grand tradition, and that is what the French school system is geared to Produce," he said.上一题下一题(1/2)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationThis section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2".第3题中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家,一个经历了深重苦难的国家,一个实行中国特色社会主义制度的国家,一个世界上最大的发展中国家和正在发生深刻变革的国家。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级《笔译实务》试卷Section1:English-Chinese Translation(50points)Translate the following two passages into Chinese.Passage1There they come,trudging along,straight upright on stubby legs,shoulders swinging back and forth with each step,coming into focus on the screen just as I’m eating my first bite of popcorn.Then Morgan Freeman’s voice informs us that these beings are on a long and difficult journey in one of the most inhospitable places on earth,and that they are driven by their“quest for love.”I’ve long known the story of the emperor penguin,but to see the sheer beauty and wonder of it all come into focus in the March of the Penguins,the sleeper summer hit,still took my breath away.As the movie continues, everything about these animals seems on the surface utterly different from human existence;and yet at the same time the closer one looks the more everything also seems familiar.Stepping back and considering within the context of the vast diversity of millions of other organisms that have evolved on the tree of life—grass,trees, tapeworms,hornets,jelly-fish,tuna and elephants—these animals marching across the screen are practically kissing cousins to us.Love is a feeling or emotion—like hate,jealousy,hunger,thirst—necessary where rationality alone would not suffice to carry the day.Could rationality alone induce a penguin to trek70miles over the ice in order to mate and then balance an egg on his toes while fasting for four months in total darkness and enduring temperatures of minus-80degrees Fahrenheit?Even humans require an overpowering love to do the remarkable things that parents do for their children.The penguins’drive to persist in behavior bordering 笔译实务(英语·二级)试卷第1页(共4页)on the bizarre also suggests that they love to an inordinate degree.I suspect that the new breed of nature film will become increasingly mainstream because,as we learn more about ourselves from other animals and find out that we are more like them than was previously supposed,we are now allowed to“relate”to them,and therefore to empathize.If we gain more exposure to the real—and if the producers and studios invest half as much care and expense into portraying animals as they do into showing ourselves—I suspect the results will be as profitable,in economic as well as emotional and intellectual terms—as the March of the Penguins.Passage2After years of painstaking research and sophisticated surveys,Jaco Boshoff may be on the verge of a nearly unheard-of discovery:the wreck of a Dutch slave ship that broke apart239years ago on this forbidding,windswept coast after a violent revolt by the slaves.Boshoff,39,a marine archaeologist with the government-run Iziko Museums, will not find out until he starts digging on this deserted beach on Africa’s southernmost point,probably later this year.After three years of surveys with sensitive magnetometers,he knows,at least, where to look:at a cluster of magnetic abnormalities,three beneath the beach and one beneath the surf,near the mouth of the Heuningries River,where the450-ton slave ship,the Meermin,ran aground in1766.If he is right,it will be a find for the history books—especially if he recovers shackles,spears and iron guns that shed light on how147Malagasy slaves seized their captors’vessel,only to be recaptured.Although European countries shipped millions of slaves from Africa over four centuries,archaeologists estimate that fewer than10slave shipwrecks have been found worldwide.If he is wrong,Boshoff said in an interview,“I will have a lot of explaining to do.”笔译实务(英语·二级)试卷第2页(共4页)He will,however,have an excuse.Historical records indicate that at least30 ships have run aground in the treacherous waters off Struis Bay,the earliest of them in1673.Although Boshoff says he believes beyond doubt that the remains of a ship are buried on this beach—the jagged timbers of a wreck are sometimes uncovered during September’s spring tide—there is always the prospect that his surveys have found the wrong one.“Finding shipwrecks is just so difficult in the first place,”said Madeleine Burnside,the author of Spirits of the Passage,a book on the slave trade,and executive director of the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society in Key West, Florida.“Usually—not always—they are located by accident.”Other slave-ship finds have produced compelling evidence of both the brutality and the lucrative nature of the slave trade.Section2:Chinese-English Translation(50points)Translate the following two passages into English.Passage1改革开放27年来,中国发生了巨大变化。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试:2021二级口译真题模拟及答案(1)共421道题1、What mistaken view do most people hold about Arabic?(单选题)A. Colloquial Arabic is the everyday spoken language, which varies from country to country.B. Arabic is just one language that all Arabs understand, speak and write.C. Classical Arabic and Modem Arabic are two different kinds of written Arabic.D. Pan-Arabic provides a means of communication between educated people of different Arab nationalities.试题答案:B2、Porsena’s was ______.(单选题)A. one of the biggest tombs of the lot.B. a big tomb consisting of ten pyramids.C. a monument with a square base whose sides were 19 metres long and 15 metres high.D. a monument of rectangular masonry.试题答案:D3、The legal actions have ______.(单选题)A. created more downloaders of music from home computers.B. changed people’s attitude toward intellectual property rights.C. been effective in curbing legal downloading and trading of music.D. has no effect whatsoever.试题答案:C4、Which nation is the largest polluter in the world?(单选题)A. USA.B. China.C. Russia.D. Japan.试题答案:A5、The resistance forces have done which of the following?(单选题)A. Toppling the American-led new Iraqi government.B. Killing several people holding important positions in the new Iraqi government.C. Re-electing their own mayor of Baghdad.D. Capturing several American soldiers of the occupying force.试题答案:B6、Which of the following is NOT the purpose of America’s central bank?(单选题)A. Controlling the flow of money in the economy.B. Overseeing the activities of banks.C. Producing and distributing bank notes and coins.D. Contributing to the maintenance of a stable financial system.试题答案:C7、The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.(单选题)A. protecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animalB. protecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmersC. protecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally importantD. one can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm试题答案:C8、When you pass information onto your brain, for a boy ______.(单选题)A. you get more information than a girlB. you get less information than a girlC. you collect information faster than a girlD. you collect information more slowly than a girl试题答案:B9、What challenge does the European industry face?(单选题)A. Investing in the hi-tech industries.B. Shifting to more innovative production.C. Manufacturing products.D. Marketing.试题答案:B10、The author believes that the enjoyment of literature comes from ______.(单选题)A. shockB. an anticipation of phraseC. the originality of the thoughtD. ingeniousness试题答案:B11、Which of the following statements can NOT justify the high price that Toshiba pays in the current deal, according to the passage?(单选题)A. Pressure from other powerful rivals.B. Prospects of development in the future.C. Envisioned potential profits.D. The high intrinsic value of the purchased corporation.试题答案:D12、Which of the following is true about the Japanese economy, according to the passage?(单选题)A. It will slide into deflation very soon.B. It has been affected by economic recession for almost ten years.C. It has maintained a sustained economic recovery for the past decade.D. It will propose to attract more American businesses to invest in key industries.试题答案:B13、It can be concluded from the passage that ______.(单选题)A. it is hopeful to bring solar energy into average householdsB. it is feasible to use nuclear energy to run home appliancesC. it is economical to use water to heat housesD. it is possible to use wind to power machines试题答案:A14、A trip to the Himalayas is ______.(单选题)A. comfortable but expensiveB. hard but cheapC. comfortable and cheapD. hard and expensive试题答案:D15、According to the talk, which of the terms are different from each other?(单选题)A. Written Arabic and pan-Arabic.B. Classical Arabic and written Arabic.C. Modern Arabic and written ArabicD. Modern Arabic and colloquial Arabic.试题答案:D16、Which of the following is NOT a reason that many motorway accidents are categorized under headings other than sleepiness?(单选题)A. The Transport and Road Research Laboratory finds the cause as “perceptual errors”.B. Drivers are unwilling to admit to “falling asleep” for fear of being dismissed.C. Few investigators inquire further to discover the actual reasons hidden behind.D. Insurance companies are reluctant to pay insurance for drivers’ sleepiness.试题答案:A17、Which of the following movies won Julia Roberts a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress?(单选题)A. Blood Red.B. Steel Magnolias.C. Pretty Woman.D. Run Away Bride.试题答案:B18、Cheap protein substitutes from milk, eggs and meat ______.(单选题)A. may be obtained from vitamin and mineralsB. are being sought by scientistsC. can be gotten from soybeansD. can be found in iodized salt试题答案:C19、What do most studies show?(单选题)A. A decline in the tobacco industry would lead to more unemployment.B. The rate of employment has nothing to do with the tobacco industry.C. Increase in tobacco production will result in the decline of employment.D. The workforce may be better off with a reduced tobacco industry.试题答案:D20、The Recording Industry Association of America(单选题)A. persuaded people to download its music from the Internet.B. is trying to stop people stealing their music stored in the computer.C. started suing people playing their music to the public.D. has taken effective measures to dissuade people downloading music from the Internet.试题答案:D21、According to the talk, where could visitors get something to eat in the evenings?(单选题)A. In a pub.B. In a fish-and-chip shop.C. In a good restaurant.D. In a factory canteen.试题答案:B22、Why is the case of Ainu, the Japanese dialect, mentioned in the passage?(单选题)A. As an example of endangered language.B. To show the diversity of languages in Japan.C. To testify the effectiveness of multilingual approach.D. To criticize neglect of minority tongues by Japanese government.试题答案:C23、Which is not the reason related to the shrinking of the world’s freshwater reserves ______.(单选题)A. Climate change.B. Poor sanitation.C. Pollution.D. Population growth.试题答案:B24、What is an effective way of keeping the elephants away from farmland?(单选题)A. Placing hives full of bees on the farmland that elephants frequent.B. Placing empty bee hives on the farmland.C. Placing either occupied bee hives or empty ones on the farmland.D. Releasing the bees in the face of an approaching elephants.试题答案:C25、Under what circumstance can we tell an accident is probably caused by sleepiness?(单选题)A. If traffic is light and vehicles are well-spaced on the road.B. When there is only one car involved in the accident.C. If there is no skid marks or other signs of braking on the road.D. All of the above.试题答案:D26、Which of the following is true about coral reefs?(单选题)A. They play a significant role in biodiversity.B. They account for 25% of the marine life.C. More than a quarter of marine life feed on them.D. They are threatened by marine life and could be killed.试题答案:A27、Generally speaking, men play ball games much better than women because ______.(单选题)A. men play ball games more often than womenB. men love ball games more than women doC. men’s hand and eye movements are quicker in responseD. men have a smaller number of nerves in their brains than women试题答案:C28、What do those who are concerned about body shape tend to do?(单选题)A. They are harder on others than on themselves.B. They usually focus on the bad things about themselves.C. They often direct their attention to the good things about themselves.D. They try to have great smiles and healthy legs.试题答案:B29、Why is a “selling panic” much less likely in the housing market?(单选题)A. Because most houses are primary residences.B. Because people have locked in low mortgaged rates.C. Because people could only qualify for smaller mortgages.D. Because people don’t believe housing market would crash.试题答案:A30、The passage is mainly about ______.(单选题)A. gay marriageB. gay divorceC. human rightsD. the infamous crime against nature试题答案:A31、The purpose of this passage is to ______.(单选题)A. frighten people with the rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheetB. urge people to take some measures to curb the melting of the Greenland ice sheetC. promote people’s environmental protection consciousnessD. let people know the time the Greenland ice sheet will take to melt试题答案:C32、The video security systems ______.(单选题)A. play an important role in arresting terrorists before they take actionB. have cost the U.S. Department of Homeland Security more than $ 40 million so farC. are mainly deployed near WashingtonD. work better than they have been expected to试题答案:B33、The passage is about the use of energy from ______.(单选题)A. the sunB. the windC. the waterD. the oil试题答案:A34、How many American states have forbidden same-sex marriage clearly?(单选题)A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.试题答案:C35、According to Nishida, the current buying decision by Toshiba is a response to ______(单选题)A. fierce competition in nuclear power businessB. failure in other businesses like semiconductors and DVD playersC. popularity of nuclear power around the worldD. expected increase in market demand for nuclear power generation试题答案:D36、Which of the following is a disadvantage of living in a cosmopolitan city, according to the passage?(单选题)A. The pollution.B. The traffic congestion.C. The high cost of living.D. The population decrease.试题答案:C37、The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.(单选题)A. protecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animalB. protecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmersC. protecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally importantD. one can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm试题答案:C38、What attitude do most people adopt toward the word “mental”?(单选题)A. Enthusiastic.B. Disapproving.C. Indifferent.D. Appreciative.试题答案:B39、Which of the following statement is true, according to the above message?(单选题)A. Singapore has lost 28 percent of its native forest habitat since 1819.B. Singapore has lost nearly 95 percent of its overall biodiversity since 1819.C. All of Singapore’s surviving species are concentrated in one-quarter of the country’s total area.D. Most of Singapore’s surviving species are concentrated in land designated as forest reserves.试题答案:D40、How is pan-Arabic similar to Esperanto and Latin?(单选题)A. Both pan-Arabic and Esperanto are spoken on the radio and television in the Arab world.B. Educated people who speak different languages can use it to communicate with each other.C. Pan-Arabic, which was derived from Latin, was used by educated people in the Middle AgesD. Esperanto and Latin are now used in the same way as pan-Arabic.试题答案:B41、Research on infants’ behavior has shed light on ______.(单选题)A. their relations with their parents.B. their emergent dispositions.C. their abilities to organize and coordinate information.D. how they solve problems on their own.试题答案:D42、Nearly half the world’s population ______.(单选题)A. still lives in the developing countriesB. earns less than $1 a dayC. has no access to safe drinking waterD. 1ives on less than $2 a day试题答案:D43、According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?(单选题)A. The current deal is scheduled to be completed within half a year.B. What Toshiba buys is a nuclear power supplier.C. The purchased corporation is headquartered in Pennsylvania.D. New nuclear plants are likely to be built in India by Toshiba.试题答案:B44、Which of the four major sectors contributing to carbon emissions accounts for the largest share?(单选题)A. Industrial processes.B. Residential and commercial buildings.C. Transportation.D. Electricity generation.试题答案:D45、What attitude does the speaker hold toward the architect-craftsmen in the early 20th century according to the passage?(单选题)A. Sympathy.B. Appreciation.C. Scorn.D. Irony.试题答案:D46、What has become more serious and urgent in China than elsewhere in East Asia?(单选题)A. Economic structural reforms.B. Unemployment and domestic demand.C. Capital outflow,D. Private consumption and investment.试题答案:A47、What does the passage mainly discuss?(单选题)A. The acquisition of British Nuclear Fuels by Toshiba.B. The acquisition of Westinghouse Electric by Toshiba.C. Toshiba’s expansion in nuclear power business.D. Toshiba’s embarking on nuclear power business.试题答案:B48、Hector Berlioz is regarded ______.(单选题)A. as a man that breaks all rules of composition in music.B. as a music genius that no other musician rivals.C. as a self-disciplined fellow countryman by the French.D. as someone difficult to be classified.试题答案:B49、Was there an unanimous opinion on the U.S. aid?(单选题)A. Yes. Hard-liners made a turn in their hostile attitude toward the U.S.B. No. Public opinion remained divided over the issue.C. No. The reformists are more worried this time around.D. Yes. It is widely held that the aid offers a chance for ending Iran’s international isolation.试题答案:B50、Why does the speaker ask us to consider “turning off a light switch”?(单选题)A. To show that the climate system is sensitive to light.B. To illustrate the sudden move from one climate state to another.C. To demonstrate how to operate the light switch.D. To explain how the operating mode works under increasing pressure.试题答案:B51、Which of the following statements is not mentioned as serious consequences of coral loss?(单选题)A. A reduction in tourism.B. Increased coastal damage from hurricanes.C. The extinction of the estimated 1 million species of fish.D. The collapse of reef fisheries.试题答案:C52、The passage is mainly about ______.(单选题)A. gay marriageB. gay divorceC. human rightsD. the infamous crime against nature试题答案:A53、Architectural work in Californian ______.(单选题)A. bears little resemblance to mainstream American architectural design.B. is diversified in form.C. is primitive compared with the work accomplished in the East Coast areas.D. represents the future of architectural style.试题答案:B54、Countries sometimes spoil their beauty spots because ______.(单选题)A. they are too poor to build beautiful hotels on themB. they have to cut down trees to build hotels on themC. they have to sell them to borrow money from foreign banksD. they are lacking experience in building hotels试题答案:A55、According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?(单选题)A. The potential health hazards of mobile phones call for further research.B. The Australian scientists find no connection between growth of tumors in human body and radiation from mobile phones.C. The Italian scientists’ belief is shared by other scientists.D. The British government inquiry didn’t establish any link between health risks and use of mobile phones.试题答案:B56、Which of the following statements is NOT true about Harbin according to the speaker?(单选题)A. It has a population of 2.16 million and borders Russia.B. Its culture is a combination of Asian ethnic minorities and other neighboring countries.C. It is the home of many Russian refugees who fled the 1917 Revolution.D. The Chinese Eastern Railway plays an important role in the city’s industrialization.试题答案:A57、What did U.S. Secretary of Agriculture do last week?(单选题)A. He banned McDonald from using meat from unhealthy cattle.B. He stopped the selling of meat from unhealthy cattle.C. He lost the trust from the public.D. He issued a recall of the meat from unhealthy cattle sold last month.试题答案:B58、Which of the following is NOT true for the use of tusks?(单选题)A. To dig for salt.B. To remove the bark from the tree.C. To move trees and branches to clear a path.D. To pull trees and branches to establish territory.试题答案:D59、The local people sometimes kill tourists when ______.(单选题)A. the tourists are much richer than themselvesB. the tourists are robbedC. the tourists do not enjoy local customs and habitsD. the tourists resist attempts to rob them试题答案:D60、According to the talk, for what is the Glasgow School of Art famous?(单选题)A. Its educational faculty.B. Its collection of art works.C. Its architectural design.D. Its museums and art galleries.试题答案:C61、Kwashiorkor ______.(单选题)A. is especially harmful to childrenB. is caused by starvationC. affects adults onlyD. is confined to Latin America试题答案:A62、How do the militants justify their kidnapping of oil workers?(单选题)A. They argue that oil resources in the Niger Delta region are exhausting.B. They are not satisfied with the generous Pay of the oil workers.C. They claim that the Niger Delta region is off limit to foreign oil companies.D. They see their action as protest against the uneven distribution of the oil wealth.试题答案:D63、Only one of the following statements is false, according to what was said. Which one is it?(单选题)A. Researchers said estimates of atomic bomb survivors' radiation doses are accurate.B. Doubts about the accuracy of methods used to collect exposure data in 1945 prompted the review.C. The earlier methods were unable to detect radioactive fallout because the researchers could not get close to the bomb site.D. The amount of nickel in each copper sample can be correlated to the intensity of radiation exposure at the site.试题答案:C64、The speaker indicates that the dramatic critic is ______.(单选题)A. inclined to be objectiveB. conditioned by certain requirements of his columnC. happy to oblige the backers of playsD. suspicious of criticism directed against him试题答案:B65、Under what circumstance can we tell an accident is probably caused by sleepiness?(单选题)A. If traffic is light and vehicles are well-spaced on the road.B. When there is only one car involved in the accident.C. If there is no skid marks or other signs of braking on the road.D. All of the above.试题答案:D66、What advantage does the purchase give Lenovo?(单选题)A. Lenovo can use a world-famous brand name for some time.B. Lenovo can hold 18. 9% of the stocks of IBM.C. Lenovo can enter into the area of catering to businesses over the Internet.D. Lenovo can shake off a US $500 million debt.试题答案:A67、Which of the following is not a fact according to what you hear?(单选题)A. Although similar in many ways to smallpox, monkeypox is less infectious than smallpox.B. Although similar in many ways to smallpox, monkeypox is less deadly than smallpox.C. The disease occurs primarily in Central and West Africa.D. State and federal officials know no patients had direct contact with infected prairie dogs kept as pets.试题答案:D68、What can be inferred from the passage?(单选题)A. The housing market once crashed.B. The investment market once crashed.C. The housing market is about to crash.D. The predictions of a housing crash have come true.试题答案:B69、What could be an appropriate title for the passage?(单选题)A. Identity Crisis for WomenB. Role Changes of Genders and the Industrial RevolutionC. Sex and WorkD. The Struggle Towards Equality of Men and Women试题答案:B70、Which description is NOT mentioned by Blackstone about homosex?(单选题)A. An infamous crime against nature.B. An offence that is as malignant as rape.C. A heinous act.D. A crime not fit to be named.试题答案:B71、According to the passage, ______.(单选题)A. terrorists have deployed 756 vehicle bombs in Britain since 1970B. the consortium aims to study terrorism and responses to terrorismC. terrorists would rather figure out a way to solve problems than attack a targetD. car bombs seldom happen in Britain试题答案:B72、What could be an appropriate title for the passage?(单选题)A. Identity Crisis for WomenB. Role Changes of Genders and the Industrial RevolutionC. Sex and WorkD. The Struggle Towards Equality of Men and Women试题答案:B73、Which of the following is typical of a cosmopolitan city?(单选题)A. People from different parts of the world live and work together.B. There are almost three million people living and working in the city.C. There are super amenities, ranging from the excellent shops and restaurants.D. People can enjoy an urban lifestyle with cultural events such as concerts and operas.试题答案:A74、The American and British armies ______.(单选题)A. have experimented with cluster bombs in the recent war in Iraq.B. have suffer great casualties from cluster bombs used by its enemies.C. have planned to use cluster bombs in future war fairs.D. has been accused by the human rights group for using cluster bombs in the past.试题答案:D75、Who were taken hostage in the reported kidnapping?(单选题)A. Two Norwegians, one Ukrainian, and one Briton.B. Four Norweigians.C. Two Norwegians and two Britons.D. Two Norwegians and two Ukrainians.试题答案:D76、What is the speaker’s attitude toward individualism?(单选题)A. Families and troops should not be influenced by individualism, which is very strong in our society.B. We should nurture virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love to phase out individualism.C. Individualism is so strong in our society that it will replace virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love even in families.D. An individualistic society is not what we want, though it’s powerful.试题答案:A77、The legal actions have ______.(单选题)A. created more downloaders of music from home computers.B. changed people’s attitude toward intellectual property rights.C. been effective in curbing legal downloading and trading of music.D. has no effect whatsoever.试题答案:C78、Why are many people on restricted or reduced diets?(单选题)A. Because they are concerned about their weight.B. Because they are allergic to milk products.C. Because they have a lot of health problems.D. Because they frequently complain about their food.试题答案:A79、Which statement about China is NOT true?(单选题)A. It comes the second among nations in carbon emissions.B. It has five percent of the world’s population.C. It accounted for nearly half of the global increase in emissions in the last decade.D. Its carbon emissions have jumped 47%since l990.试题答案:B80、How come the cure could be worse than the disease?(单选题)A. Human rights groups could sabotage the war on terrorism.B. Terrorism could infringe upon human rights.C. The terrorists may take revenge and harm innocent people.D. The government may use anti-terrorism as an excuse to arbitrarily execute people it does not like.试题答案:D81、Which of the following is true according to the speaker?(单选题)A. The atmosphere is marked with turbulences.B. The deep waters are full of turbulent currents.C. The atmosphere is heated from above.D. The deep waters are heated from below.试题答案:A82、Hector Berlioz is regarded ______.(单选题)A. as a man that breaks all rules of composition in music.B. as a music genius that no other musician rivals.C. as a self-disciplined fellow countryman by the French.D. as someone difficult to be classified.试题答案:B83、What was the impact of the currency crisis that broke out in Thailand in 1997?(单选题)A. Emerging markets had no confidence in their economic growth.B. Foreign capital continued to flow into emerging markets at a slower rate.C. International investors profited a lot from emerging markets.D. There was a sudden outflow of foreign capital from emerging markets.试题答案:D84、The major cause of malnutrition in the world is lack of ______.(单选题)B. vitaminC. mineralsD. food试题答案:D85、Antithesis is a means of securing ______.(单选题)A. surpriseB. subtletyC. comelinessD. balance试题答案:A86、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a success in the latter half of the 20th Century?(单选题)A. The increase of life expectancy in developing countries.B. The lowing of infant mortality rates.C. The increase of university enrolment by 80%.D. The increased access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.试题答案:C87、Why did Federal agents arrest a Florida man?(单选题)A. Because he registered an illegal Internet domain name.B. Because he registered a pornographic website.C. Because he lured kids to web porn.D. Because the Internet domain names are misspelled.88、Which of the following is NOT true about improved communication?(单选题)A. It can train more innovative producers.B. It can promote commodity exchange.C. It can promote health care.D. It can promote the development of education.试题答案:A89、According to the speaker, ______ .(单选题)A. the Japanese imported industrial silicon for breast implants after World War II.B. the invading forces sold silicon to Japanese women working in factories.C. plastic surgery is also very popular with women in Western countries.D. Asian women undergoing plastic surgery are eager to emigrate to the US.试题答案:C90、Smugglers’ Gulch ______.(单选题)A. is a ravine which is watched 24 hours a dayB. is a place where many illegal immigrants would get help from AmericaC. is a place where Rafael is trying to cross the fence into MexicoD. is one of the places of Mexico试题答案:A91、According to the passage, why are the public in eastern Germany especially furious with the politicians?(单选题)A. Because the politicians have failed to fulfill the objective of employment.B. Because the court fails to convict the tomato-thrower very soon.C. Because the unemployment benefits are going to be reduced.D. Because the unemployment benefits are going to be stopped.试题答案:C92、Food and fiber production have ______(单选题)A. been the major concern of the US government of the last 50 years.B. been more than doubled over the last half century.C. reduced dramatically.D. been the main source of export for US agriculture.试题答案:A93、Which of the following aspects form the basis for a new vision in agricultural research?(单选题)A. Lessons in the past and changing American values.B. Increasing demand for food production.C. Globalization and scientific progress.D. All of the above except (B).试题答案:D94、What will happen with the freshening of waters?(单选题)A. Sea-ice formation will reduce,B. Antarctic ice shelves will melt.C. Rainfall will increase,D. The circulation of deep waters will reduce.试题答案:D95、What did U.S. Secretary of Agriculture do last week?(单选题)A. He banned McDonald from using meat from unhealthy cattle.B. He stopped the selling of meat from unhealthy cattle.C. He lost the trust from the public.D. He issued a recall of the meat from unhealthy cattle sold last month.试题答案:B96、In North America, ______.(单选题)A. consumers cut down 2 and half million hectares of forest each year.B. the forest service spends a huge sum of money trying to repair the damage caused by consumers.C. deforestation has cause huge amount of loss.D. fires have caused steep loss to the forests.试题答案:D97、Two main processes that determine oil prices are ______.(单选题)A. media accounts and oil marketsB. economic fundamentals and irrational fears or the actions of shadowy governmentsC. consumers’ fears and suppliers’ political decisionsD. the forces of supply and demand and constraints on those forces created by political risk and cartel behavior。



英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(13)(1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第1题There was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. Expecting a bumper harvest, Ukraine relaxed restrictions on exports. Overnight, global wheat prices fell by 10 percent.By contrast, traders in Bangkok quote rice prices around $1,000 a ton, up from $460 two months ago.Such is the volatility of today's markets. We do not know how high food prices might go, nor how far they could fall. But one thing is certain: We have gone from an era of plenty to one of scarcity. Experts agree that food prices are not likely to return to the levels the world had grown accustomed to any time soon.Imagine the situation of those living on less than $1 a day—the "bottom billion," the poorest of the world's poor. Most live in Africa, and many might typically spend two-thirds of their income on food.In Liberia last week, I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported rice by the bag. Instead, they increasingly buy it by the cup, because that's all they can afford.Traveling through West Africa, I found good reason for optimism. In Burkina Faso, I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better manage scarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. In Ivory Coast, we saw a women's cooperative running a chicken farm set up with UN funds. The project generated income—and food—for villagers in ways that can easily be replicated.Elsewhere, I saw yet another women's group slowly expanding their local agricultural production, with UN help. Soon they will replace World Food Program rice with their own home-grown produce, sufficient to cover the needs of their school feeding program.These are home-grown, grass-roots solutions for grass-roots problems—precisely the kind of solutions that Africa needs.下一题(1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationThis section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2".第2题中华文明经历了5000多年的历史变迁,但始终一脉相承,积淀着中华民族最深层的精神追求,代表着中华民族独特的精神标识,为中华民族生生不息、发展壮大供了丰厚滋养。



英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(1)(1/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第1题"Wisdom of the Crowd": The Myths and RealitiesAre the many wiser than the few? Phil Ball explores the latest evidence on what can make groups of people smarter—but can also make them wildly wrong.Is The Lord of the Rings the greatest work of literature of the 20th Century? Is The Shawshank Redemption the best movie ever made? Both have been awarded these titles by public votes. You don't have to be a literary or film snob to wonder about the wisdom of so-called "wisdom of the crowd",In an age routinely denounced as selfishly individualistic, it's curious that a great deal of faith still seems to lie with the judgment of the crowd, especially when it can apparently be far off the mark. Yet there is some truth underpinning the idea that the masses can make more accurate collective judgments than expert individuals. So why is a crowd sometimes right and sometimes disastrously wrong?The notion that a group's judgement can be surprisingly good was most compellingly justified in James Surowiecki's 2005 book The Wisdom of Crowds, and is generally traced back to an observation by Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton in 1907. Galton pointed out that the average of all the entries in a "guess the weight of the ox" competition at a country fair was amazingly accurate—beating not only most of the individual guesses but also those of alleged cattle experts. This is the essence of the wisdom of crowds: their average judgment converges on the right solution.Still, Surowiecki also pointed out that the crowd is far from infallible. He explained that one requirement for a good crowd judgement is that people's decisions are independent of one another. If everyone let themselves be influenced by each other's guesses, there's more chance that the guesses will drift towards a misplaced bias. This undermining effect of social influence was demonstrated in 2011 by a team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. They asked groups of participants to estimate certain quantities in geography or crime, about which none of them could be expected to have perfect knowledge but all could hazard a guess—the length of the Swiss-Italian border, for example, or the annual number of murders in Switzerland. The participants were offered modest financial rewards for good group guesses, to make sure they took the challenge seriously.The researchers found that, as the amount of information participants were given about each other's guesses increased, the range of their guesses got narrower, and the centre of this range could drift further from the true value. In other words, the groups were tending towards a consensus, to the detriment of accuracy.This finding challenges a common view in management and politics that it is best to seek consensus in group decision making. What you can end up with instead is herding towards a relatively arbitrary position. Just how arbitrary depends on what kind of pool of opinions you start off with, according to subsequent work by one of the ETH team, Frank Schweitzer, and his colleagues. They say that if the group generally has good initial judgement, social influence can refine rather than degrade their collective decision.No one should need warning about the dangers of herding among poorly informed decision-makers: copycat behaviour has been widely regarded as one of the major contributing factors to the financial crisis, and indeed to all financial crises of the past.The Swiss team commented that this detrimental herding effect is likely to be even greater for deciding problems for which no objectively correct answer exists, which perhaps explains how democratic countries occasionally elect such astonishingly inept leaders.There's another key factor that makes the crowd accurate, or not. It has long been argued that the wisest crowds are the most diverse. That's a conclusion supported in a 2004 study by Scott Page of the University of Michigan and Lu Hong of Loyola University in Chicago.They showed that, in a theoretical model of group decision-making, a diverse group of problem-solvers made a better collective guess than that produced by the group of best-performing solvers.In other words, diverse minds do better, when their decisions are averaged, than expert minds. In fact, here's a situation where a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. A study in 2011 by a team led by Joseph Simmons of the Yale School of Management in New Haven, Connecticut found that group predictions about American football results were skewed away from the real outcomes by the over-confidence of the fans' decisions, which biased them towards alleged "favourites" in the outcomes of games.All of these findings suggest that knowing who is in the crowd, and how diverse they are, is vital before you attribute to them any real wisdom.Could there also be ways to make an existing crowd wiser? Last month, Anticline Davis-Stober of the University of Missouri and his co-workers presented calculations at a conference on Collective Intelligence that provide a few answers.They first refined the statistical definition of what it means for a crowd to be wise—when, exactly, some aggregate of crowd judgments can be considered better than those of selected individuals. This definition allowed the researchers to develop guidelines for improving the wisdom of a group. Previous work might imply that you should add random individuals whose decisions are unrelated to those of existing group members. That would be good, but it's better still to add individuals who aren't simply independent thinkers but whose views are "negatively correlated"—as different as possible—from the existing members. In other words, diversity trumps independence.If you want accuracy, then, add those who might disagree strongly with your group. What do you reckon of the chances that managers and politicians will select such contrarian candidates to join them? All the same, armed with this information I intend to apply for a position in the Cabinet of the British government. They'd be wise not to refuse.下一题(2/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第2题How much money can be made from trying to extract oil and gas from the layers of shale that lie beneath Britain?Answering that is proving to be a surprisingly difficult scientific question because knowing the basic facts about shale is not enough.The layers have been well mapped for years. In fact until recently geologists tended to regard shale as commonplace, even dull—a view that has obviously changed.The key tool is a seismic survey: sound waves are sent into the ground and the reflections reveal the patterns of the rocks. This describes where the shale lies but not much more.So we know, for example, that the Bowland Shale—which straddles northern England—covers a far smaller area than the massive shale formations of the United States but it is also much thicker than they are.That may mean that it is a potentially richer resource or that it is harder to exploit. Britain's geological history is long and tortured, so folds and fractures disrupt the shale layers, creating a more complex picture than across the Atlantic.To assess what the layers hold involves another step: wells have to be drilled into the rock to allow cores to be extracted so the shale can be analysed in more detail.As Ed Hough of the British Geological Survey told me: "We know the areas under the ground which contain gas and oil—what we don't know is how that gas and oil might be released from the different units of rock and extracted.""There's a lot of variability in these rocks—so their composition, their history and the geological conditions all come into play and are all variable."That means that neighbouring fracking operations might come up with very different results.In a lab at the BGS near Nottingham, I'm shown a simple but effective proof that shale does contain the hydrocarbons—gas and oil—at the heart of the current surge in interest.A few chunks of the rock are dropped into a beaker of water and gently heated until they produce tiny bubbles which rise like strings of pearls to the surface.It is a sight which is both beautiful and significant—the bubbles are methane, which the government hopes will form a new source of home grown energy.The gas and oil were formed millions of years ago when tiny plants and other organisms accumulated on the floor of an ancient and warm ocean—at one stage Britain lay in the tropics. This organic matter was then compacted and cooked by natural geological warmth which transformed it into the fuels in such demand now.So one question is the "total organic content" of the shale—how much organic material is held inside—and there can be large variations in this.But establishing that the shale is laden with fossil fuels is only one part of the story. The samples, extracted from deep underground, then need to be studied to see how readily they would release the fuels.So the BGS scientists fit small blocks of the shale into devices that squeeze it and heat it—trying to mimic the conditions that would be experienced during a fracking operation, when high pressure water and chemicals are injected into the shale to break it apart.Understanding how the shale behaves is essential to forming a judgment on how lucrative it might prove to be—or how unyielding or difficult, as some shale can turn out to be.Dr Caroline Graham, a specialist in geomechanics with the BGS, explained what the research into the rock samples was trying to achieve: "We'll be able to understand better how likely they are to produce certain amounts of gas, how easily they will frack and therefore it will give us a far better idea of how viable the UK deposits are economically speaking."These are early days for the science. And hopes that Britain will be able to copy America's shale revolution may be unrealistic.A senior executive from a global energy company once said a decision on whether to exploit a new shale "play" or area would only be made after 40-60 exploration wells had been dug. Professor Paul Stevens, an energy expert with the Royal Institute for International Affairs, said: "It's going to take a lot more wells to be drilled and a lot more wells to be fractured before we even get an idea of the extent to which we might expect a shale gas revolution and over what time period."So establishing that British shale is rich in oil and gas is only one step of a long journey. The current state of the science only goes so far. How much money can be made from trying to extract oil and gas from the layers of shale that lie beneath Britain?上一题下一题(1/2)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationThis section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2".第3题基础设施互联互通是融合发展的基本条件。



2016年英语翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟试题及答案(1)Section 1: V ocabulary and Grammar (25 points)Part 1 V ocabulary Selection1. The Kyoto Protocol has been designed to ____ the global environmental problems. A. dress B. address C. stress D. distress2. Part of the investment is to be used to ____ that old temple to its original splendor. A. rest B. recover C. replace D. restore3. The list of things we need to think about which will be ______ by climate change is endless.A. affiliatedB. affectedC. affirmedD. effected4. Now a single cell phone is able to store a large ____ of information about an individual life.A. dealB. numberC.amountD. account5. We will not be held responsible for any damage which results ____rough handling. A. from B. off C. in D. to6. Our products are displayed in Stand B22, ____ you will find me during office hours. A. when B. which C. that D. where7. We cannot see any possibility of business _____ your price is on the high side of the prevailing market trend.A. whichB. sinceC. thatD. though8. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event _____ is equal to the probability that it will not occur.A. occurringB. occurredC. occursD. occur9. “They’re the best team I’ve seen thus far,”says ____ men’s basketball coach Larry Brown.A. American’sB. USC. the USAD. United State of America10. Many Americans do not understand why there is so much international criticism of the US policy on ____ change.A. atmosphereB. skyC. weatherD. climate11. In order to obtain the needed information, you should write simply, clearly, and concisely ____ the reader wants to know.A. whatB. thatC. so thatD. which12. Regarding insurance, the ____ is for 110% of the invoice value of the goods that a manufacturer wants to export.A. amountB. coverC. insuranceD. premium13. Since the shipment consists of seasonable goods. it is important that it is ____ as soon as possible.A. deletedB. demandedC. deliveredD. detached14. The long service of decades of the to-be-retired with the company was ____ a present each from the President.A. confirmed byB. recorded inC. acknowledged witD. appreciated for15. Home to magnates and gangsters, refugees and artists, the city was, in its ____ a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character. A. prime B. primary C. privacy D. probation16. Buildings in the southeast of the UK are going to have to be constructed ____ those in Scotland if the report findings are correct. A. as B. like C. likely D. are like17. The state of Michigan now requires sports fans to make an annual ____ of $125 to $500 a seat to keep their end zone perches at Michigan Stadium. A. tributary B. attribution C. contribution D. distribution18. The possibilities for ____ energy sources, including solar power, wind power, geothermal power, water power and even nuclear energy promise greatly to the earthlings. A.altitude B.alternate C.alternating D. alternative19. Americans who consider themselves ____ in the traditional sense do not usually hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful. A. pedestrian B. penchant C. patriotic D. patriarch20. The countries that are being blamed for the extragreenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the rich and developed countries. On a different ____, the developing countries feel they will suffer the most of it. A. nod B. note C. norm D. notionPart 2 V ocabulary Replacement21. He remained calm In the face of the impending danger.A. terrificB. trivialC. astonishingD. imminent22. “Holmes!”I whispered. “What on earth are you doing in this disgusting place?”A. humbleB. unpleasantC. underprivilegedD. noisy23. The futility of the program resulted from poor planning. A. possible failure in the futureB. ineffectiveness and uselessnessC. blindness to its mistakesD. potential disaster24. Construction of the gigantic office building in this city was for years intermittentA. stopping and starting at intervalsB. something that will happen soonC. being watched with keen interestD. anything that comes and goes25. Although many modifications have been made in it, thegame known in the United States as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby.A. rulesB. changesC. demandsD. leagues26. Your silence implies countenancing his abject behavior; therefore please clarify your stand to him.A. supportingB. obscuringC. concealingD. assisting27. The graduate committee must be in full accord in their approval of a dissertation.A. indecisiveB. sullenC. vocalD. unanimous28. We regret being unable to entertain your request for providing free boarding to 15 sportsmen for two weeks.A. receiveB. complyC. coincideD. consider29. Justices of the peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.A. superiorityB. authorityC. guidanceD. consider30. One of the things we have to do to prevent a pandemic is to make sure people understand and know what they can do to minimize the commotion.A. commandB. collusionC. turmoilD. tutelage31. One of the effective ways to lessen environmentalpollution is the reservation and protection of more swamps.A. vast thick coralsB. pockets of wet landC. warm volcanoeslions of bees and wasps32. The word “wrath”in The Grapes of Wrath by the Nobel prize winner John Steinbeck probably means:A. great angerB. large crowdsC. hard laborD. sudden storms33. The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which covered the whole roof of the church, the biggest in the country.A. archaicB. sentimentalC. outstandingD. entire34. The ancient Jewish people regarded themselves as the salt of the earth, the chosen few by God to rule the world.A. outcastB. eliteC. nomadD. disciple35. Many of the electric and electronic products we purchase and consume today are what some industrial experts call “homogenous toys”.A. identicalB. homosexualC.unrelatedD. distinguishableKEYS:Part 1 共20题,每题0.5分,满分为10分1. B2. D3. B4. C5. A6. D7. B8. A9. B 10. D 11. A 12. D13. C 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. BPart 2 共15题,每题0.5分,满分为7.5分21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D28. D 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35 .A2016年英语翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟试题及答案(2)Part 3 Error Correction1. An “epigram”is usually descried as a bright or witty thought that is tersely and ingeniously expressed.A. describedB. discardedC. deservedD. disconcerted2. Human beings are superior to animals that they can use language as a tool of communication.A. in thatB. in whichC. for thatD. for which3. The Xinjiang Airlines serve passengers and customers in the southeast of China only.A. servesB. to serveC. servingD. service4. The senior senator has in the past three terms both experienced the sweet taste of success and the bitterness of defeat in his legislation fights with his opponents.A. both experiencesB. experiences bothC. experience bothD. experienced both5. Our company has been made one of the largest manufacturers in the field of chemical industry.A. become, inB. made, in field ofC. became, in the fieldD. been made of, in6. Daylight saving time was instituted to increase productivity.A. reorganizedB. startedC. encouragedD. taught7. Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don’t have time.A. did not because they say they did notB. were against because they say they don’tC. did not because they said they did notD. were against coming because they said they don’t8. Some of the Low-end Made-in-China mechanical-electronic products are not selling well in export market as compared with what are termed as high-end ones.A. on export marketB. in exporting marketC. in exported marketD. in the export market9. Construction is expanding all over China, no doubt many materials will be needed at a very big amount in future.A. China, no doubt many materials will be needed for a very big amountB. China, no doubt many materials will be needed in a very big amountC. China, no doubt many materials will be needed in large amountsD. China, no doubt many materials will be needed for large amounts10. The recent conference on the effective use of the seas and oceans was another attempt resolving major differences among countries with conflicting interests.A. resolveB. resolvesC. to resolveD. being resolved11. Water makes up some 70 percentage points of the body, and drinking enough water —either tap water or expensive mineral water —will ensure that the body is properly lubricated and flushed.A. per-centB. per capitaC. percentD. percentage12. “We’re not bringing in millions of dollars,”says a director of development. “But we want to make sure the demand is there before we act to the project.”A. ofB. offC. onD. for13. By using new foreign textbooks, we could not only learn the right expression of business ideas, but also we will know the lastest developments in the business world.A. but also will know the lastestB. but also know the lastestC. but also know the latestD. but also come to know the latest14. The affluent middle class created by the Asian boom now take up over from exports as the main engine of growth.A. take over from exportsB. take from exportsC. take exportsD. takes exports15. Japan and the newly industrialized countries are passing labor-intensive sects as garmentmaking over to less developed nations and moving into advanced technology and services.A. sects likeB. sectors likeC. sections asD. sections such as$age$Section 2: Reading Comprehension (50 points) The time for this section is 70 minutes.Questions 51 —60 are based on the following passage.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up in 1988 to assess information on climate change and its impact. Its Third Assessment Report predicts global temperature rises by 2100 of between 1.4℃and 5.8℃. Although the issue of the changing climate is very complex and some changes are uncertain, temperature rises are expected to affect countries throughout the world and have a knock-on effect with sea-level rises.Scientists have argued about whether temperature rises are due to human activities or due to natural changes in our environment. The IPCC announced in 2001 that “most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is likely to be attributable to human activities”. This was a more forceful statement than in1996 when the Second Assessment Report stated that there was a “discernible human influence on the climate”which was the first time they had concluded such a link. Many experts believe the faster the climate changes, the greater the risk will be.Key points of the projections for climate change globally include that by the second half of the 21st century, wintertime rainfall in the northern mid to high latitudes and Antarctica will rise, that meanwhile Australia, Central America and southern Africa are likely to see decreases in autumn precipitation, that some land areas in the tropics will see more rainfall, and that there will generally be more hot days over land areas.16. IPCC probably does not ______.A. analyse climate change informationB. record weather changes on its premisesC. predict what is to happen to the earthD. collect weather date from many countries17. According to the passage, a Chinese city that recorded 45 degrees Celsius at noon on August 4,2004, will most probably witness a temperature measuring _____ at 12:00 sharp in the year of 2100.A. 46.1℃B. 1.4℃C. 5.8℃D. a number that I do not know18. According to the author, climate researchers _____.A. are quite sure about why it’s getting hotter and hotterB. declared that we humans are the cause why it’s getting hotterC. have discussed the possible cause why it’s hotterD. have claimed that changes in nature are the roots of hotdays19. Based on the text, we know that temperature rises will probably _____.A. knock off sea levelsB. have a serious effect on sea-level risesC. keep the sea level risingD. keep knocking at the sea20. The IPCC announcement three years ago that “most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is”_____.A. possibly due to human activitiesB. possibly because human activitiesC. due to likely human activitiesD. human activities likely attributable21. Which statement was more forceful?A. “Global temperature will rise by 2100 between 1.4℃and5.8℃B. “Temperature rises are expected to affect countries throughout the world”.C. “Most of the warming is likely to be attributable to humanactivities”.D. There was a “discernible human influence on the climate”.22. The Second Assessment Report was released ____ years ago.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight23. “Such a link”in the passage refers most probably to _____.A. IPCC and climate changesB. global temperatures and sea levelsC. natural changes and human activitiesD. human activities and temperature rises24. “The risk”mentioned in the text probably refers to _____.A. a possibility that there will be more climate changesB. a potential that sea level will possibly keep risingC. temperature rises that are expected to affect all countriesD. a prediction warning human beings not to ruin the environment25. Obviously, the word “precipitation”most probably refers to _____.A. latitudeB. rainfallC. temperatureD. projectionKEYS:Part 3 共15题,每题0.5分,满分为7.5分1. A2. A3. A4. D5. A6. B7. C8. D9. C 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. D14. D 15. BSection 2 共50题,每题1分,满分为50分16. B 17. D 18. C 19. B20. A21. C22. D 23. D 24. C 25. B2016年英语翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟试题及答案(3)Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity? First, those clever beings whose lively urge for activity can find no outlet behind the bars of the cage. This is most conspicuous, even for the uninitiated, in the case of animals which, when living in a free state, are accustomed to roaming about widely. Owing to this frustrated desire, foxes and wolves housed, in many old-fashioned zoos, in cages which are far too small, are among the most pitiable of all caged animals.Though pinioned swans generally seem happy, under proper care, by hatching and tearing their young without any trouble, at migration time things become different: they repeatedly swim to the lee side of the pond, in order to have the whole extent of its surface at their disposal, trying to take off. Again and again the grand preparations end in a pathetic flutter of their half wings; a truly sorry picture!This, however, rarely awakens the pity of the zoo visitor, least of all when such an originally highly intelligent and mentally alert animal has deteriorated, in confinement, into a crazy idiot, a very caricature of its former self. Sentimental old ladies, the fanatical sponsors of the societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, have no compunction in keeping a grey parrot in a relatively small cage or even chained to a perch. Together with the large corvines, the parrotsare probably the only birds which suffer from that state of mind, common to prisoners, namely, boredom.1. What is an “outlet”in the context of this passage?A. An opportunity for expression.B. A place to let.C. A chance of escape into a woodD. An exit for a marketer.2. What does “the uninitiated”mean?A. People who visit animals in urban zoos.B. People who do not like animals of the wild.C. People who know little about a certain topic.D. People who do not visit zoos every year.3. According to the author in Paragraph 1, what animals suffer most in captivity?A. Climbing animals.B. Hunting animals.C. Parroting animals.D. Singing animals.4. What do you think “hatching and rearing their young”means?A. Raising families.B. Getting on well with smaller birds.C. Behaving like young birds.D. Attacking smaller birds.5. Which is the “lee side”of the pond?A. The side the wind is blowing from.B. The side which is sheltered from a storm.C. The side the wind id blowing towards.D. The side where the water is the deepest.6. According to the author, swans in captivity are ______.A. happy unless their wings have been cutB. happy most of the time, but unhappy sometimesC. unhappy most of the timeD. only happy when they are bringing up families7. What effect does confinement have on clever animals, according to the text?A. They never stop trying to escape.B. They lose all their muscles.C. They become unhygienic.D.They may go mad.8. In Paragraph 3, the expression “have no compunction about”most probably means”have no _____.A .reaction toB. understanding ofC. second thoughts aboutD. enlightenment on9. What does the author say about sentimental old ladies?A. They do not care about animals.B. They hate making animals suffer.C. They enjoy making animals suffer.D. They do not realise the consequences.10. What do you think “large corvines”probably are?A. Another kind of bird.B. Another kind of parrot.C. Another kind of swans.D. Other birds that convince us.Question 71—80 are based on the following passage.The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves.The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs.According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75 percent of the US population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes 18 megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across 10 states on the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston,New York, and Washington, D.C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is the California coast from San Francisco through Los Angeles to San Diego.11. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Metropolitan Statistical AreasB. Types of Population CentersC. The Bureau of the CensusD. Megapolises12. According to the passage, where do most Americans live?A. In the center of cities.B. In the suburbs surrounding large cities.C. In rural areas.D. In small towns.13. The underlined word “reside”in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.A. fillB. decideC. occupyD. live14. According to the Bureau of the Census, what is an urban area?A. A chain of adjacent cities.B. An area with at least 50,000 people.C. The 18 largest cities.D. An area with 2,500 people or more.15. Which of the following are NOT considered important in defining an urban area?A. Political boundaries.B. Transportation networks.C. Social relationships.D. Economic systems.16. The underlined word “integrate”in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.A. benefitB. defineC. uniteD. restrict17. Which of the following is NOT true?A. An integrated metropolis is an MSA.B. MSA stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area.C. A metropolis includes at least a metropolitan.D. An MSA refers to city and its suburbs, with over 50,000 people.18. The underlined word “adjacent”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.A. beside each otherB. growing very fastC. the same sizeD. densely populated19. According to the passage, what is a megapolis?A. One of the 10 largest cities in the United States.B. One of the 18 largest cities in the United States.C. One of the 100 cities between Boston and Washington.D. Any number of continuous adjacent cities and suburbs.20. Why does the author mention the Eastern Corridor and the California coast in Paragraph 4?A. As examples of megapolises.B. Because 75 percent of the population lives there.C. To conclude the passage.D. The Bureau of the Census is located there.“what does the middleman do but add to the price of goods in the shops?”Such remarks are aimed at the intermediate operations between manufacturers and final customers. This practice usually attracts a lot of attention from the public and the press and the operation most talked about is what is often called wholesaling.The wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from the manufacturers and sells them in smaller parcels to retailers, and for this service his selling price to the retailer is raised several percent higher. But his job is made more difficult by retail demand not necessarily running level with manufacturers’production. Because he adjusts or regulates the flow of goods by holding stock until required, he frees the manufacturer, to some extent, from the effect on production of changing demand and having to bear the whole risk.The manufacture can then keep up a steady production flow, and the retailer has no need to hold heavy stocks, who can call on the wholesaler for supplies any time. This wholesale function id like thatof a valve in a water pipe. The middleman also bears part of the risk that would otherwise fall on the manufacturer and also the retailer.The wholesaler provides a purely commercial service, for which he is too well rewarded. But the point that is missed by many people is that the wholesaler is not just someone adding to the cost of goods. It is true one could eliminate the wholesaler but one would still be left with his function: that of making sure that goods find their way to the people who want them.21. “Middleman”in the passage almost equals to all the following in meaning EXCEPT _____.A. go-betweenB. intermediaryC. manufacturerD. wholesaler22. “This practice”in Paragraph 1 most probably refers to the fact that the middleman _____.A. increases the prices in the shopsB. buys from you and sells to meC. aims remarks at manufacturersD. interferes with end user customers23. The wholesaler obtains higher selling prices for _____.A. small parcels he sellsB. goods he buys in bulkC. the service he providesD. the information he offers24. A middleman’s work may become difficult because _____.A. manufacturers run their production on a much higher levelB.market demand may not be the same as industrial productionC. retailers are not necessary in running their retailing businessD. retailers demand lower levels than those demanded by manufacturers25. The wholesaler regulates the flow of goods by _____.A. running level with manufacturers’productionB. holding down stock of commoditiesC. keeping stock for stronger demandD. adjusting the prices of goods in time26. The middleman relieves the producer of _____.A. fluctuating market demand and staying at riskB. the production of commodities for the retail marketC. some extent of production of changing demandD. storing goods in a warehouse until they are needed27. What function of the wholesaler is compared to a valve?A. Controlling the flow of goods.B. Pushing up demand from retailers.C. Bearing part of the risk for manufacturers.D. Selling goods to retailers.28. Which of the following statement is true?A. People cannot do without the wholesaler’s function.B. The function of the wholesaler does not add to the cost of goods.C. The wholesaler helps to reduce the price of goods in shops.D. The wholesaler is well paid for his commercial service.29. The author quite possibly believes that the function of the wholesaler is _____.A. good but too costlyB. necessary but harmfulC. removable but necessaryD. acceptable but unnecessary30. Which of the following titles is most appropriate for this passage?A. The Greedy WholesalersB. The Wholesalers in the Public EyeC. A Retail Market with WholesalersD. Can We Do without the Wholesaler?KEYS:1. A2. C3. B4. A5. C6. B7. D8. C9. D 10.A 11.B 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. A 16.C 17. C 18. A 19.D 20. A21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. C 30.D。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级笔译实务模拟试题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)This section consists of two parts, Part A - "Compulsory Translation" and Part B - "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into Chinese. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" and write your translations on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points, 100 minutes).Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points)The Dreadlock DeadlockIn the fall of 1993 Christopher Polk transferred from FedEx's hub in Indianapolis to take over a delivery route in Flatbush District, Brooklyn, N.Y. But moving to the country's largest community of Caribbean and African immigrants only precipitated a far more profound journey. "I was becoming culturally aware of the history of the black people," says Polk, now 31, "and that gave me these spiritual questions." His answer came providentially, by way of a music video featuring Lord Jamal, who raps about the Rastafarian belief in the sanctity of dreadlocks - the cords of permanently interlocked strands first worn by African chiefs perhaps 6,000 years ago.Now a practicing Rastafarian, Polk sports thick garlands that gently cascade onto his shoulders. "Your hair is your covenant," he says. "Once you grow your locks, it puts you on a path."Unfortunately, that path was a collision course with Federal Express's grooming policy, which requires men to confine their dos to "a reasonable style." After years of deliberation, Polk's bosses gave him a choice: shear his locks or be transferred to a lower-paid job with no customer contact. He refused both options and was terminated in June 2000.His tale is not unique. Although Rastafarians number about 5,000 nationally, today dreadlocks, twists or braids are at the height of fashion, nearly as common as Afros were 30 years ago. If Afros symbolized militancy, dreads signal a more spiritual self-declaration, a figurative locking with African ancestors. As Stanford professor Kennell Jackson, who teaches a course called "African Coiffures and Their New World Legacies," puts it, "There's a divinity to these locks."Divine or not, some employers consider them unacceptably outré. Six other New York-area FedEx employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. They have sued, alleging religious discrimination; the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and New York's attorney general have also charged FedEx with violating religious protections in the Civil Rights Act.The dreadlock deadlock may be easing. FedEx altered its policy slightly a few weeks ago: in the future, observant employees who seek a waiver may wear their locks tucked under uniform hats, says a company spokeswoman. The concession isn't enough to settle the lawsuits yet. The EEOC also wantsreinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney Michael Ranis. He's optimistic. Some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time.Part B Choice of Two Translations (二选一题)(30 points)Topic 1 (选题一)Eurasians: The New Face of AsiaFusion is in, not only as an abstract fashion concept, but in that most grounded of realities: mixed-blood people who walk, talk, and produce even more multiracial progeny. Most strange of all, these hybrids are finding themselves hailed as role models for vast masses in Asia with no mixed blood at all. "When I think of Asia, I don't necessarily think of people who look like me," says Declan Wong, a Chinese-Dutch-American actor and producer, "But somehow we've become the face that sells the new Asia."So maybe Asia's Eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, economist Adam Smith. As the world gets smaller, we look for a global marketing mien, a one-size-fits-all face that helps us sell Nokia cell phones and Palmolive shampoo across the world."For any business, you can't think locally anymore," says Paul Lau, general manager at Elite Model Management in Hong Kong, who has built up a stable of Eurasians for his internationally minded clients. "At the very least, you need to think regionally. Ideally, you should think globally." A global image helps sell products, even if no one but Filipinos would ever want to buy duck-fetus eggs or Thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste. Yanto Zainal, president of Macs909, a boutique ad agency in Jakarta, used all indos for a campaign for the local Matahari department store chain. "The store wanted to promote a more cosmopolitan image," he says. "Indos have an international look but can still be accepted as Indonesian."Channel V, the Asia-wide music television channel, was one of the first to broadcast the message of homogenized hybridism. "We needed a messenger that would fit in from Tokyo to the Middle East." Says Jonnifer Seeto, regional sales marketing manager for the channel, which began beaming its border-busting images in 1994. Star Veejay Asha Gill personifies the global look. When asked what her ethnic heritage is, Gill, a Malaysian citizen, simply shrugs. "Oh, who knows," she says. "I'm half Punjabi, mixed with some English, a little French and dribs and drabs of God knows what else." The 29-year-old speaks crisp British English, fluent Malay, and a smidgen of Punjabi. She grew up in a Kuala Lumpur neighborhood that was mostly Chinese, attended an English-speaking school and was pals with Malay and Indian kids. Gill's Channel V show, broadcast in English, has a strong following in Malaysia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. "I'm Hitler's worst nightmare," she says. "My ethnicity and profession make me a global person who can't be defined in just one category."Topic 2 (选题二)MatterLook at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pensin our classroom; motor cars, bicycles and buses in the streets; trees, plants and animals in the countryside; birds, aeroplanes and clouds in the sky; f ishes, seaweeds and corals in the sea; stars, the moon and the sun in outer space. These and all other things including the human body, are examples of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.What is Matter Made of?Since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it is made up of. One group of philosophers thought that matter was made up of a substance called "hyle" (实质). Another group of philosophers said that matter was made up of four substances, namely earth, water, air and fire. A third group believed that matter was made up of very tiny particles which were too small to be seen. These particles were so small that they could never be further divided into smaller particles. They gave the particles the name atoms which means "those which cannot be divided." The difference between the various kinds of atoms and the ways in which they were joined were supposed to result in the different kinds of matter.All these ideas arose purely from the mind and were not based on investigation. For many years, people believed in the second idea. But actually it is the third idea that is nearer to our present concept of matter.Dalton's Atomic TheoryIn the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivis ible particles, which he also called atoms. His laboratory work showed him that atoms could neither be divided into smaller parts nor could they be destroyed. He pictured matter as being made up of tiny solid spherical atoms. Today the idea of the atoms has been accepted. But further work has shown that contrary to Dalton's findings, atoms are made up of even smaller particles.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英)This section consists of two parts, Part A —— "Compulsory Translation" and Part B - "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" and write your translations on the ANSWER SHEET (40 points, 80 minutes).Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(20 points)中国政府高度重视人口与发展问题,将人口与发展问题作为国民经济和社会发展总体规划的重要组成部分列入议事日程,始终强调人口增长与经济社会发展相适应,与资源利用和环境保护相协调。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试:2022二级笔译真题模拟及答案(1)共485道题1、Never again Alfred E. Smith sought seriously political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.(单选题)A. Alfred E. Smith seriously soughtB. seriously Alfred E. Smith soughtC. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seekD. did AlfredE. Smith seriously seekE. when Alfred E. Smith sought试题答案:D2、According to the passage, what was the strategy used to eliminate the spread of smallpox?(单选题)A. Vaccinations of entire villages.B. Treatment of individual victims.C. Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations.D. Extensive reporting of outbreaks.试题答案:C3、The result of deserved-punishment justice is .(单选题)A. the criminal’s winning of a true lifeB. the criminal’s taking death penalty for the crime committed by himC. the criminal’s denial of his true selfD. the restoration of the criminal’s guilty self to the self before the crime试题答案:D4、It is implied in the passage that ______.(单选题)A. many scientists had known dinoflagellate before 1988B. there had been no such organisms before 1988C. many scientists were in doubt about the nature of the organism in 1988D. no scientists knew anything about the organism in 1988试题答案:C5、The word “stride” underlined in Paragraph 1 probably means.(单选题)A. advanceB. prideC. positionD. route试题答案:A6、Where the words “without support from major record companies” are, the context reads that music broadcast programsrecord companies.(单选题)A. must have the support ofB. require the participation ofC. may enlist the assistance ofD. should enter partnership with试题答案:C7、Which of the following reasons does not explain the coach’s motives in arranging the experience for the Burbank team?(单选题)A. The coach wanted to inspire the boys.B. He wanted them to learn the benefits of integration.C. He wanted them to see how much better they were than the Churchill boys.D. He wanted them to appreciate the differences among people.试题答案:C8、Drunken driving has become a major problem in America because ______.(单选题)A. most Americans are heavy drinkersB. Americans are now less shocked by road accidentsC. accidents attract so much publicityD. drinking is a socially accepted habit in America试题答案:D9、The word “cramped” underlined in Paragraph 3 means ______.(单选题)A. cheapB. crowdedC. depressingD. simple试题答案:B10、The ancient Greeks were much interested in speculating on the nature of the world about them.(单选题)A. specializing inB. experimenting onC. calculating on.D. pondering over试题答案:D11、The tall fellow over there is no others but the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself.(单选题)A. no other butB. no one thanC. no other thanD. none other than试题答案:D12、We can infer that during the author’s youth, when children in San Antonio spoke Spanish in elementary school, they .(单选题)A. were praised.B. were punished.C. were put on the basketball team.D. felt proud of their Mexican heritage.试题答案:B13、According to the passage, residents in the state of Mississippi saved last year from tax breaks about.(单选题)A. $10 millionB. $47. 4 millionC. no statistics availableD. nearly a 3 percent increase试题答案:C14、When she heard the bad news,her eyes ______ with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.(单选题)A. sparkledB. twinkledC. radiatedD. glittered试题答案:A15、As a white dwarf, the sun will be.(单选题)A. the same size as the planet MercuryB. thousands of times smaller than it is todayC. around 35 million miles in diameterD. cold and dark试题答案:B16、The word “couriers” underlined in Paragraph 1 means.(单选题)A. general mail serviceB. persons sending mailsC. emergency mail serviceD. international mail service试题答案:C17、As an industry, biotechnology stands to ______ electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.(单选题)A. contendB. contestC. rivalD. strive试题答案:C18、The passage is primarily concerned with ______.(单选题)A. informing readers of different sea creaturesB. describing predatory microscopic organismsC. solving some long-lasting mysteries about the seaD. discussing the environment for various fishes试题答案:B19、Online retailer Dressmart .(单选题)A. proved right to do too much in a short time periodB. carried out the plan of doing its business at home firstC. made great profits by expanding its business abroadD. contracted its business from abroad before complete failure试题答案:D20、For what was the doctor in the passage charged?(单选题)A. For his incompetence.B. For his unnecessary services to the patients.C. For unusually large number of night visits.D. All the above.试题答案:D21、Which of the following is NOT true of online shopping?(单选题)A. Customers can save time by online shopping.B. Online shopping helps reduce retailers’ cost.C. Online shopping saves customers’ energy.D. Customers are sure to buy high-quality goods online.试题答案:D22、According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. Transporting goods and people is the most important technology in the history of mankind.B. Technology in transporting goods and people has changed human conditions more than anything else.C. Technology in spreading information has changed human conditions more than transportation technology.D. Technology in spreading information can’t change the economic development of society.试题答案:C23、Going to the moon is an example of .(单选题)A. America’s dreams and creativityB. America’s childish and queer behaviorC. why America hasn’t grown upD. why America is considered as the greatest country in the world试题答案:A24、According to the passage, why couldn’t PET and functional M. R. I. scans detect subtle changes in blood flow earlier?(单选题)A. Because there is early oxygen transfer.B. Because they do not form their images quickly enough to follow such rapid changes.C. Because researchers control the changes in blood flow.D. Because early oxygen transfer gives the flow blood energy.试题答案:B25、According to Paragraph 2, a podcast is to radio broadcasting is TiVo is to television.(单选题)A. thatB. whatC. withD. which试题答案:B26、The nursing staff are exhausted; they’ve been ______ all weekend.(单选题)A. on callB. on guardC. on lineD. on patrol试题答案:A27、According to the passage, the algae ______.(单选题)A. may not carry on photosynthesis aloneB. supply food to the fungiC. can’t live separatelyD. aren’t recognizable as a species试题答案:B28、The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than necessary.(单选题)A. is necessaryB. being necessaryC. to be necessaryD. it is necessary试题答案:A29、Evidence collected by the spacecraft on Mars shows some present volcanic action,though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant if not dead.(单选题)A. deceasedB. departedC. disappeared.试题答案:D30、The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean.(单选题)A. General PractionerB. General ProfessionC. General PracticeD. Graduate in Pharmacy试题答案:A31、He made a career of imitating famous people for night club audiences.(单选题)A. bringing outB. taking offC. making outD. getting at试题答案:B32、According to the international regulation, the playing of the national anthem ______ all sports events.(单选题)A. precedesB. redeemsC. pretendsD. repels试题答案:A33、Mary sent me a gift and wished me many happy ______ on my birthday.(单选题)A. returnsC. congratulationsD. greetings试题答案:A34、After the cameraman had taken three or four photographs of the soldier ants, he found they had ______ all over his feet.(单选题)A. gatheredB. flockedC. crowdedD. swarmed试题答案:D35、Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?(单选题)A. Justice in SocietyB. PunishmentC. Fair TrialD. Equality试题答案:B36、Mary is as fast as, if not faster than, anyone in her class and should be on the team.(单选题)A. as fast, if not faster than, anyone elseB. as fast as, if not more fast than, anyoneC. as fast as, if not faster than, anyone elseD. as fast, if not faster than, anyone试题答案:C37、Male and female students are quite different from each other ______ the age at which they begin to develop an intellectual self-discipline.(单选题)A. with regard toB. in the light ofC. in proportion toD. on account of试题答案:A38、The writer gives several reasons why the boys on the Churchill team behaved as they did. Which of the following was not one of them?(单选题)A. They did not like the fact that the boys from Burbank spoke Spanish.B. They felt that they needed to put the Burbank boys in their place.C. They needed to reaffirm the power they felt the Burbank team threatened.D. The Burbank team did not respond to the Churchill team’s insult.试题答案:A39、Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?(单选题)A. Alarmed.B. PessimisticC. Comic.D. Objective.试题答案:D40、The selection is mainly about .(单选题)A. how the narrator’s father diedB. the inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherC. the narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherD. the narrator’s relationship with his aunt试题答案:B41、Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago hadthey even thought of a divorce, let alonehas gottenone.(单选题)A. gettingB. to getC. gottenD. get试题答案:C42、The length of time active immunity lasts varies with different diseases,(单选题)A. changes withB. alternates withC. keeps up withD. gets along with试题答案:A43、The word “resolution” underlined in Paragraph 5 probably means.(单选题)A. a firm decisionB. the process of breaking up into partsC. an act of resolvingD. the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things试题答案:D44、These conventional techniques were applied over the centuries.(单选题)A. employedB. exploredC. manipulatedD. innovated试题答案:A45、What did the aunt feel toward the narrator’s father?(单选题)A. fearB. hateC. loveD. indifference试题答案:C46、Your personal information is everywhere-processed and manipulated, stored and sold. But few people really know what is going on and how extensive this vacation has grown.(单选题)A. vocationB. industryC. professionD. occupation试题答案:B47、“Mozart’s can” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to.(单选题)A. his human feelings can be understoodB. Mozart’s music can be analyzed carefullyC. his harmonies, rhythms, etc. can be separated from one anotherD. his musical language can be separated from his personality试题答案:D48、Which of the following statements does NOT refer to smallpox?(单选题)A. Previous projects had failed.B. People are no longer vaccinated for it.C. The World Health Organization mounted a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.D. It was a serious threat.试题答案:A49、According to the passage, a “dry” county is most probably a.(单选题)A. district in which alcohol is prohibitedB. country that is suffering from droughtC. land where it has usually been very dryD. wine that contains little alcoholic content试题答案:A50、The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.(单选题)A. tumbleB. jeopardizeC. manipulateD. intimidate试题答案:B51、The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.(单选题)A. tumbleB. jeopardizeC. manipulateD. intimidate试题答案:B52、The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to.(单选题)A. dry townsB. financial musclesC. county officialsD. real estate developers试题答案:D53、Doctors warned sun-starved tourists who received too much sunlight that they were a seriously risk than others of contracting skin cancer.(单选题)A. mostB. moreC. granderD. greater试题答案:D54、In order to earn money for his family, it is necessary for him to get a job.(单选题)A. it is necessary to get a jobB. it is necessary to find a jobC. he must get a jobD. a job must be found试题答案:C55、This project would ______ a huge increase in defense spending.(单选题)A. resultB. assureC. entailD. accomplish试题答案:C56、Doctors keep trying to ______ her of her dependence onthe drug.(单选题)A. relieveB. robC. breakD. deprive试题答案:C57、Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?(单选题)A. AlarmedB. PessimisticC. Comic.D. Objective.试题答案:D58、The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can.(单选题)A. better control the whole negotiation processB. easily find new approaches to meeting market needsC. fast-forward their proposals to headquartersD. easily make friends with businesspeople abroad试题答案:A59、These conventional techniques were applied over the centuries.(单选题)A. employedB. exploredC. manipulatedD. innovated试题答案:A60、The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was ______ to the issue at hand.(单选题)A. irrationalB. unreasonableC. invalidD. irrelevant试题答案:D61、According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. The imaging techniques not only measure nerve-cell activity but also the extra flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.B. The imaging techniques do not measure nerve-cell activity directly, but measure the flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.C. The imaging techniques measure the extra flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.D. The imaging techniques measure all the activities of the living brain.试题答案:C62、The local authorities realized the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programs.(单选题)A. provisionB. preparationC. requirementD. specification试题答案:A63、In cases where asbestos were employed, it was recommended that it should be used in abonded form with materials such as cement,in order loose fibers were less likely to enter the air.(单选题)A. in order thatB. rather thanC. so thatD. other than试题答案:C64、The photoperiodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, but not on the response of light.(单选题)A. is not on lightB. but is not on the lightC. and not on lightD. the light is not on试题答案:C65、Why has public opinion regarding drunken driving changed?(单选题)A. Detailed statistics are now available.B. The news media have revealed the problem.C. Judges are giving more severe sentences.D. Drivers are more conscious of their image.试题答案:B66、What will probably be the first stage of change as the sun becomes a red giant?(单选题)A. Its core will cool off and use less fuel.B. Its surface will become hotter and shrink.C. It will use up its thermonuclear energy.D. Its center will grow smaller and hotter.试题答案:D67、The word “threat” underlined in Paragraph 2 means ______.(单选题)A. debateB. humiliationC. riskD. bother试题答案:C68、Before writing a book, the first thing is considering what to say.(单选题)A. you must first ponder what to say and what not to be said carefullyB. it’s extremely necessary that you know what to sayC. the first thing is to consider what to sayD. you must first ponder what to say and what not to say试题答案:D69、The photoperiodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, but not on the response of light.(单选题)A. is not on lightB. but is not on the lightC. and not on lightD. the light is not on试题答案:C70、Why is the problem of drinking and driving difficult to solve?(单选题)A. Alcohol is easily obtained.B. Drinking is linked to organized crime.C. Legal prohibition has already failed.D. Legislation alone is not sufficient.试题答案:D71、According to the international regulation, the playing of the national anthem ______ all sports events.(单选题)A. precedesB. redeemsC. pretendsD. repels试题答案:A72、What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?(单选题)A. To describe different kinds of phobias.B. To expound phobia and their possible treatments.C. To help the phobia sufferers to get better.D. To tell readers how to prevent such phobias.试题答案:B73、The evidence of electrical activity and other changes in brain cells after the outside stimulus has been got by observing.(单选题)A. exposed cat brainsB. the human brainsC. cat brains and the human brainsD. exposed cat brains and the human brains试题答案:D74、What does the author imply about lichens in Paragraph 1?(单选题)A. They require a lot of moisture to live.B. They primarily live in cold places.C. They can live anywhere except around people.D. They have adapted to a wide variety of environments.试题答案:D75、Rarely be seen, the white mountain goat is an extremely sure-footed animal that escapes from its predators by living in the most rugged, rocky landscapes.(单选题)A. Having been rarely seenB. Rarely to be seenC. Rarely seenD. Being rarely seen试题答案:C76、It can be inferred from the passage that ______.(单选题)A. malaria and yellow fever have been reported this yearB. no new cases of smallpox have been reported this yearC. smallpox victims no longer die when they contract the diseaseD. smallpox is not transmitted from one person to another试题答案:B77、Had he worked harder, he must get throughthe exams.(单选题)A. must have got throughB. would have got throughC. would get throughD. could get through试题答案:B78、The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to ______.(单选题)A. organismsB. fishC. toxinsD. flesh试题答案:A79、Production of complex molecules is accomplished by replication.(单选题)A. duplicationB. synthesisC. fixationD. reproduction试题答案:A80、Which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. Scientists have solved the mystery about the fish killer.B. More studies need to be made about the fish killer.C. It is proved that the algae are reducing fish populations.D. Humans have already been affected by the toxin.试题答案:B81、A “disk jockey” is most possibly a .(单选题)A. disk playing deviceB. joker playing disksC. broadcasting workerD. hockey player on radio试题答案:C82、The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to ______ that it wasa car.(单选题)A. ensureB. examineC. verifyD. testify试题答案:C83、He didn’t buy the book because he was interested in poetry.(单选题)A. He didn’t buy the book because he was not interested in poetry.B. He bought the book, but it is not because he was interested in poetry.C. He bought the book because he was interested in poetry.D. He bought the book because he was not interested in poetry.试题答案:B84、Which of the following is true of DHL according to the passage?(单选题)A. It cooperates with TNT Skypack.B. It is showing signs of exhaustion.C. It might have a leading position in the international courier business.D. It has an annual growth rate of 5 %.试题答案:C85、According to the passage, scientists can’t observe some of the earliest steps in brain activity becausee.(单选题)A. those changes are subtle and masked by some reactionsB. subtle changes in blood flow began earlierC. the imaging techniques are out of placeD. the flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain is slow86、According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. Transporting goods and people is the most important technology in the history of mankind.B. Technology in transporting goods and people has changed human conditions more than anything else.C. Technology in spreading information has changed human conditions more than transportation technology.D. Technology in spreading information can’t change the economic development of society.试题答案:C87、Which of the following is an example of symbiosis as it is described in Paragraph 2?(单选题)A. Certain types of tall grass conceal tigers because of the tigers’ striped markings.B. Fish called remoras attach themselves to sharks and eat the scraps of the sharks’ meals.C. Mistletoe, a type of shrub, grows on trees and harms them by extracting water and nutrients.D. Protozoa in the intestines of termites digest the cellulose that the termites eat, and their waste products nourish the termites.试题答案:D88、The phrase “that injury” underlined in Paragraph 5 refers to.(单选题)A. his bad backB. the doctor’s weightliftingC. his clinically inappropriate practiceD. his dishonest cheating89、At the end of the passage, the author states all the following EXCEPT that ______.(单选题)A. Danes are clearly informed of their social benefitsB. Danes take for granted what is given to themC. the open system helps to tide the country overD. orderliness has alleviated unemployment试题答案:D90、There is no provision for deadlines in the contract.(单选题)A. improvementB. convenienceC. aggregationD. stipulation试题答案:D91、The author’s reaction to the statement by the Ministry of Business and Industry is ______.(单选题)A. disapprovingB. acknowledgingC. noncommittalD. suspicious试题答案:D92、The phrase “people in this age group” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.(单选题)A. infantsB. people in their twentiesC. people in their thirties and fortiesD. elderly people试题答案:B93、The ______ discovery of dinosaurs’ complete genes shocked the world and was received with disbelief.(单选题)A. successfulB. allegedC. convincingD. malicious试题答案:B94、The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to.(单选题)A. cancelled NHSB. emergent visits to his patients at any timeC. night visits to the home of his patientsD. night walks out of his home试题答案:C95、Which of the following questions is answered according to the information given in the passage?(单选题)A. What is the toxin used by the fish killer?B. Who first discovered the organism?C. How does the fish killer paralyze fish?D. How many fishes can the organism kill each day?试题答案:C96、I hope you will read all the material before you make the final decision.(单选题)A. will be readB. will have readC. will be readingD. would have read试题答案:B97、When the author wrote “KEXP did not release numbers” in Paragraph 4, he or she most probably meant that KEXP did not.(单选题)A. label the musical products with numbersB. disclose how many songs it ever recordedC. tell the author how much it paid the lawyerD. reveal how much it paid to each of the bands试题答案:D98、According to the Bible, the concept of equality in justice means .(单选题)A. a criminal must be severely punishedB. a criminal must be given a punishment that is exactly the same as the crime he has doneC. a criminal must be given a punishment that he deservesD. a criminal must pay for his crime with his eyes and teeth试题答案:B99、The passage focuses primarily on.(单选题)A. problems of post offices in BritainB. the new courier service-EMSC. the competition between private and international courier servicesD. differences between EMS and DHL试题答案:B100、Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that ______.(单选题)A. many drivers were not of legal ageB. young drivers were often bad driversC. the level of drinking increased in the 1960sD. the legal drinking age should be raised试题答案:D101、He was on the ______ for six months before he found another job.(单选题)A. doleB. treatyC. snipD. slump试题答案:A102、If you ordered through an agent, please check with the agent to ______ that your order was received and processed.(单选题)A. insaneB. insultC. ensueD. ensure试题答案:D103、Which of the following conclusions does information in Paragraph 2 support?(单选题)A. Men are more susceptible to colds than women.B. Women having babies are more susceptible to colds.C. People who live in a cold climate have more colds than those who live in a warm one.D. People who don’t have children are more susceptible to colds than those who do in their thirties or forties.试题答案:B104、The result of deserved-punishment justice is .(单选题)A. the criminal’s winning of a true lifeB. the criminal’s taking death penalty for the crime committed by himC. the criminal’s denial of his true selfD. the restoration of the criminal’s guilty self to the self before the crime试题答案:D105、Obviously, “John in the Morning” is a broadcasting program that can be described by any of the following EXCEPT.(单选题)A. mixing musical works of various typesB. having a variety of musical productionsC. airing different styles of songs and musicD. being independent with only mainstream music试题答案:D106、The phrase “consumer goodwill” underlined in Paragraph 4 most possibly refers to the.(单选题)A. other extreme losses in tax revenueB. pleasant feeling the consumers may haveC. good consumption the market may sustainD. confidence consumers have over the goods试题答案:B107、By saying “condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging and doing push-ups against eternity”, the author means that .(单选题)A. she thinks people shouldn’t be so concerned about physical fitnessB. she feels too old and tired to do such hard exerciseC. American society is overemphasizing youth and physical appearanceD. what happened to children centuries ago may occur to adults in America soon试题答案:D108、My father has been on the ______ in this factory for nearly 20 years.(单选题)A. paypacketB. payoffC. payrollD. payment试题答案:C109、The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that.(单选题)A. the earth has become physically smallerB. the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorterC. the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-dateD. modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world试题答案:D110、The ancient Greeks were much interested in speculating on the nature of the world about them.(单选题)A. specializing inB. experimenting onC. calculating on.D. pondering over试题答案:D111、All the following terms that appear in Paragraph 2 refer roughly to the same as “tax-free shopping” EXCEPT.(单选题)A. shoppersB. tax breaksC. tax holidaysD. promotions试题答案:A112、Which of the following statements is NOT true about mass communication?(单选题)A. It can reach no further than human voice.B. It can reach a large audience.C. It is rapid and efficient.D. It can be trusted.试题答案:A113、From the beginning of this passage we know that.(单选题)A. most of the American states were prohibited to take a restB. the United States of America prohibited others from restC. the United States of America prohibited alcohol salesD. most states in the country began to allow alcohol sales试题答案:D114、The Danes believe that they are ______.(单选题)。



11月翻译资格考题二级英语笔译实务试卷及答案Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)( 60 point )This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". Translate the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into Chinese. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 100 minutes.Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points)Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build.Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean.These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems.Yet just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor.Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry.Part B Optional Translations (二选一题)( 30 points )Topic 1 (选题一)Most of the world's victims of AIDS live - and, at an alarming rate, die - in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26.6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS ( UNAIDS ), the special UN agency set up to deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling.AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa - where it was called "slim", after the appearance of victims wasting away - within a few years after its emergence was established in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled.Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and device, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint.An important part of anti- AIDS campaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing ( VCT ) .In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them.Funds for anti- AIDS efforts are provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities around the world; the fund was launched following a call by the UN Secretary-General in 2001. However, much more is needed if the spread of the pandemic is to be at least halted.Topic 2 (选题二)As a leader of a least developed country, I speak from experience when I say that poverty is too complex a phenomenon, and the strategies for fighting it too diverse and dependent on local circumstances, for there is no single silver bullet in the war on poverty.We have learned the hard way over the years. We have experimented with all kinds of ideas.Yet a report recently released by the World Economic Forum shows that barely a third of what should have been done by now to ensure the world meets its goals to fight poverty, hunger and disease by 2015 is done. I am now convinced that the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2000 can only be attained through a global compact, anchored in national policies that take into account local circumstances.Aid and trade are both necessary, but they are not enough on their own. Neither is good governance enough in itself. Above all, nothing can move without the direct participation of local communities. I fear that we lecture too much. This is not the best way.I will give an example of how such a compact worked in Tanzania to achieve universal basic schooling.In the mid-1990s, almost all indicators for basic education were in free fall. The gross enrollment rate had fallen from 98 percent in the early 1980s to 77.6 percent in 2000. The net enrollment rate had likewise fallen, from over 80 percent to only 58.8 percent.Then several things happened. We decided at the top political level that basic education would be a top priority, and adopted a five-year Primary Education Development Plan to achieve universal basic education by 2006 - nine years ahead of the global target.Good governance produced more government revenues, which quadrupled over the last eight years. In 2001, we received debt relief under the World Bank's enhanced HIPC ( heavily indebted poor countries ) Initiative. Subsequently, more donors put aid money directly into our budget or into a pooled fund for the Primary Education Development Program ( PEDP ) .The government's political will was evidenced by the fact that over the last five years the share of the national budget going to poverty reduction rose by 130 percent. We abolished school fees in primary schools.Then we ensured that all PEDP projects are locally determined, planned, owned,implemented and evaluated. This gave the people pride and dignity in what they were doing. After only two years of implementing PEDP, tremendous successes have been achieved.Section 2: Chinese- English Translation (汉译英)( 40 point )This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2".Translation the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into English. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 80 minutes.Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)( 20 points )进入新世纪,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂的变化。



实用文档翻译考试分类:标签:杂谈ocabulary and Grammar (60 points)Section 1: VThis section consists of 3 parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.ocabulary SelectionPart 1 VIn this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices markedeach completes phrase which best respectively. and D Choose the word or B, by letters A, C sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. All the students of this university have free _____ to the Internet via a broadband connection.A.acessB.entranceC.permissionD.passageway2. It is rumored that Mr. Smith, the grandson of the founder of the university and a professor of philosophy, will be _____ as president in March.A.indulgedB.inauguratedC.inducedD.integrated3. When I visited the area after the hurricane, I became _____ by what I saw and heard there.A.stressedpressedC.impressedD.distressed4. When the actor appeared on the stage again, shouts and cheers broke _____ from the crowd and continued for about five minutes.A.inB.offC.forthD.up5. The _____ value of a coin, i.e. the value of the metal in it, is usually less than the value of what it will buy.A.externalB.interiorC.intrinsicD.extrinsic6. Hotels and restaurants are an _____ part of the city, without which the tourist industry could not exist.A.additionalB.inseparableC.accommodatedD.integral7. We can find a full _____ of his political belief in his newly-published books.positionB.expositionC.depositionD.disposition8. I don't think you can persuade him ; he always _____ to his own principles.A.adaptsB.devotesC.adheresD.dedicates9. In the advanced course of our training, students must take objective tests at monthly _____.A.distanceB.lengthC.gapsD.intervals10. Going around at the top of the mountain, we watched the fog _____ from the valley below; itseemed that we had entered a fairyland.A.descendB.decrease文案大全.实用文档C.ariseD.ascend11. Richard has an _____ manner, although he comes from a middle-class family background and has received his education at Cambridge.A.abruptB.absurdC.activeD.agreeable12. The history teacher told us the ring was a piece of _____ treasure because it had been handed down from an ancient king.A.invaluableB.valuedC.previousD.precise13. In the last few years, the _____ of regular folks going under the cosmetic knife skyrocketed.A.amountB.figuresC.groupD.number14. He was too busy to do any exercise at all until he turned 58. And he is much better _____ now than ever before.A.formB.conditionC.lookD.shape15. All of us in research have focused on a drug that is so _____ that it can change brain chemistry.A.monstrousB.powerfulC.vigorousD.heavy16. He was only a _____ ruler of the country, the real one was his mother, who actually handled state affairs and possessed the power of making decisions.A.obliviousB.notableC.obscureD.nominal17. _____ that she is interested in children, I am sure that teaching is the right profession for her.A.HoweverB.ProvidedC.GivenD.Unless18. She had _____ opportunity to exercise leadership, which she has dreamed of since she was young.A. utterB.utmostC.ambitiousD.ample19. They intend to remove the _____ rules and regulations that are discouraging foreign investment in their country.A.henpeckedB.garnishedC.unmitigatedD.onerous20. The Central Bank is interested in how much money is in _____ in the economy.A.circulationB.circleC.reserveD.rotationPart 2 V ocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word or phrase is underlined, and beloweach, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.文案大全.实用文档21. Tom felt sure he would get the post, but he was never even considered for it. That was a smack in the eye for him.A.nothing seriousB.nothing importantC.a humiliating rebuffD.an expected disappointment22. Our neighbors are so reserved and unfriendly that they never speak to us.A.aloofB.relievedC.airyD.resistant23. Security men believe the tit-for-tat murders were the result of the bombing which had occurred in the city center.A.furiousB.retaliatoryC.malevolentD.chain24. The conclusion reached at the workshop was that the manufacturing process was obsolete.A.dilapidatedB.extantC.archaicD.outdated25. Some people wish to amend the law so that children must stay at school until they are 16.A.gratifyB.pacifyC.rectifyD.verify26. Prof. Clark disregarded the warning from his colleagues and continued his research work.A.ignoredB.deploredC.explored C.implored27. Some observers say the recent coup of a military government in that country will lead to anarchy.A.monarchB.maniacC.disorderD.discipline28. As a conductor, Leonard Bernstein was famous for his intensely vigorous and exuberant style.A.enticingB.enthusiasticC.extravertD.exultant29. His peers admonished him that he had to increase his study time as the final examination was around the corner.A.astonishedB.warnedC.threatenedD.alarmed30. Isolated cases of disaffection –or harbingers of a mass cross-border movement that threatens Europe's economic stability? The question is pressing.A.singB.forerunnerC.messengerD.vanguard31. Justices of the Peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.A.supremacyB.authorityC.guidanceD.administration32. What these young men and women need to do now is to develop a mentality to reconcile their ideals with reality.A.interactB.interfaceC.harmonizeD.pair33. The search for eternal youth is no less fervent now than it was 2,000 years ago. People are文案大全.实用文档trying practically anything.A.prolongedB.externalC.protractedD.excessive34. SD Memory Cards are versatile high-capacity storage cards that are extremely small - about the size of a postage stamp.A.adaptableB.adoptableC.variableD.veritable35. This book comes as a revelation to one who was nourished in his youth on the englightened English socialitst tradition represented by George Bernard Shaw.A.replacementB.discoveryC.representationD.resolution36. Johnson was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.A.obtainedB.enlivenedC.obligedD.engrossed37. The man we met this morning grows many kinds of plants in his garden, most of which are flowers including succulent and cacti.A.risesB.raisesC.plantsD.plows38. The scientist contested the assumption of previous scientists that the fate of human beings could not be predicated.A.suspendedB.rejectedC.suspectedD.repulsed39. In the last 10 years we have all witnessed an impressive growth in our knowledge about environment.A.impreativeB.observableC.importantD.obvious40. In their culture and in their eyes success all too often means imply outdoing other people by virtue of achievement judged by some single scale –income or honors.A.outfittingB.outbiddingC.outragingD.outshiningPart 3 Error CorrectionThis part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error, and below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.41. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see be carrying out next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out42. The examiner failed some candidates, and 15 of them being students without work experience.A. 15 beingB.among 15 wereC.15 of them wereD.15 of whom were43. Despite of their opposition, he went his own way and started his preparations.A.Despiting ofB.Despited of文案大全.实用文档C.DespiteD.Despited44. Network television, magazine, and direct mail –that will be the big gainers in advertising revenues next year.A.whichB.theseC.theyD.all45. I hear that he knows four languages, such as Chinese, French, German and Japanese.A.for example,ly,C.likeD.as46. The more people you know, the less you have time to see them but you can always reach them on the Internet.A. less you have the timeB. the less time you haveC. the less time do you haveD. less the time you have47. Having heard the weather forecast, the boat was stopped in the harbour.A. the boat did not sail out ofB. they did not sail out ofC. the boat remained inD. they were stopped in48. Once they had fame, fortune, secure futures; now all that left is utter poverty.A.that all is leftB.all that is leftC.all what is leftD.all which is left49. Mary must have received my mail; otherwise she could have replied before now.A.Mary shouldB.Mary ought toC.Mary shouldn'tD.Mary couldn't50. We will ship the goods on Monday according to your order less we hear from you by Friday.A.neverthelessB.unlessC.lestD.until51. When this agreement if signed, a circular will be prepared for given to our customers.A.given outB.given offC.dispatchesD.distribution52. It is now clear that no such creatures as vampires have been seen and none been found in the world.A. was foundB.are foundC.have been foundD.have been found out53. My company is Excellent Kitchenware Company, there nearby is a big market for kitchenware in our city.A.there nearB.and there nearC.there nearlyD.and nearby there54. The government has hardly taken measures to crack down on there crimes when new ones occurred.A. Hardly had the government takenB. The government took hardlyC. Hardly the government had takenD. The government is hardly taking55. The general manager demanded that the job will be completed before the summer holidays.A.would beB.must beC.beD.had to be文案大全.实用文档56. Our company will provide you with free transportation as you requested and charge the installation.A.installation with chargeB.in the installationC.freely installationD.installation in charge57. Doctors warned sun-starved tourists who received too much sunlight that they were at serious risk than others of contracting skin cancer.A.with more seriousB.at seriouslyC.at more seriousD.seriously with58. We have sent an order slip to all that we have reason to believe are interested in our books.A. who are believed by usB. with who we have reason to believeC. who we have reason to believeD. with whom we believe59. As an English major student at one of the most famous universities in China, I strongly believe that business English is more practical than other fields.A.a student in EnglishB.a major English studentC.an English majorD.an English student major60. The engineers are going through with their highway project, in spite that the expenses have risen.A.just becauseB.even thoughC.as thoughD.now thatSection 2: Reading Comprehension (30 points)In this section you will find after each of the passage a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A, B, C and D) choices to answer the question or complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Question 61-70 are based on the following passage.Next door to a lunch counter advertising a grilled cheese special is a gallery where Van Gogh's “Irises”shares the walls with Monet landscapes and works from the Italian Renaissance. They are all fakes. They are all for sale. “A forger? Yes. We're expert forgers you could say. But we make no attempt to deceive. We don't pretend to sell original works. We have all the thrill of being a forger, but no risk.”With prices for original art rising into the tens of millions, some art lovers are turning tohigh-quality copies done by expert artists. In addition, some museums confronting skyrocketing insurance premiums are considering stashing the authentic pieces and displaying a reproduction.No major U.S. art museum is known to be displaying reproductions in place of originals. Such a practice would raise questions about why people visit museums in the first place. But museum security has become a growing concern.Bids for paintings have climbed at auction houses. But prices for fakes run only from about $1,000 to $10,000 for paintings, depending on the size and complexity of the original.In Europe where copying masterpieces is centuries-old craft, painters often use pigments and brushes typical of the period of the original. The painting is placed in a frame closely resemblingits era. Sometimes the gallery purchases 17th century furniture to use the wood for frames. Thefinal step is the antiquing process using chemicals and heat and humidity. “We can make special文案大全.实用文档types of cracks from little spider-web types to long splits.”61. This passage is most probably taken out of a/an _____.A. court confession by a person suspected of making fakesB. commercial advertisement for a new profession in artsC. feature story in a newspaper, magazine, or a web pageD. industrial profile for a museum promoting a new show62. The word “Monet”underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to a _____.A. master artistB. master forgerC. famous dealerD. rich collector63. Both quotes in the passage are probably from a person who is a/an _____.A. master artistB. art piece forgerC. museum directorD. artworks thief64. The third sentence in the last paragraph implies that the gallery _____.A. carries 17th-century furniture as sideline exhibitsB. is part of the process in making fake paintingsC. provides the space only for forgers to produce fakesD. manufactures wooden frames for paintings as a sideline65. Obviously, the phrase “expert artists”underlined in Paragraph 3 refers to people who are_____.A. experts in evaluating art worksB. painters decorating the museumsC. makers of faked famous paintingsD. experts who can identify forgeries66. “Such a practice”underlined in Paragraph 4 refers to the display of _____.A. forged works in place of genuine artworkB. original productions in place of their copiesC. both fake productions and original paintingsD. real reproductions and original masterpieces67. According to the passage, the word “stashing”underlined in Paragraph 3 is synonymous with _____.A. slashingB. smashingC. stackingD. storing68. As repeatedly stated in the passage _____ was certainly the major reason why forgeries are sold.A. insuranceB. securityC. qualityD. price69. The word “copies”underlined in Paragraph 3 does NOT refer to _____.A. fakesB. forgesC. reproductionsD. non-authentic works70. According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?A. The works on display are meant to sell as originals.B. The works meant to sell as originals are on display.C. Here you may purchase a masterpiece for $1,000.D. Here one may buy fast food any time and eat it here.文案大全.实用文档Questions 71-80 are based on the following passage.No revolutions in technology have as visibly marked the human condition as those in transport. Moving goods and people, they have opened continents, transformed living standards, spread diseases, fashions and folk around the world. Yet technologies to transport ideas and information across long distances have arguably achieved even more: they have spread knowledge, the basis of economic growth.The most basic of all these, the written word, was already ancient by 1000. By then China had, in basic form, the printing press, using carved woodblocks. But the key to its future, movable metal type, was four centuries away. The Chinese were hampered by their thousands of ideograms. Even so, they quite soon invented the primitive movable type, made of clay, and by the 13th century they had the movable wooden type. But the real secret was the use of an easily cast metal.When it came, Europe –aided by simple Western alphabets –leapt forward with it. One reason why Asia's civilizations, in 1000 far ahead of Europe's, then fell behind was that they lacked the technology to reproduce and diffuse ideas. On Johannes Gutenberg's invention in the 1440s were built not just the Reformation and the Enlightenment, but Europe's agricultural and industrial revolutions too.Yet information technology on its own would not have got far. Literally: better transport technology too was needed. That was not lacking, but there the big change came much later: it was railways and steamships that first allowed the speedy, widespread dissemination of news and ideas over long distances. And both technologies in turn required people and organizations to develop their use. They got them: for individual communication. The postal service: for wider publics, the publishing industry.Throughout the 19th century, the postal service formed the bedrock of national and international communications. Crucial to its growth had been the introduction of the stamp, combined with a low price, and payment by the sender. Britain put all three of these ideas into effect in 1840.By then, the world's mail was taking off. It changed the world. Merchants in America's eastern cities used it to gather information, enraging far-off cotton growers and farmers, who found that the New Yorkers knew more about crop prices than they did. In the American debate about slavery,it offered abolitionists a low-cost way to spread their views, just as later technologies have cut the cost and widened the scope of political lobbying. The post helped too to integrate the American nation, tying new newly opened west to the settled east.Everywhere, its development drove and was driven by those of transport. In Britain, travelers rode by mail coach to posting inns. In America, the post subsidized road-building. Indeed, argues Dan Schiller, a professor of communications at the University of California, it was the connection between the post, transport and national integration that ensured that the mail remained a public enterprise even in the United States, its first and only government-run communications medium, and until at least the 1870s, the biggest organization in the land.The change has not only been one of speed and distance, though, but of audience. About 200 years ago, a man's words could reach no further than his voice, not just in range but in whom they reached. But, for some purposes, efficient communication is mass communication, regular, cheap, quick and reliable. When it became possible, it transformed the world.71. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A. Transporting goods and people is the most important technology in the history of mankind.B. Technology in transporting goods and people has changed human conditions more than文案大全.实用文档anything else.C. Technology in spreading information has changed human conditions more than transportation technology.D. Technology in spreading information can't change the economic development of society.72. According to the passage, Asian civilizations, which were ahead of Europe's, fell behind because _____.A. Asian languages were more difficult to learn.B. European languages had simple alphabetsC. they didn't have the technology to spread ideasD. people's communication skills were not good enough73. Johannes Gutenberg's invention probably refers to _____.A. printing technologyB. transportation technologyC. the Reformation and the EnlightenmentD. industrial revolution74. The word “dissemination”underlined in Paragraph 4 means _____.A. plantationB. distributionC. receptionD. Direction75. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the postal service ?A. American abortionists were not happy about it.B. The stamp was invented in Britain.C. It helped the independence of America.D. In the 1840s it was the major means of national communications in Britain.76. What can the postal service do?A. Collecting market prices of goods.B. Spreading ideas at a low cost.C. Promoting political lobbying.D. All of the above.77. In the United States, the postal service belongs to _____.A. a private companyB. the governmentC. road-building enterprisesD. national integration78. The word “its development”underlined in Paragraph 7 refers to the development of _____.A. the American nationB. the mail coachC. road buildingD. the postal service79. The words “the change”underlined in Paragraph 8 refer to _____.A. time changeB. technology changeC. change in spreading ideasD. change of human abilities80. Which of the following statements is NOT true about mass communication?A. It can reach no further than human voice.B. It can reach a large audience.C. It is rapid and efficient.D. It can be trusted.Questions 81-90 are based on the following passage.Is test anxiety destructive? Can we make test anxiety work for us? The answer to both of these questions is yes. Test anxiety often interferes with student performance but this same test anxiety, if channeled correctly, can help improve performance.文案大全.实用文档In order to lessen the destructive elements of test anxiety, the approach should be to develop improved confidence and knowledge. As your knowledge of the course material increases, your confidence in your ability to succeed will increase. As your confidence increases, your anxiety will go down, allowing your knowledge to come through more efficiently. The way you prepare for a test can reduce anxiety during the test.You will be surprised how confident you will feel if you know the material. Studies of memory show if you want to be able to recall information from text or lecture you have to review that material several times. It is important to know your own abilities and operate accordingly. If you know that you learn best by listening, prepare a tape of significant material and listen to the tape. Study partners or study groups are often useful for self-testing. Experience in stressful situations tends to lessen anxiety in those situations. One way to help yourself retrieve material is through the use of mnemonic codes. Learn a code that lets you remember complex material. Developing an outline for an essay question that you know will be on the test or memorizing a formula are forms of code development.Students are often frustrated by the sheer volume of material that has to be studied in college. Many instructors conduct reviews, give hints, identify what is important to study, use handouts or overhead transparency outlines. These materials should be at the top of your study list. If the instructor took the time to identify them, you should assume that they will play an important part of the test. While knowledge acquired during test preparation can help reduce anxiety, it is another thing to take the test itself. Following are a few suggestions to help reduce anxiety during the test. When I arrive at a test, I often find students flipping test pages at the last minute trying to cram it all in at the end. You would be better off trying to relax, meditating a little, and clearing your mind to allow yourself the ability to concentrate on the question that are coming.As soon as the instructor gives you the signal to start, dump out formulas, codes, outlines fromyour memory onto the test answer sheets so that you will not have to worry about whether you will remember the codes long enough until you get to the appropriate test question.You can build your confidence if you go through the test and answer all of the questions that you know first. Go back and work on those questions that need greater analysis, or that need to be worked out or need to be guessed at and your anxiety will not kick in until later in the test.For those of you whose anxiety increases as study and preparation increase, your goal should be to start concentrating on things that take your mind off the test, i.e., television, books, hobbies, movies, etc. Meditation and aerobic exercise have proven to be very useful methods for reducing undesirable effects of stress.The solution to reducing the destructive influences of stress is to plan to study. Map out a schedule of when you will study each day. Identify the specific topics that you will study each day. Identify the areas of the material that you have had problems with and study those. Your plan should include reading the text material, reviewing notes and homework assignments, identifying material that needs further explanation, developing codes for memory material and testing yourself. Once you have studied adequately, your confidence will be fairly high, your knowledge will be satisfactory to do well on the test and the stomach butterflies will help you focus on the task at hand.I'd wish you good luck on finals, but you and I both know that the more effectively you study, the luckier you will get.81. The word “channeled”underlined in Paragraph 1 means _____.文案大全.实用文档A. directedB. usedC. runD. passed82. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned as a good side of the test anxiety?A. It can help improve performance if channeled correctly.B. It motivates us to study and prepare for exam.C. It can help us to concentrate.D. It can always ensure a good score in the test.83. What is the relationship between knowledge and confidence and test anxiety?A. As your knowledge of the course material increases, your confidence in your ability to succeed will increase.B. As your test anxiety increases, your knowledge and confidence will increase.C. As your confidence increases, your anxiety will go down, allowing your knowledge to come through more effectively.D. Both A and C.84. Which of the following test preparation ways cannot help one reduce anxiety during the test?A. You should know your own abilities and operate accordingly and learn as much as you can.B. Study partners or study groups are useful for self-testing.C. You can retrieve materials by using mnemonic codes.D. You should pay more attention to the materials identified by the teacher.85. What should be at the top of your study list when you prepare a test?A. The most complex materials.B. The questions asked by students.。



英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(15)(1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第1题This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course.They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes.Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers.What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries.Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability.Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation.We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there's no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest.下一题(1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationThis section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2".第2题能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。



英语翻译资格考试2019年CATTI英语二级笔译实务模拟练习试题1(总分100, 做题时间120分钟)英译汉1.At one of the better colleges in India's capital, there is just one large room for 140 faculty members to sit and have a cup of tea or grade papers. "If even half show up, there aren't enough chairs," said Amin, a history professor there. "There is no other place to work. In this situation, how do you expect teachers to work?"The lack of amenities for faculty members is not the only issue.After 30 years at Mary College, which is one of dozens administered by the University of Delhi, Ms. Amin makes the equivalent of $22,000 a year - less than half of what some of her better students will make in their first jobs. New opportunities offer not just more money for graduates but also mobility and flexibility, which are virtually unheard of for faculty at most of India's colleges and universities.All this means that India is facing a severe shortage of faculty members. But it is not just low pay and lack of facilities that are being blamed. According to a government report published last year, a massive expansion in higher **bined with a poor supply of PhD's, delays in recruitment and the lack of incentives to attract and nurture talent have led to a situation in which 40 percent ofexisting faculty positions remain vacant. The report's authors, mostly academics, found that if the shortfall is calculated using the class size recommended by the government, this figure jumps to 54 percent. All this means that India is facing a severe shortage of faculty members. But it is not just low pay and lack of facilities that are being blamed. According to a government report publishedlast year, a massive expansion in higher **bined with a poor supply of PhD's, delays in recruitment and the lack of incentives to attract and nurture talent has led to a situation in which 40 percent of existing faculty positions remain vacant. The report's authors, mostly academics, found that if the shortfall is calculated using the class size recommended by the government, this figure jumps to 54 percent.Experts say this is the clearest sign that India will fail to meet the goal set by the education minister, who has pledged to more than double the size of the country's higher education system by 2020. They say that while the ambition is laudable, the absence of a long-term strategy to develop faculty will ensure that India's education dream remains just that.Mr. Ali of Indian institute of technology in Delhi, meanwhile, was more optimistic. He felt India could enroll as much as 25 percent of eligible students in colleges and universities - about twice the current figure - by the end of this decade. "Tangible changes are happening," he said. "The debate that has happened in the last few years has taken people out of **fort zones. There is more consensus across the board that we need to scale quality education."SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 25答案:在印度首都其中一所比较好的大学里,仅有一间大房间供140名教员休息,喝咖啡和批改作业。



笔译二级实务模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. English-Chinese Translation 2. Chinese-English TranslationPART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points)This part consists of two sections: SECTIONA 1 “Compulsory Translation”and SECTION 2 “Optional Translation”which comprises “Topic 1”and “Topic 2”. Translate the passage in SECTION 1 and your choice from passages in SECTION 2 into Chinese. Write “Compulsory Translation”above your translation of SECTION 1 and write “Topic 1”or “Topic 2”above your translation of the passage from SECTION 2. The time for this part is 100 minutes.SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)1. A few months back, Desalegn Godebo’s wife descended into a feverish delirium. “It was as if she were mad, “he said, shuddering at the memory.”she was scratching me like a crazy woman.”Before a new road was built through this village, Godebo would have loaded his wife onto his back and hiked six hours along narrow dirt paths to the small city of Awasa. Instead, he lifted her into a truck for the one-hour ride to town. Her condition was diagnosed as malaria and typhoid. She is well now and back home caring for their baby. The dirt-and-gravel road may look like a timeless feature of the Great Rift Valley (东非大裂谷). But it is part of a huge public road-building project that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations on earth into modernity. The people who live along it divide time into two eras: Before the Road and After the Road. Because of the road, people can take their sick to the hospital and their children to distant schools. Farmers like Godebo who had only their own feet or a donkey’s back for transport can now transport their crops to market. Ethiopia, an agricultural society where most farmers still live more than a half-day’s walk from roads, has been especially hobbled by their absence. Support for roads in Africa, particularly from the World Bank, is growing again after a decade of decline in the 1990s. Then the bank reduced lending for roads. Road-building is coming back in style as a way to combat rural poverty in Africa. While no one expects roads alone to end the chronic hunger faced by millions of Ethiopians or the famines that loom periodically, most development experts agree that they are a precondition for progress and are essential to the success of the Green Revolution, which produces abundance in much of Asia but bypasses Africa.正确答案:几个月以前,德撒林?高德宝的妻子因发烧而精神错乱。



英语翻译二级口译实务模拟试题及答案解析(1)(1/2)Part ⅠInterpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.Play00:0009:14Volume第1题Seventeen years after the fall of the Berlin wall, a reunified Germany will throw open its doors to the world. Germany 2006 will be a place where people from all around the word will be welcomed by friends. The tournament is being held on the finest stage in the world, one whose symbolism far transcends the boundaries of sport. Hark back to Germany"s triumph at the 1954 FIFA World Cup in Switzerland, which sealed the country"s return to the international fold in the most beautiful manner possible. //In 2006, Germans will have the opportunity to rectify certain clichés and preconceived ideas. The world will have the chance to see what a fantastic country Germany truly is: the beauty and diversity of its landscapes, its rich cultural heritage and the intelligence and good humor of its people. As for the legendary German work ethic and organizational skills, I am pleased to say those perennial qualities are alive and well—and we at FIFA are only too happy to take advantage of them. //For at all levels, the overall investment in any World Cup tournament is immense. The event is financially supported by the German state, but also by the "lender" and the Host Cities. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my heartfelt thanks to all those who are currently working with such passion and commitment to make the occasion a memorable one. Today"s efforts will bear fruit tomorrow. German football, for example, will boast twelve spanking new or vastly improved stadiums in 2006. The whole German population too will benefit in terms of better transport and reception infrastructures. //Football clubs, schools and people all over the land have really got behind this great event, providing further proof, if any were needed, of the prominent role football plays in all our lives. In this respect I would like to congratulate the German Football Association for inviting people from all walls of life to take part in this great event. Like Mexico, Italy and France, Germany is now organizing its second FIFA World Cup. Back in 1974 when it first held the World Cup, only sixteen sides took part, including the now-defunct German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Zaire. The latter were the only representative from the African continent and conceded fourteen goals with no reply. //The 2006 tournament will be a vastly different affair. Thirty-two teams will have qualified, including five from Africa, all of whom now perform at a far higher level. These performances bear witness to FIFA" s efforts in the last quarter of a century to help me nations of the football world to compete on an equal footing. I will have the immense pleasure of welcoming you amongst my friends in Germany. We look forward to seeing you in 2006 to celebrate this unity! // 下一题(2/2)Part ⅠInterpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.Play00:0012:31第2题China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and techniques and advanced industrial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for China"s sustained growth and global competitiveness.There is no one good definition of what industrial automation is. Perhaps the best definition is a simple one: industrial automation is the use of electronics to control and monitor a process or machinery. While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate development of its industrial base and supporting infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step. Increases in productivity and efficiency are not possible without a high level of industrial automation.If we were to look at the growth in productivity of U.S. industry from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, two pivotal factors stand out. The first is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring of the American corporation. Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force.The second pivotal factor was the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes. Together these two elements led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency. These increases led the way to sustained growth in the U.S. economy, so that by the late 1980s and the early 1990s the U.S. economy was growing taster than that of Japan for the first time in several decades.China, which is now at its own critical industrial and management systems crossroads, can borrow from some of these experiences. China has an unparalleled opportunity to adopt advanced industrial automation as this technology moves into the new millennium and into the information era.The future of industrial automation will be a networked future with a great reliance on wireless connectivity. Utilization of effective and open networks such as DeviceNet, ControiNet and Ethernet/IP, with their ability to connect to the Internet, allows for continuous control and feedback from the factory floor to the management office and beyond.The factory floor and the management office can be linked continuously and in real time with suppliers, sales force and customers. Every part of this chain will be able to monitor, input to and adjust the manufacturing process and supporting activities.The future of industrial automation will also very much be linked to software that is an open platform and is multifunctional. The right software package provides tremendous flexibility and agility in the manufacturing process.Industrial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and even to the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the "Information Enabled Enterprise" can be managed in a more flexible, integrated, and efficient manner.上一题下一题(1/2)Part ⅡInterpret the following passages from Chinese into English. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.Play00:0011:23Volume下面你将听到一段有关中美贸易关系的讲话。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 Points)This section consists of three parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.Part 1 Vocabulary SelectionIn this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C, D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. The streets of the Dual Springs neighborhood, a migrant-worker hub in northern Beijing, are ______. That's no surprise; more than 13,000 people have been quarantined in China's capital to halt the insidious spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).A. desertedB. vacatedC. unlived inD. removed2. In many ______ a lack of direction prompted the Republican Guard to call it a day.A. occasionsB. casesC. eventsD. days3. They did considerable work to ______ the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.A. allowB. acquaintC. notifyD. propagate4. My mother says a teaching machine has to be _____ to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.A. modifiedB. consideredC. adjustedD. remanufactured5. The big retailers are starting to think small, too. Sainsbury's and Tesco have launched convenience-store chains, called Local and Express, respectively - that have fast become _____ in British towns.A. ubiquitousB. establishedC. frequentedD. known6. The solidarity among the young, especially the 386 Generation, is so strong that it's helping to _____ the country's deep-rooted regional divide.A. enhanceB. dissolveC. weakenD. move7. The Wright brothers continued their flying in France and _____ all who saw them.A. saddenedB. frightenedC. astonishedD. alarmed8. We are will aware of the responsibilities that necessarily _____ to our office.A. attachB. confrontsC. givenD. face9. People say that what we are all _____ is a meaning for life, but I don't think that's what we all look for.A. seeingB. seekingC. watchingD. looking10. When Joe was left to live with those people, he found that they were so ____ of life that he couldn't stay with themA. painfulB. disdainfulC. meaningfulD. fruitful11. When you make the sacrifice in marriage, the psychologists say, you're sacrificing not to each other but to ______ in a relationship.A. unityB. utilityC. fraternityD. reality12. The constant changes in fashion, _____ with a view to higher sales, made greater demands on women as a class.A. predictedB. dictatedC. statedD. related13. It is easy to see why many little girls prefer to _____ with the male role, but the girl who does find the male role more attractive is faced with a dilemma.A. beautifyB. modifyC. identifyD. justify14. If we can _____ any kind of killing in the name of religion, the door is opened for all kinds of other justifications.A. purifyB. satisfyC. justifyD. verify15. I could easily perceive that his heart burnt to relieve his starving kids, but he seemed ashamed to ______ his inability to me.A. discoverB. recoverC. demonstrateD. impress16. It is a dangerous thing nowadays if you do not _____ others at arm's length, for they may hit you below the belt any time.A. bakeB. keepC. takeD. make17. I will never _____ the experiences of the four years at Howard University, though there were unhappy encounters.A. dischargeB. rechargeC. discardD. dispose18. We should not _____ the West, nor should we praise it to the skies and think great of everything that belongs to the West.A. forgiveB. forsakeC. forlornD. forage19. Bill Gates is one of those who are said to be _______, able to rack huge profits at every turn.A. on the shipB. on the planeC. on the gravy trainD. on the rocks20. He aimed at finding some workable _____ with a man who was a celebrity not only in the inward-reflecting world of Oxford but in the larger world outside.A. neighborhoodB. workmanshipC. relationshipD. craftsmanshipPart 2 Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C, D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21. It wasn't long before Franks was a marked man. After he served in Desert Storm, directing helicopter and ground units, the Army's high command gave him the job of remaking the service for the post-cold war world.A. a person whose conduct is watched with suspicion or hostilityB. a man destined to succeedC. a remarkable personD. a notable person22. The most notorious expression of that change was last year's bootleg publication of "The Japan That Can Say No" - the book written by right-wing politician Shintaro Ishihara and Sony chairman Akio Morita.A. free publicationB. pirate publicationC. lawful publicationD. commercial publication23. "No," Kojima said, "the point is, he spoke out, he stood up to America. Japan is just getting tired of being pushed around."A. he stood up and spoke to the American audienceB. he faced America boldlyC. he challenged AmericaD. he met the Americans' challenge proudly24. Traffic with criminals is dangerous.A. dealing with criminalsB. tracking the criminalsC. fighting the criminalsD. transporting criminals25. Some - such as liquid oxygen - are so cold that they embrittle many constructional materials and evaporate continuously if not refrigerated.A. weakenB. strengthenC. reduceD. cause … to become brittle26. A "Backgrounder" permits newspapermen to publish information given them though without attribution to the source.A. a person who remains behind the sceneB. a person providing the background knowledgeC. a press conferenceD. a news agency27. Is it possible that the entire tale is but a garbled account of that voyage and Biarni another name for LeifA. detailedB. plausibleC. distortedD. eye-witness28. Isolated cases of disaffection - or harbingers of a mass cross-border movement that threatens Europe's economic stability The question is pressing.A. signB. forerunnerC. messengerD. vanguard29. The man we met this morning grows many kinds of plants in his garden, most of which are flowers including succulents and cacti.A. risesB. raisesC. plantsD. plows30. The scientist contested the assumption of previous scientists that the fate of human beings could not be predicated.A. respectedB. supposedC. suspectedD. assumed31. One's knowledge of the world, according to humanists, is largely derived by observation, experience and their analysis of the things they observe and experience.A. come fromB. determinedC. resulted inD. resulted from32. In the last 10 years we have all witnessed an impressive growth in our knowledge about the environments.A. imperativeB. observableC. sustainableD. expressive33. In our culture and in our eyes success all too often means simply outdoing other people by virtue of achievement judged by some single scale - income or honors - and coming out at "the top".A. outfittingB. outbiddingC. outragingD. outshining34. Social taboos remained strong. Gambling was virtually prohibited except on the racecourses, and drinking of alcohol was discouraged by the closing of hotels at six o'clock and by the shortage of bottle beer.A. factuallyB. eventuallyC. consequentlyD. significantly35. Everyone must be responsible for their own behavior, and most of the young people today are interested, as far as I can perceive, in taking their knocks, just as adults must take theirs.A. taking their jobsB. sharing their ideas27. Is it possible that the entire tale is but a garbled account of that voyage and Biarni another name for LeifA. detailedB. plausibleC. distortedD. eye-witness28. Isolated cases of disaffection - or harbingers of a mass cross-border movement that threatens Europe's economic stability The question is pressing.A. signB. forerunnerC. messengerD. vanguard29. The man we met this morning grows many kinds of plants in his garden, most of which are flowers including succulents and cacti.A. risesB. raisesC. plantsD. plows30. The scientist contested the assumption of previous scientists that the fate of human beings could not be predicated.A. respectedB. supposedC. suspectedD. assumed31. One's knowledge of the world, according to humanists, is largely derived by observation, experience and their analysis of the things they observe and experience.A. come fromB. determinedC. resulted inD. resulted from32. In the last 10 years we have all witnessed an impressive growth in our knowledge about the environments.A. imperativeB. observableC. sustainableD. expressive33. In our culture and in our eyes success all too often means simply outdoing other people by virtue of achievement judged by some single scale - income or honors - and coming out at "the top".A. outfittingB. outbiddingC. outragingD. outshining34. Social taboos remained strong. Gambling was virtually prohibited except on the racecourses, and drinking of alcohol was discouraged by the closing of hotels at six o'clock and by the shortage of bottle beer.A. factuallyB. eventuallyC. consequentlyD. significantly35. Everyone must be responsible for their own behavior, and most of the young people today are interested, as far as I can perceive, in taking their knocks, just as adults must take theirs.A. taking their jobsB. sharing their ideasC. assuming their responsibilitiesD. shaking off their responsibilitiesPart 3 Correcting Grammatical ErrorsThis part consists of 15 sentences in which there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C, D. You are to select the ONE choice and replace the underlined element(s) so that the error is erased and corrected. There is only one right answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.36. A survey asked British mums who work outside the home what they would most like for Mother's Day. And what did they reply "Flowers Chocolates Dinner in Paris " No, what 72% wanted was this: a little bit of time for mother.A. to myselfB. to momC. for momD. by myself37. Of course, nobody ever thought the prime minister's job shall be easy.A. wouldB. couldC. willD. should38. Downing Street is fighting fiercely for something it hopes it shall control: its reputation. "[The BBC] is now saying, 'Nobody ever said the prime minister told a lie,' but that's exactly what they're saying," Alastair Campbell, Blair's director of communications, told Newsweek. "That's pretty heavy."A. couldB. wouldC. canD. will39. The made-in-America idea of the global brand has built a name that people will buy on faith, and the pioneer was Coca-Cola.A. is buildingB. is to buildC. was to buildD. was building40. For the least, American roots are no longer an easy selling point. Through much of the postwar period, US brands could play off this cachet; Levi's ad campaigns used wholesome themes of boy-meets-girl in a heartland American setting until the early 1990s.A. At leastB. At the leastC. At mostD. At the most41. For me and my other classmates, trying to fathom what happened to our old school friend, we may never know if we really would grow up with a future terrorist.A. grow upB. are growing upC. grew upD. shall grow up42. When I was an editor, I always preferred to apologise promptly, what the merits of the case, rather than face the expense and, importantly, the time consuming complexities and debilitating worry of litigation, libel being one of the least satisfactory branches of the law.A. whichever, more importantlyB. whatever, more importantC. whichever, more important C. whatever, more importantly43. One morning my patience was growing thin during Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake.A. whenB. asC. whileD. whenever44. One of the key features of CBI is the use of authentic "input" - in other words, "real" reading but listening material: magazine and newspaper articles, poems, short stories, brochures, excerpts from textbooks written for native speakers of English, radio interviews, lectures, and advertisements.A. andB. orC. and/orD. Nil45. In each person's life there are three stages. When one was young, people said, "He will do something." As he grew older and did nothing, they said, "He could do something if he found himself." When he was white-haired, people said of him, "He might do something if he could try anything."A. He should have done something if he has tried somethingB. He would have done something if he should have tried anythingC. He might do something if he would try something.D. He might have done something if he had tried anything46. China not only will endeavor to curb its population growth, but will also upgrade the education of its citizens.A. will not only … but also willB. will not only … but also willC. will not only … but alsoD. not only … but will also47. Of course, the notion suspects that while people work 50 weeks a year, their output is greater than they work 46or 47 weeks.A. p redicts … even ifB. assumes … ifC. assumes … whenD. predicts … when48. If they will not be able to reach agreement before the conference, they shall lose a good opportunity of involving themselves to do the project.A. will be unable … to involvingB. are unable … to involveC. are not be able … to involveD. will be able … to involving49. I was standing behind him and I did see Sandra handing the letter to Joe.A. handB. has handedC. handedD. was handing50. The President was talking to all the department heads while a group of unexpected important clients had arrived for a talk with him.A. when … were arrivingB. as … had arrivedC. when … arrivingD. when … arrivedSection 2: Reading Comprehension (50 Points, 70 minutes)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four (A. B.C and D) suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage.To Err Is Humanby Lewis ThomasEveryone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributionsare mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the wrong bills, utility companies write that they're turning everything off, that sort of thing. If you manage to get in touch with someone and complain,you then get instantaneously typed, guilty letters from the same computer, saying, "Our computer was in error, and an adjustment is being made in your account."These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents. Mistakes are not believed to be the normal behavior of a good machine. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key. The computer, at its normal best, is infallible.I wonder whether this can be true. After all, the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain, vastly improved upon but nonetheless human, superhuman maybe. A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess, and some of them have even been programmed to write obscure verse. They can do anything we can do, and more besides.It is not yet known whether a computer has its own consciousness, and it would be hard to find out about this. When you walk into one of those great halls now built for the huge machines, and standing listening, it is easy to imagine that the faint, distant noises are the sound of thinking, and the turning of the spools gives them the look of wild creatures rolling their eyes in the effort to concentrate, choking with information. But real thinking, and dreaming, are other matters. On the other hand, the evidence of something like an unconscious, equivalent to ours, are all around, in every mail. As extensions of the human brain, they have been constructed the same property of error, spontaneous, uncontrolled, and rich in possibilities.51. The title of the writing "To Err Is Human" implies thatA. making mistakes is confined only to human beings.B. every human being cannot avoid making mistakes.C. all human beings are always making mistakes.D. every human being is born to make bad mistakes.52. The first paragraph implies thatA. computer errors are so obvious that one can hardly prevent it from happening.B. the computer is so capable of making errors that none of them is avoidable.C. computers make such errors as miscalculation and inaccurate reporting.D. Computers can't think so their errors are natural and unavoidable.53. The author uses his hypothesis that "computers represents an extension of the human brain" in order to indicate thatA. human beings are not infallible, nor are computers.B. computers are bound to make as many errors as human beings.C. errors made by computers can be avoided the same as human mistakes can be avoided.D. computers are made by human beings and so are their errors.54. The rhetoric the author employed in writing the third paragraph, especially the sentence "A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess…" is usually referred to in writing asA. climaxB. personificationC. hyperboleD. onomatopoeia55. The author compared the faint and distant sound of the computer to the sound of thinking and regarded it as the product ofA. dreaming and thinkingB. some property of errorsC. consciousnessD. possibilitiesQuestions 56-60 are based on the following passage.The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Americanby Jeff SmithOur real American foods have come from our soil and have been used by many groups -- those who already lived here and those who have come here to live. The Native Americans already had developed an interesting cuisine using the abundant foods that were so prevalent.The influence that the English had upon our national eating habits is easy to see. They were a tough lot, those English, and they ate in a tough manner. They wiped their mouths on the tablecloth, if there happened to be one, and they ate until you would expect them to burst. European travelers to this country in those days were most often shocked by American eating habits, which included too much fat and too much salt and too much liquor. Not much has changed! And, the Revolutionists refused to use the fork since it marked them as Europeans. The fork was not absolutely common on the American dinner table until about the time of the Civil War, the 1860s. Those English were a tough lot.Other immigrant groups added their own touches to the preparation of our New World food products. The groups that came still have a special sense of self-identity through their ancestral heritage, but they see themselves as Americans. This special self-identity through your ancestors who came from other lands was supposed to disappear in this country. The term melting pot was first used in reference to America in the late 1700s, so this belief that we would all become the same has been with us for a long time. Thank goodness it has never worked. The various immigrant groups continue to add flavor to the pot, all right, but you can pick out the individual flavors easily.The largest ancestry group in America is the English. There are more people in America who claim to have come from English blood than there are in England. But is their food English Thanks be to God, it is not! It is American. The second largest group is the Germans, then the Irish, theAfro-Americans, the French, the Italians, the Scottish, and the Polish. The Mexican and American Indian groups are all smaller than any of the above, though they were the original cooks in this country.56. Which of the following statements is nearly identical in meaning with the sentence "they ate until you would expect them to burst" in the second paragraphA. You bet they would never stop to eat till they are full.B. What you can expect is that they would not stop eating unless there was no more food.C. The only thing you would expect is that they wouldn't stop eating till they had had enough of the food.D. the only thing is that they wouldn't stop eating till they felt sick.57. Which of the following statements is Not trueA. English people had bad table manners.B. American food was exclusively unique in its flavors and varieties.C. American diet contained a lot of fat, salt and liquor.D. Europeans were not at all accustomed to the American way of eating.58. The author's attitude towards the American food is thatA. American food is better than foods from other countries.B. American food is superior to European foods.C. the European food had helped enrich the flavors and varieties of the American foods.D. people from other countries could still identify from the American foods the food that was unique to their countries.59. Immigrant groups, when they got settled down in the United States, still have had their own sense of self-identity becauseA. their foods are easily identified among all the foods Americans eat.B. their foods stand out in sharp contrast to foods of other countries.C. they know pretty well what elements of the American food are of their own countries' origin.D. they know pretty well how their foods contribute to American cuisine.60. Which of the following statements is trueA. People from other cultures or nations start to lose their self-identity once they get settled down in America.B. The "melting pot" is supposed to melt all the foods but in reality it doesn't.C. The special sense of self-identity of people from other countries can't maintain once they become Americans.D. The "melting pot" finds it capable of melting all the food traditions into the American tradition.Questions 61-64 are based on the following passage."It's like being bitten to death by ducks." That's how one mother described her constant squabbles with her eleven-year-old daughter. And she's hardly alone in the experience. The arguments almost always involve mundane matters - taking out the garbage, coming home on time, cleaning up the bedroom. But despite its banality, this relentless bickering takes its adolescents - particularly mothers - report lower levels of life satisfaction, less marital happiness, andmore general distress than parents of younger children. Is this continual arguing necessaryFor the past two years, my students and I have been examining the day-to-day relationships of parents and young teenagers to learn how and why family ties change during the transition from childhood into adolescence. Repeatedly, I am struck by the fact that, despite considerable love between most teens and their parents, they can't help sparring. Even in the closest of families, parents and teenagers squabble and bicker surprisingly often - so often, in fact, that we hear impassioned recountings of these arguments in virtually every discussion we have with parents or teenagers. One of the most frequently heard phrases on our interview tapes is, "We usually get along but …"As psychologist Anne Petersen notes, the subject of parent-adolescent conflict has generated considerable controversy among researchers and clinicians. Until about twenty years ago, our views of such conflict were shaped by psychoanalytic clinicians and theorists, who argued that spite and revenge, passive aggressiveness and rebelliousness toward parents are all normal, even healthy, aspects of adolescence. But studies conducted during the 1970s on samples of average teenagers and their parents (rather than those who spent Wednesday afternoons on analysts' couches) challenged the view that family storm and stress was inevitable or pervasive. These surveys consistently showed that three-fourths of all teenagers and parents, here and abroad, feel quite close to each other and report getting along very well. Family relations appeared far more pacific than professionals and the public had believed.61. According to the passage, parents and teenagers are always at loggerheads with each other overA. the careless attitude of teenagers toward their parents' work pressure.B. who should take the lion's share of the housework.C. the finger-pointing attitude of the parents toward their children.D. disagreements on each other's behavioral patterns.62. The parents-children relationship changes from the relative positive to the relative negative whenA. the children reach 7 or 8 years of age.B. the children reach 13 or 14 years of age.C. the parents begin to have too many household responsibilities.D. the parents begin to feel there is too much burden in the house.63. Studies conducted during the 1970s on parents-children relationship indicated thatA. adolescence did not cause as much trouble as clinicians and theorists had stated.B. Children's aggressiveness and rebelliousness were growing.C. Children-parents relationship was declining.D. teenagers became even more abhorrent of their parents.64. The author's own discoveries from the day-to-day relationships of parents and young teenagers indicate thatA. storm and stress between the parents and the teenagers are normal.B. storm and conflicts are unavoidable.C. parents can never avoid the conflicts unless they love their children.D. parents' strictness lead to their children's disapproval of them.Questions 65-71 are based on the following passage.Questions of education are frequently discussed as if they bore no relation to the social system in which and for which the education is carried on. This is one of the commonest reasons for the unsatisfactoriness of the answers. It is only within a particular social system that a system of education has any meaning. If education today seems to deteriorate, if it seems to become more and more chaotic and meaningless, it is primarily because we have no settled and satisfactory arrangement of society, and because we have both vague and diverse opinions about the kind of society we want. Education is a subject which cannot be discussed in a void: our questions raise other questions, social, economic, financial, political. And the bearings are on more ultimate problems even than these: to know what we want in education we must know what we want in general, we must derive our theory of education from our philosophy of life. The problem turns out to be a religious problem.One might almost speak of a "crisis" of education. There are particular problems for each country, for each civilization, just as there are particular problems for each parent; but there is also a general problem for the whole of the civilized world, and for the uncivilized so far as it is being taught by its civilized superiors; a problem which may be as acute in Japan, in China or in India as in Britain or Europe or America. The progress (I do not mean extension) of education for several centuries has been from one aspect a drift, from another aspect a push; for it has tended to be。



第三部分模拟试题英语二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案(一)Section1:English-Chinese Translation(50points)Translate the following two passages into Chinese.Passage1What exactly does globalization mean?Concepts related to globalization include“internationalization”,“multidomestic marketing”,and“multinational or transnational marketing”,suggesting that the basic criterion is transactions across national boundaries.In the marketing and strategic management literature, globalization is conceptualized as a means to gain competitive advantage by locating different stages of production in different geographic regions according to the particular region’s comparative advantage.This conceptualization focuses only on the economic aspects of globalization;social,cultural and political factors are only considered in the context of achieving economic advantage.Thus,being “culturally sensitive”in global markets is being able to sell one’s product with enough ingenuity to avoid possible pitfalls arising from the seller’s ignorance of local customs.International marketing textbooks discuss such cultural pitfalls in great detail;however,the cultural contest of globalization is always framed by the economy.Broader conceptualization of globalization can be found in other disciplines such as sociology and anthropology.Waters defined globalization as“a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangementsrecede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.”This conceptualization with its much broader scope,allows for the examination of a number of consequences of globalization,not jut economic but social,cultural and political ones.While there are a few different conceptualizations of globalization,researchers seem to be in agreement that there are at least three dimensions of globalization: economic,political and cultural.The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of goods and services.The need for cheap raw materials,cheap labor and new markets saw the expansion of the capitalist world economy from one that was primarily Eurocentric to one that encompassed the entire world.This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances in the new markets.The political aspects of globalization involved establishing control over markets and raw materials through either the use of direct military power or the establishment of international institutions that control such markets.The rise of the nation-state is an example of the political aspect of globalization,although it is argued that advances in telecommunications and information systems and the resulting constructions of institutions that transience territorial boundaries are making the nation-state obsolete.If the economic and political aspects of globalization involve material and power exchanges,the cultural of globalization involves the expression of symbols that represents facts,meanings,beliefs,preferences,tastes and values.In fact,thesesymbolic exchanges are increasingly displacing economic and political exchanges in the spread of global mass culture.Traditional barriers of language pose no problems to modem means of cultural production such as satellite television and film.However,the new“global culture”,despite its manifestations through consumption of global products and symbols in different part of the globe,is essentially the culture of dominant groups centered in the West.参考译文全球化到底意味着什么?与全球化有关的概念包括“国际化”、“国内多国市场”以及“多国或跨国市场”意味着全球化的基本标准是跨国际的交易。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试:2021二级笔译真题模拟及答案(1)共552道题1、The phrase “out of sight and out of mind” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably means .(单选题)A. being unable to think properly for lack of insightB. being totally out of touch with business at homeC. missing opportunities for promotion when abroadD. leaving all care and worry behind试题答案:C2、Which of the following statements does NOT refer to smallpox?(单选题)A. Previous projects had failed.B. People are no longer vaccinated for it.C. The World Health Organization mounted a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.D. It was a serious threat.试题答案:A3、When the sun becomes a red giant, what will conditions be like on Earth?(单选题)A. Its atmosphere will freeze and become solidB. It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the sun.C. It will become too hot for life to exist.D. It will be nearly destroyed by nova explosions.试题答案:C4、What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?(单选题)A. Critical.B. Prejudiced.C. Indifferent.D. Positive.试题答案:D5、I’m sorry you’ve decided not to go with us on the river trip, but provided you change your mind, there will still be enough room on the boat for you.(单选题)A. even thoughB. neverthelessC. in the event thatD. provided if试题答案:C6、Evidence collected by the spacecraft on Mars shows some present volcanic action,though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant if not dead.(单选题)A. deceasedB. departedC. disappeared.D. extinct试题答案:D7、According to the passage, the sales tax is on all the following EXCEPT.(单选题)A. clothesB. desk padsC. children shoesD. portable computers试题答案:D8、Why is the problem of drinking and driving difficult to solve?(单选题)A. Alcohol is easily obtained.B. Drinking is linked to organized crime.C. Legal prohibition has already failed.D. Legislation alone is not sufficient.试题答案:D9、In the world of sport, the four-minute mile-the “dream mile”-until recently was the most intriguing goal remaining to the individual athlete.(单选题)A. daringB. demandingC. thought-provokingD. fascinating试题答案:D10、I want the light fittings to be ______ the ceiling.(单选题)A. flat onB. flush withC. parallel toD. level in试题答案:B11、The “Mozart problem”, as defined by the author, is that.(单选题)A. it is difficult to understand Mozart’s letters and his musicB. there is little connection between his personality and his musicC. Mozart gave us nothing of a clue about his music in his lettersD. his music is quite different from that of Beethoven or Wagner试题答案:B12、Louis Pasteur is often credited with founding the science of bacteriology.(单选题)A. agreed withB. attributed withC. confided inD. put up with试题答案:B13、One can narrow the search by specifying the range of employees, revenue and export figures, accepting only those companies that fall within the requested area.(单选题)A. avenueB. importC. compensateD. earnings试题答案:D14、For what was the doctor in the passage charged?(单选题)A. For his incompetence.B. For his unnecessary services to the patients.C. For unusually large number of night visits.D. All the above.试题答案:D15、The tall fellow over there is no others but the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself.(单选题)A. no other butB. no one thanC. no other thanD. none other than试题答案:D16、In the United States, the postal service belongs to ______.(单选题)A. a private companyB. the governmentC. road-building enterprisesD. national integration试题答案:B17、When the author wrote “KEXP did not release numbers” in Paragraph 4, he or she most probably meant that KEXP did not.(单选题)A. label the musical products with numbersB. disclose how many songs it ever recordedC. tell the author how much it paid the lawyerD. reveal how much it paid to each of the bands试题答案:D18、The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.(单选题)A. tumbleB. jeopardizeC. manipulateD. intimidate试题答案:B19、According to Paragraph 2, a podcast is to radio broadcasting is TiVo is to television.(单选题)A. thatB. whatC. withD. which试题答案:B20、Which of the following sentences is the main idea of this passage?(单选题)A. Children in the Old Country are not as happy as their counterparts in America.B. America is a country in which the concept of children is more emphasized than any other countries in the world.C. Adults in America are becoming increasingly useless.D. Adults should learn from their children because they are more energetic.试题答案:B21、Production of complex molecules is accomplished by replication.(单选题)A. duplicationB. synthesisC. fixationD. reproduction试题答案:A22、The main difference between deserved-punishment and corrective justice is .(单选题)A. the latter is for non-punishment equalityB. the latter hates “an eye for an eye” equality of punishmentC. the latter places the criminal’s equal rights in life above everything elseD. the latter focuses on both reforming the criminal and giving him new opportunities in society试题答案:D23、Which of the following conclusions does information in Paragraph 2 support?(单选题)A. Men are more susceptible to colds than women.B. Women having babies are more susceptible to colds.C. People who live in a cold climate have more colds than those who live in a warm one.D. People who don’t have children are more susceptible to colds than those who do in their thirties or forties.试题答案:B24、Because our work is very busy, so we need to relax at midday.(单选题)A. We are very busy,B. Our work being busy,C. Our work so very busy,D. Because our work so very busy,试题答案:B25、The underlined word “reversing” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.(单选题)A. setbackB. strikeC. overturnD. relapse试题答案:C26、Which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. Scientists have solved the mystery about the fish killer.B. More studies need to be made about the fish killer.C. It is proved that the algae are reducing fish populations.D. Humans have already been affected by the toxin.试题答案:B27、Reporters and photographers alike took great ______ at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.(单选题)A. annoyanceB. offenceC. resentmentD. irritation试题答案:B28、What were the aunt’s emotions as described in the fourth paragraph?(单选题)A. Sadness and despairB. Guilt and remorseC. Fear and revulsionD. Indifference and callousness试题答案:A29、When he was told that he scored 58 in the final examination, he was in a comfort of remorse.(单选题)A. a distressB. a sufferingC. an agonyD. a misery试题答案:C30、According to the passage, what was the strategy used to eliminate the spread of smallpox?(单选题)A. Vaccinations of entire villages.B. Treatment of individual victims.C. Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations.D. Extensive reporting of outbreaks.试题答案:C31、The local authorities realized the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programs.(单选题)A. provisionB. preparationC. requirementD. specification试题答案:A32、Mr. Verenda Smith is most probably a.(单选题)A. governmental employee working at the Federation of Tax AdministratorsB. free-lance PR officer representing the Federation of Tax AdministratorsC. Federation of Tax Administrators employee dealing with the governmentD. PR officer running between the government and the Federation of Tax Administrator:试题答案:C33、A valiant guerrilla soldier was killed yesterday.(单选题)A. slenderB. haughtyC. braveD. insane试题答案:C34、You know the narrator understood his aunt’s feelings because .(单选题)A. he had invited her to accompany him to see his fatherB. he could see she was getting oldC. be had once loved herD. he knew she quarreled with him to cover her feelings试题答案:D35、Rarely be seen, the white mountain goat is an extremely sure-footed animal that escapes from its predators by living in the most rugged, rocky landscapes.(单选题)A. Having been rarely seenB. Rarely to be seenC. Rarely seenD. Being rarely seen试题答案:C36、“Mozart’s can” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to.(单选题)A. his human feelings can be understoodB. Mozart’s music can be analyzed carefullyC. his harmonies, rhythms, etc. can be separated from one anotherD. his musical language can be separated from his personality试题答案:D37、Which of the following is NOT true of the treatment with more and more understanding of phobia?(单选题)A. New medicines that can get rid of the fear in the brain.B. New psychological methods that can help people not fear.C. New medicines that can remove phobia in six-hour period.D. The method that can help people overcome phobia by facing fearful things.试题答案:C38、A “disk jockey” is most possibly a .(单选题)A. disk playing deviceB. joker playing disksC. broadcasting workerD. hockey player on radio试题答案:C39、Never before did so many people been out of work as today.(单选题)A. More than ever beforeB. Never before haveC. In the past, there never haveD. Formerly, there never were试题答案:B40、The writer leads us to conclude that if he had been encouraged to speak Spanish in school, he might.(单选题)A. have known what to do before the game.B. have offered tacos to the Churchill team.C. not have felt so inferior to the whites.D. have played better basketball with his friends.试题答案:C41、Johannes Gutenberg’s invention probably refers to ______.(单选题)A. printing technologyB. transportation technologyC. the Reformation and the EnlightenmentD. industrial revolution试题答案:A42、You know the narrator understood his aunt’s feelings because .(单选题)A. he had invited her to accompany him to see his fatherB. he could see she was getting oldC. be had once loved herD. he knew she quarreled with him to cover her feelings试题答案:D43、CNN did take the time to ______ viewers on how to donate to the Democratic National Committee via a website.(单选题)A. instructB. teachC. tellD. show试题答案:A44、Hoof-and-mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by slaughtering affected herds of cattle.(单选题)A. isolatingB. testingC. vaccinatingD. killing试题答案:D45、Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2?(单选题)A. Because of their characteristics as double organisms, it is difficult to classify lichens.B. Over 15,000 varieties of lichens have been identified.C. Double organisms should always be classified as separate species.D. Taxonomists always find it difficult to classify new species of plants.试题答案:A46、It was as a physician that he represented himself, and ______ he was warmly received.(单选题)A. as suchB. such asC. as thatD. so that试题答案:A47、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(单选题)A. World Health OrganizationB. Eradication of SmallpoxC. Smallpox VaccinationsD. Infectious Diseases试题答案:B48、When she called me a thief, I decided to sue her for ______.(单选题)A. ridiculeB. scandalC. slanderD. encumber试题答案:C49、These conventional techniques were applied over the centuries.(单选题)A. employedB. exploredC. manipulatedD. innovated试题答案:A50、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(单选题)A. The models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.B. Some online fashion stores still make profits.C. There are online stores in Italy that make money.D. Sweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.试题答案:D51、The lenient decision of the dean caused anger among the professors.(单选题)A. correctB. undulyC. arbitraryD. unsatisfied试题答案:C52、The phrase “giant retailer” in Paragraph 4 refers most poosibly to.(单选题)A. Wal-MartB. a dry countyC. ArkansasD. corporate headquarters试题答案:A53、Obviously, “John in the Morning” is a broadcasting program that can be described by any of the following EXCEPT.(单选题)A. mixing musical works of various typesB. having a variety of musical productionsC. airing different styles of songs and musicD. being independent with only mainstream music试题答案:D54、The tall fellow over there is no others but the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself.(单选题)A. no other butB. no one thanC. no other thanD. none other than试题答案:D55、The prisoner has been ______ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy.(单选题)A. ensuredB. informedC. convincedD. deprived试题答案:D56、Before writing a book, the first thing is considering what to say.(单选题)A. you must first ponder what to say and what not to be said carefullyB. it’s extremely necessary that you know what to sayC. the first thing is to consider what to sayD. you must first ponder what to say and what not to say试题答案:D57、The word “workaholic” is used in the passage to have.(单选题)A. a positive implicationB. a negative implicationC. a neutral meaningD. a satirical meaning试题答案:A58、According to the passage, it seems that one can have more sales tax benefits in.(单选题)A. New Mexico than in MassachusettsB. Massachusetts than in New MexicoC. Massachusetts than any other nine statesD. the District of Columbia than in Massachusetts试题答案:B59、When she returned back abroad, Fay M. Zhang told us all about her experience as an illegal immigrant.(单选题)A. comeB. forC. fromD. back from试题答案:C60、Which of the following can be inferred about Russia?(单选题)A. Russia needed to compete with other European countries in EMS.B. There were no private courier services in Russia.C. The postal administration in Russia linked with the network long ago.D. Russia was quite hesitant in the international cooperation.试题答案:B61、The phrase “selling point” in Paragraph 4 most probably means that orderliness ______.(单选题)A. is something that can help them sell their products wellB. really benefits the DanesC. is the feature that makes the goods attractive to the buyerD. makes the Danes very much like the Germans or the Swedes试题答案:B62、The recent test in Britain shows that.(单选题)A. EMS provides better services than the private couriersB. the private couriers are as cheap as EMSC. the private couriers are faster than EMSD. EMS is always cheaper than the private couriers试题答案:A63、In the world of sport, the four-minute mile-the “dream mile”-until recently was the most intriguing goal remaining to the individual athlete.(单选题)A. daringB. demandingC. thought-provokingD. fascinating试题答案:D64、What does the author claim about the study discussed in the passage?(单选题)A. It contains many inconsistencies.B. It specializes in children.C. It contradicts the results of earlier studies in the field.D. Its results apparently are relevant for the population as a whole.试题答案:D65、According to the passage, Wal-Mart is a .(单选题)A. restaurant groupB. business interestC. real estate developerD. grocery chains owner试题答案:B66、Which of the following names is NOT used for EMS?(单选题)A. DatapostB. ChronopostC. Al-Barid al MumtazD. TNT Skypack试题答案:D67、For all its extremes, Venus is a(n) incalculable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth.(单选题)A. invaluableB. valuableC. valueD. valueless试题答案:A68、He plays tennis to the______ of all other sports.(单选题)A. eradicationB. exclusionC. extensionD. inclusion试题答案:B69、According to the passage, scientists can’t observe some of the earliest steps in brain activity becausee.(单选题)A. those changes are subtle and masked by some reactionsB. subtle changes in blood flow began earlierC. the imaging techniques are out of placeD. the flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain is slow试题答案:A70、The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than necessary.(单选题)A. is necessaryB. being necessaryC. to be necessaryD. it is necessary试题答案:A71、The research done by Israeli researchers shows that the initial reaction-the direct transfer of oxygen from blood cells to neurons-.(单选题)A. occurred in the tenth of a secondB. occurred after the first-tenth of a secondC. could not be observed by conventional imagingD. could be observed by conventional imaging试题答案:C72、But for the leadership of the Party,we will not make such great success.(单选题)A. can not have madeB. will not makeC. could not have madeD. would not make试题答案:C73、It was as a physician that he represented himself, and ______ he was warmly received.(单选题)A. as suchB. such asC. as thatD. so that试题答案:A74、In the Latin American countries, titles and degrees lend prestige and social status to the individual.(单选题)A. achievementB. certificateC. knowledgeD. honor试题答案:D75、The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to.(单选题)A. cancelled NHSB. emergent visits to his patients at any timeC. night visits to the home of his patientsD. night walks out of his home试题答案:C76、He is too young to be able to ______ between right and wrong.(单选题)A. discardB. discernC. disperseD. disregard试题答案:B77、He plays tennis to the______ of all other sports.(单选题)A. eradicationB. exclusionC. extensionD. inclusion试题答案:B78、I have no idea ______. Somebody has left it ______.(单选题)A. who’s candle is this; burningB. whose candle is this; burntC. who’s candle this is; burnD. whose candle this is; burning试题答案:D79、The phrase “out of sight and out of mind” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably means .(单选题)A. being unable to think properly for lack of insightB. being totally out of touch with business at homeC. missing opportunities for promotion when abroadD. leaving all care and worry behind试题答案:C80、He made a career of imitating famous people for night club audiences.(单选题)A. bringing outB. taking offC. making outD. getting at试题答案:B81、A work might be made of widely diverse and even discordant elements.(单选题)A. dissimilarB. unappealingC. unreliableD. distinctive试题答案:A82、What did the aunt feel toward the narrator’s father?(单选题)A. fearB. hateC. loveD. indifference试题答案:C83、We can assume from the last sentence of Paragraph 2 that the “Bible Belt”refers to .(单选题)A. states of people with religious facesB. a belt that was modeled on the BibleC. a region that was staunchly ChristianD. people who were once prohibitionists试题答案:C84、Laws recently introduced in some states have .(单选题)A. reduces the number of punishmentsB. resulted in fewer serious accidentsC. prevented bars from serving drunken customersD. specified the amount drivers can drink试题答案:B85、In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops and care for animals,a farmer must indeed be ______.(单选题)A. restlessB. skilledC. strongD. versatile试题答案:D86、The author thinks that Danes adopt a(n) ______ attitude towards their country.(单选题)A. boastfulB. unpretentiousC. deprecatingD. mysterious试题答案:B87、According to the passage, we come to know that large parts of the South have ______ alcohol sales in the last 73 years.(单选题)A. been most strict withB. been strictly limitless onC. been prohibitive toD. remained very strict试题答案:C88、The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to ______ that it wasa car.(单选题)A. ensureB. examineC. verifyD. testify试题答案:C89、The goal of the blogs in this case has been to confirm ______ that the report was fake, and then squeeze the truth out of the facts.(单选题)A. doubtsB. suspectsC. suspicionsD. uncertainty试题答案:C90、The word “literally” underlined in Paragraph 2 most probably means ______.(单选题)A. namelyB. superficiallyC. imaginativelyD. actually试题答案:D91、The discovery of new oil- fields in various parts of the country filled the government with ______ hope.(单选题)A. eternalB. infiniteC. ceaselessD. everlasting试题答案:B92、The crowd puffed up in the evening until the noise made by the people could be heard for miles.(单选题)A. shoutedB. cheeredC. grewD. scattered试题答案:C93、If you have phobia in general sense,.(单选题)A. you should get a specific object to fight back all other objects of fearB. it is beneficial for you to decide a single object of fearC. a single object you choose as a phobia may help stop other fearsD. a single object you choose as a phobia can stand for fear in your life试题答案:C94、What did the aunt mean when she said the narrator had begun “to give himself air”?(单选题)A. He had recently started doing deep-breathing exercises.B. His smoking polluted the air around him.C. He was trying to act sophisticated beyond his years.D. He was not showing proper grief his father’s illness.试题答案:C95、The accuracy of scientific observation and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist’s timekeeping methods.(单选题)A. under the control ofB. within the kindness ofC. beyond the reach ofD. out of the control of试题答案:A96、Hoof-and-mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by slaughtering affected herds of cattle.(单选题)A. isolatingB. testingC. vaccinatingD. killing试题答案:D97、According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(单选题)A. Transporting goods and people is the most important technology in the history of mankind.B. Technology in transporting goods and people has changed human conditions more than anything else.C. Technology in spreading information has changed human conditions more than transportation technology.D. Technology in spreading information can’t change the economic development of society.试题答案:C98、Every good story is carefully ______; the elements of the story reduced to fit with one another in order to make an effect on the reader.(单选题)A. emphasizedB. selectedC. plannedD. examined试题答案:C99、Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?(单选题)A. Study of Human BrainsB. Imaging TechniquesC. Contribution of Israeli ResearchersD. Fine-tuning Imaging of Brain Activity试题答案:D100、Louis Pasteur is often credited with founding the science of bacteriology.(单选题)A. agreed withB. attributed withC. confided inD. put up with试题答案:B101、It can be inferred from the passage that .(单选题)A. Drunken driving is not serious problem in America in the past decade.B. American strong man drink heavily.C. One with a 0. 02 blood alcohol content is considered a drunken driver.D. American people are tolerant of drunken slaughter.试题答案:C102、The word “cornered” underlined in the last paragraph means .(单选题)A. acquiredB. driven awayC. accumulatedD. contacted试题答案:A103、______ the future, I think we’ll just have to wait and see.(单选题)A. With regardB. As regardsC. In viewD. On reflection试题答案:B104、These conventional techniques were applied over the centuries.(单选题)A. employedB. exploredC. manipulatedD. innovated试题答案:A105、The selection is mainly about .(单选题)A. how the narrator’s father diedB. the inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherC. the narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherD. the narrator’s relationship with his aunt试题答案:B106、The word “edge” underlined in Paragraph 5 means .(单选题)A. something very sharpB. the outside limit or boundaryC. the degree of anger, nervousness or annoyanceD. a slight advantage over somebody试题答案:D107、Since man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity.(单选题)A. AsB. WhetherC. WhileD. Now that试题答案:C108、Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago hadthey even thought of a divorce, let alonehas gottenone.(单选题)A. gettingB. to getC. gottenD. get试题答案:C109、What did the aunt feel toward the narrator’s father?(单选题)A. fearB. hateC. loveD. indifference试题答案:C110、Which of the following generalizations do you think the writer would agree?(单选题)A. White people and Mexican Americans cannot get along with each other.B. Even a seemingly minor experience in the past can bother us in the present.C. People do always know how to respond to hurtful acts.D. People of other races should not watch the glamorized models of American TV mothers and fathers.试题答案:B111、The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean.(单选题)A. General PractionerB. General ProfessionC. General PracticeD. Graduate in Pharmacy试题答案:A112、No one was absent from the meeting, was there?(单选题)A. was sheB. weren’t sheC. were theyD. weren’t they试题答案:C113、Soon comics were so prevalent as to attract the attention of serious critics.(单选题)A. successfulB. prosperousC. widespreadD. persuasive试题答案:C114、The underlined word “booming” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.(单选题)A. largeB. thrivingC. frequentD. fast试题答案:B115、All the following terms that appear in Paragraph 2 refer roughly to the same as “tax-free shopping” EXCEPT.(单选题)A. shoppersB. tax breaksC. tax holidaysD. promotions试题答案:A116、It can be inferred from the passage that ______.(单选题)A. malaria and yellow fever have been reported this yearB. no new cases of smallpox have been reported this yearC. smallpox victims no longer die when they contract the diseaseD. smallpox is not transmitted from one person to another试题答案:B117、What is the author’s attitude to “avoidance”?(单选题)A. Avoiding the thing you fear will make you fear more.B. You can’t avoid all the fears in your life.C. You will feel better if you choose to avoid fear.D. Your fears can be got rid of if you try to avoid them.试题答案:A118、The most likely words that are omitted after “because you are” in Paragraph 2 are .(单选题)A. inside a burning furnaceB. caught in a whirlwindC. tortured by a tempestD. emotionally disturbed试题答案:A119、Which of the following statements is NOT true?(单选题)A. The increase in blood masked some of the subtle changes.B. It took three seconds after an event for the flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain.C. The body’s reaction was like watering the entire garden for the sake of one thirsty flower.D. Researchers will use new methods to study human brains because of the limit of conventional imaging techniques.试题答案:D120、The length of time active immunity lasts varies with different diseases,(单选题)A. changes withB. alternates withC. keeps up withD. gets along with试题答案:A121、All the following names are used to describe the organism EXCEPT ______.(单选题)A. dinoflagellateB. Pfiesteria piscimorteC. killer algaeD. a science fiction试题答案:D。



英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(1)(1/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第1题"Wisdom of the Crowd": The Myths and RealitiesAre the many wiser than the few? Phil Ball explores the latest evidence on what can make groups of people smarter—but can also make them wildly wrong.Is The Lord of the Rings the greatest work of literature of the 20th Century? Is The Shawshank Redemption the best movie ever made? Both have been awarded these titles by public votes. You don't have to be a literary or film snob to wonder about the wisdom of so-called "wisdom of the crowd",In an age routinely denounced as selfishly individualistic, it's curious that a great deal of faith still seems to lie with the judgment of the crowd, especially when it can apparently be far off the mark. Yet there is some truth underpinning the idea that the masses can make more accurate collective judgments than expert individuals. So why is a crowd sometimes right and sometimes disastrously wrong?The notion that a group's judgement can be surprisingly good was most compellingly justified in James Surowiecki's 2005 book The Wisdom of Crowds, and is generally traced back to an observation by Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton in 1907. Galton pointed out that the average of all the entries in a "guess the weight of the ox" competition at a country fair was amazingly accurate—beating not only most of the individual guesses but also those of alleged cattle experts. This is the essence of the wisdom of crowds: their average judgment converges on the right solution.Still, Surowiecki also pointed out that the crowd is far from infallible. He explained that one requirement for a good crowd judgement is that people's decisions are independent of one another. If everyone let themselves be influenced by each other's guesses, there's more chance that the guesses will drift towards a misplaced bias. This undermining effect of social influence was demonstrated in 2011 by a team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. They asked groups of participants to estimate certain quantities in geography or crime, about which none of them could be expected to have perfect knowledge but all could hazard a guess—the length of the Swiss-Italian border, for example, or the annual number of murders in Switzerland. The participants were offered modest financial rewards for good group guesses, to make sure they took the challenge seriously.The researchers found that, as the amount of information participants were given about each other's guesses increased, the range of their guesses got narrower, and the centre of this range could drift further from the true value. In other words, the groups were tending towards a consensus, to the detriment of accuracy.This finding challenges a common view in management and politics that it is best to seek consensus in group decision making. What you can end up with instead is herding towards a relatively arbitrary position. Just how arbitrary depends on what kind of pool of opinions you start off with, according to subsequent work by one of the ETH team, Frank Schweitzer, and his colleagues. They say that if the group generally has good initial judgement, social influence can refine rather than degrade their collective decision.No one should need warning about the dangers of herding among poorly informed decision-makers: copycat behaviour has been widely regarded as one of the major contributing factors to the financial crisis, and indeed to all financial crises of the past.The Swiss team commented that this detrimental herding effect is likely to be even greater for deciding problems for which no objectively correct answer exists, which perhaps explains how democratic countries occasionally elect such astonishingly inept leaders.There's another key factor that makes the crowd accurate, or not. It has long been argued that the wisest crowds are the most diverse. That's a conclusion supported in a 2004 study by Scott Page of the University of Michigan and Lu Hong of Loyola University in Chicago.They showed that, in a theoretical model of group decision-making, a diverse group of problem-solvers made a better collective guess than that produced by the group of best-performing solvers.In other words, diverse minds do better, when their decisions are averaged, than expert minds. In fact, here's a situation where a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. A study in 2011 by a team led by Joseph Simmons of the Yale School of Management in New Haven, Connecticut found that group predictions about American football results were skewed away from the real outcomes by the over-confidence of the fans' decisions, which biased them towards alleged "favourites" in the outcomes of games.All of these findings suggest that knowing who is in the crowd, and how diverse they are, is vital before you attribute to them any real wisdom.Could there also be ways to make an existing crowd wiser? Last month, Anticline Davis-Stober of the University of Missouri and his co-workers presented calculations at a conference on Collective Intelligence that provide a few answers.They first refined the statistical definition of what it means for a crowd to be wise—when, exactly, some aggregate of crowd judgments can be considered better than those of selected individuals. This definition allowed the researchers to develop guidelines for improving the wisdom of a group. Previous work might imply that you should add random individuals whose decisions are unrelated to those of existing group members. That would be good, but it's better still to add individuals who aren't simply independent thinkers but whose views are "negatively correlated"—as different as possible—from the existing members. In other words, diversity trumps independence.If you want accuracy, then, add those who might disagree strongly with your group. What do you reckon of the chances that managers and politicians will select such contrarian candidates to join them? All the same, armed with this information I intend to apply for a position in the Cabinet of the British government. They'd be wise not to refuse.下一题(2/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese.Part A Compulsory Translation第2题How much money can be made from trying to extract oil and gas from the layers of shale that lie beneath Britain?Answering that is proving to be a surprisingly difficult scientific question because knowing the basic facts about shale is not enough.The layers have been well mapped for years. In fact until recently geologists tended to regard shale as commonplace, even dull—a view that has obviously changed.The key tool is a seismic survey: sound waves are sent into the ground and the reflections reveal the patterns of the rocks. This describes where the shale lies but not much more.So we know, for example, that the Bowland Shale—which straddles northern England—covers a far smaller area than the massive shale formations of the United States but it is also much thicker than they are.That may mean that it is a potentially richer resource or that it is harder to exploit. Britain's geological history is long and tortured, so folds and fractures disrupt the shale layers, creating a more complex picture than across the Atlantic.To assess what the layers hold involves another step: wells have to be drilled into the rock to allow cores to be extracted so the shale can be analysed in more detail.As Ed Hough of the British Geological Survey told me: "We know the areas under the ground which contain gas and oil—what we don't know is how that gas and oil might be released from the different units of rock and extracted.""There's a lot of variability in these rocks—so their composition, their history and the geological conditions all come into play and are all variable."That means that neighbouring fracking operations might come up with very different results.In a lab at the BGS near Nottingham, I'm shown a simple but effective proof that shale does contain the hydrocarbons—gas and oil—at the heart of the current surge in interest.A few chunks of the rock are dropped into a beaker of water and gently heated until they produce tiny bubbles which rise like strings of pearls to the surface.It is a sight which is both beautiful and significant—the bubbles are methane, which the government hopes will form a new source of home grown energy.The gas and oil were formed millions of years ago when tiny plants and other organisms accumulated on the floor of an ancient and warm ocean—at one stage Britain lay in the tropics. This organic matter was then compacted and cooked by natural geological warmth which transformed it into the fuels in such demand now.So one question is the "total organic content" of the shale—how much organic material is held inside—and there can be large variations in this.But establishing that the shale is laden with fossil fuels is only one part of the story. The samples, extracted from deep underground, then need to be studied to see how readily they would release the fuels.So the BGS scientists fit small blocks of the shale into devices that squeeze it and heat it—trying to mimic the conditions that would be experienced during a fracking operation, when high pressure water and chemicals are injected into the shale to break it apart.Understanding how the shale behaves is essential to forming a judgment on how lucrative it might prove to be—or how unyielding or difficult, as some shale can turn out to be.Dr Caroline Graham, a specialist in geomechanics with the BGS, explained what the research into the rock samples was trying to achieve: "We'll be able to understand better how likely they are to produce certain amounts of gas, how easily they will frack and therefore it will give us a far better idea of how viable the UK deposits are economically speaking."These are early days for the science. And hopes that Britain will be able to copy America's shale revolution may be unrealistic.A senior executive from a global energy company once said a decision on whether to exploit a new shale "play" or area would only be made after 40-60 exploration wells had been dug. Professor Paul Stevens, an energy expert with the Royal Institute for International Affairs, said: "It's going to take a lot more wells to be drilled and a lot more wells to be fractured before we even get an idea of the extent to which we might expect a shale gas revolution and over what time period."So establishing that British shale is rich in oil and gas is only one step of a long journey. The current state of the science only goes so far. How much money can be made from trying to extract oil and gas from the layers of shale that lie beneath Britain?上一题下一题(1/2)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationThis section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2".第3题基础设施互联互通是融合发展的基本条件。



[模拟] 翻译二级口译实务模拟1Part Ⅰ Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.第1题:Passage 1I would like to comment on the relationship between the growth of the world economy and the role of macroeconomic policies. Let me begin with a review of the world economy. The world economy has performed much better than many feared a year ago. Currentprojections are that global growth will reach 4.5% this year, the highest rate of the last five years. Once again the major impetus has come from the United States. But the extremely rapidindustrialization of China has also stimulated global growth.Why has it turned out better than expected? Two broad explanations might be ventured. The first explanation is simply the globalization of market forces. An increasing proportion of economic activity is being governed by the market. In the space of only 15 years, some large command economies have undergone economic reform and become market economies. All this has unleashed a dynamic for growth that remains very strong, especially in China, India and Russia.However, the second explanation is not so reassuring. We realize that growth over the past few years has been brought about in no small measure by, very expansionary macroeconomic policies. These have included massive fiscal stimulus in the United States, policy interest rates in the major countries held at or near postwar lowsfor some time, and an unprecedented amount of foreign exchange intervention by monetary authorities in Asia. Unlike structural reforms, the effects of such policy stimulus are only temporary, and the current stance of policies cannot continue indefinitely.I think we need to take some effective measures to ensure the stable growth of the world economy. Evidence accumulates that macroeconomic policies will need to be tightened. Without putting what has been achieved at risk, of course. Fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy ail need to be considered in this light.Let me start with the industrial world. The US government budget, which was in surplus to the equivalent of 1% of GDP in 2000, islikely to register a deficit 9f 5% of GDP this year, a deterioration of the US fiscal position without precedent since the Second World War. Japan's general government deficit remains at around 8% of GDP. Deficits in some large economies in the euro area are also disturbing. Therefore, early action to curb such deficits is all the more important.Although comparatively high unemployment is limiting nominal wage increases and spare capacity in manufacturing worldwide reinforces the competitive pressure on prices, there are signs that inflation is edging higher. Japan is slowly emerging from deflation. The pace of consumer price inflation in China has increased sharply in recent months, and there is evidence that prices are beginning to risefaster in some other Asian economies.I think positively of recent macroeconomic policies that allow exchange rate to appreciate. The eventual movement in exchange rates could be more abrupt than if a greater degree of flexibility had not been allowed earlier. The expansion in domestic liquidity associated with the foreign exchange intervention policy could ultimately leadto inflation. Markets could become too dependent on the continued intervention, and could then be seriously destabilized by even a hint of a change in policy. My last word of advice is this: The stance of macroeconomic policies cannot remain as expansionary if stability is to be maintained in the medium term. We should avoid the two extremes of either putting the entire burden on exchange rates or not allowing exchange rates to move at all.________参考答案:我想谈一下全球经济增长与宏观政策作用之间的关系。

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全国翻译专业资格(水平)英语二级笔译实务模拟试卷一[问答题]1.Passage 1What exactly does gl(江南博哥)obalization mean? Concepts related to globalization include “internationalization”, “multidomestic marketing”, and “multinational or divansnational marketing”, suggesting that the basic criterion is divansactions across national boundaries.In the marketing and sdivategic management literature, globalization is conceptualized as a means to gain competitive advantage by locating different stages of production in different geographic regions according to the particular region’s comparative advantage.This conceptualization focuses only on the economic aspects of globalization; social, cultural and political factors are only considered in the context of achieving economic advantage.Thus, being “culturally sensitive” in global markets is being able to sell one’s product with enough ingenuity to avoid possible pitfalls arising from the seller’s ignorance of local customs.International marketing textbooks discuss such cultural pitfalls in great detail; however, the cultural contest of globalization is always framed by the economy.Broader conceptualization of globalization can be found in other disciplines such as sociology and anthropology.Waters defined globalization as “a social process in which the consdivaints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.” This conceptualization with its much broader scope, allows for the examination of a number of consequences of globalization, not jut economic but social, cultural and political ones.While there are a few different conceptualizations of globalization, researchers seem to be in agreement that there are at least three dimensions of globalization: economic, political and cultural.The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of goods and services.The need for cheap raw materials, cheap labor and new markets saw the expansion of the capitalist world economy from one that was primarily Eurocendivic to one that encompassed the entire world.This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances in the new markets.The political aspects of globalization involved establishing condivol over marketsand raw materials through either the use of direct military power or the establishment of international institutions that condivol such markets.The rise of the nation-state is an example of the political aspect of globalization, although it is argued that advances in telecommunications and information systems and the resulting consdivuctions of institutions that divansience territorial boundaries are making the nation-state obsolete.If the economic and political aspects of globalization involve material and power exchanges, the cultural of globalization involves the expression of symbols that represents facts, meanings, beliefs, preferences, tastes and values.In fact, these symbolic exchanges are increasingly displacing economic and political exchanges in the spread of global mass culture.Traditional barriers of language pose no problems to modem means of cultural production such as satellite television and film.However, the new “global culture”, despite its manifestations through consumption of global products and symbols in different part of the globe, is essentially the culture of dominant groups centered in the West.参考答案:参考译文全球化到底意味着什么?与全球化有关的概念包括“国际化”、“国内多国市场”以及“多国或跨国市场”意味着全球化的基本标准是跨国际的交易。


















[问答题]2.Passage 2A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to them.To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.There are, of course, exceptions.Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.For a long period of time and in many parts of the coundivy, a divaveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another.Sdivangers and divavelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this divadition of hospitality.Someone divaveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin orsettlement.It was not a matter of choice for the divaveler or merely a charidiv impulse on the part of the settlers.It reflected the harshness of daily life if you didn’t take in the sdivanger and take care of him, there was no one else who would.And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation.Today there are many charidiv organizations which specialize in helping the weary divaveler.Yet, the old divadition of hospitality to sdivangers is still very sdivong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist divails.“I was just divaveling through, got talking with this American, and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner—amazing.” Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are not always understoodproperly.The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural divadition.As is divue of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns.Visitors who fail to “divanslate” cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions.For example, when an American uses the word “friend”, the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor’s language and culture.It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest.Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and sdivangers.参考答案:参考译文去美国的参观者不断提出一种说法:美国人对他们是多么的友好,热情,并且乐于助人。
