• 模拟考试工具的使用 • 口语训练的新方法
和技巧 • 提高听力和写作技
英语教育资源优势:高水平教育机构和外籍教 师,更广泛的学科组合和选修课程。
英语教育资源的不足:师资力量不足,基础设 施落后,学生及家庭自学意愿较低。
1 机遇
2 挑战
启用最先进的技术和教 学方法,推广应用数字 化教学课件。
加强全国英语教育资源 的统筹规划和科学分配。
人工智能课程上线,智慧教 育展望未来。
推进中外英语教育交流合作, 推动世界范围内的英语言教 育大发展。
语言教学向MOOC等多元化 方向发展,不断推出造福民 众的好课程。
《英语口语改革开放》 PPT课件
英语是改革开放建设的重要推手之一。培养高素质人才是加快中国现代化进 程的必经之路。本课程将探讨四十年来中国英语教育的变革与未来发展。
1 班级教学
2 低水平演讲
互联网科技与英语教育的深度融合、一 带一路战略带来的交流合作机会、全球 英语市场的增长。
英语师资力量和教育资源的失衡、英语 学习者面临的难度、英语文化焕发活力 和传播中产生的文化冲突。
马云曾坦白他在英语学习上面临的挑战:面对枯燥乏味的课本和纷繁复杂的语法规则,他决定 通过观看美剧来提高自己的口语水平,终于在留美进修期间完成了OSCAR考试。
和技巧 • 提高听力和写作技
英语教育资源优势:高水平教育机构和外籍教 师,更广泛的学科组合和选修课程。
英语教育资源的不足:师资力量不足,基础设 施落后,学生及家庭自学意愿较低。
1 机遇
2 挑战
启用最先进的技术和教 学方法,推广应用数字 化教学课件。
加强全国英语教育资源 的统筹规划和科学分配。
人工智能课程上线,智慧教 育展望未来。
推进中外英语教育交流合作, 推动世界范围内的英语言教 育大发展。
语言教学向MOOC等多元化 方向发展,不断推出造福民 众的好课程。
《英语口语改革开放》 PPT课件
英语是改革开放建设的重要推手之一。培养高素质人才是加快中国现代化进 程的必经之路。本课程将探讨四十年来中国英语教育的变革与未来发展。
1 班级教学
2 低水平演讲
互联网科技与英语教育的深度融合、一 带一路战略带来的交流合作机会、全球 英语市场的增长。
英语师资力量和教育资源的失衡、英语 学习者面临的难度、英语文化焕发活力 和传播中产生的文化冲突。
马云曾坦白他在英语学习上面临的挑战:面对枯燥乏味的课本和纷繁复杂的语法规则,他决定 通过观看美剧来提高自己的口语水平,终于在留美进修期间完成了OSCAR考试。
中国文化英语教程Unit 2 PPT
![中国文化英语教程Unit 2 PPT](
The influence of Laozi
• The book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture.
• It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. • The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.
Text study
Naturalness and Non-action
The Philosophy of Non-contention Returning to Newborn
• Laozi (about 571-471 BC), also called Laodan, surname Li, given name Ran and alias Boyang.
• It also exerts a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation and is still playing a role in the development of Chinese thinking.
The influence of Laozi
• The book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture.
• It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. • The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.
Text study
Naturalness and Non-action
The Philosophy of Non-contention Returning to Newborn
• Laozi (about 571-471 BC), also called Laodan, surname Li, given name Ran and alias Boyang.
• It also exerts a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation and is still playing a role in the development of Chinese thinking.
• Under the influence of Confucius, the ancient Chinese developed a sense of awe and belief in Heaven.
Confucius on Heaven: the Source of Everything
“He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray (获罪于天,无所祷也。).” —Selected from The Analects
• No scholar could truly understand the long-standing culture or the inner world of the ancient Chinese without this book.
• The Analects is not a “book” in the sense that most modern Westerners usually understand a book—that is, a coherent argument or story presented by a single author, to be digested alone in the quiet of study.
Why does our Kongzi become Confucius in the west?
Confucius is a Latinized name bestowed upon Kongzi by Jesuit missionaries in the 18th century, which is a critical time when missionaries introduced Chinese culture to the West.
中国教育体系 History of education in China
![中国教育体系 History of education in China](
The introduction of modern education
Following the defeat of the Chinese empire in the Opium Wars, modern western education was eagerly sought out in the domains of foreign languages, national defence, and new techniques of industrial production. The Capital Foreign Language House (zh:京师 同文馆) (jīng-shī tóng-wén-guǎn) was set up in 1862. Countless overseas students were sent by the government or by their families to Europe, USA, and Japan. In the late 19th century, several modern universities were founded, such as Peking University and Jiaotong University.
History of education in China
History of education in China
• The history of education in China began with the birth of Chinese civilization. The nobles often set up the educational establishments for their offspring. The Shang Hsiang was a legendary school to teach the youth nobles. The government later established the civil service exam, where people from the lower classes could take tests in order to obtain prominent governmental positios BC, Qin Shi Huang favored Legalism (Chinese philosophy),and regarded others as either dangerous to his rule or useless,so he carried out burning of books and burying of scholars. He suppressed all non-state official ideas. Similar to ancient Greece and Rome, the patriarchal nature of Qin society meant that women were usually not educated and stayed home to do housework.
their living, for honor.
When the Chinese child goes to c ollege, his comparison is more inte 根据自 nse. 西方孩子 If he studies in Qinghua, Beijin g University, or other famous univ 己的喜好选择大学, ersities, his parents will take a prid e in him; if he has not been matric 而不是以选择“顶 ulated in a famous university, he w ill feel sad and ashamed of facing r 尖大学”为决定因 elatives. Above all, we can know C hinese put their faces in the first pl 素。 ace.
This is the manifeslation of guardia n authoritative colouring. Such raw and cold order phrases cause the em otional education to be blocked. But “one can not become a useful pers on without being beaten”, “the cl ub helps the child to be loyal son” bring about the difficulty in strength ening the emotional educaton.
The Difference of Chinese and American Education
人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit 1 In China 课件
![人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit 1 In China 课件](
the Stone Forest
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Anhui province. Anhui is in the east of China
Yellow Mountain
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Guangxi province. Guangxi is in the south of China.
Unit 1
In China
Look and say:
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Henan province. Henan is in the east of China.源自the Shaolin Temple
What place is it? Where is it?
snow-capped mountains
They are in Tibet.
The Potala Palace Tibet is in the
west of China.
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Yunnan province. Yunan is in the south of China.
➢Pure of heart, life is
起绩 ,, 静八
full of sweet and joy!
待分 花方 开法
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Anhui province. Anhui is in the east of China
Yellow Mountain
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Guangxi province. Guangxi is in the south of China.
Unit 1
In China
Look and say:
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Henan province. Henan is in the east of China.源自the Shaolin Temple
What place is it? Where is it?
snow-capped mountains
They are in Tibet.
The Potala Palace Tibet is in the
west of China.
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Yunnan province. Yunan is in the south of China.
➢Pure of heart, life is
起绩 ,, 静八
full of sweet and joy!
待分 花方 开法
英语演讲Presentation (中国教育公平)
![英语演讲Presentation (中国教育公平)](
• 这三个层次被概况为:起点公平、过程公 平和结果公平。 • The three levels are profiled: fair starting point, process justice and result justice.
• 这些问题直接关系群众切身利益。所以, 解决好这些问题是非常必要的。 • To solve these problems which are directly related to the vital interests of the masses is necessary.
• 号召社会各界关心教育、帮助困难家庭的 学生 • Appeal society to caring about education and helping the students with trouble
教育寄托着亿万家庭对美好生 百年大计,教育为本 活的期盼
Education is related to basic hundreds Education is the of of millions of families’ hope for a our country’s future. better life.
• 一、“提高教学质量” • To enhance quality
• 推进素质教育,深化教学内容、课程体系 和教学方法改革,促进学生德智体美全面 发展。 • Promoting educational quality, deepening the teaching content, curriculum system and teaching method reform make contributions to students' all-round development.
• It is commonly considered that public universities especially those national ones are better than private universities.
Peking University
Peking University, known in Chinese as Beida, wa•s.founded as Imperial Capital University in 1898. It is the first formally established modern national university of China. Peking University was influential in the birth of China's New Culture Movement, May Fourth Movement and many other significant events. Today, many national and international rankings frequently place Peking University as one of the best universities in China.
• There are about 3000 colleges and universities, both private and public in the U.S.
• They are all independent, offering their own choice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding which students meet those standards.
Peking University
Peking University, known in Chinese as Beida, wa•s.founded as Imperial Capital University in 1898. It is the first formally established modern national university of China. Peking University was influential in the birth of China's New Culture Movement, May Fourth Movement and many other significant events. Today, many national and international rankings frequently place Peking University as one of the best universities in China.
• There are about 3000 colleges and universities, both private and public in the U.S.
• They are all independent, offering their own choice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding which students meet those standards.
IN CHINA: Parents pay attention to the
cultivation of moral
In America: Parents pay attention to
children's curiosity and imagination of
4.The training of sense of independence
• Students take science, math, social studies, reading and technology, P.E. is usually mandatory in primary through 9th grade.
A classroom in a senior high school
• In Sr. Middle school, students choose a “major” of humanities or sciences. They have to pass a National Exam at the end of Middle school.
It's parents faults for children's being ignorant.
In America:
Children are as equal as any members in the families.
3.The focus of family education
• It is commonly considered that public universities especially those national ones are better than private universities.
cultivation of moral
In America: Parents pay attention to
children's curiosity and imagination of
4.The training of sense of independence
• Students take science, math, social studies, reading and technology, P.E. is usually mandatory in primary through 9th grade.
A classroom in a senior high school
• In Sr. Middle school, students choose a “major” of humanities or sciences. They have to pass a National Exam at the end of Middle school.
It's parents faults for children's being ignorant.
In America:
Children are as equal as any members in the families.
3.The focus of family education
• It is commonly considered that public universities especially those national ones are better than private universities.
Chinese higher educational systems中国高等教育英语版
![Chinese higher educational systems中国高等教育英语版](
the major universes/colleges
• 1. Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University
• Situated on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty, surrounded by a few historical sites in northwest Beijing, is the campus of Tsinghua University. The garden-like landscape, with the Wanquan River meandering through, has inspired and motivated generations of students.
The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among the over 100,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens. Hence, to study at Tsinghua is the dream of many Chinese youth. Presently, Tsinghua has over 20,000 students, including 12,000 undergraduates, 6,200 master's degrees candidates and 2,800 doctoral candidates.
The educational Situation in Different Region of China有关中国教育的英语PPT
![The educational Situation in Different Region of China有关中国教育的英语PPT](
Longing for knowladge
Although we are poor ,we have the right of study.
Be absorbed in studying
I want to go to school.
We have known about some situation of the poor area. Then, let us look at the situation in the developed area.
Northwest China Southeast China Southwest China
Poor Area
Developed Area
Shabby Compus
Beautiful Compus
The different classroom
Old and shabby Advanced
Now ,let us learn about some educational situation in the backward district (落后地区) deeply. (落后地区)
We are so lucky.
Our university school
Our realization(感想) realization(感想)
Nowadays,we can study in a beautiful university school with well-trained wellteachers and advanced educational facilities. Therefore,we ought to value the changce of study,we should take good advantage of educational resources,we should make our efforts to study.
Chinese Education中国教育
![Chinese Education中国教育](
• 2005-2014, published more than 789 papers in provincial above, research projects for more than 157, won five provincial and ministerial level over the social science and natural science outstanding achievement award
If a student want to go to a competitive university. They need to obtain good marks on entrance examination scores and the have to pay a lots of effort.
• In 1989 ,the State Education Commission decided to implement the standardized test.(推行标准化考试)
• In 1996, implement the tuition consolidation and the tuition began to increase.(施行并轨招生) • In 2014,to reduce the examination subjects , Foreign language implemented several times every years(减少考试科目,外语一年多考)
school motto
In this six years ,student usually learn these courses:
• 清朝是中国封建社会逐渐走下坡路的时期,也是古代教育逐渐衰败、腐朽、 走向没落的时期。1905年,清廷被迫宣布“所有乡会试一律停止”。自隋炀 帝大业二年(公元606年)始置进士科开始,至1905年科举制最终退出中国历史 舞台,共延续了1300年之久。
History of the development of traditional Chinese education
Chunqiu Dynasty Zhanguo Dynasty
明朝教育比前代更加制度化,教育措施更加详备。国子监的教育对象范围扩 大。明朝还设有专门学习外语和翻译书的四夷馆。
• The Qing Dynasty was the time when Chinese feudal society went downhill gradually as well as the ancient education deteriorated and decayed. In 1905, the Qing government was compelled to announce:“all provincial examination must be stopped.” Since 606, the highest imperial examination was adopted by Emperor Yangdi in Sui Dynasty ,the imperial civil service examination system finally withdrew from the Chinese history in 1905, lasting for 1300 years.
History of the development of traditional Chinese education
Chunqiu Dynasty Zhanguo Dynasty
明朝教育比前代更加制度化,教育措施更加详备。国子监的教育对象范围扩 大。明朝还设有专门学习外语和翻译书的四夷馆。
• The Qing Dynasty was the time when Chinese feudal society went downhill gradually as well as the ancient education deteriorated and decayed. In 1905, the Qing government was compelled to announce:“all provincial examination must be stopped.” Since 606, the highest imperial examination was adopted by Emperor Yangdi in Sui Dynasty ,the imperial civil service examination system finally withdrew from the Chinese history in 1905, lasting for 1300 years.
《China》Countries around the World PPT 图文
![《China》Countries around the World PPT 图文](
Unit 8 Countries around the World
Lesson 45 China
1 A map of China Mr.Jones:This is a map of China. ①What do you know about China, Jenny? Jenny:②I know a lot about China.My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. Mr.Jones:③What language do people speak in China? Jenny:They speak Chinese.
Let’s Do It!
1 Read the sentences and match them with the correct pictures. It is a lovely animal.It lives in China. It is a wall.It is long and great. It is east of China.Jenny and Danny are from that country. It is a museum.It has a long history. It is famous around the world.
—I speak Chinese. 我说汉语。
04What else do you know about China?关于中国你还了 解其他的什么? (教材P118)
else的用法 else作副词,意为“其他;别的”,其用法如下:
【易混辨析】 else和other
else other
What language do people speak in China?
Lesson 45 China
1 A map of China Mr.Jones:This is a map of China. ①What do you know about China, Jenny? Jenny:②I know a lot about China.My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. Mr.Jones:③What language do people speak in China? Jenny:They speak Chinese.
Let’s Do It!
1 Read the sentences and match them with the correct pictures. It is a lovely animal.It lives in China. It is a wall.It is long and great. It is east of China.Jenny and Danny are from that country. It is a museum.It has a long history. It is famous around the world.
—I speak Chinese. 我说汉语。
04What else do you know about China?关于中国你还了 解其他的什么? (教材P118)
else的用法 else作副词,意为“其他;别的”,其用法如下:
【易混辨析】 else和other
else other
What language do people speak in China?
walking playing swimming dancing lying cleaning
• Listening to the tape in 1b and fill in the blanks in 1a.
A. Introduction of the Present Progressive tense(介绍现在 进行时态)
Teaching methods
• Audio-visual teaching method • Communicative teaching method • Task-based teaching method
Studying Ways
• Observation-imitation-practice-production
<5>--What’s Jenny doing? --She______________. ( run )
Step 5 Summary
• Check what the students have learned in this class.
• Summary the whole class.
Step 6 Homework
<2>--What’s his mother doing? --She_____________. ( write )
<3>--What are they doing? --They_____________. ( play soccer)
<4>--What are David and Mary doing? --They_____________. (have dinner)
• Is he/she running? • Yes, he/she is. • No, he/she isn’t.
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We are so lucky.
Our realization(感想)
Nowadays,we can study in a beautiful university school with well-trained teachers and advanced educational facilities. Therefore,we ought to value the changce of study,we should take good advantage of educational resources,we should make our efforts to study.
Let us put an hand to the person who needs help
We can donate a schoolbag or a book to the poor area A small action , a large love.
Comparing with these persons who live in backward district, we feel lucky.Because we can study in a university school with well-trained teachers and advanced educational facilities.We have a beautiful compus, a wonderful living and studying environment.
The difficult study environment
When you see this picture ,what’s your feeling? (Bitter辛酸 /Sympathetic同情 /Shaked震惊)
The classroom is old and shabby. Are you willing to study in this kind of classroom?
The educational Situation in Different Region of China
The The The Our importance of education educational difference reason and suggession realization(感悟)
backward economy
Shortage of educational funds (资金)and teachers
poor education
What’s we can do?
Let us go into action
Let us show our love for the poor area
Longing for knowladge
Although we are poor ,we have the right of study.
Be absorbed in studying
I want to go to school.
We have known about some situation of the poor area. Then, let us look at the situation in the developed area.
The education , not for the past, not for the present, importantly for the future 教育者,非为以往, 非为现在,而专为 将来。
The teacher grasps the fate of a youth,so they graps the fate of a nation and human race. 在教师手里操着幼年 人的命运,便操着民 族和人类的命运。
Northwest China
Southeast China
Southwest China
Poor Area
Developed Area
Shabby Compus
Beautiful Compus
The dቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱfferent classroom
Old and shabby Advanced
Now ,let us learn about some educational situation in the backward district (落后地区) deeply.
The force of knowledge
The Blooming Powerful Motherland
The education is important to a country
Nowadays,our country becomes more stronger,but somewhere the edcation is backward(落后的),especially Northwest and southwest China.
The good education
There are a big difference in education between the developed area and the poor area,why?