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Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum
PART I Anatomy PART II Peptic Ulcer Disease PART III Neoplasms
Gross Anatomy: Divisions of the stomach
Blood supply to the stomach and duodenum
• Crow foot
crow foot
Vagal innervation of the stomach
L. Vagus
R. Vagus
Vagal innervation of the stomach
Gastric Morphology
Gastric Cell Types, Location, and Fuction
Gross Anatomy of the Duodenum
C Shaped
• Length: 12 fingers’ breadth

about 25 cm in adult
– D1 – D2 – D3
Superior part Descending part Horizontal part
– D4 Ascending part
Clinical Presentation
Epigastric pain
Gastric ulcer Made worse by eating
Duodenal Ulcer Possibly worse at night Occurs 1-3 hours postprandial
Other symptoms
dyspepsia) Cholecystitis Gastritis
Complications of Peptic Ulcer
i) Perforation & Penetration—into pancreas, liver and retroperitoneal space
ii) Pyloric Obstruction iii) Hemorrhage
A: H. pylori resident on the gastric epithelium; B: Electron micrograph
2. Hypersecretion of gastric acid
“No acid, no ulcer” now extends to “if acid, why ulcer”
Parietal Body
Secretion of acid and intrinsic factor
Mucus Body, Antrum Mucus
Chief Body
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Body, antrum Somatostatin
Heartburn Belching Bloated feeling Nausea
Differential Diagnosis
Neoplasm of the stomach Pancreatitis Pancreatic cancer Diverticulitis Nonulcer dyspepsia (also called functional
Lymphatic drainage of the stomach
Nerve of the stomach
• Left vagus nerve – Anterior branches – Hepatic branches
• Right vagus nerve – Posterior branch – Celiac branch
3.Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
4.Mucosal injury Mucus-bicarbonate layer
Surface epithelial cells Blood flow to mucosa
A: Balance is gotten between protective and hostile factors B: Balance is broken between protective and hostile factors
Pyloric Obstruction
The clinician has three major goals when faced with a patient with ulcer disease:
1. Symptoms need to be relieved 2. The ulcer needs to be healed 3. Recurrence must be prevented
Surgical indications for Peptic Ulcer
Four classic indications Intractability Hemorrhage Perforation & Penetration Obstruction
PART I Anatomy PART II Peptic Ulcer Disease PART III Neoplasms
1. Helicobacter pylori Infection
1. Production of toxic products to cause local tissue injury 2. Induction of a local mucosal immune response 3. Increased gastrin levels with a resultant increase in acid secretion
Acute Perforation
A, Penetration of a gastric ulcer; B, Cross sectional view of stomach wall and pancreas
A, Endoscopic view; B, cross-section