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0 正常关节 1 未出现骨骼异常及软组织肿胀 2 有骨质疏松和骨骺过度生长,无关节侵蚀,
无软骨间隙狭窄 3 早期软骨下骨囊肿,髌骨变方,股骨或肱骨远端
髁间沟变宽,软骨间隙仍存在 4 病情较 3 级更重,并出现软骨间隙变窄 5 关节纤维性挛缩,软骨间隙消失,骨骺显著增大,
摘要 背景:世界血友病协会的治疗指南明确表示,关节置换应当在保证患者凝血因子活性的情况下进行。 目的:观察血友病关节炎患者行人工膝关节置换围手术期凝血因子替代治疗的安全性和有效性。 方法:1997/2006 在血液内科的配合下,围手术期行凝血因子Ⅷ和Ⅸ活性水平监测,根据指南制定常规流程,进行因子Ⅷ(冻 干人凝血因子Ⅷ)或因子Ⅸ(凝血酶原复合物)的替代治疗,对 4 例血友病关节炎患者共 6 个膝关节行人工膝关节置换治疗。 结果与结论:围手术期应用凝血因子进行常规替代治疗,血友病患者围手术期出血量与类风湿关节炎和骨关节炎患者差异 无显著性意义(P=0.885)。置换后早期 3 个膝关节出现关节内血肿或肌肉出血,其中 1 例患者因凝血因子抑制性抗体形成, 导致 1 侧膝关节置换后伤口裂开,行扩创清理后,伤口愈合良好。4 例患者 6 个膝关节置换后没有晚期感染、假体松动、 移位和断裂等并发症发生。所有 4 例患者置换前膝关节 KSS 评分平均 28.2 分,功能评分平均 35 分。置换后 KSS 评分 85.2 分,功能评分 87 分,与普通类风湿关节炎和骨关节炎膝关节置换后评分相似,但平均住院天数延长约 3 倍,住院费用为普 通膝关节置换的 2.5~3 倍。结果显示凝血因子的替代治疗和凝血因子水平监测是保证血友病关节炎行人工膝关节置换最后 成功的关键。 关键词:血友病关节炎;膝关节置换;凝血因子;替代治疗;围手术期 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2011.22.009
中国组织工程研究与临床康复 第 15 卷 第 22 期 2011–05–28 出版 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research May 28, 2011 Vol.15, No.22
时间及地点:资料收集于2009-02/03北京 大学人民医院。
对象:1997-02/2006-02晚期血友病关节炎 男性患者4例共6个膝关节接受了全膝关节置 换的治疗。其中3例为甲型血友病(Ⅷ因子缺 乏),1例为乙型血友病(Ⅸ因子缺乏),平均年 龄为42.5岁(33~65岁),其中3例患者35岁左 右。1例患者术前为HCV抗体阳性,HCV 基因 拷贝数1.88×105(最低检测限为5×102),经肌注 干扰素治疗,HCV RNA转阴后行双膝关节置换 治疗。置换前所有患者HIV阴性和HBsAg阴性。 患者的血友病严重程度分型以凝血因子活性为 分类标准[1],置换前膝关节破坏程度及功能用 影像学Arnold-Hilgartner分级[2]及KSS评分[3]进 行评价。
病例 1
病例 2
病例 3
病例 4
患者年龄 65 岁
33 岁
36 岁
37 岁
凝 血 因 子 11%
严 重 程 度 轻型
术前诊断 右膝关节 双膝关节 双膝关节 左膝关节
Zhang Z, Guan ZP, Sun TZ, Li YP, Pei Z, Zhang SL, Lü HS. Coagulation factor replacement in total knee arthroplasty for hemophilic patients.Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2011;15(22): 4023-4027. [http://www.crter.cn http://en.zglckf.com]
Arthritis Clinic and Research Center, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China
Zhang Zhuo☆, Doctor, Arthritis Clinic and Research Center, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China zhangzhuo_zz@ yahoo.com.cn
通讯作者:关振 鹏,博士,主任医 师,副教授,硕士 生导师,北京大学 人民医院关节病 诊疗研究中心,北 京市 100044 guan_zhenpeng @sina.com
中图分类号:R318 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8225 (2011)22-04023-05
收稿日期:2010-12-31 修回日期:2011-03-18 (20100831020/M·W)
Correspondence to: Guan Zhen-peng, Doctor, Chief physician, Associate professor, Master’s supervisor, Arthritis Clinic and Research Center, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China guan_zhenpeng@ sina.com
Abstract BACKGROUND: According to the guidelines of World Hemophilia Association, joint replacement should ensure the activity of coagulation factors in patients. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the safety and validity of coagulation factor replacement in hemophilic arthritis patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHODS: Between 1997 and 2006, we performed TKA on 4 hemophilic arthritis patients with 6 knee joints. Under the cooperation with the Hematology Department, we monitored levels of factors Ⅷ and Ⅸ perioperatively, and established routine process of factor replacement, according to the guideline of World Hemophilia Association, and factor replacement had been performed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Hemophilic patients who had undergone therapy of perioperative coagulation factor replacement could suffer treatment of TKA. There was no significant difference in the amount of bleeding between patients with hemophilia and those with either of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis (P=0.885). Intraarticular bleeding occurred in 3 knees of 2 patients, and another with formation of inhibitor, which led to incision split in 1 knee. The wound healed well after treatment of epluchage. No other early or further complications had occurred. The average preoperative KSS score was 28.2 points, and the average functional score was 35 points, as compared to the postoperative average scores of 85.2 points by KSS and 87 for function. Recovery of the hemophilic arthritic knee was similar to the result of a regular TKA, while there were increases of three times in the hospitalized days and 2.5-3 times to the cost of a regular replacement surgery. Coagulation factor replacement and monitoring of coagulation factor levels are the key to the success of TKA in hemophilic arthritis patients.
Received: 2010-12-31 Accepted: 2011-03-18
张卓,关振鹏,孙铁铮,李云鹏,裴征,张绍龙,吕厚山. 血友病患者全膝置换围手术期的凝血因子替代治疗[J].中国组织
[http://www.crter.org http://cn.zglckf.com]
张 卓,关振鹏,孙铁铮,李云鹏,裴 征,张绍龙,吕厚山
Coagulation factor replacement in total knee arthroplasty for hemophilic patients
Zhang Zhuo, Guan Zhen-peng, Sun Tie-zheng, Li Yun-peng, Pei Zheng, Zhang Shao-long, Lü Hou-shan
极的凝血因子替代治疗,才能确保人工膝关节 置换的顺利进行。
本科采用目前公认的足够剂量凝血因子替 代疗法并加以间断给药的方式进行围手术期处 理,对4例晚期血友病关节炎患者共6个膝关节 进行人工膝关节置换,使其安全渡过围手术期。
1 对象和方法
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: ZLKHAH
0 引言
血友病关节炎最常累及膝关节,其次是肘、 踝关节,髋关节较为少见。膝关节内反复出血 引起滑膜炎和软骨破坏,晚期导致严重的关节 疼痛、畸形和功能受限,患者生活难以自理。 而人工膝关节置换近30年来的成功应用,使晚 期血友病关节炎患者恢复生活自理能力成为可 能,但需要在血液内科协助下进行围手术期积
张卓,等. 血友病患者全膝置换围手术期的凝血因子替代治疗
北京大学人民医 院关节病诊疗研 究中心,北京市 100044
张卓☆,男,1984 年生,北京市人, 汉族,2010 年北 京大学医学部毕 业,博士,主要从 事骨科相关疾病 的诊治。 zhangzhuo_zz@ yahoo.com.cn