对比语言学 柯平连淑能读书报告
二、作者简介费尔迪南·德·索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure, 1857-1913)是现代语言学的重要奠基者,也是结构主义的开创者之一。
《普通语言学教程》(Cours de Linguistique Generale)是索绪尔的代表性著作,是他的学生根据他生前的笔记编写的,这本书集中体现了索绪尔的基本语言学思想,对二十世纪的现代语言学研究产生了深远的影响。
美国心理学家罗杰斯提出的“非制导性学习理论”,20世纪60年代末美国心理学家加涅提出的“人知——指导学习理论”,20世纪60年代初美国约翰拉罗尔所提出的“掌握论”,由本杰明布鲁姆加以完善,日本现代教育家小园国芳所提出的“全人教育”,还有我国著名教育家陶行知在20世纪20年代所提出的“教学合一”的学习理论,这些理论有或多或少的不同,但侧重点却一样,就是注重学生的学习能力,把如何培养学生的学习能力作为教学的重点,在这一点上各国不谋而合,同时也是教育界的发展趋势,各国都在为之奋斗各国母语教育学习能力的培养与研究:母语学习能力是一种包含多种一般能力的特殊能力,母语学习能力包括四个方面,即听说读写,各国的培养与研究在各方面存在着一定的差异,各有各的发展历程,各有各的尝试就中国而言:具体的从以下四个方面进行研究和实践的:1 激发学习动机2 引导学生理解学习过程3 指导学生掌握学习方法4 加强思维能力的培养就美国而言:美国的语文教育专家特别重视阅读,在他们的阅读方法中,“SQ三R”十分流行,他们的指导思想中强调一点就是教学不应该是教师向学生灌输知识,而是教会学习者自己去掌握知识,教会学习者掌握有效的学习技巧,使学生靠他去获得自己想获得的知识就法国而言:他们的母语教学的一大特点是重视学生的选择性学习,具体表现在他们会开设很多的选修课,学生可以依据自己的兴趣爱好和方向选择自己喜欢的科目,让学生自主地选择学习日本的母语教学重点放在学生独立发现和解决问题上,注重学生自己习得知识技能的方法和技巧,注重学生习得知识的过程和方法,重视自主性活动的学习,有注入性学习转向学习型的转变不管各国的母语教学情况怎么样,各国的国情不一样,思维方式也会不一样,文化底蕴也会不一样,各国有各国的研究和实践过程,但就总的而言,语文学习能力的学习能力培养有着共同的特征和发展趋势,我们知道学习是人类是会你永恒的活动,也是人终身的活动,能否掌握科学的的学习方法,获得良好的学习能力,对于每一个来说都是至关重要的,尤其在知识更新速度非常快的今天,但就共同的趋势体现在:1 把教会学生学习作为语文教学活动的根本宗旨2 重视学生自学能力的培养,发展学生个性3 建构终身教育体系4 通过“适应性学习“来培养学习能力简要评析:就科技发展越来越快的今天,人们越来越依靠高科技的时代,教育教学也一样,科技发展快,也就意味着知识的更新速度也就越快,在这样一个大前提下,注重学生学习能力的培养成为各国所追求的目标,同时也成为一种必然趋势随着时代的进步,教育也越成为各国综合国力较量要方面,也就越来越注重教育,尤其是母语的教学,母语是一个国家,一个民族骄傲和自豪的文化遗产,她有着自己国家独特的文化底蕴,同时母语教学还有着传承自己民族的文化的重要作用,母语教学也就显得越发重要各国都在尝试着改革研究实践希望找到一种更好教学方法更好更高效的学习能力再看其他国家的母语教学,有值得我们借鉴的地方,法国的母语教学特别重视选择性学习,可以有很多选修课提供给学生选,可以根据自己的爱好兴趣选择自己想学的,我觉得在这方面,我们国家还有一定的欠缺,日本特别重视学生独立发现并解决问题,这有助于培养学生的自学能力,还有助于培养学生的独立思维和创造思维,但是我个人觉得在强调学生独立自主的学习能力的同时,还是要强调教师的引导作用,这也是很重要的不管各国的侧重点和所强调的地方不一样,原因可能是多方面的,但大多数的人都强调终身学习,至1972年,联合国科教组织发表的《学会生存——教育世界的今天和明天》,对终身教育的理论和原则进行了系统的论述,指出“终身教育是学习化社会的基石”,建议“将终身教育作为发达国家和发展中国家在今后若干年内制定教育政策的主导思想”,重视终身学习有很重要的意义,就如“活到老,学到老”,时代在进步,知识在更新,这也就是为什么要重视终身教育,甚至把它作为制定教育策略的主导思想越来越重视母语教学,注重教育的人文性,这是教育发展的必然趋势越来越重视培养学生的学习能力,也是教学发展的必然趋势培养学生独立的学习能力,培养学生学会掌握知识的技巧和方法是教学工作的重要内容。
1. 介绍作者及书籍背景:在读书笔记的开头,你可以简要介绍作者连淑能以及这本书的背景信息,包括写作目的、主题、研究方法等。
2. 梳理全书结构:在阅读过程中,你可以梳理出全书的结构和逻辑顺序,并用思维导图或图表的形式呈现出来。
3. 比较英汉语言差异:这本书的主要内容是比较英汉两种语言的差异,你可以详细记录并比较两种语言在语音、词汇、语法、语用等方面的不同点,并分析这些差异是如何影响语言表达和理解的。
4. 探讨文化背景差异:语言与文化密切相关,因此你可以探讨英汉两种语言背后的文化背景差异,包括历史、地理、宗教信仰等方面。
5. 总结与反思:在读书笔记的最后,你可以对全书内容进行总结,并反思自己从中学到了什么,有哪些感悟和思考。
–戴昭铭,1996,《文化语言学导 论》,语文出版社 –刘润清编著,1995,《西方语言学 流派》,外语教学与研究出版社 –潘文国2002, 《字本位与汉语研究》, 华东师范大学出版社 –陈嘉映2003,《语言哲学》,北京大 学出版社 –Palmer, L.R.1983,《语言学概论》, 李荣等译,商务印书馆。
• 候广旭,1990,《汉英谚语结构与修辞比 较》,哈尔滨工业大学出版社。 • 胡曙中,1993,《英汉修辞比较研究》, 上海外语教育出版社。 • 黄志顺,1992,〈英语语序的汉译对比〉, 北京科学技术出版社。 • 李国南,1999,《英汉修辞格对比研究》, 福建人民出版社。 • 刘宓庆,1991,《汉英对比研究与翻译》, 江西教育出版社。
–Chomsky, Noam, 1995, The Minimalist Program –Robins, R.H., 1967, A Short History of Linguistics –Halliday, M.A.K., 1985, An Introduction to Functional Grammar
• 刘英凯,1998,《英汉语音修辞》,广东高等教 育出版社。 • 卢景文,1991,《汉英语法比较》,山西教育出 版社。 • 陆国强,1999,《英汉和汉英语义结构对比》, 复旦大学出版社。 • 罗选民等,2001,《话语分析的英汉语比较研 究》,湖南人民出版社。 • 牛保义,1997,《英汉语句型对比》,河南大学 出版社。 • 彭宣维,2000,《英汉语篇综合对比》,上海外 语教育出版社。
• 1. 何善芬.英汉语言对比研究.上海外语教育出版社.2002. • 2. 许余龙,对比语言学概论,上海,上海外语教育出版社,1992 • 3. 连淑能.英汉对比研究.高等教育出版社.1993.
《英汉对比语言学》主要著作介绍5 连淑能《英汉对比研究》本书选择了十个带有普遍性的专题,采用宏观与微观相结合之办法,联系语体风格与翻译技巧就英汉两种语言的语法特征、表现方法、修辞手段、英汉民族的思维习惯和某些文化因素等方面对英语和汉语的不同特点进行了对比分析。
容后 , 学生们英译 中成绩在短时间内有了显著提高。相 比 之下 , 中译英成绩提高较慢。
该 体 系是 否有助 于提 高学生的翻 译 能力 。
关键 词 : 译教材 ;对 比;思 维 ;句法 ;文化 差异 ; 知 翻 认 中图分类 号 : 1 . H 39 1 文 献标识 码 : A 文章编 号 :6 】34 2 0 )4 0 6 一3 17 一 x( 0 9 0 -O 6 O 9
自19 年马建忠的《 88 马氏文通》 问世以来 , 众多 中国 学者包括严复、 黎锦熙 、 王力 、 林语堂都对汉英双语 的对比 分析进行了孜孜不倦的研究 , 并取得了巨大的成就。汉语 的语法就是在与英语的对比中形成 的。近年来 , 比分析 对 在我国发展较快。许余龙的《 对比语言学概论》 标志着对 比语言学在我 国作为一门新学科的诞生。他认为, 比语 对 言学的 目的就是描述两种或 多种语 言的异 同, 特别是差 异, 并将之运用到相关领域。连淑能、 潘文国、 邵志洪都对 汉英语言进行对 比分析。对比研究开始从 微观层 面进入 到宏观层面的研究 , 从结构进入思维 的研 究 I 。刘重 4 德将对 比研究细分为语音 学、 句法 、 语法 、 义学和语用 语 学、 语篇 、 文体和修辞八大类研 究。连淑能将文化词划分 为2 级, 6 沈家煊运用认 知心理学的框架理论对汉英语法 进行对 比研究。 马秉义侧重逻辑心理结构 , 阴阳理论 用 解释句子组织结构 J 。潘文 国对汉语和英语在语法 、 结
作者简介 : 陈燕 南( 94 ) 女 , 17 一 , 广东兴宁人 , 广州大学讲师 , 事英语教学与研究 。 从
第 4期
陈燕南 : 多元 对 比在翻译教材 中的应用
・ 7・ 6
实践的尝试中各有侧重 , 即仅用一种理论解释 翻译实践 , 难免列举不周 , 挂一漏万。能重新梳理翻译教学内容和主 要翻译理论 , 并将之用于教材 , 以便帮助学生更好地 理解 翻译过程 , 选择翻译策略 , 这是本文努力尝试之处。 ( 二)对比语言学在我国的发展 对比语言学是语言学的重要分支 , 揭示语言的共性与
对比语言学柯平连淑能读书报告Reading report of contrastive linguisticsAs a reading report of Contrastive Linguistics, this essay is divided into two parts. In the first part, I would have a detailed summary of this book which consists of two parts. In the second part, I will introduce some issues I am interested in, and have a brief introduction of current preview of these issues.I hope that this reading report would make contribution to the development of related studies.Here, I extend my sincere thanks to the teacher of this course, XiongLiqing.Ⅰ. Detail summary of this book.In this summary, I would divide the whole seven chapters into two parts. The first part contains the first two chapters in this book, the remaining parts make up another part.The first part introduced basic knowledge of contrastive linguistics, and the subject of our study.As we all know, linguistics is a scientific study of language, which exists mainly as social and psychological realities. Apparently, contrastive linguistics is a branch of linguistics. We can understanding its nature easily by what its name indicates—“contrastive”, that is to say, its nature is comparisons within and between languages. This branch of linguistics can be divided into two axes, theoretical vs. practical, and microlinguistic vs. macrolinguistic. The difference between theoretical and applied is that the former is bidirectional, the later is unidirectional. Micro-contrastive linguistics concentrates on four linguistic levels of phonetics, phonology, lexis and grammar, while macro-contrastive linguistics only concerns two higherlevels—textual and pragmatic. The contrastive linguistics exists because it has great importance.Theoretically speaking, it is an indispensable to the development of linguistics; practically speaking, it might solve some linguistic problems which cannot be solved with one language.As for the history of contrastive linguistics, it is American anthropologist B.L.Whorf who first introduced it, it is until /doc/1c14251130.html,do who published the book Linguistics Across Cultures that contrastive linguistics became a independent subject, “a new field of applied linguistics”, he issued. Contrastive linguist ics became an independent subject in China until 1970s, its development came to a new stage in 1990s.Since we have known the backgrounds of this study, it would be an appropriate time to know some principles and procedures of contrastive linguistics.Through learning of Transfer, which is divided into positive transfer and negative transfer.We have also known another two important principles: (1) contrastiveanalysis is always predictive, and that the job of diagnosis belongs to the field of Error Analysis; (2) contrastive linguistics can be expected to predict these errors, but it will not claim or be able to predict the order 50% or 60% of learner errors. As for comparison criteria, the sameness come as constant while the difference as variables. Constant has traditionally been known as tertium comparationis in the theory of contrastive linguistics. Surface structure and deep structure are also quoted in this book to help us learn, which might be considered as a criteria ofcomparison. Since there are so many differences in two languages, we should pay attention to the real equivalence of translation, both in surface and deep. That?s to say, for two sentences from different languages to be translationally equivalent they must convey the same referential and pragmatic and interlingual meanings. The procedure of contrastive analysis involves two stages: the stage of description when each of the two languages is described on the appropriate level; then comes the stage of juxtaposition for comparison. As what is summarized that it will frequently be necessary to cross hierachical levels since different languages don?t express the same grammatical meaning in the same level. The second part of the summary which contains the left five chapters deals with contrastive linguistics at various linguistic levels.In chapter three, the book first issued what are phonetics and phonology. What are they? The phonetics refers to the physical production of sounds, which has two categories according to where and how the sounds areproduced. The phonology studies the specific sounds employed in different languages. Obviously, these two also do to the contrastive linguistics.As we all know, phonetics has 3branches, articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics, while there two approaches to phonetic contrastive analysis, the first is physiological and the second is physical. This book just wrote one notion that is important to the phonological contrastive analysis—Functional load. At the end of the chapter three, the author introduced suprasegmental contrastive analysis. He also dealt with three terms—pitch, tone and intonation. Pitch is an important category in the phonological system of Chinese andEnglish suprasegmentals.Chapter four is a detailed introduction of lexicology morphology. In this chapter, the book told the two divisions of lexical contrastive analysis—contrastive lexical morphology and contrastive lexical semantics. At the end of this chapter, the book summarized which three areas have the lexical contrastive analysis been active to attach its academic and practicable influences.We all know the definition of morphology and morphemes for our previous study, as well as their category. But all that is the background of our current learning. A comparison of the constitution of English and Chinese word stocks will tell us something important. For example, Chinese consists of two kinds of words:mono-morphemic words and multi-morphemic words. The former accounts for 80% of the total vocabulary of modern Chinese, while theother only 20%. However, derivatives and compounds are in the ratio of about 1:1 in English. These two pairs of figures indicate that lexical system of Chinese is much more analytic (isolating) than that of English, which is more synthetic.Contrastive lexical semantics in this book told several contrasts between English and Chinese. First, on the basis of motivation of words, the book came to a natural conclusion after the comparison of German, English and Chinese that Chinese, at least the modern Chinese is a quite markedly morphologically motivated language than English. On the basis of sense relations, the book introduced a kind of phenomenon called lexical gap. For example, different kinds of boiled or steamed stuffed wheaten food in Chinese has different name:饺子and 馄炖,but in English, there is one name only-dumpling.As we have dealt with derivational morphology in the previous chapter, what should be told about is inflectional morphology and syntax. In fact, this chapter is separated into two parts. First, we will make a brief account of contrastive analysis on the level of inflectional morphology. Second, we will introduce several linguistic schools of the present day.Familiar grammatical categories or contrast include aspect, case, gender, mood, number, person, tense, and voice.Here, I just quote some points concluded from the book.Aspect--Chinese has a developed aspect system. Like English, itdistinguishes the perfective aspect from the progressive aspect Case—typical formal contrasts in European languages are between the several: the nominative, the accusative, the dative, the genitive, the vocative, the ablative.Gender—a grammatical distinction in which words are marked according to a distinction between masculine, feminine and sometimes neuter. Mood—typical contrasts are made between the indicative, the subjunctive and the imperative.Number—sometime, a countable word in Chinese may be uncountable in English.Tense—one thing that distinguishes Chinese verbs and English verbs is that English verbs conjugate to show different tenses, whereas Chinese verbs, having no conjugations, but depends on adverbs to mark the tense.V oice—there are four devices employed both in English and Chinese to perform the same function in voice. However, the differences are still existed. In Chinese, inflection is used to indicate the location of a noun; while in English, it occurs only with the subjective and the objective cases, e.g. he/him. In thesecond part of this chapter, the book discussed the contrastive analysis in these ways: structuralist approaches and generative approaches. In structuralist approaches, we can get two conclusions from the book. First, in the IC branching diagram, language is structured on two axes, a horizontal one delineating construction-type, and a vertical one defining sets of possible fillers for each position: the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes respectively. Second, English uses function words called articles to carry some certain meaning, while Chinese and Russian achieve the same contrasts through word order.Last, there are some certain weaknesses in the structuralist model that structuralist models confine themselves to observations about the surface structure: this is the root of their problems.In this section, we will consider contrastive analysis on the models of Transformational Grammatical and Case Grammar. As Chomsky changed his theory over years, we can get that grammar is a tripartition of syntax, semantics, and phonetics. Contrast to the TG, some linguistics put forward the Case Grammar, one of the semantics-based models for grammatical analysis. Case Grammar is a theory of syntax and semantics in which nouns in deep structures are said to be related to verbs in cases such as object, dative, instrumental, and so on. One of its problems is that sometimes it may cause ambiguity in sentences.The above five chapters are discussing about the micro-linguistics. In chapter six and chapter seven, we are going to study macro-linguistics contrastive analysis. Scholars from many disciplines search for larger linguistics units and structures with their own models and goals, but their common concern is that they stress the need to see language as a dynamic, social,interactive phenomenon- whether between speaker and listener, orwriter and reader. What it argued that meaning is not only conveyed by single sentences, but also by some personal factors, such as beliefs, knowledge and even the situation in which they interact. Compare the goal of macro-linguistics with the code linguistics`, we may notice that the attention has been shifted from the code to the progress of communication. Hymes proposes that the object of linguistic enquiry should be communicative competence. We can sum up three characteristics.(a) A concern for communicative competence rather than for “linguistics”competence in Chomsky`s sense. (b) An attempt to describe linguistic events within their extralinguistics settings. (c) The search for units of linguistic organization larger than the single sentence. Text is a piece of spoken or written language which concerns about competence while discourse is related to performance. There seems to three approaches to the use of text analysis and discourse analysis, one of the three tends to see the two terms are complementary which also have been adopted for our present work. In the chapter six, we shall be concerned with contrastive text analysis, discourse analysis will be dealt with in the chapter seven (“Pragmatic Contrastive Analysis”).We will define the Text with its two important characteristics—Cohesion and Coherence.Coherence refers to the structural and /or semantic relationships between the different elements of a text. It is understood in both narrow and broad senses-Semantic cohesion and Structural Coherence. Respectively, SemanticCohesion has five devices to achieve it, as Halliday and Hasan identify, that is reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, andlexical relationships. As for Structural Cohesion, it is typically achieved through three devices: parallelism, comparison, and informational structure. Obviously, different languages have preferences for certain of these devices and neglect certain others, that why Contrastive Analysis of Textual Coherence come into being. One of its aims is to find out the different ways which different languages conventionally use to organize a group of concepts and propositions into an organic whole to convey a specific meaning. Different modes of thoughts also have influences on the way a language conventionally uses to organize their spoken and written text. For this Kaplan concluded a diagram which demonstrates how people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds tend to think. From that diagram, we can make a comparison English text and Chinese text.English writings are organized in this way. Typically, they will start with an introductory paragraph to state what the writer will concerned with in the whole work, the rest paragraphs will organized around the subject proposed at the start. The paragraphs hold the same. Each paragraph often started with a topic sentence, and remaining part would provide evidence to support it. In this way, the whole text appears to be built up along a direct line.The Chinese is different. No matter in the early stage of Chinese civilization, Ming-Qing dynasties, or in some modern publicity materials,Chinese text always written in a suggestively way. So a Chinese student can not ignore the differences between these two languages if he/she wants to write idiomatic English.To sum up, the contrastive analysis of textual cohesion and coherence is significant in that it may help bilingual workers aswell as learners of L2 to come to a better understanding of he differences between L1 and L2 in respect of their textual organization and thereby develop textual skills to produce more idiomatic texts in L2.As for our L2 learners, what we should pay attention to is to keep text coherent in the preference of the language we employed, although we have our own preference. Otherwise, what we written or spoken will be regarded as awkward or inappropriate.We will discuss pragmatic contrastive analysis in chapter seven. As pragmatic contrastive analysis has two dimensions, this chapter also divided into two parts: analysis of speech acts and analysis of conversational interaction.In the first part, the book introduced us three kinds of speech acts and five basic types of illocutionary acts. Then we know what felicity conditions are, the criteria to see whether the speech acts are successful. Here are some examples listed in the book: the preparatory conditions have to be right, the speech act has to be executed in the correct manner, and the sincerity conditions have to be present.In the second part, the book introduced the structure and some laws of conversation and the differences exist between conversations in different languages. It is obvious that every conversation has three parts: Openings, Maintaining Conversation, and closings. The two principles employed in conversation we should pay some attention—principle of cooperation and rules of politeness.The contrastive analysis of is indispensible to the command of L2, so some materials aimed at developing the learners` communicative competence should be added in teachingprogram.Ⅱ.Violation of The Principle of Cooperation.Grice maintains that the overriding principle in conversation is one he calls the cooperative principle which makes your conversational contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted propose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. It includes four conversational maxims, i.e. quantity, quality, relation and manner. However, not all conversations follow the four maxims of the principle of cooperation. This phenomenon occurred in both English and Chinese, and sometimes has humorous effects. In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate these violations from four maxims respectively.2.1 QuantityQuantity principle means the speakers should provide the very mount of information, neither less nor more, or ambigution will happened. The following are two examples.E.g. “…89岁的人啊, 就是满嘴的牙掉了,还剩一个牙。
关于《普通语言学教程》读书报告姓名:彭彬学号:1105020260 班级:英语112班课程:语言学导论瑞士语言学家索绪尔(f.de saussure )是现代语言学的重要奠基者,也是结构主义的开创者之一。
《普通语言学教程》(course in general linguistics )是索绪尔的代表性著作,集中体现了他的基本语言学思想,对二十世纪的现代语言学研究产生了深远的影响。
而chance作为名词的主要语义包括以下三项:a possibility of something happening, a suitable time or situation when you have the opportunity to do something,以及an unpleasant or dangerous possibility[2]。
以下是体认语言学的几个核心观点:1. 语言与认知的关系:体认语言学强调语言与认知的紧密联系,认为语言不仅是沟通的工具,更是人类认知活动的产物。
2. 意象图式:体认语言学提出了意象图式这一概念,认为人们通过感官体验世界,将外部世界的信息内化为心理图式,这些图式构成了人类认知的基础。
3. 心理空间:体认语言学认为,语言表达的是一种心理空间,即人们根据具体情境在头脑中构建的一个虚拟空间。
4. 文化认知:体认语言学强调文化对语言的影响,认为语言是文化的一部分,反映了特定文化背景下的认知模式和价值观念。
二、阅读《体认语言学》的心得体会1. 语言与认知的紧密联系:通过阅读《体认语言学》,我深刻认识到语言与认知之间的紧密联系。
2. 意象图式的重要性:在日常生活中,我们常常忽略意象图式在我们认知过程中的作用。
3. 心理空间与认知活动:体认语言学提出的心理空间概念让我对语言表达有了新的认识。
《普通语言学教程》读书报告提纲:一、索绪尔生平简介二、索绪尔在语言学理论上的主要思想三、《普通语言学教程》的结构内容四、分章节阐述《普通语言学教程》中提出的语言学的基本问题五、总结内容,分析对语言学发展的影响六、针对选择的译本进行评价费尔迪南•德•索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure,1857-1913),出生于瑞士日内瓦,祖籍法国,瑞士语言学家,现代语言学理论的奠基者。
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Reading report of contrastive linguisticsAs a reading report of Contrastive Linguistics, this essay is divided into two parts. In the first part, I would have a detailed summary of this book which consists of two parts. In the second part, I will introduce some issues I am interested in, and have a brief introduction of current preview of these issues.I hope that this reading report would make contribution to the development of related studies.Here, I extend my sincere thanks to the teacher of this course, XiongLiqing.Ⅰ. Detail summary of this book.In this summary, I would divide the whole seven chapters into two parts. The first part contains the first two chapters in this book, the remaining parts make up another part.The first part introduced basic knowledge of contrastive linguistics, and the subject of our study.As we all know, linguistics is a scientific study of language, which exists mainly as social and psychological realities. Apparently, contrastive linguistics is a branch of linguistics. We can understanding its nature easily by what its name indicates—“contrastive”, that is to say, its nature is comparisons within and between languages. This branch of linguistics can bedivided into two axes, theoretical vs. practical, and microlinguistic vs. macrolinguistic. The difference between theoretical and applied is that the former is bidirectional, the later is unidirectional. Micro-contrastive linguistics concentrates on four linguistic levels of phonetics, phonology, lexis and grammar, while macro-contrastive linguistics only concerns two higher levels—textual and pragmatic. The contrastive linguistics exists because it has great importance.Theoretically speaking, it is an indispensable to the development of linguistics; practically speaking, it might solve some linguistic problems which cannot be solved with one language.As for the history of contrastive linguistics, it is American anthropologist B.L.Whorf who first introduced it, it is until do who published the book Linguistics Across Cultures that contrastive linguistics became a independent subject, “a new field of applied linguistics”, he issued. Contrastive linguistics became an independent subject in China until 1970s, its development came to a new stage in 1990s.Since we have known the backgrounds of this study, it would be an appropriate time to know some principles and procedures of contrastive linguistics.Through learning of Transfer, which is divided into positive transfer and negative transfer.We have also known another two important principles: (1) contrastiveanalysis is always predictive, and that the job of diagnosis belongs to the field of Error Analysis; (2) contrastive linguistics can be expected to predict these errors, but it will not claim or be able to predict the order 50% or 60% of learner errors. As for comparison criteria, the sameness come as constant while the difference as variables. Constant has traditionally been known as tertium comparationis in the theory of contrastive linguistics. Surface structure and deep structure are also quoted in this book to help us learn, which might be considered as a criteria of comparison. Since there are so many differences in two languages, we should pay attention to the real equivalence of translation, both in surface and deep. That‟s to say, for two sentences from different languages to be translationally equivalent they must convey the same referential and pragmatic and interlingual meanings. The procedure of contrastive analysis involves two stages: the stage of description when each of the two languages is described on the appropriate level; then comes the stage of juxtaposition for comparison. As what is summarized that it will frequently be necessary to cross hierachical levels since different languages don‟t express the same grammatical meaning in the same level. The second part of the summary which contains the left five chapters deals with contrastive linguistics at various linguistic levels.In chapter three, the book first issued what are phonetics and phonology. What are they? The phonetics refers to the physical production of sounds, which has two categories according to where and how the sounds areproduced. The phonology studies the specific sounds employed in different languages. Obviously, these two also do to the contrastive linguistics.As we all know, phonetics has 3branches, articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics, while there two approaches to phonetic contrastive analysis, the first is physiological and the second is physical. This book just wrote one notion that is important to the phonological contrastive analysis—Functional load. At the end of the chapter three, the author introduced suprasegmental contrastive analysis. He also dealt with three terms—pitch, tone and intonation. Pitch is an important category in the phonological system of Chinese and English suprasegmentals.Chapter four is a detailed introduction of lexicology morphology. In this chapter, the book told the two divisions of lexical contrastive analysis—contrastive lexical morphology and contrastive lexical semantics. At the end of this chapter, the book summarized which three areas have the lexical contrastive analysis been active to attach its academic and practicable influences.We all know the definition of morphology and morphemes for our previous study, as well as their category. But all that is the background of our current learning. A comparison of the constitution of English and Chinese word stocks will tell us something important. For example, Chinese consists of two kinds of words:mono-morphemic words and multi-morphemic words. The former accounts for 80% of the total vocabulary of modern Chinese, while theother only 20%. However, derivatives and compounds are in the ratio of about 1:1 in English. These two pairs of figures indicate that lexical system of Chinese is much more analytic (isolating) than that of English, which is more synthetic.Contrastive lexical semantics in this book told several contrasts between English and Chinese. First, on the basis of motivation of words, the book came to a natural conclusion after the comparison of German, English and Chinese that Chinese, at least the modern Chinese is a quite markedly morphologically motivated language than English. On the basis of sense relations, the book introduced a kind of phenomenon called lexical gap. For example, different kinds of boiled or steamed stuffed wheaten food in Chinese has different name:饺子and 馄炖,but in English, there is one name only-dumpling.As we have dealt with derivational morphology in the previous chapter, what should be told about is inflectional morphology and syntax. In fact, this chapter is separated into two parts. First, we will make a brief account of contrastive analysis on the level of inflectional morphology. Second, we will introduce several linguistic schools of the present day.Familiar grammatical categories or contrast include aspect, case, gender, mood, number, person, tense, and voice.Here, I just quote some points concluded from the book.Aspect--Chinese has a developed aspect system. Like English, itdistinguishes the perfective aspect from the progressive aspect Case—typical formal contrasts in European languages are between the several: the nominative, the accusative, the dative, the genitive, the vocative, the ablative.Gender—a grammatical distinction in which words are marked according to a distinction between masculine, feminine and sometimes neuter. Mood—typical contrasts are made between the indicative, the subjunctive and the imperative.Number—sometime, a countable word in Chinese may be uncountable in English.Tense—one thing that distinguishes Chinese verbs and English verbs is that English verbs conjugate to show different tenses, whereas Chinese verbs, having no conjugations, but depends on adverbs to mark the tense.V oice—there are four devices employed both in English and Chinese to perform the same function in voice. However, the differences are still existed. In Chinese, inflection is used to indicate the location of a noun; while in English, it occurs only with the subjective and the objective cases, e.g. he/him. In the second part of this chapter, the book discussed the contrastive analysis in these ways: structuralist approaches and generative approaches. In structuralist approaches, we can get two conclusions from the book. First, in the IC branching diagram, language is structured on two axes, a horizontal one delineating construction-type, and a vertical one defining sets of possiblefillers for each position: the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes respectively. Second, English uses function words called articles to carry some certain meaning, while Chinese and Russian achieve the same contrasts through word order.Last, there are some certain weaknesses in the structuralist model that structuralist models confine themselves to observations about the surface structure: this is the root of their problems.In this section, we will consider contrastive analysis on the models of Transformational Grammatical and Case Grammar. As Chomsky changed his theory over years, we can get that grammar is a tripartition of syntax, semantics, and phonetics. Contrast to the TG, some linguistics put forward the Case Grammar, one of the semantics-based models for grammatical analysis. Case Grammar is a theory of syntax and semantics in which nouns in deep structures are said to be related to verbs in cases such as object, dative, instrumental, and so on. One of its problems is that sometimes it may cause ambiguity in sentences.The above five chapters are discussing about the micro-linguistics. In chapter six and chapter seven, we are going to study macro-linguistics contrastive analysis. Scholars from many disciplines search for larger linguistics units and structures with their own models and goals, but their common concern is that they stress the need to see language as a dynamic, social, interactive phenomenon- whether between speaker and listener, orwriter and reader. What it argued that meaning is not only conveyed by single sentences, but also by some personal factors, such as beliefs, knowledge and even the situation in which they interact. Compare the goal of macro-linguistics with the code linguistics`, we may notice that the attention has been shifted from the code to the progress of communication. Hymes proposes that the object of linguistic enquiry should be communicative competence. We can sum up three characteristics. (a) A concern for communicative competence rather than for “linguistics”competence in Chomsky`s sense. (b) An attempt to describe linguistic events within their extralinguistics settings. (c) The search for units of linguistic organization larger than the single sentence. Text is a piece of spoken or written language which concerns about competence while discourse is related to performance. There seems to three approaches to the use of text analysis and discourse analysis, one of the three tends to see the two terms are complementary which also have been adopted for our present work. In the chapter six, we shall be concerned with contrastive text analysis, discourse analysis will be dealt with in the chapter seven (“Pragmatic Contrastive Analysis”).We will define the Text with its two important characteristics—Cohesion and Coherence.Coherence refers to the structural and /or semantic relationships between the different elements of a text. It is understood in both narrow and broad senses-Semantic cohesion and Structural Coherence. Respectively, SemanticCohesion has five devices to achieve it, as Halliday and Hasan identify, that is reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical relationships. As for Structural Cohesion, it is typically achieved through three devices: parallelism, comparison, and informational structure. Obviously, different languages have preferences for certain of these devices and neglect certain others, that why Contrastive Analysis of Textual Coherence come into being. One of its aims is to find out the different ways which different languages conventionally use to organize a group of concepts and propositions into an organic whole to convey a specific meaning. Different modes of thoughts also have influences on the way a language conventionally uses to organize their spoken and written text. For this Kaplan concluded a diagram which demonstrates how people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds tend to think. From that diagram, we can make a comparison English text and Chinese text.English writings are organized in this way. Typically, they will start with an introductory paragraph to state what the writer will concerned with in the whole work, the rest paragraphs will organized around the subject proposed at the start. The paragraphs hold the same. Each paragraph often started with a topic sentence, and remaining part would provide evidence to support it. In this way, the whole text appears to be built up along a direct line.The Chinese is different. No matter in the early stage of Chinese civilization, Ming-Qing dynasties, or in some modern publicity materials,Chinese text always written in a suggestively way. So a Chinese student can not ignore the differences between these two languages if he/she wants to write idiomatic English.To sum up, the contrastive analysis of textual cohesion and coherence is significant in that it may help bilingual workers as well as learners of L2 to come to a better understanding of he differences between L1 and L2 in respect of their textual organization and thereby develop textual skills to produce more idiomatic texts in L2.As for our L2 learners, what we should pay attention to is to keep text coherent in the preference of the language we employed, although we have our own preference. Otherwise, what we written or spoken will be regarded as awkward or inappropriate.We will discuss pragmatic contrastive analysis in chapter seven. As pragmatic contrastive analysis has two dimensions, this chapter also divided into two parts: analysis of speech acts and analysis of conversational interaction.In the first part, the book introduced us three kinds of speech acts and five basic types of illocutionary acts. Then we know what felicity conditions are, the criteria to see whether the speech acts are successful. Here are some examples listed in the book: the preparatory conditions have to be right, the speech act has to be executed in the correct manner, and the sincerity conditions have to be present.In the second part, the book introduced the structure and some laws of conversation and the differences exist between conversations in different languages. It is obvious that every conversation has three parts: Openings, Maintaining Conversation, and closings. The two principles employed in conversation we should pay some attention—principle of cooperation and rules of politeness.The contrastive analysis of is indispensible to the command of L2, so some materials aimed at developing the learners` communicative competence should be added in teaching program.Ⅱ.Violation of The Principle of Cooperation.Grice maintains that the overriding principle in conversation is one he calls the cooperative principle which makes your conversational contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted propose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. It includes four conversational maxims, i.e. quantity, quality, relation and manner. However, not all conversations follow the four maxims of the principle of cooperation. This phenomenon occurred in both English and Chinese, and sometimes has humorous effects. In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate these violations from four maxims respectively.2.1 QuantityQuantity principle means the speakers should provide the very mount of information, neither less nor more, or ambigution will happened. The following are two examples.E.g. “…89岁的人啊, 就是满嘴的牙掉了,还剩一个牙。