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3.在try, mean, can't help等V之后用-ing分词 还是不定式,取决于这些V本身的不同含 义。 eg. Your plan would mean spending hours. (意味着。。) I didn't mean to make you angry. (打算。。。)
4.在agree, decide等V之后,可直接加不定 式,但若带-ing分词,则必须在-ing分词 前添加介词。 eg. to share They agreed the remuneration. on sharing
eg.It can't be stopped from happening here.
既能直接带不定式又能直接 带-ing分词的V:
1.能带不定式和-ing分词而意义无甚区别 的V
能带不定式和-ing分词而意义无甚区别的V: attempt, begin, can't bear, continue, deserve, dread, hate, intend, like, love, need, neglect, plan, prefer, start,etc.
2.-ing分词的逻辑主语已在句中其他地方出 现,因而也无需表示出来。 eg. Would you mind ringing me up to tomorrow.
3.-ing分词本身带有自己的主语,因而要表 现出来。如果不表示出来回产生歧义。 eg. She insisted on me going.
• V+宾语+from+-ing分词
常见的这些词有:stop, keep, prevent, hinder, restain, save,etc.
eg. We can't stop it (from) happening here.
注:在此句式中,如果是主动形式则from有 时可以省略;若为被动态,则from不可 省略。
2.在need, want, require, deserve,etc.V之后, 可用-ing分词的主动形式表被动意义,相 当于不定式的被动态。 eg. The house wants rewiring. The house wants to be rewired.
3.在begin, start之后,若跟的是静态动词, 便只能用不定式。 We began to to see what he meant. 注:当 begin, start已用于进行体时,其后 的V也用不定式。 It's beginning to rain
1. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich.(这个男的他。) 2. Her sudden question surprised him into betraying himself. 3.Bob talked us into walking home with him
regret. I regret telling you that Jhon stole it. (后悔做过/正在做sth.) I regret to tell you that Jhon stole it. (感觉遗憾/抱歉去做sth.)
在stop, leave off, go on等V之后,通常用ing分词结构作宾语;若用不定式结构, 便不是宾语而是目的状语,相当于in order to. eg. They stopped watching TV at 9:30. =At 9:30 they did not watch TV any more. They stopped to watch TV at 9:30. =They poused to at 9:30 in order to watch TV.
Examples: 1. He acknowledged being ignorant of the facts. 2. Please pardon my disturbing you. 3. We appreciate your inviting us to your party.
-ING分词的逻辑主语: 1.在特定的语境中,-ing分词的逻辑 主语对于谈话双方是不言而喻的,因而 无需表达出来。 eg. Father suggested going by bus.
5.在encourage, permit, allow, recommend, advise, authorise等V之后,一般用-ing分 词结构作宾语,但也可带有自己的逻辑 主语的不定式结构。 eg. They encouraged learning English by radio and TV. They encouraged me to learn English by radio and TV.
-ING分词与动词的搭配关系: 1、V+Ing分词 2、V+宾语+介词+ing分词
能带-ing分词而不能带不定式结构作宾语 的常见动词: admit, acknowledge, anticipate, advocate,appreciate, avoid, can't help, can't resist, can't stand, consider, contemplate, defer, deny, dislake, favor, don't mind, ensure, escape, finish, give up, include, miss, practice, pardon, put off, report, risk, stop, suggest etc.
4.现在分词做状语时,其动作必须是主句 中的主语发出的,否则不能成立。 eg.Seeing from the top of the mountain,we can find that the high buildings look like toys.(√) Seeing from the top of the mountain, the high buildings look like toys.(X)
二者在形式上没有区别,都是以-ing结尾, 但在用法上有相同点也有不同点。
1.相同点 2.不同点
3.都能做状语: 动名词不可以单独做状语,一般 在其前面加上相应的介词或介词短语。 (about, after, against, apart from, at, before,besides, by, for, for fear, for the purpose of, instead of,with a view to, with the object to,etc.) eg.After finishing her homework ,the little girln began to do some cleaning.
1.都能做表语: His job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.(动名词) The situation is encouraging.(令人鼓舞的) The man is very charming. 现在分词作表语多用来表示主语所具有 的特征,常用作标语的现在分词有: amusing, astonishing, charming, misleading,promising, shocking,etc.
We plan to visit France this summer.
能带不定式和-ing分词而意义不同 的V
在forget, go on, leave off, mean, regret, remember, stop,etc.
1.在remember, forget之后,用-ing分词表示 动作发生在“记得”、“忘记”之前, 用不定式则表示动作发生在“记得”、 “忘记”之后。 (记得、忘记做过sth.)(记得、忘记要做sth.) eg. Can't you remember telling me the story last night?=You told me the story last night. Can't you remember it? You must remember to tell him all that. =You must tell him all that.Don't forget it.
It begins to rain It begins rainning
4.在attempt, intend, plan之后,既可跟不定 式又可以接-ing分词。(一般跟不定式) eg. I planned to go/going myself. 如果上述词为进行体,则只能跟不定式。 eg. We are planning to visit France this summer.
-ING分词的逻辑主语可以为: 名词通格、名词属格、代词宾格和物 主限定词 eg. John John's I don't mind him buying another one. his 在口语中,比较倾向于用名词通格和代 词宾格。
既能带-ing分词又能带that分句的V: acknowledge, admit, appreciate, deny, imagine, suggest, report, mean, mention, recall, understand, etc. eg. The watchman reported finding the door open. (The watchman reported that he had found the door open.)
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2.V+宾语+from+-ing分词. 3.V+宾语+for/on/of等+ing分词
常见的这些词有:trick, mislead, shame, surprise, talk, trape, beguile, deceive, fool,etc.
现在分词做状语: 1.现在分词做状语,可以表示时间、原因、 条件、让步、连续等,相当于一个状语从句。 句子的主语是现在分词的发出者。 eg. Knowing what had happend, he apologized to me for his impoliteness. 2.分词动作和谓语动作完全同时发生时,可 用when/while 引到现在分词结构。 eg.Don't mention that while talking to her. 3.如果分词动作发生在谓语动作之前,分词 要用完成时。 eg.Having done their assignments, the students left the classroom.
2.都能做定语: 动名词作定语一般放在名词或代词的 前面,表示所修饰名词的用途。 eg. a writing desk=a desk for writing 现在分词作定语的两种情况: 1.单个的现在分词常放在所修饰 名词的前面。 eg.The running dog chaced moth. 2.现在分词短语常放在所修饰名 词的后面做后பைடு நூலகம்定语,相当于一个定语 从句。eg.A little child learning to walk often falls=…who is learning to …
1.在begin, can't bear, cease, continue, dread, like, love, neglect, prefer, propose, start,etc.V之后,如表示一般的行为,用ing分词居多;如表示特定的或具体的动 作,则用不定式较多。 eg. I can't bear living alone. I can't bear to see the child treated stupidly.