新视界大学英语4unit1、3、 5 、7习题英译汉汉译英整理

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1 I live in a world of skinned knees, double-knottedshoelaces, riddles that I've heard

a dozen times, stale birthday cakes, hurtfeelings, wandering stories and one lost shoe ("and if you don't find itmy mother'll kill me").


2 I don't have the singular power overlanguage of a lawyer, the physical force of a construction worker, the commandover fellow workers of a surgeon, the wheeling and dealing transactions of abusinessman.


3 A few yearsago, when I was interviewing for an elementary-school teaching position, everyprincipal told me with confidence that, as a male, I had an advantage overfemale applicants because of the lack of male teachers.


4 Becoming a dean of students or a principal has never been oneof my goals, but they seemed to expect me, as a male, to want to climb higheron the career stepladder.


5 Possibly,men would have more to say to me, and I to them, if my job had more

of thetrappings and benefits of more traditional male jobs.



1 No history offashion in the years 1960 to 2010 can overlook or underestimate two constantfactors: jeans and the rise and fall of hemlines for women's skirts anddress 从1960年到2010年的任何一部时尚史都不能忽视或低估两个恒在的因素:牛仔裤和女性裙子长度的变化。

2 There is consensus among fashioneditors that there is a precise relation, with only

a few exceptions, betweenthe length of women's skirts and the economy.


3 As the world economiesbounced back again in the 1990s, fashion for young people became more daring


4 Sometimes hemlines caneven predict a change in the mood of the stock market

long before it actuallyhappens


5 During the whole period,fashion styles have ranged widely, and have usually been sparked off by adesire to identify people as belonging to a particular sub-culture.



1 Men were certainlyfound to be no more likely than women to discuss "important" or"highbrow" subjects such as politics, work, art and culturalmatters—except (and this was a striking difference) when women were present.


2 Despite thesefindings, the myth is still widely believed, particularly among males, that menspend their conversations "solving the world's problems", while thewomenfolk gossip in the kitchen.


3 The English women Iinterviewed all agreed that a particular tone of voice was consideredappropriate for gossip.


4 Females alsostressed the importance of detail in the telling of gossip, and again bemoanedthe shortcomings of males in this matter, claiming that men "never knowthe details".


5 The unwritten rules ofEnglish gossip etiquette do allow men to express shock or surprise when theyhear a particularly juicy bit of gossip, but it is understood that a suitableexpletive conveys such surprise in a more acceptably masculine fashion.


Unit 7

1 UK exports to China are expected to multiply by four times by the end of the decade, and its government wants every school, college and university to be twinned with an equivalent institution in China.

