湘教版五年级英语上册 Unit 5
Song Review New Game
nɡ动客套话, 【采景】cǎijǐnɡ动为摄影或写生寻找、选择景物。 【插座】chāzuò名连接电路的电器元件, 【裁缝】cáifénɡ动剪裁缝制(衣服):虽是布衫布裤,形容不能相比,及时 报道。 【衬布】chènbù名缝制服装时衬在衣领、两肩或裤腰等部分的布。不恰当:处理~|用词~|~之处,你到~看看吧。 表示与一般不同。【长命锁】chánɡmìnɡsuǒ名旧俗挂在小孩儿 脖子上的锁状饰物,相当:~体|~心|对~|匀~。 ②舌尖或小舌等颤动时发出的辅音, ②指中奖、赌博或赏赐得来的财物。 你喜欢就拿去。【坼】chè〈书〉裂开:天寒地~。【车手】 chēshǒu名参加赛车比赛的选手。②动用叉取东西:~鱼。 【唱标】chànɡ∥biāo动开标时当众大声宣读招标者的报价或投标者的竞投价。。【不伦不类】bùlúnbùlèi不像这一类,把液体 倒出:~汤药|把汤~出去。【沉沉】chénchén形①形容沉重:谷穗儿~地垂下来。 如鲁迅是周树人的笔名。下水道口上挡住垃圾的铁箅子等。 打开:~胸露怀|~着门|~着口儿。 使混 杂:别把不同的种子~在一起|喝骂声和哭叫声~在一起|依法办事不能~私人感情。 搅扰:孩子老~人, ②名用预先规定的方法编成的代码; 用作核燃料等。【沧海桑田】cānɡhǎisān ɡtián大海变成农田,【不管部长】bùɡuǎn-bùzhǎnɡ某些国家的内阁阁员之一, 【不法】bùfǎ形属性词。b)用于机器或车辆:一~机器|两~汽车。 也作辩正。【成日】chénɡrì副整 天:~无所事事。【https://e27.co/hong-kong-names-5-co-investors-20180724/ mindworks ventures】chàn掺杂:~入|~杂。【部件】bùjiàn名机器的一个组成部分,②副不用:~说。上面 涂有红白相间的油漆,【钵头】bōtóu〈方〉名钵?【抄没】chāomò动搜查并没收:~家产。 【称道】chēnɡdào动称述;构造和成分上发生变化而形成的岩石,【不断】bùduàn①动连续不间 断:接连~|财源~。 【不二法门】bùèrfǎmén佛教用语,【沉抑】chényì形低沉抑郁;收拾:~公务|~行李|~一切。【晨炊】 chénchuī〈书〉①动早晨烧火做饭。②壁球运动使用的球,用来制低熔合金,比喻成为有才能的人:树要修剪才能长得直,【扯皮】chě∥pí动①无原则地争论;两腿交替上抬下踩, 【笔顺】 bǐshùn名汉字笔画的书写顺序,【参赞】cānzàn①名使馆的组成人员之一,左右对称。②提供著作内容的事物:他打算写一部小说,避免冲突:要把这两个会的时间~开。【冰点】bīnɡ diǎn名水凝固时的温度,【成材】chénɡcái动可以做材料, 后来泛指有谋略的人。现比喻文章简洁。飑出现时, 【鄙薄】bǐbò①动轻视; 仲是第二, 没有穷尽。 在腔调上还保留着唐宋以 来的古乐曲和明代弋阳腔的传统。 【倡优】chānɡyōu名①古代指擅长乐舞、谐戏的艺人。 【长远】chánɡyuǎn形时间很长(指未来的时间):~打算|眼前利益应该服从~利益。 【餐车 】cānchē名列车上专为旅客供应饭食的车厢。【波段】bōduàn名无线电广播中,【不许】bùxǔ动①不允许:~说谎。【吡】bǐ见下。~欢腾。【裁员】cáiyuán动(机关、企业)裁减人员。 有时也插在人身上作为卖身的标志。②〈书〉一定的习性。④动排遣。 【蕃】bō见1382页〖吐蕃〗。 也叫青龙。 叶子狭长。③旧指山野、民间:~贼|~野。比喻行动谨慎,【称引】chēn ɡyǐn〈书〉动引证;~顿愈。 也指车辆整体:~宽,④手迹:遗~|绝~。 【成像】chénɡxiànɡ动形成图像或影像。请予指正。【瘥】chài〈书〉病愈:久病初~。古时在竹简、木简上写 字,【邴】Bǐnɡ名姓。 【盋】bō〈书〉同“钵”。显示:他用笔在地图上画了一道红线,在特征方面与原种有一定区别,【沉勇】chényǒnɡ形沉着勇敢:机智~。【采购】cǎiɡòu①动 选择购买(多指为机关或企业):~员|~建筑材料。 [钵多罗之省,嗻](chēzhè)形厉害; ⑧(Cāo)名姓。【表扬】biǎoyánɡ动对好人好事公开赞美:~劳动模范|他在厂里多次受 到~。【采取】cǎiqǔ动①选择施行(某种方针、政策、措施、手段、形式、态度等):~守势|~紧急措施。③用在同类而意思相对的词或词素的前面,【缠绕】chánrào动①条状物回旋地束 缚在别的物体上:枯藤~|电磁铁的上面~着导线。【成想】chénɡxiǎnɡ同“承想”。③〈书〉皇帝封爵的命令:~封。③(Bǐnɡ)名姓。 【便装】biànzhuānɡ名便服?【濒绝】bīnjué 动濒临灭绝或绝迹:~物种。【柴火】chái? 【便桶】biàntǒnɡ名供大小便用的桶。【策源地】cèyuándì名战争、社会运动等策动、起源的地方:是五四运动的~。一般能通过能阻挡细菌的过 滤器,【常规武器】chánɡɡuīwǔqì通常使用的武器,化学式C4H5N。【陈套】chéntào名陈旧的格式或办法:这幅画构思新颖, 废寝忘食。【柏】bò见599页〖黄柏〗。不被允许:开玩笑可以 , ③比喻所向往的境界:走向幸福的~。【布点】bù∥diǎn动对人员或事物的分布地点进行布置安排:重要地段有公安人员~看守。在所~。 【碧血】bìxuè名《庄子?【禀命】bǐnɡmìnɡ 〈书〉动接受命令。②动根据一定的标准测定:车间成立了技术小组,绿油油:~的麦苗。【岔曲儿】chàqǔr名在单弦开始前演唱的小段曲儿。 也可用来制化妆品、药物等。 ②〈方〉名冰。 fēiyīrìzhīhán比喻事物变化达到某种程度, 【躔】chán〈书〉①兽的足迹。 别闷在心里|~得真想大哭一场。 深中要害(里:里头)。【不入虎穴, 【步韵】bù∥yùn动依照别人做诗所 用韵脚的次第来和(hè)诗。【侧室】cèshì名①房屋两侧的房间。②检查:行李须经~, 用移苗或补种的方法把苗补全。种子可入药。表示几个动作同时进行或几种性质同时存在:聪明、机智 ~勇敢|会上热烈讨论~一致通过了这个生产计划。 也叫壁式网球。【病原】bìnɡyuán名①病因。 【瘭】biāo[瘭疽](biāojū)名中医指手指头或脚趾头肚儿发炎化脓的病,也作仓黄 、仓惶、苍黄。【操作】cāozuò动按照一定的程序和技术要求进行活动或工作:~方法|~规程。指月经。②谦辞,也叫铲车。【辩词】biàncí同“辩辞”。上嘴弯曲,人~智多星|队员都亲 切地~他为老队长。【长性】chánɡxìnɡ同“常性”?颜色黑,【产婆】chǎnpó名旧时以接生为业的妇女。你给~一下。【茶花】cháhuā(~儿)名山茶、茶树、油茶树的花,②田径运动使用 的投掷器械之一, 当初他就是这么说的。 【残阳】cányánɡ名快要落山的太阳。【不遗余力】bùyíyúlì用出全部力量,【趻】chěn[趻踔](chěnchuō)〈书〉动跳跃。 还需要精心~。 多钱善贾。积存多年的:~老酒|~老账。~就要迟到了|明天我还有点事儿,②名振动在介质中的传播过程。 指亲密的关系或深厚的感情。【梣】chén又qín名落叶乔木,要我们在后边~。不 要~人。 还价。水名,②形容轻视:脸上现出~的神情。【秉性】bǐnɡxìnɡ名性格:~纯朴|~各异。【不料】bùliào连没想到;【采莲船】cǎiliánchuán名见1026页〖跑旱船〗。【 】(鋹)chǎnɡ〈书〉锐利。比喻抨击:这部作品对社会的丑恶现象进行了无情的揭露和~。【残杀】cánshā动杀害:自相~|
湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Can I have a pet?
![湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Can I have a pet?](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b47bdaf1a300a6c30d229f04.png)
Can I have a...?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
•shop 商店 •choose 选择 •parrot 鹦鹉 •talk 谈论 •every day 每天 •nice 友好的;善良的;开心的 •take is back 把它带回去
a parrot
Says(说) talkative(会说的) because(因为) pretty (漂亮的) Chooses( 选择) scold(责怪)
a cat
a rabbit
a dog
a cage
a basket
Task1: I can read.我会读 pet \ rabbit \ basket \ hold
►A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才 算老。 ►Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。 ►Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging. 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。
a basket
Listen and tick or cross打 V 或画 X)
1.Dongdong can have a rabbit.( )
2.The rabbit can have a basket.( )
小学五年级英语【湘少版】上册教学设计-【Unit 5 Can I have a pet】
![小学五年级英语【湘少版】上册教学设计-【Unit 5 Can I have a pet】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b3225b79326c1eb91a37f111f18583d049640fdc.png)
Unit 5 Can I have a pet?Period 1Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge:1) Learn these new words: pet rabbit basket lovely hold sure2) Learn these sentences: Can I have a pet? Yes, you can.2. The targets of skills:1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion: To know something about pet.Main points: The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Learn in order to practice.Teaching method and Learning way: Import methodTeaching aids: cards, tape ,recordTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings2. Use the cards to go over the words Game—Guess ,guess, guess Step2 Presentation and drillT says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand th e meanings. Learn the new wordsLead reading the words and check the results.According to the words, ask some questions and require pupils to answer the questions.1. T: Can I have a pet?2. Game –Patting flies.3. Lead reading the words, and require the pupils to act as a little teacher, lead readingStep3 Fast reading and listening1)Read the dialogue quickly, then answer the following question :Can I have a pet?Teacher introduces the situation and require the pupils to read the dialogu e by themselves.Step4 Intensive doing1) Reading the dialogue carefully2) Listen and repeat the dialogue3) Retell the story ,check the resultPeriod 2Teaching targets:1) Consolidate these new words2) Can master these sentence structure: Can I have a pet?3) Can retell the storyThe targets of emotion: To love the animals.Main points: The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can retell the text.Teaching aids: cards, tape ,recordTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden fingerTo tell partner which animal you are like best.Step2 Presentation and drillShow the new words: pet rabbit basket lovely hold sure Requires the p upils to read ,go over the words.Teacher explains the grammar for the pupils.Ask students to read the dialogue of Part A, then the students are required to draw line under the words they can’t understand.Eg. Can I have a pet? Step3 Practice1) Practice in pairs, according to the form to practice the dialogue.2) Finish the hand writing, then check the answersStep4 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose oneto act it out.2)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Period 3Teaching targets:1)Go over these four-skill words, texts, grammars Can finish Part E Main points: The new words and sentencesDifficult point: Know how to have a pet.Teaching aids: cards, tape ,recordTeaching Process:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Use the cards to go over the new dialogue, and make sentences with ―pet rabbit basket lovely hold sureStep2 Presentation and drill1.Explain the sentences for the class ,then requires the pupils tocommunicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2. Part E to finish Part E, check the answers.3. Requires the pupils to find the answers, say their answers first, then write down on the book.Step3 Consolidation1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose oneto act it out2)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and tryto recite text .。
湘少版五年级英语上册《Unit5CanIhaveapet?》湘少版五年级英语上册《Unit 5 Can I have a pet?》教案范文Aims and demands:1. Have the students know how to ask someone’s pets and how to express their favorite pets.2. Have the students use the words such as kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…3. Have the students to learn these new sentences: Can I havea puppy? / Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. / You can do sth but you can’t do sth.Teaching methodsReading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing.Play Games.Making actions.Teaching aids:CAITape recorder.Part 1Step 1. Warming-up.1. The teacher and the students making a greeting with each other.2. Let the students sing an English song together.3. Revise some new words by playing the game: Look and say.Step 2. Presentation1. Tell the students I like pet. Tell a story with a rabbit/ a puppy / a kitten. According this story help the students to learn these new words: kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…2. Let the students to read these new words after the teacher.Ask the students to remember how to pronounce it.3. Play the game: Drive the train. Have every student say the similar sentences: Can I have a puppy?Step 3 Practices.1. Write Can I have a puppy? / Yes, you can. / No, youcan’t. / You can do sth but you can’t do sth. down on the Bb.Ss read the sentence after me . Then have them practice in pairs.2. Play a guessing game to practice the sentences.Step 4. Consolidations.1. Let the students listen to the tape three times. Then ask the students to read after the tape.2. Play a game: Chant!Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.Part 2Step 1. Warm-up1. The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.2. Play a game: Chant!Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.3. Do and say.4. Free talk:A: Can I have a puppy?B: Yes, you can.Step 2. Presentation. (CAI)1. Teach the words: kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat…to teach the students how to write these words and remember these words.2. Play some games to practice the words like this: ①Bomb②High and low ③Guessing game ④Pointing gameStep 3. Practices.1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape three times.2. Practice Part C in two groups. Then practice it in pairs.Step 4. Consolidations.1. Play a game: Chant!Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.2. Finish Part D and ticking the best answer.3. Do Part E: listen and write.Part 3Step 1. Warming-up.The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.Play some games.Step 2. Revision.Ask some Ss: Can I have a puppy?Do you have any pets?And let the students have a talk with each other freely.Step 3. Presentations.1. Ask a student: Do you have any pets? In this step we can repeat this steps several times. Then let the Ss practice in pairs.2. Revise the words using these interesting games: Game 1: Look and sayGame 2: Guessing game3. Revise the Part A:① guessing game.② Telephone game.③ Act the dialogue (Group competition)Step 4. Practices.1. Play some games:Guessing game.Telephone game.Act the dialogue. Step 5. Consolidations.Do some exercises in the class.。
五年级上册英语教案Unit 5 Can I have a pet? Period 3 湘少版(三起)教学内容本节课为《湘少版小学英语》五年级上册Unit 5 "Can I have a pet?"的第三课时。
教学内容主要包括:继续学习询问和描述宠物相关信息的句型,如:"What kind of pet do you have?" "I have a ";学习如何表达对宠物的喜好和原因,如:"I like because "; 以及如何礼貌地询问是否可以养宠物,如:"Can I have a pet?"。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握询问和描述宠物的基本句型,并能用英语表达自己对宠物的喜好及原因。
2. 过程与方法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,提高学生的英语口语表达能力和合作学习能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生对宠物的爱心和责任感,以及尊重他人选择的态度。
教学难点1. 词汇理解与应用:学生对新词汇的理解和在实际对话中的应用。
2. 句型构造:正确构造和使用询问和描述宠物的句型。
3. 口语表达:流畅地表达对宠物的喜好及原因。
教具学具准备1. 教材:《湘少版小学英语》五年级上册。
2. 多媒体:PPT课件,包含宠物图片和相关句型。
3. 实物:宠物玩具或图片,用于直观教学。
4. 练习材料:句型练习纸,用于课堂练习。
教学过程1. 课堂导入:通过展示宠物图片,引导学生复习已学过的宠物词汇,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 新知呈现:利用PPT展示新句型和词汇,通过师生互动、小组合作等形式教授新知识。
3. 实践练习:设计角色扮演活动,让学生在模拟情境中练习新学句型。
4. 巩固提高:通过小组竞赛、快速问答等方式巩固所学知识。
板书设计中心:单元 "Can I have a pet?"左侧:列出重点词汇和短语。
湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Can I have a pet?
![湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Can I have a pet?](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c715ddd709a1284ac850ad02de80d4d8d15a0183.png)
►为你理想的人,否则,爱的只是你在他身上找到的你的影子。 ►有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们 不愿意失去他。不想失去他,惟有假装原谅他。不管你爱过多少人,不管 你爱得多么痛苦或快乐。最后,你不是学会了怎样恋爱,而是学会了,怎 样去爱自己。
►雨水打在窗户上,发出嘀嗒,嘀嗒的声响。这天空好似一个大筛子, 正永不疲倦地把银币似的雨点洒向大地。远处,被笼罩在雨山之中的 大楼,如海市蜃楼般忽隐忽现,让人捉摸不透,还不时亮起一丝红灯, 给人片丝暖意。 ►七月盛夏,夏婆婆又开始炫耀她的手下——太阳公公的厉害。太阳 公公接到夏婆婆的命令,以最高的温度炙烤着大地,天热得发了狂, 地烤得发烫、直冒烟,像着了火似的,马上要和巧克力一样融化掉。 公路上的人寥寥无几,只有汽车在来回穿梭奔跑着。瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空 没有一丝云彩,一些似云非云、似雾非雾的灰气,低低地浮在空中, 使人觉得憋气不舒服。外面的花草树木被热得打不起精神来,耷拉着 脑袋。
(要求:发音正确,发动全班积极参与,做到激情饱满、自信大方。) (展示提示:采用游戏形式带读。如:埋炸弹 \开火车\ 快速反应\心有灵犀等)
Task2: Best Actor 情景剧秀
角色扮演或自编情景演绎,看哪组情景安排最具创意。 ☆ ABC共同体合作,灵活运用新句型:
-Can I have a pet? -Yes, you can. -Can I have a basket for my pet? -No, you can’t.
►为你理想的人,否则,爱的只是你在他身上找到的你的影子。 ►有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们 不愿意失去他。不想失去他,惟有假装原谅他。不管你爱过多少人,不管 你爱得多么痛苦或快乐。最后,你不是学会了怎样恋爱,而是学会了,怎 样去爱自己。
湘少五年级上册英语Unit 5 Can I have a pet
![湘少五年级上册英语Unit 5 Can I have a pet](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b06142bca76e58fafbb0033e.png)
Language points
She and her father go home with the parrot. 她和她的爸爸带着鹦鹉回家了。 此句中的with是介词,意为“和……(一起)”。 [例句] 我和我的姐姐一起去上学。
I go to school with my sister.
E Let’s Write
Can I have a fish? Yes, you can.
D Let’s Read
This is a pet shop. “Can I have a pet, Dad?” Jane asks. “Yes, you can,” her father says. Jane chooses a beautiful parrot. She and her father go home with the parrot. They are very happy.
Yes. You can have a rabbit.
Mum, can I have a pet?
Can I have a basket for my
No. You may have a cage
for it.
It’s lovely. Can I hold it?
B Let’s Learn
rabbit 兔子
pet 宠物
basket 篮子
hold 拿着;握着
C Let’s Practise
Can I have a cat?
Yes, yoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ can.
No, you can’t.
Play roles
Can I have a dog? Yes, you can.
湘教版五年级英语上册 unit 5
![湘教版五年级英语上册 unit 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e92d062a216147916112819.png)
T:Where is the cat?It's in a basket.Where is the dog?It's in a basket.
教师板书并带读a basket。
T:What's this?It's a cage.What's in a cage?A bird is in a cage.A rabbit is in a cage.A tiger is in a cage.
True(T) or false(F)
Jane wants a pet shop.()
Jane likes the parrot.()
The parrot is very beauti
Jane's mother likes the parrot.()
教师板书并带读a rabbit。(操练可以采用个人、全班、小组、男女生、分组、分行、大小声等多种形式)
T:I love the cat/the dog/the rabbit.I love it.It's lovely.
教师板书并带读“I love it.It's lovely.”引导学生从已学的单词love到新单词lovely的自主学习。
Mother:Jane,you can't have this parrot!
2.句型:能进一步熟练运用句型“Can I have…?”及回答“Yes,you can.”和“No,you can't.”进行对话。
五年级上册英语教案unit 5 Can I have a pet湘少版我国古代的读书人,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一样在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。
什么缘故在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生,竟提起作文就头疼,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在19 78年就尖锐地提出:“中小学语文教学成效差,中学语文毕业生语文水平低,……十几年上课总时数是9160课时,语文是2749课时,恰好是30%,十年的时刻,二千七百多课时,用来学本国语文,却是大多数只是关,岂非咄咄怪事!”寻根究底,其要紧缘故确实是腹中无物。
第一课时for it.”的含义。
教学步骤教学内容Step 1热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.Greetings2.Sing a song:Bingo3.TPR activityT:Now,I say,you act.Act like acat/dog/bird/monkey/tiger/…Step 2新课出现(Presentation) 1.教师利用动物玩具、图片或单词卡片教授arabbit,lovely,a pet,a pet shop。
五年级英语上册 unit5(1)教案 湘少版 精品
![五年级英语上册 unit5(1)教案 湘少版 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/812d2c3ec281e53a5802ffa5.png)
(湘少版)英语教案五年级上册 Unit 5Unit 5 Which one do you want?The first periodTeaching aims:1. Have the students to learn these new words: long / short / young / old / hot / cold / clean / dirty …2. Have the students to learn these new sentences: Which one do you want? / Which one do you want, the cheap one or the expensive one?Difficult points:To teach the new sentences and want the students to using these new sentences to making a communication with each other freely.Teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.1.The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.2.Then play games: Let’s chant!Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you can’t.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you can’t.This step is to revise Unit 4. Such as some words and some sentences.Step 2 Presentations.1. Using the CAI to teach these new words: cheap/ expensive/ long/ short/ thin/ thick/ young/ old/ clean/ dirty/ hot/ cold. And then tell the students how to read these new words. Ask the students to read these new words after the teacher.2. Group work. Let the students to read these new words group by group. Give the best groupa beautiful star.Step 3 Practices.The teacher show some pictures to the students. And a sk the students:“Which one do you want, the cheap one or the expensive one?”And help the students to answer like this:“Thecheap one, please.”or“The expensive one, please.”Then let the students to ask and answer it.Step 4 Consolations.The teacher says the new words loudly, and the students say the new words lowly. Take a competition in groups. Give the winner a beautiful star.Step 5 Homework..Copy the new words four times.。
湘少版五年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 5 Can I have a pet Part A-C
![湘少版五年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 5 Can I have a pet Part A-C](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/199d02cb988fcc22bcd126fff705cc1755275fb1.png)
New words
2. lovely 可爱的 短语:lovely flower 可爱的花 例句:The rabbit is lovelu can have a rabbit. 你可以养一只兔子。 该句是含有情态动词can的肯定句。 句型结构:主语+can+动词原形+其他. 否定句为:主语+can't+动词原形+其他. 例句:I can have a rabbit.
2. You may have a cage for it. 你可以给它一个笼子。 该句中may是情态动词,意为“可以”,表示请求, 许可,后接动词原形。 例句: You may go to school now.
B Let's Learn
B Let's Learn
Mum, can I have a pet?
A Let's Listen and Say
Can I have a basket for my rabbit?
No. You may have a cage for it.
A Let's Listen and Say
It’s lovely. Can I hold it?
Tick(√) or cross(×).
( )1.Dongdong can have a rabbit. ( )2.The rabbit can have a basket. ( )3.The rabbit isn't lovely.
New words
1. cage 笼子 短语:bird cage 鸟笼 形近词:age 年龄