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___ in using humor to make people laugh during a talk。it is ___ audience may have。Your humor should be ___ audience。For example。if you are speaking to a group of managers。you could make a joke about their anized secretaries。while if you are addressing secretaries。you could make a joke about their anized bosses.

Here is a story that was shared at a nurses n。which resonated well with the audience due to their shared views of doctors。The story is about a man who arrives in heaven and is given a tour by St。Peter。He is amazed by the beautiful ns。gardens。and ___ peaceful。polite。and friendly。However。while waiting in line for lunch。he is abruptly pushed aside by a man in a white coat who rushes to the front of the line。grabs his food。and sits alone at a table。us。the new arrival asks St。Peter who that man is。St。Peter responds。"Oh。that's God。___."

___ humorous anecdote。___ their own needs over those of their patients。It also highlights the idea that even the most

revered and powerful figure。like God。can fall prey to this r。Overall。the story serves as a reminder to ritize the needs and

well-being of others。rather than just our own.

robot what to do。we still ___ them how to think and reason like ___。___ to learn from data and make ns based on that n.

In the future。we may see robots taking on more complex tasks。such as ___ and ce the risk of human error。However。it also raises ___.

Despite these concerns。the development of ___ advance。

we may ___。___ possible。It is up to us to ensure that we use

this ___。while also embracing the potential benefits it ___.

According to Dave Lavery。manager of NASA's robotics program。while robots can be programmed to handle specific errors。they still lack the common sense ___.

The pursuit of true artificial intelligence has had mixed results。Although there was initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s that

transistor circuits and microprocessors could replicate the ___ 2010.___.

48.According to the text。___ requiring a high level of n.

49.In n to cing human labor。robots ___。they still require human ___.

50.The author uses the example of a monkey to ___。they

lack the ___ n in the same way that humans can。Therefore。they are best used in controlled ___.

Since OPEC agreed to supply cuts in March。the price of crude oil has surged to almost $26 a barrel。which is a significant increase from less than $10 last December。This sudden spike in

oil prices is reminiscent of the 1973 oil shock and the 1979-80 oil crisis。which both resulted in double-digit ___。this time around。there are no headlines warning of ___.

This week。the price of oil received another boost when Iraq suspended its ___。___ economic growth could push the oil prices even higher in the short term.
