
Unit2 English around the worldReading The road to modern English教学设计高一英语李海娟一、教材分析1.本单元的中心话题是“世界英语”, 介绍了英语在世界上的重要性。
warming-up 简要介绍了英语语言在不同国家的差异, 是学生对英国英语和美国有了粗浅的了解。
Pre-reading的问题是针对阅读课文的赌钱思考, 激活学生已获背景知识, 激发学生阅读的兴趣。
Reading “A road to modern English”简要说明了英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因及发展趋势。
本课时主要分为三部分:2.pre- reading (读前准备) 此部分为热身活动3.reading (阅读)4.post-reading (读后)1.二、教学目标:2.学生通过阅读文章能够从篇章结构的角度出发描述英语语言发展的历史过程3.学生能够在阅读过程中对主要的阅读信息进行记录。
三、学生能够了解英语在世界上的发展情况, 意识到学习英语的重要性的同时, 也要热爱自己的祖国, 热爱自己的母语。
四、教学步骤Step 1 leading-in (individual work)2. 1.D.yo.lik.learnin.English.An.why?3.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken?.Engl nguage.The.as.on.o.tw.student.t.mar.thes.countrie.o.th.map.(通过层层设置问题, 引入本课话题, 引导学生思考, 使学生自然而然进入教学中, 激发学生学习英语的欲望。
)Step2 fast-reading (pair work)T.well.a.w.know.ther.i.mor.tha.on.kin.o.Englis.i.th.world.The.ar.differen.fro.on.an othe.i.som.ways.Wh.ha.Englis.change.ove.time.Wha.wil.worl.Englis.b.i.th.future.D.yChec.th.answers.As.som.student.t.tel.thei.answers.afte.givin.th.answers.the.shoul .als.tel.ho.the.fin.th.answers.(快速阅读后要求学生了解文章大意, 并能对全文的结构有一个认识。

4. 学生小组讨论(10分钟)
- 观看英语电影或电视剧,学习英语口语和听力技巧,同时也可以通过分析电影中的对话和场景来提高写作能力。
- 练习写作,如写日记、短文、故事等,以提高写作技巧和表达能力。
- 参加英语写作比赛或活动,如英语作文比赛、英语演讲比赛等,以提高写作能力和自信心。
1. 课堂提问:在课堂上,我会通过提问的方式了解学生对语篇分析和写作的理解和掌握情况。我会提问一些与本节课内容相关的问题,如“你们能解释一下语篇分析的基本概念吗?”、“你们认为语篇分析对写作有什么帮助?”等。通过学生的回答,我可以了解他们对语篇分析和写作的理解程度,并及时纠正他们的错误理解。
- 语篇功能分析:通过分析文章的语言特点和表达方式,了解文章的交际功能和目的,如说明、解释、论证等。
- 语篇逻辑关系分析:通过分析文章中的逻辑关系,了解文章的逻辑结构和推理过程,如因果、对比、递进等。
3. 确定教学媒体和资源的使用:为了提高学生的学习效果,我计划使用以下教学媒体和资源:

Unit 2 Exploring EnglishPeriod 1 Starting Out & Understanding Ideas教学设计本节课是高中英语第一册Unit 2 Exploring English 的引入和阅读部分。
2. 难点(1)理解文章的组织方式(举例/对比);(2)理解英语语言特点,并将其与汉语进行比较。
Part 1. Start outStep 1 Charts and questionsLook at the charts and answer the questions:1.According to Chart 1, which language has the largest number of native speakers?Answer: Chinese. (There is no doubt Chinese has the largest number of native speakers because China has the largest population in the world.)2.According to Chart 2, which language has the largest number of learners?Answer: English. (English is widely used and learned in the world.3.What can you learn from Chart 3?Advice:Teachers ask students to describe Chart 3 use their own language. And the description will be excellent if it includes facts and opinions. For example:In 1993/2003/2014, there are 50 million/200 million/300 million Chinese learning English. (facts) From the statistics we can know the number of English learners in China is increasing rapidly. (Opinion)4.Why do you think so many people in China learn English?Answer: OPEN.Step 2 Video TimeWatch the video and answer the question.1.Which countries have English as their first language?Tips:(1)There are more than one countries have English as their first language because the question uses “which countries”.(2)When students watch the video, they can take some notes using short hand.2.Where do a third of English words come from? What examples are given in the video?Part 2. Understanding ideasStep 1. Activity 1 & 2 on page 14.Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Tick what you think the passage is about.FoodCookingWordsPlantsFruitTips:The question “what do you think the passage is about” refers to the topic/main idea of the passage, so there is only one choice meet the requirement. But some students may choose plants or fruit, that’s all right. Step 2. Activity 4 on page 16.Task 1. Complete the notes with words from the passage.Task 2. Answer the questions according to the notes.1.How does the author organize his passage? Give some examples.2.Why does the author think people often have trouble learning English?Tips:The tasks require students to find out facts and opinions.Step 3. Activity 3 on page 16.Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage.Tips:To get the author’s purpose, students should get the key words of each choice. For example, for the first choice, the key word should be “tell” and for the second choice, the key word should be “give advice”. Step 4. Read the following information and answer the questions.1.How did the pineapple, hamburger and eggplant get their names?(Answer the questions from the aspects of shape, type, ingredients, etc.)2.Does the information offer you a better understanding of the passage? Give your reasons.Step 5. Think and Share1.Do you agree with the author’s opinion about the English language? Give your reasons.(Before answering the questions, think about “what’s the author’s opinion” carefully.)2.What do you find most challenging about learning English? How do you deal with this?(guide students to think about their problems in learning English)3.The author describes some phenomenon of English in the passage. For example, “When I wind up my watch, it starts, but when I wind up this passage, it ends.”Can you think any similar phenomenon of Chinese like this? Give your examples.Step 6. Homework。

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 reading教学设计张弦第一.教材本节课教材选取的是必修一第二单元阅读部分。
第三.教学重点及难点●提高学生的阅读技巧——scanning 和 skimming。
第四,教学过程Step1. Lead-in (6 minutes)课前放首英文歌(when you believe),为接下来的讨论提供信息。
问候完后问一个与学生实际相关的问题:How long have you learned English? 然后引出讨论话题:Why do so many people learn English? 两人一组进行讨论,用短语尽可能多的说出原因。
可在黑板上举个例子:To listen to the English songs,同时写出课前歌曲名字。
两分钟讨论后,让学生给出答案,幻灯片如下展示:然后再问学生:How much do you know about the English language? 再进入本课主题:the road to modern English.Step 2: Pre-reading (3 minutes)用三张幻灯片预习本文中的生单词及短语,为阅读扫清障碍。
新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2教学设计

2. T asks Ss totick whattheythinkthe passage is about.
Ss readand tick the topic of the passage in Activity 1.
2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons.
Train students’ reading skills of getting theauthor’s purpose andmain ideas.
Activity 4
1.T asks Ss to complete the notes with words from the passage in Activity 4.
Teaching contents
Teacher’s activity
Activity 1
1.T asks Ss to look at the title of the passage and the picture.
Trainstudents’ reading skills of predictingandgetting the main ideas.
Activity 3
1.T asks Ss to choose the author’s purpose in Activity 3.
2.T asks some Ss to share their answers and give the reasons.

高中英语必修一unit2教案教学设计(一)高中英语必修一 Unit 2 教学设计教学目标•掌握本单元重点词汇和短语的读音、拼写和用法。
教学准备•教科书:必修一 Unit 2•多媒体设备•单词卡片和图片教学过程Step 1:导入新课1.引入新课前,请学生预习相关内容,了解本单元的主题和基本内容。
Step 2:语言输入1.根据教材内容,进行重点词汇和短语的讲解,并请学生跟读。
Step 3:语言输出1.分组活动,让学生根据教材中的对话内容进行角色扮演,模拟真实情境,练习运用所学语言知识。
Step 4:巩固练习1.在教室内,贴出单词卡片或图片,让学生进行词汇和短语的默写练习。
Step 5:总结和归纳1.回顾本节课学习的重点和难点内容,做一个简单总结。
2019统编人教版高中英语必修第一册unit 2《Travelling around》全单元教案教学设计

【2019统编版】人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2全单元备课教案教学设计Period 1 Listening Speaking&Talking教学目标与核心素养:1. Instruct students to get main facts by listening and motivate them to talk about the topics about how to prepare for the trip and make reservations by listening and ultimately can make travel arrangements and reservations.2. Develop students’ sense of cooperativ e learning and individual thinking capability.3. Develop students’ different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems.4. Help students to understand how to use the structures “the present continuous tense (be doing) is used to express future plans.教学重难点:1. Teach students how to focus on key words, not on single words or grammar.2. Prompt Ss to talk about the related topics, such as how to prepare for the trip and make a travel plan.教学过程:Part 1: Listening and SpeakingLead inThe teacher is advised to talk with their students about the places that they want to travel most both at home and abroad: boys and girls, if you have a chance to travel around the world, where will you go? After their small talk, the teacher can move on by finishing the following listening task:Before travelling, what do we need to prepare for the trip?After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play conversation 1 which is about Paul and Meilin’s conversation about coming holiday and after finishing listening for the first time, the studentsneed to solve the following task.1.Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.A. Germany. B. England. C. Iceland. D. France.2. How is she going to get there?A. By sea.B. By air. C .By train.3 How is she planning to get around after she arrives?A .By car. B. By train. C. On foot.Listening tip:After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play conversation 2 which is about where and why Paul is visiting with his family and after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following task.Listen to Conversation 2. Then answer the following questions:1.Where is Paul's family going over the holiday?2. Why are they going there?After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play conversation 3 which contains the whole conversation and solve the following task.Fill in the table below:Finally, after finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to work in groups to finish the following project: Speaking ProjectWork In pairs. Choose a travel destination and discuss how to prepare for the tripPart 2: Listening and Talking:The teacher is advised to talk with their new students about the related topic: Boys and girls, do you know how to make reservations for a trip? Let’s listen and find out:Play the listening and answer the following questions:1.What are the two speakers talking about?2.What is the relationship between the two speakers?2 Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.Making reservationsOpening:Talking about timeTalking about what you prefer:Other informationPaymentTalking projectWork in groups.Imagine you are making plans for the holiday. Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.Booking air tickets Booking a hotel room Booking a table for dinnerPeriod 2 Reading and Thinking教学目标与核心素养:1. Enable students to acquire the basic usage of the new words and expressions concerning the topic of traveling and learn to use them flexibly.2. Enable students to sum up some details related to Peru.3. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.4. Develop students’ different learning skills to solve different reading comprehensive problems, such as skimming, scanning and inferring.教学重难点:1. Develop students’ reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.2. Let students talk about their travel plans and topics about travelling.教学过程:1. Before readingStep 1 warming upHave a free talk with students. Ask them the following question:How much do you know about Peru? Let’s have a quiz. Show the quiz on the screen.Step2 Pre-readingPrediction:1. What types of text is the passage?2. Let students guess what the text will be mainly about before reading by looking at the picture and the title.Step3: Reading1. Fast readingAsk students to skim the reading passage to find out some main details about Peru as quickly as possible by doing the multiple choice test.1. Peru lies on the _________ coast of South America.A. PacificB. AtlanticC. ArcticD. India2. How many years did Spain control Peru about?_________A.1400.B.1500.C.300.D.100.3. How will you get the center of forest if you visit Amazon Rainforest?A. By air.B. By seaC. On foot.D. By car.4. If you want to enjoy stone buildings, which tour should you take?A. Amazon Rainforest TourB. Machu Picchu TourC. Cusco Tour D Lake Titicaca Tour5. Where is your accommodation while visiting Lake Titicaca?A. Local hotel.B. Visitor center.C. Stone building.D. Local home.2. Intensive readingAllow students to read the passage more carefully this time to sum up the features of each scenic spot.Step 4: Further Reading and discussionRead the text the third time and work in pairs to do the following task.Suppose you are a travel agent, and the following people want a package trip to Peru and ask for your advice. Please recommend them the destination according to their interest.Good expressions that students can choose to use: help the travelers choose which tour to take1. Mike, a well -paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of animals. He doesn’t need first class accommodation.2. Bill is a reporter, who not only enjoys learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country, but also likes admiring beautiful scenery. He needs to make a report about the local people’s life of this country.3. Tom, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.4. Mary, a designer, is planning to make a trip to a place, where she can enjoy the different architecture of this country and some excellent food. She also likes going shopping.1.In my opinion, you could/might choose…, because you prefer to…2.Could be a perfect choice for you, for…3.As far as I am concerned, you would enjoy…, for…4.Would probably suit you, because you enjoys/ love/hate doing…Step 5: Passage ConsolidationLanguage appreciation:• 1. You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.•[句式分析] 本句主体结构为spend some time doing sth.•exploring the rainforest 与_____________________为并列结构;____________作方式状语; unique to the rainforest为形容词短语作定语修饰____________•[尝试翻译]在接下来的三天里,您可以在当地导游的陪同下,深人雨林进行探索,欣赏雨林特有的动植物。
Unit2 教学设计-【新教材】人教版高中英语必修第一册

Knowledge objectives:
Enable students to read an encyclopedia entry and travel brochure and understand the characteristics of this text type and get some effective information.
share their own opinions.
How to let students compare the four different places and give specific suggestions.
Some background for Peru
1.Toenable students to learn about the characteristics andlinguistic featuresof encyclopedia and travelbrochure
Task-based teaching method;
Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage
Careful reading to get some detailed information in the passage

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 reading教学设计弦第一.教材本节课教材选取的是必修一第二单元阅读部分。
第三.教学重点及难点●提高学生的阅读技巧——scanning 和 skimming。
第四,教学过程Step1. Lead-in (6 minutes)课前放首英文歌(when you believe),为接下来的讨论提供信息。
问候完后问一个与学生实际相关的问题:How long have you learned English? 然后引出讨论话题:Why do so many people learn English? 两人一组进行讨论,用短语尽可能多的说出原因。
可在黑板上举个例子:To listen to the English songs,同时写出课前歌曲名字。
两分钟讨论后,让学生给出答案,幻灯片如下展示:然后再问学生:How much do you know about the English language? 再进入本课主题:the road to modern English.Step 2: Pre-reading (3 minutes)用三幻灯片预习本文中的生单词及短语,为阅读扫清障碍。
新外研版英语必修一_Unit2 Developing ideas reading教学设计

教学设计必修Book 1 Unit 2Exploring EnglishDeveloping ideas—reading一、主题内容:四位英语学习者在学习过程中遇到的困惑和误解二、主题语境:人与自我三、语篇类型:论坛专题讨论四、文本分析:【What】介绍了四位英语学习者在学习过程中遇到的困惑和误解,涉及have a frog in one’s throat, the first floor, wicked, not bad四组英语表达。

Unit 2 Exploring English
Period 2 Using language教学设计
本节课是高中英语第一册Unit 2 Exploring English的语法部分,主要讲解的内容是英语的构词法;词汇部分介绍了英式英语和美式英语的不同之处,包括拼写及使用方面的差异,外研版必修五(旧教材)第一模块British and American English就曾探讨过。
2. 难点
人教版英语必修一Unit 2(The Road to Modern English)教学设计

《Unit 2》教学设计英语学科组授课年级班:授课时间:授课教师:【教材剖析】1、本节在教材的地位和作用2、学科分析英语,是工具性与人文性的统一。
第7课时 必修一 Unit 2 Developing ideas Reading 教学设计

必修一Unit 2 Developing ideas Reading 教学文字稿(PPT1)今天我将和大家一起进一步探索英语,了解新媒体语篇,感受不同情境下英语语言的使用,相信你们对英语语言的特点会有更深的理解。
Step 1: Analysis of the material(PPT2)本节课是一节阅读课。
Step 2: Leading-in(PPT3)Before we begin our adventures of English, let’s think about what we have already learnt in this unit by referring to the pictures.Do you still remember there is neither pine nor apple in pineapple, and there is no ham in hamburger, no egg in eggplant? Very interesting word formation, right?(PPT4)Besides, people use different words to name the same thing in British and American English. Sometimes, a little confusing, right?(PPT5)Please open your books to Page 20. Read the expressions in Activity 1 and guess their meanings. (停顿20秒)Have you got your answers? Now, let’s learn about the expressions through sentences together.(PPT6)“What’s up? Why are they crying?” 通过这幅图片,大家可以猜到说话者在问“出了什么事?”。
新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2教学设计

新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2教学设计目标本教学设计旨在帮助学生掌握并运用新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2的相关知识和技能。
教学内容1. 主题:Friendship 友谊2. 重点词汇和短语:trust, honesty, loyalty, support, betrayal,cope with, face up to, look down on, get along with, etc.3. 语法:情态动词should的用法,情态动词与虚拟语气的使用,用于建议和表达想象的情态动词should和would教学目标1. 学会描述和谈论友谊的重要性;2. 学会使用情态动词should表达建议和想象;3. 学会使用虚拟语气表达想象和假设。
教学准备1. 教材:新外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2教材;2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑、音响设备等;3. 小组讨论问题:关于友谊的问题,例如:What qualities do you think are important in a friend? How would you feel if a friend betrayed you?4. 活动准备:词汇和语法练题,角色扮演活动,小组讨论活动。
教学步骤步骤一:导入1. 使用多媒体设备播放友谊相关的图片或视频;2. 引导学生进行小组讨论,讨论友谊的重要性和他们对友谊的看法。
步骤二:研究词汇和短语1. 引导学生研究本单元的重点词汇和短语,并进行相关练;2. 鼓励学生在小组内分享并使用这些词汇和短语。
步骤三:研究语法1. 介绍情态动词should的用法,并与学生进行相关练;2. 介绍情态动词与虚拟语气的使用,让学生进行相关练和角色扮演活动。
步骤四:拓展活动根据教材内容,设计一些拓展活动,例如:1. 分组讨论和辩论活动:讨论是否友谊比亲情重要,并列举理由支持自己的观点;2. 角色扮演活动:让学生以情景剧的形式表演友谊中的真实场景,例如对待背叛的处理等。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Step 1. Lead in(导入)头脑风暴:教师提出问题:(借助世界地图)Q1. Which language do you think is the most widely used language in the world? Q2. What do you know about English?Q3. Why do we need to learn English?设计意图:通过问题,增加学生对英语的理解及引起学生的注意力。
Step2. Warming upRead the dialogues in the warming up and give more examples about the differences between American English and British English.设计意图:了解美国英语及英国英语的差别,并进而体会英语语言的多样性Step4. Pre—readingStudents discuss the first two questions on P9设计意图:学生小组合作讨论,增强合作能力,并为下面的阅读做准备。
Step 5. 目标检测(汉译英)1.你知道印度的官方语言是什么吗?2.你知道世界上有不止一种英语吗?3.我的外套与他的不同。
设计意图:通过练习检测学生掌握重点词的情况配餐作业:请从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空1. Tom is _____ my neighbor. He is a close friend of mine as well.2.He has two hobbies ,_____ collecting stamps and fishing.3. Could you please tell me the way to the _____station?4. ______improve his spoken English, he gets up early to read and speak English every morning.5. People go to the cinema because they want to see something ____ from everyday life.6.They went home _______ yesterday.设计意图:巩固和学会使用所学词和短语Period 2 Reading and comprehendingStep1. lead-in1. Students work in groups of four and discuss countries that use English as theirofficial language.2. Look at the title of the passage and guess the main idea.设计意图:为阅读下面的文章做好准备。
Step 2. reading1) to read the passage and find the topic sentence of each paragraph2) Read the passage carefully and finish exercise one.3) Make a timeline of the development of English according to the passage.4)Discussion: why people all over the world want to learn English?设计意图:巩固课文,加深理解,并对学生的阅读技巧进行训练配餐作业(一)基础题Translate the following words and phrases.1. 通往……的道路__________2. at the end of_____________3.航行,航海_______________4. each other________________________5.即使,尽管______________6. communicatewith____________________7.起初,开始________________ 8. be different from__________________9. 目前____________________ 10. make use of__________________-11.前者______________________ 12 the latter_______________________13. 例如,比如_________________- 14.a number of____________________15.….…的数量___________________ 16. in fact __________________________ 设计意图:复习并检测所学的词。
Period 3 Learning about languageDiscovering useful words and expressionsStep1. have a dictation of ten words.设计意图:巩固所学知识。
Step2.词汇突破1. voyage 在此为可数名词, 意为“旅行, 航行”。
2.because of 后边加名词或动名词短语。
because 是连词,后接从句。
3. such as: for example★“such as” is used to list similar things.★“for example” is used to illustrate the speaker’s argument.4. a number of & the number ofa number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数)the number of ……的数目(其后谓语动词用单数)5. play a part / role (in sth):play a part: to be involved in an activity6. even if = (even though)是连词词组,用来引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管;即使”。
even if /even thougheven if 从句所说的不肯定;而even though 从句所说的则是事实。
请选用给短语的适当形式完成下列Believe it or not based on came up because of at the end of such as1. He realized that she was crying __________ what he had said.2. ______________, John has passed the driving test.3. This book is ________ a true story.4. A beggar ________ to us and asked for money.5. They had an English exam ___________ last month.6. Girls _______ Ann and Lucy are very friendly.1. because of2. Believe it or not3. based on4. came up5. at the end of6. such as设计意图:加深和巩固知识点。
1. Reading is one of the best ways of improving your __________ (词汇量).2. As the weeks passed, I ________ (逐渐地) loved to live there.3. She speaks _______ (流利的) though not very correct English.设计意图:通过练习、巩固所学知识。
Period 4 learning about languageDiscovering useful structures and grammarStep1. have a dictation:设计意图:巩固所学词汇。
Step2.1. 祈使句的直接引语转换为间接引语祈使句:表示命令,请求,建议,警告等的句子。
祈使句的间接引语——采用“动词+ 宾语+ 不定式” 结构:told / asked / ordered sb. (not) to do sth.1. 如果祈使句是表示请求,间接引语的动词常用ask,如果是表示命令,间接引语的动词常用tell, order, command 等。
2.直接引语如果是以“Let’s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest + 动句词(或从句)。
Step3:目标检测把下面直接引语转化为间接引语1. He said to Tom, “Don’t do the work any more.”2. Mrs. Green said, “Please sing us a song, Miss White.”3. “Be quiet, children.” said Mrs. Wilson.4. John said to his classmate:” Can I borrow your pen please?”设计意图:通过练习,了解学生的语法掌握情况。
配餐作业请用下面所给短语的正确形式填空because of come up at present make use of such as be based on play a part in the number of1.All of us making the earth a better place to live on.2.Today people learning Chinese is increasing.3.The prices of vegetables have been very high recently the dry weather in some places.4.Most Americans like eating fast food, hamburgers and French fries.5.I hope the plan which is being carried out in our city will bring us a good result.6.The TV play, which a detective novel, is very popular with young people.7.When the thief saw a policeman to him, he ran away quickly.8.Scientists are developing new ways to the solar energy more effectively. 设计意图:巩固所学语法知识。