Unit 2 Energy in Transition (补充汉译英)教学文稿

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U n i t2E n e r g y i n T r a n s i t i o n(补充


Unit 2 Energy in Transition ( 补充汉译英 )


信制度扩展到学生在校内和校外的所有活动中。并且认为对违规行为的包容本身就是一种违规行为。( on a par with )

Hampden-Sydney College is reputed for an honor system on a par with military systems, and this honor system extends to all student activities both on and off campus, and considers tolerance of a violation itself a violation.


量(值)来缓和其所导致的气候威胁。( pose a threat on sth/sb. )

Although global warming poses a threat to the earth, humans can probably ease the climate threat brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


解之谜。 ( enough is known about sth )

Enough is known about Elnino’s destructive potential, but the phenomenon itself remains a frustrating mystery.


理念现已深入人心。 ( consensus on )

China's society has reached a consensus on ecology and environmental protection and is now taking initiatives in these areas. The idea of “man and nature in harmony” has

now taken root in the hearts of the people.


适时间。既不能太早,也不可过晚。 ( allow for )

If you are going to place an order for flowers for the Mother’ Day, make sure to plan your purchase far enough in advance to allow for adequate delivery time which must not be a moment too soon nor too late.



( couple with )

In response to the encouragement of carbon dioxide capture and storage efforts from the British government, oil companies are proposing novel capture projects at natural gas power plants that are coupled with enhanced oil recovery ventures at fields underneath the north sea.


职业生涯的未来发展方向。然而,出于种种不同原因,这种宝贵的活动经常被忽视,或被作为事后再考虑的事对待处理了。 ( often neglected, but no less important is …)

In management , often neglected, but no less important , is the development planning --- helping the employees shape the future direction of their careers. Yet for a variety of reasons, this valuable activity is often ignored or handled as an afterthought



An increase in Libyan oil output would augment global supplies and could eventually help to moderate prices for refined products such as gasoline.


居住条件购房分别高3.4和5.3个百分点。(amount to)

A quarter of last year amounted to27.6 % of the purchase of investment than

minimum purchase, rigid demand purchase and change residence houses respectively

3.4 and 5.3 percentage points higher .


的定义。因为有许多不同的理解。(sth is hard to pin down)

Although we will clarify it in the course of this study, multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition because there are a variety of interpretation.
