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Abstract 1


1. Enhancing studies of evolution laws of A, especially quantitatively evaluating the relationship between A and B have significant meanings for prospecting of A.



“特别是”….especially/(Br.)specially/ particularly/ in particular/notably 都可以。

2. It is significant for exploring to strengthen on the research of the evolution rules o A, especially of the quantitative evaluation between A and B.

3. The research on strengthening A evolution rule【直接跟名词】, especially on quantitatively evaluating A related with B is very significant for A exploration.


1.The evolution of A sampled from the Ordos Basin was

studied[sampled 修饰不清] by physical simulation.

Combining the relevant data obtained by Method C with the ……results, we confirmed the evolution laws of A and the relationship between A and B.

2.Through collecting A from Ordos Basin, simulating the

evolution rules of A by physics simulation, applying Method

C to obtain relevant data and combining the results of ……

we can determine the evolution laws of A and the relationship with B. [方法论部分和结果部分混杂,句子比较长]

3.First of all, collecting A in Ordos Basins; second,

simulating A evolution by physical simulation experiment;

third obtaining correlation data by method C; fourth, combing…results to determine A evolution rule and relation with B. 【句子不完整】


Problem translation 1.

1. 【需要加The】Results show 【indicate也可以】that responding to the simulating temperature, D originally

increase followed by decreasing, whereas E originally decrease followed by increasing.

问题1“responding to…”词组的修饰关系;2.先…后…需要简单表达first and then

2. The results indicate that D increase[单三] firstly 【与first区别】and then decrease[单三], and E shows an opposite tendency with the increase of experimental temperature【wrong expression】.

3. It 【指代什么?】indicates that D changed from increase to decrease, E ranged from decrease from increase 【意义重复】with the increase of simulation【上下文中这个可省,但冠词不可省】 experiment temperature.


XRD analysis shows [demonstrates] that F [结果一般不用can] control 【现在时还是过去时?】G and increasing of H provide 【与主语数的一致性】 reservoir spaces for I

Abstract 2

对A的研究是当前B学科探索的热门。【以下翻译都是直译、啰嗦】1.Currently, studying on A is the focus of the exploration of

subject B.

2.The study of A is a hot exploring area in subject B.

3.The research on A is a hot topic in exploration of B subject.



1.Systematic analysis of the structure and evolution

characteristics of A have significant meaning for deep understanding the distribution of C.

2.Systematic analysis of A’s structure and evolution rules is

significant in deeply understanding C’s distribution laws.

3.Systematically analyze structure and evolution character of

A is important for deeply knowing C distribution. [错句]

通过D的解释、E的分析以及F的分析[可以看出这是研究方法], 研究了A的结构、特征和演化历史,发现了明显的G特点。

1. According to interpretation of D, analysis of E and F, we studied the structure, characteristics and evolution history 【不要同义重复】 of A and discovered obvious G characteristics 【重点内容应该独立成句,因为前面是研究内容,后面是结果发现】.
