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Unit 4


1、①give sb sth=give sth to sb


②buy sb sth=buy sth for sb


2、hundred 、thousand、mi11ion与数字连用不能用复数。hundreds of、thousands of、mi11ions of中必须用复数。

3、look for寻找find找到、发现

find out指经过观察、探索、调查等弄清楚、弄明白。

discover 指发现那些客观存在而不为人所知的实情。如科学上的重大发现。

4、bring 带来take 带走fetch 去并拿来

5、talk to/with sb 同××说话。

tell 告诉, 分辨,辨别。

speak to sb 同××说话,做及物动词,后跟语言。

say 后跟名词、代词及宾语从句做宾语,着重强调说话内容。

6、What if ……如果……将会怎么样?(引导条件状语从句、疑问句)

eg What if she doesn't come? 她要是不来怎么办?

What if your parent don't agree? 如果你的父母不同意怎么办?

What if you should fall sick? 如果你生病了怎么办?

7、before 引导一个句子,为连词。后跟短语或名词等,则为介词。

8、food 表示食品种类,一种食物时,为可数名词

eg fried foods 油炸食品break foods 早餐食品frozen foods 冷冻食品


a/an+单数可数名词可表示一类(如a dog)

10、confident(adj.) confidence(n.)

11、What does/do ×× look like? 问相貌。

What's ×× like? 问"品质性格"。

12、give a speech 做演讲have a speech听演讲give a report 做报告

have a report 听报告

13、permission (n.) 允许,许可permit (v.) 允许

14、plenty of 充足的,相当多的。修饰可数或不可数名词,只能用于肯定句。否定、疑问句中用enough.

15、not……in the slightest=not……at all 根本不

16、company ①公司②一群人,一伙人③陪伴

17、get along (with)=get on (with)

①进行,进展eg The business is getting along very well. 生意进展的很顺利。

How are you getting along with your English study? 你的英语学习进展的怎么样了?


eg Do you get along with your boss?= Do you and your boss get along? 你跟老板合得来吗?

I'm getting along very well with my classmates. 我和同学们相处得很好。

18、would rather … than … (= would … rather than)宁愿,而不愿。

前后连接两个动词原形,否定形式为:would rather not do sth

①would rather … than … = prefer … to …

但prefer … to … 若连接两个动词,动词应为v-ing 形式。

eg He would rather jog than play football.=He prefers jogging to playing football.

②would rather 常单独使用,表示"宁愿做…"

eg He would rather watch TV at home.

③rather than = instead of 而不是


eg I'd prefer to go to in summer rather than in winter.

I decided to write rather than telephone.

I like going out with you rather than with him.

She enjoys listening rather than speaking.

19、today、here、there、downstairs、upstairs、above、below做宾语修饰名词,放在名词之后eg the weather today今天的天气people here这里的人们the man downstairs楼下的那个男的the passage below 下面的这段话

20、a little = a bit 修饰形容词、副词a little = a bit of 修饰不可数名词

21、There is an English speech contest next month


22、the rest 其余的,可指代可数或不可数名词。The other(s) 只能指代可
