直肠癌的分子靶向治疗药物(口服) - 易瑞沙 IRESSA (别名 吉非替尼Gefitinib或Geftinat)(主要针对肺癌

Geftinat原产地英文商品名:Geftinat原产地英文药品名:吉非替尼( Gefitinib )中文参考商品译名:易瑞沙( IRESSA ) 艾瑞沙份子结构名:包装规格及销售价:0.25g/片*30片/瓶计价单位:瓶产地国家:印度生产厂家:Natco Pharma Ltd适应症:局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌扩大适应症:其他实体癌易瑞沙处方资料易瑞沙薄膜衣片Iressa成分:吉非替尼Gefitinib包装/剂型:薄膜衣片0.25g x 30 片性状吉非替尼的化学名为:N-(3-氯-4-氟苯基)-7-甲氧基-6-(3-吗啉丙氧基)喹唑啉-4-胺,分子式为:C22H24ClFN4O3,分子量为:446.90。
本药为褐色圆形薄膜衣片;一面印有"IRESSA 250"。
患者的WHO体力状况评分为0-2,并且必须为既往化疗失败者:IDEAL1(研究0016),既往接受了1或2个化疗方案,并且至少有一个包括铂类治疗(中位年龄为59.6岁[28-85岁] ;n=209)。
两个研究设计相似,均为双盲、平行组、多中心,评估了两个吉非替尼口服剂量:250 mg/天和500 mg/天。

易瑞沙(GEFTIB)使用说明书【药品名称】通用名:吉非替尼片英文名:Gefitinib Tablet、ZD1839商品名:国内进口易瑞沙 — 英国阿斯利康进口印度吉非替尼GEFTIB — GLENMARK生产印度吉非替尼GEFTINAT — NATCO生产印度吉非替尼GEFTILON — CELON生产【适应症】吉非替尼主要适用于治疗局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)。
直肠癌的分子靶向治疗药物(口服) - 易瑞沙 IRESSA (别名 吉非替尼Gefitinib或Geftinat)(主要针对肺癌

Geftinat原产地英文商品名:Geftinat原产地英文药品名:吉非替尼( Gefitinib )中文参考商品译名:易瑞沙( IRESSA ) 艾瑞沙份子结构名:包装规格及销售价:0.25g/片*30片/瓶计价单位:瓶产地国家:印度生产厂家:Natco Pharma Ltd适应症:局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌扩大适应症:其他实体癌易瑞沙处方资料易瑞沙薄膜衣片Iressa成分:吉非替尼Gefitinib包装/剂型:薄膜衣片0.25g x 30 片性状吉非替尼的化学名为:N-(3-氯-4-氟苯基)-7-甲氧基-6-(3-吗啉丙氧基)喹唑啉-4-胺,分子式为:C22H24ClFN4O3,分子量为:446.90。
本药为褐色圆形薄膜衣片;一面印有"IRESSA 250"。
患者的WHO体力状况评分为0-2,并且必须为既往化疗失败者:IDEAL1(研究0016),既往接受了1或2个化疗方案,并且至少有一个包括铂类治疗(中位年龄为59.6岁[28-85岁] ;n=209)。
两个研究设计相似,均为双盲、平行组、多中心,评估了两个吉非替尼口服剂量:250 mg/天和500 mg/天。

妊娠期使用目前尚无本品用于妊娠期女性的资料。在器官发生期给予可产生母体毒性剂量的吉非替尼,在大鼠中可观察到成骨不全的发生率升高,在家兔中可观察到胎儿体重下降。在大鼠中未观察到畸型,仅在产生严重母体毒性的剂量下可在家兔中观察到畸型。在接受本品治疗期间,要劝告育龄女性避免妊娠。哺乳期使用在接受本品治疗期间,应建议哺乳母亲停止母乳喂养。目前尚无本品用于哺乳期女性的资料。尚不知吉非替尼或其代谢产物是否会分泌入人乳,但当给予哺乳大鼠口服5mg/kg吉非替尼 (按体表面积计为临床用药剂量的0.2倍) ,吉非替尼及某些代谢产物广泛分泌入乳汁。在大鼠妊娠及分娩期间给于吉非替尼20mg/kg/天 (按体表面积计为临床用药剂量的0.7倍) 的剂量,可减少幼鼠的存活率。
毒理学研究非临床 (体外) 研究资料表明吉非替尼具有抑制心脏动作电位复极化过程 (如QT间期) 的可能性。但由临床研究和上市后监测获得的安全性资料未提示吉非替尼对心脏有任何不良作用。致癌,致畸和生殖毒性在基因突变分析 (细菌和体外哺乳动物细胞) 和裂解试验 (体外哺乳动物细胞和体内大鼠微核试验) 中,吉非替尼未显示基因毒性作用。在交配前4周至妊娠7天期间给予吉非替尼20mg/kg/天 (按体表面积计为临床用药剂量的0.7倍) ,可对雌鼠排卵产生影响 ,导致黄体量下降。在器官发生期给予可产生母体毒性剂量的吉非替尼,在大鼠中可观察到成骨不全的发生率升高,在家兔中可观察到胎儿体重下降。在大鼠中未观察到畸型,仅在产生严重母体毒性的剂量下可在家兔中观察到畸型。当给予哺乳大鼠口服5mg/kg吉非替尼 (按体表面积计为临床用药剂量的0.2倍) ,吉非替尼及某些代谢产物广泛分泌入乳汁。在大鼠妊娠及分娩期间给于吉非替尼20mg/kg/天 (按体表面积计为临床用药剂量的0.7倍) 的剂量,可减少幼鼠的存活率。一个对大鼠为期2年的致癌性研究,在最高剂量时 (10mg/kg/日) ,在雄性和雌性大鼠中肝细胞腺瘤以及只在雌性大鼠中肠系膜淋巴结血管肉瘤的发生率有轻微增高,但具有统计学意义的升高。在另一个对小鼠为期2年的致癌性研究中也观察到了肝细胞腺瘤,显示了在剂量为50mg/kg/日时,雄性小鼠的发生率以及在最高剂量为90mg/kg/日时 (自第22周开始由125mg/kg/日减低至此剂量) ,雌性和雄性小鼠的发生率均有轻微升高。其中雌性小鼠的结果具有统计学显著性,雄性则无。尚不了解这些发现的临床相关性。

GEFTINAT中文说明书原产地英文商品名:Geftinat原产地英文药品名:吉非替尼( Gefitinib )中文参考商品译名:易瑞沙( IRESSA )艾瑞沙包装规格及销售价:0.25g/片*30片/瓶计价单位:瓶适应症:局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌扩大适应症:其他实体癌【成分】吉非替尼Gefitinib【包装/剂型】薄膜衣片0.25g x 30 片【性状】【化学名】N-(3-氯-4-氟苯基)-7-甲氧基-6-(3-吗啉丙氧基)喹唑啉-4-胺,分子式为:C22H24ClFN4O3,分子量为:446.90。
本药为褐色圆形薄膜衣片;一面印有"IRESSA 250"。
【用法用量】本品的成人推荐剂量为250 mg(1片),1日1次,口服,空腹或与食物同服。

Renal Impairment: No clinical studies were conducted with Gefitinib in patients with severely compromised renal function (see PRECAUTIONS section). Gefitinib and its metabolites are not significantly excreted via the kidney(<4%).

吉非替尼 Gefitinib说明书

吉非替尼Gefitinib说明书【药品名称】通用名称:吉非替尼片商品名称:吉非替尼片(易瑞沙)拼音全码:JiFeiTiNiPian(YiRuiSha)【主要成份】吉非替尼Gefitinib 化学名:N-(3-氯-4-氟苯基)-7-甲氧基-6-(3-吗啉丙氧基)喹唑啉-4-胺分子式:C22H24ClFN4O 分子量:446.90【性状】褐色,椭圆形或圆形(不同国家上市的药形状不一样),双凸面,薄膜衣片;一面印有“250”,每片含吉非替尼250mg。
剂量调整:当患者出现不能耐受的腹泻或皮肤不良反应时,可通过短期暂停治疗(最多14天)解决,随后恢复每天250 mg的剂量。

易瑞沙中文说明书易瑞沙中文说明书【药品名称】: 通用名:吉非替尼片英文名:Gefitinib Tablet、Iressa、ZD1839 【性状】褐色,椭圆形,双凸面,薄膜衣片;一面印有“250”,另一面“geftinat”。
每片含吉非替尼 250mg。
【药理毒理】 1、药物动力学特性吉非替尼是一种选择性表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)酪氨酸激酶抑制剂,该酶通常表达于上皮来源的实体瘤。
对于 EGFR 酪氨酸激酶活性的抑制可妨碍肿瘤的生长,转移和血管生成,并增加肿瘤细胞的凋亡。
2、药物代谢动力学特性静脉给药后,吉非替尼迅速廓清,分布广泛,平均清除半衰期为 48 小时。
癌症患者口服给药后,吸收较慢,平均终末半衰期为 41 小时吉非替尼每天给药 1 次出现 2-8 倍蓄积,经7-10 天的给药后达到稳态。
24 小时间隔用药,循环血浆药物浓度一般维持在 2-3 倍之间。
3、吸收口服给药后,吉非替尼的血浆峰浓度出现在给药后的3 到 7 小时。
在一项健康志愿的平均吸收生物利用度为 59者的实验中,当 pH值维持在 pH5 以上时,吉非替尼的吸收减少 47(见 4.4 和 4.5 节)。
4、分布在吉非替尼稳态时的平均分布容积为 1400L,分布广泛。
血浆蛋白结合率近 90。
5、代谢体外研究数据表明参与吉非替尼氧化代谢的 P450 同工酶只有 CYP3A4。
体外研究显示吉非替尼可能有限的抑制 CYP2D6 酶。
在一项临床试验中,吉非替尼与metoprolol(美多心安,一种 CYP2D6 酶底物)合用使该组的作用有少量的增高(35),其实际临床意义尚未估计。

如果您的症状和疾病不好转或加重,请咨询您的医生。 严禁将您的药物分享给他人或服用他人的药物 建议将您在服用的所有药物(包括保健品)列一张清单,看病时给医生作参考 如果您要服用任何药品和保健品,请先咨询您的医生
商品名:易瑞沙 英文名:Geftinat
您是否有对吉非替尼过敏,或者其他的药物过敏。如果有药物过敏,症状如何(皮疹, 风团,瘙痒,呼吸困难,咳嗽,眼睛或面部水肿,喉头水肿,休克等)
该药可能会与其他药物产生相互作用,请务必告知您的医生和康安途博士您在服用的所 有药物(处方药或非处方药,保健品,维生素等)和所有疾病史(高血压,糖尿病,心脏病 等)。医生要综合评估您是否适合服用该药物。任何情况下,绝对不能在未咨询医生的情况 下擅自开始服药、停止用药或更改药物剂量。
1、请在服药期间就诊时告知您的医生或护士您在服用吉非替尼 2、请遵医嘱定期复查血液指标,并咨询检查结果。 3、很少见的情况下,可能会出现消化道穿孔。 4、该药物可能会导致不孕,请咨询医生。 5、如果您怀孕,该药物可能会影响胎儿健康。 6、服药期间请采取避孕措施,直到停药 2 周后。 7、如果您怀孕或计划怀孕,请咨询医生有关怀孕期间注意事项。 8、如果您在母乳喂养,也请咨询医生相关风险。
所有的药物都可能有副作用,然而很多患者不会经历副作用或者只有轻微副作用。如果它们 引起您的顾忌或长时间不减轻,请咨询您的医生或就诊。 呕吐
腹泻 眼睛刺激 皮肤瘙痒 无饥饿感 指甲改变 粉刺 眼睛干涩 皮肤干燥
1、坚持遵医嘱服药,勿私自改变剂量。 2、为保证最优药效,请勿漏服药物。 3、空腹或和食物一起服用皆可。 4、如果药片难以吞服,您可以将药物放入 120ml-240ml 水中,搅拌 15 分钟后喝药,再倒 120ml-240ml 水在同一个杯子中,将可能残余在杯壁的药物喝掉。 5、如果您在服用抑制胃酸的药物(西米替丁,埃索美拉唑,右兰索拉唑,法莫替丁,兰索 拉唑,尼扎替丁,奥美拉唑,泮托拉唑,雷贝拉唑,雷尼替丁),请咨询医生您该如何服用 吉非替尼。

剂量调整:当患者出现不能耐受的腹泻或皮肤不良反应时,可通过短期暂停治疗(最多14天)解决,随后恢复每天250mg的剂量 (见不良反应)。
∙不良反应:∙最常见(发生率20%以上)的药物不良反应( ADRs )为腹泻和皮肤反应(包括皮疹、痤疮、皮肤干燥和瘙痒),一般见于服药后的第一个月内,通常是可逆性的。

吸收与分布: 吉非替尼是吸收慢,发生在服药后 3-7 小时血浆峰水平,平均 60% 的口服生物利用度。生物利用度不显著改变食物。吉非替尼是广泛 分布在整个身体平均分配 1400L 以下的静脉给药的稳态量。在吉非 替尼体外结合人体血浆蛋白(血清白蛋白和 AL-酸糖蛋白)是 90%, 药物浓度无关。
织学为 6.7%(3 / 45)。类似的分歧在响应被视为在跨国研究在收到
1 或 2 个前化疗方案的患者,其中至少有 1 铂类为基础的。在应答者
中,研究随机从诊断到的平均时间为 16.7 个月(范围为 8 至 34 个月)。
表 2:疗效结果
从两个大的控制,在非小细胞肺癌一线治疗的随机试验的结果表明 没有加入 GEFTINAT 双峰,铂类为基础化疗的好处。因此,GEFTINAT 是不是表示在使用此设置。
禁忌 GEFTINAT 是禁忌与吉非替尼或任何其他组件的 GEFTINAT 严重过 敏的患者。
警告 肺毒性 间质性肺疾病(ILD)的案件已观察患者接受吉非替尼的总发病率约 1%。大约有 1 / 3 的情况下,已经死亡。报道的 ILD 的发生率约为 2%, 在日本上市后的经验,在美国扩大接入方案,并在第一线使用在非 小细胞肺癌的研究约 1%,与吉非替尼治疗的约 23,000 名病人约 0.3%(但在两个治疗组和安慰剂组)的发生率相似。报告描述了间 质性肺炎,肺炎和肺泡的不良事件。患者常出现急性发作,有时咳 嗽或低热,呼吸困难,往往成为严重的一个短的时间内内,需要住 院治疗。 ILD 的发生在接受放射治疗前呈报个案(31%),前化疗报 道患者(57%),和以前没有治疗的举报个案(12%)的患者。患者 并发特发性肺间质纤维化,其病情恶化而接受吉非替尼已观察到有 增加死亡率比那些没有并发特发性肺纤维化。 吉非替尼治疗,在急性发作或肺部症状恶化(呼吸困难,咳嗽,发 烧)时,应中断,并迅速展开调查的这些症状应该发生。间质性肺 疾病,如果得到证实,吉非替尼应停止和病人适当的治疗(见注意 事项信息的患者,不良反应和剂量及管理的剂量调整部分)。

【药品名称】通用名称:吉非替尼片英文名称:Gefitinib Tablets汉语拼音:Jifeitini Pian【成份】本品主要成份为吉非替尼。
剂量调整:当患者出现不能耐受的腹泻或皮肤不良反应时,可通过短期暂停治疗(最多14天)解决,随后恢复每天250mg的剂量 (见【不良反应】)。

Iressa ( gefitinib ) is a novel small molecular weight drugs for the treatment of cancer, its mechanism is mainly through the inhibition of EGFR phosphorylation and block the conduction, inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, for targeted therapy. Clinical mainly for the treatment of previously received chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, especially the effect of the exact curative effect on lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma than in adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is low, but a large number of clinical data show that : the Yi Rui sand according to the actual situation of patients with lung cancer ( than gefitinib ) after treatment, there are still some lung squamous cell carcinoma and other non small cell lung cancer patients with obvious effect, and has good tolerance.。

4.剂量调整:当患者出现不能耐受的腹泻或皮肤不良反应时,可通过短期暂停治疗(最多14天)解决,随后恢复每天250mg的剂量 (见不良反应)。


吉非替尼片说明书通用名:吉非替尼片生产厂家: 齐鲁制药海南有限公司批准文号:国药准字H20213465药品规格:0.25g*10片药品价格:¥1680元【商品名称】伊瑞可吉非替尼片【通用名称】吉非替尼片【英文名】Gefitinib Tablets【汉语拼音】JiFeiTiNiPian【主要成分】吉非替尼。

【药品名称】通用名称:吉非替尼片吉非替尼片0.25g*10片拼音全码:YiRuiKe JiFeiTiNiPian 0.25g*10Pian【主要成分】本品主要成分为吉非替尼。

Iressa中文说明书【药品名称】:通用名:吉非替尼片英文名:Gefitinib Tablet、Iressa、ZD1839(注:印度版英文名为Geftinat)【性状】褐色,椭圆形,双凸面,薄膜衣片;一面印有“250”,另一面“geftinat”。
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GEFTINAT吉非替尼片剂说明书全文(中英对照翻译)Hepatic Impairment: The influence of hepatic metastases with elevation Table 1: Demographic and Disease Characteristics INDICATIONS AND USAGE For the use only of a Cancer Specialist or a Hospital or an Institution of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT), alkaline phosphatase, Gefitinib Dose GEFITINAT is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of patients GEFTINAT* and bilirubin has been evaluated in patients with normal (14 patients), 250 mg/day 500 mg/day with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after (Gefitinib Tablets IP) moderately elevated (13 patients) and severely elevated (4 patients) Characteristic N=66(%) N=76(%) failure of both platinum-based and docetaxel chemotherapies. levels of one or more of these biochemical parameters. Patients with --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The effectiveness of Gefitinib is based on objective response rates (see Composition moderately and severely elevated biochemical liver abnormalities had Age Group CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY - Clinical Studies section). There are no Each film coated tablet contains: Gefitinib IP 250 mg gefitinib pharmacokinetics similar to individuals without liver 18-64controlled trials demonstrating a clinical benefit, such as improvement years 43 (65) 43 (57) abnormalities (see PRECAUTIONS section). in disease-related symptoms or increased survival. 64-74 years 19 (29) 30 (39) DESCRIPTION Results from two large, controlled, randomized trials in first- line 75 years andabove 4 (6) 3 (4) GEFTINAT (gefitinib tablets IP) contain 250 mg of gefitinib IP and are Renal Impairment: No clinical studies were conducted with Gefitinib in Sex treatment of non-small cell lung cancer showed no benefit from adding available as reddish brown film-coated tablets engraved with GEFTINAT patients with severely compromised renal function (see PRECAUTIONS Male 38 (58) 41 (54) GEFTINAT to doublet, platinum-based chemotherapy. Therefore, on one side and 250 on another side tor daily oral administration. section). Gefitinib and its metabolites are not significantly excreted via GEFTINAT is not indicated for use in this setting. Female 28 (42) 35(46) Gefitinib is an anilinoquinazoline with the chemical name 4-Quinazolin the kidney(<4%). Race amine, N-(3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)-7-methoxy-6-[3-4-morpholin] CONTRAINDICATIONS White 61 (92) 68(89) propoxy]. It has the molecular formula C22H24C1F4O3,a relative Drug-Drug Interactions: In human liver microsome studies, gefitinib had Black 1 (2) 2 (3) GEFTINAT is contraindicated in patients with severe hypersensitivity to molecular mass of 446.9 and is a white-colored powder. Gefitinib is a noinhibitory effect on CYPIA2, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4 activities atAsian/Oriental 1 (2) 2 (3) gefitinib or to any other component of GEFTINAT. free base. concentrations ranging from 2-5000 ng/ mL. At the highest concentration Hispanic 0 (0) 3 (4) studied (5000 ng/mL),gefitinib inhibited CYP2C19 by 24% and WARNINGS Other 3 (5) 1 (1) CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY CYP2D6 by 43%. Exposure to metoprolol, a substrate of CYP2D6, was Pulmonary Toxicity Smoking History Mechanism of Action:The mechanism of the clinical antitumor action of increased by 30% when it was given in combination with gefitinib (500 Yes (Previous or current smoker) 45 (68) 62 (82) Cases of interstitial lung disease (ILD) have been observed in patients gefitinib is not fully characterized.Gefitinib inhibits the intracellular mg daily for 28 days) in patients with solid tumors. Rifampicin, an No (Never smoked) 21 (32) 14 (18) receiving Gefitinib at an overall incidence of about 1%. Approximately phosphorylation of numerous tyrosine kinases associated with inducer of CYP3A4, reduced mean AUC of gefitinib by 85% in healthy Baseline WHO Performance Status 1/3 of the cases have been fatal. The reported incidence of ILD was transmembrane cell surface receptors, including the tyrosine kinases male volunteers (see PRECAUTIONS-Drug Interactions and DOSAGE about 2% in the Japanese post-marketing experience, about 0.3% in 0 14 (21) 9(12) associated with the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFRTK). EGFR AND ADMINISTRATION-Dosage Adjustment sections). approximately 23,000 patients treated with Gefitinib in a US expanded 1 36 (55) 53(70) is expressed on the cell surface of many normal cells and cancer cells. Concomitant administration of itraconazole (200 mg QD for 12 days), an access program and about 1% in the studies of first-line use in NSCLC 2 15 (23) 14 (18) No clinical studies have been performed that demonstrate a correlation inhibitor of CYP3A4, with gefitinib (250 mg single dose) to healthy Not Recorded 1(2) 0(0) (but with similar rates in both treatment and placebo groups). Reports between EGFR receptor expression and response to gefitinib. male volunteers,increased mean gefitinib AUC by 88% (see Tumor Histology have described the adverse event as interstitial pneumonia, pneumonitis PRECAUTIONS-Drug Interactions section). Co-administration of high and alveolitis. Patients often present with the acute onset of dyspnea, Squamous 9(14) 11 (14) Pharmacokinetics : Gefitinib is absorbed slowly after oral administration doses of ranitidine with sodium bicarbonate (to maintain the gastric pH sometimes associated with cough or low-grade fever, often becoming Adenocarcinoma 47(71) 50 (66) with mean bioavailability of 60%. Elimination is by metabolism above pH 5.0) reduced mean gefitinib AUC by 44% (see severe within a short time and requiring hospitalization. ILD has Undifferentiated 6(9) 4 (5) (primarily CYP3A4) and excretion in feces. The elimination halt-life is PRECAUTIONS-Drug Interactions section). Large Cell 1 (2) 2(3) occurred in patients who have received prior radiation therapy (31% of about 48 hours. Daily oraladministration of gefitinib to cancer patients International Normalized Ratio (INR) elevations and/or bleeding events Squamous and Adenocarcinoma 3 (5) 7 (9) reported cases), prior chemotherapy (57% of reported patients), and no resulted in a 2- fold accumulation compared to single dose have been reported in some patients taking warfarin while on Gefitinib Not Recorded 0 (0) 2 (3) previous therapy (12% of reported cases). Patients with concurrent administration. Steady state plasma concentrations are achieved within therapy. Patients taking warfarin should be monitored regularly for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis whose condition worsens while receiving Current DIsease Status 10 days.changes in prothrombin time or INR (see PRECAUTIONS-Drug Gefitinib have been observed to have an increased mortality compared to Locally Advanced 11 (17) 5 (7) Interactions and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections). Metastatic 55 (83) 71 (93) those without concurrent idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Absorption and Distribution: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the event of acute onset or worsening of pulmonary symptoms Gefitinib is slowly absorbed, with peak plasma levels occurring 3-7 Clinical Studies : Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) - A multicenter Table 2 shows tumor response rates and response duration. The overall (dyspnea, cough, fever), Gefitinib therapy should be interrupted and a hours after dosing and mean oral bioavailability of 60%. Bioavailability clinical trial in the United States evaluated the tumor response rate of prompt investigation of these symptoms should occur. If interstitial response rate for the 250 and 500 mg doses combined was 10.6% (95% is not significantly altered by food. Gefitinib is extensively distributed Gefitinib 250 and 500 mg/day in patients with advanced non-small cell lung disease is confirmed, Gefitinib should be discontinued and the Cl: 6%, 16.8%). Response rates appeared to be highly variable in throughout the body with a mean steady state volume of distribution of lung cancer whose disease had progressed after at least two prior patient treated appropriately (see PRECAUTIONS-Information for subgroups of the treated population: 5.1% (4/79) in males, 17.5% (11/63) 1400L following intravenous administration. Invitro binding of gefitinib chemotherapy regimens including a platinumdrug and docetaxel. in females, 4.6% (5/108) in previous or current smokers, 29.4% (10/34) Patients, ADVERSE REACTIONS and DOSAGE AND to human plasma proteins (serum albumin and al-acid glycoprotein) is Gefitinib was taken once daily at approximately the same time each nonsmokers, 12.4% (12/97) with adenocarcinoma histology, and 6.7% ADMINISTRATION-Dosage Adjustment sections). 90% and is independent of drug concentrations. Two hundred and sixteen patients received Gefitinib, 102 (47%) and 114 (3/45) with other NSCLC histologies. Similardifferences in response (53%) receiving 250 mg and 500 mg daily doses, respectively. Study Pregnancy Category D were seen in a multinational study in patients who had received 1 or 2 Metabolism and Elimination: Gefitinib undergoes extensive hepatic patient demographics and disease characteristics are summarized in Gefitinib may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. prior chemotherapy regimens, at least1 of which was platinum-based. In metabolism in humans, predominantly by CYP3A4. Three sites of Table 1. Forty-one percent of the patients had received two prior responders, the median time from diagnosis to study randomization was A single dose study in rats showed that gefitinib crosses the placenta biotransformation have been identified: metabolism of the N-propoxy treatment regimens, 33% three prior treatment regimens, and 25% four 16.7 months (range 8 to 34 months). after an oral dose of 5 mg/kg (30 mg/m2 , about 1/5 the recommended morpholino-group, demethylation of the methoxy-substituent on the or more prior treatment regimens. Effectiveness of Gefitinib as third line human dose on a mg/m2basis). When pregnant rats were treated with 5 Table 2 : EfficacyResults quinazoline, and oxidative defluorination of the halogenated phenyl therapy was determined in the 142 evaluable patients with documented mg/kg from the beginning of organogenesis to the end of weaning gave --------------------------------------------------------------------------- group. Five metabolites were identified in human plasma. Only disease progression on platinum and docetaxel therapies or who had had birth, there was a reduction in the number of offspring born alive. This Avaliable Patients O-desmethyl gefitinib has exposure comparable to gefitinib. Although unacceptable toxicity on these agents. 250 mg 500 mg Combined effect was more severe at 20 mg/kg and was accompanied by high this metabolite has similar EGFR-TK activity to gefitinib in theisolated (N=66) (N=76) (N=142) neonatal mortality soon after parturition, In this study a dose of 1 enzyme assay, it had only l/14 of the potency of gefitinib in one of the Objective Tumor Response 13.6 7.9 10.6 mg/kg caused no adverse effects. cell- based assays. Rate (%) In rabbits, a dose of 20 mg/kg/day (240 mg/m2 , about twice the Gefitinib is cleared primarily by the liver, with total plasma clearance recommended dose in humans on 1 mg/m2 basis) caused reduced fetal 95% Cl (%) 6.4-24.3 3.0-16.4 6.0-16.8 and elimination half-life values of 595 mL/min and 48 hours, Median Duration of Objective weight. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant respectively, after intravenous administration. Excretion is Response(months) 8.9 4.5 7.0 women using Gefitinib. If Gefitinib is used during pregnancy or if the predominantlyvia the feces (86%), with renal elimination of drug and Range (months) 4.6-18.6+ 4.4-7.6 4.4-18.6+ patient becomes pregnant while receiving this drug, she should be metabolites accounting for less than 4% of the administered dose. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- apprised of the potential hazard to the fetus or potential risk for loss of +=data are ongoing the pregnancy. Special Populations: In population based data analyses, no relationships Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC); Studies of First-line Treatment were identified between predicted steady state trough concentration and in patient age, body weight, gender, ethnicity or creatinine clearance. Combination with Chemotherapy- Two large trials were conducted in Pediatric: There are no pharmacokinetic data in pediatric patients. chemotherapy-naive patients with stage III and IV non-small cell lung cancer. Two thousand one hundred thirty patients were randomized to receive Gefitinib 250 mg daily, Gefitinib 500 mg daily, or placebo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy regimens. The chemotherapies given in these first-line trials were gemcitabine andcis-platinum (N=1093) or carboplatin and paclitaxel (N=1037). The addition of Gefitinib did not demonstrate any increase, or trend toward such an increase, in tumor response rates, time to progression, or overall survival.PRECAUTIONS Pregnancy Table 4 - Drug Related Adverse Events 5% at 250 mg OVERDOSAGE Hepatotoxicity Pregnancy Category D (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS- dose by Worst CTC Grade (n=102) The acute toxicity ofGefitinib up to 500 mg in clinical studies has Asymptomatic increases in liver transaminases have been observed in Information for Patients sections). % of patients been low. In non-clinical studies, a single dose of 12,000 mg/m2 (about Gefitinib treated patients; therefore, periodic liver function --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 times the recommended clinical dose on a mg/m2 basis) was lethal to (transaminases, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase) testing should be Nursing Mothers Adverse ALL CTC CTC CTC CTC rats. Half this dose caused no mortality in mice. considered. Discontinuation of Gefitinib should be considered if changes It is not known whether Gefitinib is excreted in human milk. Following Event Grades Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 There is no specific treatmentfor an GEFTINAT overdose and possible are severe. oral administration of carbon-14 labeled gefitinib to rats 14 days --------------------------------------------------------------------------- symptoms of overdose are not established. However, in phase l clinical postpartum, concentrations of radioactivity in milk were higher than in Diarrhea 48 41 6 1 0 trials, a limited number of patients were treated with daily doses of up to Patients with Hepatic Impairment blood. Levels of gefitinib and its metabolites were 11-to-19-fold higher Rash 43 39 4 0 0 1000 mg. An increase in frequency and severity of some adverse In vitro and in vivo evidence suggest that gefitinib is cleared primarily in milk than in blood, after oral exposure of lactating rats to a dose of 5 Acne 25 19 6 0 0 reactions was observed, mainly diarrhea and skin rash. Adversereactions by the liver. Therefore, gefitinib exposure may be increased in patients mg/kg. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of Dry Skin 13 12 1 0 0 associated with overdose should be treated symptomatically; in with hepatic dysfunction. In patients with liver metastases and the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, women Nausea 13 7 5 1 0 particular, severe diarrhea should be managed appropriately. moderately to severely elevated biochemical liver abnormalities, should be advised against breast-feeding while receiving Gefitinib Vomiting 12 9 2 1 0 however, gefitinib pharmacokinetics were similar to the therapy. Pruritus 8 7 1 0 0 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION pharmacokinetics of individuals without liver abnormalities(see Anorexia 7 3 4 0 0 The recommended daily dose of GEFITINIB is one 250 mg tablet with CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY/Pharmaco kinetics - Special Pediatric Use Asthenia 6 2 2 1 1 or without food. Higher doses do not give a better response and cause Populations section). The influence of non-cancer related hepatic Safety and effectiveness of Gefitinib in pediatric patients have not been --------------------------------------------------------------------------- increased toxicity. impairment on the pharmacokinetics of gefitinib has not been evaluated. studied. Other adverse events reported at an incidence of <5% in patients who received either 250 mg or 500 mg as monotherapy for treatment of Dosage Adjustment Information for Patients Geriatric Use NSCLC (along with their frequency at the 250 mg recommended dose) Patients with poorly tolerated diarrhea (sometimesassociated with Patients should be advised to seek medical advice promptly if they Of the total number of patients participating in trials of second- and include the following: peripheral edema (2%), amblyopia (2%), dyspnea dehydration) or skin adverse drug reactions may be successfully develop third-line Gefitinib treatment of NSCLC, 65% were aged 64 years or less, (2%), conjunctivitis (1%), vesiculobullous rash (1%), and mouth managed by providing a brief (up to 14 days) therapy interruption 1) severe or persistent diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, or vomiting, as these 30.5% were aged 65 to 74 years, and 5% of patients were aged 75 years ulceration (1%). followed by reinstatement of me 250 mg daily dose. have sometimes been associated with dehydration; or older. No differences in safety or efficacy were observed between In the event of acute onset or worsening of pulmonary symptoms 2) an onset or worsening of pulmonary symptoms, ie, shortness of breath younger and older patients. Interstitial Lung Disease (dyspnea, cough, fever), GEFTINAT therapy should be interrupted and or cough; Cases ofinterstitial lung disease (ILD) have been observed in patients a prompt investigation of these symptoms should occur and appropriate 3) an eye irritation; or, Patients with Severe Renal Impairment receivingGefitinib at an overall incidence of about l%. Approximately treatment initiated. If interstitial lung disease is confirmed, GEFTINAT 4) any other new symptom (see WARNINGS- Pulmonary Toxicity, The effect ofsevere renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of 1/3 0f the cases have been fatal. The reported incidence of ILD was should be discontinued andthe patient treated appropriately (see ADVERSE REACTIONS and DOSAGE AND gefitinib is not known. Patients with severe renal impairment should be about 2% in the Japanese post-marketing experience, about 0.3% in WARNINGS- Pulmonary Toxicity, PRECAUTIONS-Information for ADMINISTRATION-Dosage Adjustment sections). treated with caution when given GEFTINAT. approximately 23,000 patients treated with Gefitinib in a US expanded Patients and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections). Women of childbearing potential must be advised to avoid becoming access program and about l% in the studies of first-line use in NSCLC Patients who develop onset of new eye symptoms such as pain should be pregnant (see WARNINGS-Pregnancy Category D). ADVERSE REACTIONS (but with similar rates in both treatment and placebo groups). Reports medically evaluated and managed appropriately, The safety database includes 941 patients from clinical trials and have described the adverse event asinterstitial pneumonia, pneumonitis including GEFTINAT therapy interruption and removal of an aberrant Drug Interactions approximately 23,000 patients in the Expanded Access Program. Table 3 and alveolitis. Patients often present with the acute onset of dyspnea, eyelash if present. After symptoms and eye changes have resolved, the Substances that are inducers of CYP3A4 activity increase the includes drug-related adverse events with an incidence of 5% for the 216 sometimes associated with cough or low-grade fever, often becoming decision should be made concerning reinstatement of the 250 mg daily metabolism of gefitinib and decrease its plasma concentrations. In patients who received either 250mg or 500 mg of Gefitinib monotherapy severe within a short time and requiring hospital ization. ILD has dose (see PRECAUTIONS- Information for Patients and ADVERSE patients receiving a potent CYP3A4 inducer such as rifampicin or for treatment of NSCLC. The most common adverse events reported at occurred in patients who have received prior radiation therapy (31% of REACTIONS sections), phenytoin, a dose increase to 500 mg daily should be considered in the the recommended 250 mg daily dose were diarrhea, rash, acne, dry skin, reported cases), prior chemotherapy (57% of reported patients), and no In patients receiving a potent CYP3A4 inducer such as rifampicin or absence of severe adverse drug reaction, and clinical response and nausea, and vomiting (see PRECAUTIONS- Information for Patients and previous therapy (12% of reported cases). Patients with concurrent phenytoin, a dose increase to 500 mg daily should be considered in the adverse events should be carefully monitored (see CLINICAL DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION- Dosage Adjustment sections). idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis whose condition worsens while receiving absence of severe adverse drug reaction, and clinical response and PHARMACOLOGY- Pharmacokinetics-Drug-Drug Interactions and The 500 mg dose showed a higher rate for most of these adverse events. Gefitinib have been observed to have an increased mortality compared to adverse events should be carefully monitored (see CLINICAL DOSAGE AND ADMIN-ISTRATION- Dosage Adjustment sections). Table 4 provides drug-related adverse events with an incidence of 5% by those without concurrent idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. PHARMACOLOGY-Pharmacokinetics- Drug DrugInteractions and International Normalized Ratio (INR) elevations and/or bleeding events CTC grade for the patients who received the 250 mg/day dose of PRECAUTIONS-Drug Interactions sections). have been reported in some patients taking warfarin while on Gefitinib Gefitinib monotherapyfor treatment of NSCLC. Only 2% of patients In the event of acute onset or worsening of pulmonary symptoms No dosage adjustment is required on the basis of patient age, body therapy. Patients taking warfarin should be monitored regularly for stopped therapy due to an adverse drug reaction (ADR). The onset of (dyspnea, cough, fever), GEFITINIB therapy should be interrupted and a weight, gender, ethnicity, or renal function; or in patients with moderate changes in prothrombin time or INR (see CLINICAL these ADRs occurred within the first month of therapy. prompt investigation of these symptoms should occur. If interstitial lung to severe hepatic impairment due to liver metastases (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY-Pharmacokinetics-Drug-Drug Interactions and disease is confirmed, Gefitinib should be discontinued and the patient PHARMACOLOGY-Pharmacokinetics- Special Populations section). ADVERSE REACTIONS sections). Table 3 - Drug-Related Adverse Events With an Incidence treated appropriately(see WARNINGS-Pulmonary Toxicity, Keepthis medication out of reach and sight of children. Substances that are potent inhibitors of CYP3A4 activity (eg, of 5% in either 250 mg or 500 mg Dose Group PRECAUTIONS- Information for Patients and DOSAGE AND ketoconazole and itraconazole) decrease gefitinib metabolism and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ADMINISTRATION- Dosage Adjustment sections). HOW SUPPLIED increase gefitinib plasma concentra-tions. This increase may be clinically Number (%) of Patients In patients receiving Gefitinib therapy, there were reports of eye pain and 30 Tablets packed in tamper evident HDPE container. One container and relevant as adverse experiences are related to dose and exposure; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- corneal erosion/ulcer, sometimes in association with aberrant eyelash literature housed in a carton. therefore, caution should be used when administering CYP3A4 inhibitors Drug-related 250 mg/day 500 mg/day growth (see PRECAUTIONS Information for Patients section). There 10 Tablets packed in a blister. 3 blisters and literature housed in a with GEFTINAT (see CLINICAL adverse event @ (N=102) (N=114) were also rare reports of pancreatitis and very rare reports of corneal carton. PHARMACOLOGY-Pharmacokinetics-Drug-Drug Interactions and % % membrane sloughing, ocular ischemia/hemorrhage, toxic epidermal ADVERSE REACTIONS sections). Diarrhea 49 (48) 76 (67) necrolysis, erythema multiforme, and allergic reactions, including Storage Drugs that cause significant sustained elevation in gastric pH (histamine Rash 44 (43) 61 (54) angioedema and urticaria. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light and moisture. H 2 -receptor antagonists such as ranitidine or cimetidine) may reduce Acne 25 (25) 37 (33) International Normalized Ratio (INR) elevations and/or bleeding events plasma concentrations of Gefitinib and therefore potentially may reduce Dry skin 13 (13) 30 (26) have been reported in some patientstaking warfarin while on Gefitinib Made in India by: efficacy (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY- Drug-Drug Interactions Nausea 13 (13) 20 (18) therapy. Patients taking warfarin should be monitored regularly for NATCO section). Vomiting 12 (12) 10 (9) changes in prothrombin time or INR (see CLINICAL PHARMA LIMITED, Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Gefitinib has been Pruritus 8 (8) 10 (9) PHARMACOLOGY-Drug-Drug Interactions and PRECAUTIONS-Drug Regd. Office: NATCO HOUSE, ROAD No. 2, tested for genotoxicity in a series of in vitro [bacterial mutation, mouse Anorexia 7 (7) 11 (10) Interactions sections). BANJARA HILLS, HYDERABAD-500 033. lymphoma, and human lymphocyte) assays and an in vivo rat Asthenia 6 (6) 5 (4) Data from non-clinical (in vitro and in vivo) studies indicate that micronucleus test. Under the conditions of these assays, gefitinib did not Weight loss 3 (3) 6 (5) gefitinib has the potential to inhibit the cardiac action potential NATCO cause genetic damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- repolarization process (eg, OT interval). The clinical relevance of these Carcinogenicity studies have not been conducted with gefitinib. *A patient may have had more than 1 drugrelated adverse event. findings is unknown.对于只使用一个肿瘤专科医院或机构肝功能不全:在正常的患者(14例),中度升高(13例)和严重升表1:人口和疾病特征适应症吉非替尼剂量 GEFTINAT* 高(4例肝转移血清谷草转氨酶(AST/SGOT),碱性磷酸酶和胆红GEFITINAT表示作为单药治疗铂类为基础和多西紫杉醇化疗失败后 250毫克/天 500毫克/天。