产品说明书 翻译答案





children under 5 years of age should not be treated with antistine.2.对本品过敏的患者禁用本品。

this medicine is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity.3.胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。

ursosan should not be givento patients suffering from bile duct obstruction.4.如果不是临床需要,建议本品不要与环丙烷合用。

it is advisableto avoid the use of aramine with cyclo-propane unless clinical circumstances demand such use. 5.丙磺舒被推荐用于治疗痛风及在抗感染治疗时增加并延长青霉素类的血浆浓度。

benemid is recommended for the treatment of gout , and to ieace and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins during anti- infective therapy.6.阿霉素常与其他细胞毒药物合用于化疗方案。

adriamycin is frequently used in combination chemotherapy regiments with other cytotoxic drugs. 7.阿米卡星可用于治疗革兰氏阳性敏感菌引起的感染,也可用于治疗敏感葡萄球菌引起的感染。

amikacin is useful in the treatment of infections from gram-negative sensitive species,there included the pseudomonas species;it may also be useful to treat infections caused by sensitive staphylococci.【篇二:说明书的英文怎么写】目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。


Jabra Storm Bluetooth Headset
1.Connect to Mobile Device
(1)Turn the headset on (set the On/Off switch to the On position).
2.How to wear
The headset can be worn on the left or right ear. Simple rotate the speaker and twist the eargel to fit your ear.
(2)Press and hold (3 secs) the Answer/end button until the Bluetooth indicator flashes blue. Paring mode will be announced in the headset.
(3)Wear the headset and follow the voice-guided paring instructions to pair to your Bluetooth device.



(2)情态动词/be +介词短语 这种句型用于说明物体的特征、状态和范围,以及计量
单位等。例如: The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple
and compact construction. CYJ15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 The wiring should be in good condition and core flex
二、熟悉英语产品说明书中的常用句型。(1) 句型是语言结构的要素。无论是英译汉还是汉译英都离
不开句型。熟悉英文产品说明书中的常见句型对成功地翻译 原文十分必要。
(1)情态动词/be +形容词/过去分词+目的状语 该句型主要用于文章的开头,说明该产品的用途。例如:
The product is used for creating your own hair style special for creating your look and shaping beautiful hair.
(3)对设备特点的说明 Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, and comparatively high productivity. 结构简单,操作容易,维修方便,生产率较高。 (4)故障排除 Trouble: The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed. Solution: Replace the batteries. If the shaver still does not work, see “Guarantee & Service”. 问题:按下开/关按钮后剃须刀不工作。 解决方法:更换电池。如果剃须刀仍然不能工作,请参 阅“保证及维修服务”。



商品说明书品种繁多,不同商品的说明书内 容及特点也不尽相同。一般来说,商品说明 书包括以下几个部分:
标题 正文
商标、型号、货名以及“说明书”或“使用说明 书” 介绍产品概况,说明产地、规格、材料或成分; 构造、性能、适用范围、技术参数、安装、使 用方法、注意事项等。重点是使用及保养维修 方法。
6. 陈述句: 简单的肯定陈述句应用十分普遍,特别是在 介绍产品的特性、功能、效用时。 例:GFMD系列采用极柱端子一体化结 构,将电池内阻降低了20%左右。 GFMD series adopt the integrated poles and terminals that reduce the battery’s internal resistance by about 20%.
(二) 语篇特征
由于英语和汉语分属不同语系:英语属印欧 语系,汉语属汉藏语系,英语结构紧凑,汉语结构 松散。语言学家以“竹节句法”来比喻英语句 子, 即英语句子是由不可缺的各种连接词衔接而成, 宛如节节相连的竹子;而汉语句子则被比喻为 “流水句法”,所谓的流水是指少用乃至不用连 接 词,但仍行文流畅。所以说,英语重形合
三. 产品说明书的文体特征
(一) 词汇特征 1、相对固定性和专业性 一方面,这种特殊文体因其狭窄的语域而使用 了相对稳定、有限的词汇; 另一方面,由于这种文体的描述对象(包括产品 和服务) 覆盖面甚广,涉及各种行业和领域,因 此常会遇到一些某个技术领域中特有的“土 话”、“行话”,或是“俚语”。
厂家名称、地址、电话、邮编、代号或批准文号、 照片或图片等
商标、型号、货 名以及“说明书” 或“使用说明书”
一般包括构造、性能、 适用范围、技术参数、 安装、使用方法、注 意事项等



一、说明书类型: 机械、电子、食品、药品、日用品
等 二、通常有四个组成局部:
1. 商品的特征、功能和成份 2. 安装/使用/服用/饮用/食用的方法 3. 留意事项 4. 主要性能、指标及规格
1. Trixa alarm clock has the following functions: Shows current time using the 24-hour clock alarm setting, month and date, and has background lighting, alarm, snooze and chime functions. (See below for details.)
Shelf life: Twelve months (to be kept under the temperature of -18 ℃.)
例2:Peak blood levels are reached within one hour after administration of Cetiri-zine. The plasma half-life is approximately 10 hours in adults, 6 hours in children aged 6-12 years and 5 hours in children aged 2 to 6 years.
例2:Unfamiliarity with the equipment, poor fault judgment or lack of proper training may cause injury to both operator and others。

unit 6 产品说明书的翻译

unit 6 产品说明书的翻译

E.g. With iphone6 and plus, we have taken the time to do engineering to design and develop two entirely new iphones. More significance is not just bigger and better display. The design has never been so compelling, undoubtedly making it the most advantageous iphone since the original. 在iphone6和iphone6 plus开发设计上,我们从不吝惜时间, 来深思熟虑工艺上的每个细节,令这两台前所未有的 iphone得以成为现实。这种设计的演进并不仅仅是更大的 尺寸和绚丽的显示屏,而是一种震撼人心,不可抗拒的力 量。毋庸置疑,它将在iphone历史上写下独一无二的篇章。
类似常见句型还有: ☆ be used for … ☆ be used to ...
☆ be used as …
☆ be suitable to be used in…
☆ be designed to ...
☆ be available for/to ...
☆ may be usபைடு நூலகம்d to …
☆ be designed to be... so as to …
Case 2:全新妮维雅泡沫美白洁面乳
New NIVEA Visage Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.

May 23th产品说明课堂练习答案

May 23th产品说明课堂练习答案


译文:Notes: Never leave your iron unattended when connected to the supply. Do not overfill with water . Always unplug before filling with water. Never immerse in water or other liquids. Allow to cool before storing. Keep children and pets at a safe distance.


语法特点及翻译: 多使用一般现在时; 多使用祈使句; 多使用省略句或不完整句。 切忌望文生义;切忌见字就翻; 切忌用汉语习惯思维套加于英语 表达。

注意事项:接通电源后,切勿离 开。注水时不要让水溢出。注水 时一定要切断电源。 勿将熨斗浸入水或其它液体中。 待熨斗冷却后再收起。不要让儿 童和动物接触。
May 23th课堂练习答案
学习方法:自学自检自我提高多实 践!
本品少许,均匀涂遍面部即可收 到满意效果。如果能在晚上临睡 前再涂用一次,让皮肤充分吸收 各种营养成分,效果更佳。

1、Wash the face with warm boiled water and evenly rub a little amount all over ,twice daily , one in the morning and the other in the evening , and the satisfactory effect will soon be obtained . An additional rub before bedtime would be more effective due to the full intake of various nutritious elements by the skin.



1 原文:
衣食住行,有龙则灵。 (中国建设银行龙卡)
With our debit card in hand, your life will never be hard.
Please read this instruction carefully before taking the medicine.
2.多使用省略句,常省略冠词、介词和不重要的形容词、 副词、连词等
4.大量使用情态动词 5.使用专业术语以实现表达的技术性和准确性 6.信息结构的安排多采用末尾焦点和后部重荷的原则
产品说明书的一般翻译方法 1.逻辑引申法 2.抽象(具体)化引申法 3.简化翻译法 4.归化译法
众所周知,英语中的动词不定式除了不能在 句中充当谓语之外,可以在句子中担当其他 任何成分。正是因为它的广泛适应性,它在 产品说明书中的应用相当普遍,常可以用来 替代各种从句。本例中的动词不定式“To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble-free use ”相当于条件状 语从句“If you expect to obtain…”
绿源苔干有清热降压、通经络、壮筋 骨、去口臭、解酒毒的功效。 译文:
It has been proved that lvyuan Taigan is able to produce certain medical effects, namely, to allay internal heat and fever, to reduce hypertension, to regulate and strengthen bodily functions, to relieve halitosis and to dispel the effects of alcohol.

第五讲 产品说明书翻译练习二

第五讲 产品说明书翻译练习二

















三. 标签式说明书。这类说明书是指附
在产品包装或直接附在产品上的纸或其它 材料制成的标签。最常见的是成衣上的标 签,上面标有衣物名称、面料成分、尺码 、颜色和洗涤说明等。
四. 印在包装上的说明书。有些产品的
文字说明直接印在其外包装(包装盒、 包装罐、包装瓶等)上,例如许多食品 和饮料的文字说明就属此类,其中包括 产品名称、商标、成分、净重、贮存及 保质期等。
脂肪酸占69%”同属译者添加的信息,在原文里 根本没被提及。所以这段译文根本没有如实地反 映原文的产品信息。
由此可见,消费者可能会因为一份有完整准确信 息的商品说明书而信赖该产品,也可能因为一份 蹩脚的说明书而认为该产品同样拙劣。目前,在 商品说明书的翻译中,存在乱译(random translation)和错译(mistranslation)的现 象。乱译指译者在翻译过程中不忠实于原文的信 息,任意添加原文中不存在的信息或任意删去原 文中存在的信息。错译指译者没有正确地理解原 文的语言,或者对译入语的语言掌握不好,辞不 达意,以至于使译文的信息与原文的信息大相径 庭,提供给译入语读者的是错误的信息。诸如用 词含糊不清、错字、错用术语、语法错误、赘述 等等都属于错译范围。这些错误会大大影响翻译
译文:全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地 感觉,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得 更为有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令 肌肤澄净白皙。
一、语篇结构特征:产品说明书 通常由标题,正文,结尾和附录构 成。
二 、句法特征
的状语 This mode is convenient for receiving both



Directions :translate the following items into Chinese or English respectively.1. 本品为糖衣(sugar coating),除去糖衣后,显棕褐色;味甘,微苦。

(青春宝抗衰老片) 2. 佳丽空气清新喷雾(Glade Lily Air Fresher):能有效清新家居空气,令您置身于清新淡雅的百合花香中,犹如轻触大自然。

(上海庄臣公司) 3. 常见故障及排除方法:如果故障是按动开关却没有任何声响,请检查是否①已接电源; ②选择了正确的输入; ③音量开到最小; ④音箱已正确接驳; ⑤主机处于静音状态。

4. New Perioe Children ’s Toothpaste (贝瑞奥儿童牙膏)contains unique and gentle Fluoride (氟化物)protection formula to preve nt cavities effectively, designed for children with sweet teeth to promote strong and healthy teeth. With Tropical Fruity Flavor, your children would love to have a joyful tooth-brushing every time. Due to such fabulous features this product is predicted to be a total success once released to the market. Like some of the previous N Series models, it is armed with some fabulous features that have demanded consumer attention. This is certainly a phone you should look out for! The Nokia N8 houses an internal memory of 16GB which can be extended with a Micro SD card up to 32GB 32GB making making making this this this phone a big phone a big p layer player player in in in the the the mobile mobile mobile phone phone phone market. market. market. Music Music Music is is enabled enabled with with with high high features as users can browse through their albums with touch access. Furthermore, the N8 supports markup languages such as HTML, XHTML, MP, WML, and CSS. With integrated GPS access it supports OVI maps with free car and pedestrian navigation. To its features, this smartphone expected to win the hearts of consumers primarily through its magnificent magnificent camera camera camera which which which is is is a a a fantastic fantastic fantastic 12 12 12 Megapixel. Megapixel. Megapixel. Accompanied Accompanied Accompanied by by by a a a Xenon Xenon Xenon flash flash flash with with automatic red-eye removal technology it is certainly one of the most important features of this cell phone. phone. Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore, it it it is is is armed armed armed with with with autofocus, autofocus, autofocus, still still still images images images file file file format,moncler format,moncler format,moncler online, online, online, face face recognition recognition software, software, software, full full full screen screen screen 16:9 16:9 16:9 viewfinder viewfinder viewfinder with with with easy easy easy to to to use use use touch touch touch screen screen screen parameters parameters parameters and and 5.9mm of focal length. Its VGA camera is meant to support video calls. It comes with an anodized aluminium aluminium casing casing casing varying varying varying in in in orange,Columbia orange,Columbia orange,Columbia sportswear sportswear sportswear canada, canada, canada, dark dark dark gray,peak gray,peak gray,peak performance, performance, blue, blue, silver silver silver white white white and and and green. green. green. It It It is is is armed armed armed with with with a a a resolution resolution resolution of of of 16:9 16:9 16:9 nHD nHD nHD and and and a a a capacitive capacitive capacitive touch touch screen. Nokia has become unstoppable over the years with a fantastic array of phones and a loyal global customer base. Today it has turned heads with its all new mobile phone which is part of the highly highly regarded regarded regarded N N N Series. Series. Series. It It It is is is also also also predicted predicted predicted to to to reach reach reach high high high sales sales sales figures. figures. figures. Being Being Being named named named as as as the the Nokia N8 it is certainly a product deserving of the attention it has generated. It weighs at just 135g with its battery and is designed to be comfortable in your hands. 参考译文像以前的N 系列的某些机型,它具备了消费者一些功能方面的需求。

9. 产品说明书的翻译解析

9. 产品说明书的翻译解析
Translation of Instructions
耳机插孔 顶部麦克 风 响铃/静 音开关 音量按钮 前置摄像 头
Apple Retina 显 示屏
开/关 睡眠/唤醒 受话器 状态条
应用程序图标 SIM托盘 基座接口
主屏按钮 底部麦克 风
How do we say “产品说明书”in English?

Unfamiliarity with the equipment, poor fault judgment or lack of proper training may cause injury to both operator and others。 不熟悉设备,判断故障不当,或缺乏正确 的培训,都可能会给操作者本人或他人造 成伤害。

4. 使用技术术语及行语
产品说明书常用词汇 application
construction commission hazard prior to terminate
日常生活常用词汇 use
structure, building experiment and adjustment danger before end
2. 简洁清晰

威莱家庭影院智能音频功率放大器说明书: Troubles and troubleshooting: if the unit makes no response when power button is pressed, please check if ① the power supply is already turned on, ② the correct input is chosen, ③ the volume is turned to its minimum level, ④ the speakers are correctly connected, and ⑤ the main unit is set at the “mute” mode.



产品说明书翻译练习1.英译汉Operating Instructions For Philips Juice ExtractorThank you for your purchase of Philips Juice Extractor.With this juice extractor you can make 100% pure fruit juice and vegetable juice.The appliance is simple to use and very easy to clean.How to useCheck if the lid is correctly placed.For your safety: the appliance can only operate when the lid has been correctly mounted onto the base unit.Wash the fruits or vegetables and cut them in pieces to fit into the feeding tube.Switch the appliance on by pressing the on/off switch.Put the pieces into the feeding tube and press them gently downwards with the pusher.After the juice has stopped flowing, switch the appliance off and wait for the sieve to come to a complete standstill before removing the juice jug or cup.Maximum operating time:5 minutes on, 2 minutes off.2.汉译英升华牌电热水壶本厂生产的电热水壶是最新流行快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品。


3. 请勿将相机暴露于 温差变化剧烈的环 境中.
a) Take care not to expose the camera to sudden changes in temperature. b) Please make sure the 6pcs to-be-charged batteries are all of the rechargeable type.
Food label(标签)confirmation code:SPQ421023-B462
Product standard No.: QB/T1433.2 Shelf life: 12 months
Production license code: QS4210 0801 0133
Hygiene license code: E sanitary food certificate No.(2007)0378 Production date: see the package
Shelf life: Two years
Suitable Crowd:Apply to all people Storage: Avoid strong 命名):*** Effective compositions: Borneol(冰片),mint(薄荷), etc. Function: Relieve skin irritation, improve skin metabolism. Administration: Apply to the affected part. Several times a day. Warnings: Never apply it to face. Wait a few days between each tube. Validity term: Tow years. Storage: Kept out of children’s reach. Avoid strong light.



高考英语范文产品说明书1. 英语Computer is the most famous invention now. It has many advantages and disadvantages.For the good side, first of all, it's so convenient that we can use it to do our account. The second, as the developing of internet, computers made our world smaller and smaller. Third, we have a lot of fun with computers; it's really useful for us. For the disadvantages, first, we spend more time before computers and less time on communications with others, it makes our society colder. Then, within the inventing of online games, many children trapped in the games and give up their study. It'sa serious problem. The last, now scientists have found that computers are somewhat harmful to our health.Generally speaking, computer is very important to our life though it's not a perfect invention.2. 高分急求产品说明的英文全文翻译The earth handed down in the family side prosperous times reappear “the earth handed down in the family side”functionality health foods series Tuchia nationality palmophyllum tea west Hubei the Tujia national minority to takethe food habit and the keeping in good health health care relations. Is good at adjusting human body vitality leaning using food Leng Re fine inside and outside to be balanced. Within the boundaries of Enshi, in the remote mountain glen, the bamboo grove proliferates, the bamboo leaves have become health foods which the Tujia national minority women and children all know the raw material, the modern science chemical examination: The bamboo leaves include the massive flavanone, can promote the blood circulation, discharges in the blood the toxic substance, the refrigeration quenches thirst, promotes saliva or body fluids effect of the diuresis. the unperturbed nature purifies the mind except bothersome in the palmophyllum effective component including the flavanone, the phenolic acid, the anthraquinone, in the fat, the polysaccharide, the amino acid, the trace element and so on, has fine anti-effects and so on free radical, oxidation resistance, enables the flesh to beautify, has good effects and so on expansion blood capillary, unblock microcycle, is the cerebrum can activate, the sleep to be able to improve. --The second session of international natural oxidation resistance conference (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, international free radical Research society, Chinese freeradical biology and medicine specialized committee) the gold throat swallows the advantage throat including piece , to sing the sound dragon boat clear to adjust the history the perpetual flow static flow, in this side water and soil we hoped that will leave behind section of legends and glory the history and the present, the past and the future intense collision, some changes, however some nothing left , in the Wuling deep place, clear rivers and streams both banks, was livingCrowd of Tujia national minority children they breathed the forest fresh to taste the mountain spring glycol maintain rich original ecology diet culture resources at here, all had not changed。



化妆品说明‎书翻译化‎妆品说明书‎翻译‎‎篇‎一:‎化妆品‎说明书英文‎翻译Prd‎u ct c‎h arac‎t eris‎t ics:‎Itr‎e plen‎i shes‎suff‎i cien‎t ate‎r t c‎r eat ‎a mis‎t uriz‎i ng a‎n dat‎e r-lc‎k ing ‎m embr‎a ne n‎the ‎s kin ‎t mai‎n tain‎the ‎n rmal‎ater‎cnte‎n t f ‎t he c‎u ticl‎e ,ba‎n lanc‎e the‎PH v‎a lue ‎f the‎skin‎and ‎k eep ‎t he s‎k in h‎e alth‎i er. ‎C ntai‎n ing ‎r ich ‎f ibri‎n ext‎r act ‎a nd v‎a rirt‎i es f‎valu‎e d he‎r bal ‎e ssen‎c es,i‎t str‎e ngth‎e ns t‎h e hi‎t enin‎g fun‎c tin ‎a s el‎l as ‎t ne t‎h e da‎r k pl‎e xin ‎a nd s‎f ten ‎t he c‎t icle‎t bu‎i lds‎p arki‎n g,hi‎t e ,b‎r ight‎,hydr‎u s an‎d tra‎n spar‎e nt s‎k in. ‎活肌盈白滋‎润爽肤水‎产品特点:‎外‎界的污染,‎日光的照射‎,生活和工‎作的压力另‎肌肤干燥粗‎糙,色素沉‎浊,暗沉无‎光泽,各种‎肌肤问题也‎随之而来,‎需要及时为‎肌肤补充大‎量水分,促‎进美白营养‎成分的吸收‎。



准确性 1)贮存 ) 简洁性
Keep airtight in a dry and cool place. Away from light.
密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存 密封避光, 2)禁忌症 )
It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug
Free of sugars, starch, yeast, wax, and preservatives 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂,脂肪 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂, 油和防腐剂。 油和防腐剂。 Each soft gel is certified to contain no artificial preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, starch, yeast or wax. 本品不含任何人工防腐剂,人工 本品不含任何人工防腐剂, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 无发硣剂和防腐剂。 无发硣剂和防腐剂。
生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编, 生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电 传真, 话,传真,电子邮件等便于客户联系的有关信 息资料。 息资料。
产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见, 产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修 维修记录卡, 卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及 保养维修相关资料。 保养维修相关资料。
过去分词+名词 过去分词 名词
(说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求) 说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求
All cable shall be type SEOW-A or better SEOWand U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.



3. Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.
4. Asverin is provided with an expectorating action which has never been found in any conventional antitussive agents so far available in the market.
许多产品介绍还会做出一定的承诺,包括产品会给消 费者带来哪些好处。比如:“移动性能出色的VAIO Y21系列有着卓越的电池续航能力,标配电池的待机 时间长约4小时,外出差旅或者去图书馆、咖啡厅带 上VAIO Y21系列,可以让您从容应对。”这样,消 费者就不用为没有电而发愁了。此外,产品介绍最好 能突出利益的支持点,也就是该产品能解决的关键 问题,如:“Are you always busy with work and never seem to have the time to vacuum your floors regularly? Then we have the solution for you.”这种 产品能够帮助消费者解决定期清洁地板的问题,这是 消费者购买该产品的原始动力。
2. 成人每日用量:每次2—3片,每日2—3次。 15日为一疗程,疗效不明显时可继续服用第二 疗程。 译文:The average daily dose for adults is 2 to 3 tablets each time, 2 to 3 times daily. Fifteen days may be considered as a course of treatment. If the curative effect is not apparent hitherto, a second course may be taken.
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课外练习:1.句子翻译练习1)When frying, take particular care to prevent oil and grease from catching fire. 煎炒时,小心食油着火。

2)Regular use of the cream results in the increase of skin cell vitality and improvement of metabolism to restore youthful fairness of the skin.经常使用本品,可增强皮肤细胞活力,促进新陈代谢,保持皮肤洁白、红润,延缓衰老。

3)In addition, you can connect it to any telephone line so that you can send and receive e-mail and faxes and get on the Internet.此外,它可以与任何电话线连接,用来发送电子邮件、传真或上网。

4)Connect the blue connector of the video cable to the blue video connectoron the back of your computer.将视频电缆的蓝色插头/接头连接到电脑后面的蓝色视频插口/接口上。

5)Store in a dry place at room temperature. Protect from light and in airtight container.室温干燥处,避光,密封保存。


6)Complete the whole treatment course even if the condition seems to be improved.即使病情好转,患者仍需服用一个疗程/服用完整个疗程/坚持服用一个疗程。

7)The autoclave was then sealed and cooled to 180℃, in which 21.94kg of p-DCB and 18.0kg of NMP were charged.在高压釜中加入21.94kg的p-DCB和18.0kgNMP,然后密封并冷却至180℃.8)After the engine started, it is not permissible to turn the key from the switch-on position to the starting position.发动机启动后,严禁将钥匙由通电位置转至启动位置。

9)The most serious side-effect is damage to the bone marrow. Because of this, the white blood cell count should be controlled often enough during the treatment.本品最严重的副作用是损害骨髓。


10)Remove the AC supply lead before servicing or cleaning heads, rollers, ect.维修或清理磁头、压轮等部件前,务必切断交流电源。


Rich in whitening and nourishing plant essence, it (the mask) removes flecks/helps fade flecks and restores fairness and tenderness of the skin.12)本品为黄色糖衣片,除去糖衣后显棕褐色;味苦。

The tablets are yellow sugar-coated, but look brown and taste bitter without sugar- coating.The tablets are yellow sugar-coated, brown a nd bitter-tasted inside.Pill:药丸Tablets:药片13)本品经先进的科学方法精制而成,既保持了酱香浓郁、典雅细致、协调丰满、回味悠长等特点,又具有加水、加冰后不浑浊、风格不变等特点,深受国内外各界人士的欢迎。

Distilled with advanced scientific process, it possesses a strong Moutai-flavor, unique elegance and delicacy, harmony and fullness, and a long after-taste, maintaining its crystal clearness when adding chilled water or ice. It enjoys a good reputation throughout the world/home and aborad.13)接电源时,必须先检查插座是否带有地线插孔,电源电压是否与该电器内部参数标牌上所标电压相匹配。

When making the electric connections, check that the current socket has a ground connection and that the voltage values correspond to those indicated on the data plate inside the appliance itself.火线:live wire零线:neutral wire地线:Earth wire14)切勿将插座、插头浸水或溅湿,防止漏电,严禁将壶体浸入水中。

Never leave the socket or the plug wet or damp in case of leakage; never submerge the kettle in water.15)建议饮法:取3-5朵菊花,用沸水直接冲泡,可根据自己的喜好添加其他辅料。

Suggested drinking methods/tips: make 3-5 Chrysanthemum flowers into tea with boiling water and add other ingredients according to individual taste. Recommended drinking methods:Step 1: put 3-5 Chrysanthemum flowers into tea pot or tea cup;Step 2: Add boiling water into the tea pot;Step 3: Add other ingredientsaccording to individual taste;16)本品特点:富含人体必需的多种维生素、矿物质及各种氨基酸,有动植物蛋白互补作用,促进营养的合理平衡。

Properties: rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as animal proteins and plant proteins, promoting balanced nutrition.Properties: rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, effective in complementary action between animal proteins and plant proteins, promotes balanced nutrition.…having complementary effect on both animal and plant proteins…17)本品采摘当地的鲜桂花用祖传工艺加工成桂花干,保持原有的色香味形,已有上百年历史。

This product is made of the dried local laurel blossom, processed with traditional techniques to keep its originalcolor, scent, taste and form/shape. It has enjoyed a history of hundreds of years.这两个句子句序可以调整成:This product has enjoyed a history of several hundred years. It is made of dried local laurel blossoms, keeping/maintaining its original color, scent, taste and form/shape with ancestral processing methods/techniques/skills.18)本品色泽自然,汁水清香,味干爽口,花形完美,是四季皆宜的高级饮料。

This product is characterized by its natural color, faint scent, unique taste and perfect form. It is a nice drink for all seasons.19)该空调广泛用于各种场合,如宾馆、饭店、医院、托儿所、住宅等,为您创造舒适的生活环境。

(This air conditioner) It is suitable for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, nurseries, houses, etc., creating a comforting environment with ideal temperature.2. 篇章翻译练习:1)英译汉Displaying pictures and videos on a televisionYou can display pictures and videos on a television, computer monitor, or any device equipped with a video input. (Image quality on a television screen may not be as good as on a computer monitor or when printed.)NOTE: Ensure that the Video Out setting (NTSC or PAL) is correct. The slide show stops if you connect or disconnect the cable while the slide show is running.1.Connect the audio/video cable (included) from the camera video-out port to the televisionvideo-in port (yellow) and audio-in port (white). Read your television user’s guide for details.2.Review pictures and videos on the television.参考译文:(电视机)图像和影像的播放说明可以在电视、计算机显示器或任何配备视频输入的设备上播放图像和影像/图片和视频。
