4 chapter 5 产品说明书汉英翻译

children under 5 years of age should not be treated with antistine.2.对本品过敏的患者禁用本品。
this medicine is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity.3.胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。
ursosan should not be givento patients suffering from bile duct obstruction.4.如果不是临床需要,建议本品不要与环丙烷合用。
it is advisableto avoid the use of aramine with cyclo-propane unless clinical circumstances demand such use. 5.丙磺舒被推荐用于治疗痛风及在抗感染治疗时增加并延长青霉素类的血浆浓度。
benemid is recommended for the treatment of gout , and to ieace and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins during anti- infective therapy.6.阿霉素常与其他细胞毒药物合用于化疗方案。
adriamycin is frequently used in combination chemotherapy regiments with other cytotoxic drugs. 7.阿米卡星可用于治疗革兰氏阳性敏感菌引起的感染,也可用于治疗敏感葡萄球菌引起的感染。
amikacin is useful in the treatment of infections from gram-negative sensitive species,there included the pseudomonas species;it may also be useful to treat infections caused by sensitive staphylococci.【篇二:说明书的英文怎么写】目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。

EFFECT:1.OLIVE DEEP CLEANZER FOR REMOVING MAKEUPContaining the essence of olive and mild ingredients for cleansing, dissolve溶解the oil and remnant残余部分in the pores which makeup on your face,,cleanse the skin deeply.Gentle massage your face,deeply cleanse your skin,and moisture it,make your skin tender,delicate and silky.IT IS MILDY ,NOT OIL,easily clean,good results remove color which make up your face.2. OLIVE BB cream,moisture,isolate,block-flaw,whitening,nourish,repair,block-pore,foundation many effects into one,make particularity tender refresh skin.水嫩,隔离,遮瑕,修护,控油,隐形毛孔,粉底九效合一,打造细致粉嫩,清新自然的裸妆美人。
SUPPLY WATER AND NUTRIENTS INTO SKIN,let you have hydrating and whitening skin,deduct演绎natural skin.It has a thin and refresh texture,can make upflaw,polish skin color ,easily let you have crystal skin3.A´Gensn安安金纯OLIVE HYDRATING&WHITEING ISOLATION LOTION Olive essence and whitening protection factor,adjust skin color,let your skin becoming whitening.Deeply whitening,protect the skin from the external damage,let your skin have protect layer which can not see.(蕴含橄榄油精华和美白隔离成分,巧妙调整肤色,呈现自然白皙的肌肤,美白的同时,发挥出特有的隔离效果,阻隔粉尘,尼古丁等不良物质对肌肤的伤害,给肌肤一层看不见的保护层)Deeply hydrating,let your skin gained mildness nourish.深层补水,系统润泽肌肤,位肌肤提供隔离保护的同时让肌肤享受温和和滋养It has a light and softness texture ,easily absorbed by skin,not oil ,make up natural and permanence.质地轻柔薄和,容易被肌肤吸收,无油腻感觉,打造完美肤色,上妆服帖持久4.Lilium Essential Hydrating Moisturizer 百合高保湿润养水The delicate and silky toner can provide adequate nutrition and water while effectively softening the cuticle甲小皮,leaving skin soft,moist and fresh.It contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes ,keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better(浓稠质地,供给肌肤丰沛水分和养分,帮助保持天然水脂滋润度。
商品说明书翻译 (2)

1. 本品操作简单,维修 方便。 2. The product is simple in structure, easy to install and maintain, and safe and reliable in operation. 3. 本品运转平稳,便于 安装、调整与保养。
• 泡沫洁面乳 • 玉兰®油泡沫洁 面乳, • 帮助彻底清洁面 部,保持面部肌 肤滋润,令肌肤 柔滑。
Business English Translation
Safety Precautions
熨斗接通电源后,切勿 离开。
Never leave your iron unattended when connected to the supply.
1. The product features high durability and good appearance. 2. 本产品的特色在于设计新颖、 质量上乘。 3. The product is pleasant in appearance, reliable and stable in performance and high in precision. 4. 本产品外形美观、体积小、重 量轻、能耗低。 1. 本产品经久耐用,外形美 观。 2. The product features novel design and excellent quality. 3. 本产品外形美观,性能稳 定可靠,精确度高。 4. The product is attractive in appearance, small in size, light in weight and low in energy consumption.
4 chapter 5 产品说明书汉英翻译

Contents of Lecture Four
Part 1 Introduction of Instruction Manual Part 2 Translation of Instruction Manual Part 3 Assignment
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(5)名词+过去分词 5 阀杆弯曲. . bent. The stem bent. (6)祈使句 6 请勿拆装本机或尝试执行本说明手册中未述及的程序。 Do not disassemble this machine or attempt any procedures not described in this manual. (7)省略句 7 禁忌症:尚未发现。 Contraindications: None Known
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
5. 全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地感觉 ,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得更为 有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令肌肤 澄净白皙。 NEW NIVEA VISAGE Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.

• Facilitate Technical Support: Accurate translation of product manuals ensures that customers receive effective technical support and troubleshooting guidance.
பைடு நூலகம்
• Practice of translating product manuals • Case analysis of product manual translation • The Future Development of Product Manual
Overview of Product Manual Translation
Translation Reduction
This technique involves removing information from the target text to make it concise and focused. It is often used to eliminate redundancies or irrelevant information that does not contribute to the overall meaning of the text.

(2)情态动词/be +介词短语 这种句型用于说明物体的特征、状态和范围,以及计量
单位等。例如: The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple
and compact construction. CYJ15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 The wiring should be in good condition and core flex
二、熟悉英语产品说明书中的常用句型。(1) 句型是语言结构的要素。无论是英译汉还是汉译英都离
不开句型。熟悉英文产品说明书中的常见句型对成功地翻译 原文十分必要。
(1)情态动词/be +形容词/过去分词+目的状语 该句型主要用于文章的开头,说明该产品的用途。例如:
The product is used for creating your own hair style special for creating your look and shaping beautiful hair.
(3)对设备特点的说明 Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, and comparatively high productivity. 结构简单,操作容易,维修方便,生产率较高。 (4)故障排除 Trouble: The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed. Solution: Replace the batteries. If the shaver still does not work, see “Guarantee & Service”. 问题:按下开/关按钮后剃须刀不工作。 解决方法:更换电池。如果剃须刀仍然不能工作,请参 阅“保证及维修服务”。

Shelf life: Two years
Suitable Crowd:Apply to all people Storage: Avoid strong light.
Nomenclature(命名):*** Effective compositions: Borneol(冰片),mint(薄荷), etc. Function: Relieve skin irritation, improve skin metabolism. Administration: Apply to the affected part. Several times a day. Warnings: Never apply it to face. Wait a few days between each tube. Validity term: Tow years. Storage: Kept out of children’s reach. Avoid strong light.
产品说明书,又称商品说明书或说明书,是生 产商为销售及进一步宣传和说明其产品而附在产品 包装内部或外部的一种宣传资料,通常可以翻译为 Instruction Manual或 Description Manual ( Operation Manual ) . 另又称“操作与维修手册” (Operation and Service Manual)、“用户手册” ( user’s guide) 等。有的说明书只有产品性能、 操作使用方法等内容,可称“产品使用手册”、 “操作手册”(Operating Manual)。产品说明 书作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其特有的语言、结 构和文体特征。

产品说明书范文英文版电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英)便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics使用说明书User’s Manual专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect soundpursuit?感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。
Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’sintroduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice.一、产品概述 General Information本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响,适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐带来的轻松,为您的电脑、数码音乐播放器、手机等视听产品提供超值完美的音质。

1. pakage insert (insert)说明书2. drug name (medicine) 药品名称3. description 性状4. action 作用5. indication适应症6. contraindications 禁忌症7. precaution注意事项 8. side effects副作用9. dosage and administration 剂量和用法 10. dacking 包装11.expiry 失效期 12. manufactring date (manu.date)出厂日期13.reference 参考文献药品名称一、英语药品说明书一般用商品名,由生产厂家向该国政府有关部门申请注册正式名称,受该国政府法律保护,在药品名称的右上角有个○r的符号,意思是已经申请注册的法定名称,不可随意改变名称。
○r=recive在药品之后有时issued to(for) the medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。
r例:mobic ○ issued to(for) the medical prfession.二、译法:分四种译法1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出例: mobic莫比可 rifampicin利福平2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语例: streptomycine是由strepto和mycine组成,其中strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。
nitroglycerine 由nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘油aminophylline由amino+phylline译:氨茶碱3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。

在产品包装或直接附在产品上的纸或其它 材料制成的标签。最常见的是成衣上的标 签,上面标有衣物名称、面料成分、尺码 、颜色和洗涤说明等。
四. 印在包装上的说明书。有些产品的
文字说明直接印在其外包装(包装盒、 包装罐、包装瓶等)上,例如许多食品 和饮料的文字说明就属此类,其中包括 产品名称、商标、成分、净重、贮存及 保质期等。
脂肪酸占69%”同属译者添加的信息,在原文里 根本没被提及。所以这段译文根本没有如实地反 映原文的产品信息。
由此可见,消费者可能会因为一份有完整准确信 息的商品说明书而信赖该产品,也可能因为一份 蹩脚的说明书而认为该产品同样拙劣。目前,在 商品说明书的翻译中,存在乱译(random translation)和错译(mistranslation)的现 象。乱译指译者在翻译过程中不忠实于原文的信 息,任意添加原文中不存在的信息或任意删去原 文中存在的信息。错译指译者没有正确地理解原 文的语言,或者对译入语的语言掌握不好,辞不 达意,以至于使译文的信息与原文的信息大相径 庭,提供给译入语读者的是错误的信息。诸如用 词含糊不清、错字、错用术语、语法错误、赘述 等等都属于错译范围。这些错误会大大影响翻译
译文:全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地 感觉,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得 更为有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令 肌肤澄净白皙。
一、语篇结构特征:产品说明书 通常由标题,正文,结尾和附录构 成。
二 、句法特征
的状语 This mode is convenient for receiving both
商务英语翻译 第4章 商务说明书的翻译

第一节 翻译例析
Sample 2
DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable & Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconut oil via high-tech method. It can rapidly dissolve the soluble oil component in pesticides so as to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit. It contains especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component, fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9% effective rate. Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste. The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO, EU and US-EPA and complies with FAO specifications. With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables. Leave the fruit or vegetable in the rinsing water for 5 minutes. Before eating, rinse them with clean water. Caution Do not drink this product; keep away from children. If swallowed by accident, drink lots of water.

例如:In severe in fetions, i t is remen ded that h ildren begiven no l ess than 300mgda reg ardless of bod eight。
2 药品说明书的时态药品说明书主要是说明药品的性状、药理作用、适应症、用法剂量、注意事项等。
例 Absorptio n folloing intramusu lar injeti on is rapi d,blood le vels being maintaine d for 4 ho urs ith apeak after one hour.注射后一小时达到高峰。
3 句型的选用中英文句式差别很大,翻译时不能完全达到一一对应,在对英文药品说明书翻译时应在句型上合理认真选择,可做出大胆的调整,通过反复对比研究,祈使句,条件句,虚拟语气的使用普遍而理想,符合读者的阅读要求。
3.1 祈使句祈使句:“祈使句可用来表示请求,要求,命令,劝告等。
在英文药品说明书中更常用来表示建议和指示,具有强调作用,常常用于禁忌症,注意事项,警告,妊娠与哺乳条目之中” 例l Do no t mix ithanother ki nd of stre ptomin sa lts sine i nsoluble p reipitates ill form.译文:勿与其它种类的链霉素盐混合以免发生沉淀。

提示:每天您的宝宝 对身边的新事物都感 到好奇,乐于不断体 验。您的关怀,再加 上合适的营养,让宝 宝成长得更加健康强 壮,每天与您一起体 验更多乐趣。把最好 的给予宝宝,当个快 乐无忧的妈妈。
Inappropriate preparation, storage and use of Friso Gold 3 may put your baby’s health at risk: Always keep your working environment clean and dry. Boil all utensils for at least three minutes once a day. Always put a dry and clean scoop inside the tin. Close the tin tightly with its original plastic cap.
IMPORTANT NOTICE Your child is always excited to experience new things everyday. With your support as a friend, and the right nutrition, he can grow strong & healthy to experience more with you everyday. Friso Gold 3 is formulaied to support your child’s developing needs, so you can give the best for your child and enjoy motherhood.

Keep airtight in a dry and cool place. Away from light.
密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存 密封避光, 2)禁忌症 )
It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug
Free of sugars, starch, yeast, wax, and preservatives 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂,脂肪 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂, 油和防腐剂。 油和防腐剂。 Each soft gel is certified to contain no artificial preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, starch, yeast or wax. 本品不含任何人工防腐剂,人工 本品不含任何人工防腐剂, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 无发硣剂和防腐剂。 无发硣剂和防腐剂。
生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编, 生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电 传真, 话,传真,电子邮件等便于客户联系的有关信 息资料。 息资料。
产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见, 产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修 维修记录卡, 卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及 保养维修相关资料。 保养维修相关资料。
过去分词+名词 过去分词 名词
(说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求) 说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求
All cable shall be type SEOW-A or better SEOWand U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.
现代大学英语Book4Unit5 For want of a drink单词

• Deity ['di:iti] • n.
–神 – 女神 – 神性 – [the Deity]【宗教】上帝造物主;至高无上
• Delta
• Desalination • n. 【化学】脱盐(作用);海水淡化
• Diminish • [di'miniʃ]
– 使变小,减小;减少;逐渐缩减,缩小;降低: The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply. – 干旱期使我们的水供应锐减。 – Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings. – 意外的开支减少了我们的存款数目。
Unit 5
• Apparatus
• Aquifer
• Arid
• Capacious • extensive , vast , wider , spacious • The mind is capacious. Much mental and emotiona l ability can survive merememory loss, as do other qualities that make us human. • 人有着广阔的大脑空间。情感与精神的力量可 以弥补记忆衰退。除了记忆,人类还有许多别 的本领。
• • • • •
Chronically adv. 长期地;慢性地;习惯性地 Chronically ailing 体弱的慢性疼痛的 ; 易生病的 Chronically enchainedment 慢性束缚 Chronically injured 长期受伤的
• chronic ['krɔnik] • adj. – (疾病)慢性的[区别于 acute] – 长期的;持久的;经常复发的 – 根深蒂固的;习惯性的,积习难改的[亦作 chronical] • n. – 患慢性病的人

商品说明书中英文翻译对照【药物名】对乙酰氨基酚【其他名称】乙酰氨基酚;扑热息痛;退热净;醋氨酚;Acetaminophen;N-acetyl-P-aminophenol【英文名称】 Paracetamol【适应症】用于感冒及流感,发热,减轻中度疼痛如关节痛、神经痛、肌肉痛、头痛、偏头痛、痛经、牙痛等症状。
【药物配伍】 1、长期饮酒或正在应用其他肝酶诱导剂时,尤其是巴比妥类或其他抗痉挛药的患者,连续使用本品,有发生肝脏毒性反应的危险。

英语Unit 5 总结Word and Phrasesolitary a. tending to spend a lot of time alone 独自的;喜欢独处的e.g. A solitary tree remained standing after the hurricane. 飓风过后,惟有一棵树孤独地挺立在那儿。
tame vt. make sb. or sth. easy to control 驯服;控制e.g. Atomic energy has been tamed and harnessed for useful work. 原子能已被控制并得到实际应用。
a. (esp. of animals) not afraid of people, and used to living with them (尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的e.g. The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand. 公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。
pond n. [C] a small still body of water formed naturally or created artificially 池塘She has a pond at the bottom of her garden. 她在花园深处有个池塘。
inspiration n. [C, U] a sudden good idea about what to do or say 灵感e.g. Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in the Lake District. 华兹华斯从湖区获得灵感。
solitude n. [U] the situation of being alone 独居,孤独e.g. People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude. 人们需要独处的机会来反思精神上的事情。

poor health 和poor appetite 可分别译为“身体虚弱”和“食欲不振”, 译为: 这种药物对身体虚弱和食欲不振者有特效”.
The preparation is indicated whenever tension, fear or depression occurs.
1. Translation of cosmetics specifications
AVON ROLL -ON ANTI -PERSPIRANT DEODORANT All-day deodorant and wetness protection. Keeps under-arms dry
and odor-free. Glides in smoothly. Dries quickly. Non-stinging. Non-sticky. Won't stain clothing. 如采用直译法,“deodorant”和“odor-free”译成“除臭”, “under-arm” 译成“腋窝”,“Non-stinging”译成“不刺激皮肤”,“Non-sticky”译成“不 沾”,“Won't stain clothing”译成“不沾衣服” ,译文使中国读者感到不舒 服,因而采用视角转移法译成: 雅芳走珠止汗香体露 配方特温和,适合各类肤质,独特的清香,令身体24小时保持干爽清新。 译文中用“温和”和“适合各类肤质”传达了“Non-stinging”之意,“清香” 和“清新”体现了“deodorant”和“odor-free”,以“身体”这个整体代局部 的“under-arm”,“干爽”囊括了“Non-sticky”和“Won't stain clothing” 之意。不仅传达了原文应有之意,且迎合了译文受者的阅读口味。
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English College
5. 全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地感觉 ,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得更为 有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令肌肤 澄净白皙。 NEW NIVEA VISAGE Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
简明性 产品说明书的目标读者是普通大众,其简明性 首先体现在名词化上。 呼唤性 产品说明书作为呼唤型文本,其主要功能是信 息传递,使消费者了解基本的产品信息,以便 正确地选择和使用产品。
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(1)(情态动词)+be+ ) be+ be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 (1)( + 此模式极适用于接收传真与接听语音呼叫。 This mode is convenient for receiving both faxes and voice calls. (2)(情态动词)+be+介词短语 (2)(情态动词)+be+介词短语 +be+ 新型机器必须是结构简单紧凑的。 The new type of machine should be of simple and compact construction.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(3)be+ 3 be+ be+形容词+介词短语 + 该机器操作时安全可靠,便于维修,能在恶劣条件下工作。 usage, It is reliable in usage, convenient in maintenance and able to work under very bad conditions. (4)现在分词+名词 4 在更换胶卷时,请使用Sharp UX-3CR胶卷。每个胶卷可以列 Sharp UX-3CR 印约95 A4 95张A4 95 A4尺寸的页面。 film, UXWhen replacing the film, use a roll of Sharp UX-3CR A4imaging film. One roll can print about 95 A4-size pages.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(5)名词+过去分词 5 阀杆弯曲. . bent. The stem bent. (6)祈使句 6 请勿拆装本机或尝试执行本说明手册中未述及的程序。 Do not disassemble this machine or attempt any procedures not described in this manual. (7)省略句 7 禁忌症:尚未发现。 Contraindications: None Known
Sunday, Novemh College
1. 工作时请注意不要经常把脚放在踏板上,以免不慎踏 动,引起事故。 When operating the machine, don’t put your foot on the pedal switch board constantly in case that you might accidentally step on the switch, resulting in an accident. 2.如在使用本产品的过程中,有强烈刺激感、红肿或灼 2. 痛现象发生,请立即用温水冲洗干净。 In case of a reaction during the application such as intense stinging, rash or a burning sensation on the scalp, rinse immediately with lukewarm water.
Contents of Lecture Four
Part 1 Introduction of Instruction Manual Part 2 Translation of Instruction Manual Part 3 Assignment
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
Translation of Instruction Manual
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(1)转态译法 善宁可用生理盐水稀释。 Sandostatin may be diluted with physiological saline. (2)正反译法 如果您对说明有疑问,请向医生咨询。 If you do not understand the instructions on the box, ask your doctor or pharmacist for help. (3)断句译法 它是一种抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多数B内酰胺酶,而且抵抗各种革兰氏阳 性和革兰氏阴性细菌。 It is a bactericidal antibiotic which is resistant to most B-lastamases and is active against a wide range of Grampostive and Gramnegative organism.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
家用电器说明书 电子产品说明书 食品说明书汽车类说明书
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
(1)增词法 滋养面膜霜以白瓷土为基础配方,配以特殊天然植物萃取成分。能吸 收皮肤过多的油脂,去除皮肤表面老化的细胞及污垢,并恢复皮肤活 力,使皮肤干净而有光泽。并能收缩毛孔。 Revitalizing Mask, an invigorating clay-based formula containing natural ingredients, botanical extract and special oil-absorbing ingredients, exfoliates dead surface cells to retexture and refine the skin’s surface. Leaves skin totally clean, revitalized and radiant. Helps make pores appear smaller. Avoid use in the eye and mouth areas. (2)减译法 (3)正反译法
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
3.它保持了酱香浓郁,典雅细致,协调丰满,回味悠长 3. 等贵州茅台的优点。 It possesses unique style and flavor and is an extremely enjoyable drink. 4.绿源苔干有清热降压、通经脉、壮筋骨、去口臭、解 4. 热毒酒毒的功效。 It has been proved that Lǔyuan Taigan is able to produce certain medical effects, namely, to allay internal heat and fever, to reduce hypertension, to regulate and strengthen body functions, to relieve halitosis and to dispel the effects of alcohol.
English College
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
产品说明书的语言特征 客观性 产品说明书主要面对普通消费大众,阐述产品性能 、特点等,所以,说明书的内容必须通俗易懂、实 事求是,对产品进行客观的描述。 专业性 产品说明书是一种相当专业的应用文体,用词专业 性是一大突出特点。这种特殊文体有较固定的结构 要素,例如名称、型号、功能、特性、用途、注意 事项、安装等,因此会频繁使用一些固定的名词词 组或动词词组。
ChineseChinese-English Translation For International Business
Lecturer: Lecturer:Seo
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
Sunday, November 21, 2010
English College
全新倍瑞傲儿童牙膏含氟化物和特别温和护齿配方 ,有效防止蛀牙,并精心呵护,让宝宝的牙齿健 康又坚固。新鲜的热带水果味,当然更受到宝宝 的喜爱,养成每天刷牙的习惯。
New Perioe Children’s Toothpaste contains unique and gentle Fluoride protection formula to prevent cavities effectively, designed for children with sweet teeth to promote strong and healthy teeth. With Tropical Fruity Flavor, your children would love to toothhave a joyful tooth-brushing every time.