上海对外经贸大学2017年翻译硕士MTI考研真题目录翻译硕士英语(211) (1)英语翻译基础(357) (1)汉语写作与百科知识(448) (2)翻译硕士英语(211)1. 选择题(20*1'),考单词为主,后面有几道语法。
单词以专八词汇为主,少量的gre词汇2. 阅读(20*1'),四篇阅读,个人觉得很简单,文章很短,只有一面的长度吧,用专八阅读练习足够了3.改错(10*1),比专八改错简单,前几年考的是修辞和英美文化常识,或古希腊神话典故。
今年没考哈佛商业评论上的文章,考的是一本书的序关于Samuel Johnson的2.汉译英,75分。
我们可以要求自己做一个有修养的道德君子,不去冒犯别人,但当别人没有任何缘由地时常冒犯你,你能做到不怒吗?"汉语写作与百科知识(448)一. 填空(10*2)1、商朝文字:2、3古代男子以__别贵贱女子以__别婚姻4、闰年二月多少天5、6并称风骚:7、汉语普通话以什么为标准音()8、保存最完整的宫廷建筑9、中国画按内容分类山水、人物、__10、奥林匹克发源地二. 名词解释(10*3)京剧、科举考试、古文运动、三宝殿、婵娟、四大名著、三百千、三大传统节日、六艺、牛市三. 小作文,给党的一封信,关于高等教育的40分450字四. 大作文,60分,不少于800字的议论文。
育明教育全面解析 对外经贸翻译硕士英语考研参考书、招生信息、复试信息、就业信息、考研难度解析
1.2017 年英语学院招生目录:
1.英语笔译(全日制):1.商务笔译 2.商务法律翻译 35 人 2.英语口译(全日制):1.商务口译 2.国际会议口译(需加试中欧联合面试)55 人 3.(非全日制)英语口笔译 30 人 ★★★★★注:2017 年拟招生人数(包括推免和少数民族骨干计划招生人数) 英语口译(专业学位)考生可以选报全日制和非全日制方式攻读,报考专业研究方向时进行选择,非 全日制攻读拟安排周末上课
英语翻译基础真题解析----天津科技出版社出版 (二)真题集汇总: 2010 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2011 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2012 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2013 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2014 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2015 年翻译硕士考研真题集 2016 年翻译硕士考研真题集 翻译硕士考研词汇精编-----分类汇总 翻译硕士考研词汇精编-----分频汇总
英语(口、笔)译 53 80 388 52 78 389 55 83 367 2016 在职英语口译 53 80 350
育明教育孙老师解析: 1.从上面分数线可以看出,对外经济贸易大学的复试分数线比较高,2015 年总分在 389 分,2016
育明教育孙老师 QQ:1914025246,,2967992282 电话:13381024307
育明教育孙老师 QQ:1914025246,,2967992282 电话:13381024307
一、学习方法 1.参考书的阅读方法 (1)目录法:先通读各本参考书的目录,对于知识体系有着初步了解,了解书的内在逻 辑结构,然后再去深入研读书的内容。 (2)体系法:为自己所学的知识建立起框架,否则知识内容浩繁,容易遗忘,最好能够 闭上眼睛的时候,眼前出现完整的知识体系。 (3)问题法:将自己所学的知识总结成问题写出来,每章的主标题和副标题都是很好的 出题素材。尽可能把所有的知识要点都能够整理成问题。 2.学习笔记的整理方法 (1)通过目录法、体系法的学习形成框架后,在仔细看书的同时应开始做笔记,笔记在 刚开始的时候可能会影响看书的速度,但是随着时间的发展,会发现笔记对于整理思 路和理解课本的内容都很有好处。 (2)做笔记的方法不是简单地把书上的内容抄到笔记本上,而是把书上的内容整理成为 一个个小问题,按照题型来进行归纳总结。 3.真题的使用方法 认真分析历年试题,做好总结,对于考生明确复习方向,确定复习范围和重点,做好 应试准备都具有十分重要的作用。 分析试题主要应当了解以下几个方面:命题的风格(如难易程度,是注重基础知识、应 用能力还是发挥能力,是否存在偏、难、怪现象等)、题型、题量、考试范围、分值分 布、考试重点、考查的侧重点等。考生可以根据这些特点,有针对性地复习和准备, 并进行一些有针对性的练习,这样既可以检查自己的复习效果,发现自己的不足之处, 以待改进;又可以巩固所学的知识,使之条理化、系统化。
2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研参考书目真题 英语图标作文
![2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研参考书目真题 英语图标作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c23747f84afe04a1b071de95.png)
汉译英比较有难度,可能有些词翻译起来比较不顺手,而英译汉相对来说比较简单一些。 其实,专业笔试考察的就是笔头翻译水平,也即英汉互译。有的学校通常比较喜欢考文学方 面的翻译,所以大家在准备的时候着重以文学翻译为主,当然其它体裁形式的翻译也不能忽 视,以备不时之需吧。
但对于有些院校而言,还有一块针对英语或翻译能力的考察,相对会难一些。例如,某 些院校会在面试之前,发给大家一篇英语文章,要求在 15 分钟内阅读理解,然后面试时会 就文章内容进行提问。可能会让你用中文翻译某些段落,或者用英文进行释义。这时翻译的 功底和临场反应能力都会显得十分重要。即便是不会,也不要立刻就慌了神,按自己的理解 直接说出来即可。面试老师一般不会故意刁难学生。甚至有的老师会很善意地提示学生,解 释某些词的含义,帮助你进行翻译。最后,给大家些许建议仅供参考:
4.做惯了笔译要尝试口头翻译一些文章。关键要做到翻译流畅,因为口头翻译不像笔头 翻译那样可以打草稿。
2017 年对外经济贸易大学考研专业课解析
表格分类: 曲线图,柱状图,饼状图和表格
A.表格(Table) 市场调查结果表(含本公司和 Shikei 的产品)
Value for money
二、对外经贸翻译硕士英语考研参考书、招生信息、复试信息、就业信息、考研难度 解析
1.2017 年英语学院招生目录:
1.英语笔译(全日制):1.商务笔译 2.商务法律翻译 35 人 2.英语口译(全日制):1.商务口译 2.国际会议口译(需加试中欧联合面试)55 人 3.(非全日制)英语口笔译 30 人 ★★★★★注:2017 年拟招生人数(包括推免和少数民族骨干计划招生人数) 英语口译(专业学位)考生可以选报全日制和非全日制方式攻读,报考专业研究方向时进行选择,非 全日制攻读拟安排周末上课
101 思想政治理论 211 翻译硕士英语 357 英语翻译基础 448 汉语写作与百科知识
1-《英美散文选读》(一)、(二),对外经贸大学出版社 2008 年,蒋显璟 2-《新编汉英翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社 2004 年 4 月,陈宏薇 3-《大学英汉翻译教程(第三版)》,对外经贸大学出版社 2009 年 8 月,王恩冕 4-《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南,东南大学出版社 2005 年版, 、林青松 5-《公文写作》,对外经贸大学出版社 2004 年 4 月,白延庆 6-《西方文化史》,高等教育出版社, 庄锡昌 7-《翻译硕士英语真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社
5.2014 年—2016 年分数线:
2017年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.Bank Run正确答案:银行挤兑:指存款人对存款银行的信用产生疑问,竞相大量提取存款,造成银行的流动性及清偿能力出现危机的现象。
2.Price Taker正确答案:价格接受者:又称受价者,指无法通过控制其买卖量来影响价格,只能被动地接受市场价格的任何一位买家或卖家。
3.Emotional Intelligence正确答案:情绪智力:指个体监控自己及他人的情绪和情感,并识别、利用这些信息指导自己的思想和行为的能力。
4.Business Cycle正确答案:经济周期:指经济活动沿着经济发展的总体趋势所经历的有规律的扩张和收缩。
5.Power Distance正确答案:权力距离:指社会承认的权力在组织机构中不平等分配的程度和范围。
6.Opportunity Cost正确答案:机会成本:指在面临多方案决策时,被舍弃的选项中的最高价值者是本次决策的机会成本。
7.Human Capital正确答案:人力资本:指存在于人体之中的具有经济价值的知识、技能和体力等质量因素之和。
汉译英9.创业板正确答案:second board/growth enterprise board; Within a stock exchange, it is a separate market for smaller companies or companies that have not yet built up the earnings or sales record needed to qualify for a main board listing.10.棚户区正确答案:squatter settlement: It is a residential area which has developed without legal claims to the land and/or permission from the concerned authorities to build; as a result of their illegal or semi-legal status, infrastructure and services are usually inadequate.11.强农惠农政策正确答案:policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers: They refer to the favorable policies and preferential treatments given to agriculture, farmers and rural areas by the government in order to support the development of agriculture, increase farmer’s income, improve their living standards and promote the sustainable development of rural areas.12.住房公积金正确答案:housing provident fund: It is a fund and a particular kind of social insurance designed by the Chinese government to help middle and low-income workers meet their housing needs.13.三严三实正确答案:Three Stricts and three Honests: It refers to a series of requirements for officials proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, namely be strict in morals, power and disciplining oneself; be honest in decisions, business and behavior.14.打铁还需自身硬正确答案:It takes a good blacksmith to make steel: It is a popular Chinese adage, meaning that only by conducting yourself honorably can you expect others to do the same. President Xi Jinping quoted this saying to explain the importance of Party building, stressing that as the ruling party, the CPC must take a principled and disciplined approach to Party building.15.利基营销正确答案:niche marketing: It means concentrating all marketing efforts on a small but specific and well defined segment of the population.16.命运共同体正确答案:a community of shared future: It is a concept advocated by President Xi Jinping, and accepted by the United Nations to refer to universal values and views about mutually interdependent international power, common interests, sustainable development and global governance.英汉互译英译汉17.Equitable Access; the Key to Healthy Urbanization Rapidly growing cities are finding it increasingly difficult to provide their residents with core services such as housing, water, energy and transportation—a challenge that is exacerbated as the population of poor people living in urban areas grows in the world. More than 880 million people live in slums and, for millions of under-served urban dwellers, the lack of access to core services undermines economic productivity, challenges them to fend for themselves in inefficient and costly ways and risks polluting the environment. Global housing deficit is definitely a major issue. It is a well-recognized problem that there is a lack of affordable, adequate and secure housing in well-located urban areas. However, over the next 10 years, this gap is estimated to increase by about one-third, disproportionately affecting women, children and ethnic minorities. Given the scale of the challenge and the variability across geographies, it is important that we seek beyond traditional solutions. In its report, “Towards a More Equal City”, the World Resources Institute examines whether prioritizing access to core urban services will create cities that are prosperous and sustainable for all people and outlines three potential approaches to tackling the housing challenge: To address the growth of under-serviced and sub-standard housing, disconnected from livelihood possibilities, decision-makers should recognize in situ (in the original place) participatory upgrading—like that of Thailand’s Baan Mankong program—as the optimal solution, except when there are location-based risks. Policies at all levels often overemphasize homeownership to the detriment of residents in the informal sector. Instead, cities should consider policies that recognize and encourage rental housingfor people of all income groups. There are many instances of inappropriate land policies and regulations that push the poor out of the city. Incentivizing the conversion of underutilized land and allowing for incremental development can help make use of existing urban land and give traditionally marginalized groups well-located homes. The housing issue never stands alone. Sustainable mobility helps create a more accessible city for all, especially when motorization is on the rise worldwide. Transport and land use planning need to be integrated and to enable better access for all people to goods and services like education, jobs and healthcare. Often social housing is offered by cities on the outskirts of cities due to lower land prices there and lead to further inequality of the urban poor. Often the share of cost for transportation is up to 30 percent of the income. Solutions like more inclusive transit-oriented development—a combined planning of new rapid transit solution and dense development around stations—are ways to improve the situation. In the process of urbanization, China needs to focus more on equitable access to core services, including affordable housing and transportation, and achieve economic prosperity and environmental sus-tainability for all people.正确答案:平等参与:城镇化健康发展的关键在高速发展的城市,为居民提供住房、水、能源和交通等基本服务变得越来越困难,而全球城镇贫困人口的增长进一步加剧了这一挑战。
课 成绩 复试 口语辅 复试笔 模拟 联系 调剂指
时 分析 听力 导
试 面试 导师 导
Fs1 复试辅导 15 √ √
辅导费用 4800 元
Fs2 复试保录 20 √ √
9800 元,不过全退
Fs3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ复试保录 20 √ √
Fs4 复试保录 20 √ √
三、名词解释(10 个,每个 3 分) 1、延安文艺座谈会 2、文学研究会 3、屈宋 4、赋比兴(命中,育明教育第三套模拟题原题押中) 5、连绵词 6、三纲五常 7、和平共处五项原则 8、20 国集团(命中,育明教育第二套模拟题原题押中) 四、应用文(1 篇,20 分) 一个恒温游泳馆,写一则广告,不少于 500 字。 五、大作文(一篇,50 分) 材料作文,材料是杨绛的《一百岁感言》
育明教育辅导成效: 育明教育,成立于 2006 年,到现在已经有十年的时间,在我们
育明教育,每年都有成功学员积累的一些经验可供各位考生参考。 育明教育整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一 位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。
我们的辅导包括前期的报考指导,中期的核心参考书的讲解、专 题(真题、出题老师论文专著、最新时事)讲解、模拟考(答题技巧 框架、创新点的讲解)。后期还会有教务老师时事根据上课情况,在 我们育明教育,前期咨询师、后期教务与辅导老师三方对您的上课负 责,所以每年我们的通过率一直都是有保证的。如此三效合一的管理 模式,是你成功的保障!
对外经济贸易大学2011年翻译硕士(MTI)真题翻译硕士英语Part1:Vocabulary and Grammar.(30P)01.The Space Age____in October1957when the first artificialsatellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A.initiatedB.originatedC.embarkedmenced02.John said that he didn’t quite____and asked me to repeat whatI had said.A.snatch upB.summon upC.catch onD.watch out03.When he tried to make a____,he found that the hotel that he wantedwas completely filled because of a convention.plaintB.claimC.reservationD.decision04.A budget of five dollars a day is totally____for a trip roundEurope.A.inadequateB.incapableC.incompatibleD.invalid05.In our highly technological society,the number of jobs for unskilledworkers is____.A.shrinkingB.obscuringC.alteringD.constraining06.The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be___by thisdevice.A.ignitedB.lightedC.firedD.inspired07.I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time____the last bus.A.to have caughtB.to catchC.catchingD.havingcaught08.Frankly speaking,your article is very good except for some____mistakes in grammar.A.obscureB.glaringC.trivialD.rare09.As it turned out to be a small house party,we____so formally.A.needn’t dress upB.did not need have dressed upC.did not need dress upD.needn’t have dressed up10.Certain species disappeared or became____as new forms arose that were better adapted to the Earth’s changing environment.A.feebleB.extinctC.massiveD.extinguished11.I apologize if I____you,but I assure you it was unintentional.A.offendB.had offendedC.should have offendedD. might have offended12.Franklin D.Roosevelt argued that the depression stemmed from the American economy’s____flaws.A.underliningB.vulnerableC.vulgarD. underlying13.Although a teenager,Fred could resist____what to do and what not to do.A.to be toldB.having been toldC.being toldD.to have been told14.I am afraid that you have to alter your____views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.A.indifferentB.distressingC.optimisticD. pessimistic15.Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage____avoided.A.is to beB.can beC.will beD.has been16.Stop shouting!I can’t hear the football____.A.judgmentB.interpretationmentaryD. explanation17.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores,and this is especially true____it comes to classroom tests.A.beforeB.asC.sinceD.when18.Every member of society has to make a____to struggle for the freedom of the country.A.pledgeB.warrantyC.resolveD.guarantee19.David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much____to those who compete well.A.prestigeB.regimeC.superiorityD.legislation20.The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens,set to____when itarrived in New York.A.go offB.get offe offD.carry off21.The younger person’s attraction to stereos cannot be explained only____familiarity with technology.A.in quest ofB.by means ofC.in terms ofD.by virtue of22.By signing the lease we made a___to pay a rent of$150a week.A.conceptionmissionmitmentD. confinementPart2:Identify Stylistic Problems.(18P)01.By the time Julia Roberts was23,she had won two academy award nominations,she had also become the world’s most popular female actress.A.run onma spliceC.correctD.fragment02.Since then,Roberts has appeared in fourteen films.Most recently,“My Best Friend’s Wedding”and“The Conspiracy Theory.”A.fragmentB.choppyC.correctma splice03.She didn’t plan to become an actress.She wanted to be six feet tall.She wanted to be a veterinarian.She wanted to be happy and make others happy.A.fragmentma spliceC.choppyD.correct04.Although Julia Roberts has had much professional success.In spite of her trouble with several failed relationships.A.fragmentB.choppyma spliceD.correct05.Julia Roberts lives in Manhattan,not far from the apartment she once shared with her sister in Greenwich Village.A.fragmentma spliceC.correctD.run on06.She came to New York when she was seventeen.Because her older sister lived there and she was influenced by her sister.A.fragmentB.run onC.choppyma splice07.Roberts was raised in Georgia.Her parents ran a theater school there. Her sister and brother are also actors.The family was always short of money.A.fragmentB.choppyC.correctD.run on08.When Julia was four years old,her parents divorced.After eighteen years of marriage.A.fragmentB.run onC.choppyD.correctPart3:Reading Comprehension(30P)Passage AMany United States companies have,unfortunately,made the search for legal protection from import competition into a major line of work.Since 1980the United States International Trade Commission(ITC)has received about280complaints alleging damage from imports that benefit from subsidies by foreign governments.Another340charge that foreign companies“dumped”their products in the United States at“less than fair value.”Even when no unfair practices are alleged,the simple claim that an industry has been injured by imports is sufficient grounds to seek relief.Contrary to the general impression,this quest for import relief has hurt more companies than it has helped.As corporations begin to function globally,they develop an intricate web of marketing,production,and research relationships.The complexity of these relationships makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the units under the same parent company. Internationalization increases the danger that foreign companies will use import relief laws against the very companies the laws were designed to protect.Suppose a United States-owned company establishes an overseas plant to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the same product in the United States.If the competitor can prove injury from the imports—and that the United States Company received a subsidy from a foreign government to build its plant abroad—the United States Company’s products will be uncompetitive in the United States,since they would be subject to duties.Perhaps the most brazen case occurred when the ITC investigated allegations that Canadian companies were injuring the United States salt industry by dumping rock salt,used to device roads.The bizarre aspect of the complaint was that a foreign conglomerate with United States operations was crying for help against a United States company with foreign operations.The“United States”company claiming injury was a subsidiary of a Dutch conglomerate,while the“Canadian”companies included a subsidiary of a Chicago firm that was the second-largest domestic producer of rock salt.01.The passage is chiefly concerned with______.A.arguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporationsB.warning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequencesC.demonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms receive from the United States governmentD.advocating the use of trade restrictions for“dumped”products but not for other imports02.It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the International Trade Commission is which of the following?A.A foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign government.B.A foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States.C.A foreign competitor is selling products in the United States at less than fair market value.D.The company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the United States.03.The last paragraph performs which of the following functions in the passage?A.It summarizes the discussion thus far and suggests additional areas of research.B.It presents a recommendation based on the evidence presented earlier.C.It cites a specific ease that illustrates a problem presented more generally in the previous paragraph.D.It introduces an additional area of concern not mentioned earlier.04.The passage warns of which of the following dangers?panies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.panies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.panies that are United States owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.panies that are not United States owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.05.According to the passage,the International Trade Commission isinvolved in which of the following?A.Investigating allegations of unfair import competitionB.Granting subsidies to eompanies in the United States that have been injured by import competitionC.Recommending legislation to ensure fair tradeD.Identifying international corporations that wish to build plants in the United StatesPassage BSince the late1970s,in the face Of a severe loss of market share in dozens of industries,manufacturers in the United States have been trying to improve productivity—and therefore enhance their international competitiveness—through cost-cutting programs.(Cost-cutting here is defined as raising labor output while holding the amount of labor constant.)However,from1978through1982,productivity—the value of goods manufactured divided by the amount of labor input—did not improve;and while the results were better in the business upturn of the three years following,they ran25percent lower than productivity improvements during earlier,post-1945upturns.At the same time,it became clear that the harder manufactures worked to implement cost-cutting,the more they lost their competitive edge.With this paradox in mind,I recently visited25companies;it became clear to me that the cost-cutting approach to increasing productivity is fundamentally flawed.Manufacturing regularly observes a“40,40, 20”rule.Roughly4o percent of any manufacturing-based competitive advantage derives from long-term changes in manufacturing structure (decisions about the number,size,location,and capacity of facilities)and in approaches to materials.Another40percent comes from major changes in equipment and process technology.The final20percent rests on implementing conventional cost-cutting.This rule does not imply that cost-cutting should not be tried.The well-known tools of this approach—including simplifying jobs and retraining employees to work smarter,not harder—do produce results.But the tools quickly reach the limits of what they can contribute.Another problem is that the cost-cutting approach hinders innovation and discourages creative people.As Abernathy’s study of automobile manufacturers has shown,an industry can easily become prisoner of itsown investments in cost-cutting techniques,reducing its ability to develop new products.And managers under pressure to maximizecost-cutting will resist innovation because they know that more fundamental changes in processes or systems will wreak havoc with the results on which they are measured.Production managers have always seen their job as one of minimizing costs and maximizing output.This dimension of performance has until recently sufficed as a basis of evaluation,but it has created a penny-pinching,mechanistic culture in most factories that has kept away creative managers.Every company I know that has freed itself from the paradox has done so,in part,by developing and implementing a manufacturing strategy. Such a strategy focuses on the manufacturing structure and on equipment and process technology.In one company a manufacturing strategy that allowed different areas of the factory to specialize in different markets replaced the conventional cost-cutting approach; within three years the company regained its competitive advantage. Together with such strategies,successful companies are also encouraging managers to focus on a wider set of objectives besides cutting costs.There is hope for manufacturing,but it clearly rests on a different way of managing.01The author of the passage is primarily concerned with______.A.summarizing a thesisB.recommending a different approachparing points of viewD.making a series of predictions02It can be inferred from the passage that the manufacturers mentioned in paragraph1expected that the measures they implemented would______.A.encourage innovationB.keep labor output constantC.increase their competitive advantageD.permit business upturns to be more easily predicted03.The primary function of the first paragraph of the passage is to ______.A.present a historical context for the author’s observationsB.anticipate challenges to the prescriptions that followC.clarify some disputed definitions of economic termsD.summarize a number of long-accepted explanations04.The author refers to Ahernathy’s study most probably in order to ______.A.qualify an observation about one rule governing manufacturingB.address possible objections to a recommendation about improving manufacturing competitivenessC.support an earlier assertion about method of increasing productivityD.suggest the centrality in the Unit States economy of a particular manufacturing industry05.The author’s attitude toward the culture in most factories is best described as______.A.cautiousB.criticalC.disinterestedD. respectfulPassage CIt can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.There are threegroups of consumers who are affected by the marketing process.First, there is the market segment—people who need the commodity in question. Second,there is the program target—people in the market segment with the“best fit”characteristics for a specific product.Lots of people—may need trousers,but only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive designer trousers.Finally,there is the program audience—all people who are actually exposedto the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.These three groups are rarely identical.An exception occurs in cases where customers for a particular industrial product may be few and easily identifiable.Such customers,allsharing a particular need,are likely to form a meaningful target,for example,all companies with a particular application of the product in question,such as high-speed fillers ofbottles at breweries.In such circumstances,direct selling(marketing that reaches only the program target)is likely to be economically justified,and highly specialized trade media existto expose members of the program target—and only members of the program target—to the marketing program.Most consumer-goods markets are significantly different.Typically, there are many rather than few potential customers.Each represents a relatively small percentage of potential sales.Rarely do members of a particular market segment group themselves neatly into a meaningful program target.There are substantial differences among consumers with similar demographic characteristics.Even with all the past decade’s advances in information technology, direct selling of consumer goods is rare,and mass marketing—-a marketing approach that aims at a wide audience-remains the only economically feasible mode.Unfortunately,there are few media that allow the marketer to direct a marketing program exclusively to the program target.Inevitably,people get exposed to a great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.01.The passage suggests which of the following about highly specialized trade media?A.They should be used only when direct selling is not economically feasible.B.They can be used to exclude from the program audience people who are not part of the program target.C.They are used only for very expensive products.D.They are rarely used in the implementation of marketing programs for industrial products.02.The passage suggests which of the following about direct selling?A.It is used in the marketing of most industrial products.B.It is often used in cases where there is a large program target.C.It is not economically feasible for most marketing programs.D.It is used only for products for which there are many potential customers.03.The author mentions“trousers”in paragraph1most likely in order to______.A.make a comparison between the program target and the program audienceB.emphasize the similarities between the market segment and the program targetC.provide an example of the way three groups of consumers are affected by a marketing programD.clarify the distinction between the market segment and the program target04.“the product in question”in Line5,Paragraph2means______.A.“the product in the previous question”B.“the product under discussion”C.“the product on sale”D.“the product in doubt”05.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true for most consumer-goods markets?A.The program target and the program audience are not usually identical.B.The program audience and the market segment are usually identical.C.The market segment and the program target are usually identical.D.The program target is larger than the market segment.Cloze TestMost economists in the United States seem captivated by the spell of the free market.__16__.A price that is determined by the seller or, for that matter,established by anyone other than the aggregate of consumers seems pernicious.__17__.In fact,price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides,as an effortless consequence of its own development,the price-fixing that it requires.Modern industrial planning requires and rewards great size.Hence,a comparatively small number of large firms will be competing for the same group of consumers.That each large firm will act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors charge is commonly recognized by advocates of free-market economic theories.__18__.Each large firm will thus avoid significant price-cutting,because price-cutting would be prejudicial to the common interest in a stable demand for products. Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of explicit agreements among large firms;it is not.Moreover,those economists who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices have not considered the economies of non-socialist countries other than the United states.These economies employ intentional price-fixing,usually in an overt fashion.Formalprice-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements coveringthe members of an industry are common-place.__19__,the countries thathave avoided the first and used the second would have suffereddrastically in their economic development.There is no indication thatthey have.Socialist industry also works within a framework of controlled prices.In the early1970’s,the Soviet Union began to give firms and industriessome of the flexibility in adjusting prices that a more informalevolution has accorded the capitalist system.__20__;rather,Sovietfirms have been given the power to fix prices.A.But each large firm will also act with full consideration of the needsthat it has in common with the other large firms competing for the samecustomersB.Consequently,nothing seems good or normal that does not accord withthe requirements of the free marketC.Economists in the United States have hailed the change as a returnto the free market.But Soviet firms are no more subject to pricesestablished by a free market over which they exercise little influencethan are capitalist firmsD.Accordingly,it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing(the determination of prices by the seller)as both“normal”andhaving a valuable economic functionE.Were there something peculiarly efficient about the free market andinefficient about price-fixing-o.Part4:Writing.(30P)Write an English essay of250-300words describing Maslow’s hierarchyof human needs and analyze this model with ONE example.Your writingwill be assessed for language,format,structure and content.育明教育考研专业课第一品牌,考研信息可咨询育明教育官网政治【学科概述】不用因为政治纷繁复杂的知识点而担心政治会不过线,只要肯下功夫,60分是很容易达到的。
二、英语翻译基础(357)1.英译汉(75分)该部分选取的是卢梭的《爱弥儿》(Emile, or On Education)部分文章,主要选自《爱弥儿》第三卷第一节。
完整原文如下:The whole course of man's life up to adolescence is a period of weakness; yet there comes a time during these early years when the child's strength overtakes the demands upon it, when the growing creature, though absolutely weak, is relatively strong. His needs are not fully developed and his present strength is more than enough for them. He would be a very feeble man, but he is a strong child.What is the cause of man's weakness? It is to be found in the disproportion between his strength and his desires. It is our passions that make us weak, for our natural strength is not enough for their satisfaction. To limit our desires comes to the same thing, therefore, as to increase our strength. When we can do more than we want, we have strength enough and to spare, we are really strong. This is the third stage of childhood, the stage with which I am about to deal. I still speak of childhood for want of a better word; for our scholar is approaching adolescence, though he has not yet reached the age of puberty.About twelve or thirteen the child's strength increases far more rapidly than his needs. The strongest and fiercest of the passions is still unknown, his physical development is still imperfect and seems to await the call of the will. He is scarcely aware of extremes of heat and cold and braves them with impunity. He needs no coat, his blood is warm; no spices, hungeris his sauce, no food comes amiss at this age; if he is sleepy he stretches himself on the ground and goes to sleep; he finds all he needs within his reach; he is not tormented by any imaginary wants; he cares nothing what others think; his desires are not beyond his grasp; not only is he self-sufficing, but for the first and last time in his life he has more strength than he needs.I know beforehand what you will say. You will not assert that the child has more needs than I attribute to him, but you will deny his strength. You forget that I am speaking of my own pupil, not of those puppets who walk with difficulty from one room to another, who toil indoors and carry bundles of paper. Manly strength, you say, appears only with manhood; the vital spirits, distilled in their proper vessels and spreading through the whole body, can alone make the muscles firm, sensitive, tense, and springy, can alone cause real strength. This is the philosophy of the study;I appeal to that of experience. In the country districts, I see big lads hoeing, digging, guiding the plough, filling the wine-cask, driving the cart, like their fathers; you would take them for grown men if their voices did not betray them. Even in our towns, iron-workers', tool makers', and blacksmiths' lads are almost as strong as their masters and would be scarcely less skilful had their training begun earlier. If there is a difference, and I do not deny that there is, it is, I repeat, much less than the difference between the stormy passions of the man and the few wants of the child. Moreover, it is not merely a question of bodily strength, but more especially of strength of mind, which reinforces and directs the bodily strength.This interval in which the strength of the individual is in excess of his wants is, as I have said, relatively though not absolutely the time of greatest strength. It is the most precious time in his life; it comes but once; it is very short, all too short, as you will see when you consider the importance of using it aright.He has, therefore, a surplus of strength and capacity which he will never have again. What use shall he make of it? He will strive to use it in tasks which will help at need. He will, so to speak, cast his present surplus into the storehouse of the future; the vigorous child will make provision for the feeble man; but he will not store his goods where thieves may break in, nor in barns which are not his own. To store them aright, they must be in the hands and the head, they must be stored within himself. This is the time for work, instruction, and inquiry. And note that this is no arbitrary choice of mine, it is the way of nature herself.Human intelligence is finite, and not only can no man know everything, he cannot even acquire all the scanty knowledge of others. Since the contrary of every false proposition is a truth, there are as many truths as falsehoods. We must, therefore, choose what to teach as well as when to teach it. Some of the information within our reach is false, some isuseless, some merely serves to puff up its possessor. The small store which really contributes to our welfare alone deserves the study of a wise man, and therefore of a child whom one would have wise. He must know not merely what is, but what is useful.From this small stock we must also deduct those truths which require a full grown mind for their understanding, those which suppose a knowledge of man's relations to his fellow-men--a knowledge which no child can acquire; these things, although in themselves true, lead an inexperienced mind into mistakes with regard to other matters.We are now confined to a circle, small indeed compared with the whole of human thought, but this circle is still a vast sphere when measured by the child's mind. Dark places of the human understanding, what rash hand shall dare to raise your veil? What pitfalls does our so-called science prepare for the miserable child. Would you guide him along this dangerous path and draw the veil from the face of nature? Stay your hand. First make sure that neither he nor you will become dizzy. Beware of the specious charms of error and the intoxicating fumes of pride. Keep this truth ever before you--Ignorance never did any one any harm, error alone is fatal, and we do not lose our way through ignorance but through self-confidence. His progress in geometry may serve as a test and a true measure of the growth of his intelligence, but as soon as he can distinguish between what is useful and what is useless, much skill and discretion are required to lead him towards theoretical studies. For example, would you have him find a mean proportional between two lines, contrive that he should require to find a square equal to a given rectangle; if two mean proportionals are required, you must first contrive to interest him in the doubling of the cube. See how we are gradually approaching the moral ideas which distinguish between good and evil. Hitherto we have known no law but necessity, now we are considering what is useful; we shall soon come to what is fitting and right.Man's diverse powers are stirred by the same instinct. The bodily activity, which seeks an outlet for its energies, is succeeded by the mental activity which seeks for knowledge. Children are first restless, then curious; and this curiosity, rightly directed, is the means of development for the age with which we are dealing. Always distinguish between natural and acquired tendencies. There is a zeal for learning which has no other foundation than a wish to appear learned, and there is another which springs from man's natural curiosity about all things far or near which may affect himself. The innate desire for comfort and the impossibility of its complete satisfaction impel him to the endless search for fresh means of contributing to its satisfaction. This is the first principle of curiosity;a principle natural to the human heart, though its growth is proportional to the development of our feeling and knowledge. If a man of science were left on a desert island with his books and instruments and knowing thathe must spend the rest of his life there, he would scarcely trouble himself about the solar system, the laws of attraction, or the differential calculus. He might never even open a book again; but he would never rest till he had explored the furthest corner of his island, however large it might be. Let us therefore omit from our early studies such knowledge as has no natural attraction for us, and confine ourselves to such things as instinct impels us to study.2.汉译英(75分)2016年11月5日,上海外国语大学首届“中国学的国际对话:方法与体系”国际研讨会在虹口校区高翻学院同传室拉开帷幕,本次学术研讨会由上外主办,中国学研究所协同国际关系与公共事务学院、高级翻译学院联合承办,欧盟研究中心、俄罗斯研究中心、英国研究中心、中日韩合作研究中心以及马克思主义学院共同参与。
2017年对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真题、答题攻略及复习经验指导357英语翻译基础考研真题第一部分短语翻译加解释七个选五个翻译加解释E-C barriestoentrycarpooling specialdrawingrightscurrentaccountquotaexportcredittertiaryindustry C-E全面二孩灵猫六国跨太平洋伙伴合作协定一带一路首次公开募股国际收支平衡表投资组合理论第二部分E-C世界银行集团的风险管理C-E第一部分三个古文句子翻译1.百川汇海阔风正好扬帆(后半句不大确定了)2.同心合意,庶几有成3.急人之急,雪中送炭,是中国所推崇的处世之道第二部分,篇章翻译是关于RCEP的,貌似是李克强的一个讲话。
对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研信息整理复习经验经验指导1、抓住重点,快速复习2、建立框架,系统复习3、明确背诵,精确记忆4、区分主次,结合热点5、模拟训练,名师批阅6、押题模考,一战封侯一、对外经济贸易大学2011年翻译硕士(MTI)真题I.Phrase Translationblog:博客facebook:脸书,创办于美国的一个社交网络服务网站。
game theory:博弈论,又被称为对策论yellow pages:黄页private equity:私募基金;私募股权;私人股本trade deficit:贸易逆差bill of lading:提单tertiary industry:第三产业分期付款:installment达人秀:Got Talent/talent show次贷危机:subprime mortgage crisis朝核会议:six-party talk on North Korea nuclear issue《国富论》:The Wealth of Nations印花税:stamp duty经济适用房:Affordable Housing节能减排:energy saving and emission reduction以人为本:Put People First新教伦理:Protestant ethicASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)CAT:计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)CNN:美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)HBS:哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)HEC:港口进入管制(Harbor Entry Control)MFNs:最惠国(most favored nations)IMF:国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)IPO:首次公开募股(initial public offering)UNCTAD:联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)II.Passage translationSection A English to ChineseIs the world headed for a food crisis?India,Mexico and Yemen have seen food riots this year.What’s the cause for these shortages and price hikes?Expensive oil,for the most part. The United Nations food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)reported that,at nearly$100 a barrel,the price of oil has sent the cost of food imports skyrocketing this year.Add in escalating crop prices,the FAO warned,and a direct consequence could soon be an increase in global hunger—and,as a consequence,increased social unrest.What’s more,worldwide food reserves are at their lowest in35years,so prices are likely to stay high for the foreseeable future.On the demand side,one of the key issues is biofuels.Biofuels,made from food crops such as corn,sugar cane,and palm oil,are seen as easing the world’s dependence on gasoline or diesel.But when crude oil is expensive,as it is now,these alternative energy sources can also be sold at market-competitive prices,rising steeply in relation to petroleum.Withone-quarter of the US corn harvest in2010diverted towards biofuel production,the attendant rise in cereal prices has already had an impact on the cost and availability of food. Critics worry that the gold rush toward biofuels is taking away food from the hungry. Leaders in the biofuel industry respond that energy costs are more to blame for high food prices than biofuels.“Energy is the blood of the world,so if oil goes up then other commodities follow,”Claus Sauter,CEO of German bioenergy firms Verbio said.Others argue that cleaner-burning biofuels could help stem the effects of climate change,another factor identified by the FAO as causing food shortages.Analysts note that scientists believeclimate change could be behind recent extreme weather patterns,including catastrophic floods,heat waves and drought.All can diminish food harvests and stockpiles.But so can market forces.Section B Chinese to English中美航空运输市场开放,距离真正意义上的双方机会均等、互利共赢。
外交学院翻硕真题(2017)外交学院翻硕真题(2017英语翻译基础)词条翻译一、短语互译(30个,每个1分)UNDOCGNPIMFMOUPMIFIFACECCEBRDASEANBRICStax certaintyFinancial Stability Boardcross-border resolution regimesexclusive economic zone边缘群体人文交流网络诈骗可持续发展20国集团峰会一带一路倡议全面战略伙伴关系市场化融资段落翻译二、翻译(120分)英译汉和汉译英都是6小段,共12段。
1. Margaret Thatcher saw herself, and was seen, as an essential partner of two American presidents. She stoutly defended nuclear deterrence when she thought her friend and ideological soulmate, Ronald Reagan, was getting carried away in talks with the Russians.Tony Blair pushed NATO and Bill Clinton into military action in Kosovo. Ill-fated though the later invasion of Iraq proved, Mr. Blair was never an American poodle. He believed that Britainshould be in the first rank of countries prepared to counter the threat of Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction. Even the maligned Gordon Brown co-ordinated theinter national response to the financial crash of 2008.2. The history of economics has been, among other things,a story of learning to care less about land. The physiocrats of 18th-century France saw it as the primary guarantor of wealth. Adam Smith included it alongside labour and capital as one of the three factors of production that combined to generate output. A little later Thomas Malthus saw its innate scarcity as ensuring eventual catastrophe in the face of exponential population growth. Instead of succumbing to catastrophe Western countries found ways to work around land’s scarcity, some of them ingenious —skyscrapers, artificial fertiliser, railways, suburbs —and some nefarious —dispossessing the oppressed and colonised. Improved transport allowed land farther off to do the work that land close at hand had done before, whether by producing crops half way round the world or housing workers out in the suburbs.3. In a surprise televised address on Tuesday night, Modi said the demonetisation of India’s highest-value banknotes, worth about £6 and £12,would start from midnight. The move is an effort to close down the booming economy of untaxed cashtransactions, which allows corruption, the funding of terrorist groups, and keeps counterfeit notes in circulation. Addressing the nation, Modi said: “The exchange of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes being tendered as currency will bestopped from today. Black marketeers and traitors who use black money will notbe able to move large amounts of money and 500 and 1,000 rupee notes will become worthless pieces of paper. Those citizens earning honestly and with hardwork, their interests will be protected.”4.The decision to delay the leadership election nearly two weeks and possibly put up a challenger to Pelosi is a sign of how deeply Democrats are soul-searching after last week’s election that saw Republicans win control of the White House and retain its majority in the Senate and House. While Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House in 2006 and had a huge hand in winning passage of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats havenever fully recovered under her leadership from losing 63 seats in the 2010 midterm election. They have remained in the minority ever since.5. Trump galvanized white voters without college degrees, particularly in the Rust Belt; Clinton’s team calculated that this bloc was a lost cause and could be ignored in favor of focusing on her base and trying topersuade white-collar voters she was the less risky choice. Bill Clinton reportedly agitated for the campaign to pay more attention to the “bubbas”that had oncebeen his base, only to be rebuffed by a campaign staff that believed his worldview was out of date.汉译英主要是政治类题材,领导人讲话之类的(主题有官德、安全、对当前局势的表述、一带一路,还有另外一个啥)。
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XX对外经贸大学2017年研究生入学考试模拟题翻译硕士英语(100分 180分钟)一、选择题1. The_ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’slives.A. zephyrB.zodiacC.zymeD.zest2. It’s a_ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t.A. haphazardB.odiousC.haughtyD.handicapped3. No men was allowed to_ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wadeB.invokeC.muffleD.infringe4. The poor man’s clothes were so_ that they couldn’t be repaired any more.A. oozedB.raggedC.moppedD.mocked5. The scents of the flowers was_ to us by the breeze.A. interceptedB.detestedC.saturatedD.wafted6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of_.A.vagabonedB.sabotageC.paradoxD.tachyon7. The actor amused the audience by_ some well-known people.A. embroideringB.riggingC.yelpingD.mimicking8. The speaker_ us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A. detourB.offsetC.tantalizedhered9. I assure you there was no_ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB.stationaryC. vulgarD. toxic10. Government loan have been the_ of several shaky business companies.A. tornadoB.salvationC.delinquencyD. momentum11. The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as_.A. trophiesB. filletC. tulipD. clown12. We saw the canoe_, throwing its passengers into the water.A. prostrateB. overturnC. simulateD. brag13. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his_ alcoholically.A. quittanceB. qualmC. quailD. quietus14. The orphanage is just one of her_ causes.A. phoneticB. philanthropicC. prevalentD. lunatic15. After a period of probation a_ becomes a nun.A. sopranoB. hippie C novice D. monsieur16. Despite his wealth and position, he has an_ personality.A. unassumingB. unprecedentedC. underminingD. uncouth17. The island is maintained as a_ for endangered species.A. wetlandsB. sanctuaryC. mire D .heath18. If you_ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it.A. adulterateB. moorC. vaccinateD. sue19. A_ is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.A. duetB. fagC. tonicD. barbecue20. The_ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A. pickpocketB. picketC. pikeD. pickup二、阅读理解Text ANew and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer anized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimes…Theft of data, or data crime, has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates.This is usually the theft or copying of valuable computer grogram.An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firm’s competitors to foreign nations.A competitor sabotages a company’s computer system to destroy or cripple the firm’s operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm.With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping and daily operations, sabotage of their computers can result in internal havoc, after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price.Criminal groups couldalso resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime.Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase; political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent.Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack.Several attempts have already been made to destroy computer facility at an air force base.A university computer facility involved in national defence work suffered more than $2 million in damages as a result of a bombing.Computer vulnerability has been amply documented.One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against anized criminal syndicates have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups.Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics.Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leaders….Compute rs are used in hospital life-support system, in laboratories, and in major surgery.Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation.By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system, criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a gun.By manipulating a computer, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers.Cities and nations could become hostages.Homicide could take a now form.The computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century.The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.Although criminals have adapted to computer technology, law enforcement has not.Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.1.How many kinds of crimes are mentioned in the passage?[A]7[B]8[C]9[D]102.What is the purpose of a competitor to sabotage a company’scomputer?[A]His purpose is to destroy or weaken the firm’s operational ability.[B]His purpose is to weaken firm’s competitive capability and get it.[C]His purpose is to buy the rival’s company at a relatively low price.[D]His purpose is to steal important data.3.Which of the following can be labeled as a politically motivated sabotage of a computer system?[A]Sabotage of a university computer.[B]Sabotage of a hospital computer.[C]Sabotage of computer at a secret training base.[D]Sabotage of a factory computer.4.What does the author mean by “Homicide could take a new form”?[A]There is no need to use a gun in killing a person.[B]Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.[C]The computer can replace any weapons.[D]The function of a computer is just like a gun.Text BThe increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant speculation on the part of the public—actually the market seemed technically quite strong, with public participation essentially dignified—but rather an attempt by the Federal Reserve Board to preserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market.Naturally, such a move had a momentarily chilling effect upon prices but if the FRB had been preoccupied with undue speculation, the increase might have been to the 80% or even 90% level.Such an increases in the margin rate is a confirmation of a strong stock market and since 19…,such increases have resulted in interim market highs over twelve months later.Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this would once again be the case, but if history is any guideline—and if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the same course—continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more prudent than pessimism.The margin increase underscored the good rise that stocks hadenjoyed for the previous year—and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that the rise was mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part.In past Investment Letters we have voiced the thought that speciality stocks could outperform the general market from this point.We continue to believe that this could be the case.For example, steel stocks tend to sell at certain fixed price/earnings ratios.Below a certain ratio they are considered good value—above a certain ratio, overpriced.If a company produces a unique product it is far more difficult for market analysis to place a nume rical ratio upon the company’s earnings.We have also contended in the past Letters that the stock market reflects mass psychology as well as the business outlook.When investors—both the public and the institutions—are nervous and pessimistic they definitely hesitate to buy stocks: they seek low price/earnings multiples and high yields.These same investors—when they are in an optimistic frame of mind—become for less preoccupied with yields and more wiling to pay a premium(high p/e multiples) for accelerated growth.If the public’s attitude towards the auto industry is any measure, then this period seems to have been one of optimism.5.The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is ___________[A]A Time to Sell Stock.[B]A Strong Stock Market[C]Raising the Margin Rate[C]Price/earnings Ratio in Steel6.When investors are pessimistic what do they do?[A]They look to the FRB for help.[B]They buy steel[C]They buy automobile stocks.[D]They look for high yields.7.Why does the writer believe that speciality stocks could outperform the general market?[A]Because analysis have difficulty in deciding upon a fixed price/earnings ratio.[B]Because the activity had been limited to blue chips.[C]Because the rise was conservative.[D]Because of the FRB action.8.When investors are optimistic, what do they do?[A]They look for accelerated growth.[B]They buy speciality stocks.[C]They look for high yields.[D]They are more prudent.Text CIf you want to know why Denmark is the world's leader in wind power, start with a three-hour car trip from the capital Copenhagen --mind the bicyclists --to the small town of Lem on the far west coast of Jutland.You'll feel it as you cross the 6.8 km-long Great Belt Bridge:Denmark's bountiful wind,so fierce even on a calm summer's day that itthreatens to shove your car into the waves below.But wind itself is onlypart of the reason.In Lem,workers in factories the size of aircrafthangars build the wind turbines sold by Vestas,the Danish company thathas emerged as the industry's top manufacturer around the globe.Thework is both gross and fine;employees weld together massive curvedsheets of steel to make central shafts as tall as a 14-story building,andassemble engine housings(机器外罩)that hold some 18,000 separateparts.Most impressive are the turbine's blades, which scoop the windwith each sweeping revolution.As smooth as an Olympic swimsuit andhoned to aerodynamic perfection,each blade weighs in at 7,000 kg,and they’re what help make Vestas’turbines the best in theworld.“The blade is where the secret is,”says Erik Therkelsen,aVestas executive.“If we can make a turbine,it's sold.”But technology, like the wind itself is just one more part of the reason for Denmark's dominance.In the end,it happened because Denmark had the political and public will to decide that it wanted to be a leader and to follow through.Beginning in 1979,the government began a determined programme of subsidies and loan guarantees to build up its wind industry.Copenhagen covered 30% of investment costs,and guaranteed loans for large turbine exporters such as Vestas.It also mandated that utilities purchase wind energy at a preferential price—thus guaranteeing investors a customer base.Energy taxes were channeled into research centres,where engineers crafted designs that would eventually produce cutting-edge giants like Vestas’3-magawatt(MW)V90 turbine.As a result.wind turbines now dot Denmark.The country gets more than 1 9%of its electricity from the breeze(Spain and Portugal,the next highest countries,get about 1 0%)and Danish companies control one—third of the global wind market,earning billions in exports and creating a national champion from scratch.“They were out early in driving renewables,and that gave them the chance to be a technology leader and a job—creation leader,”says Jake Schmidt,international climate policy director for the New York City—based Natural Resources Defense Council.“They have always been one or two steps ahead of others."The challenge now for Denmark is to help the rest of the world catch up.Beyond wind,the country(pop.5.5 million)is a world leader in energy efficiency,getting more GDP per watt than any other member of the E.U.Carbon emissions are down 13.3%from 1990 levels and total energy consumption has barely moved,even as Denmark's economy continued to grow at a healthy clip.With Copenhagen set to host all-important U.N.climate change talks in December --where the world hopes for a successor to the expiring Kyoto Protocol -- and the global recession beginning to hit environmental plans in capitals everywhere,Denmark's example couldn't be more timely.“We'll try to make Denmark a showroom.”says Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen.“You can reduce energy use and carbon emissions,and achieve economic growth."It's tempting to assume that Denmark is innately green,with the kind of Scandinavian good conscience that has made it such a pleasant global citizen since,oh,the whole Viking thing.But the country’s policies were actually born from a different emotion,one now in common currency:fear.When the 1973 oil crisis hit,90%of Denmark's energy came from petroleum,almost all of it imported.Buffeted by the same supply shocks that hit the rest of the developed world,Denmark launched a rapid drive for energy conservation,to the point ofintroducing car-free Sundays and asking businesses to switch off lights during closing hours.Eventually the Mideast oil started flowing again,and the Danes themselves began enjoying the benefits of the petroleum and natural gas in their slice of the North Sea.It was enough to make them more than self-sufficient.But unlike most other countries,Denmark never forgot the lessons of l973,and kept driving for greater energy efficiency and a more diversified energy supply.The Danish parliament raised taxes on energy to encourage conservation and established subsidies and standards to support more efficient buildings.“It all started out without any regard for the climate or the environment,”says SvendAuken,the former head of Denmark’s opposition Social Democrat Party and the architect of the country's environmental policies in the 1990s.“But today there’s a consensus that we need to build renewable power."To the rest of the world,Denmark has the power of its example showing that you can stay rich and grow green at the same time.“Denmark has proven that acting on climate can be a positive experience,not just painful,”says NRDC's Schmidt.The real pain could come from failing to follow in their footsteps.9.Which of the following is NOT cited as a main reason for Denmark's world leadership in wind power? A.Technology.B.Wind.C.Government drive. D.Geographical location.10.The author has detailed some of the efforts of the Danish Government in promoting the wind industry in order to showA.the government’s determination.B.the country’s subsidy and loan policies.C.the importance of export to the country.D.the role of taxation to the economy.11.What does the author mean by“Denmark's example couldn’t be more timely”?A.Denmark's energy-saving efforts cannot be followed by other countries.B.Denmark can manufacture more wind turbines for other countries.C.Denmark's energy-saving Success offers the world a useful model.D.Denmark aims to show the world that it can develop even faster.12.Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?A.Not to save energy could lead to serious consequences.B.Energy saving cannot go together with economic growth.C.Energy saving efforts can be painful but positive.D.Denmark is a powerful leader in the global wind market.Text DPop stars today enjoy a style of living which was once the prerogative only of Royalty.Wherever they go, people turn out in their thousands togreet them.The crowds go wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of their smiling, colorfully dressed idols.The stars are transported in their chauffeur driven Rolls-Royces, private helicopters or executive aeroplanes.They are surrounded by a permanent entourage of managers, press agents and bodyguards.Photographs of them appear regularly in the press and all their comings and goings are reported, for, like Royalty, pop stars are news.If they enjoy many of the privileges of Royalty, they certainly share many of the inconveniences as well.It is dangerous for them to make unscheduled appearances in public.They must be constantly shielded from the adoring crowds which idolize them.They are no longer private individuals, but public property.The financial rewards they receive for this sacrifice cannot be calculated, for their rates of pay are astronomical.And why not? Society has always rewarded its top entertainers lavishly.The great days of Hollywood have become legendary: famous stars enjoyed fame, wealth and adulation on an unprecedented scale.Bytoday’s standards, the excesses of Hollywood do not seem quite sospectacular.A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the films of the past ever did.The competition for the title‘Top of the Pops’is fierce, but the rewards are truly colossal.It is only right that the stars should be paid in this way.Don’t the topmen in industry earn enormous salaries for the services they perform to their companies and their countries? Pop stars earn vast sums in foreign currency – often more than large industrial concerns – and the taxman can only be grateful fro their massive annual contributions to the exchequer.So who would begrudge them their rewards?It’s all very well for people in humdrum jobs to moan about thesuccesses and rewards of others.People who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent only the tip of the iceberg.For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn a living.A man working in a steady job and looking forward to a pension at the end of it has no right to expect very high rewards.He has chosen security and peace of mind, so there will always be a limit to what he can earn.But a man who attempts to become a star is taking enormousrisks.He knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top.He knows that years of concentrated effort may be rewarded with complete failure.But he knows, too, that the rewards for success are very high indeed: they are the recompense for the huge risks involved and if he achieves them, he has certainly earned them.That’s the essence of private enterprise.13.The sentence Pop stars’ style of living was once the prerogative only of Royalty means ___________[A] their life was as luxurious as that of royalty.[B] They enjoy what once only belonged to the royalty.[C] They are rather rich.[D] Their way of living was the same as that of the royalty.14.What is the author’s attitude toward top stars’ high income?[A] Approval.[B] Disapproval.[C] Ironical.[D] Critical.15.It can be inferred from the passage ___________[A] there exists fierce competition in climbing to the top.[B] People are blind in idolizing stars.[C] Successful Pop stars give great entertainment.[D] The tax they have paid are great.16.What can we learn from the passage?[A] Successful man should get high-income repayment.[B] Pop stars made great contribution to a country.[C] Pop stars can enjoy the life of royalty.[D] Successful men represent the tip of the iceberg.Text EWe might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were.It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and reliable than examinations.For all the pious claim that examinations text what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite.They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell younothing about a person’s true ability an d aptitude.As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none.That is because so much depends on them.They are the mark of success of failure in our society.Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day.Itdoesn’tmatter that you weren’t feeling very well, or that your motherdied.Little things like that don’t count:the exam goes on.No one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do.The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured.Can wewonder at the increasing number of ‘drop-outs’:young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself.The examination system does anything but that.What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize.Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming.They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedoms.Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise.The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are the best trained in the technique of working under duress.The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.Examiners are only human.They get tired and hungry; they make mistakes.Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time.They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates.And their word carries weight.After a judge’s decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an e xaminer’s.There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person’s true abilities.Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what it boils down to in the last analysis.The bestcomment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall:‘I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.’17.The main idea of this passage is ___________[A] examinations exert a pernicious influence on education.[B] examinations are ineffective.[C] examinations are profitable for institutions.[D] examinations are a burden on students.18.The author’s attitude toward examinations is ___________[A]detest.[B] approval.[C] critical.[D] indifferent.19.The fate of students is decided by ___________[A] education.[B] institutions.[C] examinations.[D] students themselves.20.According to the author, the most important of a good education is ___________[A] to encourage students to read widely.[B] to train students to think on their own.[C] to teach students how to tackle exams.[D] to master his fate.三、修辞填空Oxymoron parody Euphemism Hyperbole Alliteration Chiasmus Pun Repetition epistrophe irony1.Mary's two daughters are different in their personalities in a thousand and one ways.2.She is auditory-impaired3.The coach had a bitter-sweet memories4.The man is not rich because he is honest, but he is honest because he is rich(Defoe)5.The world believes in the wonder worker, not in the words of wisdom. (Richard Jefferson)6.So he laid down his arms.7.Well, of course, I knew that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.8.To eat is human; to digest, divine.9.It is in the soil of ignorance that poverty is planted. It is in the soil of ignorance that diseaseflourishes. It is in the soil of ignorance that racial and religious strife takes root (Lyndon B. Johnson)10.And this day will come, shall come, must come.四、神话词汇填空1.Pygmalion2.Trojan horses3.Achilles’ heel.4.an apple of discord5.Greek gifts6.cut the Gordian knot7.swan song8.a Helen of Troy9.herculean task 10. the sword of damocles1.Tired of political dodges,the candidate decided to ________ by announcing that he would run.2.Vietnam was President Johnson’s ______________.3.The compilation of the Oxford English Dictionary was a ____________.4.The dispute about inheriting estate formed _____________between them.5.The superpowers are always sending the _____________to many countries in the world.6.He is always buying you expensive clothes, I'm afraid they are______________for you.7.It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to ____________.8.Thanks to her agent,a veritable___________,she was transformed from an ugly duckling into a Hollywood beauty.9.All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in London this week--the public clearly believes that this will be her ___________. 10.One person close to the company compared the government's role to _________, an ever-present evil hanging over their heads.五、作文Some believe that people should never be satisfies with what they have and should always strive for something new and different, but there are also people who believe that those who constantly fell satisfied tend to be happy. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 600 words on the following topic:Does Satisfaction Bring Happiness?In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。
2016年外交学院翻译硕士考研真题今年的题总体比较简单英语翻译基础缩略语有30个,政治、经济、科技都有涉及,但是今年出的比较简单,感觉还是跟时政,热词联系较多,每个缩略语后还有提示,就像QM(学科名词)这样的QM BBA AIIB UNSC HSBC CCTV(不是中央电视台)EFTA(国际组织)影子银行三严三实hedge fund英译汉有6小段,每段4-6行吧,内容是一个《卫报》的编辑写给《卫报》成立100周年的文章,开头第一句话是A hundred years is a long time; It’s a long time even……..汉译英是时文翻译,内容跟外交关系有关:(育明教育押中原题)翻译硕士英语第一题是20个单选题,主要考词汇辨析,但是今年没有很长很偏的词,最后两个单选就是给出一句话,让选择选项中与所给句子中标黑的单词的同义词。
第二题是改错,有10个,考试形式跟专八改错一样,但是比专八稍简单第三题是阅读,共6篇,总体比较简单,但是问题形式多样,有一般的选择,还有判断对错(Yes or No or Not Given),多选,填文章主旨句,总之就是题型很多最后一题是作文,400词左右,写一下技术是怎样改变人们的交流方式和人际关系的。
3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。
对外经济贸易大学英语翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案 翻译硕士英语
![对外经济贸易大学英语翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案 翻译硕士英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d0c66660066f5335b812118.png)
二十道词汇选择的答案1 precipitate选项还有precitate, presitate,precititate2 attributable to 选项还有contributing to,attributed with,attributed to(be attributable to归因于,归咎于,归功于…)3 payable at sight4 irrespective of5 disposable6 looking forward to (receiving...)选项还有receive...7 at the expense of 选项还有at expense of...8 (take out ) a mortgage 选项还有take in,take on,take out9 scoff at the idea that 选项还有support for,stand over...10 profiteering11 (enclosed )please find选项还有the enclosed,enclosing,the attached12 Theoretically, lending rates have already been liberalised, with no floor on them; in reality, bankers say they still price loans off the (benchmark).选项还有bottom line,interest rate13 null and void 选项还有ineffective14 purchasing power15 The company is reported to have (liabilities) of $1989 A debt B asset C responsibilities D liabilities16 Should any damage to the goods occur, a claim may ( be filed against) the insurance agent at your be lodged to B lodge against C be filled with D be filed against 网上的原句是be filed with,所以只能选D17 Lack the (expertise) in dealing with... A expert B expertise D acknowledgment18 only if...can选项还有only when...did,...19 (is committed to) doing 选项还有is obliged to,is promised to,is convinced to20 Carbon dioxide (emissions) 选项还有ejections改错今年没有前两年难,10个都比较简单阅读题五篇第一篇阅读1 What dose the word "shrink" mean?A ThriveB StableC ExpandD Compress选D2 Why dose the author mention IAB in the second paragraph?A to explain why the digital advertising market has weakened recently.B to support the viewpoint that digital advertising market has weakened.C to argue the point that digital advertising market has weakened recently.D 忘了选B3 According to this article, Facebook might NOT be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google?A TrueB FalseC Not given选B4 According to this article, Microsoft might be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google?A TrueB FalseC Not given选C5 According to this article, Snapchat might be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google?A TrueB FalseC Not given选A第二篇阅读题源6 According to paragraph 1, What is the main purpose of the Sino-British plan?A To participate in the APEC CEO Summit 2014.B To learn why China is so good at numbers.C To help control China's air pollution.D选B7 What dose the word "Accolade" mean?A NeutralB AnimadversionC DepreciateD Praise选D8 9 According to this article, what is one hypothesis of the academic debate about why China is so good at numbers EXPECT—8—and —9—A It's all about genetic.B It's all because of the pedagogical strategies.C Mandarin is a better language to learn maths.D Chinese spend most of their time learning maths.E 出题老师编的,大概是中国学生喜欢学数学8 D 9 E10Which is the theme of the article?A British faith in Chinese education fails to add upB British faith in Chinese education remains stable.C British faith in Chinese education.D 忘了选A add up 有合乎情理的意思第三篇阅读题源选HeadlineA The Chinese tech market is an alluring one.B But Microsoft may actually be better off in China than many other US tech companies.C Instead, worse off in the China market are hardware companies like Cisco and IBM.D It’s been a rough year for foreign tech companies in China.11. Microsoft is the latest to make headlines with a tale of woe, in the form of a $140m tax fee paid to Chinese authorities. (Microsoft prefers to call it a $140m “bilateral advanced pricing agreement”). This comes on top of an antitrust investigation launched in July and this week’s news that one of China’s largest companies is switching its email service away from Microsoft.12. Due to rampant piracy, Microsoft’s revenues in China have never been very big (about the same size as revenues in the Netherlands). Microsoft’s overall revenues rose 25 per cent last quarter, year on year, despite the “more challenging environment”reported in China and Russia.13. Cisco’s sales in China have halved during the past two years, driven by a backlash after the Snowden revelations and by the increasing capabilities of Chinese equipment manufacturers like Huawei. IBM’s China revenues are falling too, the company disclosed last quarter –on top of a 22 per cent year-on-year drop in the comparable quarter last year. IBM said a tough hardware market was to blame. The company will exit part of that business with the sale of its x86 server business to Lenovo, a deal that closed in October.Then there’s Qualcomm, which partners with Chinese manufacturers who produce its chips; the company says one-fifth of its licensed 3G/4G devices are going unreported (which means no licence fees). The company is having trouble resolving these disputes because it is simultaneously the subject of a Chinese antitrust investigation.14. IT spend in China may grow at per cent next year, as forecast by IDC, to the US’s per cent, but given the size of their respective markets –the US is three.答案是11 D 12 B 13 C 14A第四篇阅读题源Even at 25 years’distance from that world-changing event, the fall of the Berlin Wall, what inspires admiration is the civilised manner in which the people of Poland, Hungary, East Germany and Czechoslovakia –____15_______–dismantled communist regimes that had oppressed them since the late 1940s.The peaceful change that underpinned the rebirth of Poland and Hungary, the unification of East and West Germany in 1990 and Czechoslovakia’s “velvet divorce”in 1993 into separate Czech and Slovak states was a precondition for each country’s success. Where violence accompanied the end of communism, as in the former Yugoslavia, ___16 ________.The collective term “eastern Europe”made little sense in the communist era, given the conspicuous differences in each country’s history, economy, ethnic composition, one-party system and relationship with Moscow. It makes even less sense today –______17 _______with Nato and the EU, of which they are members or partners.As David Lipton, the International Monetary Fund’s first deputy managing director, says in 25 Years of Transition, an IMF report: “After years of isolation from the western economic system, and after the distortions and deprivations of the communist system, most citizens just wanted to live in a normal country with a normal economy and, ____18____, that vision was captured in the allure of integrating with western Europe.”Not everything is “normal”in the region. Per capita gross domestic product in Poland, which in some respects is?the star economic performer, is slightly more than half that of Germany. This is a big improvement from 1989, when it was about a third, but there remains much catching up to do.A given their history and geographyB progress has been more unevenC except insofar as all identify security and prosperityD with varying degrees of help from reformers inside the power apparatus答案是15D 16 B 17 C 18 A第五篇阅读题源19 According to the writer, who might be the big winner of the Singles’Day?A RetailersB ConsumersC Delivery companiesD Both consumers and delivery companiesE 忘了选D20 Why dose the cash flow of Alibaba grow much more slowly than their profit?A Because they spent money on data centres.B Because they spent money on land rights.C Because they spent money on construction.D All the above.选D作文题源WTO公布的world trade report 2014PDF工具栏第二十页的图要求write a report,字数要求300-350字describe,compare and analyze the world trade,GDP and trade between 1990 and 2013. 这个题干写的有点错误,不过应该可以看出来,应该是describe,compare and analyze the world trade,GDP and trade /GDP between 1990 and 2013.还有GDP和trade /GDP两条线一定要分清楚,很多人把这两条线弄混了,太吃亏了。
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