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1. I don’t like j_______ food, such as hamburgers, hot dogs and s__ on.

2. “How o___________ do you play basketball?”“Every day.”

3. She often eats vegetables and fruits, so she’s h___________.

4. Drinking m_____________ is good for you.

5. How many t____________ do you see English movies a month?

6. He writes to his father t__________ a month.

7. Everyone likes to surf on the I__________.

8. Mr Smith hardly ever e__________ , so he is unhealthy.

9. Eating junk food is bad for your h________.

10. Do you find the d__________ between the two words?

11. She got good g________ in the test.

12. We m_______ study hard at school.

13. We should try to eat l_______ junk food.

14. Lucy is an a________ girl in the class.

15. Her studying h_______ is very good.


1. Eating more____ food helps you keep ______.

A.health; health

B. health; healthy

C. healthy; health

D. healthy; healthy

2. Jim isn’t a child any longer. He can _____ himself.

A. look at

B. look after

C. take care

D. care of

3.Doing more exercises can help us _______.

A. grow

B. grows

C. growing

D. to grows

4. “Can I go shopping with you?”“_______, you can.”

A. I see

B. Y ou see

C. Of course

D. That’s right

5. --________ do you go to the movies? ----- Hardly ever.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How many times

D. How far

6. __________do homework every day.

A. The most students

B. Most the students

C. Most of the students

D. Most students

7、ina _______early but her brother doesn’t.

A. goes to bed

B. go to bed

C. sleep

D. is going to bed

8、xercise can keep you __________.

A. health

B. healthy

C. be healthy

D. to bee healthy

9. Tom is about _________Li Lei

A. the same age as

B. the same age to

C. same age with

D. the same old as

10 Mr zhang doesn’t like movie. He________ go to the movies.

A. often

B. usually

C. once a week

D. hardly ever

11. How often do you watch TV? __________. A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times

12. ----Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? ------ Y es, ________.

A. she is

B. she has

C. you do

D. I do

13.________the homework, my mum does it on Sunday.

A. As for

B. As in

C. As of

D. As from

14.My sisters come to visit me once ________twice a week.

A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

15. A: How often ______ she exercise?B: Twice a week.

A. do

B. does

C. doing

D. did

16 . I ______ like to drink milk. A. not B. doesn’t C. don’t D. no

17. Good food and exercise ______ me to study better.

A. help

B. helps

C. helping

D. to help

18 . Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?

A. as

B. in

C. at

D. to

19 . I like ____ for breakfast. A. a book B. a ruler C. an egg D. a sofa

20. The ____are $21. A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike

21. T ennis ____ my favorite sport. A. are B. is C. am D. be

22. I have a tennis and my friend Jim ____ two tennis rackets.

A. have

B. play

C. plays

D. has

23. “Let’s play computer games.”“That ____ interesting.”

A. looks

B. sounds

C. listens

D. reads

24. My father likes football. But he ____ it.

He only ____ football matches on TV!

A. plays, watches

B. play, watch

C. doesn’t play, watches

D. plays, doesn’t watch

三. 句型转换

1.My sister is ill. I must take care of her at home.(同义句)

My sister is ill. I must_____________ _____________her at home.

2. Lin Tao often helps me with my Chinese.(划线部分提问)

_________ _________ does Lin Tao help you with your Chinese?

3. I go to movies twice a month. (划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ ___________do you go to the

movies every month?

4.I usually work eight hours every day. (划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ ___________ do you go to the

movies every month?

5.Her mother wants her to drink milk because it’s good for her health.


_______ ______ her mother ______ her _______ ______ milk?

6. Lin Tao often helps me with my Chinese. (提问)

________ ________does Lin Tao help you with your Chinese?

7. Tom goes to bed at ten in the evening. (否定句)

Tom __________ __________ to bed at ten in the evening.

8.I sleep nine hours every night.(提问)

__________ __________ hours do you sleep every night?

9.The old man is watching TV now. (用often改写)

The old man __________ __________ TV.

10.She has a healthy eating habit.(同义句)

Her ___________ ___________ ___________ healthy.

11. I exercise every day.(同义句)I _________ _________ every day.

12. He may stay at home. (同义句)_______ he _______ at home.

13.My mum wants me to drink it. (同义)

My mum ___________ ___________ me to drink it.

14.The coffee isn’t healthy, but he eats it.( 同义)

___________ the coffee is _____________, he eats it.

15. She often goes to movies on weekends.(提问)

____________ does she often _________ on weekends?


A: W ould you like to have some juice? B: Oh, yes, thank you. 1

A: Here you are. B: Thanks.

A: Do you like it? 2 B: Oh, it’s terrific. I always drink it,

about five times a week. 3

A: That’s why you look so healthy. 4 B: No, I hate them. 5

A: Neither do I. But my mother always asks me to have some

Here are the 1___ (结果) of the student sports survey in our class.

2____ (60%) students exercise every day. 3 _____ (25%) students

exercise three or four times a week. 4_____ (15%)students exercise twice

of three times a week. 5_______ (0%) student exercises only once a week.

As for sports, 6______(100%) the students 7 _____

(做) morning exercises every day, 8 ______ (25%) students run in the

morning. 9 _____ (15%) students play soccer after school. 10 ____ (60%)

students swim once a month.


He is pretty . He tries to exercise day. And his eating habits are

good. He often eats a lot of , ten to eleven a week. And he eats every

day and he milk every day. But he doesn’t love food very much, so he

to eat it only once a week. And he sleeps nine every . So you see, he looks

his health. And it makes a big to his grades. Good and exercise help him

A. Do you like vegetables?

B. Sometimes I will have the apple juice for a change.

C. How often do you have it?

D. How about you?

E. I’d like a glass of strawberry juice.
