• He have 3000 students .Among them,72 beome famous scholars.
Confucius Quotes
1. Keep what you say and carry out what you do .(言必信,行必果。)
2. Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed. (己所不欲,勿施于人。)
A Great educator & Thinker
Confucius (Chinese:孔子; pinyin:Kong zi)
• (551-479BC)
• Background • Educator • Thinker • Statesman • A symbol of Chinese culture
to go to other countries back and
A symbol of Chinese culture
es Worldwide
Confucius Quotes
1. Keep what you say and carry out what you do .(言必信,行必果。)
2. Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed. (己所不欲,勿施于人。)
A Great educator & Thinker
Confucius (Chinese:孔子; pinyin:Kong zi)
• (551-479BC)
• Background • Educator • Thinker • Statesman • A symbol of Chinese culture
to go to other countries back and
A symbol of Chinese culture
es Worldwide
3. 礼 rituals(仪 式),ceremony,manners,courteous(礼貌)
4. 智 wisdom,resourcefulness(足智多 谋),intellgence,well –educated
5. 信 royalty,faithful, reliable ,responsible,accountable(有责任 的 ),creditable(诚信)
Confucius (Chinese:孔子; pinyin:Kong zi)
• (551-479BC)
• Background • Educator • Thinker • Statesman • A symbol of Chinese culture
血管扩张药在适宜剂量下,动脉血压不变或轻度降低、心 率变化不大。但剂量过大,可引起严重低血压,故应用时 应从小剂量开始,并密切监护心率和血压。长期应用不能 立即停药,否则易引起反跳。
缺点: 血管扩张药长期应用,因反射性神经-体液变化而减弱其降压 作用 ①激活交感神经N → HR↑、耗O2 ↑ →诱发加重心绞痛 ②肾素活性↑ → 钠水潴留。一般不宜单用,常与利尿药和β 受体阻断药等合用,以提高疗效,减少不良反应。
• Confucius founded the Confucianism,which deeply influenced not only in the daily lives,but also the ideology(思想体系) of later generations in China.
• It is far-reaching that we are still living under the shadow of its sorroundings.As you know,it is called –the Harmonious Society nowadays.
4. 智 wisdom,resourcefulness(足智多 谋),intellgence,well –educated
5. 信 royalty,faithful, reliable ,responsible,accountable(有责任 的 ),creditable(诚信)
Confucius (Chinese:孔子; pinyin:Kong zi)
• (551-479BC)
• Background • Educator • Thinker • Statesman • A symbol of Chinese culture
血管扩张药在适宜剂量下,动脉血压不变或轻度降低、心 率变化不大。但剂量过大,可引起严重低血压,故应用时 应从小剂量开始,并密切监护心率和血压。长期应用不能 立即停药,否则易引起反跳。
缺点: 血管扩张药长期应用,因反射性神经-体液变化而减弱其降压 作用 ①激活交感神经N → HR↑、耗O2 ↑ →诱发加重心绞痛 ②肾素活性↑ → 钠水潴留。一般不宜单用,常与利尿药和β 受体阻断药等合用,以提高疗效,减少不良反应。
• Confucius founded the Confucianism,which deeply influenced not only in the daily lives,but also the ideology(思想体系) of later generations in China.
• It is far-reaching that we are still living under the shadow of its sorroundings.As you know,it is called –the Harmonious Society nowadays.
One’s parents
The people
Everything in the world (universal love)
不学礼无以立 Don't learn ritual indescribable made 身修而后家齐 The persons being cultivated, the families were
Top 10 key thinkers in the world (1984)
about Confu13cius
Winston Sun
Main article: Ren ( Humanity ) (a concept central to Confucianism)
Love of people︰
regulated. 家齐而后国治 The families being regulated, the States were rightly
governed. 国治而后天下平 The States being rightly governed, the entire world
was at peace.
people • Course content:
morality, proper speech, government, the refined arts
• Pedagogical[pedə'gɔdʒikəl] methods:
He poses questions, or uses apt analogies, and waits for his students to arrive at the right answers. • Education goal: to create superior men
The people
Everything in the world (universal love)
不学礼无以立 Don't learn ritual indescribable made 身修而后家齐 The persons being cultivated, the families were
Top 10 key thinkers in the world (1984)
about Confu13cius
Winston Sun
Main article: Ren ( Humanity ) (a concept central to Confucianism)
Love of people︰
regulated. 家齐而后国治 The families being regulated, the States were rightly
governed. 国治而后天下平 The States being rightly governed, the entire world
was at peace.
people • Course content:
morality, proper speech, government, the refined arts
• Pedagogical[pedə'gɔdʒikəl] methods:
He poses questions, or uses apt analogies, and waits for his students to arrive at the right answers. • Education goal: to create superior men
孔子与儒家(英文介绍) ppt课件
• Collective > Individual • Humans are good, but
we stray – Education and self-
Confucianism as a religion
• Religion = community of people who share beliefs, cultural practices, worship a deity/deities
• “something done with great attention to detail”
– Confucian philosophy of self discipline
Confucianism as a religion
• Confucius was not a god or a prophet
Confucianism as a system of ethics
• Moral conduct is the basis of social harmony • Emphasis on self discipline and education • Obligation to family
simply because it ought to be done, not for personal gain or profit.
Basically… A person does all action for the sake of Yi because they
A person does all actions for the sake of Jen because the respect for humanity implies the right
we stray – Education and self-
Confucianism as a religion
• Religion = community of people who share beliefs, cultural practices, worship a deity/deities
• “something done with great attention to detail”
– Confucian philosophy of self discipline
Confucianism as a religion
• Confucius was not a god or a prophet
Confucianism as a system of ethics
• Moral conduct is the basis of social harmony • Emphasis on self discipline and education • Obligation to family
simply because it ought to be done, not for personal gain or profit.
Basically… A person does all action for the sake of Yi because they
A person does all actions for the sake of Jen because the respect for humanity implies the right
• Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior.
Keep what you say and carry out what you do.
Confucius’s sayings:
yǒupéng zì yuǎnfāng lái,búyì yuè hū.
Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?
Confucius(孔子 kǒngzi)
Thinker 思想家 Educator 教育家 Statesman 政治家 Philosopher 哲学家 Founder of the Confucian school and
Confucianism 儒家学派创始人 Symbol of Chinese culture中国文化的象征
Confucian temple, is sacrificial offering Kong Zi and its Madame Qi Guanshi and 72 talented people's place.
The Confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 B.C., the second year which Kong Zi died constructs the temple
Keep what you say and carry out what you do.
Confucius’s sayings:
yǒupéng zì yuǎnfāng lái,búyì yuè hū.
Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?
Confucius(孔子 kǒngzi)
Thinker 思想家 Educator 教育家 Statesman 政治家 Philosopher 哲学家 Founder of the Confucian school and
Confucianism 儒家学派创始人 Symbol of Chinese culture中国文化的象征
Confucian temple, is sacrificial offering Kong Zi and its Madame Qi Guanshi and 72 talented people's place.
The Confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 B.C., the second year which Kong Zi died constructs the temple
Confucius, Confucianism and Christ, Christianity
Confucius: Latinized spelling
Chinese name: • Kong Fuzi 孔夫子 • (Master Kong) • 551-479 BC titles: The First Holy One, First Teacher, Teacher of the Ten
• Collective > Individual • Humans are good, but
we stray – Education and self-
Jamie Buehler
Confucianism as a religion
• Religion = community of people who share beliefs, cultural practices, worship a deity/deities
• “something done with great attention to detail”
– Confucian philosophy of self discipline
Confucianism as a religion
• Confucius was not a god or a prophet
• He did not create these ideas, but merely restored them
“As to being a Divine Sage or even a Good Man, far be it from me to make any such claim.”
Confucius: Latinized spelling
Chinese name: • Kong Fuzi 孔夫子 • (Master Kong) • 551-479 BC titles: The First Holy One, First Teacher, Teacher of the Ten
• Collective > Individual • Humans are good, but
we stray – Education and self-
Jamie Buehler
Confucianism as a religion
• Religion = community of people who share beliefs, cultural practices, worship a deity/deities
• “something done with great attention to detail”
– Confucian philosophy of self discipline
Confucianism as a religion
• Confucius was not a god or a prophet
• He did not create these ideas, but merely restored them
“As to being a Divine Sage or even a Good Man, far be it from me to make any such claim.”
Secondly, Confucius built up a system of philosophical thoughts with Ren as its basic virtue. This virtue is the central theme of his Analects. He considered Ren as the first and highest criterion of man’s behavior and the core of morality. 第二,建立了一套以“仁”为核心的思想体系,这集中体现在 《论语》一书中。 他认为“仁”是人的最高道德境界,是道德的核心内容,包 括孝、弟(悌)、恕、礼、恭、信、知、勇等内容。 Ren meant to “love other men”.For the person who have Ren, if treat others with generous,others will reward you Ren; if tforbear others, others will forbear you. “仁”就是“爱人”。“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人” (此句意指:仁爱之人,自己决定对人建立仁爱之心,别人才会对你仁爱,自 己决定对人宽容,别人才会对你宽容。
The most valuable use of the rites is to achieve harmony.
A wise man will not confused, a kindhearted man won't worried, a brave man is not afraid.
In educational practice, he created flexible teaching methods, promoting the combination of learning and thinking, learning and reviewing as well as teaching and learning. He emphasized on individualized and heuristic teaching . These ideas are still of great significance in practice today. 在教育实践中创立了灵活多样的教学方法,提 倡“学”与“思”结合,学习与复习结合以及教与 学结合,讲求因材施教和启发式教学等。这些思想, 直到今天还有其现实意义。
孔子与儒家(英文介绍) ppt课件
“China was no longer one country but a dozen, each potentially the enemy of any other”
Is Confucianism a philosophy, a code of ethics, or a religion?
simply because it ought to be done, not for personal gain or profit.
Basically… A person does all action for the sake of Yi because they
are the right thing to do.
Filial Piety 孝
• Reverence and extreme respect for parents. • A huge part of Chinese culture that has been adopted into three
main religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. • Varies from taking care of the parents to burying them
The Four Books 四书
• Analects of Confucius • Doctrine of the Mean • Great Learning • Mencius
Eros vs Agape 爱(愛 )
• Eros
– Sexual, romantic love
孔子介绍(中英文版) PPT
政治上,周天子只是在名义上君临天下,实际上已 没有多大权力。
In the political field, the king of the East Zhou Dynasty continued to reign over the country, but in name only, for he had little real power.
政治上和经济上的变革必然对各阶层人的思想 观点产生影响。
Such political and economic changes were certain to affect the thinking and attitudes (opinions) of all people (people from all walks of life).
Frequent within those states were...
经济上,铁器开始使用,农业生产大大提高。与 此同时,手工业和商业也有发展。在大城市里出现 了富商,他们甚至可以和掌权的公侯交往,并对其 施加影响。
In the economic field, agricultural production rose markedly thanks to the use of iron tools. Along with this developed handicrafts and commerce. In big cities emerged rich merchants who were capable of steady contacts with ruling princes or dukes, and even exerting influence on them.
各国统治者都力图富国强兵,民众在兵役和赋 税的重压下,渴望生存与和平。
• Quick and eager to learn, don't be ashamed to ask
• If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools
famous book
This is a book about the Discussion between Confucius and his student. It's a very important work of Confucianism and it’s also the basis for the Confucius study, there's a lot of right
but understand etiquette, so he could be my teacher."
• He ran private schools widely and paid attention to "teaching students according to their aptitude" . He required students to "review the past and learn the new" and develop an honest attitude towards learning
• He was a great thinker, educationist and the founder of Confucianism in ancient China
Temple of Confucius
JiangSu Confucian Temple
• If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools
famous book
This is a book about the Discussion between Confucius and his student. It's a very important work of Confucianism and it’s also the basis for the Confucius study, there's a lot of right
but understand etiquette, so he could be my teacher."
• He ran private schools widely and paid attention to "teaching students according to their aptitude" . He required students to "review the past and learn the new" and develop an honest attitude towards learning
• He was a great thinker, educationist and the founder of Confucianism in ancient China
Temple of Confucius
JiangSu Confucian Temple
effective and systematic ↓ Eclipse in the 3rd century B.C. ↓ Revive in Han dynasty Dong Zhongshu ↓ Overshadowed by rival ,(Taoism Buddhism) became an orthodox state teaching after Han ↓ Became an complete metaphysics in Song dynasty
“Five Classics” The Book Of Poetry 诗 The Book of Documents 书 The Records of Rites 礼 The Book of Changes 易 The Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋
The basis of education up to the early 20th
begin to construct in 478 B.C
The analects of Confucious
Elementary textbooks
for Confucianism study Author “Four Books” Mencius The Great Learning The Doctrine of the Mean
Born in 551 B.C.
Died in 479 B.C Qiu Zhongni
孔子[1]:子姓,以孔为氏,名丘,字仲尼。。 “子”:古代对成年男子的尊称,在春秋战
国时期,拥有一定社会地位的成年男子都可 以称为“子”,而且都希望别人称自己为 “子”,因为“子”还是一种爵位,所谓 “公侯伯子男”也。但是,真正能获得别人 以“子”相称的,一般是两种人:要么在社 会上公信力较高的,如“老师”;要么就是 较有道德的贵族;孔子、老子属于前者。
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。20 21/6/2 82021/ 6/28Monday, June 28, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出 的人谈 话。202 1/6/28 2021/6/ 282021 /6/286 /28/202 1 12:25:23 PM
Confucius and Confucianism
Chinese Name: 孔子
English Name: Confucius
Alias: Confucius, Confucius
Place of origin: China, Shandong, Qufu City, Southeast
Place of birth: China, Shandong, Qufu City, Southeast
Nationality: Lu (one of the spring and Autumn)
Date of birth: September 28th 551 BC
Death years: in April 11th 479 BC
Occupation: statesman, thinker, educator, founder of Confucianism
15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计 ,莫如 树木; 终身之 计,莫 如树人 。2021 年6月20 21/6/2 82021/ 6/28202 1/6/28 6/28/20 21
16、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更 重要。 因为解 决问题 也许仅 是一个 数学上 或实验 上的技 能而已 ,而提 出新的 问题, 却需要 有创造 性的想 像力, 而且标 志着科 学的真 正进步 。2021/ 6/2820 21/6/28 June 28, 2021
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The basic Confucius doctrines(经 济学说) are embodied(V.表现) in
the following characters:
1. 仁 benevolence(仁慈 ),to be humanity,mercy,and kindness
2. 义 justness,righteousness(正义 ),obligation(义 务),friendly
• He established first private school in China and accepted the students from everywhere.
• Subjects:Manners,Music,Literature, Riding,Archery,and Mathematics(礼, 乐,射,御,书,数)
3. The commander of the forces of a large State may be carried off, but the will of even a common man cannot be taken from him.(三军可夺师也,匹夫不可夺志 也。)
• Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K'ung Ch'iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.
• As a statesman,Confucius didn’t
play an important role in his
homeland .Once had he been the
acting prime
ministre,however,dFra bibliotekring his
whole-life political career,he had
• He have 3000 students .Among them,72 beome famous scholars.
Confucius Quotes
1. Keep what you say and carry out what you do .(言必信,行必果。)
2. Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed. (己所不欲,勿施于人。)
A Great educator & Thinker
Confucius (Chinese:孔子; pinyin:Kong zi)
• (551-479BC)
• Background • Educator • Thinker • Statesman • A symbol of Chinese culture
• Confucius founded the Confucianism,which deeply influenced not only in the daily lives,but also the ideology(思想体系) of later generations in China.
• It is far-reaching that we are still living under the shadow of its sorroundings.As you know,it is called –the Harmonious Society nowadays.
to go to other countries back and
A symbol of Chinese culture
• Map for confucius Institutes Worldwide
3. 礼 rituals(仪 式),ceremony,manners,courteous(礼貌)
4. 智 wisdom,resourcefulness(足智多 谋),intellgence,well –educated
5. 信 royalty,faithful, reliable ,responsible,accountable(有责任 的 ),creditable(诚信)