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The region's share in the economy of the country - 5.7% (6th place by GRP volume)
Gross regional product structure (в %) (according to the results of 2016)
Foreign enterprises– 18 unites Joint ventures – 155 unites Partner countries - China, Russia, Korea, Turkey, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, Greece, Lithuania, etc. Foreign trade volume – 916,5 million USD. Employed workforce – 23,312
Enterprises with participation of foreign investments by branches of the economy.
7% 11%
industry 77% services 11%
trade 7%
Agriculture 5%
Law “On Foreign Investments” Law "On Investment Activity” Law "On Guarantees and Measures to Protect the Rights of Foreign Investors”
5% 3% 7%
knitwear 53,3% cotton yarn 32,2%
Of these:
1546 enterprises (of which 28 enterprises with foreign investments) More than 300 types of light industry products are produced. Annual production is 247 million doll.
Why Andijan is an attractive investment destination?
Favorable geographical location. (Access to external markets)
Intellectual potential (Educated workforce)
Intellectual potential
(Educated workforce)
There are 132 educational institutions in the region
Of these
Higher educational institutions- 4 The number of graduates - 4665 In the sphere of industry - 1500 In the financial and economic direction-1820
Natural gas Collateral for the region – 1,5 billion cube/m per year Provision for rural areas -1 billion cubic/meters
Provision by area - 2,7 million kw/hour of which about 10 percent are free resources
53% 32%
socks 7,2% fabrics 4,3% kintted fabrics 3%
Mineral and raw material potential
Resources of minerals as: Sand, gravel, algoporite
-reserves amount to 34,3 mln. cubic/m -located in Khanabad, Andijan, Asaka, Marhamat and Pakhtaabad districts.
Over 50 normative legal documents on regulating of investment activity adopted in Uzbekistan
7 laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 18 Presidential decrees and resolutions, 20 decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, more than 10 departmental regulations
trade and services
339 845.3
Structure of exports in 2016 (%)
Food products
Machine and equipments Services Chemical Ferrous metals Non-ferrous metals Others
29,1 %
18,0 % 9,5 % 0,5 % 0,2 % 0,1 % 42,6 %
5,0 %
Production and reproduction of cotton fiber
Volume of cotton fiber produced
83,2 thousand tons.
Cotton fiber
Geological reserves as: Brick raw materials
- reserves amount to 24.2 mln. cubic/m. - located in Khanabad, Andijan, Asaka, Marhamat, Pakhtaobad, Khojaabad, Izbaskan and Kurgantepa districts.
Stable provision of gas, electric and water, infrastructure
Sustainable economic and industrial growth
Transport potential
The most densely populated region - large internal market
and 14 districts
Population – 2,9 million people (2016year), which
47,7% live in rural areas and 52,3% - in cities.
large industrial region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. From the northeast and south of the region borders on Republic of Kyrgyzstan, in west - with the Fergana Region and in northwest – with the Namangan region.
Colleges - 119 The Number of graduates - 31287 In the sphere of industry - 7500 In financial direction - 6400 Lyceums-9 The number of graduates - 5068
industry 16%
Dynamics of GRP growth for 2012-2016. (%)
trade and services 44% Agriculture 33%
building 7%
2012 2012 год year
2016 год 2016 year
Structure of imports in 2016 (%)
Machine and equipments Chemical Services Ferrous metals Food products Non-ferrous metals 69,2 % 9,4 % 7,1 % 4,2 % 4,0 % 0,6 %
Drinking water Provision for the region - 38 million cubic meters Provision for rural areas - 22 million cubic meters / meter
•International airport - located in the Andijan city.
Lime stone
- reserves amount of 52,7 mln. cubic/m - located in Andijan and Bulakbashi districts.
Touristic potential of the region
In the Andijan region there are: -16 hotels -50 modern restaurants -54 historical monuments -7 museums -2 theater -4 cinemas -3 Eco-touristic recreational facilities area (Andijan, Bulakbashi, Khanabad city)
Rich mineral and rபைடு நூலகம்w material potential

Distance from Tashkent city - 360 km.
Andijan region is the
Total area - 4,3 thous. sq. km Consists of - 2 cities (Andijan and Khanabad)
Over the years of independence, attracted foreign direct investments to the region totaling – 1.3 billion dollars.
Enterprises with foreign capital – 173 unites
•Railways -262 km.
•Roads and highways - 8.2 thousand km length, including international highway A-373 and M-41.
Highways enable transportation of export-import cargoes through the following directions: Andijan - Osh - Irkeshtam - China - Seaport of Karachi (Pakistan) Andijan - Osh - Irkeshtam - South seaports of the China. Andijan - Tashkent - Samarkand - Termez - Afghanistan. Andijan - Tashkent - Kazakhstan - Russia - the Commonwealth of independent states countries. Andijan - Tashkent - Turkmenistan - The southern seaports of Iran.