新编英语教程(第三版) Unit6练习册答案

新编英语教程6练习与答案高级英语(二)教与学指南Practice TestsforAdvanced English(2)主编张华鸿第五、六册本书的主要特点:1.2.前言编写本书的目的:目前英语专业三年级所使用的由上海外国语大学李观仪教授主编的〈新编英语教程〉紧扣精读课文编写练习,实用性、针对性强。
编者2021年1月于华南师范大学外文学院ContentsUnit One: *****S ERUPTSUnit Two: THE FINE ART OF ***** THINGS OFFUnit Three: WALLS AND *****SUnit Four: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?Unit Five: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?Unit Six: DULL WORKUnit Seven: BEAUTYUnit Eight: *****EUnit Nine: A RED LIGHT FOR *****WSUnit Ten: *****T-A *****ACYUnit Eleven: ON *****ING *****IPTS TOFLOPPY DISCS AND *****S TO *****NUnit Twelve: GRANT AND LEEUnit Thirteen: *****SMUnit Fourteen: THAT *****ING *****---NATUREUnit Fifteen: *****G AS **********3 16 28 40 53 65 74 84 98 114 131 147 163 175 191TEXT I Unit One*****S ERUPTSI. Paraphrase the parts underlined in the following:So the letter which you asked me to write on my uncle s death has made you eager tohear about the terrors and also the hazards I had to face 12I took a bath, dined, and then dozed 3had been earth 4Campania: but that night the shocks were so violent that everything fell as if it were notonly shaken but overturned.I don t know whether I should call this courage or 5on my part (I was onlyseventeen at the time) but I 6 and went on reading as if I hadnothing else to do.Up came a friend of my uncle s who had just come from Spain to join him. When hesaw us sitting there and me actually reading, he scolded us both ―me for my 7and my mother for allowing it.By now it was dawn [25 August in the year 79], but the light was still dim and 8The buildings round us were already 9and the open space we were in was toosmall for us not to be in real and 10danger if the house collapsed. This finally 11to leave the town. We were followed by a panic- stricken mob of peoplewanting to act on someone else s decision 12looks like 13who 14in a densecrowd.We also saw the sea sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquake: at anyrate it receded from the shore so that 1516sand. On the landward side a fearful black cloud was 17of flame, and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified insize.At this point my uncle s friend from Spain 18still more urgently: “If yourbrother, if your uncle is still alive, he will want you both to be saved; if he is dead, he wouldwant you to survive him so why put off your escape?”Soon afterwards the cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already 19Capri and hidden the promontory of Misenum from sight. Then my mother 20I looked round: a dense black cloud was coming up behind us, spreading over the earthlike a flood. “Let us leave the road while we can still see,” I said, “or we shall be knockeddown and 21in the dark by the crowd behind.”You could hear the shrieks of women, the 22some were calling their parents, others their children or their wives, trying to recognize them by their voices. People 23were some who 2425gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that the universe was plungedinto eternal darkness forevermore. There were people, too, who 26inventing 27part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them. A 28than daylight.I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear 2930dying with me and I with it.We returned to Misenum where we 31and then spent an anxious night alternating between hope and fear.II. Rewrite the followingFor each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to1. We were followed by a panic-stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else sdecision in preference to their own, who hurried us on our wayby pressing hard behindin a dense crowd.2. We replied that we would not think of considering our own safety as long as we wereuncertain of his.3. There were people, too, who added to the real perils by inventing fictitious dangers: somereported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though theirtales were false they found others to believe them.4. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me in these perils, had I not derivedsome poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dyingwith me and I with it.5. Several hysterical individuals made their own and other people s calamities seemludicrous in comparison with their frightful predictions.Compared with several individuals frightful predictions, the calamities____________III. Translate the following into English1. 还未等我们坐下来喘息,夜幕已经降临,这黑暗使你觉得不是在无月色或多云的夜晚,而像是在灯火熄灭的紧闭的房间里。
新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 6

Unit6Active reading (1)Last man down: the fireman’s storyLanguage points1 Last man down: the fireman’s story (Title)The expression last man down, similar to last man standing, refers to the survivor or winner. The lastman down from the tower before it collapsed would be one of the bravest.2 There were about two dozen of us by the bank of elevators ... (Para 2)A bank of elevators means a set of lifts.3 Some had their turnout coats off, or tied around their waists. (Para 2) Turnout coats are the uniform firefighters wear when they turn out for a fire.4 Others were raring to go. (Para 2)The expression raring to go is an old form of rearing up, and means being eager to go like a horse.5 All of us were taking a beat to catch our breaths, and our bearings, figure out what the hell wasgoing on. (Para 2)To take a beat means to rest for a moment.A bearing is an exact compass reading measured in degrees. To take your bearings is to find where youare. Here it means both physically and mentally.6 We’d been at this thing, hard, for almost an hour, some a little bit less, and we were nowhere closeto done. (Para 2)To be at this thing is a slang expression which means to work on this mission. The expression nowhere close to done means someone is far from completing their work.7 Of course, we had no idea what there was left to do, but we hadn’t made a dent. (Para 2)A dent is a mark on a piece of metal as when you bump your car. To make a dent in something is to havean effect on it (imagine beating a piece of hard steel and not making any mark on it). To make a dent heremeans to achieve something. The firefighters had hardly begun their work.8 As if we could see clear through the ceiling tiles for an easy answer. (Para 3)Looking up for the source of the noise was only useful if you could see through the floors above, but itstill remained an instinctive reaction.9 The building was shaking like in an earthquake, like an amusement park thrill ride gone berserk …(Para 3)The word berserk was originally about ancient Viking warriors who worshipped a bear god (ber). Theywould go into a terrible rage or madness when fighting. It now means utterly and dangerously crazy.10 The way it coursed right through me. (Para 3)To course means to run or flow somewhere quickly. The noise and vibration have a strong physical effecton the writer.11 I thought about my wife and my kids, but only fleetingly and not in any kind of life-flashing-beforemy-eyes sort of way. (Para 4)Life flashing before my eyes is a claim made by someone who has near-death experiences, as in anaccident, of seeing a slow motion version of the most important events in their lives. Researchers say itmay be the reaction of the brain to trauma.Streets full of heroes Unit 619912 Or, “We’ll all meet at the big one.” (Para 4)After any fire, the fighters use the expression the big one to minimize that fire and suggest there willalways be a bigger one coming. It is a brave act of understatement.13 I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part of our shorthand. (Para 4)To pick up on it means to learn it and start using it. It is a slang expression. Shorthand is a system of writing used for taking down fast speech. It uses symbols for common wordsand can only be understood by people who learn it. Firemen have their own spoken shorthand (as do mostprofessions). To an outsider, the big one would not mean much, but as the writer explains it was rich inmeaning to him and his colleagues.14 I fumbled for some fix on the situation, thinking maybe if I understood what was happening I couldsteel myself against it. (Para 5)Some fix is a slang term which means a way of understanding.To steel oneself against something means to prepare oneself to do something unpleasant.15 A battalion commander for the New York Fire Department, he was on the sceneof the disaster … (Para 6)The Fire Department is divided up into battalions of up to 200 consisting of a number of companies ofabout 30 firefighters.Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of the extract.2 In this dramatic personal account, firefighter Richard Picciotto recalls what he was doing and thinking,just before the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed on 11 September 2001.4 Answer the questions.1 Where was Richard Picciotto at 9:59 am on 11 September 2001?He was on the 35th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center.2 Who was with him?About two dozen firefighters.3 What was everybody trying to do?They were resting and trying to work out what was going on.4 How long had they been in the building?Nearly an hour.5 What did they do when the noise started?They stood still.6 What was happening to the building?It was falling down.7 What did Picciotto start thinking about when he heard the noise?He started thinking about his family, job and the bagels in the kitchen.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2008 Did Picciotto have the impression things were happening quickly or slowly? To him, it seems things were happening slowly while in truth they weren’t.9 How did Picciotto get out of the tower?He climbed through the rubble and led his men to safety.10 How many firefighters lost their lives?Altogether 343 firefighters.11 Why did Picciotto write Last Man Down?He wrote it as a tribute to his colleagues.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make a fire stop burning (extinguish)2 the total number of people who have been killed or hurt (toll)3 an extremely difficult or frightening situation (nightmare)4 a very sad event that causes people to suffer or die (tragedy)5 as much as possible (utmost)6 impressive actions that prove someone is very brave (heroism)7 happening in a confused way and without any order or organization (chaotic)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.For a firefighter arriving on the scene of a fire the first few minutes are usually the most (1) chaotic.He has to (2) extinguish the fire, he also needs to find out if human lives are in danger. When people aretrapped inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent (3) tragedy, or, –in the (4) nightmare scenario – tokeep the death (5) toll to a minimum. Actions like these require the (6) utmost degree of (7) heroism.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He’s a very honest, fair and well-behaved sort of person. (decent)2 I’d like to express my thanks for everything you’ve done for me. (gratitude)3 There was a group of cows standing in the corner of the field. (herd)4 There have been very big increases in food prices over the last few months. (massive)5 All the people should leave the building immediately when the alarm sounds. (evacuate)6 She has displayed all the qualities needed for being a leader in her job. (leadership)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you are raring to go, are you eager to (a) leave, or (b) start an activity?2 If you get your bearings, do you (a) lose your way, or (b) find out where you are?3 If you are nowhere close to done, do you (a) still have a lot more work to do to finish the job, or (b) stillfeel strong and ready to work?4 If you haven’t made a dent in something, have you (a) made good progress, or (b) hardly begun the job?5 Is a racket (a) a loud and unpleasant noise, or (b) a low musical sound?Streets full of heroes Unit 62016 If something goes berserk, is it (a) quiet and well-behaved, or (b) out of control?7 Does whatever the hell it was suggest that the writer (a) knew exactly whatthe noise was, or (b) didn’tknow what the noise was?8 If something is part of the shorthand, can you (a) easily understand it, or(b) not understand it?9 If you are fumbling for a fix, are you (a) trying to understand something, or (b) trying to stay where you are?Active reading (2)Language points1 “Suddenly,” she wrote in her syndicated column, “I saw on the sidewalka figure of a man.” (Para 1)A syndicated column is a regular newspaper article sold to newspapers all around the country.2 “I felt certain that somewhere along the line she would stub her toe,” said Perkins, thinking ofWashington’s fishbowl atmosphere. (Para 3)To stub her toe means to do damage to herself or get hurt.In a fishbowl atmosphere, everyone can see what is happening in the fishbowl. The sentence means Perkins was sure sooner or later she would get into trouble and be criticized.3 I don’t know how she did it. What to lay it to? (Para 3)The expression what to lay it to means “how can one explain it?”.4 … “that a crippled man, victim of a cruel affliction, was able for more than ten years to ride thestorms of peace and war at the summit of the US …” (Para 3)A man in a wheelchair with a terrible disease could lead his country well both during the Great Depressionand World War.5 “Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to play firstviolin,” remarked Perkins. (Para 4)People who play second violin are those who do not lead or give solos and who are always of lesserimportance. To play first violin means to be the leader and take the initiative.6 “Now, if you want to know what I think about Mrs Roosevelt, she istuh-riffic! …” (Para 5)The word tuh-riffic means terrific. It is pronounced with a strong regional accent.7 On a trip to India ... introduced to the Indian Parliament by Pandit Nehru as “a representative ofresurgent humanity”. (Para 6)The expression resurgent humanity refers to recovering from the horrors of thefirst half of the 20thcentury. A representative of resurgent humanity refers to an example of the most admirable and progressivetype of person.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 Eleanor Roosevelt became a volunteer (c) .(a) when she met her husband(b) when her husband became President of the US(c) as a young woman(d) when she saw a homeless man in the street2 When she became the wife of the president (c) .(a) she gave up her job(b) she began to write for a newspaper(c) she reinvented the role of First Lady(d) she found it difficult to reconcile family life and public affairsStreets full of heroes Unit 62073 When she held her first press conference (a) .(a) she didn’t allow men to atte nd(b) she pushed her husband in on a wheelchair(c) she made speeches(d) her involvement in politics shocked people4 While Roosevelt was president, Eleanor (c) .(a) stayed a full-time wife and mother(b) made a lot of people angry(c) defended the rights of women and Afro-Americans(d) became the host of a television programme5 After her husband died she (c) .(a) retired from public life(b) became the only female delegate to the United Nations(c) helped implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(d) started writing for a newspaper6 In the last years of her life she (b) .(a) went to live in India(b) continued to promote the rights of women(c) was given a new task by President Kennedy(d) gave up her interest in politicsDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting (delegate)2 to believe that something is the cause of someone or something else (ascribe)3 a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area(correspondent)4 a very high level of skill or ability (genius)5 to control someone or something, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence(dominate)6 used about a feeling or thought you do not realize you have (unconscious)7 to watch something in order to check that it works in the way that it should (oversee)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.Eleanor Roosevelt showed her (1) genius for getting the support of other (2) delegates in the UNAssembly. She was a great speaker who knew how to (3) oversee important meetings without being seento (4) dominate them. She was also a talented (5) correspondent and she wrote a daily column for manyyears. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s success as president was (6) ascribed by many to her support and wonderfulcharacter. She became involved in politics because of her sense of right and wrong and an (7) unconsciousneed to help people.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2085 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He has been unable to use his legs since birth. (crippled)2 We need to call a meeting for world leaders about this issue. (summit)3 The first thing I read in the newspaper is the regular section about the arts. (column)4 Our class visit to the United Nations was a wonderful experience. (marvelous)5 It’s import ant to try to influence politicians about the need to improve transport facilities in our area.(lobby)6 How many millions of people live in the very poor areas of Mumbai? (slums)6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 In a fishbowl atmosphere, are you (a) likely, or (b) unlikely to see what everyone is doing?2 Is a mishap a (a) positive, or (b) negative experience?3 If you have a humane attitude, are you (a) kind and caring, or (b) cruel and uncaring?4 If you win over someone to your cause, do you (a) defeat them, or (b) persuade them to join you?5 Does an affliction make your life (a) easy, or (b) difficult?6 If you ride the storm, do you (a) survive it, or (b) fall victim to it?7 Is a superlative performance (a) very good, or (b) just good?8 If a politician has a throng of admirers, are there (a) many people, or (b)a few who like them?9 If you are on a par with someone, are you in (a) the same position, or (b) different positions?Language in useword formation: gender-inclusive language1 Look at the sentences from the passages and answer the questions.Last man down: The fireman’s storyWe were firefighters, mostly, and we were in various stages of exhaustion.Streets full of heroes Unit 6211Please join Life magazine as we honor the power and humanity of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt by inductingher into the Hall of Heroes.1 What meaning do fireman and firefighter share?Someone whose job is to fight fires.2 What extra meaning is included in the word fireman?The person is male.3 Does the word heroes refer to men, women, or both?Both.2 Replace the underlined words with gender-inclusive language.1 Miss Read was the headmistress at school, and I was very fond of her. (headteacher)2 Mother Teresa and Eleanor Roosevelt are two great heroines of our time. (heroes)3 There were a lot of policemen standing at the entrance to the factory. (police officers)4 More than three hundred firemen died in the fire. (firefighters)5 We’ll ask one of our salesgirls to come and help you. (salespersons) Why is it that …?3 Rewrite the sentences using Why is it that ...?1 I don’t know why we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town.Why is it that we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town?2 I don’t know why we are not able to organize fair elections in this part of the world.Why is it that in this part of the world we are not able to organize fair elections?3 I don’t know why they never employ qualified people in this hotel.Why is it that in this hotel they never employ qualified people?4 I don’t know why the system of welfare is still not working properly in this country.Why is it that in this country the system of welfare is still not working properly?5 I don’t know why you always find such an easy answer to all the questionsI ask.Why is it that you always find such an easy answer to all the questions I ask?adj. + though it + be4 Rewrite the sentences using adj. + though it + be.1 My time in the United States was short, but it was interesting.My time in the United States, short though it was, was interesting.2 The scenes of destruction were terrible, but not surprising.The scenes of destruction, terrible though they were, were not surprising.3 The rescue operation cost a lot of money, but it was successful.The rescue operation, costly though it was, was successful.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2124 The lesson he gave was extremely interesting, but it was soon forgotten. The lesson he gave, interesting though it was, was soon forgotten.5 Mother Teresa may have been old, but she was extremely active.Mother Teresa, old though she may have been, was extremely active.6 His actions may have been unconscious, but they have had very serious consequences.His actions, unconscious though they may have been, have had very serious consequences.collocations5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box. Sometimesmore than one collocation is possible.1 My grandfather died suddenly after a massive heart attack.2 There was a column of smoke in the sky for days after 9/11.3 Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a daily / newspaper column for nearly 30 years.4 The stress began to take a toll on their marriage.5 The final death toll might be much higher than the police at first thought.6 How many newspaper columns have been written about the heroes of the last century?7 Do you have to pay a toll to drive on the motorway?8 Your idea was brilliant – a stroke of genius!9 My hero is my English teacher. He has a genius for helping us understand Shakespeare.10 When she died she left a massive amount of money to charity.6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 I thought how we firemen were always saying to each other, “I’ll see you at the big one.” Or, “We’ll allmeet at the big one.” I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part ofour shorthand. Meaning, no matter how big this fire is, there’ll be another one bigger, somewhere downthe road. We’ll make it through this one, and we’ll make it through that one, too. I always said it, at bigfires, and I always heard it back, and here I was, thinking I would never say or hear these words again,because there would never be another fire as big as this. This was the big one we had all talked about,all our lives, and if I hadn’t known this before – just before these chilling moments – this sick, blacknoise now confirmed it. (这段话由许多短句构成,要注意短句间语气的连接。

Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have … trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初 天地还是一体 充满混沌。

Unit 6 1 Exercise I1. Spelling1. enjoyable 2. irresistible 3. browse 4. vaguely 5. indulgent 6. illustrate 7. beckon 8. inevitable 9. approach 10. account 11. variety 12. unaware 2. Dictation Many students who call themselves bad readers nevertheless do read some things successfully. They may read novels or they may read the sports page every day. But a textbook is a different matter. A textbook gives them a lot of trouble. Why is that? One reason is lack of interest. Another is that they are often unfamiliar with the subject about which they are reading. But a third reason is that they try to read a textbook as if it were a novel or a sports story or a problem to be solved by Ann Landers. They respond to the textbook inappropriately. How you read something depends on the author’s purpose in writing. There are basically four purposes for writing. Some authors write to tell a story; others write to create an image in your mind; mind; some some some write write write to to to inform inform inform or or or teach; teach; teach; and and and still still still others others others write write write to to to convince convince convince you you you of of of a a a particular particular viewpoint. Each of these four purposes requires a different response as you read. If you respond differently to different types of writing, you will find that your reading will be much easier. 3. Listening ComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts. 1.The The man man man was was was on on on his his his way way way to to to a a a country country country village village village when when when he he he heard heard heard a a a strange strange strange noise noise noise coming coming coming from from behind his car. F The man was on his way from a country village to London. 2.He examined the back of the car carefully, but found nothing wrong. F He examined the wheels carefully, but found nothing wrong. 3.When he turned his head, he found many bees following his car. T 4.He soon knew that a queen been and her followers had hidden in his car. F He soon knew that a queen bee had hidden in his car. 5.The man was very surprised when a policeman arrived. F The man telephoned the police and explained what had happened. But no policemen arrived on the scene. 6.The bee-keeper was very happy because he had been able to help the motorist. F The bee-keeper was very happy because he had received an unexpected gift — a big box full of bees — from the motorist. B. Arrange the following sentences according to the order of happening.1. A bee-keeper finally helped the man to solve the problem. 2. He soon found thousands of bees near his car. 3. He arrived at a hotel in London where he had a drink. 4. The man stopped his car when he heard a strange noise. 5. He drove as quickly as he could to get rid of the bees. 6. As he couldn’t find anything wrong with his car, he went on his way. 7. A customer hurried in to tell him that his car was covered with bees.The correct order of the sentences: 4 6 2 5 3 7 1 Script:An Unwelcome PassengerHidden Hidden passengers passengers passengers travelling travelling travelling in in in ships, ships, ships, trains, trains, trains, or or or even even even cars cars cars can can can be be be a a a terrible terrible terrible nuisance nuisance nuisance ——especially when they are insects. In this respect, there is a great difference between human beings and and insects. insects. insects. The The The former former former make make make every every every possible possible possible effort effort effort to to to avoid avoid avoid discovery, discovery, discovery, while while while the the the latter latter latter quickly quickly draw attention to themselves. We can only sympathize with the unfortunate man who had to stop his car soon after setting out from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the back of the car, he naturally got out to have a look. He examined the wheels carefully but as he found nothing wrong, he he continued continued continued his his his way. way. way. The The The noise noise noise began began began almost almost almost immediately immediately immediately and and and now now now it it it was was was louder louder louder than than than ever. ever. Quickly turning his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great black cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby. On On learning learning learning this, this, this, the the the man man man realized realized realized that that that the the the only only only way way way to to to escape escape escape would would would be be to to drive drive drive away away away as as quickly as possible. After an hour’s hard driving, he arrived in London where he parked his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. It was not long before a customer who had seen him arrive hurried in to inform him that his car was covered with bees. The poor motorist telephoned the police and explained what had happened. The police decided that the best way to deal with the situation situation would would would be be be to to to call call call a a a bee-keeper. bee-keeper. bee-keeper. In In In a a a short short short time, time, time, the the the bee-keeper bee-keeper bee-keeper arrived. arrived. arrived. He He He found found found the the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back of the car. Very grateful to the motorist for this unexpected gift, the keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box. Equally grateful, the motorist drove away in peace, at last free from the “black cloud” which had hung over his car. 4. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1. 看到敌机飞近,他们飞奔开去,寻找可以躲避炸弹的掩蔽处。

Unit 6一、词汇短语Text Astudio [] n. 摄影棚;画室;播音室;(电影)制片厂【例句】The studio is being wired for sound. 这个播音室正在安装音响设备用的电线。
sleeve [] n. 袖子,袖套;唱片封套v. 给…装袖子【例句】His shirt has short sleeves. 他的衬衫袖子短了。
in tune一致;合调子【例句】His ideas are in tune with the times. 他的思想适合时代的潮流。
stalk [] n. 茎,柄,梗,秆vt. 悄悄地跟踪vi. 高视阔步地走【例句】Remove the stalks from the cherries before you eat them. 吃樱桃前要先把梗儿去掉。
【词组】stalk along (the road)(在路上)得意地踱着方步【助记】s+talk(说话)→悄悄跟踪的时候不敢说话。
steal walk 偷偷走,隐藏着跟踪;stock 树干,总是躲在树干后面就是隐伏跟踪;stick 棍子;音:丝稻杆。
scarcely [] adv. 几乎不;仅仅【例句】There is scarcely enough food. 几乎没有足够的食物。
eyebrow [] n. 眉毛【例句】I can not go to the movie—I am up to my eyebrow. 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。
nothing of the kind毫不相似;没那事【例句】There is nothing of the kind in what they said; you always try to misinterpret the words of others.他们说的绝不是那么一回事,你总是想曲解别人的话。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Part 1. Preparationby its very nature就其本质而言unconditional [5QnkEn5diFEnEl] adj.无条件的,无限制的,绝对的【例句】The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender. 胜方要求敌人无条件投降。
【搭配】unconditional surrender 无条件投降live up to不辜负;做到;实践【例句】In some ways, we failed to live up to one another’s expectations. 在某些方面,我们互相的期望都落了空。
do one’s duty尽职责Part 2. Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class Readingseverely [si5viEli] adv.严格地,激烈地【例句】Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished. 犯下这宗罪行的人将受到严厉惩罚。
severe [si5viE] adj.严厉的,严格的;剧烈的;严重的,严峻的【例句】He’s suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。

新编英语教程 6 练习册答案【篇一:新编英语教程 6 练习册中译英】>unit 11. 因为缺乏资本,整个计划失败了。
(fall through)the whole plan fell through for want of fund.2. 牛顿被公以为是世界上最优秀的科学家之一。
(eminent)newton is acknowledged as one of the world ’s most eminent scientists.3. 他对生产成本的估量老是正确无误。
(invariable)he calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.4. 企业发言人的不负责任发言遇到了严苛谴责。
(berate)the spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.5. 这名商业银行的年青职员看出那张十英镑的假币。
(spot)the young clerk from the commercial bank spotted thecounterfeit ten-pound note.6. 这个精壮的经理马上行动了起来。
(promptly)the efficient manager acted promptly.7. 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。
(substitute)please substitute her name for yours on the waiting list.8. 她感觉她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段可贵的经验。
(rewarding)she found that her internship in the local general hospital wasa rewarding experience.9. 不要叹息过去的不幸,抖擞起来向前看。
新编英语教程(第三版) Unit6练习册答案

Reference for Unit 6 workbook exercisesBlank FillingA.1. changed, promising2. coming, qualified3. determined4. spoken, leading, surprising5. frightening6. demanding7. pleased, soiled8. complicated9. interested, exciting, soaked10. t iring, tiredB.1. giving2. Fascinated, rising / rise3. singing, to do, making4. keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing5. opening6. to take, shopping, doing, to do7. to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do8. to watch, to read, reading, watching9. missing, to tell10. t o be taken11. s wimming, cleaning, to do12. w aiting, seeing, missing, to find, to beC.1. for2. to3. of4. on5. read6. across7. about / for 8. in9. until / till10. o pinion11. b y12. k eep13. e xcellent14. t ime15. p leasure16. f rom17. y ourself18. i n19. f illed20. t rains21. b ut22. m eeting23. t hings24. a ttitude25. f orD.1. speaking2. before3. by4. few5. developed6. how7. writing 8. step9. or10. o f11. f ound12. f rom13. i deas14. u sed15. t he16. f irst17. r epresent18. c an19. l anguage20. m aking21. w orld22. t o23. o f24. o nly25. w ayVI. Sentence RewritingA.1. Whenever he … bookshop, he …away from it.2. Whoever he is, he … law.3. Wherever he went, poor … life.4. Whatever you may say, I … thi ng.5. However hard he tries, he … satisfactorily6. Don’t …, whoever repeats it. / Whoever repeats it, don’t…7. However annoying his behavior is / may be, we … him.8. Whatever he … say, I … going.9. Keep calm, whatever happens. / Whatever happens, keep …10. T he boy…, wherever he is. / Wherever …, the boy…B.1. To his great joy, his uncle … present.2. Much to our relief, the plane … last.3. To the surprise of the teacher, yang Ling had … heart.4. To our grief, Professor Hu died of cancer last week.5. To my satisfaction, his statement is correct.6. To the disappointment of the students, the book … bookshops.7. To their indignation, John was unfairly dismissed.。

Unit 1 PersonalityV ocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsV ocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D.preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。

Unit SixText I1.Pre-Reading QuestionsThink about the following questions before you read the text.1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value?A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.For your reference(They are open questions. Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)2.The Main IdeaMuch of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understand the meaning of the passage quickly. But it is far from incomprehensible. Go over the text once, not too rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.Now answer the following questions:1.What point is made about the news in a town?2.What was the news in the town?3.Who were particularly interested in Kino’s pearl?For your referenceAnswers:1.It travels fast.2.That Kino had found the Pearl of the World.3.The priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the agents of the buyer of pearls.3.Background Notes(1) colonial animalA colonial animal is an association of individual organisms that are incompletely separated. Life forms such as corals and moss animals are good examples of colonial animals. They are individual organisms that normally exist in mass of large collections.4.TextThe PearlKino, a poor fisherman, has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it. He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion. Before Kino found the pearl, the only doctor available had refused to treat the baby because Kino could not afford to pay for the treatment.A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. (1)A town is a thing separate from all other towns, so that there are no two towns alike. (2)And a town has a whole emotion. How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved. News seems to move faster than small boys can (1)scramble and (2)dart to tell it, (3)faster than women can call it over the fences.(4)Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino’s brush house, the nerves of the town were pulsing and (3)vibrating with the news — Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it. (5)The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster. It came to the priest walking in his garden, and it put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church. He wondered what the pearl would be worth. And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby, or married him (6)for that matter. The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age, thoughneither she nor the doctor would admit it. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew (4)stern and (5)judicious at the same time. “He is (7)a client of mine,” the doctor said. “I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.” And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and (6)luxurious place. The doctor looked past his (7)aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.The news came early to the beggars in front of the church, and it made them giggle a little with pleasure, for they knew that (8)there is no (8)alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly lucky.Kino has found the Pearl of the World. In the town, in little offices, sat the men who bought pearls from the fishers. They waited in their chairs until the pearls came in, and then they (9)cackled and fought and shouted and threatened until they reached the lowest price the fisherman would stand. But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church. And when the buying was over, these buyers sat alone and their fingers played (10)restlessly with the pearls, and they wished they owned the pearls. For there were not many buyers really — there was only one, and he kept these agents in separate offices to give a (9)(11)semblance of competition. The news came to these men, and their eyes (12)squinted and (10)their finger-tips burned a little, and each one thought how the (13)patron could not live forever and someone had to take his place. And each one thought how with some capital he could get a new start.All manner of people grew interested in Kino — people with things to sell and people with favors to ask. Kino had found the Pearl of the World. (11)The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark (14)residue was (15)precipitated. Every man suddenly became related to Kino’s pearl, and Kino’s pearl went into the dreams, the speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the hungers, of everyone, and only one person stood in the way and that was Kino, so that he became curiously every man’s enemy. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; (12)the black (16)distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is (17)withheld. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture (18)venom, and (13)the town (19)swelled and (20)puffed with the pressure of it.By John Steinbeck (an excerpt)Words and phrases: (点击文中红色单词或词组,出现该红色部分及e.g.字样,再单击e.g. ,出现例句)1.scramble:v. move somewhere in a hurried awkward waye.g. The man scrambled to his feet(=stood up very quickly and awkwardly)and hurried intothe kitchen.Your students may scramble up the bank of the river to follow you.2.dart: v. move suddenly and quickly in a particular directione.g. His teacher darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.The guard pulls the fire alarm, and the elevator stops, giving the passengers time todart down the stairwell.3.vibrate: v. shake quickly and continuously with very small movementse.g. The floor was vibrating to the beat of the music.The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle.4.stern: a. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviore.g. Father looked stern at us for a while, and then we went to watch him hunt.Now it takes a stern soul to resist the temptation to check the headlines at least oncewhile you're away.5.judicious: a. done in a sensible and careful waye.g. In an environment of multiple campaigns promoting judicious antibiotic use in children,identification of effective strategies is important.Meditators should learn how to be judicious without being judgmental.6.luxurious: a. very expensive, beautiful, and comfortablee.g. She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.7.aged: a. advanced in yearse.g. I well remember taking my aged grandfather across a road.He is aged, but his memory is still good.8.alms-giver: n. people who give money, food etc. to poor peoplee.g. But William is an entrepreneur, not just an alms-giver.There can be no friendship between a beggar and an alms-giver.9.cackle: v. laugh in a loud unpleasant way, making short high soundse.g. The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine.The teacher let us cut the cackle in the class.10.restlessly: adv. act unwillingly to keep still or stay where a person is, especially because heor she is bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and wants to do something elsee.g. I bought a rose and restlessly searched for her in the restaurant.As for poor Leo, after turning restlessly for hours, at last he had dropped off into asleep or stupor.11.semblance: n. a situation, condition etc. that is close to or similar to a particular one, usuallya good onee.g. After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.Pursuing name brands can only create the semblance of wealth, not win actual respect.12.squint: v. look at something with eyes partly closed in order to see bettere.g. He also seems to be slightly blinded by the sun, causing him to squint.Increase the text size if you can. Small text that forces you to squint is much harder onthe eyes.13.patron: n.someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by givingmoneye.g. A patron of the arts should have deep pockets.He was warmly welcomed at the annual meeting as a celebrated patron of the Hope Project.14.residue: n. a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc. and cannot be removedeasily, or that remains after a chemical processe.g. In the United States, shredders generate about 5 million tons of shredder residue everyyear.Recently the reports on pesticide residue and unsafe bottled drinking water haveprompted government action.15.precipitate: v. separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separatedin this waye.g. Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.If the blood acid content increased, it will also precipitate the formation of stones.16.distillate: n. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; theproduct of distillinge.g. Most ships run on bunker fuel, which is cheaper than distillate, but more polluting.U.S. distillate fuel consumption fell 4% last year as a mild winter curbed heating oiluse.17.withhold: v. refuse to give someone somethinge.g. Jack was accused of withholding vital information from the police.The boss withheld payment until they had completed the work.18.venom: n. a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc. produce when they bite or sting youe.g. The infection or venom from the bite could kill my sheep.The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.19.swell: v. become larger and rounder than normal, especially about parts of the bodye.g. His ankle was already starting to swell.The little girl’s arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.20.puff: v. become bigger by increasing the amount of air inside, or to make something bigger inthis waye.g. He would surely puff out if he ate everything he wanted.Her eyes were puffed from lack of sleep.Notes (点击文中蓝色字体,出现该内容,再点击,出现下面的注释内容)1. A town is a thing separate from all other townsA town is detached from / apart from all other towns; in other words, each town is a separateentity, not joined to or connected with any other town.2.And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds — love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.3.faster than women can call it over the fencesfaster than women can talk about it to their neighbours over the fences that separate theirhomes4.Before ... the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news — Kino hadfound the Pearl of the World.Before ... the town was alive with the news that Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Here the author wants to show us how fast news travelled. Kino found the Pearl of the World when he was out fishing, but before he reached home, the news had already spread through thewhole town and was on everyone’s lips.5.The news swept on past the brush houses and it washed in a foaming wave into the townof stone and plaster.The brush houses, referring to the houses in the area where the poor fishermen live, which is presumably just outside the town, form a strong contrast with the town of stone and plaster, where the priest, shopkeepers, doctor, and pearl buyers live. Note also how the author uses the figurative language to make the scene more vivid, comparing the news to a body ofwater that swept on and washed in a foaming wave.6.for that matterThis phrase gives emphasis to what he had said. In other words, if he had baptized Kino’s baby or had married him, Kino would be grateful to him and would show him his gratitude.7. a client of mineA client is a person who gets help or advice from any kind of professional. Usually, however,a lawyer has a “client”, whereas a doctor has a “patient” and a shopkeeper has a “customer”.8.there’s no alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly luckyA poor man who becomes suddenly rich is more generous than any alms-giver.alms — money, clothes or food given to the poor (usually money)Alms has only one form for both singular and plural.Other examples of nouns with plural forms:earnings, savings, surroundings, belongings, goods, remains, headquarters, thanks9. a semblance of competitionan outward appearance of competition that aimed to fool the fishermen10.their finger-tips burned a littleeach of them felt a little uneasy, hoping to start a pearl buying business of his own11.The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue wasprecipitated.The great value of the pearl and man’s insatiable desire to possess wealth combine to form a strange sort of wickedness / a strange wicked greed quickly.12.the black distillatea metaphor for the deep, evil feelings and desires of people who were affected by the news13.the town swelled and puffedthe town became vain and conceited / was filled with self-interest and vanityments on the TextThis excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea. The writer, through his excellent use of language, sets the scene for Kino’s arrival in the town and the reader is likely to anticipate with interest the meeting between him and the pearl buyers.What makes it possible for the writer to produce such vivid and immediate description, which leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the forces at work in it?1. His close contact with and awareness of different types of people.2. His thorough and profound understanding of “human nature”.3. His keen power of observation and active imagination.4. His effective use of language.6.ExercisesA. Answer the following questions.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. At what point in the story is the scene of this extract set?It is set before the arrival in town of the central figure, Kino. Kino is going to sell his newly found Pearl of the World.2. What personal details do we know about Kino?Kino is a poor fisherman who lives in a brush house. He has a child. He is in great need of money because his child has been stung by a scorpion and needs treatment. He is eager to sell the pearltoget money to pay for medical treatment of the sting.3. Why does the writer tell us that the shopkeepers looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well?The shopkeepers are concerned about their business which has not been brisk, so there are a lot of men’s clothes in stock. When they learn that Kino has found a valuable pearl, they think of Kino as a possible buyer of the men’s clothes. Steinbeck tells us about the shopkeepers as an illustration of the effect of Kino’s find on other people.4. What details are given to describe the doctor’s appearance and his thoughts?Why does the writer want to supply us with such information?The doctor “grew stern and judicious at the same time” and his “eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks”, which suggests that he is immediately aware of what treating Kino’s child might mean for him. He thinks of Paris, recalling his room there as “a great and luxurious place” and imagines himself eating and drinking in a Parisian restaurant. The writer gives the reader this description to remind us that doctors whose work is curing people can be as money-oriented and pleasure-seeking as anyone else. This acts as a statement about “human nature”.5. How does the writer prepare the stage fo r a “battle” between the pearl buyers and Kino? How does the writer make the reader anticipate the meeting?The writer prepares the stage for the battle by telling us that the pearl buyers were experienced in bargaining with and “beating down” the pearl se llers. As Kino is presumably eager to get as much money as possible because of his child, the reader is likely to be looking forward with interest to the meeting of the two parties.6. Who do “the people with things to sell” and “the people with favours to ask” include?“The people with things to sell” include:1) the priest (who sells spiritual comfort)2) the shopkeepers (who sell men’s clothes)3) the doctor (who sells his medical skill)“The people with favours to ask” include:1) the beggars in front of the church2) the other poor fishers7. What does the writer mean by “The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated”?The sentence can be interpreted as: The combination of the inestimable value of pearl and the fundamental human vice — greed — resulted in evil intentions and malicious plots. The writer wants to show that when people are obsessed with the idea of money, they are very likely to do evil things.B. Explain the following in your own words.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.The mothers had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.2. The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.The news spread from one brush house to another and continued to travel fast into the town.3. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked for his help, he became both serious(about the treatment) and wise / clever (about how he could gain).4. And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.For a moment the doctor’s eyes were focused on nothing as his thoughts turned to Paris.5. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld.The news caused a profound “negative force” to be at work in the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of loneliness which comes when love is refused.6. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.What acted as the “venom-producing bag” of the town, i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople, began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.。

新编英语教程第三版练习册6答案【篇一:新编英语教程3 unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及书本第一部分连词题】fumesmoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas2. sandyof the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow3. somehowfor some reason or other4. stale dry and unappetizing5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful6. proceed go ahead7. bloodshotfull of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken8. dismayedmade afraid or discouraged at the prospect of troubleunit 21. rage be very angry2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables3. croaking rough and harsh4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle6. gesture of despairmovement of the head or hand to show helplessness7. brutalcruel8. quarantinethe period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spreadunit 31. globeworld2. circlemove around3. indirectlynot straight to the point ; in a roundabout way4. idle talk talking about unimportant things5. coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned or arranged6. hastily in a hurry7. demand ask forcefully8. roar speak in a loud, deep voiceunit 41. willthe legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property after death2. signature person’s name written by himself3. literaryof literature4. suppositiona guess5. playwrightdramatist, a person who writes plays6. vague not clearly known7. confirmprove the truth of something8. verse poetryunit 61. outlaya spending of money2. refill a new filling3. theoretically in theory4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car6. submarine a ship that can stay under water7. radiationthe process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out from atoms8. syntheticnot naturally produced ; artificialunit 71. pose as pretend to be2. pest an annoying thing3. suspense and anxietystate of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown4. fidgeting moving about restlessly5. assuremake somebody believe, feel sure6. apace quickly7. inquisitive chatterboxa person who is curious about other people and talkative8. obstinacy and willfulnessstubbornness and pig-headedness9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality10. justifygive a good reason foruint 8shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protectionbecome engrossed in----------d. have one’s attention completely taken up bycontent--------------------------e. satisfactionbrowse--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiymentvariety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of thingsapart from ----------------------g. besadestempt----------------------------c. attractunit 9fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperiencedspectacular---------------------e. very impressiveadroit --------------------------g. quick and skilfulcoma----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injuryflurry---------------------------a. sudden excitementrecuperate---------------------b. get back one’s strengthmassive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of bloodfragile--------------------------f. easily injured or brokenconcussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brainpermanent---------------------h. lasting for a long time or forever unit10cudgel-------------------------c. short,thick stickbuck---------------------------g. lower one’s head or body so as to avoid being hitplacatory----------------------f. submissive,undisturbednegligently-------------------h. carelesslywry----------------------------b. twistedbawling-----------------------a. loud,rough shoutingpandemouium----------------d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorder gramophone------------------e. record-playerunit1 p121. it is an excellent photograph of mrs. johnson.george, her son, has decided tomake several 2. there was a temporary 3. this muslin is beautiful! but it’s so flimsy. is it ?4. the helicopter came to rescue the the plane crash as soon as thelocal authorities received the radio message.5. have you seen the school in the suburbs of london?6. a proverb says that a little7. he was tall and muscular. obviously he has a perfect .8. at the end of the interview the young man overcame his about his salary.9. the headmaster opened the door and looked at the with an air ofdisapproval.10. his efforts for an early proved to be a failure because he had to make suchan awkward journey.unit 2p281. 2. while (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open.3. (damage) during the war, the airport has never been usedagain.4. ’t possibly pay him a visit.5. 6. (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at the wild flowers.7. we didn’t t hink he was very old, 8. she was wheeled to the hospital,(follow) by her children.9. the children went to the park, a mile away from the school, (sing and talk10. i am sorry to have kept you (wait) for two hours.11. can you hear the children (shout) in the next room?12. he whispered “watch out” at the same time (try) to make as little noise as possible.13. the little girl sat in a corner in deep silence, (let) her doll dangle at her side.14. (find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in.unit 8p122a1. we haven’t seen him for more than ten years and i find hima (change) person, he has become a 2. in the (qualify) teachers will be sent here.3. there lived an unusually (determine) farmer in the nearby village.4. in order to improve our (lead) comrades in our department have made a5. taking a camel ride was a6. teaching is a more (demand) job than working as a tourist guide.7. the child, very (please), cleaned her (soil) hands and went to bed with her lovely toy.8. your unwillingness to cooperate with the doctor has made the case even more9. the (interest) spectators sat watching the (excite) football match for an hour in spite of their (soak) clothes.10. after a (tire) day ta work, the (tire) woman sat in the park enjoying the beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face.b1. the doctor insisted on (give) the patient an immediate operation2. (fascinate), we watched the sun3. if you practice (sing) often, you will know how (do) it without (make) such an exhibition of yourself.4. peter hated (keep) to his bed. he missed (play) with his friends and never failed(be) at the window (see) them (climb) the apple-tree.5. would you mind (open) the window?6. i persuaded him (take) care of the child while i went i really could not depend on his7. i oughtto tell (tell) my secretary to post the letter for me this morning but i was busy (prepare) a speech and i forgot8. “would you like ”“i would preferas a rule, i prefer (read) to watch(watch) tv.”9. “yesterday i found one of the pages in the book i bought you change it for me?”“i’m sorry”10. reference books are not allowed (take) out of the teachers’ readingroom.11. “the (clean).”“you needn’t tell me, i haven’t time”12. “it is no use our (wait) for him any longer. he doesn’t know the way sohe won’t come.”“but the film is worth ”“he’ll regret ”“i’m sure he’ll show up at any minute. he knows howused (be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.”unit 9 p138a1. boxing has been a controversial topic of conversation for a long time, itssupporters say that it is man’s instinct to wish to show that histhan that of his opponent.(strong)2. they maintain that this instinct makes boxing a sport that is fine and3. they also say that it is very good for young boys to learn how to defendthemselves in case of 4. those who wish to see the of boxing say just the opposite.(abolish)5. they declare that it is6. professional fighters are particularly criticized, but even more so the promoters ofboxing matches who, it is said, make untold out of the sufferings of the boxer.(wealthy)7. but it must be realized that boxers too can make a lot of money, and a good fightercan look forward to a comfortable if he is sensible.(retire)8. and it is that a famous boxer can attract far morespectators that eventhe most famous pop singer or film star.(deny)9. even the most can’t fail to be affected by the exciting atmosphere ofan important boxing match.(emotion)10. although we may not always approve of the motives that lead a man to take upprofessional boxing as a career, we can’t help admiring his in the ring.(brave)as a rule in a gesture of despairat such short noticein hostile silence claimkeep to ones bedcling to no exception to help outspoil if only1.as a rule southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread.2.everyone must get up at six to do morning exercises and those who stay up late are no exception to the rule.3. keep to your bed for three days,drink a lot of water and take two pills after each meal,the【篇二:新编英语教程第六册练习册paraphrase答案】nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of light that leaves you a changed person--not only changed, but changed for the better.the most inspiring and gratifying fact of life is the unexpected spark of enlightenment that makes you different and a better person than before.2. he came across the street, finally, muffled in his ancient overcoat, shapeless felt hat pulled down over his bald head, looking more like an energetic gnome than an eminent psychiatrist.at last he walked over from the other side of the street, wrapped in his old-fashioned overcoat, his bald head covered by a shapeless felt hat. he looked like a dwarfish old man fullof energy rather than a well-known psychiatrist.3. the woman who spoke next had never married because of a sense of obligation to her widowed mother; she recalled bitterly all the marital chances she had let go by.the next speaker on the tape was a woman who had remained single because she thought she was obliged to take care of her mother who was a widow. she still remembered and told others miserably about all the chances of marriage she had missed.4. in the end, if you let it become a habit, it can become a real roadblock, an excuse for not trying any more.eventually, if you form a ha bit of saying “if only”, the phrase can really turn to an obstruction, providing you with an excuse for giving up trying anything at all.5. ... you never got out of the past tense. not once did you mention the future.…you are always thinking of the pa st, regretting and lamenting. you did not look forward to what you can do in the future at all.6. my, my, said the old man slyly. if only we had come down ten seconds sooner, wed have caught that cab, wouldnt we? the old man said to me trickily, using the phrase “if only” on purpose, “if only we’d got here ten seconds earlier, we’d have caught the cab.” i laughed and understood what he meant. so i followed his advice and said, “next time i’ll run faster”.unit 21. moses pleaded a speech defect to rationalize his reluctance to deliver jehovahs edict to pharaoh. moses justified his unwillingness to pass jehovah’s order to pharaoh, saying that he was “slow of speech”.2. yet for all the trouble procrastination may incur, delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul.delay leads to problems. however, in many cases, it can often stimulate the creativity in an artist.3. he notes that speedy action can be embarrassing or extremely costly.he points out that hastiness may give rise to decision which turn out to be humiliating or expensive.4. bureaucratization, which flourished amid the growing burdens of government and the greater complexity of society, was designed to smother policymakers in blankets of legalism, compromise and reappraisal---and thereby prevent hasty decisions from being made.excessive red-tape(官样文章;繁文缛节) developed because public administration was expanding in scope and because society was growing more and more complicated. in this sense, red-tape helped those in charge of policy to be fully engaged in enormous amount of paperwork and judgment, thus making it impossible for an immature decision to result.5. ...many of my friends go through agonies when they face a blank page.…many of my friends have a hard time the moment they attempt to put pen to paper.unit 31. of course, my father is a gentleman of the old school, a member of the generation to whom a good deal of modern architecture is unnerving; but i suspect---i more than suspect, i am convinced---that his negative response was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.brought up in the old tradition, my father is naturally not prepared to accept the idea of modern architecture; his objection to it, i would assume, indeed i should say i am pretty sure, is not a result of his strong dislike of the physicalbuilding itself, but rather that of his refusal to change his attitude towards money.2. if a buildings design made it appear impregnable, the institution was necessarily sound, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architectural symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money, rather than in any aesthetic theory.if a building was made to look sturdy/invulnerable, it would be accordingly regarded as reliable, and the significance of the thick walls would be measured not by their artistic value, butby their seeming ability to provide a safe location for money.3. in a primitive society, for example, men pictured the world as large, fearsome, hostile, and beyond human control.people in a primitive society, for example, saw the world as an enormous planet full of fear, hatred and disorder.4.the principal function of todays wall is to separate possible undesirable outside air from the controlled conditions of temperature and humidity which we have created inside.today a wall serves mainly as a physical means to protect the desired atmosphere inside from being disturbed by anything unwelcome outside.5. to repeat, it is not our advanced technology, but our changing conceptions of ourselves in relation to the world that determine how we shall build our walls.again, the decisive factor that can influence the design of a wall is not the advancement of science and technology, but our ever-changing attitude towards our place in this world.unit 41. he was a man of exuberant fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts.he was a man rich in whimsies, and intolerant of any act bold enough as to challenge his authority. when his mind caught upon something, absurd as it might be, he would do everything to make sure that it was done in the way he wished.2. when every member of his domestic and political systems moved smoothly in its appointed course, his nature was bland and genial; but whenever there was a little hitch, and some of his orbs got out of their orbits, he was blander and more genial still, for nothing pleased him so much as to make the crooked straight, and crush down uneven places.when all his subjects behaved in such a manner as they were told to, he could be gentle and kind. and he could even be more so, if anything not conforming to what he expected should occur, because that offered a great chance for him to see the undesirable removed, a thing he was most delighted in doing.3. he could open either door he pleased: he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the aforementioned impartial and incorruptible chance.he enjoyed total freedom to choose what to do: he was not directed or influenced by anyone as to which door to open. the only thing that was decisive in terms of his fate was the above-mentioned chance, granted to all the accused alike.4. this element of uncertainty lent an interest to the occasion which it could not otherwise have attained.the fact that no one could tell for sure what might happen (to the accused) made this from of trial more attractive than any other form of justice.5. thus the masses were entertained and pleased, and the thinking part of the community could bring no charge of unfairness against this plan; for did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands?thus people enjoyed coming here to watch, and those guided by reason in the society could not possibly question the fairness of this form of trial; for was it not the fact that all the accused were given equal chances to make decisions upon their won destiny?unit51. this semi-barbaric king had a daughter as blooming as his most florid fancies, and with a soul as fervent and imperious as his own.this semi-barbaric king had a daughter as exuberant as the wildest of his notions, a daughter who possessed a nature as fierce and tyrannical as his own.2. of course, everybody knew that the deed with which the accused was charged had been done.it was, of course, known to all that he was guilty of the offense of conducting an affair with the princess.3. ...; but the king would not think of allowing any fact of this kind to interfere with the workings of the tribunal, in which he took such great delight and satisfaction.…,even though the king was well aware that the love affair had taken place, he would still refuse to let the normal method of deciding guilt or innocence be disturbed, because he was extremely enthusiastic about his way of setting matters of this kind.4. ...; but gold, and the power of a womans will, had brought the secret to the princess..…; but because she had the money, and above all, because her determination was so irresistible, the princess was able to get access to the secret.5. he understood her nature, and his soul was assured thatshe would never rest until she had made plain to herself this thing, hidden to all other lookers-on, even to the king.he knew her so well that he was perfectly positive that she would never cease to search for the secret, which remained unknown to all other spectators, even to the king himself.unit 61. there seems to be a general assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine; that they need a varied, exciting life in order to do their best.it is generally believed that a colorless life can freeze acreative mind, and that only a colorful life can inspire a man to creative work.2. the outstanding characteristic of mans creativeness is the ability to transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences.one of the wonders human creativity works is that man can make full use of even insignificant feelings to produce far-reaching results.3. an eventful life exhausts rather than stimulates.a life full of diversions stops man’s creativity instead of activating it.4. it is usually the mediocre poets, writers, etc.,who go in search of stimulating events to release their creative flow.only literary artists of an average type rely on excitements inlife as a source for their creative work./ great poets, writers, etc., create works of art out of trivial and common subject.5. people who find dull job unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure.people who are unable to see how to be patient withrepetitious work are usually those who are unable to see where to find fun in life when it comes to relaxation.【篇三:新编英语教程6 第三版译文】txt>在生活中,没有什么比顿悟更令人激动和兴奋的,它可以改变一个人——不仅仅是改变,而且变得更好。

Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.(成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.Unit21.She wore a dress with pattern of roses (有玫瑰图案)on it.2.Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us.(为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜)3.Ann promised faithfully (信誓旦旦地保证)that she would never tell.4.Could you deliver this letter(把这封信送到)to the accounts department?5.We well offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate.(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力)6.Tell the children to keep out of mischief themselves.(别胡闹)7.We could hear the sound of distant thunder.(远处打雷的声音)8.The project has now received approval form the government .(得到政府的批准)9.Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.(虽然他喝酒太多)10.Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not .(就这个药是否安全取得一致意见)Unit 31.由于紧急情况,这个医生几小时内都没有空Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.2.税收将会如何影响低收入的人?How will taxes affect people with low incomes?3.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴My mother always told m e that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano.4.这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等These book range in price from $10 to $20.5.在我看来你没有什么选择6.It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.6.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做的相当不错了Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.7. 对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修费用For such a big house the price is fairly low/cheap, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs.8.我们能否从讨论上会议产生的问题开始?Can we begin with discussing questions arising from the last meeting?Unit 41. I used to enjoy photography,(我过去喜欢摄影)but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.2. There is no sure way to predict (没有一种可确信的方式来预测)who will develop asthma and who won’t.3. Today neurobiologists no longer argue about whether or not the brain can grow new cells.(大脑是否能生成新细胞)4. I don’t love acting as much as I once did(像以前那样), said Angelina Jolie.5.If you don’t define your goal ,you don’t know in which direction you should be heading.(你应该向哪个方向前进)6.While you should not dwell on your past ,spending some time reviewing and thinking about the path you have taken.(花些时间回顾和思考你走过的路)7.You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.(不一定得和他结婚)8.These examples demonstrate how poorly some students write their resumes.(有些学生的简历写得多么差)Unit 51.Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office ,(看到所有的人在办公室外面走来走去)I became more worried.2.In time he well see who is his true friend to be relied on in difficulty。

Unit 1VocabularyA. Guessing the meanings of words:1. f2. h3. c4. b5. g6. e7. d8. aB. Looking up words in a dictionary:1. inconvenient and uncomfortable2. sad; low in spirits3. gloomy; cheerless4. make a short, deep, rough sound (like a pig), showing dissatisfaction5. very necessary6. shock deeply; fill with fear7. timidly8. greatest; extremeTEXT IComprehensionB. 1. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something of use, I applied for thejob. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very small because I didn’t have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. …three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3. He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldierwhen his bootlaces came loose.4. Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests.5. The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (or, I was shocked at the teachingarrangements).6. I should have to divide the class into three groups of three different levels and teach themone after another.7. I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon,followed by a group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends were having a good time and relaxing.8. The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totallyhumiliated.TEXT IITEXT IIIComprehension1. F (It is looking for people who are able to sell the benefits of the classified columns bytelephone.)2.T3. F (It is important.)4. F (Drive here is a noun, meaning “a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done” or“initiative” (动力、干劲). Applicants must possess this sort of “drive.”)5. F (It’s a job that anyone who thinks he is qualified can apply for.)6.TGUIDED WRITINGSentence CombinationReference Version:I love travelling by train. Fast expresses, slow local trains which stop at every station, suburban trains taking businessmen to their offices and home again; I enjoy them all. It must be the element of romance that attracts me. There’s no romance in a car on a motorway, which is a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete, or in flying through the air in a pressurized tube from one identical plastic and glass airport to another. But trains are different. On a train, you can walk around, look at the scenery, observe your fellow passengers; whereas in a plane all you can see are the clouds and the back of other people’s heads. And then there are the stations. Some, I am afraid, have become too like airports; others, fortunately, are old and dirty, full ofunexpected details and with their own individual peculiarities. Travelling by train remains an adventure, as you try to interpret the timetable, persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a ticket and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker systems. Then there’s that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you are on the right train, or the right part of the train. There’s nothing like it.Pr is WritingReference version:I applied for my first job before I entered the university because I was short of money. The school where I applied for a job was ten miles away from where I lived and I was not sure if I could get the job. However, after a terrible journey I was so depressed that I no longer felt nervous. The Victorian schoolhouse stood amid fumes and dust by a busy main road. The headmaster was not at all scholarly, neither was the inside of the house academic looking. By and by I discovered that the headmaster and I had very little in common. He wanted me to teach twenty-four boys from seven to thirteen who were to be split up into three levels. I had to teach everything including the subjects I abhorred. Furthermore, I had to work on Saturdays too. The pay, however, was low. To top it all, I had to work under a woman, the headmaster’s wife, who was the real manager of the school.Letter Writing1.Flat 301, 574 Daxing StreetXining, Qinghai 81005615 June, 20 __Dear Prof. Qing,2.Flat 402, 583 Ningpo Road,Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325008December 20, 20 __Dear Uncle Ming,3.609 Grant StreetEnterprise, OR 97828U.S.A.March 2, 20 __Dear Minnie,IV. TranslationA. 1. They all believed that he had a slim chance of success.2. I don’t know why she has an air of sadness all the time.3. It was after all the students had taken their seats that the president of the students’ unionproceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. The stomach is a vital organ of the human body; please take good care of it.5. He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to thoseroutine trifles.6. Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge.7. As is scheduled, all the members of the staff take turns to do late duty.8. She was greatly upset at the thought of leaving her parents and living on her own in aremote area.9. We do not worry so much about her qualifications for the job as about her health.10. He was greatly excited about the prospect of having a cruise around the world.B.Reference version:From Fred’s point of view, the interview was going very smoothly indeed. Five days before, he had applied for a job at a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of its directors.Fred had been working as a salesman. He wanted to change his job not because he was short of money, but because as a salesman he could hardly enjoy any leisure at all.Fred had been worried that he might lose his head and say something silly, but fortunately he found that he had a lot in common with the director.It was clear that the director was quite satisfied. Fred was thinking that his chances of landing the job were favourable when the director proceeded to ask, “Do you mind working overtime?”V. Blank FillingE. 1. attaches great importance to 2. survived3. competent, applied for4. have much in common5. judging by6. get to his feet7. ranging in price 8. a crocodile of, ranging in age9. Being 10. not so much, but the fact thatUnit 2TEXT IVocabularyA.Guessing the meanings of words and phrases:1. c2. a3. g4. d5. h6. b7. f8. eB.Looking up words in a dictionary:1.yield2.look intently and steadily / stare3.crossly, showing displeasure4.make unsatisfactory5.with obedience6.unfriendly7.keep in a small space8.(of a place) uncomfortably smallComprehensionA. 1. Tom and Peter had always had great fun together in the garden, but Peter’s sudden illnessspoiled their plan for another enjoyable holiday. Of course Tom wept tears of anger and felt furious now that he had to leave the garden and Peter.2. Peter was down with the measles and might well have had a sore throat.3. Perhaps Tom intended to say: “All I said was I would rather have measles with Peter thango to Uncle Alan’s.”4. Uncle Alan was very kind to take Tom away at short notice, but Tom was unwilling to goand said something ungrateful. Tom’s mother was worried that Uncle Alan would hear what Tom intended to say and be upset.5. She sensed that Tom was cross and might be rude to his uncle and aunt.6. Tom didn’t want to leave Peter and his mother so he was not at all grateful to Uncle Alanfor taking him away. He wished that his uncle had refused to take him to his house.Since his mother expected him to agree with her, he couldn’t say anything to the contrary, so he repeated “very kind” bitterly.7. Peter didn’t want Tom to go away, leaving him all alone. When Tom was leaving hecouldn’t stay quietly in bed. He got up and went to the window to wave good-bye to Tom in spite of his mother’s orders that he ought to stay in bed.8. He was angry to be taken away in a hurry to a new place without Peter. Besides, theirplan to have great fun during the summer holidays was going to be completely spoiled.That’s why he sat in the car in an unfriendly way without saying anything.B. 1. Therefore / As a natural consequence / So2. in a deep, hoarse sound3. He said good-bye to the garden by looking at it and felt furious that…4. Usually / More often than not, town gardens are small; the same is the case with the Longs’garden.5. Mrs. Long held the case tight for a while, in an effort to call his attention first.6. …pushed him towards the car so as to send him away and then followed him to it.7. How can we thank you enough for taking Tom away so quickly. We had hardly any timeto ask for your consent.8. …without considering the pain and suffering it might give others, Tom waved good-bye toPeter whose red, feverish face was pressed against the bedroom window.9. …keeping very quiet and showing strong resentment and unfriendliness…10. I hope we can get along with each other quite well.TEXT IITEXT IIIComprehension1. B2. A3. A4. B5. B6. CGUIDED WRITINGSentence CombinationReference version:Smallpox, the most devastating and feared pestilence in human history, is making its laststand in two remote areas of Ethiopia, one in the desert and one in the mountains. By the end of August only five villages had experienced cases in the preceding eight weeks. More important, the onset of the last known case was on August 9. Because man is the only known reservoir of the smallpox virus, the disease should be eliminated forever when the last infected person recovers. Right now more than 1,000 Ethiopian health workers, together with 10 epidemiologists of the World Health Organization, are combing the countryside to make sure no more cases exist. For two years after the last case is recorded the search will continue for additional outbreaks. If none is found, and if a WHO international commission can be satisfied that the search has been thorough, smallpox will be declared to have been eradicated from the earth. It will be the first such achievement in medical history. (From a medical report written in 1976)Pr is WritingReference version:Some people go on holiday unwillingly, as in the case of Tom Long. He and his brother Peter were very dear to each other and had planned to spend the summer holidays together enjoyably. Now that Peter was down with the measles, Tom had to go to his Uncle and Aunt’s to be kept away from Peter because of this dreadful disease. On the day of his departure, he looked longingly at the garden and at the would-be treehouse among the apple tree branches, with anger surging up inside. How he’d miss the garden and Peter! Tom’s mother wasn’t any happier in sending him away. Besides, she was worried whether Tom would behave himself at his uncle’s. When Tom got into his Uncle’s car, he sat in hostile silence in spite of his Uncle’s friendliness. He would much rather that his Uncle was cruel to him so that he could have an excuse to run back home. His Aunt was even worse, because she was a child-lover. How could he stand this! He would be cooped up in a small flat with no garden, no playmates. He was cornered.Letter WritingReference version:1.16 August, 20 __Dear Ellen,I’m sorry that I did not write back as soon as I got your letter but I’ve been very busy …2.Shanghai, 16 June, 20 __ Dear Amy,It was a great pleasure to get your long letter telling me about your recent experience …3.Wuhan, 2 July, 20 __ Dear Ben,After such a long wait, at last I got your letter of 26th July …4.25 Dayton Road,Staines, Surrey7 September, 20 __The ManagerABC Book CompanyLondonDear Sir,I was happy to receive your letter of 5 September 20 __ …IV. TranslationA. 1. This old man lived overseas when he was young and had many unusual experiences.2. She is a well-liked physics teacher with a lot of teaching experience.3. My shoes are brand-new; I’d rather stay until it clears up.4. Upon leaving the small house where she lived in her childhood, she looked hergood-bye at every familiar object around.5. He was asked to leave for Xi’an at such short notice that he didn’t even have time tocall his wife.6. Their reluctance to join us in the speech contest really spoilt our fun.7. Please note that every student should keep classroom discipline, and you are noexception.8. I don’t care so much about working overtime occasionally, but about your calling offmy holidays with no notice.9. The speaker cleared his throat to claim the attention of the audience.10. He was tired of the hustle and bustle of the urban life and hoped to move to thecountry, expecting a change in his current life style.B. Reference version:When I was very little, I longed to go to the countryside with my father and brother, but I never got a chance. Father went once a year during his holiday to the countryside where my grandmother lived. As a rule, he took my brother Qiangqiang with him. I remember when I was four, there was a lot of talking about countryside-going as Father’s holiday was drawing near.I was certain that this time Father would take Qiangqiang along as usual. But one morning while I was in the bedroom playing with my doll, Mother called up, “Pingping, come down.”To my surprise, Mother told me with tears in her eyes that I would be sent to my grandmother’s. I was delighted and looked everywhere for my father and Qiangqiang, but they were nowhere to be seen. When the time came for me to leave, Mother murmured, “Pingping, try to be good. Mama and Papa are sure to come to see you soon.”It was not till then that I knew I would be going to the countryside alone, all alone. I clung to my mother, weeping tears of sadness.V. Blank FillingE. 1. As a rule 2. no exception to3. Keep to your bed4. in a gesture of despair5. clung to6. spoiled7. claimed 8. helped out9. in hostile silence, at such short notice 10. If onlyUnit 3TEXT IVocabularyA. Guessing the meanings of words and phrases:1. b2. e3. h4. d5. f6. a7. c8. gB. Looking up words in a dictionary:1. guide or direct2. strange3. very unusual, remarkable4. example of events happening at the same time5. a long journey by water6. certain7. weakly8. specialComprehensionB. 1. …after about half an hour of casual chatting, we began to make the conversation followthe course as we had planned.2. …it really looks as if we two had planned our trips together, doesn’t it?3. …that’s what Dr Double L. Dee would call an amazing coincidence.4. But remember that the two captains travelled in opposite directions and that is quiteimportant, you know.5. “Well,” my uncle interrupted.6. Here Captains Smitherton began to speak at last.7. Kate jumped up to bring the quarrel to a close by pretending that a new idea had struck her.8. You are being judged about something that you do n’t really know.In other words. a judgment will be passed on you for your unreasonable demands made on Robert and me.TEXT IIComprehension1.This is usually known as the Bermuda Triangle. More than a hundred planes and ships havedisappeared without leaving a trace in this area, most of which got lost since 1945.Furthermore, a thousand lives have been lost in the past thirty-three years, and not a single body or even a piece of wreckage from the vanishing planes or ships has been found.2.Many of the lost planes had had normal contact with their base or terminal destination untilthey suddenly disappeared altogether. And some others had been able to radio the most extraordinary messages, saying that their instruments had stopped functioning, that their compasses were spinning, that the sky had turned yellow and hazy (on a clear day) and that the ocean (which was calm nearby) did not look right, and then, all of a sudden they disappeared without making clear what was really the matter.3.Up to the present day, there has not been any explanation of the disappearance of ships andplanes. And when the Seventh Coast Guard declares that they will discontinue the search fora plane or ship which is overdue, the general public and the searchers cannot help expressingthe feeling or making the comment either directly or indirectly that it is connected with the ongoing phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle.TEXT IIIComprehension1.Caribbean2.supply ship, was lost in 19183.Anita, Norwegian freighter, was lost in 19734.Rosalie, French sailing vessel, was lost in 18405.U.S. cabin cruiser, 19676.southwest, southGUIDED WRITINGSentence CombinationReference version:Columbus made four voyages to the west between 1492 and 1504 in his vain search for a sea route to Asia. The mystery of why he failed to find it haunted him and filled him with sadness.Wherever he went —to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, South America, Panama, down the coast of Central America —it was always the same story. Instead of golden palaces, there were grass huts and palm-leaf tents. Instead of silk-robed merchant princes, he found “Indians” who did not even have shirts on their backs.At times Columbus became reconciled to the truth that this new land was not China, not Japan, not the Spice Islands. He seemed to accept it as a part of the earth that the geographers ofEurope had never heard of before. It was another world —and he called it exactly that —but Columbus also insisted until he died that the land he had reached was an unknown part of Asia.Pr is WritingReference version:It was Sunday and Kate and I convinced my uncle that there could be three Sundays in a week. We invited two sailor friends who had just travelled round the world and had completed the trip that very day. The trip took them exactly one year. One captain insisted that the next day would be Sunday while the other said that the day before ought to have been Sunday. Kate explained that both of them were right, as they travelled in opposite directions. The earth is round, about 24,000 miles around, spinning from west to east. As one of the captains travelled eastward, he gained one hour for every 1,000 miles; but when the other travelled westward, he lost one hour over the same distance. So when they completed the 24,000 miles round the earth, one lost 24 hours while the other gained 24 hours. That was why the one travelling eastward was one day ahead of London time, and the one travelling westward was one day behind London time. Thus there were three Sundays in a week.Letter WritingReference version:Xiaoxiao Toy Factory, NanjingAugust 31, 20 __Dear Emma,Please forgive me for not writing to you for so long but I was away on a business trip.I was in Guangzhou for three weeks. It is a beautiful city. Was it very hot? No, it was cooler than Nanjing. There are many modern buildings and the whole city is full of flowers. It is very colourful. The only trouble I had was the dialect, I couldn’t understand it even at the end of my stay. But on the whole. I had an enjoyable time.Hoping to hear from you soon.Yours,HailunIV. TranslationA. 1. She broke in with what she had to say before I’d finished speaking.2. Our different views of life made no difference at all to our friendship.3. It so happened that the headmaster asked him to teach algebra, the subject which he hadfailed at school.4. The boy sat quiet in the car, showing unfriendliness to his uncle as if he were his enemy.5. Tom was as disappointed to learn that he had to spend his summer holidays at hisuncle’s as he was sad that Peter had to be kept strictly to his bed because of measles.6. When his youngest son, whom he loved most, defied him, his face turned purple withanger.7. After everyone else had stated his or her own view, the section leader found his voice atlast.8. As they were going out on holiday for two weeks, they left all their pets in the care oftheir neighbour.9. I’m afraid you are mistaken. It’s not next Friday that we’ll have our midterm exam,but next Wednesday.10. According to the new rule, a football team may consist of 24 players. In other words,24 football players may make up a football team.B. Reference version:As soon as Tom began his talk with his father, he wanted to gain his point directly. “I’ve made an important decision, Dad. I’m going into the services.”Tom’s father looked at him with an air of surprised disapproval. “Shouldn’t you get your degree first? You can always do your military service after …”“But Dad, I’ll be drafted this year anyway,” Tom interrupted hastily. “So why not enlist now? My chances of getting some technical training will be better if I enlist —that makes a difference, you know.”“Well,” broke in his father. “You’ve had a good first year at college. This isn’t the time to quit school.”“Dad, my freshman grades weren’t very good. I don’t think I’m able to catch up with the others. Besides, I know how you hate to get into debt. I could never feel right about being a burden to you.”Tom’s father was speechless just from listening to all this. But he found his voice at last. “I think maybe you’d better talk it over with your mother.”V. Blank FillingE. 1. make any difference 2. coincidence3. gains, loses4. on the contrary5. caught up with6. as if7. It so happened, extraordinary concurrence of events 9. purple with angerTEXT IVocabularyA.Guessing the meanings of words:1. g2. a3. f4. h5. b6. e7. d8. cB.Looking up words in a dictionary:1. money or property left to someone by a will2. privately owned piece of land with a large house on it3. talented man4. a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder5. prosperous, successful6. work out an outline for7. become engaged8. something that helps to find an answer to a question9. clearly, obviously10. very firm belief11. enough12. powerful and wealthyComprehensionAnswers for reference:B. 1. …in all probability (most likely), the money he made from his estate reached about £200 ayear…2. People all over the world read Shakespeare’s work with a feeling of profound respect andwonderment because there is something about him which made people charmed…3. We do not base every minute and particular detail of his personal life so much on facts ason guesswork.4. We are so uncertain about his activities that we might as well say that he was born whenthe Romans occupied Britain a long time ago.5. Because of its most famous citizen, Stratford-upon-Avon has made a lot of money for along time.6. …he enjoys such high prestige that it is worthwhile to make a journey toStratford-upon-Avon just to be able...7. …after that we know he was in London in 1592.8. Soon Shakespeare became so famous that managers and other powerful people oftenmentioned him in their writings.Comprehension1. Nothing is known of…2. According to a local legend…3. It is said that…4. A different legend says…5. Whatever caused him…6. …there is no mention of…7. From what we know of his later life…8. It is not certain…9. He is not recorded…10. …but he may have shared…TEXT IIIComprehension1. a programme for a 1979 Shanghai Youth Theatre production of Much Ado about Nothing2. a 1955 Parisian poster for a performance of Hector Berlioz’s opera Romeo Et Juliette3. a 1979 Belgian poster for a production of Macbeth4. a 1936 Netherlands poster for a production of a Midsummer Night’s Dream5. a 1937 Greek poster for a production of Hamlet6. a 1933 USSR programme for a Moscow performance of HamletGUIDED WRITINGSentence CombinationReference version:Shakespeare has been the subject of an enormous amount of study by many nations through many many generations, and it is impossible to suggest how broad and how deep his effect has been upon the world. Any schoolboy, however, must feel something of the power of his invention. We have been studying him in connection with Elizabethan drama, of which his work was a part. And we have found him often using old stories, always writing with an effort for theatrical success, and frequently following the methods of his contemporaries. But the power and copiousness of his invention nevertheless stand out unparalleled. The invention is accompanied by superb powers of characterization and poetical expression. Shakespeare has created a host of persons to live with us and he has made us see their virtues and failings and their likeness to ourselves, and their meaning for our lives.Pr is WritingReference version:Thousands of books have been written on William Shakespeare, but very little is known of his personal life. The only handwriting left by Shakespeare which we have now is a number of his signatures, one of which is on his will dated 25 March, 1616. It seems that he died a man of considerable means. His birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, has also made a thriving business out of him though tourists understand little of his work and know even less of his life. He might have had some experience with some visiting theatrical companies or even got a job with them. However, he disappeared completely in 1585 and did not “reappear” until seven years later when he emerged in London as an actor and playwright. Over the next 15 years he contributed more than 30 plays to the world as well as marvellous verse. Where did he get such a wealth of knowledge on such a wide range of subjects? Who was the “dark lady” that made him so sad? Where had his manuscripts gone to? Maybe some day we will uncover a bundle of his letters which could shed light on these and other questions.Letter WritingA. 1. I hope that everything is going smoothly with your work.2. I am waiting anxiously for an early reply from you.3. I really hope I can be there for the coming English Evening.4. Best wishes for a happy journey,5. Please let me know your opinion on my decision as soon as you can.6. Please extend my best regards to your parents.B. 1. Love,2. Your loving niece / nephew, / Love,3. Yours, / Love, / All my love, / (Very) best wishes,4. Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely,5. Yours sincerely,6. Love,IV. TranslationA. 1. No one who has heard about her misfortune will not feel deep sympathy for her.2. He asked the question out of curiosity rather than out of his desire for knowledge.3. This young scholar devoted all his attention to the development of a new type ofcomputer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name in thenear future.4. Don’t take it seriously. What I’ve just said is not meant for you.5. It was such a low doorway that the tall man had to bend his head rather than keepupright when entering the room.6. Our monitor was suddenly down with a high fever two weeks ago and has beenkeeping to his bed since then.7. It’s unbelievable that he made world-class long distance runners out of these ordinarygirls within two years.8. They tried their best to talk her into giving up the lawsuit, but in vain.9. I t never occurred to those comfortably off farmers that they would move to ametropolitan city.10. While enjoying his delicious dinner in a restaurant, he heard the car alarm andrealized in a flash that he left his car outside in the street unlocked.B. Reference version:Our house is full of things which no one cares even to look at, nor does anyone know if they will be used again. There is the old bicycle without wheels in the garage, and the attic has enough wares for a small department store. There are baskets full of children’s toys, big cases of used clothes; there is a broken mirror, a cracked teapot, bundles of old newspapers, a clock without hands, and many more other things, all gathering dust. As a matter of fact, there is no other house where there is so much useless stuff.I have tried several times to talk my wife into throwing away everything that is no longer needed, but each time she disagrees, arguing with great conviction that they will amount to a large sum of money.Now there is so much junk in our house that perhaps the family had better move out so as to make room for more junk.V. Blank FillingE. 1. fascinating2. No, not3. puzzled4. proves5. made a name for himself6. Of all the disasters, most likely7. historically speaking, well worth, can be traced toUnit 5TEXT IVocabularyA. Guessing the meanings of words:1. d2. e3. b4. a5. f6. c。

新编英语教程6第三版练习册答案【篇一:新编英语教程第六册练习册paraphrase答案】nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of light that leaves you a changed person--not only changed, but changed for the better.the most inspiring and gratifying fact of life is the unexpected spark of enlightenment that makes you different and a better person than before.2. he came across the street, finally, muffled in his ancient overcoat, shapeless felt hat pulled down over his bald head, looking more like an energetic gnome than an eminent psychiatrist.at last he walked over from the other side of the street,wrapped in his old-fashioned overcoat, his bald head coveredby a shapeless felt hat. he looked like a dwarfish old man fullof energy rather than a well-known psychiatrist.3. the woman who spoke next had never married because of a sense of obligation to her widowed mother; she recalledbitterly all the marital chances she had let go by.the next speaker on the tape was a woman who had remained single because she thought she was obliged to take care of her mother who was a widow. she still remembered and told others miserably about all the chances of marriage she had missed.4. in the end, if you let it become a habit, it can become a real roadblock, an excuse for not trying any more.eventually, if you form a habit of saying “if only”, the phrasecan really turn to an obstruction, providing you with an excuse for giving up trying anything at all.5. ... you never got out of the past tense. not once did you mention the future.…you are always thinking of the past, regretting and lamenting. you did not look forward to what you can do in the future at all.6. my, my, said the old man slyly. if only we had come downten seconds sooner, wed have caught that cab, wouldnt we?the old man said to me trickily, using the phrase “if only” on purpose, “if only we’d got here ten seconds earlier, we’d havecaught the cab.” i laughed and understood what he meant. so i foll owed his advice and said, “next time i’ll run faster”.unit 21. moses pleaded a speech defect to rationalize his reluctance to deliver jehovahs edict to pharaoh. moses justified his unwillingness to pass jehovah’s order to pharaoh, saying that he was “slow of speech”.2. yet for all the trouble procrastination may incur, delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul.delay leads to problems. however, in many cases, it can often stimulate the creativity in an artist.3. he notes that speedy action can be embarrassing or extremely costly.he points out that hastiness may give rise to decision which turn out to be humiliating or expensive.4. bureaucratization, which flourished amid the growing burdens of government and the greater complexity of society, was designed to smother policymakers in blankets of legalism, compromise and reappraisal---and thereby prevent hasty decisions from being made.excessive red-tape(官样文章;繁文缛节) developed because public administration was expanding in scope and because society was growing more and more complicated. in this sense, red-tape helped those in charge of policy to be fully engaged in enormous amount of paperwork and judgment, thus making it impossible for an immature decision to result.5. ...many of my friends go through agonies when they face a blank page.…many of my friends have a hard time the moment they attempt to put pen to paper.unit 31. of course, my father is a gentleman of the old school, a member of the generation to whom a good deal of modern architecture is unnerving; but i suspect---i more than suspect, i am convinced---that his negative response was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.brought up in the old tradition, my father is naturally not prepared to accept the idea of modern architecture; his objection to it, i would assume, indeed i should say i am prettysure, is not a result of his strong dislike of the physical building itself, but rather that of his refusal to change his attitude towards money.2. if a buildings design made it appear impregnable, the institution was necessarily sound, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architectural symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money, rather than in any aesthetic theory.if a building was made to look sturdy/invulnerable, it would be accordingly regarded as reliable, and the significance of the thick walls would be measured not by their artistic value, but by their seeming ability to provide a safe location for money.3. in a primitive society, for example, men pictured the world as large, fearsome, hostile, and beyond human control.people in a primitive society, for example, saw the world as an enormous planet full of fear, hatred and disorder.4.the principal function of todays wall is to separate possible undesirable outside air from the controlled conditions of temperature and humidity which we have created inside.today a wall serves mainly as a physical means to protect the desired atmosphere inside from being disturbed by anything unwelcome outside.5. to repeat, it is not our advanced technology, but our changing conceptions of ourselves in relation to the world that determine how we shall build our walls.again, the decisive factor that can influence the design of a wall is not the advancement of science and technology, but our ever-changing attitude towards our place in this world.unit 41. he was a man of exuberant fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts.he was a man rich in whimsies, and intolerant of any act bold enough as to challenge his authority. when his mind caught upon something, absurd as it might be, he would do everything to make sure that it was done in the way he wished.2. when every member of his domestic and political systems moved smoothly in its appointed course, his nature was bland and genial; but whenever there was a little hitch, and some of his orbs got out of their orbits, he was blander and more genialstill, for nothing pleased him so much as to make the crooked straight, and crush down uneven places.when all his subjects behaved in such a manner as they were told to, he could be gentle and kind. and he could even be more so, if anything not conforming to what he expected should occur, because that offered a great chance for him to see the undesirable removed, a thing he was most delighted in doing.3. he could open either door he pleased: he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the aforementioned impartial and incorruptible chance.he enjoyed total freedom to choose what to do: he was not directed or influenced by anyone as to which door to open. the only thing that was decisive in terms of his fate was the above-mentioned chance, granted to all the accused alike.4. this element of uncertainty lent an interest to the occasion which it could not otherwise have attained.the fact that no one could tell for sure what might happen (to the accused) made this from of trial more attractive than any other form of justice.5. thus the masses were entertained and pleased, and the thinking part of the community could bring no charge of unfairness against this plan; for did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands?thus people enjoyed coming here to watch, and those guided by reason in the society could not possibly question the fairness of this form of trial; for was it not the fact that all the accused were given equal chances to make decisions upon their won destiny?unit51. this semi-barbaric king had a daughter as blooming as his most florid fancies, and with a soul as fervent and imperious as his own.this semi-barbaric king had a daughter as exuberant as the wildest of his notions, a daughter who possessed a nature as fierce and tyrannical as his own.2. of course, everybody knew that the deed with which the accused was charged had been done.it was, of course, known to all that he was guilty of the offense of conducting an affair with the princess.3. ...; but the king would not think of allowing any fact of this kind to interfere with the workings of the tribunal, in which he took such great delight and satisfaction.…,even though the king was well aware that the love affair had taken place, he would still refuse to let the normal method of deciding guilt or innocence be disturbed, because he was extremely enthusiastic about his way of setting matters of this kind.4. ...; but gold, and the power of a womans will, had brought the secret to the princess..…; but because she had the money, and above all, because her determination was so irresistible, the princess was able to get access to the secret.5. he understood her nature, and his soul was assured that she would never rest until she had made plain to herself this thing, hidden to all other lookers-on, even to the king.he knew her so well that he was perfectly positive that she would never cease to search for the secret, which remained unknown to all other spectators, even to the king himself.unit 61. there seems to be a general assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine; that they need a varied, exciting life in order to do their best.it is generally believed that a colorless life can freeze a creative mind, and that only a colorful life can inspire a man to creative work.2. the outstanding characteristic of mans creativeness is the ability to transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences.one of the wonders human creativity works is that man can make full use of even insignificant feelings to produce far-reaching results.3. an eventful life exhausts rather than stimulates.a life full of diversions stops man’s creativity instead of activating it.4. it is usually the mediocre poets, writers, etc.,who go in search of stimulating events to release their creative flow.only literary artists of an average type rely on excitements in life as a source for their creative work./ great poets, writers, etc., create works of art out of trivial and common subject.5. people who find dull job unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure. people who are unable to see how to be patient with repetitious work are usually those who are unable to see where to find fun in life when it comes to relaxation.【篇二:新编英语教程6 练习与答案】txt>practice testsforadvanced english(2)主编张华鸿第五、六册本书的主要特点:1.2.前言编写本书的目的:目前英语专业三年级所使用的由上海外国语大学李观仪教授主编的〈新编英语教程〉紧扣精读课文编写练习,实用性、针对性强。

Unit 6单元试题(基础篇)Part I Vocabulary and GrammarI. Match the pictures with the words and expressions.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.enjoy the sun do eye exercises stretchdrink water ride a bike brush teethII. Translate the following expressions.1. out door activity2. little by little3. waste time4. play badminton5. warming up6. 看医生7. 健康小贴士8. 专家医生9. 感冒10. 眼睛酸涩III. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given phrases.have a good rest turn to …for helpstay up take some medicinefinish the injection change one’s viewadvise…to ease the pain1. The doctor said these pills ___________ efficiently.2. When the nurse ______________, the baby began to cry loudly.3. He ______________ and had a good sleep.4. Thank you for ______________ see the doctor, I feel better now.5. ____________________is good for your health.6. They often ____________ late and watched TV till midnight.7. The young lady sometimes __________ the doctor ___________.8. At last she ___________ and travelled with his husband.IV. Choose the best answers.1._________ he is only 15 years old, he knows quite a lot.A. WhenB. HoweverC. ButD. Although2._______ you are taller than him, you can’t be sure he is youngerthan you .A. Even ifB. StillC. ButD. Yet3.Although Mr. Green loves Jim, ________ he is strict with him.A. butB. /C. andD. otherwise4._____________ happens, I will stand by you.C. No matterD. HoweverA. WhatB. No matterwhat5._________ expensive it might be, I will buy it for you.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. WhereverD. Whenever6.We will go to see the doctor _______ the weather is so terrible.A. ifB. becauseC. even thoughD. forPart II Oral practiceI. Match the questions with the answers.II. Rearrange the dialogue.1.I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose.2.Open your mouth as wide as you can, please.3.How bad is it?4.What’s wrong with you?5.How long have you felt like this?6.Quite serious. You’d better take an X-ray.7.More than a week.The correct order is: ____________________________.III. Complete the dialogue.A: Good morning. This is Doctor Green’s office.__________________B: This is Lily. I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctortoday.A: Well, let me see. ___________________________________.B: No. Please, pleas help me.A: ______________________?B: I have many red spots on my face.A: ______________________?B: For two days.A: _____________________________________?B: Maybe. I feel so hot.A: OK. Let me check. How about 8:30 tomorrow morning?B: Great. See you tomorrow.1. What’s the matter with you, Lily?2. How long have you been like this?3. The doctor will be available this Friday afternoon.4. Do you have a fever?5. Should I cancel the appointment?6. What can I do for you?7. I’m afraid he is fully booked today.Part III Reading and WritingI. Select the consulting room according to the patients’ symptoms(症状).1.I have noticed some loss of hearing. ______________2.I have a fever and aching muscles. ______________3.My both hands and feet are bleeding. ______________4.I have a serious toothache for 2 weeks. ______________ II. Read the diagnosis cards and make dialogues as the model.Doctor: What can I do for you?Lily: …..Doctor: When did it start?Lily: ……Doctor:……III. Work in pairs. Fill in the form according to the following letters.Hi, doctor Li,I am not feeling well these days. After a happy trip to Shanghai, I began to cough and had a running nose for several days. This morning I feel feverish and ache all over. Can you give me some advice?Yours,SaraHi, Sara,Long time no see. I am sorry to hear your illness. It’s only a common cold. You know these days the weather is changing greatly. So, nothing is to worry about. You should stay in bed for some days. I will send you a certificate for 5 days’leave. If your temperature is above 38.5, please take the pill I gave you last time. Remember one table for every 6 hours. Take it easy, and I am sure you will be better soon.Yours,Doctor LiIV. Read the dialogue in p64 and write a letter to Doctor Green to talk about your healthy life style. (60-80 words)Dear Doctor Green,______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________V. Make a survey about your friends’ habits. Then fill in the following form according to the model.Unit 6单元试题答案(基础篇)Part I Vocabulary and grammarI. Match the pictures with the words and expressions.1. brush teeth2. drink water3. enjoy the sun4. ride a bike5. stretch6. do eye exercises II. Translate the following expressions.1. 户外运动2. 循序渐进3. 浪费时间4. 打羽毛球5. 热身运动6. see a doctor7. health tips8.a specialistdoctor9. catch a cold 10. sour eyesIII. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given phrases.1. would ease the pain2. finished the injection3. took some medicine4. advising me to5. Having a good rest6. stayed up7. turns to, for help 8. changed her viewIV. Choose the best answers.1. D2. A3. B4. B5. A6. CPart II Oral practiceI. Match the questions with the answers.1. C2. D3. B4. E5. AII. Rearrange the dialogue.The correct order is:4-1-5-7-2-3-6.III. Complete the dialogue.1.What can I do for you?2.I’m afraid he is fully booked today.3. What’s the matter with you, Lily?4. How long have you been like this?5. Do you have a fever?Part III Reading and writingI. Select the consulting room according to the patients’ symptoms.1. E.N.T.2. medical department3. surgical department4. dental departmentII. OmittedIII. Work in pairs. Fill in the form according to the following letters.IV.Omitted V. Omitted。
李观仪《新编英语教程》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 6)

Unit 6一、词汇短语Text I1. v. have a strong desire for sth. 渴望,渴求某事物;通常与介词for连用,crave for 表示“渴望…”。
e.g. Sometimes I crave sushi.偶尔想吃寿司2. n. one that prepares and lays stones in building.石工,石匠3. n. the act of revealing or disclosing.显示,揭露4. adj. full of events.多事的;多变故的e.g.an eventful week. 忙碌的一周。
important; momentous. 重要的,重大的;an eventful decision.重大决定5. adj. lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous平淡的;单调的,乏味的e.g. humdrum life 单调的生活6. v. to cover completely in a liquid. 沉浸;浸入e.g. Theelectrodes are immersed in liquid. 电极被浸没在液体中。
to engage whollyor deeply; absorb.专心于…。
e.g. He’s really becoming immersed in hiswork. 他开始真正地专注于自己的工作。
7. n. art or work of a carpenter木工工作8. n.an official right to be the onlyperson or company allowed to make or sell a new product for a certain period of time.专利e.g. P&G applied for a patent on its cookies. 宝洁公司为其饼干申请了专利。
完美WORD 格式编辑格式编辑学习指导参考资料 Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、 something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What's the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit1010、、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 21、Because face-to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book sales at no cost to the publisher.3、Because they want to get free publicity for their products.4、He believed that a consumer might not pay any attention to an ad ad——but might carefully read a long magazine story with the same information.5、Publicity is a very cheap (even free of charge) promotion method, and it might be more effective than paid advertising.Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Scattered2、Convinced3、Generated4、Prompted5、Identify6、Flexible7、Feedback8、Presentation9、Target 1010、、objectivePassage I : Read and Complete 21、Direct2、Combine3、Establish4、Events5、Purchase6、Backgrounds7、Occupations8、Candidate9、Vital1010、、communicatePassage 1:Read and Translate1、She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2、He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3、You should always aim at doing your job well .4、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking afterher invalid father.5、The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6、Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. Passage 1:Read and Simulate1、The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields working in the fields..You like sports, while I prefer music You like sports, while I prefer music..2、The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary..There are so many different CD versions to choose from and I have no idea which is the best I have no idea which is the best..3、3、The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody to anybody..The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good to the health of people without examining any other factors factors..4、In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building building..I always prefer starting early, rather than leavingeverything to the last minute everything to the last minute..5、5、There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish..Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming across other than by swimming..PassageII : Read and JudgeTFTTTTFFFTPassage II : Read and Translate 1、It has become a very common but very annoying practice to promote a new product on television.2、On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store gave away a small box of chocolate to every customer who shopped there.3、After waiting for a long time, we finally saw the President show up on the platform.4、Telephone booths placed one after another along the streets is the symbol of civilization and a beautiful view of the city as well.5、The spaceships manned by Chinese have witnessed two successful outer space missions.6、Even today, I still remember clearly what the old headmaster said at our graduation ceremony.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Product advertised:Cotton Slippers Manufactured by:Totes Co., Ltd. Reasons to be happy:Money-saving and comfortable Material used:Cotton Measuresto ensure safety:Flat and flexible sole Comparable price:Half of the competitors / Twice ours Target consumers:Men, women and children Colors available for:Men:Black, grey and brown Women:Green, white, pink and blue Children: Red, green, pink, yellow and orangeApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、1、made in made in 2、2、traditional product traditional product 3、famous brand4、4、Manufactured Manufactured 5、5、special and tasty special and tasty 6、6、a high a high reputation7、7、Health Food Health Food Health Food 8、8、8、the best seller the best seller the best seller 9、9、9、awards awards and medals10、10、the dried beef the dried beefUnit 2Put in Use : Practice 11、Founded2、Employees3、Products4、Annual production / output5、Developing6、R&DPut in Use : Practice 21、We have been dealing in importing automobiles.2、We have three branches in China.3、It's in Toronto.4、They were about 180 million yuan.5、It's about ten percent.Listen and Complete1、19822、Stock3、Shanghai4、Hong Kong5、Tokyo6、mobile telephones7、digital cameras8、Sales9、200 0001010、、$80 000 000Listen and DecideDAACBListen and Read1、the 21st century2、Tokyo, JAPAN3、President and CEO4、June 17, 19375、135.3 billion yen6、21 6717、Software8、Communications SystemsPassage I : Read and Think 1 BCACDPassage I : Read and Think 21、Maintain market alertness2、Employee equal opportunity3、Excellent working conditions4、Produce outstanding quality5、market standard6、distribution channels7、Haier innovation8、Slack season9、Flexible strategies1010、、Goal of complete customer satisfaction Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Advancement2、Conservative3、Reflected4、Significance5、Distinctive6、Innovating7、had established8、Recognized9、PositivelyPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Referred2、Marketing3、Release4、Originally5、Introduction6、Differed7、Reputation8、Revolutionized9、Innovative1010、、AvailablePassage I : Read and Translate1、How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2、The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3、According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several pasengers.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.4、He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union, but he didn't get in / succeed.5、Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you.My suggestion is that you should buy that multifunctional sofa because it may serve as a bed.2、This school began as a community college and has grown to one of the most famous universities in the state.Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in1938, and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.3、Our mission is to be one of the leaders in performance running and one of the most admired.The commitment of our company is to introduce the products of our country to the customers throughout the world.4、Luxury is becoming a concept rooted in our modern drive to find personal meaning and satisfaction.In history, "value" is itself a human concept rooted in rational and moral principles.5、Our president encourages us to improve ourselves by reading an hour a day in our fields.According to a new research, smokers can reduce their risk for heart disease by cutting down on smoking cigarettes. Passage II : Read and Judge FFTTFFTTTFPassage II : Read and Complete1、19182、19633、5 0004、Nine5、19656、one million dollars7、2008、19859、Twenty-Five1010、、thirty five thousand1111、、one billion1212、、eight hundred thousandPassage II : Read and Translate1、This method has proved to be very successful.2、We won't know the worth of health until we are ill.3、This kind of performance was very popular with college students.4、It is recognized that smoking is bad to one's health.5、The best way to learn something is to do it.6、They will compete with swimmers from across the world.7、We can't solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.8、I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else at the party.Applied Writing : Read and Complete1、Spring Inc2、New York City3、four / 44、150%5、men's casual sportswear6、ServicesApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、was established2、specialize in3、annual sales4、is growing steadily5、Branches6、With7、serve the needs8、further develop9、deal with1010、、doing businessUnit 3Put in Use : Practice 11、Certainly. Here's the catalogue for some of our popular items.2、Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.3、We have a steady supply for most of them.4、We usually quote on a CIF basis.5、You'll find our prices very attractive.Put in Use : Practice 21、Fine2、have / take3、If4、For5、Long6、For7、Changes8、OutListen and JudgeTTFTFFFListen and Respond1、In HK dollars.2、The seller will reduce the total payment by one percent.3、$405 per unit.4、Because that is the standard practice on the FOB basis.5、The buyer.6、No, not yet.Listen and Read1、November2、Delivery3、Able4、Type5、Demand6、Month7、January8、Customers9、Models1010、、CarryPassage I : Read and ThinkDACCAPassage I : Read and Complete 11、purchased goods online2、eBay3、ISP4、user account names Passwords5、Failed6、Danger7、CarefulPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Denied2、Partly3、had risked4、Removed5、Failed6、Disaster7、Assumed8、Discourage9、Registered1010、、ResidentsPassage I : Read and Complete 31、Need2、Through3、See4、With5、Process6、Whom7、Party8、Another9、Not1010、、AboutPassage I : Read and Translate1、The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2、High blood pressure places millions of people at therisk of heart disease.3、Think twice before you make any important decisions.4、A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5、Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、If there is a problem, we never point fingers at eachother.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to preventthe disaster.2、It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solvedin the near future.It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3、This computer virus is spreading, and all online usersare at risk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.4、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quitschool.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5、Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it clearly?Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTFFFPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、40% of all Canadians have access to the Internet2、The Internet is a universal information system3、Access to "the web" is easy4、obtain information5、set up a website of your own6、expand your business7、settle payment by credit cardtApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Opener Longway Company, LondonDalian Electronic Appliances Company, BeneficiaryChinaOpening Bank First Bank of England, LondonAdvising Bank Not mentionedKind of Letter ofIrrevocable, non-confirmedCreditAmount covered US$ 75 000Type of draftagreed30-day draftAccompanying documents Signed Invoice Insurance Policy Clean Shipped Bills of LadingGoods covered150 Cartons of 34” Colour TelevisionReceiversPort of Departure Dalian, ChinaPort ofDestinationLondon, BritainApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 2June 26, 2003Bank of China, ShanghaiSmith and Sons Co., Ltd. Southampton, EnglandShanghai Zhongnan Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai,ChinaOne Hundred And Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (US$ 115 000.00)August 26, 2003Bank of China, Shanghaiat sight1、commercial invoice five (5) DEFDEF——101June 3, 20032、Packing list five (5) Cotton Grade A, 100 Tons (CIF Southampton)3、Clean "On Board", "Freight Prepaid" Bill of Lading4、Insurance certificateShanghai, ChinaSouthampton, EnglandProhibitedPermittedUnit 4Put in Use : Practice 11、hire more people2、who will train and supervise the new employees we hire3、Normally, it takes three weeks to train an employee before he can work 4before he can work4、、on his ownT5T5、、he training sessions are too long6、But the new employees don't know anything about the computer and it 7computer and it7、、also takes time to train them to use the computer8、That way you can cut down the training timePut in Use : Practice 21、mainly on fire prevention and office safety2、and controlled by the automatic sprinkler system3、I'll show you around after the talk4、one at either end of the corridor on each floor5、You can dial the emergency number on the telephone set thereListen and DecodeTFTFTListen and Respond1、From next Monday on.2、About the office rules.3、One should be quite familiar with office routines and try to do everything well.4、Keeping things in order.5、Be careful not to throw things about.Listen and Read1、Introduce2、Information3、Enable4、Acquire5、Planned6、Trainees7、Leave8、Designed9、Combine1010、、QualifiedPassage I : Read and Think 1DDCCAPassage I : Read and Think 2TTFTFFPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Perspective2、Assigned3、Revealed4、Insight5、Unintended6、Contrast7、Startled8、Perform9、feel like1010、、serving asPassage I : Read and Complete 2 1、Employees2、is concerned with3、Operate4、Responsive5、calls for6、Employers7、turn out8、On the other hand9、no denying、Means1010、Passage I : Read and Translate1、In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2、In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances to meet students of all sorts of nationalities.3、In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4、My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.5、We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6、When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、He seems to know the way better than I do.His voice seemed to have disturbed her.2、His carelessness led to this accident.Hard work leads to success.3、I was assigned to a small room when I started my work in the college.Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.4、Don’t leave until I arrive.I won’t stop shouting until you let me go.5、My eyes were irritated by the smoke.The boss was irritated by the clerk’s rude behavior.6、When it came to his turn, he rose from his seat. When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.7、Instead of improving, he is getting worse.They built a reservoir half way up the mountaininstead of at the top.Passage II : Read and Judge CCABDPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、manage2、Pertaining3、Need4、Require5、Competitive6、Technology7、Necessary8、change or learnPassage II : Read and Translate 1、We are sorry, but this vacancy has already been filled.2、We have now entered the information age and left behind the industrial age.3、The rapid change of the global economy calls for college students to master the latest technology.4、We must try our best to develop ourselves to meet the needs of the new situation.5、It should be admitted that really qualified college teachers are hard to find.6、Prevention of disaster and terrorism requires a new set of management skills.Applied Writing : Read and Judge FTFTFApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、have a training program2、conduct the new sales representative training program3、seek his advice and past experience4、searching for an outside trainer5、enjoys a good reputation in Asia6、may review the materials with the consulting firm7、what sort of training content we expectUnit 5Put in Use : Practice 11、the headline of the advertisement for our computers2、the headline is more important than the body3、What do you think of this headline4、it's a little too plain5、Shall we discuss the body of the advertisement first Put in Use : Practice 21、We mainly deal with outdoor advertising.2、The choice of an advertising place depends on how much you are prepared to pay.3、Yes, but it can make your product widely known.Listen and Complete1、Media World2、Night and Day Advertising company3、Copywriters4、people don't work long in advertising5、safer than in advertisingListen and Decide1、Five years ago.2、About three years ago.3、She works closely with the clients and advertisementwriters and works out advertising strategies with them.4、Below 30.5、Yes, there are also a lot of older people in it.Listen and Read1、American citizen2、nearly $ 3703、Argue4、Services5、Purchasing6、larger quantities7、in turnPassage I : Read and Think 1CDCACPassage I : Read and Think 21、Female2、New York City3、Married4、the World's Fair5、Top 10 advertisinPassage I : Read and Complete 11、soared2、Milestone3、Commercial4、Nutrition5、Amused6、Charming7、Icon8、Presented9、Romantic、Symbolizes10、10Passage I : Read and Complete 21、Pleasuret2、Icon3、Industry4、Appearance5、Consumers6、Commercials7、Campaign8、Launch9、Extend、Accomplishment10、10Passage I : Read and Translate1、Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.2、On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year.3、The children were amused by the story about the cat.4、The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.5、Walking after supper promotes digestion.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.What we lack currently is credibility.2、Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almostbeen synonymous with the outstanding Party member.3、His misery in life began when he first tried thedrugs.His romantic life began when he first touched apainting brush.4、The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy itagain.We were so attracted by his description that we wereplanning to travel on Lijiang.5、Even today, a bunch of roses symbolizes love.Even today, war symbolizes destruction.Passage II : Read and JudgeFFFTTTFFPassage II : Read and Translate1、This kind of bed can be assembled easily with a screwdriver.2、She embodies all the best qualities of a doctor.3、Where are your so-called intimate friends when you are confronted with difficulties.4、The manufacturer-recommended retail price for the pens is 18 yuan a piece and the wholesale price is 12 yuan each.5、Although they are brothers, their personalities are quite distinct.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1DCDABApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、Non-Smoking M2、Reasonable rates3、No Job too BIG or too Small4、NANNY for downtown familyUnit 6Put in Use : Practice 11、I've been asked to come to investigate the damage to the load which this lorry was carrying2、It's your firm which is making the claim. Am I right3、I think these desks could be repainted4、We'll never be able to repair them5、They must have been under water for some time6、Your company should file a formal claim with this report and your policy within 14 daysPut in Use : Practice 21、That would save us a lot of trouble and time2、You cover WPA and War Risks, don't you3、do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks4、then don't bother. I was merely enquiring5、Thus the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% of the invoice value should6、be borne by the buyersListen and Complete1、an insurance company2、personal insurance3、liability insurance4、profit loss insurance5、Profit loss6、property insuranceListen and DecideCBACDListen and Read1、any insurance2、the coverage3、Insure4、Most often5、rely on6、Sells7、Represent8、Offer9、Shopping1010、、languagePassage I : Read and ThinkBDACBDPassage I : Read and Match5 7 1 8 4 2 9 36 11 10Passage I : Read and Complete 11、provided2、Leveled3、on a large scale4、results in5、Financial6、Damaged7、States8、resulted from9、guard against10、、entered into10Passage I : Read and Complete 2ACCBD BCCBDPassage I : Read and Translate1、These companies entered into a new agreement.2、A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on a large scale.3、This accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.4、We'd better insure the house against fire.5、Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、The best way to guard against tooth decay is through brushing teeth every day.The best way to guard against infection is through vaccination.2、The purpose of the book is to introduce the basicknowledge of engineering.The purpose of the competition is to provide university students with a stage to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.3、This is possible only when the wheels stop turning.This is possible only when the weather is fine.4、In terms of economy, nations can be divided into two groups: developed countries and developing countries.The pie can be divided into five pieces so that everyone gets piece.5、We should try our best to reduce the mistakes resulting from carelessness.They are assessing the loss resulting from the air crash. Passage II : Read and Judge 1 FFFTTTFTPassage II : Read and RewriteInsuranceAdoptClaimRequiredInformrefused / disclaimedCourtPassage II : Read and Translate1、He has been working hard to maintain his family.2、I want a specific answer to the question I asked you yesterday.3、He put his books on the shelf in order.4、Many cities in China have to rely on the Yangtze Riverfor water supply.5、Are you eligible to join this club?6、We used to cook on coal, but we've now switched to gas.Applied Writing : Read and Simulate 2FTFTTTApplied Writing : Read and Complete1、ship consignments of cameras to Australia2、you can issue an all-risks policy for these shipments3、you can issue a special rate4、regular monthly shipments5、We look forward to hearing from you very soon。
新编英语教程6 练习与答案

高级英语(二)教与学指南Practice Testsfor Advanced English(2)主编张华鸿前言编写本书的目的:目前英语专业三年级所使用的由上海外国语大学李观仪教授主编的〈新编英语教程〉第五、六册本书的主要特点:1.紧扣精读课文编写练习,实用性、针对性强。
编者2003年1月于华南师范大学外文学院ContentsUnit One: VESUVIUS ERUPTS 3 Unit Two: THE FINE ART OF PUTTING THINGS OFF16 Unit Three: WALLS AND BARRIERS28 Unit Four: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?40 Unit Five: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?53 Unit Six: DULL WORK65 Unit Seven:BEAUTY 74 Unit Eight: APPETITE84 Unit Nine: A RED LIGHT FOR SCOFFLAWS98 Unit Ten: STRAIGHT-A ILLITERACY114131 Unit Eleven: ON CONSIGNING MANUSCRIPTS TOFLOPPY DISCS AND ARCHIVES TO OBLIVIONUnit Twelve: GRANT AND LEE147 Unit Thirteen: EUPHEMISM163 Unit Fourteen: THAT ASTOUNDING CREATOR---NA TURE175 Unit Fifteen: TEACHING AS MOUNTAINEERING191Unit OneTEXT IVESUVIUS ERUPTSI. Paraphrase the parts underlined in the following:So the letter which you asked me to write on my uncle’s death has made you eager to hear about the terrors and also the hazards I had to face 1when left at Misenum, for I 2broke off at the beginning of this part of my story.I took a bath, dined, and then dozed 3fitfully for a while. For several days past there had been earth 4tremors which were not particularly alarming because they are frequent in Campania: but that night the shocks were so violent that everything fell as if it were not only shaken but overturned.I don’t know whether I sh ould call this courage or 5folly on my part (I was only seventeen at the time) but I 6called for a volume of Livy and went on reading as if I had nothing else to do.Up came a friend of my uncle’s who had just come from Spain to join him. When he saw us sitting there and me actually reading, he scolded us both —me for my 7foolhardiness and my mother for allowing it.By now it was dawn [25 August in the year 79], but the light was still dim and 8faint. The buildings round us were already 9tottering, and the open space we were in was too small for us not to be in real and 10imminent danger if the house collapsed. This finally 11decided us to leave the town. We were followed by a panic- stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else’s decision 12in preference to their own (a point in which fear looks like 13prudence), who 14hurried us on our way by pressing hard behind in a dense crowd.We also saw the sea sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquake: at any rate it receded from the shore so that 15quantities of sea creatures were left 16stranded on dry sand. On the landward side a fearful black cloud was 17rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame, and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size.At t his point my uncle’s friend from Spain 18spoke up still more urgently: “If your brother, if your uncle is still alive, he will want you both to be saved; if he is dead, he would want you to survive him so why put off your escape?”Soon afterwards the cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already 19blotted out Capri and hidden the promontory of Misenum from sight. Then my mother 20implored, entreated, and commanded me to escape as best I couldI looked round: a dense black cloud was coming up behind us, spreading over the earth like a flood. “Let us leave the road while we can still see,” I said, “or we shall be knocked down and 21trampled underfoot in the dark by the crowd behind.”You could hear the shrieks of women, the 22wailing of infants, and the shouting of men; some were calling their parents, others their children or their wives, trying to recognize them by their voices. People 23bewailed their own fate or that of their relatives, and there were some who 24prayed for death in their terror of dying. Many 25besought the aid of the gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that the universe was plunged into eternal darkness forevermore. There were people, too, who 26added to the real perils byinventing 27fictitious dangers: some reported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them. A 28gleam of light returned, but we took this to be a warning of the approaching flames rather than daylight.I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear 29escaped me in these perils, 30had I not derived some poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dying with me and I with it.We returned to Misenum where we 31attended to our physical needs as best we could, and then spent an anxious night alternating between hope and fear.II. Rewrite the followingFor each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to the original sentence by using the given words as the beginning.1. We were followed by a panic-stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else’s decision in preference to their own, who hurried us on our way by pressing hard behind in a dense crowd.Panic-stricken, the mob of people close behind us ___________ _ 2. We replied that we would not think of considering our own safety as long as we were uncertain of his.Unless we were ___________________________________3. There were people, too, who added to the real perils by inventing fictitious dangers: some reported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them.By reporting that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, _______ 4. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me in these perils, had I not derived some poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dying with me and I with it.Because I derived some poor consolation_____________________5. Several hysterical individuals made their own and other people’s calamities seem ludicrous in comparison with their frightful predictions.Compared with several individuals’ frightful predictions, the calamities____________ III. Translate the following into English1. 还未等我们坐下来喘息,夜幕已经降临,这黑暗使你觉得不是在无月色或多云的夜晚,而像是在灯火熄灭的紧闭的房间里。
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Reference for Unit 6 workbook exercises
Blank Filling
1. changed, promising
2. coming, qualified
3. determined
4. spoken, leading, surprising
5. frightening
6. demanding
7. pleased, soiled
8. complicated
9. interested, exciting, soaked
10. t iring, tired
1. giving
2. Fascinated, rising / rise
3. singing, to do, making
4. keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing
5. opening
6. to take, shopping, doing, to do
7. to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do
8. to watch, to read, reading, watching
9. missing, to tell
10. t o be taken
11. s wimming, cleaning, to do
12. w aiting, seeing, missing, to find, to be
1. for
2. to
3. of
4. on
5. read
6. across
7. about / for 8. in
9. until / till
10. o pinion
11. b y
12. k eep
13. e xcellent
14. t ime
15. p leasure
16. f rom
17. y ourself
18. i n
19. f illed
20. t rains
21. b ut
22. m eeting
23. t hings
24. a ttitude
25. f or
1. speaking
2. before
3. by
4. few
5. developed
6. how
7. writing 8. step
9. or
10. o f
11. f ound
12. f rom
13. i deas
14. u sed
15. t he
16. f irst
17. r epresent
18. c an
19. l anguage
20. m aking
21. w orld
22. t o
23. o f
24. o nly
25. w ay
VI. Sentence Rewriting
1. Whenever he … bookshop, he …away from it.
2. Whoever he is, he … law.
3. Wherever he went, poor … life.
4. Whatever you may say, I … thi ng.
5. However hard he tries, he … satisfactorily
6. Don’t …, whoever repeats it. / Whoever repeats it, don’t…
7. However annoying his behavior is / may be, we … him.
8. Whatever he … say, I … going.
9. Keep calm, whatever happens. / Whatever happens, keep …
10. T he boy…, wherever he is. / Wherever …, the boy…
1. To his great joy, his uncle … present.
2. Much to our relief, the plane … last.
3. To the surprise of the teacher, yang Ling had … heart.
4. To our grief, Professor Hu died of cancer last week.
5. To my satisfaction, his statement is correct.
6. To the disappointment of the students, the book … bookshops.
7. To their indignation, John was unfairly dismissed.。