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I. 辨音(Words) (共5小题,计5分)


1. A. funny B. grandfather C. telephone D. young

2. A. their B. ship C.

child D. shop

3. A. news B. piano C.

let D. Lucy

4. A. busy B. mine C. brother’s D. classroom

5. A. class B. door C.

play D. tall

II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)


6. A. Tom and Lily go to school on foot every day.

B. Tom and Lily walk home every day.

C. Tom goes to school by bike with Lily every day.

D. Tom and Lily study in the same school.

7. A. Jim doesn’t like Sunday.

B. Today is Sunday.

C. Jim likes Sunday best.

D. Sunday is a good day.

8. A. Nick can play volleyball well.

B. Nick isn’t good at playing volleyball.

C. Nick likes playing volleyball very much.

D. Nick wants to play volleyball this afternoon.

9. A. Let’s get up at half past six.

B. Let’s have a rest at six forty.

C. Let’s have breakfast at twenty to seven.

D. Let’s have a birthday party at six thirty.

10. A. The dog in Picture One is black.

B. Picture One is beautiful. There is a dog in it.

C. Colour the dog in Picture One black, please.

D. The dog in Picture One is my sister’s.

III. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)

A) 听五组对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。对话和问题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

11. A. Mike’

s. B. Edward’s.



D. The P.

E. teacher’s.

12. A. On the

desk. B. In the box.

C. In the

bag. D. In the desk.

13. A. It’s 7:00 p.m. B. It’s 6:15 p.m.

C. It’s 6:00

p.m. D. It’s 6:20 p.m.

14. A. She is Tom’s sister. B. She is Tom’s friend.

C. She is Tom’s sister’s friend.

D. She is Tom’s mother.

15. A. Art. B.

Math. C. English. D. Chinese.

B) 听一组对话, 根据所听内容选择最佳选项回答下列问题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

16. Where are Lily’s parents?

A. They are in their bedroom.

B. They are in Lily’s bedroom.

C. They are at Lily’s uncle’s home.

D. They are in


17. What is Lily’s computer like?

A. It’s new.

B. It’s old.

C. It doesn’t work.

D. It’s like Bob’s.

18. What does Bob use the computer to do?

A. Send an email.

B. Play games.

C. Do his homework.

D. Listen to music.

19. Which country is Bob’s mother in now?

A. England.

B. America.

C. China.

D. Japan.

20. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?

A. Bob is Lily’s brother.

B. Bob doesn’t have a computer.

C. Lily’s computer is in her bedroom.

D. Lily’s sister isn’t at home.

IV. 短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分)

A) 根据你所听到的短文内容, 选择最佳答案回答下列问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

21. Where does Akemi work?
