3.V5如何恢复SQL Sever 数据库请参照帮派地址:/group/thread/1003962-254526095.htm二、系统管理1.初始向导第一次运行阿拉丁,会出现系统初始化向导窗口,引导用户对系统初始数据填充:店铺初始化:在系统中添加要管理的店铺;仓库初始化:在系统中建立宝贝商品的储存仓库;账户初始化:在系统中添加用于财务收支的银行账户;员工初始化:在系统中添加管理软件的用户和权限分配;供应商初始化:在系统中添加宝贝供应商;系统初始化向导完成后,下一步要进行的就是添加店铺。
埃利·利利公司 - 通过 Azure AD 开始登录的说明说明书
指南本指南的目标受众是要求 Lilly IT 服务台重置其登录方法的新员工或用户。
开始打开浏览器并访问https://注意:如果您是第三方员工,且您的组织也使用 O365,您将需要使用私密浏览器,防止您的公司凭证被使用或创建成单独的配置文件,以便浏览器可以记住您已登录 Lilly。
在 Edge 浏览器上,选择右上角的三个点,然后选择新建 InPrivatewindow。
在 Chrome 浏览器上选择右上角的三个点,然后选择新建隐身窗口(New Incognito window)。
要创建单独的配置文件,请执行以下操作:在 Edge 浏览器上,选择右上角的三个点,然后选择“设置”,然后选择“+ 添加配置文件”。
在 Chrome 浏览器上,选择右上角的人形图标,然后选择 + 添加.当提示登录时,输入您的 Lilly 用户名/电子邮件并选择下一步。
多重身份验证和自助服务密码重置 (SSPR) 支持以下方法:Microsoft 身份验证器应用程序:Microsoft Authenticator 移动应用适用于iOS、iPad OS 和 Android移动设备。
Microsoft Authenticator 应用主要通过推送通知批准身份验证,该应用还提供一次性密码的验证方式。
手机:可以为 MFA 和 SSPR 配置主要和备用手机号码。
YubiKey(Yubico 身份验证器):与 PingID 中的支持相比,自助服务密码重置中的 YubiKey 支持有所不同。
YubiKeys 可以继续与在 Windows 或 macOS 电脑系统上运行的 Yubico Authenticator 应用程序一起使用。
艾比利认证计费产品快速入门指南1概述 (2)2快速入门指南 (2)1概述本手册适用于艾比利认证计费产品。
L-A1.0软件使用说明为了能够使您尽享本系统操作的方便快捷,请您详细阅读本说明:一、 系统安装说明:打开您的电脑,启动操作系统之后,将本系统光盘放入光驱,打开我的电脑,打开光盘,会显示带有软件名称的文件夹,双击打开该文件夹,点击运行SETUP 文件,您就可以根据中文提示安装本系统了。
若您使用的是通过USB 口传输的巡检器,请您在安装完本软件系统后再安装USB 驱动,详细的安装程序请参考USB 驱动安装说明。
二、 软件操作说明:(一)软件登录、注销1、登录双击巡更管理系统图标,软件起动后,会出现以下登录界面,选择权限,然后输入相对应的密码,系统管理员初始密码为333;操作员密码为222;浏览者密码为111。
只要输入正确,便可登录成功;登录界面如下图:2、注销 操作员的注销,即更换操作员,使新的操作员用新的权限登录。
注销方法(如下图),选择菜单“操作员 用户注销”来实现。
(二)资源设置 资源设置分五部分组成:人员钮设置、地点钮设置、事件设置、棒号设置、系统设置,每一部分的设置如下:1、系统设置:在第一次进入软件后,应首先对系统进行设置。
注:巡检器与电脑是用串口进行数据传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM1,巡检器与电脑是用USB 口传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM3(具体情况可到设备管理器中查询),在系统设置完毕后请重新登录巡更系统。
2、棒号设置: 在使用巡检器之前需要将巡检器的棒号输入到软件中,以便识别。
3、人员钮设置: 此选项用来对巡检人员进行设置,以便用于日后对巡检情况的查询。
HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册HIMOD系列北京****科技有限公司技术部2009年01月01日目录第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述 (2)型号多 (3)控制技术先进 (3)制冷系统 (3)送风系统 (3)加湿系统 (3)加热系统 (4)1.7其它 (4)第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义 (4)第三章有关空调的一些资料 (5)气流组织方式(详见下图) (5)盖板纽开启方式(详见下图) (5)空调重量(单位:Kg) (5)机组尺寸及维护空间 (6)第四章制冷循环管路示意图 (7)风冷却(A型) (7)水冷却(W型) (8)双冷源(D型) (9)单系统(C型) (10)双系统(C型) (10)第五章调速风机调速接线示意图 (11)第六章MICROF ACE概述 (12)概述 (12)面板简介液晶显示屏 (13)液晶显示屏介绍 (13)第七章MICROF ACE面板的操作 (13)第八章控制器的使用 (14)控制器(HIROMATIC)概述 (14)控制器的操作 (15)菜单结构 (17)第九章日常维护及特殊维护 (18)日常维护 (18)特殊维护 (19)第十章常见报警及处理 (20)低压报警 (20)高压报警 (21)加湿报警 (21)失风报警 (21)电加热过热报警 (22)显示器发黑 (22)空调不制冷 (22)附录1:参数列表 (22)附录2:报警内容列表 (26)附录3:各菜单项含义: (28)第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的机房专用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。
蓝水母平台(体系服务)用户操作手册二零一九年七月修订历史记录目录1.概述 (5)1.1.文档内容 (5)1.2.目标读者 (5)1.3.阅读指南 (5)1.4.手册编写约定 (6)2.平台介绍 (6)3.操作说明 (8)3.1.登录 (8)3.2.公司人员登录菜单栏 (9)3.3.工作台 (10)3.4.运行情况 (11)3.5.数据分析 (12)3.6.我的消息 (12)3.7.我的申请 (13)3.7.1.我的申请 (13)3.7.2.新建申请 (14)3.8.我的审批 (16)3.8.1.我的审批 (16)3.8.2.历史审批 (17)3.9.相关流程 (18)3.10.系统台账 (18)3.10.1.搜索 (18)3.10.2.查看 (18)3.10.3.对比台账 (19)3.10.4.隐藏台账 (20)3.11.体系正文 (20)3.12.体系日程 (21)3.13.通知公告 (21)3.14.审核问题汇总 (22)3.15.证书维护 (22)3.15.1.新增证书 (23)3.15.2.编辑证书 (24)3.15.3.查看证书 (24)3.15.4.删除证书 (24)3.15.5.搜索证书 (24)3.16.个人档案 (25)3.17.备件管理 (26)3.17.1.备件库存 (26)3.17.2.备件流程列表 (27)3.17.3.备件维护 (28)3.18.物料管理 (28)3.18.1.物料库存 (28)3.18.3.物料维护 (30)3.18.4.Impa字典 (30)3.19.维护保养 (31)3.19.1.定时设备 (31)3.19.2.保养列表 (33)3.19.3.保养记录 (35)3.20.公司管理员登录菜单栏 (35)3.21.公司设定 (36)3.21.1.公司信息 (36)3.21.2.部门管理 (36)3.21.3.职务管理 (39)3.21.4.员工管理 (41)3.22.流程设定 (43)3.23.通知公告 (43)3.24.船舶保养目录 (44)3.24.1.添加 (45)3.25.备件字典 (45)3.25.1.备件字典>>设备管理 (45)3.25.2.备件字典>>备件管理 (47)3.26.物料字典 (48)3.26.1.物料字典>>新增类别 (48)3.27.维护保养字典 (50)3.27.1.维护保养字典>>保养设备 (50)3.27.2.维护保养字典>>保养目录 (51)1.概述1.1.文档内容本手册主要面向平台系统的公司管理员,公司人员,提供包括平台的基本操作,注意事项等使用说明,本手册是综合性用户使用手册,将这个平台的所有功能都在本手册中进行说明。
OrderingOverview07/2017RUGGEDCOMMulti-Service Platforms Ordering Overview Modular Managed Layer 2 and 3 Ethernet Switches and Routers/ruggedcomRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |Contentsdesigned and tested to withstand the demandsof the harsh environments.ContentsRUGGEDCOM Selector 3RUGGEDCOM RX1400 4RUGGEDCOM RX1500 6RUGGEDCOM RX1501 8RUGGEDCOM RX1510 10RUGGEDCOM RX1511 12RUGGEDCOM RX1512 14RUGGEDCOM RX5000 16RUGGEDCOM RX1500 / RX1501 /RX1510 / RX1511 / RX1512 18RUGGEDCOM RX5000 modules 19Accessories 2023RUGGEDCOM Selector | RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM SelectorThe RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms are specifically designed to operate reliably in industrially harsh environments. These products meet and exceed recognized industry standards (e.g. IEC 61850-3, IEEE 1613, NEMA TS 2) for ruggedness and communications performance. They are ideally suited for mission critical real-time control applicationsrequiring high levels of reliability and availability.With the RUGGEDCOM Selector you can transfer the order number to the Siemens Industry Mall and order your products.To use the RUGGEDCOM Selector for the selection and configuration of RUGGEDCOM products, visit: /ruggedcom-selectorFor information on wireless approvals, visit: /wireless-approvalsRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1400RUGGEDCOM RX1400Example Order codeRUGGEDCOM RX1400 with +/- 12-24 VDC (9-36 VDC) power supply, DIN rail mounting, modem for North America (Verizon), wireless LAN for United States of America, standard RJ45 ports, Layer 3 standard edition software, two ANT1096-4MA and VPE1400.6GK60140AM21-0BA0-ZA03 + B01 + C00 + D00 + E00 + F00 + G02 + V014RUGGEDCOM RX1400 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview5RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1500RUGGEDCOM RX1500Example Order codeRUGGEDCOM RX1500 with high voltage (88-300 VDC / 85-264 VAC) power supply with screw terminal block, 24 VDC (15-36 VDC) power supply with screw terminal block, 19” rack mounting option, Layer 3 switch, Layer 3 security edition, 6 x 10/100BASE-TC RJ45, 6 x 100BASE-FX SFP, blank (no transceiver) and two blank modules. 6GK015-0AM23-1DC0-Z B01 + C26 + D00 + E00Power Module 1Slot 1Slot 3Power Module 2Slot 2Slot 4G _ R C M 0 _ X X _ 0 0 4 5 767RUGGEDCOM RX1500 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview8RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1501ExampleOrder codeRUGGEDCOM RX1501 with high voltage (88-300 VDC / 85-264 VAC) power supply with pluggable terminal block, 19” rack mounting option, Layer 2 switch, conformal coating, Layer 2 standard edition, 2 x 1000BASE-LX, single-mode, 1300 nm. LC, 10 km, 6 x 10/100BASE-TC RJ45, 6 x 100BASE-FX SFP, blank (no transceiver) and three blank modules.6GK6015-0BM26-0DC1-ZA00 + B33 + C01 + D09 + E00 + F00 + G00RUGGEDCOM RX1501Power ModuleSlot 1Slot 3Slot 5Slot 2Slot 4Slot 6G _R C M 0_X X _004589RUGGEDCOM RX1501 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1510RUGGEDCOM RX1510Examples Order codeRUGGEDCOM RX1510 with 48 VDC (36-72 VDC) power supply with screw terminal block, 24 VDC (15-36 VDC) power supply with screw terminal block, DIN and panel mounting kit, Layer 3 switch, Layer 3 security edition, APE1402 (1.3 GHz, 2GB RAM, 8GB SATA, video, USB, Linux), 6 x 10/100BASE-TC RJ45, 6 x 100BASE-FX SFP, blank (no transceiver) and6 x 10/100BASE-TC RJ45. 6GK6015-1AM22-1EB0-Z A03 + B52 + C01 + D26 + E01Slot 1Slot 2Slot 3Slot 4Module 1Module 210RUGGEDCOM RX1510 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1511 RUGGEDCOM RX1511Example Order codeRUGGEDCOM RX1511 power supply with 48 VDC (36-72 VDC) with screw terminal block, DIN and panel mounting kit, Layer 2 switch, Layer 2 standard edition, 4 x 10/100BASE-TX M12 (8-pin) and 2 x 1000BASE-LX SFP, blank (no optical transceiver). 6GK6015-1BM21-0AB0ZA00 + B16 + C56 Slot 1Slot 2ModuleRUGGEDCOM RX1511|RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1512 RUGGEDCOM RX1512Example Order codeRUGGEDCOM RX1512 with DIN and panel mounting kit, Layer 2 switch, Layer 2 standard edition, 2 x 1000BASE-LX, single-mode, 1300 nm, LC, 10 km and 6 x 10/100BASE-TC RJ45. 6GK6015-1CM28-0EB0-ZA00 + B33 + C01 Slot 1Slot 2RUGGEDCOMX1512 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview | RUGGEDCOM RX5000RUGGEDCOM RX5000Slot 1Power Module 1Power Module 2Slot 2Slot 3CM SM Slot 4Slot 5Slot 6ExampleOrder codeRUGGEDCOM RX5000 with two high voltage (88-300 VDC / 85-264 VAC) power supplies with screw terminal block, 19” rack mounting, front mount with interfaces and diagnostic LEDs on the front, conformal coating, switch module supporting Layer 2 with 8 Gbit/s throughput and 2x 1000BASE-LX SFP interfaces, control module, Layer 3 standard edition (only with Layer 2 hardware), 16x 10/100BASE-TX with RJ45 interfaces, 8x 100BASE-FX multi-mode, 1310 nm, LC 2 km, 8x RS232/RS422/RS485 with DB9 interfaces and three blank modules.6GK6050-0AM23-3DM1-ZA07 + B00 + C02 + D01 + E04 + F31 + G00 + H00 + J00RUGGEDCOM RX5000 |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering OverviewRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |RUGGEDCOM RX1500 / RX1501 / RX1510 / RX1511 / RX1512 modules RUGGEDCOM RX1500 / RX1501 / RX1510 / RX1511 / RX1512 modulesRUGGEDCOM RX5000 modules |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview RUGGEDCOM RX5000 modulesRUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview |Accessories AccessoriesAccessories |RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview2122RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms Ordering Overview | AccessoriesFastConnect Cabling SystemStringent demands are placed on theinstallation of cables in an industrialenvironment. Siemens offers FastConnect, a system that fulfills all these requirements: on-site assembly – quick, easy and error-free. For more information, visit:/fastconnect* S M = single-mode,MM = multi-mode23RUGGEDCOM WIN | CategoryFor more information, please visit: /ruggedcom Siemens AGProcess Industries and DrivesProcess AutomationPostfach 48 4890026 NürnbergGermanySiemens Canada Limited300 Applewood CrescentConcord, Ontario, L4K 5C7Canada© Siemens AG 2017Subject to change without prior notice Article No. 6ZB5531-0AR02-0BA0W-FPN7Z-RG-PA212 / Dispo 26000BR 0717 2. ROT 24 EnPrinted in Germany Security informationSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept.Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized accessto its plants, systems, machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security measures(e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into account. For more information about industrial security, please visit: /industrialsecuritySiemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.To stay informed about product updates, subscribeto the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under: /industrialsecurityThe information provided in this brochure contains descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.Scan thisQR codefor moreinformation。
Edikio Guest software is designed for creating and printing buffet labels and other cards, in just a few clicks:Extensive content• Over 200 monochrome card and label templates to suit all purposes, in monochrome and color• Over 350 images for you to choose fromEDIKIO GUEST FLEXA FLEXIBLE SOLUTION FOR PRINTING ALL YOUR LONG AND CREDIT CARD-SIZED CARDS AND LABELSEdikio Guest Flex is an all-in-one solution for customizing and printing labels and cards used in the hospitality market.It lets you print visually-appealing display labels for buffets and multi-purpose plastic cards in credit-card or long formats. Edikio Guest Flex includes everything you need to get started:Edikio Flex printerEdikio Guest softwarePlus EditionThe PLUS edition of the software contains exclusive features:• T emplates for labels in credit-card and long formats (150 x 50 mm and 120 x 50 mm) and templates for color cards in credit-card format• Password-protected template locking• Import your data from an Excel file or another document created with Edikio Guest• Automatic duplicate management• Wizard for manual printing of double-sided cards100 black cards,long format (150 x 50 mm)100 black cards,credit-card format(85.60 x 53.98 mm)1 white ribbon for 1000prints in credit-card format EDIKIO GUEST PLUS EDITION: AN EFFECTIVE AND INTUITIVE SOFTWAREProduct reference no.EF1H0000XS-BS012Printer Edikio Flex Single-sided, edge-to-edge printing in color and monochrome (margin: 0.4 mm in color/0.7 mm for monochrome white printing)Consumables included - 1 white print ribbon (for approx. 1000 prints in credit-card format / 640 prints in longformat 150 x 50 mm)- 100 black cards, credit-card format (85.60 x 53.98 mm), thickness 0.76 mm- 100 black cards, long format (150 x 50 mm), thickness 0.50 mmSoftware included EDIKIO GUEST - PLUS EDITION card creation softwareAvailable in 21 languages: Czech, Danish, German, Chinese (simplified and traditional),Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.EDIKIO PRINTER SUITE – print driver for Windows ®Compatible cards PVC cardsCredit-card format ISO CR80 - ISO 7810: 85.60 x 53.98 mmLong formats: 120 x 50 mm and 150 x 50 mmCard thickness 0.50 mm - 0.76 mm (20 mil - 30 mil)Print ribbon management Automatic ribbon identification and installationVisual notification when running low/end of ribbon (as of Windows 7)Printing technology Color dye sublimation (16 million colors), monochrome thermal transfer, print head 300dpi, print resolution up to 600 dpiPrint speeds Monochrome, credit card: 390 cards/hour (9.2 sec/label)Monochrome, 150 x 50 mm: 260 cards/hour (13.8 sec/label)YMCKO color, credit card: 135 cards/hour (26.5 sec/label)Capacity of card container/loader Up to 50 cards/Up to 25 cards (thickness 0.76 mm)Dimensions (H x W x D)/Printer weight 247 x 205 x 426 mm / 3,8 kgMin/max. operating temperature:15 °C / 30 °C (59°F / 86°F)Connectivity USB (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0)EthernetBox contents 1x Edikio Flex printer1x Edikio Guest software suite – USB key100 black cards, credit-card format (85.60 x 53.98 mm), thickness 0.76 mm100 black cards, long format (150 x 50 mm), thickness 0.5 mm1x monochrome white ribbon1x start-up cleaning kit1x USB cable (1.80 m), power pack and power supply cableWarranty 2 years, optional warranty extension to 4 years availableSystem requirementsWindows 7 or later version (32 or 64 bits)2 GB of RAM1.5 GB of free hard disk spaceScreen resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels1 USB port SPECIFICATIONS©2018 Evolis. All rights reserved. Data non-contractual. Information and photos subject to change without notice. All names and brands referred to in this document belong to their respective owners. 11/2018 KB-EDF2-287-ENG-A4-A0EUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICAEvolis - 14 avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé - 49070 Beaucouzé - FranceT +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info @US & CANADA - Boston - evolisnortham @LATIN AMERICA - Miami - evolislatam @ASIA-PACIFIC - Singapore - evolisasia @CHINA - Shanghai - evolischina @JAPAN - Tokyo - evolisjapan @INDIA - Mumbai - evolisindia @。
L-A1.0软件使用说明为了能够使您尽享本系统操作的方便快捷,请您详细阅读本说明:一、 系统安装说明:打开您的电脑,启动操作系统之后,将本系统光盘放入光驱,打开我的电脑,打开光盘,会显示带有软件名称的文件夹,双击打开该文件夹,点击运行SETUP 文件,您就可以根据中文提示安装本系统了。
若您使用的是通过USB 口传输的巡检器,请您在安装完本软件系统后再安装USB 驱动,详细的安装程序请参考USB 驱动安装说明。
二、 软件操作说明:(一)软件登录、注销1、登录双击巡更管理系统图标,软件起动后,会出现以下登录界面,选择权限,然后输入相对应的密码,系统管理员初始密码为333;操作员密码为222;浏览者密码为111。
只要输入正确,便可登录成功;登录界面如下图:2、注销 操作员的注销,即更换操作员,使新的操作员用新的权限登录。
注销方法(如下图),选择菜单“操作员 用户注销”来实现。
(二)资源设置 资源设置分五部分组成:人员钮设置、地点钮设置、事件设置、棒号设置、系统设置,每一部分的设置如下:1、系统设置:在第一次进入软件后,应首先对系统进行设置。
注:巡检器与电脑是用串口进行数据传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM1,巡检器与电脑是用USB 口传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM3(具体情况可到设备管理器中查询),在系统设置完毕后请重新登录巡更系统。
2、棒号设置: 在使用巡检器之前需要将巡检器的棒号输入到软件中,以便识别。
3、人员钮设置: 此选项用来对巡检人员进行设置,以便用于日后对巡检情况的查询。
Every time Ignition Key is turned on system will enter Anti Hijack Mode.2.Door Activated Anti Hijack Mode When Ignition Key is on,and door is opened,system will enter Anti H ijack Mode.3.When Ignition Key is on,press button4 for 3 seconds,system will enter Anti Hijack Mode.The Anti H ijack Mode feature may be programmed during installationANTI HIJACK OPERATIONAfter Anti Hijack has been triggered:0-20 seconds there will be no indication the Anti Hijack has been activated.21-30 seconds LED will flash slowly.31-45 seconds LED will flash quickly,andsiren will chirp every 2 seconds.46-60 Seconds LED will flash quickly,and siren will chirp every 1 second.61 seconds,LED will flash quickly,Siren, Horn* will sound,and Parking Lights will flash for 5 minutes.Starter Disable will be activated.To deactivate the Anti Hijack during the first 60 seconds,Press the Valet switch 3 times.To deactivate the Anti H ijack after 60 seconds press,and hold the valet switch for 5 secondsSiren,Horn* will stop sounding,and Parking Lights*will stop flashing. System will enter the valet mode. Starter Disable will be deactivated.Before you begin the installation •Read the INSTRUCTIONS!•Always use a multi-meter when verifying vehicle wiring.•Before mounting the product,verify with the customer the desired location for the valet switch and LED.•Protect the vehicle by using fender covers.•Always look before drilling.Make sure you will not cause damage to vehicle hoses, electrical looms or physical damage to vehicle.Mounting The System ModuleMount the system module under the dash where it will be difficult for a potential thief to locate the module,and away from moving parts such as brake pedals,etc. Route the antenna wire away from wire looms,computer modules and metallic objects for better range.Mounting The SirenMount the siren in a suitable place under the hood,away from hot and moving engine parts such as manifolds,fan belts, etc.Make sure the siren cannot be accessed from underneath the vehicle or through the grill.Face the siren down so that water cannot accumulate inside the siren bell.Protect wires running through the firewall using either tape or split loom tubing.If a new hole is needed,protect the wire from chaffing by installing a proper size grommet.Mounting The Shock SensorSecure the shock sensor to the steering column,thick wire harness or a dash brace, using a wire tie.Make sure that the adjustment screw is accessible for later testing and adjustment.12-Pin Main Harness:•RED WIRE - +12V Battery input.Connect the red fused wire on the main harness to a constant +12V source.This source wire should be at least 15 amp supply.•BLACK WIRE - Ground input (-).Connect to a solid chassis ground that is clean and free of paint or dirt.•YELLOW WIRE - +12V Ignition input. Connect to a main ignition wire at the ignition switch harness.This wire shows +12V when the ignition is on and while cranking.The voltage must not drop when the car is starting.•GREEN WIRE - Negative door trigger (-). Connect to the door switch circuit wire that shows ground when the door is open.•VIOLET WIRE - Positive door trigger (+). Connect to the door switch circuit wire that shows +12V when the door is open.•BLUE WIRE - Trunk/H ood trigger (-). Connect the Blue wire to the trunk and/or optional hood pin switches.The switch must provide a ground output when switch is opened.•BROWN WIRE - Siren wire output (+) 3A. Connect to the siren’s red wire.Connect the siren’s black wire to ground.•BROWN/WH ITE WIRE – 2nd Auxiliary Output 500mA (-) can be programmed for:pulsing Horn output,variable pulse output, or 30 second output.Connect to an optional relay to activate these accessories.•BLACK/WHITE WIRE - Dome Light output (-) 500mA.Connect to an optional relay to activate the vehicle’s dome light.•ORANGE WIRE - Armed Output (-) 500mA. The ORANGE wire provides a ground when the unit is armed to activate a circuit disable relay or other device (i.e.window control module,etc.).•GRAY WIRE - Auxiliary output (-) 500mA. Connect to a relay for an optional feature such as trunk release,etc.•WHITE WIRE - Parking Light output (+/-) 10A relay.Connect to the vehicle’s parking light wire.If the vehicle’s parking light circuit exceeds 10 amps a relay is required. For vehicle’s with independent left and right parking light circuits,the parking light wires must be connected using diodes to keep the circuits separate.NOTE:Do not connect the WH ITE wire to the vehicle’s headlight circuit.RED/WH ITE WIRE – Parking Light Polarity Selection Input.Connect this wire to +12V Constant for Positive Output on White wire. Connect to Ground for Negative Output on White wire.For Multiplex activated parking light systems,install correct value resistor on this wire.Plug in Connectors3-Pin Red Door Lock Connector: Plug-in connector port for door lock harness or optional door lock relay module.•BLUE WIRE - unlock output (-) 500mA.•GREEN WIRE - lock output (-) 500mA.2-Pin White Connector: Plug-in connector port for LED.Mount the LED in an area where it can easily be seen from either the driver or passenger side of the vehicle.2-Pin Blue Connector: Plug-in connector port for valet switch.Mount switch in an area that is easily accessible from the driver’s seat.4-Pin White Connector: Plug-in connector port for dual stage shock sensor. Entering ProgrammingTo enter System Programming:1.Turn Ignition on.2.Within 5 seconds press the valet switch5 times.The siren will emit a long chirp,to indicate entering the program mode.3.Press the valet switch the number oftimes equal to the desired feature step. The siren will chirp,and the Led will flash to confirm your selection (example:Step 7 = 1 long chirp,and 2 short chirps.LED will emit 1 long flash,and 2 short flashes.)4.Within 5 seconds,press the transmitterbutton corresponding to the desired operation mode for that feature.The siren will chirp,and LED will flash to indicate the setting.One chirp/flash = Button 1Two chirps/flashes = Button 2Three chirps/flashes = Button 3Four chirps/flashes = Button 4Turn off Ignition to save changes.Siren will chirp 3 times.Parking Lights will flash 3 times Complete Default ResetThis procedure will reset all Programmab le Features to factory default settings.1.Enter System Programming.2.Press valet switch 16 times.Siren willemit 3 long chirps,and 1 short chirpLED will emit 3 long,and 1 short flashes.3.Press button 4 for 3 seconds.Siren will chirp 6 times.Parking Lights will flash 6 timesLED will flash 3 times.3.Turn Ignition off to save changesSiren will chirp 3 timesLED will flash 3 timesParking Lights will flash 3 times Programmable Features1.Arming Mode.Select between manual arming (Active),automatic arming (Passive), and automatic arming with chirps that countdown every 2 seconds until armed.2.Parking Light Operation.Selects whether the parking lights flash twice or remain on for 30 seconds after disarming the system.3.Auto Rearm.Automatically rearms the system in case of accidental disarming.The hood/trunk must not be opened or auto rearm is bypassed.If button 3 is selected, the doors will lock on auto rearm.4.Arming Chirps.Select Normal or Silent Arming.5.Trunk Disarm Feature.When selected, activating the Auxiliary function to open the trunk will automatically disarm the system.6.Ignition Locking.Automatically locks and unlocks the doors with the ignition.The system will not lock the doors if any door is open when the ignition is turned on.7.Door Lock Pulse.Selects between a 0.8-second and a 3.5-second output for vehicles equipped with vacuum door locking systems.8.Passive Locking.Selects whether or not the system will automatically lock the doors when Arming.9.Door Unlock Pulse - Single or Double. Selects between a single pulse or a double pulse door unlock output.10.Open Door Report.Siren will chirp 4Programmable FeaturesStep Function Button 1Button 2Button 3Button 41.Arming Mode Active Passive Passive w/Countdown2.Parking Light Operation Flash twice30 sec.3.Auto Rearm Off Auto Rearm Auto Rearm w/ Lock4.Arming Chirps Normal Silent5.Trunk Disarm Off On6.Ignition Locking On Off7.Door Lock Pulse 0.8 sec. 3.5 sec.8.Passive Locking Off On9.Door Unlock Pulse Single Double10.Open Zone Report10 seconds60 sec.11.Auxiliary 2Siren Horn Horn Variable output30 sec.output12.Not Used13.Ignition Anti-Hijack Off On14.Door Anti-Hijack Off On15.Remote Anti-Hijack Off On16.Factory Default Reset All Programmable options will reset to factory default settingstimes if a door remains open 10 seconds after arming.If vehicle has delayed dome light,program for 60 seconds.11.Auxiliary 2.Select Siren/Horn(Default) Horn will sound when alarm is triggered.Select Horn.H orn will sound with arm, disarm,shock sensor warn-away,and trigger.Select Variab le.Auxiliary 2 output will be activated for as long as you hold buttons 3, and 4.Select 30 sec.output.Auxiliary 2 output will be activated 30 seconds upon arming system.12.Not used13.Ignition Anti-Hijack.Every time Ignition is turned on.Anti-H ijack Function will be activated.14.Open Door Anti H ijack.Whenever any door is opened with Ignition on.Anti-Hijack Function will be activated.15.Remote Anti Hijack.When Ignition is on, and Button # 4 is pressed for 3 Seconds. Anti-Hijack Function will be activated. 16.Resets all programs to factory default settings.Test System and Adjust Shock Sensor Arm and disarm system,checking that the siren chirps and parking lights are functioning normally.Make sure that the programmed features are performing correctly,ie.:ignition locks,passive arming, passive locks,etc.Test the doors and hood/trunk inputs (make sure all doors trigger the system,not just the driver’s door).Adjust the shock sensor.Arm the system and try starting the vehicle, it should not start.Arm the system and disarm it using the emergency override feature.If programmed for passive arming make sure that the system arms properly.Tie up wire harness,and replace any under dash panels.Make sure the customer has physical knowledge of the location of the valet/override switch.Adding TransmittersTo add a new transmitter to the system have the desired transmitters ready and follow the Code Learning sequence.To enter Code Learning Mode:1.Turn the ignition on,off,on,off andleave on.•The siren will chirp once.2.Press and hold the Valet switch for 5seconds.•The siren will chirp 3 times.3.Press the Lock Button on the transmitter.•The siren will chirp once.4.Repeat step 3 for each additionaltransmitter,up to four total transmitters.5.Turn off the ignition.•The siren will chirp 3 times. NOTE:If a transmitter is lost or stolen,make sure to code all 4 transmitter memory locations.(Example:If only one transmitter is used,repeat step-3 three more times to remove any previously programmed transmitters.)BLUEGREENPYLE SECURITYCAR SECURITY SYSTEM。
PURCHASE ORDER PROCEDURE采购订单处理程序1.0目的接收到采购需求信息时,如何在BAAN系统录入和更新采购订单(以下简称P/O)2.0 系统的进入双击桌面图标进入系统输入用户名双击出现用户信息对话框输入密码进入BAAN系统后出现用户使用的流程菜单。
3.0主数据添加与设定3.1 采购相关初始数据的添加新物料的添加由R&D(产品研发部)编制的ITEM DATA FORM在各个部门间流转,填入相应的数据后由R&D部门输入BAAN系统,再由R&D把数据表交由财务部核算成本价格。
3.2 新增供应商的添加在BAAN系统中每增加一个新的供应商,都须填SUPPLIER MASTER FORM,交由财务部审核后由财务部输入BAAN系统。
3.3 P/O的编号规则每新建一个P/O都需输入相应的P/O编号,每个订单号由6位数组成。
以前2位数字来区分不同的ORDER SERIES NUMBER(订单类型),后4位为流水号。
3.4 P/O流程分类4.0 Maintain Prices by Item 物料单价的维护图例1:Maintain Prices by Item 物料单价的维护目的:按供应商报价单将物料单价输入系统路径:Maintain Purchase Prices & Discount Business Flow/Maintain Prices by Item 程序:(见图例1)输入:单击(注:键移动至相应框)物料: 输入相应的物料代码价格: 输入此次新价格(注:不列的项目为系统默认项)在表格1内输完以上数据后,表格2内的数据无须改动,单击存盘退出。
5.0 采购订单的录入5.1采购订单输入的来源在输入采购订单前,通常会有两种采购需求来源1.由PLANNER(计划)出物料需求采购计划交由物流部经理审核批准后,给采购经理审核,再交由订单录入人员在BAAN系统中输入P/O.(此种采购通常为10,15,20及30,35,40类型的P/O)2.由各部门提出的请购报告,请购单交由自已部门经理审核批准后,给采购经理审核,再交由订单录入人员在BAAN系统中输入P/O.(此种采购通常为25,27,28及45,47,48类型的P/O)5.2 国内采购订单, 外购商品,国外采购订单的输入(10,15,20;30,35,40)收到采购经理确认的PLANNER物料需求采购计划,即可在BAAN系统中输入P/O.1.Maintain Planned MRP Purchase Orders 维护计划需求计划采购订单图例2:Maintain Planned MRP Purchase Orders 维护计划物料需求计划采购订单目的:将物料需求计划采购订单由固定计划状态转成已确认状态。
目录概述 (1)运维管理系统 (2)1 运维概况 (4)1.1 node列表信息 (4)2 巡检中心 (5)2.1 巡检中/摄像头 (5)2.2 巡检中心/录像 (6)3 视频质量诊断 (7)3.1 方案配置 (7)3.2 预案配置 (8)4报警管理 (9)5点位管理 (9)5.1查看点位 (9)5.2同步设置 (10)6用户管理 (11)7统计报表 (11)8日志管理 (12)概述简介运维平台主要是根据管理平台及后台业务数据综合管控数据的管理系统,根据数据的统计及分析以便于观看的图表方式展现出来,可根据不同的方案及策略实施综合平台管控的计划。
配置要求管理员端最低配置要求如表1-1 所示。
步骤 1在IE地址栏中,输入阿启视VMS综合平台管理员端的IP地址及端口号(微云版本9060),并按【Enter】键,系统显示如图1所示的登录界面。
图1运维管理系统登录界面步骤2 输入“用户名”、“密码”和“验证码”。
1.2 Aladdin客户服务系统特性功能灵活的数据资料管理自定义业务管理与呼叫中心的全面融合与第三方软件无缝挂接强大的数据字典管理强大的业务报表智能知识库1.2.1灵活的数据资料管理两级数据资料管理:客户资料,联系人资料自定义客户资料的数据项,可以随时更改随意控制每个数据项的读写权限与原始资料数据项顺序无关的数据批量导入,支持电子表格格式(XLS)标识倒入的数据资料,便于数据分类客户信息管理客户信息导入3.2登录选项CTI连接开关图3.6登录工号为员工的ID号,管理人员可以为不同的工号分配不同的权限。
CTI连接开关,当打上勾时表示连接CTI语音服务系统,当不打勾时表示不连接CTI 语音服务系统。
入门手册02 / 2007版权所有 2006 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG。
EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG 不对本技术资料中的技术或印刷技术方面的错误或匮乏负责,同时也不对因本资料的提供、施行和使用而引起的直接或间接的损失负责。
如果没有得到 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG 公司以上的许可,不得非法复印此文档任何部分。
EPLAN Electric P8®、EPLAN Fluid ®、EPLAN PPE ® 和 LOGOCAD TRIGA ® 是EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG 的注册商标。
MS-DOS ® / Windows NT ® / Windows 2000® / Windows XP ® / Microsoft Windows ®是微软公司的注册商标。
Microsoft ® Excel ® 和 Microsoft ® Access ® 是微软公司的注册商标。
RITTAL ® 是 Rittal GmbH & Co. KG. Rittal GmbH & Co. KG 的注册商标。
CLIP PROJECT ® 是 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co 的注册商标。
INTERBUS ® 是 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co 的注册商标。
8.1.3定义本产品可用于小型局域网中,客户端可运行于windows ME及以上版本,服务器端可运行于windows NT4.0及以上版本。
本产品可以对企业内部的信息进行完美共享:1、员工之间的信息沟通.2、部门之间的信息沟通.3、主管与部门之间的信息沟通.4、各种文件的信息共享.5、员工实行群组的分配方法,提高信息共享的可靠性.8.1.4参考资料[1] 小组内部资料,《需求分析说明书》,2006-1-18[2] 小组内部资料,《概要设计说明书》,2006-1-19[3] 小组内部资料,《模块设计报告》,2006-1-8[4] 小组内部资料,《详细设计说明书》,2006-1-19[5] 小组内部资料,《测试分析说明书》,2006-1-20……8.2用途8.2.1功能8.2.1.1 人员管理功能描述:实现提供在服务器端和客户端的各项客户服务管理。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.2 Aladdin客户服务系统特性功能灵活的数据资料管理自定义业务管理与呼叫中心的全面融合与第三方软件无缝挂接强大的数据字典管理强大的业务报表智能知识库1.2.1灵活的数据资料管理两级数据资料管理:客户资料,联系人资料自定义客户资料的数据项,可以随时更改随意控制每个数据项的读写权限与原始资料数据项顺序无关的数据批量导入,支持电子表格格式(XLS)标识倒入的数据资料,便于数据分类客户信息管理客户信息导入3.2登录选项图3.6登录工号为员工的ID 号,管理人员可以为不同的工号分配不同的权限。
CTI 连接开关,当打上勾时表示连接CTI 语音服务系统,当不打勾时表示不连接CTI 语音服务系统。
只有连接语音服务系统才可以使用CTI 的相关功能。
在登陆窗口和系统主界面都可以看到系统的版本号,即以字母“V ”起始的字符串。
四、CTI 软电话操作登录成功后,将在屏幕的最上方出现一个CTI 软电话条,如图4-1所示图4.1点击此按钮座席将设为就绪状态,处于就绪状态的座席可以接听客户来电。
工号:为当前座席登录工号 分机:当前座席的分机号码工作组:当前座席所属工作组号,当相应工作组有来电排队时,工作组后会显示相应的排队数比如,8000(2),表示8000工作组有两个来电在排队等待。
CTI 连接开关电话:当前来电号码区域:当前来电所属区域,座席软件提供了仅18万的电话所属区域库。
删除:删除当前产品八、呼入管理8.1呼入管理界面客户来电时业务切换到呼入管理,客户信息会被自动刷新,如果客户来电是新号码则客户信息为空白,如果客户来电在客户电话库中已存在,则系统会通过来电查询出相关客户信息,并显示出来,具体界面如下:业务受理界面由四部分组成:客户基本信息、电话历史信息、业务受理、业务历史; 客户信息:显示客户的基本信息,具体信息和客户简要信息一致。
查询:查询客户信息,并显示在当前页挂接查询:在挂接的WEB 系统中定位当前客户。