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2. 培养学生的团队合作和竞争意识。

3. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性。




















英语教师优质课比赛活动方案The English Teacher Excellence Competition is an annual event designed to showcase the best teaching practices in our school. It aims to inspire creativity and innovation in the classroom, fostering a love for the English language among students.The competition is open to all English teachers, regardless of their years of experience. It encourages participants to present a lesson plan that is engaging, interactive, and culturally rich, reflecting the diversity of our student body.Each participant will be given a chance to deliver a 45-minute lesson to a class of students. The lesson should incorporate modern teaching methodologies, such as the use of multimedia, group activities, and interactive games that enhance language acquisition.Judges will evaluate the lessons based on criteria such as clarity of objectives, student engagement, and the effective use of teaching aids. They will also consider the teacher's ability to adapt to the students' needs and their overall classroom management skills.To prepare for the competition, teachers are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues, attend workshops, and utilize the school's resources. This process not only helps inrefining their teaching skills but also in building a supportive professional community.Winners of the competition will receive recognition and a certificate of excellence. More importantly, they will have the opportunity to share their winning lesson plans with the entire faculty, contributing to the continuous improvement of English education in our school.The competition also serves as a platform for professional development. Teachers will receive constructive feedback from a panel of experienced educators, which will be invaluable for their growth and advancement in the field of education.In conclusion, the English Teacher Excellence Competition is a celebration of teaching excellence and a testament to our commitment to providing the highest quality English education to our students. It is an opportunity for teachers to shine and for our school to excel in nurturing the linguistic talents of the next generation.。





二、活动目标1. 提高教师的教学水平和教学能力,激发教师的教学热情和创新意识;2. 推动学校英语教学改革,促进教学质量的提升;3. 增强学生的英语学习兴趣,提高学生的英语综合能力;4. 建立起良好的教师间相互学习、交流和分享的氛围,形成学习型教师团队。

三、活动内容1. 确定赛课主题:根据学校教学实际和教师的专业特长,确定英语赛课活动的主题,如“提高学生口语表达能力”、“培养学生阅读习惯”等。

2. 整理教学设计:参赛教师根据主题,精心设计一堂课的教学内容和教学方案,包括教学目标、教学重点、教学难点、教学过程、教学方法、教学手段等。

3. 组织实施赛课:安排参赛教师进行赛课活动,学校领导、教研组长、年级组长等教育管理人员参与观摩和评审。

4. 汇总评价总结:对赛课活动进行评价,总结教师的优点和不足,为教师提供改进意见和建议。

四、活动安排1. 时间安排:根据学校的教学计划和教师的工作安排,确定英语赛课活动的具体时间,一般安排在学期末或寒暑假期间。

2. 场地准备:为赛课活动准备教室、投影仪、音响设备等教学场地和教学设备。

3. 参赛教师培训:在活动前,组织相关教研活动,对参赛教师进行赛课培训,提高他们的赛课水平和专业能力。

4. 赛课活动实施:按照活动内容和安排,组织实施英语赛课活动,确保活动的顺利进行。

5. 结果公布和表彰:对赛课活动的优秀教师进行表彰,激励教师的教学热情和创新精神。

五、活动保障1. 领导支持:学校领导高度重视英语赛课活动,提供必要的支持和保障。

2. 教研指导:由教研组长和学科组长负责指导赛课活动的组织实施和评价总结。

3. 师资保障:确保参赛教师的赛课教学质量,提供必要的教学资源和教学支持。


激发教师教学创新意识,促进教学质量提升;丰富教师教学方法,拓展教学思路,促进英语教学改革;发现和培养优秀英语教师,提升教师专业水平; 提升学生英语学习兴趣,促进学生英语综合素质发展
各学校组织英语教师积极参与,进行优质课案例的征集和报名;教师填写报名表格,提交优质课案例Байду номын сангаас教学设计等相关材料



小学英语优质课活动方案教研活动Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a high-quality primary school English lesson plan for a teaching research activity.Title: Exploring Nature through EnglishObjective:- To develop students' English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening- To foster an understanding and appreciation of nature and the environment- To encourage critical thinking and creativity in English language learningMaterials:- Picture cards of different animals, plants, and natural landscapes- Storybooks and reading materials about nature- Drawing and coloring materials- Audio recordings of nature soundsWarm-up (10 minutes):- Greet the students and ask them to share theirfavorite things about nature in English.- Show pictures of different animals and ask students to describe them in English.- Play audio recordings of nature sounds and ask students to guess what they are.Presentation (20 minutes):- Read a storybook about a nature adventure, and ask the students to listen for key vocabulary words.- Show picture cards of animals and natural landscapes, and teach vocabulary related to nature.- Use the picture cards to create sentences and short stories with the students, encouraging them to use English creatively.Practice (30 minutes):- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of picture cards.- Ask the students to create a short skit or role play using the picture cards and the nature vocabulary they have learned.- Circulate among the groups, providing guidance and feedback on their English usage and creativity.Extension (20 minutes):- Have the students draw or color their favorite animals or natural scenes, and write a short description in English.- Ask a few students to share their creations with the class, and encourage the others to ask questions in English.Summary and Reflection (10 minutes):- Review the key vocabulary and language structures learned in the lesson.- Ask the students to reflect on what they enjoyed about the lesson and what they learned about nature in English.中文翻译:标题:通过英语探索自然目标:- 发展学生的英语语言技能,包括阅读、写作、口语和听力- 培养对自然和环境的理解和欣赏- 在英语学习中鼓励批判性思维和创造力材料:- 不同动物、植物和自然景观的图片卡- 关于自然的故事书和阅读材料- 绘画和上色材料- 自然声音的音频录音热身(10分钟):- 问候学生,并要求他们用英语分享他们对自然的喜爱之处。





活动目的1. 提高学生的英语语言能力,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作技能。

2. 增强学生对英语语言学的兴趣和理解。

3. 促进学生之间的交流和合作。

活动内容1. 题目选择:根据英语语言学的知识点,设定不同难度级别的题目,包括选择题、填空题、解答题等。

2. 阶段性比赛:将参与者分为初赛和决赛两个阶段,初赛采取线上形式,决赛则以线下实地答题形式进行。

3. 演讲环节:决赛阶段,每位参赛选手需要进行一次短暂的英语演讲,展示他们对英语语言学的理解和应用能力。

活动安排1. 活动日期:预计在每年的X月X日举行,具体日期将根据学校的安排而定。

2. 报名流程:参赛学生需要在规定时间内提交报名表格,包括个人基本信息和对英语语言学的兴趣和理解的说明。

3. 初赛安排:初赛将在XX网站上进行,参赛学生需要在线完成指定的题目答题。

4. 决赛安排:决赛将在学校内的大会议厅举行,参赛学生需按时参加并进行答题和演讲环节。

5. 颁奖典礼:决赛结束后,将根据成绩评选出获奖选手,并在颁奖典礼上颁发奖品和证书。

参赛条件1. 参赛对象:本活动主要面向学生,参赛学生应就读于XX学校的XX级及以上班级。

2. 报名要求:参赛学生应填写完整的报名表格并获得所在班级的推荐。

活动收益1. 提高英语语言能力:通过参与竞赛,学生能够加深对英语语言学的研究和理解,提高英语听说读写的能力。

2. 增加知识储备:学生将通过参与竞赛了解更多的英语语言学知识点,扩展自己的学术知识储备。

3. 锻炼演讲能力:决赛环节的演讲要求,将有助于学生提高自己的演讲能力和表达能力。

注意事项1. 公平竞赛:请参赛学生遵守竞赛规则,确保公平竞争。

2. 遵守规定:参赛学生应遵守活动的相关规定和时间安排。

3. 准备充分:参赛学生应提前准备,充分复相关知识点。




通过竞赛,旨在:1. 提升教师的专业素养和教学技能。

2. 优化课堂教学方法,提高教学效果。

3. 增强教师之间的团队协作精神。

4. 推动英语教研组建设,形成良好的教研氛围。

二、竞赛内容1. 教学设计:参赛教师需根据指定教材内容,设计一节完整的英语课,包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学过程、教学评价等。

2. 课堂教学:参赛教师根据所设计的教学方案进行课堂教学,展示自己的教学风采。

3. 教学反思:参赛教师对所授课进行反思,总结经验教训,提出改进措施。

4. 教研活动:参赛教研组需展示一个具有创新性和实效性的教研活动,以促进教研组整体发展。

三、参赛对象1. 我校初中英语教研组全体教师。

2. 教研组长需带领组内教师参加竞赛。

四、竞赛时间及地点1. 时间:初赛(教学设计):2022年10月15日前提交;复赛(课堂教学):2022年10月25日至26日;决赛(教学反思、教研活动):2022年11月1日。

2. 地点:我校初中部多功能厅。

五、竞赛评分标准1. 教学设计(40%):包括教学目标明确、重难点突出、教学方法合理、教学过程完整、教学评价科学等方面。

2. 课堂教学(40%):包括教学态度、教学组织、教学内容、教学方法、课堂效果等方面。

3. 教学反思(10%):包括反思内容全面、分析问题深刻、改进措施具体等方面。

4. 教研活动(10%):包括活动内容丰富、创新性强、参与度高、成效显著等方面。

六、竞赛流程1. 初赛:参赛教师提交教学设计方案,由评委小组进行评审,评选出10个优秀教学设计方案进入复赛。

2. 复赛:参赛教师进行课堂教学展示,评委小组根据评分标准进行现场打分。

3. 决赛:进入决赛的教师进行教学反思和教研活动展示,评委小组根据评分标准进行现场打分。

























二、活动目标1. 提高英语教师的教学水平和教育教学能力。

2. 加强教师之间的沟通与协作,形成良好的教研氛围。

3. 促进教师对教材、教学方法和教学评价的深入研究。

4. 提升学生的英语学习兴趣和英语素养。

三、活动时间1. 每月第一周周五下午2:00-4:002. 学期初、学期末及节假日等特殊情况另行安排。

四、活动地点1. 高中英语教研组办公室2. 多媒体教室五、活动内容1. 教学研讨(1)每月开展一次教学研讨活动,主题围绕教材、教学方法和教学评价等方面。



2. 教学观摩(1)组织教师进行校内公开课、示范课观摩活动,互相学习,共同提高。


3. 教学竞赛(1)定期举办校内英语教师教学技能竞赛,如:英语课堂教学比赛、英语教学设计比赛等。


4. 教材研讨(1)组织教师对教材进行深入研究,分析教材特点,探讨教学方法。


5. 教学评价(1)组织教师学习教学评价理论,提高评价素养。


6. 教研论文(1)鼓励教师撰写教研论文,总结教学经验,提升教学水平。


六、活动组织1. 高中英语教研组长负责活动的整体规划、组织和协调。

2. 教研组副组长协助组长开展活动,负责活动记录和总结。

3. 各备课组长负责组织本备课组教师参加活动,确保活动顺利进行。

4. 教师积极参与活动,做好个人备课、教学反思和教研论文撰写等工作。

七、活动保障1. 学校为活动提供必要的场地、设备和经费支持。



英语优质课大赛活动方案英文回答:The English Excellent Lesson Competition is an exciting event that aims to showcase the best English lessons and teaching practices. It provides a platform for English teachers to share their innovative ideas, effective teaching methods, and engaging activities with their peers. This competition not only promotes professional development but also fosters collaboration and creativity among English educators.To participate in the competition, teachers are required to submit a detailed lesson plan along with supporting materials such as handouts, worksheets, and multimedia resources. The lesson plan should clearlyoutline the objectives, teaching strategies, and assessment methods used in the lesson. It should also demonstrate how the lesson integrates various language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in a meaningfuland interactive way.The competition will be divided into different stages, including a preliminary round, semi-finals, and a grand finale. In the preliminary round, a panel of experienced English teachers will evaluate the submitted lesson plans based on their creativity, effectiveness, and alignment with the curriculum. The selected participants will then move on to the semi-finals, where they will be required to deliver a 20-minute demonstration lesson in front of a live audience. The finalists will be chosen based on their teaching skills, classroom management, and ability to engage students.The grand finale will be a showcase of the best English lessons. The finalists will present their lessons to a larger audience, including fellow teachers, students, and education professionals. The judging panel will assess the finalists' lessons based on their impact on student learning, their ability to cater to different learning styles, and their overall effectiveness in achieving the lesson objectives.The winners of the competition will be awarded with certificates and prizes, as well as the opportunity to share their winning lessons with other English teachers through publications and workshops. This not only recognizes their achievements but also allows them to contribute to the professional development of their peers.Overall, the English Excellent Lesson Competition is a valuable opportunity for English teachers to showcase their expertise, learn from each other, and inspire innovative teaching practices. It encourages continuous improvement in English language education and ultimately benefits the students by providing them with engaging and effective English lessons.中文回答:英语优质课大赛是一个激动人心的活动,旨在展示最佳的英语课程和教学实践。



小学英语优质课活动方案教研活动全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Fun and Interactive English Lesson ActivityAs an elementary school student, I always look forward to our English lessons because my teacher makes them so enjoyable and engaging. Last week, we had a really fun activity that helped us practice our English skills in a interactive and memorable way.The activity was called "Classroom Mosaic" and it involved the whole class working together to create a giant mosaic picture made up of smaller paper tiles that each student decorated individually. The best part was that it combined art, writing, speaking and listening comprehension all into one big creative project.It all started when our teacher, Ms. Roberts, announced that we would be making a huge class mosaic for the school art show at the end of the month. She said the theme was "My Community" and that each of us would get to decorate a small paper tile however we wanted, as long as it represented someaspect of our neighborhood or city that was important or meaningful to us.First, Ms. Roberts had us do some pre-writing and brainstorming about what places, people, things or events we could depict on our tiles related to the community theme. I decided to draw the neighborhood park on my tile because I have so many fun memories of playing there with my friends and family. Some other examples my classmates chose were the public library, the fire station, the farmer's market, or even just a friendly neighbor who always waves hello.Next, we broke out the art supplies like markers, colored pencils, paints and collage materials to start designing and decorating our individual tiles however we wanted to depict our chosen community images and scenes. As we worked, Ms. Roberts had us practice describing our tile designs in English to our partners using descriptive vocabulary words and phrases.Once everyone's tiles were complete and dried, it was time to start assembling the giant class mosaic picture. Ms. Roberts had sketched out a huge community scene template made up of grid lines and squares on a big piece of poster board. We took turns gluing our individual tiles into the different sections of the grid to make up houses, trees, cars, buildings and all the otherelements until the whole scene came together into one massive collaborative mosaic.Ms. Roberts also had us practice our listening comprehension by giving instructions to place certain colored tiles in specific grid locations to make parts of the picture. "Put a green tile in square D5." "Use a blue tile for the river in section F2." It was like one big continually changing puzzle that we assembled together step-by-step.The best part was when the whole mosaic was finished and we could step back to admire our hard work. Each student's individualized tile contributed to the overall larger picture in a unique way. It was such an accomplishing feeling of pride to see the final product that we had made together as a class.Finally, we concluded the activity by having a casual "Gallery Walk" where each student had to present and describe their particular tile's imagery to the rest of the class, practicing their oral presentation skills. Hearing about the personal meanings and stories behind each tile really made me appreciate all the special elements that make up our community.Overall, the "Classroom Mosaic" activity was such a rewarding and enjoyable way for us to get creative while sharpening our English skills across reading, writing, speakingand listening. Ms. Roberts always comes up with the most engaging lesson plans that make language learning feel like fun instead of work. I can't wait for our next interactive activity!篇2A Fantastic English Class Activity PlanBy Student XI absolutely love when we have special English class activities at my elementary school! My favorite was when we did the "World Traveler" activity a few months ago. It was so much fun and helped me practice my English skills in a really engaging way. Let me tell you all about how it went!First, our teacher Mrs. Roberts announced that for the next few weeks, we would be preparing for a fun "World Traveler" activity day. She divided us into small groups of 4-5 students and assigned each group a different country to research and prepare an informative presentation on. My group got assigned Italy which I was really excited about since I love pizza and pasta!For homework leading up to the activity day, we had to learn facts about the geography, culture, food, language, and tourist attractions of our assigned country. We used books from the library and websites to find the info. In my group, we divided upthe research tasks - I was responsible for finding out about popular Italian foods while my friend Sarah learned about major cities and tourist sites. We would discuss what we learned at each group meeting.The day before the activity, Mrs. Roberts transformed our classroom into an "airport terminal." She rearranged the desks into groups to be different "airplane gates" and used craft supplies to make signs for each gate displaying a different country name. It looked so realistic! She even projected sounds of airport announcements over the speakers.On activity day, we came to class dressed as tourists, with fanny packs, cameras, etc. Once we all arrived, Mrs. Roberts said "Welcome to International Airport! Today we will be traveling around the world!"First, each group set up their "gate" area with pictures, artifacts, foods, and other items representing their assigned country. Since we were Italy, we made little Italian flags to decorate our desks and brought in items like a stuffed animal of an Italian greyhound dog, a miniature model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, dry pasta necklaces we made as crafts, and little bottles of Italian salad dressing and Parmesan cheese.Then it was time to start our "traveling!" Mrs. Roberts split us into new groups, with each new group containing students who had prepared different countries originally. My new group had students who had researched Brazil, Egypt, Australia, and Thailand.We went from gate to gate, and at each stop, the students who had originally prepared that country would give a 5 minute presentation teaching us about the highlights of their nation's culture and geography using all the props and visuals they prepared. It was great being able to learn so much through these interactive presentations!For the Italy presentation, my group members and I dressed up in chef hats and aprons and brought in delicious Italian foods to share samples with the class - including breadsticks, bruschetta, small meatballs, and gelato. We taught our classmates basic Italian phrases like "ciao" and "grazie." I led the part on describing classic Italian dishes like spaghetti bolognese, margarita pizza, and tiramisu. The other students got to sample the tasty foods as we presented.After visiting each gate and learning about the diverse countries, we returned to our desks for one final activity - creating our own "traveler's passport" booklet. We decorated thecover to look like a passport, then wrote entries for each "country" we had visited with notes about what we learned and drawings of photos we might have taken if we really traveled there. I made sure to include detailed entries about the Trevi Fountain, Venetian canals, and mouthwatering pasta dishes for my Italy pages!The World Traveler day was such an amazing, creative way for our class to practice core skills like public speaking, working cooperatively, and using multimedia visuals - all while expanding our cultural awareness and English vocabulary. I absorbed so many new English words and facts through the engaging activities and presentations.I'll never forget watching my classmates enthusiastically explain the highlights of their countries, from demonstrating an Aboriginal dance from Australia, to dressing up in traditional Thai silk clothing for Thailand, to showing replicas of the Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx. Their passion for sharing their assigned cultures made me feel like I had experienced traveling to these diverse places myself.Overall, the World Traveler event exemplified how English class can be even more than learning grammar rules and reading texts - it can be a portal to exploring the world right from ourclassroom. Getting to be creative, try delicious international foods, and soak in fascinating facts through multimedia made this an incredibly memorable and meaningful learning experience. I hope we get to do another awesome activity like this again very soon! Two thumbs up for our fantastic English teachers for planning such an ingenious, enriching multicultural expedition.篇3Title: Fun and Engaging English Lesson Activity PlanAs a primary school student, I always look forward to our English lessons because my teacher makes them so much fun and interactive. Last week, we had a really cool activity that helped us practice our speaking, listening, and vocabulary skills in an exciting way. I'll share all the details so other teachers can try it too!The activity was called "Story Builders" and it started with our teacher putting us into small groups of 4-5 students each. She explained that we were going to create our own short stories as a team, but with a twist - each person would only get to contribute one sentence at a time before passing it on to the next person in the group.Once we understood the rules, the real fun began. The teacher gave the first person in each group a "story starter" sentence to get us going. Ours was "One sunny morning, a curious little girl named Lily went exploring in the woods behind her house."The first person had to read that sentence out loud, then add their own new sentence picking up where that one left off. They passed a pencil and paper to the next person, who read the two sentences, added their new sentence, and passed it along again. We went around and around our groups this way, building the story bit by bit.It was both challenging and hilarious! We had to listen really carefully to what had been written so far, then try to add a logical next sentence to keep the story moving and making sense. But with five different people's imaginations involved, the plots got wilder and weirder with every new contribution.My group's story ended up being about Lily discovering a secret treehouse inhabited by talking squirrels who were actually protecting a ancient treasure from an evil queen. Another group wrote about a young boy who went sledding during a blizzard and accidentally ended up in the North Pole working as an elf's assistant. The possibilities were endless!After about 20 minutes of passing the papers around, each group had to read their completed story out loud for the whole class. There were lots of giggles and applause as we heard the bizarre but creative tales everyone came up with. Our teacher praised us for using so many fantastic descriptive words and complex sentence structures.But the activity wasn't over yet! Next, our teacher asked a few comprehension questions about each story to see if we had been listening carefully. Things like "What was the main character's name?" "Where did the story take place?" and "What was the biggest problem the characters faced?" If we couldn't remember or didn't understand certain details or vocabulary words used, we had to go back and re-read those parts.Finally, the teacher had us vote on our favorite story from another group. We had to explain our vote using examples of what we liked best, such as surprising plot points, strong word choices, use of dialogue, and so on. This sparked a cool discussion comparing the different stories' strengths and creative elements.I absolutely loved this "Story Builders" activity! It made practicing key English skills like speaking, listening comprehension, vocabulary usage, and group collaboration somuch fun. The open-ended nature of collectively telling a story really engaged our imaginations and encouraged thinking creatively. There was no one "right" way for the story to unfold, allowing everyone to explore the language freely within the loose structure.At the same time, having to take turns and build logically from what came before challenged us to stretch our English comprehension abilities as both writers and listeners/readers. We were constantly exposed to new descriptive words, complex sentences, and plot points from our classmates that we had to understand and incorporate. It was energetic, imaginative, challenging, and so much more memorable than just doing grammar drills from a textbook.I really hope we get to do more activities like "Story Builders" in our English lessons! It's such an enjoyable way to reinforce key language skills while sparking creativity, teamwork, and animated discussion. I'd give it an A+ for being an engaging, effective, and most of all, FUN way to learn!。



I. IntroductionThe English Teacher Quality Class Competition aims to enhance the teaching quality of English teachers, promote innovative teaching methods, and foster a culture of continuous professional development within the English education community. This proposal outlines the structure, objectives, criteria, and timeline for the competition.II. Objectives1. To promote high-quality English teaching methods and practices.2. To encourage teachers to incorporate technology and multimedia into their lessons.3. To provide a platform for teachers to showcase their creativity and expertise.4. To inspire other teachers to improve their teaching skills and student engagement.5. To recognize and reward outstanding English teachers in our community.III. Eligibility1. Participants must be currently employed as English teachers in primary, secondary, or higher education institutions.2. Teachers from both public and private schools are eligible to participate.3. Teachers must have a minimum of two years of teaching experience.IV. Competition StructureThe competition will be divided into two main stages:1. Preparation Phase (1 month):- Participants will be required to submit a proposal for their lesson plan, including the target age group, learning objectives, and teaching methods.- Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of judges to ensure they meet the competition criteria.2. Implementation Phase (1 week):- Selected participants will deliver their lesson plans in front of a panel of judges, a group of peers, and a class of students.- Lessons will be evaluated based on the following criteria:- Clarity of lesson objectives and alignment with curriculum standards.- Innovative and engaging teaching methods.- Student participation and engagement.- Use of technology and multimedia resources.- Overall effectiveness of the lesson in achieving learning objectives.V. Criteria for Evaluation1. Clarity of Lesson Objectives (30%):- The lesson objectives should be clear, concise, and aligned with the curriculum standards.- Objectives should be measurable and achievable within the lesson time frame.2. Innovative and Engaging Teaching Methods (30%):- The teacher should demonstrate creativity and originality in their teaching methods.- The lesson should be engaging and stimulate student interest and participation.3. Student Participation and Engagement (20%):- The teacher should encourage active student participation and ensure that all students are engaged in the learning process.- The lesson should be interactive, with opportunities for students to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with peers.4. Use of Technology and Multimedia Resources (10%):- The teacher should effectively integrate technology and multimedia resources to enhance learning and engagement.- The use of technology should be purposeful and support the learning objectives.5. Overall Effectiveness of the Lesson (10%):- The lesson should be well-structured, with a clear progression of activities and a logical flow.- The teacher should demonstrate good classroom management skills and adaptability to student needs.VI. Timeline1. January 1 – February 28, 2023: Proposal submission and review.2. March 1 – March 31, 2023: Final selection of participants.3. April 1 – April 30, 2023: Implementation phase (lesson delivery).4. May 1 – May 15, 2023: Judging and final results announcement.VII. Awards1. First Prize: $1,000 cash prize, certificate of achievement, and an opportunity to present at a regional education conference.2. Second Prize: $500 cash prize, certificate of achievement.3. Third Prize: $250 cash prize, certificate of achievement.4. Best Use of Technology: Certificate of recognition and a special award for innovative use of technology in teaching.VIII. ConclusionThe English Teacher Quality Class Competition is a valuable opportunity for teachers to showcase their skills, learn from their peers, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of English education. By participating in this competition, teachers can enhance their teaching methods, inspire their students, and ultimately make a positive impact on the English language learning community.IX. Additional InformationFor further information, please contact the competition coordinator at [email protected] or visit our website at [website URL].。





二、活动目标1. 提升教师的英语教学水平,展示优秀的教学能力。

2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生的英语实际运用能力。

3. 增进师生之间的互动与交流,营造良好的教学氛围。



五、活动安排1. 报名时间:xxxx年xx月xx日至xx月xx日2. 比赛形式:以现场授课的形式进行比赛,时长为20分钟。


3. 评审方式:由专家组对参赛教师的授课情况进行评分和点评,最终评选出优胜者。

4. 奖励方式:设一等奖、二等奖、三等奖及优秀组织奖,并给予相应的物质和精神奖励。

六、活动流程1. 开幕式:主持人介绍活动背景、目的和规则,邀请校领导进行致辞。

2. 比赛环节:教师们按照赛前抽签决定的课程顺序进行授课,评委团根据授课情况进行评分。

3. 互动环节:评委团向教师们提出问题和建议,教师们进行回答和交流。

4. 评审环节:评委团对每位教师的授课情况进行评分和点评,确定获奖名单。

5. 颁奖环节:颁发奖项,鼓励教师们继续努力,为学校英语教学事业做出更大的贡献。

6. 总结环节:主持人总结本次活动的成果和收获,感谢大家的参与和支持,宣布活动圆满结束。

七、宣传方案1. 宣传渠道:学校官网、微信公众号、校内外宣传栏等。

2. 宣传内容:活动的时间、地点、参赛对象、比赛规则、奖励方式等。

3. 宣传时间:从活动筹备开始就进行宣传,确保每位教师和学生都能了解活动信息。

4. 宣传方式:采用多种宣传方式相结合,确保宣传效果最大化。





二、活动目的1. 提高初中英语教师的教学水平,促进教师专业成长。

2. 加强教师之间的交流与合作,形成良好的教学氛围。

3. 发现和培养优秀英语教师,推动学校英语教学工作的发展。

4. 探索和总结初中英语教学的有效方法,为今后的教学提供借鉴。

三、活动时间及地点活动时间:2021年X月X日至X月X日活动地点:我校初中部英语教室四、活动内容1. 教学设计:参赛教师需提交一份详细的教学设计,包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学过程等。

2. 课堂教学:参赛教师进行40分钟的课堂教学展示,充分展示自己的教学风格和教学特色。

3. 教学反思:课后,参赛教师需提交一份教学反思,总结自己在课堂教学中的优点和不足。

4. 评委点评:由教研组成员和特邀专家组成评委团,对参赛教师的教学设计、课堂教学和教学反思进行点评。

五、活动流程1. 报名阶段:参赛教师向教研组提交报名申请,填写报名表。

2. 初赛阶段:教研组组织初赛,评选出进入决赛的教师。

3. 决赛阶段:进入决赛的教师进行课堂教学展示,评委进行点评。

4. 总结阶段:教研组对本次活动进行总结,评选出优秀选手,并颁发奖品。

六、活动成果1. 提高了参赛教师的教学水平,激发了教师的教学热情。

2. 增强了教师之间的交流与合作,形成了良好的教学氛围。

3. 发现和培养了一批优秀英语教师,为学校英语教学工作的发展提供了人才保障。

4. 总结和推广了初中英语教学的有效方法,为今后的教学提供了借鉴。











准备时间: 40秒演讲时间: 90秒分值:50分第二部分:小组合作秀:参赛选手须合作完成屏幕给出的话题。











准备时间: 60秒演讲时间: 120秒分值:100分二、比赛评分标准:命题演讲分值100分内容:合理、切题、有深度,逻辑性强,条理清楚,想象力丰富,措词得当,有感染力(40分)口语:发音清晰,语音语调自然,语言流畅,语法正确。



I. IntroductionThe English Teaching and Research Competition is an annual event organized by the School of English at [Your Institution Name] to promote the exchange of teaching ideas, enhance the quality of English education, and provide a platform for teachers to showcase their teaching skillsand research achievements. This plan outlines the objectives, structure, and procedures for the competition.II. Objectives1. To encourage teachers to engage in research and innovation in English teaching methods.2. To foster a collaborative learning environment among teachers.3. To recognize and reward outstanding teaching and research contributions.4. To promote the application of modern educational technology inEnglish teaching.5. To enhance the overall quality of English education at [YourInstitution Name].III. Target ParticipantsThe competition is open to all English teachers, teaching assistants,and researchers at [Your Institution Name], including full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty.IV. Competition StructureThe competition will be divided into two main categories:1. Teaching Category2. Research CategoryA. Teaching Category1. Subcategories:- Primary School English Teaching- Middle School English Teaching- High School English Teaching- College English Teaching2. Criteria:- Innovative teaching methods and techniques.- Engagement and interaction with students.- Effective use of educational technology.- Clear and concise lesson plans.- Student learning outcomes.3. Format:- Participants will submit a teaching plan, including lesson objectives, activities, and assessment methods.- A demonstration lesson will be conducted by the participant in front of a panel of judges.- Feedback from students and judges will be considered.B. Research Category1. Subcategories:- English Language Teaching Methodology- English Language Learning and Assessment- English Language and Culture- English Language Education Policy2. Criteria:- Originality and significance of the research.- Rigor and thoroughness of the research methodology.- Contribution to the field of English language education.- Clarity and coherence of the research findings.3. Format:- Participants will submit a research paper, which will be reviewed by a panel of experts.- A presentation of the research findings will be made to the panel and audience.V. Selection Process1. Teaching Category:- A preliminary screening of teaching plans and demonstration lessons will be conducted by a committee.- Shortlisted participants will proceed to the final round, where their teaching skills will be evaluated by a panel of judges.- Winners will be selected based on the quality of their teaching methods, student engagement, and overall effectiveness.2. Research Category:- Research papers will be evaluated based on the criteria mentioned above.- Shortlisted papers will be presented at a research symposium.- Winners will be selected based on the quality of their research and presentation.VI. Awards and Recognition1. Teaching Category:- First Prize: [Prize Value]- Second Prize: [Prize Value]- Third Prize: [Prize Value]- Honorable Mention: [Number of Winners]2. Research Category:- Best Research Paper Award: [Prize Value]- Runner-up Award: [Prize Value]VII. Schedule1. Announcement of Competition: [Date]2. Submission of Applications/Teaching Plans: [Date]3. Preliminary Screening: [Date]4. Final Round/Demonstration Lessons: [Date]5. Research Paper Submission: [Date]6. Research Paper Review: [Date]7. Research Symposium: [Date]8. Announcement of Winners: [Date]VIII. Evaluation CommitteeA committee comprising faculty members, educational experts, and administrators will be responsible for evaluating the entries and determining the winners.IX. BudgetThe budget for the competition will cover the following expenses:1. Venue rental2. Printing costs for materials3. Prizes and certificates4. Marketing and promotion5. Administrative costsX. ConclusionThe English Teaching and Research Competition is a valuable opportunity for teachers to showcase their skills and contributions to the field of English language education. We look forward to a successful event that will inspire and motivate teachers to continue their pursuit of excellence in teaching and research.。







她们利用文本的主题情境School activities,引导学生获取信息,掌握相关的语言知识,进行语言输出。








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陈家集中学英语教研组 2018年5月2日。
