表语形容词详解和It is+形容词+to do句型的使用

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限:限定词。the, my, a,this…

描:描绘性形容词。brave, beautiful, lovely,nice…大:大小、高低、长短等形容词。big,large,small…形:形状。round,square…





1.(Canadian ,extraordinary ,an ,new)play Array 2.(green,a,large)garden

3.(gold,British,the,round)coin 4.(ugly,writing,the,steel,seven)desks

5.(purple ,Russian ,nice ,long ,her)coat


1) 表语是用来说明主语的性质,身份,特征和状态。表语形容词:在句中只能作表语,不能作定语的形容词叫表语形容词。常放在系动词后面。表语形容词大多数以元音字母开头。

这类词有:afraid(担心的), alike(相似的), alive(活泼的,有生气的), alone(孤单的), asleep(睡着的), awake(清醒的), ill(生病的)


❤be动词(am, is, are, was, were)

❤表“保持”:stay, keep

❤表示“看起来像”这一概念的动词:seem, look;

❤感官动词: feel ,look ,smell, taste, sound 等

❤表示“主语变成什么样”(变得)这一概念的动词:grow, get, turn, go, become等

例句:(1)She looks bored and tired. 她看起来很无聊且疲惫不堪。

(2)He looked worried and ill. 他显得忧虑,且带有病色。

(3)The food tastes delicious. 这些食物很好吃。

(4)The game is interesting. 这是一个有趣的游戏。

(5)The story sounds true. 这个故事听起来像真的。

(6)She is afraid of dogs. 她怕狗

(7)He gets wet, because it rains very heavily.因为下雨,他被淋湿了。

(8) The fish went bad. 这鱼变臭了。

(9)Now the baby is asleep. 现在孩子睡着了。

(10)He was alone in the house. 他独自一人在家里。

(11)Neither of the sisters was alive. 两姐妹都不在人世了。

2) 即学即练(补充句子)

1. 她的奶奶看起来生病了。

Her grandmother_____________.

2. 所有的音乐对我来讲都一样。

All music ____________ to me.

3. 你的母亲是否健在?

______ your mother still_______?

4. 当他跟妈妈在一起的时候,他觉得很幸福。

He _________________, when he stays with his mother.


When we______________, we need less air.

6. 保持清醒的大脑会使你整个人都年轻起来。

Keep your mind _________ and you'll stay young all over.

7. 你在上课时睡觉了,比尔?

Did you fall _________ in class, Bill?

8. 我独自一人和我的五只猫生活着。

I live ____________ with my five cats.

三、It is+形容词+to do的讲解和用法

1)It is +形容词to do…. 表示“干某事是…”。我们通常在口语或者写作中使用这个句型,对于初中的学生来说,十分有必要熟练地掌握好这个句型,它有利于我们在写作中写出结构比较复杂的句子,从而得到较高分数。例如:

1. It's very important to study English well. 学好英语很重要。

2. It is difficult to finish the work today.今天完成工作太困难了。

3. It's good to eat fruits. 吃水果好。

4. It's right to read English every day. 每天读英语是对的。

5. It's interesting to play soccer. 踢足球是有趣的。


1.It_________ take a bus to go to school.

A.is convinient

B.is convinient to

C.are convinient to

D.are convinient

2. It is ___________ the old man.

A.good to helping

B.good help

C.good to help

D.to help

3.It is bad to smoke.

A. are bad

B.is bad to

C.is bad

D.are bad to

4.It _____________ see that movie.

A. are thrilling

B.is thrilling to

C.is thrilling

D.are thrilling to

5.It _______________ go fishing.

A. are exciting

B. are exciting to

C.is exciting

D. is exciting to

6.It is interesting to play computer games.

A. are interesting

B. are interesting to
