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一年级(上册)动词词组:take your coat(带上你的衣服)waiting for(正在等待)

come here(过来)

go back(回来)

sit down(坐下)

stand up(站起来)

open your books(打开书)

close your books(合上书)

come out of(从...出来)

bring back(拿回来)

listen to(听)

put up your hands(举手)

put down your hands(手放下)

get off(下来)


look at(看着...)

run to(跑向...)

ask a question(提问题)

answer the question(回答问题)cross the street(穿过街道)

turn to(转向,翻到)

play football(踢足球)

play basketball(打篮球)

play games(玩游戏)

play ping-pong(打乒乓球)

go swimming(游泳)

play chess(下象棋)

go skating(滑冰)

go roller-skating(滑旱冰)

hand in your works(交作业)

go to the park(去公园)

go to see(去看...)

go to the zoo(去动物园)

draw pictures(画画)

sing and dance(唱歌跳舞)

get into(进入)

look at(看向...)三年级(上册)动词词组:welcome back to(欢迎回来)

go back to(回到...)

put on(穿上)

open the door(开门)

close the door(关门)

pick up(捡起来)

come from(来自)

come to(去往...)

make some cards(做一些卡片)

the high jump(跳高)

the long jump(跳远)

go out to play(出去玩)

play outside(户外活动)

fly our kites(放风筝)

get cold/warm/hot/cool(变得冷、暖和、热、凉爽)

make snowmen(堆雪人)

collect markers(收集彩笔)

collect pencils(收集铅笔)

collect erasers(收集橡皮)

collect rulers(收集尺子)

come in(进来)

come out(出来)

peel off(削去)

do my homeworks(做我的作业)play ball games(打球)

take sb. to(带某人去...)

take care of(照顾)

give to(给东西)

make up(组成)

四年级(上册)动词词组:glad to see you(很高兴见到你)

be back(回来)

come back(回来)

look sad(看上去很伤心)

speak to(对...说话)

have a look(看一看)

call back(回电话)

have a bad cold(得了重感冒)

go to school(去学校)

stay in bed(卧床)

drink a lot of water(喝大量水)

hold the door open(拉着门)

lock the door(锁门)

turn on the light(开灯)

turn off the light(关灯)

lift the heavy box(提起重箱子)

put the books back(把书放回去)

try on(试穿)

fall down(落下来)

close to(与...接近)

climb hills(爬山)

go out with somebody(和某人出去)go skiing(滑雪)

try to do(尝试着去做)五年级(上册)动词词组:

like better(更喜欢)

go skating(滑冰)

make a snowman(snowmen)(堆雪人)listen to(听)

do best in(最擅长)

like drawing(喜欢绘画)

keep birds(养鸟)

grow flowers(种花)

collect stamps(收集邮票)

collect key rings(收集钥匙环)

stay home(待在家)

wait for(等待...)

ride a scooter(骑滑板车)

study together(一起学习)

finish my homework(完成作业)

go swimming(去游泳)

surf the internet(上网)

open the gift box(打开礼品盒)

go to the dancing class(去舞蹈课)go out to play(出去玩)

borrow your cell phone(借你的手机)wait for a call(等电话)

go shopping(购物)

play games(玩游戏)

water the plants(给植物浇水)

climb the mountain(爬山)

clean the room(清理房间)

plant trees(植树)

get together(在一起)

dress up(化妆)

knock on(敲打)

take care of(照顾)

be from(来自)

cross the bridge(穿过大桥)

get to(到达)

love sports(喜欢运动)

ride a horse(骑马)

be good at(擅长)

go sledding(滑雪橇)

be going to(打算去做)

visit grandparents(拜访祖父母)

get up(起床)
