



三、密度梯度离心 (isodensity
密度梯度离心 (isodensity centrifugation):
又称为区带离心,是将样品溶液臵于一个由梯度 材料形成的密度梯度液体柱中,离心后被分离组 分以区带层分布于梯度柱中。
三、密度梯度离心 (isodensity
6 000g×10min 10 000g×10min 20 000g×10min 100 000g×10min
线粒体,溶酶体,过氧化物酶体,完整高尔 基体 线粒体,溶酶体,过氧化物酶体,高尔基体 溶酶体,过氧化物酶体,高尔基体膜,大的 高密度小泡(如粗面内质网) 从内质网而来的所有小泡,细胞膜,高尔基 体,核内体等
此外,根据RCF值(g值)、rpm值和r值之间的关系,可以从图A 图B中大致读出各种数值。
三、液体中的微粒在离心力场 中的沉降
由于转头的形状和设计,离心管中从管顶至管底各点到 旋转中心的距离是不同的,为了计算相对离心力的数值 可用平均相对离心力来表示,即同一离心转头部和底部 所受离心力的平均值。 离心机常有多种不同形状的转头,其各自所反映的离心 力场的大小和离心沉降距离也不一样,在实际工作中应 根据分离要求正确选择使用。
三、密度梯度离心 (isodensity centrifugation)
① 分离效果好,可一次获得较纯颗粒。
② 适应范围广,能象差速离心法一样分离 具有沉降系数差的颗粒,又能分离有一 定浮力密度差的颗粒。 ③ 颗粒不会挤压变形,能保持颗粒活性。



5.2 节能评价值 表2
风冷式或 蒸发冷却式
额定制冷量 (CC) kW
50 <CC
能效等级 (COP, W/W)
3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4
3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6
CC≤528 528 <CC ≤1163
❖冷量范围:300-2500Tons ❖制冷剂: R123 ❖半封闭离心式压缩机 ❖三级压缩,两级经济器 ❖直接驱动 ❖专利弹性管卡技术 ❖业内最先进的彩屏自适应控制器
Trane China Central Region 2007
Trane China Central Region 2007
从冷凝器流入的 液态制冷剂
Trane China Central Region 2007
流入蒸发器的液态 制冷剂
➢ 电机轴与压缩机轴通过连轴器连接:开启式机组压缩机转速5000-19000RPM, 运转一段时间后连轴器发生偏心,需要定期较正保证同轴度
➢轴封:轴封的寿命不仅与其本身质量有关,还与连轴器的同轴度有关,如果同轴 度误差太大,就会导致轴封过度磨损,导致泄露;而由于连轴器的偏心几乎无法避 免,因此每隔二三年就需要停机更换轴封
is the equivalent of planting 1.4 million trees for the next 23 years!



HERAEUS®LABOFUGE®400 AND 400 R GENERAL PURPOSE CENTRIFUGESGreat value and functionality for routine workThe Labofuge ®400tabletop centrifuge and the refrigerated version, theLabofuge ®400 R , are ideal for centri-fuging average sized samples in routine laboratory applications in the fields of research, biology and medicine.Thanks to an extensive range of rotors and accessories, these centrifuges can be used for practically everyseparation task: from highspeed cen-trifugation in microliter tubes to gentle sedimentation of animal cell cultures in conical tissue culture tubes.Of course, the right capacity is also available for your particular needs.The swinging bucket rotor can handle,for example, 36 x 7ml tubes,12 x 15ml conical tissue culture tubes or 28 x 15ml tubes for aerosol tight centrifugation.A unique feature of this series is the rotor for centrifuging microplates. The rotor is designed with a radius of 15 cm (5.9 inch) so that themicroplates can swing out vertically.The sediment is concentrated in the center of the wells for easy andaccurate photometric analysis.The Labofuge ®400 is equipped with a new air cooling system which makes it extremely quiet (less than 58 dB).The versatile swinging bucket rotor can accommodate round buckets or special cyto buckets. There aredifferent Centri-Lab ®adapters for the aerosol tight round bucket so that a variety of centrifugation tubes can be used in the swinging bucket rotor. All common types of cyto centrifugation can be carried out with the cyto bucket in combination with our extensive range of accessories.LABOFUGE ®400AccessoriesWe have developed safety carts for the Labofuge ®400and Labofuge ®400 R so that they can be used in an under-bench set-up or as mobile tabletop units.ServiceHeraeus ®centrifuges are designed for everyday use in the laboratory.The digital self-diagnosis program monitors the Labofuge ®400and the Labofuge ®400 R and immediately indicates failures on the display.The Labofuge ®400can also take a rotor which holds 2 microplates. Used together with a 24-place fixed angle rotor for 1.5/2.0ml microliter tubes, the Labofuge ®400is trans-formed into a highspeed microliter centrifuge.Adapter sets, enabling centrifugation of all commercially available microliter tubes from 0.2ml to 0.6ml, areavailable as an option. The polypropy-lene plastic rotor can be autoclaved and offers wide ranging chemical resistance.BiocontainmentAs an alternative, the rotor can be sealed with an aerosol tight screw lid for applications involving radioactive or infectious materials. A snap lid for quick closing and an aerosol tight lid are both included.The swinging buck-et rotor’s round buckets can also be sealed with aerosol tight screw caps.A 24-place haematocrit rotor for deter-mining exact haematocrit values can also be used in the Labofuge ®400.1)1)Not available for sale in the U.S.Labofuge ®400 – extremely quiet as a result of a new type of air cooling systemIn many separation tasks, it is essen-tial to maintain a constant sample temperature. The Labofuge ®400 R ensures low temperatures (0 – 4 °C)even during long runs or centrifugation at high speeds.The Labofuge ®400 R operates with the same versatile range of rotors and accessories as the Labofuge ®400,but achieves significantly higher speeds.A microprocessor controlled tempera-ture surveillance system prevents samples from freezing.For example, if samples are kept in the closed rotor chamber of the Labofuge ®400 R for an extended period of time after centrifugation,there is no danger of freezing despite standstill cooling. Of course, the Labofuge ®400 R operates with the CFC -free refrigerant, R134a.LABOFUGE ®400 RSwinging bucket rotor 75008179withround bucket 75008172(left), aerosol tight cap 75008173(middle) and cyto bucket 75008176(right)The Labofuge ®400 R ensures stablesample temperatures during centrifugationA c h t u n g : h i e r S e i t e n e n d e !!! w e g e n L o c h u n gADVANTAGESLabofuges ®400and 400 R are designed with state-of-the-art technology, providing clearadvantages for routine operations.–soft-start/soft-brake function for gentle centrifugation and tapered braking for sensitive samples.q smooth and quiet operation–rotor overspeed protection –accessories for aerosol tight centrifugationq Labofuge ®400 R operates with Not available for sale in the U.S.TECHNICAL DATACYTOACCESSORIESORDERING INFORMATIONFor easy ordering, take advantage of our low-priced “sets” (not in USA), completely equipped to handle a wide range of centrifugation applicationsType of tube: ML = microliter tube; Blood c. = Blood collection tube; US-Urine = conical urine tube; Con = conical tissue culture tube; Univ. = Universal Container;DIN = borosilicate tube with dimensions according DINAdapters can hold tubes with the following shaped bottoms: F = flat bottom; R = round bottom; C = conical bottomNot available for sale in the U.S.25,4 mm = 1 inchFor Ordering or Technical InformationRegistered to ISO 9001. Kendro Laboratory Products meet or exceed stringent quality and product safety standards. ©2003 Kendro Laboratory Products. All Rights Reserved.Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.Printed in Germany 5C 09/03 4t Druckerei – xxxxxx-1。



cable stayed bridge 斜拉桥 cad 计算机辅助设计 calculator 计算机 calculus of approximation 近似计算 calculus of finite differences 差分演算 calibration 校准 calibrator 校准器 calorific capacity 热容量 calorimetric measurement 量热测量 camber changing flap 改变机翼弯度的襟翼 canal 管道 canal vortex 沟渠涡旋 canal wave 沟渠波 canard 鸭翼 canonical coordinate 正则坐标 canonical distribution 正则分布 canonical equation of motion 正则运动⽅程 canonical equations 正则⽅程 canonical form 正则形式 canonical momentum 正则动量 canonical transformation 正则变换 canonical variable 正则变量 cantilever 悬臂梁 caoutchouc elasticity 橡胶弹性 capacitive transducer 电容传感器 capacity 功率 capacity measure 容积量度 capacity strain gage 电容应变计 capillarity ⽑细现象 capillary absorption ⽑细管吸收 capillary action ⽑细酌 capillary attraction ⽑细引⼒ capillary condensation ⽑细凝缩 capillary constant ⽑细常数 capillary energy 表⾯张⼒能 capillary fissure ⽑细裂纹 capillary flow ⽑管流 capillary force ⽑细⼒ capillary gravity wave ⽑细重⼒波 capillary level oscillation ⽑细⾯振动 capillary phenomenon ⽑细现象 capillary pressure ⽑细压⼒ capillary rise ⽑细升⾼ capillary tension ⽑细张⼒ capillary tube ⽑细管 capillary viscosimeter ⽑细管粘度计 capillary waves ⽑细波 capture 俘获 carbon fiber 碳纤维 cardan angle 卡登⾓ cardan rings 卡登环 cardiac dynamics ⼼脏动⼒学 cardiac work ⼼脏的⼯作 cargo 货物 carrier gas ⽓体载体 carrier inertial force 牵连惯性⼒ carrier liquid 载体液体 carrier oscillation 载波振荡 carrier rocket 运载⽕箭 carrier velocity 牵连速度 carrying capacity 负荷量 cartesian coordinates 笛卡⼉坐标 cartesian vector 笛卡⼉⽮量 cascade excitation 级联激发 cascade flow 翼栅怜 cascade of aerofoil 翼型叶栅 cascade tunnel 叶栅风洞 case depth 渗碳层深度 case hardening 表⾯硬化 casing 外壳 castigliano theorem 卡斯蒂利亚诺定理 casting stress 铸造应⼒ catapult 弹射器 catenary 悬链线 catenoid 悬链曲⾯ cauchy deformation tensor 柯挝变张量 cauchy equation of motion 柯嗡动⽅程 cauchy integral theorem 柯锡分定理 cauchy law of similarity 柯梧似性定律 cauchy residue theorem 柯涡数定理 cauchy riemann equations 柯卫杪 匠眺 cauchy stress tensor 柯桅⼒张量 caudad acceleration 尾向加速度 causality 因果律 caving 空泡形成 cavitating flow ⽓⽳流涡空流 cavitation ⽓蚀现象 cavitation bubble 空泡 cavitation damage 空化损坏 cavitation effect 空化效应 cavitation erosion 空蚀 cavitation nucleus 空化核 cavitation number 空化数 cavitation parameter 空化参数 cavitation phenomenon ⽓蚀现象 cavitation shock ⽓蚀冲击 cavitation tunnel 空泡试验筒 cavity 空腔 cavity collapse 空泡破裂 cavity drag 空泡阻⼒ cavity flow ⽓⽳流涡空流 cavity flow theory 空泡另论 cavity formation 空泡形成 cavity pressure 空腔压⼒ cavity resonator 空腔共振器 cavity vibration 共振腔振动 ceiling 上升限度 celestial mechanics 天体⼒学 cell model 笼⼦模型 cell reynolds number 格雷诺数 cellular grid 状栅格 cellular structure 栅格结构 center 中⼼ center line 中⼼线 center line average height 中线平均⾼度 center line of the bar 杆件轴线 center of area ⾯积中⼼ center of buoyancy 浮⼼ center of curvature 曲率中⼼ center of gravity 重⼼ center of inertia 惯性中⼼ center of inertia system 惯性中⼼坐标系 center of inversion 反演中⼼ center of mass 质⼼ center of mass coordinate 质⼼坐标系 center of mass law 质⼼定理 center of mass motion 质⼼运动 center of mass system 质⼼坐标系 center of mass theorem 质⼼定理 center of oscillation 震荡中⼼ center of percussion 撞恍⼼ center of rotation 转动中⼼ center of similarity 相似中⼼ center of twist 扭转中⼼ center of vorticity 涡⼼ center to center distance 中⼼距 center to center spacing 中⼼距 centered compressional wave 有⼼压缩波 centered rarefactional wave 有⼼稀疏波 centi 厘 centigrade temperature 摄⽒温度 centimetre 厘⽶ centimetre gramme second 厘⽶克秒 central 中⼼的 central angle 中⼼⾓;圆⼼⾓ central axis of inertia 惯性中⼼轴 central body 中枢体 central difference method 中⼼差分法 central force 有⼼⼒ central force field 有⼼⼒场 central gas stream 中⼼⽓流 central impact 对⼼碰撞 central limit theorem 中⼼极限定理 central line 中线 central moment 中⼼⼒矩 central point 中⼼点 central potential 有⼼⼒势 central principal axis of inertia 中⼼惯性轴 central principal moment of inertia 中⼼知动惯量 centre 中⼼ centre of buyoncy 浮⼼ centre of curvature 曲率中⼼ centre of force ⼒⼼ centre of gravity 重⼼ centre of gyration 旋转中⼼ centre of inertia 质⼼ centre of mass 质⼼ centre of mass motion 质⼼运动 centre of mass system 质⼼系 centre of percussion 撞恍⼼ centre of pressure 压⼒中⼼ centrifugal 离⼼的 centrifugal acceleration 离⼼加速度 centrifugal effect 离⼼效应 centrifugal field 离⼼⼒场 centrifugal force 离⼼⼒ centrifugal governor 离⼼式蒂器 centrifugal inertial force 惯性离⼼⼒ centrifugal load 离⼼荷载 centrifugal pendulum 离⼼摆 centrifugal potential 离⼼势 centrifugation 离⼼分离 centrifuge 离⼼机 centrifuge modelling 离⼼模拟 centripetal 向⼼的 centripetal acceleration 向⼼加速度 centripetal force 向⼼⼒ centrode 瞬⼼轨迹 centroid 质⼼ centroid axis 重⼼轴线 centroid of area ⾯⼼ centroidal principal axes of inertia 重⼼诌性轴 centrosymmetric 中⼼对称的 cgs system cgs 单位制 chain drive 链条传动 chain graph 链图 chain reaction 连锁反应 chain transmission 链条传动 chance event 随机事件 chance quantity 随机量 chance variable 随机变量 change 变化 change of coordinates 坐标变换 change of form 形态变化 change of state 物态变化 change of the variable 变数更换 change of the wind 风向改变 changing load 交变负载 channel 渠道 channel diffusion 通道扩散 channel flow 渠道怜 chaos 混沌 chaplygin correspondence principle 恰普雷⾦对应原理 chaplygin equation 恰普雷⾦⽅程 chaplygin fluid 恰普雷⾦铃 chaplygin function 恰普雷⾦函数 chapman enskog method 查普曼⾖科格⽅法 chapman enskog solution 查普曼⾖科格解 chapman jouguet condition 查普曼儒盖条件 chapman jouguet hypothesis 查普曼儒盖假设 chapman kolmogoroff equation 查普曼柯尔莫果洛夫⽅程 chapman layer 查普曼层 characteristic 特性 characteristic curve 特性曲线 characteristic datum 特盏 characteristic determinant 特招列式 characteristic diagram 特者图 characteristic einstein temperature 爱因斯坦特章度 characteristic energy 特哲量 characteristic equation 特性⽅程 characteristic frequency 特盏率 characteristic function 特寨数 characteristic hydraulic number 特蘸压数 characteristic length 特栅度 characteristic line 特性线 characteristic matrix 特肇阵 characteristic parameter 特性参数 characteristic plane 特战⾯ characteristic quantity 特性量 characteristic surface 特怔⾯ characteristic surge impedance 特性浪涌阻抗 characteristic temperature 特章度 characteristic value 特盏 characteristic vector 特崭量 characteristic velocity 特召度 characteristic wavelength 特炸长 characteristics 特性 charge 装药 charpy impact machine 却贝冲辉验机 charpy impact test 却贝冲辉验 chatter amplitude 颤动幅度 chatter mark 振颤痕 chatter vibration 颤动 chattering 颤动 check 校验 check analysis 检验分析 chilling 冷硬 choke 扼⼒ choke free ⽆阻塞的 choked nozzle 壅塞式喷管 choked wind tunnel 阻塞式风洞 choking 壅塞 choking coil 扼⼒ choking mach number 壅塞马赫数 choking region 壅柳 choking velocity 壅塞速度 chopped wave 斩波 choppy sea 三⾓浪 chord 翼弦 chord length 弦长 chronometry 测时 ciliary motion 纤⽑运动 circle errors of gyroscope 陀螺盘旋误差 circle of curvature 曲率圆 circle of inertia 惯性圆 circle of inflexions 挠曲圆 circular cone 圆锥 circular cylinder 圆柱 circular function 圆函数 circular motion 圆周运动 circular orbit 圆形轨道 circular pendulum 圆摆 circular shaft 圆轴 circular tube 圆管 circular velocity 圆速度 circular vibration 圆振动 circular vortex 圆涡 circular vorticity 圆涡 circular wave number vector 圆波⽮量 circular whirl 圆涡 circulating air 循环空⽓ circulating flow 环流 circulating water 循环⽔ circulation 循环 circulation branch 环林⽀ circulation coefficient 环恋数 circulation constant 环粒数 circulation free ⽆环聊 circulation index 环粮数 circulation layer 环零 circulation loop 循环管路 circulation of the vector field ⽮量场环路 circulation of water ⽔循环 circulation pattern 环良 circulation preserving motion 环量守恒运动 circulation process 循环过程 circulation theorem 环哩理 circulation water channel 循环⽔槽 circulator sector 扇形 circulatory flow 环流 circulatory integral 循环积分 circulatory motion 环了动 circulatory system 循环系统 circumference 圆周 circumferential component 周缘分量 circumferential direction 周向 circumferential force 切向⼒ circumferential speed 周向速率 circumglobal radiation 球⾯总辐射 circumgyration 回转 circumpolar vorticity 环极涡旋 circumsphere 外接球 cistern barometer 液槽⽓压计 civil engineering ⼟⽊⼯程 clamped beam 固⽀梁 clapeyron elastic body 克拉佩隆弹性体 clapotis 驻波 clapp oscillator 克拉普振荡器 classical mechanics 经典⼒学 classical physics 经典物理学 classical statistical mechanics 经典统计⼒学 classical theory of probability 经典概率论 classical thermodynamics 经典热⼒学 clausius clapeyron equation 克劳修斯克拉佩隆⽅程 clausius clapeyron relation 克劳修斯克拉佩隆⽅程 clausius duhem inequality 克劳修斯迪昂不等式 clausius planck inequality 克劳修斯普朗克不等式 clearance 间隙 cleavage 劈裂 cleavage crack 解理裂纹 cleavage fracture 解理断裂 cleavage fracture strength 解理断裂强度 cleavage plane 裂开⾯ cleavage strength 解理强度 cleft 裂纹 cleft family 裂⼝族 cleftiness 裂隙 climbing 攀移 climbing speed 上升速率 clinoaxis 斜轴 clipper 快速帆船 clockwise 顺时针⽅向的 clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转 closed loop 闭环 closed shell 闭壳 closed system 闭合系 closed wind tunnel 闭式回羚洞 closing pressure 关闭压⼒ co oscillating tides 共振潮 co oscillation 合振荡 co tidal line 等潮线 coagulation 凝聚 coalescence 聚并 coanda effect 柯安达效应 coasting motion 惯性运动 coating thickness 涂层厚度 cockpit 驾驶舱 coefficient of amplification 放⼤系数 coefficient of apparent expansion 表观膨胀系数 coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数 coefficient of condensation 凝结系数 coefficient of consolidation 固结系数 coefficient of contraction 收缩系数 coefficient of cubical expansion 体胀系数 coefficient of diffusion 扩散系数 coefficient of dispersion 弥散系数 coefficient of eddy viscosity 湍脸性系数 coefficient of elasticity 弹性系数 coefficient of elongation 伸长系数 coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数 coefficient of friction 摩擦系数 coefficient of heat conduction 热传导系数 coefficient of heat transmission 传热系数 coefficient of infiltration 浸渗系数 coefficient of internal friction 内摩擦系数 coefficient of kinetic friction 动摩擦系数 coefficient of linear extension 线伸长系数 coefficient of mutual diffusion 相互扩散系数 coefficient of pivoting friction 枢轴摩擦系数 coefficient of pressure diffusion 加压扩散系数 coefficient of regression 回归系数 coefficient of resistance 阻⼒系数 coefficient of restitution 恢复系数 coefficient of rolling friction 滚动摩擦系数 coefficient of sliding friction 滑动摩擦系数 coefficient of stability 稳定性系数 coefficient of static friction 静摩擦系数 coefficient of surface expansion 表⾯膨胀系数 coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数 coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数 coefficient of transmission 透射系数 coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数 coherence distance 相⼲距离 coherence function 相⼲函数 coherence length 相⼲距离 coherence scattering 相⼲散射 coherent structure of turbulence 湍拎⼲结构 coherent wave 相⼲波 cohesion 内聚 cohesion force 内聚⼒ cohesion pressure 内聚压⼒ cohesion strength 内聚强度 cohesionless soil ⽆粘聚性⼟ cohesive energy 内聚能 cohesive soil 粘聚性⼟ coiled spring 螺旋形弹簧 cold bending test 冷弯曲试验 cold brittleness 冷脆性 cold crack 冷裂纹 cold cutting 冷切 cold deformation 冷变形 cold drawing 冷拉 cold energy 冷能 cold flow 冷流 cold plasma 冷等离⼦体 cold pressure 冷压 cold rolling 冷轧 cold wave 冷波 cold working 冷加⼯ collapse 崩溃 collapse mechanism 破坏机构 collapsible tube 可折皱管 collapsing force 破坏⼒ collar vortex 涡环 collateral motion 次级运动 collective mode of motion 集体运动模式 collective motion 集体运动 collimation 视准 collision 碰撞 collision chain 碰撞链 collision cross section 碰撞截⾯ collision diameter 碰撞直径 collision diffusion 碰撞扩散 collision excitation 碰撞激发 collision frequency 碰撞频率 collision heating 碰撞加热 collision integral 碰撞积分 collision invariant 碰撞不变量。

CVGF - 特灵二级离心机内部资料

CVGF - 特灵二级离心机内部资料

CVGF两级压缩离心式冷水机组Model CVGFWater-Cooled Hermetic Centrifugal Chillers 1406~3516kW型号说明降膜式蒸发器·制冷剂充注量少,减少使用费用·高效换热结构,省电看得见机载启动柜·方便用户安装· 节省用户操作空间冷凝器· 高效换热管,降低耗电量· 独有管卡技术,有效保护换热管压缩机· 专利叶轮,效率高· 两级压缩,冷量调节范围广半封闭电机· 液态制冷剂冷却,绕组温度低· 运转环境清洁,可靠性高冷凝器型号冷凝器换热管类型蒸发器型号蒸发器换热管类型孔板型号叶轮电机功率压缩机型号机组型号CVGF 400 - 266 - 960 - 19 - I 500C - T 500CCVGF离心式冷水机组型号说明AdaptiView 控制柜·自适应控制,机组运行更稳定·前馈功能,能量调节更灵敏·支持一次泵变频,系统更节能产品简介面对市场需求的不断多样化,为满足不同客户的要求,特灵公司推出了CVGF 离心式冷水机组,机组采用R134a作为制冷剂。

机组特点●高效节电,为您节省运行费用的冷水机组,ARI工况效率高达0.55kW/ton ◆机组采用两级压缩,单级经济器结构,无论在理论上还是在实际应用过程中都提高了机组的效率。








离心机名词术语解释1离心机 centrifuge利用机件旋转产生的离心力实现悬浮液、乳浊液及其他物料的分离或浓缩的机器。

2过滤离心机 filtering centrifuge实现离心过滤的离心机。

3三足式离心机three - column centifuge旋转部件及机壳垂直支承在三根可摆动的摆杆上或三块弹性元件上的立式离心过滤机。

4上悬式离心机top - suspended centrifuge主轴支点高于旋转部件重心的立式过滤离心机。

5 卧式刮刀卸料离心机 peeler centrifuge采用刮刀卸料的卧式过滤离心机。

6 卧式活塞推料离心机 pus her centrifuge采用活塞推料的卧式过滤离心机,按转鼓结构可分为单级、双级和多级。

7 离心卸料离心机 slip - discharge screen centrifuge采用离心卸料的过滤离心机。

8 振动卸料离心机vibrating - discharge screen centrifuge采用振动卸料的过滤离心机。

9 进动卸料离心机 tumbling centrifuge采用进动卸料的过滤离心机。

10螺旋卸料过滤离心机 scroll discharge screen centrifuge采用螺旋卸料的过滤离心机。

11翻袋卸料离心机 inverting filter centrifuge采用翻转滤袋卸料的过滤离心机。

12导向螺旋式离心机direted flow screening centrifuge采用离心卸料的过滤离心机,转鼓内有多头螺旋与转鼓同速旋转,落选对滤饼的运动起导向作用,增加滤饼在转鼓中的停留时间。

13沉降离心机 sedimenting centrifuge实现离心沉降的离心机。

14螺旋卸料沉降离心机solid - bowlscroll discharge centrifuge,decanter采用螺旋卸料的沉降离心机。


Celeros separation
高速管式离心机 High Speed Centrifuges
思勃分离技术(上海)有限公司 CEBO Separation Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
高速离心机,根据各生产工艺的不同,主要用于连续 分离两相、三相物料,达到澄清、分离的目的。因应用领 域的不同,相关配置也有较大差异。高速管式离心机多由 于密度接近、分离因数要求高的场合,如药物澄清、血制 品分离、浓缩,病毒、细胞提取等。根据使用场所特性, 可配置防爆系统及在线清洗、消毒单元。
技术参数 Technical data
常规 General
尺寸(长×宽×高) Dimensions
重量 Weight
500 kg
电机功率 Power
性能参数 Performance data
电机转速 Motor speed
50HZ 3000rpm
转股转速 最大 Bowl speed Max.
分离因数 最大 G-force Max.
转股内径 Inner diameter
105 mm
有效容积 Usable cylinder capacity
水通量 Thoughput
1000 L/h
GF105高速管式离心机是一种广泛应用于生物制 品、化工、制药、饮料等行业的,分离因素最高之 一的液液分离机械。主要适用于乳浊液的分离,能 将密度不同的两种液体分开,同时除去微量固体。
extraction and separation: Traditional Chinese medicine, protein, pectin

离心机 (1)

离心机 (1)

原理:根据分离的粒子在梯度液中沉降速度 (s)不同,使具有不同沉降速度的粒子处于不同 的密度梯度层内分成一系列区带,达到彼此分离 的目的。 离心时,在离心力的作用下,颗粒离开原样品 层向下沉降最后形成一系列界面清楚的不连续区 带,沉降系数越大,往下沉降越快,所呈现的区 带也越低,离心必须在沉降最快的大颗粒到达管 底前结束。
颗粒在离心管中的沉降速度与离心机转速有关,旋转速度 越快,颗粒沉降越快。
因转头形状及结构的差异,使离心 管从管口至管底的各点与旋转轴之间的 距离不同,所以在计算时规定旋转半径 均用平均半径“rav”代替:
rav=( r min+rmax) / 2 因此在报告超离心条件时,通常总是用地心引力的倍 数“×g”代替每分钟转数“rpm”,因为它可以真实地反映 颗粒在离心管内不同位置的离心力及其动态变化。 科技文献中离心力的数据通常是指其平均值(RCFav), 即离心管中点的离心力。
原理:样品颗粒在连续梯度的介质中经过一 定时间的离心后,沉降到与自身密度相等的 介质处达到平衡,从而将不同密度的颗粒分 离。 特点:所需的力场通常比速率区带离心法大 10100倍,往往需要高速或超速离心。 用途:分离大小相同、密度不等的颗粒(如 线粒体、溶酶体的分离。)
分 析 性 离 心 机 工 作 原 理 图 解
转 轴
光 源
液 面
沉降 界面
沉降 物质
平 衡 池
转 头
样 品 池
沉降界 面峰
光学 系统
普通离心机:最大转速 6000rpm左右,容量为几十 毫升至几升。转子有角式和 外摆式,其转速不能严格控 制,通常不带冷冻系统,于 室温下操作,用于收集易沉 降的大颗粒物质,如红血球、 酵母细胞等。


如果重力场的强度(g)足够大 ,则沉降速度 足够快, 那么就可以实现生物大分子的分离。
三、液体中的微粒在离心力场 中的沉降
颗粒在圆周运动 时的切线运动称为离 心沉降。
实际上,颗粒在介质中作切线运动时,将 受到介质的摩擦阻力,使颗粒在离心管中作曲 线运动。
三、液体中的微粒在离心力场 中的沉降
颗粒在离心管中的沉降速度与离心机转 速有关,旋转速度越快,颗粒沉降越快。
沉降速度法:主要用于样品纯度检查。 沉降平衡法:常用的测量绝对分子量的方法。
十毫升至几升。转子有角式和外摆式,其转速不能 严格控制,通常不带冷冻系统,于室温下操作,用 于收集易沉降的大颗粒物质,如红血球、酵母细胞 等。
■分子间之互相作用 ■污泥处理设备配合核磁共振应用
分析超速离心机 33
机、制冷系统、真空系统(超离有)、显 示系统、自动保护系统和控制系统组成。 必要的配件为离心转头和离心管。
<200 600~800
7000 1x105 2x105 4x105 > 4x105
<1500 3000 7000 30000 40000 60000 >60000

Thermo Scientific Heraeus Megafuge 8和8R小型实验室离心机产品介

Thermo Scientific Heraeus Megafuge 8和8R小型实验室离心机产品介

Thermo ScientificHeraeus Megafuge 8 Centrifuge SeriesFits in.Stands out.Introducing the NEW!Thermo Scientific™Heraeus™ Megafuge™ 8 and 8R small benchtop centrifugesFits in.4t o your space, with its compact footprint.Auto-Lock ™ Rotor ExchangeSecure push-button application versatility and cleaning convenienceClickSeal ™ Biocontainment LidsOne-handed, certified 1 sample protectionMaximized Swing-Out CapacityStands out.4d esigned for solid reliability and consistent results.14Ventilated (left) and refrigerated (right)n B iocontainment sealing options, including certified ClickSeal lids for glove-friendly, one-handed operation n M anufactured with quality materials providing broad Simple solutions.Flexible processing.Reliable quality. Safe operation.1B Public Health England, Porton Down, UK Fits in. Stands out.Secure, push-button Auto-Lock rotor exchange in as little as 3 seconds delivers:n Trouble-free rotor installation and removal linical processing up to 24 x 5/7 mL blood tubes per runAccommodates up to 30 spin columns, such as DNA and RNA mini-preps, Micro-volume Solution RotorsSample-ready.User-friendly.n O ne-touch operation with pre-saved protocolsn H ighly visible backlit display for easy reading of parameters across the labn O ptional indicators at end of run, including automatic lid opening, full flashing display andadjustable audible signaln Glove- and detergent-friendlyn M ultilingual instructions – English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish — onprogramming, run conditions, alerts andservice messagesExpanded Programming Optionsn A lphanumeric program naming ,of up to 12 characters, promotes correct program selection every time.n P rogram-only mode limits thecontrol of the centrifuge to the set program and the control quadrant (Start, Stop, Pulse and Open), ideal for controlled environmentsFits in. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS.Outstanding capacity in a compact design with a smart, simple interface.n R uns up to 24 x 5/7 mL blood tubes at a time in swinging bucket configuration n A uto-Lock rotor exchange simplifies cleaning n C onforms to the latest clinical and safety standards n F ast acceleration and deceleration times for quicker spinsStands out.TX-150 Swinging Bucket RotorM10 Swinging Bucket Rotor8 x 50 mL Individually Sealed Fixed Angle RotorCLINIConic Fixed Angle RotorHematocrit Rotor1B iocontainment certification by the Public Health England, Porton Down, UKDedicated Rotors for Routine Clinical ProcessingTX-100S Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotor with Sealed Carriers TX-100 Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotor with CarriersInnovative design supports multiple users and applications to stay one step ahead of your evolving research needs.n 8 x 50 mL swinging bucket rotor capacity, 4 microplates, or 30 filtration columns for research needs n A uto-Lock rotor exchange for application flexibility – go from 50 mL tube to microplates to microtubes effortlesslyFits in. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS.Stands out.to 30,279 x g enables • quicker spins• improved separations• access to a wider range of applications while maintaining full swing-out rotor fl exibility, combined with quick, safe Auto-Lock rotor exchange.TX-150 Swinging Bucket RotorM10 Swinging Bucket RotorMT-12 Swinging Bucket RotorHIGHConic III Fixed Angle RotorCLINIConic Fixed Angle RotorMicroClick 18 x 5 RotorMicro-Volume Solution RotorsMicroClick 24 x 2Fixed Angle Rotor8 x 8 PCR Strip FixedAngle Rotor1B iocontainment certification by the Public Health England, Porton Down, UKTX-150 Swinging M10 SwingingBucket Rotor MT-12 Swinging Bucket Rotor23468Versatile Swinging Bucket RotorsMax Tube Max Speed Max RCFTX-100S Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotor TX-100 Clinical Swinging Bucket RotorClinical Swinging Bucket RotorsCat. No. DescriptionRotorCapacity(places xvolume, mL)Max TubeDimensions(O x L, mm)Max Speed(rpm)Max RCF(x g)Max Speed(rpm)Max RCF(x g)Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotors VENTILATED REFRIGERATED75005704TX-100S Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotorwith Sealed Carriers, 90°, R max 144 mm8 x 1517 x 1064,5003,2604,500 3,26075005705TX-100 Clinical Swinging Bucket Rotorwith Carriers, 90°, R max 144 mm16 x 1517 x 1214,5003,2604,5003,260Adapters for TX-100S Clinical Rotor and TX-100 Clinical Rotor (each)1120366613.5 mL Urine Tube16/8 x 13.516 x 82HIGHConic III Rotor8 x 50 mL Rotor MicroClick 18 x 5 Rotor8 x 8 PCR Strip RotorMicroClick 24 x 2 RotorMicroClick 30 x 2 RotorCat. No. Description Rotor Capacity(places xvolume, mL)Max TubeDimensions(O x L, mm)Max Speed(rpm)Hematocrit RotorThermo Scientific Heraeus Megafuge 8 Centrifuge SeriesSpecificationsSwing Bucket RotorsFixed Angle RotorsControl SystemDrive SystemRotor Locking SystemImbalance Detection SystemProgramsPulse (Short) RunAcceleration /Deceleration RatesCentrifugation ChamberMax Timer RangeTemperature RangePre-Cooling FunctionRefrigeration SystemSound LevelOther Features1 Biocontainment certification by the Public Health England, Porton Down, UKFits in. Stands out.Fits in.More centrifuge solutions for your labPerfect Fit. It’s simple. From 1 Liter bottles, to 15 and50 mL conical tubes and microplates, the versatile selection ofThermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ and Nunc™ centrifugationproducts work seamlessly with your complete centrifuge androtor system, bringing together outstanding quality and performance.Thermo Scientific Heraeus Benchtop CentrifugesAccelerate your research with high speeds, rotor versatility and outstanding safety. Fromintuitive controls, to the certified“click” in place, Thermo Scientific Heraeus benchtop centrifuges deliver the perfect blendof capabilities to support micro-volume protocols, a wide range of high volume swing-outapplications and high speed processing.Thermo ScientificSelect from two available speed options, up to 1721,000 x g for high-end research applications, and our extensive rotor portfolio, including:•1 Biocontainment certification by the Public Health England, Porton Down, UK。


固体颗粒形状一般不规则、多种多样、不同物体颗粒, 形状不同。
常见有:球形,椭圆形,扁圆形,片形,雪花形 等等。
• 1.2 分离原理及离心机分类 • (一)分离因数
离心分离原理: 利用转鼓旋转产生的离心惯性力,把悬浮液、乳浊液
(1)离心惯性力 Fk
转鼓角速度:w n
物理性质: 浓度,液珠大小,粘度,布朗运动系数等。
乳浊液分离难度较大,一般选用高速分离机进行,依靠高速旋 转把不同比重的液体分离开来。 如:管式分离机;碟片式分离机。
转速:n=4000~15000 r/min
• (三)固体颗粒
离心机 Centrifugal Machine
1 离心机的典型结构及工作原理
• 混合物种类: (称非均一系;非均匀液体)
气—液——液相 气—液—固相
• 分离目的:
⑴ 获得有用的固相,排掉液相。 (如:选煤,制药,制糖,制碱,食品等)
上悬式离心机 卧式刮刀卸料离心机 卧式活塞卸料离心机 离心惯性力卸料式离心机
范围: 固体颗粒较大 的悬浮液 (d >10μm)
转鼓壁上有许多小孔,壁内有过滤网(滤布),悬浮液在 转鼓内旋转,靠离心力把液相甩出筛网,而固相颗粒被筛 网截留,形成滤饼,从而实现固、液分离。
悬浮液在启动后逐渐加入转鼓内,物料在离心力场作用下,液 体经滤布(滤网)及转鼓孔甩出,固体则被截留在滤网内,形成 滤饼。


capture efficiency 俘获效率
capture reaction 俘获反应
carat 克拉
carbon 碳
carbon cycle 碳循环
carbon dioxide laser 二氧化碳激光器
carbon filament lamp 炭丝灯
carbon film resistor 碳薄膜电阻器
center of percussion 撞恍心
center of pressure 压力中心
center of rotation 转动中心
center of similarity 相似中心
center of symmetry 对称中心
centered optical system 共轴光学系统
capillary electrometer 毛细管静电计
capillary phenomena 毛细现象
capillary phenomenon 毛细管现象
capillary pressure 毛细管压
capillary tube 毛细管
capillary viscometer 毛细管粘度计
calorimeter 热量计
calorimetric 量热颇
calorimetric measurement 量热
calorimetry 热量测定法
calory 卡
camac 计算机辅助测量和控制系统
camelopardalis 鹿豹座
camera 照相机
camera for electron diffraction 电子衍射照相机
causality 因果律
cause 原因

北京白洋医疗器械有限公司管理系统 医用离心机 中英对照

北京白洋医疗器械有限公司管理系统 医用离心机 中英对照

目录 Table Of Contents适用围The Application结构组成The Consisting Structure离心机的主要参数The Main Parameters Of The Centrifuge离心机的性能指标The Performance Index Of The Centrifuge离心机使用环境The Using Environment Of The Centrifuge安全注意事项The Safety Cautions标识释义The Identity Definition配置清单The Component ListBY-R600型低速冷冻医用离心机的外观介绍 The Appearance Introduction Of The BY-R600 Low Speed FreezingMedical Centrifuge离心机的安装及检查The Installing And Checking Of The Centrifuge离心机面板控制示意图及说明The Panel Control Diagram And Description Of The Centrifuge离心机操作The Operation Of The Centrifuge离心力与转速离心半径的关系和计算方法The Relationship Between The Centrifugal Force And TheRotational Speed Of The Centrifugal Radius As Well As Its Calculation Method 维修保养事项The Maintenance故障处理The Fault Treatment引用标准资料The Referenced Standard Materials声明The Statement一适用围I The Application(低速冷冻/高速冷冻/120A型血库专用离心机)医用离心机属于实验室离心机,用于临床医学、生物、化学、免疫学等对混合物的快速分离与沉淀(Low speed freezing/ high speed freezing/ Type 120A blood bank special centrifuge) medical centrifuges belong to laboratory centrifuges, used for quickly disconnecting and depositing the mixture in the fields of clinic medicine, biology, chemistry, immunology, and so on.结构组成The Consisting Structure该离心机由箱体、旋转组件、制冷系统、通风散热系统及电气控制系统组成This type of centrifuges is consisted of the enclosure, the rotary components, the refrigeration system, the heat-removal system as well as the eletrical control system.二离心机的主要参数II The Main Parameters Of The Centrifuge最高转数:4000r/minThe maximum number of revolutions:4000r/min最大相对离心力:3130×gThe maximum relative centrifugal force:3130×g最大容量:5ml×100支The maximum capacity: 5ml×100支96孔酶标板×4支 Microlon ELISA Plate×42.5 mI真空采血管×40支 2.5 mI Coagulation Vacuum Tube×40交叉配血×12支 Blood Crossmatching×12血球洗涤Blood Washing液基细胞水平转子Horizontal Rotor Of Liquid-based Cell3号生物安全水平转子 No.3 Horizontal Rotor Of Biological Safety放免水平转子 Horizontal Rotor Of RIA液基制片×6组Liquid-based Cytology Flake×6 Groups 最长定时时间 99min The longest setting time 99min外形尺寸(长×宽×高)640×520×750mmThe Appearance Size (Length×Width×Height)640×520×750mm重量 130kg The Weight 130kg转子形式水平转子/角转子The Rotor Model The Horizontal Rotor/The Angle RotorIII The Using Environment Of The Centrifuge环境温度 10℃~30℃The Temperature Of The Environment 10℃~30℃相对湿度≤80% The Relative Humidity ≤80%大气压力 860hpa~1060hpa The Air Pressure 860hpa~1060hpa周围环境没有导电尘埃、爆炸性气体和腐蚀性气体There is no conductive dust, explosive gas or corrosive gas in the surrounding environment.电源 220±22v; 50Hz±1Hz The Power Supply 220±22v; 50Hz±1Hz输入功率 1.2KW The Input Power 1.2KW四离心机的性能指标IV The Performance Index Of The Centrifuge本离心机在额定电压、最高转速载荷下应满足以下要求This type of centrifuges should meet the following requirements under the circumstances of the nominal voltage and the highest rotary speed load.转速相对误差:±1% The relative error of the rotary speed: ±1%稳定精度应不大于±1% The lasting accuracy should be less than ±1%.整机噪声(A计权)应不大于70dB The total noise of centrifuge (A Weighting) should be less than 70dB.离心机运转应平稳,振幅应不大于0.1mmThe centrifuge should rotate steadily and the vibration amplitude should be less than 0.1mm.离心机的定时相对误差不大于±1% The relative error of the centrifuge timer should be less than ±1%.20℃±5℃时,当离心腔温度控制围在4℃~15℃时,温度波动偏差应不大于±2℃℃±5℃ and the temperature controlling scale of the centrifugal chamber is from 4℃ to 15℃, the fluctuation in the temperature deviation should be less than ±2℃.离心机在运转20min后,离心管(瓶)试液温升≤10℃The temperature rise inside the centrifugal tubes (bottles) is ≤10℃ after the centrifuge has rotated for 20 minutes.五安全注意事项:V. The Safety Cautions,并且按照操作说明使用本离心机those who have not been trained use the centrifuge in inappropriate ways and use it to do other things在使用离心机之前,必须检查转子(旋转组件)是否紧固安装到位Before using the centrifuge, the rotors (the rotary components) must be checked to see whether they are tightly fixed in their position.离心机在工作时,周围300mm的区域不能有任何人员、危险物质或其他物体When the centrifuge is on, there must not be anyone, any dangerous objects or other objects in the surrounding area of 300mm.离心机在运转中不允许移动或敲击离心机No movement or knocking should be done to the centrifuge when it is rotating.当盖锁紧急开启或离心机出现故障时,在转子(旋转组件)停止转动之前,不可以触摸转子(旋转组件)When the cover lock turns on emergently or a fault occurs to the centrifuge, the rotors (the rotary components) must not be touched before they stop rotating.转子(旋转组件)的所有位置都必须装上吊篮或试管筒,并将适配器均匀放置,均衡的加载离心转子(旋转组件)All the positions of the rotors (the rotary components) must be installed with hanging baskets or tubes, and the adapters are evenly distributed, the centrifugal rotors (the rotary components) are evenly loaded.当离心机由储存处搬运至温差比较大的环境中时,使用环境如温度低,必须先运行30分钟来预热,使用环境如温度高,至少静止放置3小时,方可通电运行,避免造成冷凝损坏机器When the centrifuge is moved from the storage place to the environment of relatively large temperaturelow. On the contrary, if the temperature is high, the centrifuge should be placed still for at least three hours before running it in case that the condensing condition may damage the machine.请勿在离心机向离心容器中直接添加样品,离心容器的加注量不可超过《使用说明书》中规定的容量。








离心力(Centrifugal Force):离心力是蝶式离心机工作的基本原理之一。



转速(Rotation Speed):转速是指蝶式离心机离心滤鼓每分钟旋转的圈数。


离心因子(Centrifugal Factor):离心因子是离心机性能的一个综合指标,它与离心力直接相关,通常用来衡量离心机的分离效果。











美菲尔离心式滤油机工作原理及流程Centrifugal oil filtration is a process used to remove impurities from oil, ensuring that it is clean and can be effectively reused. 离心式滤油是一种用于除去油中杂质的过程,确保油是清洁的并且可以有效地再利用。

The working principle of a centrifugal oil filtration machine involves the use of centrifugal force to separate solid particles and contaminants from the oil. 离心式滤油机的工作原理是利用离心力将固体颗粒和污染物从油中分离出来。

When the oil is fed into the machine, it enters a high-speed rotating drum. 当油被送入机器时,它进入一个高速旋转的滚筒。

As the drum rotates, the centrifugal force causes the heavier solid particles to move towards the outer wall of the drum, while the cleaner oil is pushed towards the center. 随着滚筒的旋转,离心力使得较重的固体颗粒移向滚筒的外墙,而洁净的油则被推向中心。

The separated solid particles are then collected and discharged, leaving behind purified oil that is free from impurities. 分离出来的固体颗粒随后被收集并排出,留下了经过净化的不含杂质的油。

CVGF - 特灵二级离心机内部资料

CVGF - 特灵二级离心机内部资料

CVGF两级压缩离心式冷水机组Model CVGFWater-Cooled Hermetic Centrifugal Chillers 1406~3516kW型号说明降膜式蒸发器·制冷剂充注量少,减少使用费用·高效换热结构,省电看得见机载启动柜·方便用户安装· 节省用户操作空间冷凝器· 高效换热管,降低耗电量· 独有管卡技术,有效保护换热管压缩机· 专利叶轮,效率高· 两级压缩,冷量调节范围广半封闭电机· 液态制冷剂冷却,绕组温度低· 运转环境清洁,可靠性高冷凝器型号冷凝器换热管类型蒸发器型号蒸发器换热管类型孔板型号叶轮电机功率压缩机型号机组型号CVGF 400 - 266 - 960 - 19 - I 500C - T 500CCVGF离心式冷水机组型号说明AdaptiView 控制柜·自适应控制,机组运行更稳定·前馈功能,能量调节更灵敏·支持一次泵变频,系统更节能产品简介面对市场需求的不断多样化,为满足不同客户的要求,特灵公司推出了CVGF 离心式冷水机组,机组采用R134a作为制冷剂。

机组特点●高效节电,为您节省运行费用的冷水机组,ARI工况效率高达0.55kW/ton ◆机组采用两级压缩,单级经济器结构,无论在理论上还是在实际应用过程中都提高了机组的效率。








高速冷冻离心机英语### English Answer:High-Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge.A high-speed refrigerated centrifuge is a type of laboratory equipment used to separate particles in a solution by spinning them at high speeds. The high centrifugal force generated by the spinning motion causes the particles to move radially outward, separating them based on their size, density, and shape. Refrigerated centrifuges are designed to maintain a constant temperature during the centrifugation process, which is crucial for preserving the integrity of biological samples.Principles of Operation:High-speed refrigerated centrifuges operate on the principle of centrifugal force. When a solution is spun at high speeds, the centrifugal force exerted on the particleswithin the solution causes them to move away from the center of rotation. Heavier particles, such as cells or organelles, experience a greater centrifugal force than lighter particles, such as proteins or nucleic acids. As a result, the heavier particles move outward more rapidly and are separated from the lighter particles.The refrigeration system in a refrigerated centrifuge helps to maintain a constant temperature during the centrifugation process. This is important for preserving the stability and integrity of biological samples, which can be sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The temperature can be adjusted to specific settings depending on the requirements of the experiment.Components:The main components of a high-speed refrigerated centrifuge include:Rotor: The rotor is the central component of the centrifuge that holds the sample tubes or plates. Itrotates at high speeds to generate centrifugal force.Chamber: The chamber is the enclosure that surroundsthe rotor. It is designed to maintain the temperature ofthe samples during centrifugation.Refrigeration system: The refrigeration systemcomprises a compressor, condenser, and evaporator that work together to remove heat from the chamber.Control panel: The control panel allows the user to set the centrifugation speed, temperature, and other parameters.Applications:High-speed refrigerated centrifuges have a wide rangeof applications in various fields, including:Biochemistry: Separating proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.Cell biology: Isolating cells, organelles, andsubcellular components.Molecular biology: Purifying DNA, RNA, and other genetic material.Medical diagnostics: Analyzing blood samples, urine samples, and other clinical specimens.Food science: Separating food components, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.Advantages:High speed: Allows for efficient separation ofparticles at high centrifugal forces.Temperature control: Maintains a constant temperature during centrifugation, preserving sample integrity.Versatility: Can be used for a wide range of separation applications.Automation: Many models offer automated features, such as speed and temperature control, for ease of use.### 中文回答:高速冷冻离心机。



CLC number: TU41
1 Introduction In tackling some complex geotechnical problems, centrifuge modelling is often considered as a preferred experimental method. According to a survey conducted by the British Geotechnical Society in 1999, centrifuge modelling was ranked fifth in the list of the most important developments in geotechnics over the previous 50 years (Fig. 1). The ranking was based on responses from 68 geotechnical experts in academia, consulting, contracting and research organisations. It is clear from the survey that centrifuge modelling plays a key role in geotechnical engineering. In this paper, the kinematics, fundamental prin§ *
This ZENG Guo-xi Lecture (4th) was delivered on Nov. 27th, 2010 Project supported by the Program for Changjiang Scholars and the Innovative Research Team in the University of Ministry of Education of China (No. IRT1125), and the 111 Project (No. B13024), China © Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
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centrifugemodelling离心模拟centrifuge离心机centripetalacceleration向心加速度centripetalforce向心力centripetal向心的centrode瞬心轨迹centroidaxis重心轴线centroidofarea面心centroid质心centroidalprincipalaxesofinertia重心诌性轴centrosymmetric中心对称的ceramicbearing陶瓷轴承ceramicbond陶瓷结合剂ceramiccoating陶瓷涂层ceramicengine陶瓷发动机ceramicfilter陶瓷过滤器ceramicindustry陶瓷工业ceramici ulater陶瓷绝缘子ceramictip陶瓷刀片ceramictool陶瓷车刀ceramic 陶瓷的ceramics陶瓷cermettool金属陶瓷刀具cermet金属陶瓷cesium铯cetanenumber十六烷值CF 吸顶型风机CeilingMountedTypeFancfrp碳纤维增强塑料cg ystemcgs单位制cgsunit厘米克秒单位chai eltconveyor链带输送机chai elt链带chai lock链动滑轮chai rake链闸chai ridge链桥nondime ional无量纲的nondirective非定向的nondi ersivewave非弥散波nonelasticbuckling非弹性屈曲nonelasticscattering非弹性散射nonelastic非弹性的nonequilibriumplasma非平衡等离子体nonequilibriumproce非平衡过程nonequilibriumstate非平衡态nonequilibriumstate非平衡状态nonequilibriumsurfacete ion非平衡表面张力nonequilibriumthermodynamics非平衡态热力学nonequilibrium非平衡nonevanescentwave无阻尼波nonferrousalloy非铁合金nonferrousmetal有色金属nonferrousmetallurgy非铁金属冶炼术nonflatne不平面度nonfreepoint非自由质点nongeostrophicflow非地转怜nonholonomicco traint非完整约束nonholonomicsystem非完整系统nonholonomicvelocitycoordinate非完整速度坐标nonhomogeneou oundary非齐次边界nonidealflow非理想怜noninertia无惯性noninertialsystemofcoordinates非惯性坐标系noninertialsystem非惯性系nonisentropicflow非等熵怜nonisotropicmaterial非蛤同性材料nonisotropy非蛤同性nonius游标nonlinearaerodynamics非线性空气动力学nonlineardistortion非线性失真nonlinearelectrodynamics非线性电动力学collarbearing环状止推轴承collarheadscrew带缘螺钉collarjournal有环轴颈collarnut凸缘螺collarpin凸缘销collarthrustbearing环状止推轴承collarvortex涡环collar凸边collateralmotion次级运动collectivemodeofmotion集体运动模式collectivemotion集体运动collectorefficiency集热僻率collectorring滑环collector集电器colletchuck弹簧夹头collier运煤船collimation视准collimation准直collimator视准仪Collimator准直仪collisionchain碰撞链collisioncro ection碰撞截面collisiondiameter 碰撞直径collisiondiffusion碰撞扩散collisionexcitation碰撞激发collisionfrequency碰撞频率
gravitationalfield重力场gravitationalforce重力gravitationalma重力质量gravitationalmoment重力矩gravitationalpotentialenergy重力位能gravitationalpotential引力势gravitational eudote or引力拟张量gravitationalradiation引力辐射gravitationalseparator重力选矿机gravitationalshift引力移位gravitationalstability重力稳定性gravitationalunit重力单位gravitationalwavesurface重力波面gravityaccleration重力加速度gravityanomaly重力反常gravityaxis重心轴gravitycapillarywave重力表面张力波gravitychute倾斜式溜槽gravityconcentration重力选矿gravityconveyor重力运输机gravitycorrection重力校正gravitydam重力坝gravityfeed重力供给gravityfield引力场gravityflow重力流gravityformula重力公式gravityhead重力水头gravityheating自然循环热水取暖gravitylubrication 重力润滑gravitypendulum重力摆gravityplane重心平面gravitypre ure重力压gravityreduction重力校正gravityseparation重力分离gravityseparator重力选矿机
standardresistance标准电阻standardresistance标准阻力standardsieve标准筛standardsolid标准固体standardstate标准状态standardtest ecimen标准试样standardthread标准螺纹standardwatercolumn标准水柱standardwave标准波standardwind标准风standard标准器standardization规格化standingwave驻波stanto umber斯坦顿数stapleu形钉stapler铁丝钉书机starco ectiony形接法starco ection星形连接stardeltaco ection星形三角结线starwheel星轮starboard右舷starchingmachine上胶器starlinghypothesis 斯塔林假说startbutton起动按钮startuptime起动时间start起动startergenerator起动发电机starterpedal 起动踏板starter起动器startingairbottle起动空气瓶startingaircylinder起动空气瓶startingair起动空气startingcompre or起动压缩机startingcrank起动曲柄startingcurrent起动电流。
