新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册Moudle8 Unit1教案

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外研社小学新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册Moudle8 Unit1 What do you suggest? 教学设计山东省茌平县实验小学新校区(252100)赵波

Ⅰ. Teaching aims.


1)掌握词汇:suggest quickly excited America

2)掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型What do you suggest? What about…? Why don’t you…? How about…?












Ⅱ. Key Points and difficult points.

1、教学重点:掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型What do you suggest? What about…? Why don’t you…? H ow about…?


Ⅲ. Teaching aids.


Ⅳ. Procedure:

Step 1. Organization of teaching.

T: Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, Mr Zhao!

Step 2. Revision.

T: Boys and girls, today I’m very excited(用表情展现,

教授新词)because so many teachers come here.What about you? Are you feeling excited?


T:now I’m very happy, too. May 13 is Mother’s Day. I want to buy a present for mum. So let’s go to the supermarket and buy a present. Do you agree?

Ss: Yes, I do. I agree.

T: Look, here we are. What can you see in the supermarket?

S: I can see a bag/a pencil/ a book/ a cake…(课件出示一个


Talk about these things by using:

Do you like…?Yes, I do. It’s nice. No, I don’t.

Do you want…?Yes, I do. It’s useful. No, I’ve got one. (设计说明:既复习以前的句型,让教师对学生的爱好有所了解,又落实了语言的运用,同时为新句型的教学做好了铺垫。)

Step 3. Presentation and practice.

1)T: (情景导入) Just now I said I want to buy a present

to mum Because Mother’s Day is coming. What do you

suggest? Teach “suggest”. (引出本课主题)Teach

“What do you suggest?”

2)T: What do you suggest? A book? A pen?

S1: A book.

T: You can say “ Why don’t you give her a book?”

Teach it.

Then change “book” to another words.

Practice “Why don’t you eat a cake / wear a skirt /

drink some milk?

T: I agree. /I don’t agree.

3)T: Great! And also you can sa y “What about a book?”

Teach it.

T: What do you suggest?

S: What about a book?

(Then change “book” to another words.)

4)T: Very good. And also you can say “ How about a

book?” Teach it.

S: How about a book?

Then change “book” to another words.

5)T: Let’s have a practice. I say a word, a nd you should

express your suggestions in three different ways.

T: A cake.

S1: What about a cake?

How about a cake?

Why don’t you give her a cake?

T: …………

S2: …………


Step 4 . Text

T: Daming is going to go to America. What present will

he take? Listen.

Play the tape ,listen the text.

2 Play it again ,listen and repeat. Answer questions:

(1)T: Who is on the phone for Daming?


(2)T:Where is Daming going to go this summer?

