英语国家概况 第7章 英国政治
余志远《英语国家概况》(2015年版)复习笔记和课后习题详解(第7章英国政治——第9章美国地理)第7章英国政治7.1 复习笔记【知识框架】Ⅰ. Constitutional FrameworkⅡ. Parliament1. The Crown or Sovereign2. The House of Lords3. The House of Commons4. The Prime Minister and the CabinetⅢ. Regional GovernmentⅣ. Local GovernmentⅤ. JusticeⅥ. Political Process1. Elections2. Two-part System3. Female Representation in Britain PoliticsⅦ. Security【重难点归纳】The UK is a state of constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. In theUK, the country’s head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons.英国是⼀个君主⽴宪制和议会民主制国家。
Ⅰ. Constitutional Framework1. The British constitution is made up of statute law, common law and conventions.2. The main elements of the government are the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary.Ⅰ. 宪法框架1. 英国宪法由成⽂法、普通法和公约组成。
Chapter 7第七章Government and Administration英国政府机构The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty‘s Government. The System of parliamentary government is not based on a written constitution, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.联合王国是君主⽴宪制国家,国家的⾸脑是国王或⼥王。
I.The Monarchy君主制1.Elizabeth II, her title in the United Kingdom is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth,Defender of the Faith.伊莉莎⽩⼆世,她的全称是“上帝神佑,⼤布列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及她的其他领⼟和领地的⼥王,英联邦元⾸,国教保护者伊莉莎⽩⼆世。
第五页,编辑于星期六:二十一点 三十六分。
7. class system in the British society (英国社会中的等级制度)
第十三页,编辑于星期六:二十一点 三十六分。
Conservatives Launch General Election Campaign with David Cameron
第十四页,编辑于星期六:二十一点 三十六分。
Party leader
Prime Minister
≥325 constituencies5
第十八页,编辑于星期六:二十一点 三十六分。
An early election can also happen if the Prime Minister decides that the government is currently very popular (perhaps the economy is booming) and calls an early election hoping to win another five years rather than wait the full period and risk becoming unpopular in the meantime and losing the election.
第十九页,编辑于星期六:二十一点 三十六分。
There are three major national parties: The Conservative Party
adj. 讲究实际的,实干的,实用主义的 adj. 比例的,成比例的 n. 流氓,无赖 adj. 再分发的,重新分配的 n. 狭长的口子,夹缝 adj. 卑鄙,道德败坏 adj. 重大的,实质的,实在的 adj. 连续的,接连的 v.n. 增补,补充 n. (英国) 下议院
[其它考试]英语国家概况UNITE 7
• 8)Reasons ..notoriously argue and varied .critics maintain that law enforcement force like the police and the courts are too lenient in their treatment of criminal suspects ad in their sentencing.
• 1) In the judiciary act of 1789,the first congress divided the nation into districts ,an essential principle of division that continues today
The Court Structure
• 4)There may be one or more judges at each district court.
• 5)Appealed case will normally go to a US court of appeals in one of eleven judicial circuits in the country.
• 7)Eg:only represent a little bit over 12 percent of us population ,and ye account for 35 percent of all convictions for offences ,and receive 74 percent of all prision sentences.
• 8)At the top of the hierarchy ,is the Supreme Court , whose jurisdiction is both original and appellate. • 9)Whether in national or state courts , decide case ; hey do not prosecute people.
英语国家概况 英国chapter7v2
access n. 途径 have access to sth. ad hoc a. 特别的,专门的 on an ad hoc basis 临时权宜地 compulsory adj. 义务的必修的 compulsory education corporal/physical punishment 体罚 elite n. 社会精英 civil servant curriculum n. 课程 plural form? Curricular? evacuate vt. 腾空;腾出 evacuation executive n. 行政人员 CEO? literacy n. 识字;有学问 literate adj. n. 有学问的,学者 illiteracy illiterate truancy n. 逃学;旷课 truant adj. n. truant from school proficient adj. 熟练的;精通的 proficiency residential/boarding school 寄宿学校
history of British education system The present education system Higher education
school Comprehensive school Vocational school Public school Oxbridge 11-plus examination11+考试 GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)中学毕业证书 General Certificate of EducationAdvanced: A Level 高级水平测试结业证书
英语国家概况精讲:第一章英国的国土与人民Chapter 1: Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
Chapter 1 The Land and History英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。
I. General IntroductionMap of British Isles1. Location and the Four NationsThe full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It is located to the northwest of continental Europe, separated by the English Channel. Geographically, it is an island country, covering an area of about 244,019 km2, and consists of Great Britain and northeastern part of Ireland, together with many small islands of British Isles.Great Britain accounts for over 90% of the country’s tota l landmass. It is the largest island off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe with England, Scotland and Wales on it. Ireland is the second largest island of British Isles located to the northwest of Great Britain. It is divided into two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country).England is the largest part of the UK and occupies most of the southern two thirds of Great Britain. The total area of England is 130,410 km2 with a population of around 53.9 million (Mid-2013 estimated), which covers more than 84% of the total UK population. It is the most populous and highly urbanized part of the UK. London, the capital of the UK and England, as well as the seat of government, is located in its southeastern part.Scotland is the second largest and most mountainous part of the UK in the north of Great Britain. Compared with that of England, the population density is quite low. There are only 5.3 million people with an area of 78,789 km2. Edinburgh, its largest city, is the capital of Scotland. Scotland is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, such as Scottish Highlands1and Loch Ness2, as well as many historical places, like the Edinburgh Castles.Wales is on the western side of central southern Great Britain. The total area of Wales is 20,779 km2, which accounts for 1/4 parts of the UK. It is also a mountainous part of Great Britain, particularly in the north and central regions. The southeast region is the most built up region of Wales, and the majority of its population live there and a large proportion of its industry is based there. Its capital city, Cardiff, is also in this region.Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering14,139 km2, which constitutes 1/6 of the island. It is the smallest part among the four nations of the UK, as well as the second sparsely populated part after Scotland. The capital is Belfast, the largest city in Northern Ireland both in population and in area. It is the center for government, economic, arts, higher education, business, law of Northern Ireland. Additionally, it is the birthplace of Titanic, and voted one of the world’s top destinations.2. ClimateThe overall climate in the UK is temperate maritime, which means that it is mild with temperatures neither much lower than 0℃in winter nor much higher 32℃in summer. Generally, the UK has warm summers and cool winters, with July and August as the warmest month, and January and February as the coldest. However, due to the influence of Gulf Stream3, the summers are cooler than those in continent while the winters are milder. Normally, the temperature in summer is around 20℃,with the high rarely going above 30℃. The average temperature in winter is around 0℃and seldom go below -10℃even in the most northern part of the country.Meanwhile, since Britain is an island country and surrounded by the sea, the climate is considerably changeable compared with other countries. Since the variable climate changing day to day, it is hard for people to predict what the weather will be like the next day. Additionally, the unique geographical position is also the reason for the dampness of the climate. The rainfall is fairly distributed throughout the year. Although it does not rain every day, it is always advisable for people to bring an umbrella or waterproof clothing every day.II. History1. The Founding of the NationThe recorded history of the UK begins with the Roman invasion in 55BC. In 55 and 54BC, Britain was twice invaded by Julius Caesar and his Roman troops. However, it was not until 43AD that the Roman led by Claudius I finally successfully invaded and Britain became part of the Roman Empire. The native Celtic were driven to the mountain regions of Scotland and Wales, which remained unconquered by the Romans.The Romans have great impact on many aspects of the British culture. The Roman civilization was introduced to the Britain during this period. For example, Roman style baths and temples were built, cities like London and towns were constructed, and the system of government was also introduced. With the decline of the Roman Empire, when the Germanic troops attacked Rome in 410 A.D., the Romans had to withdraw in order to protect their own nation, which led to the end of Roman occupation.After the leave of the Romans, three groups of Germanic tribes called the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons came to Britain from the European continent in the mid-4th century. They conquered different regions of Britain:1Scottish Highlands:苏格兰高地,是对苏格兰高地边界断层以西和以北的山地的称,被认为是欧洲风景最优美的地区。
Chapt e r 1 The Land and Histo r y英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。
I. Gener a l Intro d ucti o n1. Locat i on and the Four Natio n s The full name of the UK is the Unite d Kingd o m of Great Brita i n and North e rn Irela n d. It is made up of four natio n s: Engla n d, Scotl a nd, North e rn Irela n d, and Wales . It is locat e d to the north w est of conti n enta l Europ e , separ a ted by the Engli s h Chann e l. Geogr a phic a lly, it is an islan d count r y, cover i ng an area of about 244,019 km 2, and consi s ts of Great Brita i n and north e aste r n part of Irela n d, toget h er with many small islan d s of Briti s h Isles . Great Brita i n accou n ts for over 90% of the count r y’stotal landm a ss. It is the large s t islan d off the north w este r n coast of mainl a nd Europ e with Engla n d, Scotl a nd and Wales on it. Irela n d is the secon d large s t islan d of Briti s h Isles locat e d to the north w est of Great Brita i n. It is divid e d into two parts : North e rn Irela n d and the Repub l ic of Irela n d (an indep e nden t count r y).Engla n d is the large s t part of the UK and occup i es most of the south e rn two third s of Great Brita i n. The total area of Engla n d is 130,410 km 2 with a popul a tion of aroun d 53.9 milli o n (Mid-2013 estim a ted), which cover s morethan 84% of the total UK popul a tion . It is the most popul o us and highl y urban i zed part of the UK . Londo n , the capit a l of the UK and Engla n d, as well as the seat of gover n ment , is locat e d in its south e aste rn part.Map of Briti s h Isles Scotla nd is the second larges t and most mounta inous part of the UK in the northof GreatBritai n. Compar ed with that of Englan d, the popula tiondensit y is quitelow. Thereare only 5.3 millio n people with an area of 78,789 km2. Edinbu rgh, its larges t city, is the capita l of Scotla nd. Scotla nd is famous for its beauti ful natura l scener y, such as Scotti s h Highla nds1and Loch Ness2, as well as many histor icalplaces, like the Edinbu rgh Castle s.Walesis on the wester n side of centra l southe rn GreatBritai n. The totalarea of Walesis 20,779 km2, whichaccoun ts for 1/4 partsof the UK. It is also a mounta inous part of GreatBritai n, partic ularl y in the northand centra l region s. The southe ast region is the most builtup region of Wales, and the majori ty of its popula tionlive thereand a largepropor tionof its indust ry is basedthere. Its capita l city, Cardif f, is also in this region.Northe rn Irelan d lies in the northe ast of the island of Irelan d, coveri ng14,139 km2, whichconsti tutes 1/6 of the island. It is the smalle st part amongthe four nation s of the UK, as well as the second sparse ly popula ted part afterScotla nd. The capita l is Belfas t, the larges t city in Northe rn Irelan d both in popula tionand in area. It is the center for govern ment,econom ic, arts, higher educat ion, busine ss, law of Northe rn Irelan d. Additi onall y, it is the birthp laceof Titani c, and votedone of the world’stopdestin ation s.2. Climat eThe overal l climat e in the UK is temper ate mariti me, whichmeansthat it is mild with temper ature s neithe r much lowerthan 0℃ in winter nor much higher 32℃ in summer. Genera lly, the UK has warm summer s and cool winter s, with July and August as the warmes t month, and Januar y and Februa ry as the coldes t. Howeve r, due to the influe nce of Gulf Stream3, the summer s are cooler than thosein contin ent whilethe winter s are milder. Normal ly, the temper ature in summer is around20℃,with the high rarely goingabove30℃. The averag e temper ature in winter is around 0℃ and seldom go below-10℃ even in the most northe rn part of the countr y.Meanwh ile, sinceBritai n is an island countr y and surrou ndedby the sea, the climat e is consid erabl y change ablecompar ed with othercountr ies. Sincethe variab le climat e changi ng day to day, it is hard for people to predic t what the weathe r will be like the next day. Additi onall y, the unique geogra phica l positi on is also the reason for the dampne ss of the climat e. The rainfa ll is fairly distri buted throug houtthe year. Althou gh it does not rain everyday, it is always advisa ble for people to bringan umbrel la or waterp roofclothi ng everyday.II. Histor y1. The Foundi ng of the NationThe record ed histor y of the UK begins with the Romaninvasi on in 55BC. In 55 and 54BC, Britai n was twiceinvade d by Julius Caesar and his Romantroops. Howeve r, it was not until43AD that the Romanled by Claudi us I finall y succes sfull y invade d and Britai n became part of the RomanEmpire. The native Celtic were driven to the mounta in region s of Scotla nd and Wales, whichremain ed unconq uered by the Romans.The Romans have greatimpact on many aspect s of the Britis h cultur e. The Romancivili zatio n was introd ucedto the Britai n during this period. For exampl e, Romanstylebathsand temple s were built, cities like London and townswere constr ucted, and the system of govern mentwas also introd uced. With the declin e of the RomanEmpire, when the German ic troops attack ed Rome in 410 A.D., the Romans had to withdr aw in orderto protec t theirown nation, whichled to the end of Romanoccupa tion.Afterthe leaveof the Romans, threegroups of German ic tribes called the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons came to Britai n from the Europe an contin ent in the mid-4th centur y. They conque red differ ent region s of Britai n:1Scotti sh Highla nds:苏格兰高地,是对苏格兰高地边界断层以西和以北的山地的称,被认为是欧洲风景最优美的地区。
英语国家概况 第七单元ppt 超级详细!
The Legislature
The Executive
The Judiciary
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Religion (P95)
Roman Catholic Protestant No Religious Beliefs
orange for Protestants
white for the desired peace between them
Hale Waihona Puke College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
more natural to the Irish.
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Celtic Knot
Celtic knots started appearing in history after about 450 AD.
英语国家概况UNITE 7
• 10)Crime preventions is a difficulty job for all law enforcement official in the united states consider ,in the abilities of the police ,the courts and legilators to cope with crime ,or even adequately and effectively protect citizens.
• 6)General speaking ,young people aged 15 to 19 are the most criminally inclined age group ,and social cities fear that is a demographic time bomb that is likely to explode in a crime wave of epic proportions.
• 8)Reasons ..notoriously argue and varied .critics maintain that law enforcement force like the police and the courts are too lenient in their treatment of criminal suspects ad in their sentencing.
The Legal System
• Part1 The Court Structure • Part2 Criminal Law ,Civil Law ,Court Proceedings • Part3 Crime and Punishment
附:自学考试《英语国家概况》自学考试教材目录(课程代码:0522)Part one The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter1Land and PeopleChapter2The Origins of a Nation(5000BC-AD1066)Chapter3The Shaping of the Nation(1066——1381)Chapter4Transition tO the Modern Age(1455——1688)Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British Empire(1688——1990)Chapter6The EconomyChapter7Government and AdministrationChapter8Justice and the LawChapter9Social AffairsChapter10Cultural AffairsPart Two The Republic of IrelandChapter11Geography and HistoryChapter12Ireland TodayPart Three The United States of AmericaChapter13GeographyChapter14Population.Race and Ethnic GroupsChapter15American History(I)(1600——1900)Chapter16American History(II)(1900-1945)Chapter17American History(III)America in Post Era(1945-1980s)Chapter18The EconomyChapter19Political InstitutionsChapter20EducationChapter21Literature.Architecture and MusicChapter22Holidays and FestivalsPart Four CanadaChapter23Geography and HistoryChapter24The EconomyChapter25Government and PoliticsChapter26Society and CulturePart Five AustraliaChapter27Land and PeopleChapter28Australian History(I)Australia to FederationChapter29Australian History(II)Australia Since FederationChapter30The EconomyChapter31Government and PoliticsChapter32Society and CulturePart Six New ZealandChapter33The Making of New ZealandChapter34New Zealand Today第一部分英国概况第一章国土和人民第二章英国民族起源(5000BC~AD1066)第三章民族的形成(1066~1381)第四章向现代过渡时期的英国(1455~1688)第五章大英帝国的兴衰(1688~1990)第六章经济第七章英国政府机构第八章法律与司法机构第九章英国社会第十章英国文化第二部分爱尔兰概况第十一章爱尔兰地理与历史第十二章今日爱尔兰第三部分美国概况第十三章美国地理第十四章人口、种族和种族集团第十五章美国历史(I)(1600~1900)第十六章美国历史(II)(1900~1945)第十七章美国历史(III)二次大战后的美国(1945-1980S)第十八章美国经济第十九章政治体制第二十章教育第二十一章文学、建筑和音乐第二十二章假日和节日第四部分加拿大概况第二十三章加拿大地理与历史第二十四章加拿大经济第二十五章加拿大政府与政治第二十六章加拿大的社会与文化第五部分澳大利亚概况第二十七章土地与人民第二十八章澳大利亚联邦成立之前的历史第二十九章澳大利亚联邦成立以来的历史第三十章澳大利亚经济第三十一章澳大利亚政府与政治制度第三十二章澳大利亚社会与文化第六部分新西兰概况第三十三章新西兰地理与历史第三十四章今日新西兰附件:《英语国家概况自学考试大纲》的考核目标Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter1Land and PeopleI.Different Names for Britain and its PartsChapter2The Origins of a NationI.Early Settlers3.The CeltsII.Roman BritainIII.The Anglo-SaxonsⅣ.The Viking and Danish InvasionsV.The Norman ConquestChapter3The Shaping of the NationⅠ.Norman Rule1.William’s RuleⅡ.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament1.The Great CharterⅢ.The Hundred Years’War with FranceⅣ.The Black Death and the Peasant UprisingChapter4Transition to the Modern AgeⅠ.Transition to the Modern AgeⅡ.The English ReformationⅢ.Elizabeth I1.Elizabeth and Parliament2.Elizabeth’s Religious Reform3.Elizabeth’s Foreign PolicyⅣ.The English RenaissanceVII.The Civil WarsVIII.The CommonwealthIX.The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of1688Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireⅠ.Whigs and ToriesⅡ.Agricultural Changes in the Late18th CenturyⅢ.The Industrial RevolutionⅣ.The Chartist MovementVII.Twentieth Century1.Britain and the First World War3.Britain and the Second World War4.Postwar BritainChapter7Government and AdministrationⅠ.The MonarchyⅡ.Parliament1.The House of Lords2.The House of CommonsⅢ.The Cabinet and MinistryⅣ.The Privy CouncilChapter8Justice and the LawIV.The JudiciaryV.PoliceChapter9Social AffairsⅠ.Health and Social Services1.The National Health ServiceⅢ.Religion1.Established churchesⅣ.Festivals and Public Holidays1.Christian festivals2.Other festivals3.Public holidaysChapter10Cultural AffairsⅠ.Education3.Higher educationⅡ.The Media1.NewspapersⅢ.SportsⅣ.The Arts3.DramaPart Two The Republic of Ireland Chapter11Geography and HistoryI.Geographical FeaturesII.Climate and WeatherIII.Population and ReligionIV.Historical backgroundPart Three The United States of America Chapter14Population,Race and Ethnic GroupsI.IntroductionIV.Racial and Ethnic Minorities1.BlacksChapter15American History(I)Ⅰ.Discovery of the New WorldⅡ.The Colonial PeriodⅢ.The War of IndependenceⅣ.A New Form of GovernmentⅥ.Territorial Expansion and Westward MovementⅦ.The Civil WarⅧ.Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil WarChapter16American History(II)Ⅰ.Economic DevelopmentⅡ.ProgressivismⅢ.World War I and the United StatesⅣ.The United States in the1920sⅤ.The Great Depression and the New DealⅥ.World War II and the United StatesChapter17American History(III)Ⅰ.The Origins of the Cold WarⅡ.The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan V.McCarthyismVII.American Society During the Postwar Boom:1945-1960s VIII.The Cuban Missile CrisisIX.The Vietnam WarX.United States’Relations with ChinaXII.Watergate ScandalChapter18The Economy(Two paragraphs)Ⅰ.The Economic System of the United StatesV.Foreign TradeVI.Problems in the U.S.EconomyChapter19Political InstitutionsⅠ.The U.S.Constitution1.The Federal system2.Separation of powers:checks and balances3.Provisions for amendmentⅡ.The Executive Branch1.The Presidency2.Presidential PowersⅢ.The Legislative Branch2.Powers of the House and Senate3.Officers of the Congress4.Functions of the CongressⅤ.Political Parties(two-party system)Chapter20EducationⅠ.Characteristics of American EducationⅡ.Elementary and Secondary EducationⅢ.Higher EducationⅤ.Education ReformsChapter21Literature,Architecture and MusicⅠ.American Literature1.Washington Irving2.Emerson and Hawthorne3.Mark Twain4.Whitman and Dickinson5.Theodore Dreiser6.T.S.Eliot7.Ernest Hemingway8.Hughes and WrightChapter22Holidays and FestivalsⅠ.New Year’s DayIV.Valentine’s DayVI.Easter DayVIII.Independence DayIX.HalloweenXI.Thanksgiving DayⅩII.Christmas DayPart Four Canada Chapter23Geography and HistoryⅠ.Geographic Features4.Geographic regionsⅡ.The making of Canada1.The European discovery3.Self-government and Confederation4.The Canadian nationChapter26Society and CultureI.Canadian Society1.Population2.Immigration3.Bilingualism4.MulticulturalismPart Five Australia Chapter27Land and peopleⅠ.The Geographical Structure1.The Great Western Plateau2.The Eastern Highlands3.The Central Eastern LowlandsⅡ.Climate3.Causes and effects of the hot and dry climate Ⅳ.People1.Population2.Population density and distributionⅤ.Australia’s Built Environment1.Sprawling cities2.Rural areasⅥ.Political Divisions1.New South Wales2.Victoria3.Queensland4.South Australia5.West Australia6.TasmaniaChapter32Society and CultureIV.Australian Culture1.Aboriginal culture2.Modern Australian culturePart Six New Zealand Chapter33The Making of New ZealandⅠ.GeographyⅡ.ClimateⅢ.Plants and AnimalsⅣ.Historical Background2.The Treaty of Waitangi1840VI.Maoritanga5.Race relations《<英语国家概况>自考辅导》目录(配合《英语国家概况》余志远,外语教学与研究出版社2005版)Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North IrelandChapter1Land and People(英国的国土与人民)Chapter2The origins of the Nation(国家的起源)Chapter3The Shaping of the Nation(英国的形式)Chapter4Transition to the Modern Age(向现代过度的英国)Chapter5The Rise and Fall of the British Empire(英帝国的兴衰)Chapter6The Economy(英国经济)Chapter7Government and Administration(英国政府机构)Chapter8Justice and the Law(法律和司法机构)Chapter9Social Affairs(社会事务)Chapter10Cultural Affairs(文化事务)Part Two The Republic of IrelandThe Republic of Ireland(爱尔兰共和国)Part Three United States of AmericaChapter1A Survey of American Natural Circumstances and Geography(美国的自然环境和地理概况)Chapter2People and Ethnic Groups(人口和名族)Chapter3American History(Ⅰ)(1600-1900)(美国历史)Chapter4American History(Ⅱ)(1900-1945)(美国历史)Chapter5American History(Ⅲ)(1945-1980s’)(美国历史)Chapter6American Literature(美国文学)Chapter7American Economy(美国经济)Chapter8American Politics(美国政治)Chapter9American Education(教育)Chapter10American Music,Architecture and Newspaper(音乐、建筑和报纸)Chapter11Holidays and Festivals(美国的节假日)Part Four CanadaChapter1The History of Chanada(加拿大的历史)Chapter2Canadian Geography(加拿大地理)Chapter3The Economy(经济)Chapter4Government and Politics(政府和政治)Chapter5Society and Culture(社会与文化)Part Five AustraliaChapter1Australia”s Land and People(澳大利亚的国土与人口)Chapter2Australian History(澳大利亚历史)Chapter3Australian Economy(澳大利亚经济)Chapter4Polotical System(澳大利亚政治体制)Chapter5Society and Culture(社会与文化)Part Six New ZealandChapter1The making of New of New Zealand(地理与历史)Chapter2New Zealand Today(今日新新西兰)。
英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。
2. Main Geographical Regions
New England The Mid-Atlantic States
The South
The Midwest
The Southwest
The West
New England
including six states in the northeastern corner. long history—the Europeans’ first settlement featured with mountains, valleys and rivers, and cities and towns with historic sites top-ranking universities
Oregon & California
northwestern part of America Alaska--glaciers, waterfalls and lakes Native population
Eskimos--half of all Alaska Natives Indians Aleuts
Known as the “father of waters” to American Indians As Mark Twain was raised on the river, his most popular and important writings are concerned with this area.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn tells the story of how the boy Huckleberry Finn and his black friend Jim, a runaway slave, sailed down the Mississippi on a raft.
立法机关 ,主要由上议院和 英国议会是最高_______ “议会之母” 下议院组成,有________ 之称。
核心领导机关 ,首相和内 内阁是英国政府的_________ 议会 负责。 阁要向_____
党、政、军大 首相拥有非常广泛的权力,集_________ 权于一身。
资产阶级 政权的一种组 君主立宪制本质是________ 织形式。
British Government
The party, which wins sufficient seats at a General Election in the House of Commons usually forms the Government. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed Prime Minister by the Sovereign. The party, which wins the second largest number of seats, becomes the official Opposition组成反对党.
英 国 的 议 内阁与首相 会 和 政 府 君主立宪制 的实质
内阁是英国政府的核心领导机关 首相和内阁要向议会负责,而不 用对国家元首(国王)负责 内阁权力很大 首相拥有非常广泛的权力,集党、 政、军大权于一身 本质上是资产阶级政权的一种 组织形式
British Parliament
The main functions of Parliament are:
(1) to pass laws (通过立法 ); (2) to provide, by voting for, taxation (投票 批准税 ); (3) to examine government Policy and administrations (检查政府政策和行政管理 ); (4) to debate the major issues of the day (当天的议题辩论 ).
自考 00522 英语国家概况 课文 翻译
目前( 1991年) ,英联邦有50个成员国。
Chapter7GovernmentofUKChapter 7British Government and Administration0. Introduction1. Political system(1) What is the political system in the United Kingdom?The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.(2) Who is the Head of State?The head of State is a king or a queen.2. Constitutional Monarchy(1)What is meant by Constitutional Monarchy?The Sovereign reigns, but does not rule. 统而不治(2) Could you explain it in detail?A.His or Her Majesty?s power is limited by the constitution----a formality.B.The real power is invested with elective government.Sum: In practice, the Sovereign reigns, but the United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign, by His or Her Majesty?s government----a body ofleading Ministers of the political party which wins the election.3. The constitution(1)What do you know about the British Constitution?There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom, that is, unlike theconstitutions of most other countries, the British constitution is not set out in anysingle document.(2)What is the British constitution made up of?It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. 成文法、习惯法和惯例(conventions: are rules and practices which are not legally enforceable but which areregarded as indispensable to the working of government.)惯例指法律没有明文规定,但被视为政府工作中不可缺少的行为准则4. Three tiers of government: Central gov. →county gov. →district gov.I. The Monarchy1. Who is the present monarch?The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, who came to the throne in 1952.2. What is her title?“Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith” “托上帝洪恩,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及其他领土和属地的女王,英联邦之首,基督教的保护者伊丽莎白二世。
Part One: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and PeopleChapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC~AD1066)Chapter 3 The Shape of the Nation (1066~1381)Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age (1455~1688)Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688~1990)Chapter 6 The EconomyChapter 7 Government and AdministrationChapter 8 Justice the LawChapter 9 Social AffairsChapter 10 Cultural AffairsChapter 1 Land, People and Language1 Different Names for Britain and its PartsThe official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland.The geographical names are the British Isles, Great Britain and England. Peoplejust say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K.PeopleEngland is the largest and most populous, almost a quarter of the people lives inEngland’s prosperous and fertile southeast, with over 7 million in the capital.The majority of the population are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic peoplefrom Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries.These peoplesettled in England and drove the native Celtic people to the mountainous areas of WalesandScotland. Their language became the official language of the country. Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people who were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. The Irish people were also of Celtic origin.About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and a quarter of the world’s land area.Geographical FeaturesThere are 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; the east and south-east are mostly lowlands.There are 3 natural zones of Scotland: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.The highest mountain in Britain is Ben Nevis (1,343m), located in Scotland.The longest river of Britain, the Severn River, which is 354kms long, originates inmid-Wales and flows through western England to the Bristol Channel.The largest lake in U.K, Lough Neagh, is located in Northern Ireland.ClimateThe average temperature in January is around 0 degree and seldom falls below -10 degree,even in the northernScotland.Factors which influence the climate in Britain are: 1 The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer. 2 The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate. 3 The North Atlantic Drift, which is warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.As a result of the rainfall distribution in Britain there is a water surplus in the north and west, and a water deficit in the south and the east.LanguageEnglish is a member of the Indo-European family of language (印欧语系).Old English was strongly influenced by old Norse (挪威语) spoken by the Vikings(北欧海盗)and was closely related to the German and Dutch language. The introduction of Christianity added the first wave of Latin and Greek words to the language. The Old English period ended with the Norman Conquest, when the language was influenced, to an even extent, by the French-speaking Normans.William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066. In the early of this period, French, spoken by the Normans, replaced English as the official language in England, while English was only used by the low class. Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary. This period was the Middle English.From the late 15th century onward, the English language changed further into what isnow describedas Modern English. The printing press was introduced to England in 1476 by William Caxton, who brought standardization to English. The dialect of London became the standard. Spelling and grammar became fixed. The first English dictionary was published in 1604. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary, published in 1755, was influential in establishing a standard form of spelling.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southern England, adopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media. It is also called Queen’s English or BBC English.At present,nearly a quarter of the world’s population use English. It has become a universal lingua franca(国际通用语)Today about a quarter of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their first language and about one percent speak only Welsh. Welsh is an ancient Celtic language. It was given equality with English for all official use in Wales in 1965.Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC~AD1066)The Early Settlers (5000BC-55BC)1 The IberiansAt about 3000BC during New Stone Age, Iberians came to Britain from Iberian Peninsula, now Spain.2 The Beaker Folk3 The CeltsRoman Britain (55BC-AD410)British recorded history begins in the year 55BC, when Julius Caesar and his Roman troops invaded the island.In 410, Germanic barbarians attacked Rome, forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain in order to defend their own nation, and thus ending the Roman occupation of the island. The Anglo-Saxons (446-871)Soon after the Roman left, groups of Germanic warriors, including the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes from what is today Denmark and Northern Germany, landed in Britain. They drove the Britons to the mountains, and those did not flee remained as slaves to the new invaders.In 579 St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury; he was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility.Anglo-Saxons laid the foundation of the English state, divided the country into shires and devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system, which continued until the agriculture revolution in the 18th century. And they created the Witan (council or meeting of the wise men), to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.The Viking and Danish InvasionsIn the 8th century, the Norwegian Vikings and the Danes from Denmark attacked the English coast. In the process of resisting the Vikings, the 7 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England gradually became united under Alfred the Great, king of Wessex (871-899). Afred is known as “the father of the British navy” as he founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea, then protected the coasts and encouraged trade; he translatedinto English Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People and he encouraged learning in others, established schools and formulated a legal system.The Norman Conquest (1066)William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066.Chapter3 The Shaping of the Nation (1066-1381)Norman Rule (1066-101381)To consolidated his powerUnder William, the feudal system in England was completely established. According to this system, the king owned all the land personally. William gave his barons large estates in England in return for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land’s produce. One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all the landowners took the oath宣誓of allegiance效忠for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king, in other words , this restrained(resisted) the growth of the power of the barons.William replaced Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings, with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief. The Grand Council met 3 times a year in the southern cities of Winchester.William sent his clerks to compile汇编a property record known as Domesday Book, completed in 1086. Today it is kep t in the Public Records Office in London.Henry II’s ReformsHenry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet. He abolished the annual land taxbased on hides(hide _ an Anglo-Saxon unit of land variously calculated as 24 to 48 hectares). He divided the county into six circuits and appointed itinerant justices to each of them.In Henry’s time, a jury was composed of 12 men and the juror’s function was to act as witnesses, not to hear evidences and give verdict.As parts of his legal reforms, Henry II insisted that all clerks charged with criminal offences should be tried in the king’s courts instead of the Bishop’s courts.Henry II VS Thomas BecketIn 1154, Thomas Becket became Henry’s intimate friend. In 1162, Becket became Archbishop, and the next year, a clerk of Bedford was acquitted on a murder charge in the Bishop of Lincoln’s court. The king demanded that the man should come forward to answer the charge in a civil court, but Becket refused to allow this. This brought matters to a crisis.The Great Charter and the Beginning of ParliamentThe Great Charter (1215)King John was defeated in a war with France and lost Normandy in 1204. In order to avenge himself on France, he demanded more feudal taxes and army service. Dissatisfied with John’s leadership, the lords forced him to sign the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter on June 15, 1215.The Magna Carta contained 63 clauses, the most important being the following:1the king could not exact索取payment from the vassals诸侯without their consent;2no freeman should be arrested, imprisoned, or deprived剥夺of their property unless they are convicted by a jury;3merchants would be allowed to move about freely;4there should be the same weights and measures throughout the country;5 traditional rights and privileges优惠待遇should be given to the towns;6 if the king attempted to free himself from the law, the vassals had the right to force him to obey the law by every means possible, even by means of a civil war.The spirit of Magna Carta was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds范围of the feudal law of the land.The significance of the Magna Carta is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism and it provides the basic principles for the protection of the individual rights in both Britain and the United States.The beginning of ParliamentHenry III waged a series of wars on France. Being unable to manage these with normal revenue财政收入, he exacted money from English people under all pretexts借口in violation of the spirit of the Magna Carta.The outraged nobles, led by Simon de Montfort,rebelled. Thus,it was through the efforts of Simon de Montfort that the modern idea of a representative parliament emerged出现. Later, by the mid-14th century, the Great Council developed later into the House of Commons and the House of Lords as a parliament.Hundred Years’ War with France (1337-1453)The Hundred Year s’ War was a series of intermittent断断续续的wars between France and England. The causes were territory, economy, security and the throne.At first, the war went in England’s favor. As time went on, the French peasants农民rallied underJoan of Arc a national heroine, defeated the English and drove them out of France.The significance of the Hundred Years’ WarIt promoted the concept of English nationalism and promoted the development of the textile industry because it reduced the export of English wool. In addition, the war raised the social position of the bourgeois中产阶级. All these factors contributed to the decline of feudalism in English.The Black Death (1348-1349)The Black Death spread through Europe in the summer of 1348 without warning and, most importantly, without any cure.The consequences of the Black Death1 It had reduced England’s population from 4 million to2 million by the end of the 14th century. 2 As a result of the plague瘟疫, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.After the Black Death, the laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance, and along with them English increased in importance compared to French. The Peasant Uprising (1381)农民起义Although the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was brutally残酷suppressed, it had far-reaching significance in English history, paving the way for the development of capitalism. Chapter 4Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1688)The name Wars of the Roses was coined创造by the great 19th century novelist Sir Walter Scott.The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) was a series of civil wars between two great noble families: the House of York, whose badge was a white rose, and the House of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose.In the end, the House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII (1485-1509) .The Tudor family ruled England from 1485 to 1603. Under the Tudor, England became a national state with an efficient centralized government, and started changing from a medieval中世纪的to a modern country.The significance of the Wars of the Roses1 The feudalism received its death blow;2 The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited;3 The king’s power now became supreme;4 England changed from a medieval to a modern country.The English ReformationHenry VIII’s reform was to get rid of the English Church’s connection with the Pope, and to make an independent Church of England.The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the Papacy教皇. He carried out a wholesale suppression of the monasteries教徒and confiscated the property of the church. In 1534 he issued the Act of Supremacy《至尊法案》, and declared himself to be the “only head of the church of England”. The Reformation was in essence a political movement in a religious guise/ under the guise of the religion.伪装,打着宗教的幌子Elizabeth I (1558-1603)Elizabeth was 25 when she came to the throne. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for45 years and she remained single. Elizabeth’s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.Elizabeth’s relationship with Parliament was often turbulent动荡. Parliament had grown in status地位since Henry VIII’s day and hoped to receive recognition of this in two days.本文档部分内容来源于网络,如有内容侵权请告知删除,感谢您的配合!。
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The British constitution is only partly written. It is made up ofstatute law, common law and conventions(成文法,习惯法和公约). It is more flexible than the written constitution of other countries.1)组成:英国宪法只有一部分成文规定。
the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary (立法,行政和司法).2)政府的主要组成部分:立法,行政和司法the lord chancellor(大法官) is a member of all three branches.He serves as a member of the cabinet (内阁)(executive branch), as the government’s leader in the House of Lords (上议院) (legislative branch), and as the head of the country ’s judiciary(国家司法体系)(judicial branch).3)机关之间的重叠:大法官同时任职于三个机关。
1)Kingdom of Great Britain:The UK Parliament was formed in 1707 following the ratificationof the Acts of Union(《联合法案》) by both the Parliament ofEngland and the Parliament of Scotland. The Acts created a newunified Kingdom of Great Britain and dissolved the separateEnglish and Scottish parliaments in favor of a single parliament,located in the former home of the English parliament in thePalace of Westminster, near the City of London.1)不列颠王国:根据1707年的《联合法案》,将英格兰议会与苏格兰议会合并,形成联合王国议会。
2)UnitedKingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:This lasted nearly a century, until the Acts of Union 1800 mergedthe separate British and Irish parliaments into a singleParliament of the UK with effect from January 1, 1801.2)大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国:这项改变持续了近一个世纪,直到1800年联合法案合并了英格兰和爱尔兰单独的议会,形成一个单一的联合王国议会,在1801年1月1日生效。
①Her father acceded to the throne as George VI in 1936 on theabdication of his brother Edward VIII,from which time she wasthe heir presumptive.①伊丽莎白的父亲是乔治六世,他的哥哥爱德华八世退位后,他在1936年继位为王,那时起伊丽莎白成为王位假定继承人。
②In 1947, she married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (希腊和丹麦的菲利普王子)②1947年,她嫁给了希腊和丹麦的菲利普王子。
③she has four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward.③她育有四个孩子:查尔斯、安妮、安得鲁和爱德华。
④Her coronation service(加冕仪式) took place in 1953 andwas the first to be televised.④她于1953年加冕,并首次在电视台播映。
⑤Major events in Elizabeth’s reign: the Troubles in NorthernIreland, the Falklands War, and wars with Iraq and inAfghanistan.⑤伊丽莎白在位期间发生的大事件:北爱尔兰动乱、马岛战争、伊拉克与阿富汗战争。
⑥personal sorrow: the death of her father at 56,theassassination of Prince Philip’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten, thebreakdown of her children’s marriages in 1992(a year deemedher annus horribilis多灾之年), the death in 1997 of her son’sformer wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, and the deaths of hermother and sister in 2002.⑥私生活中的悲痛:其父亲去世,享年56岁,菲利普王子叔叔——蒙巴顿勋爵被暗杀,子女1992年婚姻失败(这一年视为她的灾难年),儿子的前妻——威尔士王妃戴安娜于1997年去世,母亲和妹妹也都在2002年去世。
Elizabeth has occasionally faced republican sentiments andsevere press criticism of the royal family, but support for themonarchy and her personal popularity remain high.虽然伊丽莎白偶尔也会面对共和党的情绪以及对王室严厉的抨击,但支持君主政体人数居多,她个人声望仍然很高。
引言Introduction Chapter 7 Government and Politics第七章 英国政治引言Introduction 1)The UK is not a federation(联邦), but a unitary state(中央集权国家).A unitary state is a country in which official power is given to one organization which deals with all matters in a local area.2)It is a constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制) and a parliamentary democracy(议会民主制). Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution, whether it be a written or blended constitution.Constitutional monarchies are sometimes referred to as limited monarchies, crowned republics or parliamentary monarchies.3)In the UK, the country’s head of state is the reigning king or queen(在位的国王或女王), and the head of government is the prime minister(首相), who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons(下议院).第一节 Constitutional Framework(宪法框架)1)组成made up of2)The main elements of thegovernment政府的主要组成部分3)机关之间的重叠overlap between the branches第二节 Parliament (议会)1. The Crown or Sovereign (君主)1)In the UK, the king or queen is the head of government. However, in practice, the Crown reigns, but does not rule. The country is governed in the name of the Crown, by His or Her Majesty’s Government-a body of Ministers who are the leading members of whichever political party the electorate has voted into office, and who are responsible to Parliament.2)presentSovereignQueenElizabeth II现任君主女王伊丽莎白二世。