



指导原则编号:【】治疗阿尔茨海默病药物临床试验技术指导原则(第二稿)二○○七年三月目录一、概述 (3)二、有效性和安全性评价要点 (5)(一)适应症定位 (5)(二)受试人群 (5)(三)有效性评价 (8)(四)安全性评价 (10)(五)临床试验的质量控制 (11)三、分期试验设计 (11)(一)Ⅰ期临床试验: (11)(二)Ⅱ期临床试验 (13)(三)Ⅲ期临床试验 (15)四、预防和控制疾病进展药物的临床试验 (16)(一)轻度认知功能损害(MCI)者的临床试验 (16)(二)控制疾病进展药物的临床试验 (17)五、缩略语 (17)六、参考文献 (19)七、著者 (20)治疗阿尔茨海默病药物临床试验技术指导原则一、概述痴呆是一种以认知功能缺损为核心症状的获得性临床综合征,如进行性记忆、思维、语言、行为和人格障碍等,可伴随精神和运动功能障碍,其认知损害的程度足以影响日常生活、社交或职业功能或与个人以前相比有显著下降。











指导原则编号: 【】治疗阿尔茨海默病药物临床试验技术指导原则(第二稿)二○○七年三月目录一、概述............................................................................. ........................ 3 二、有效性和安全性评价要点. (5)(一)适应症定位 (5)(二)受试人群 (5)(三)有效性评价 (8)(四)安全性评价 (10)(五)临床试验的质量控制............................................................ 11 三、分期试验设计 .................................................................................. 11 (一)Ⅰ期临床试验: .................................................................... 11 (二)Ⅱ期临床试验........................................................................ 13 (三)Ⅲ期临床试验........................................................................ 15 四、预防和控制疾病进展药物的临床试验 .......................................... 16 (一)轻度认知功能损害(MCI)者的临床试验 ................................ 16 (二)控制疾病进展药物的临床试验..................................................17 五、缩略语 ............................................................................ .................. 17 六、参考文献 ............................................................................ .............. 19 七、著者 ............................................................................ ...................... 20 2治疗阿尔茨海默病药物临床试验技术指导原则一、概述痴呆是一种以认知功能缺损为核心症状的获得性临床综合征,如进行性记忆、思维、语言、行为和人格障碍等,可伴随精神和运动功能障碍,其认知损害的程度足以影响日常生活、社交或职业功能或与个人以前相比有显著下降。



双胎反向动脉灌注序列征诊治及保健指南(2020完整版)本指南中循证医学证据等级标准:1+:管理完善的M eta分析、随机对照试验的系统回顾或偏倚风险低的随机对照试验;2++:高质量的病例对照或队列研究的系统回顾;高质量的混杂偏倚风险极低的病例对照研究或队列研究,且具有高度可能性的因果关系;2+:管理完善的混杂偏倚风险低的病例对照研究或队列研究,且具有中等可能性的因果关系;2-:混杂偏倚风险高的病例对照研究或队列研究,且具有高度不明确的因果关系的风险;3:非分析研究,如病例报道、病例分析。




双胎反向动脉灌注序列征(twinreversed arterial perfusion sequence,TRAPs)或称无心胎(Acardiac twinning),是双胎妊娠中复杂性双胎主要的胎儿并发症之一。




0903 BBR试验指南-陈礼奔

0903 BBR试验指南-陈礼奔
1:打开气源,调节LINE压力为40psi, AIR BEARING为25psi
2:打开主机电源,打开控制台(电脑),如 下图,选择BBRW软件,双击打开
若软件重新安装,第一次打开后会出现下 图提示框,提示需要输入的仪器参数,如 果不是第一次打开软件则不会出现提示框, 该步骤可以略过,但仍然可以在SETUP菜 单中点击INSTRUMENT SETUP进入仪器 参数设定或查看
7: 按照提示将主机控制模式改成 REMOTE, 点击确定
8: 提示放入试样,放入后确定
9: 试验结束后自动显示试验报告
提示: 试验数据可以在设定的文件夹 内找到
本文仅供公司内部或特定客户使用 版权所有,翻录不究 BY CLB
b: 在加载梁上放100克砝码,稳定后 点NEXT
c: 再放入2个100克砝码使得总重为 300克,NEXT
d: 上一步结束后出现下图菜单,提 示移除所有砝码和薄梁
e: 结束测试,出现下图标定结果
a: 在SETUP菜单中选择仪器参数设定,输入目标温 度
b: 打开温度控制
c: 待温度稳定至设置的温度后,在 标定菜单中选择第二项标定
7:CONFIDENCE TEST 校验测试上下限值设定,参考标定证书中数 值
点击CALIBRATION菜单选择标定项目,或, 若第一次打开软件,在设定完参数后会自 动出现标定提示框开始标定
a: 按照提示在主机中设定控制模式和加载模式为 LOCAL和ZERO,移除水浴中的梁(如果有)
b: 放高度标定块(TOP端),并在轴承梁上加100克砝码, 稳定后点击NEXT; 接着依照提示将TOP端换成红、白、蓝颜 色标记的高度端,然后继续下一步






【关键词】动态模量;粘弹特性;实践应用【abstract 】the asphalt concrete modulus is the asphalt pavement structure design of the important parameters, and the dynamic modulus (amount of complex modulus | E * |) with more close to pavement working state and attention. But because the asphalt mixture have complex viscoelastic properties, both at home and abroad for dynamic modulus to the determination of the hold different opinions. Through to the asphalt mixture of dynamic modulus determination of the narrative, combining with the results of other researchers, the discussion will be the modulus applied to practical engineering method in the field of.【key words 】dynamic modulus; The viscoelastic properties; practice对于沥青路面材料设计,沥青混合料的模量是沥青路面设计的最主要参数,随着国内外相关部门对沥青材料路用性能研究的深入,大多数专家均认为沥青混合料的动态模量更能反映其受力特征。

Silicon Labs Z-Wave 认证测试准备指南说明书

Silicon Labs Z-Wave 认证测试准备指南说明书

Document No.:INS14284Version:2Description:-Written By:AMUNKHAUSDate:2019-02-17Reviewed By:JFR;MHANSEN;NOBRIOT;JOPEDERSEN;BBR;JCC;SCBROWNI Restrictions:PublicThis document is the property of Silicon Labs. The data contained herein, in whole or in part, may not be duplicated, used or disclosed outside the recipient for any purpose. This restriction does not limit the recipient's right to use information contained in the data if itis obtained from another source without restriction.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17Table of Contents1ABBREVIATIONS (4)2INTRODUCTION (5)2.1Purpose (5)2.2Audience and Prerequisites (5)3Z-WAVE IS INTEROPERABILITY (6)4Z-WAVE CERTIFICATION (7)4.1Certification Process Overview (7)4.2Z-Wave 700 Hardware (8)4.2.1QFN Certification (8)4.3Z-Wave Plus v2 Certification (9)4.4Z-Wave Alliance: Market Certification (10)5QUESTIONS ON CERTIFICATION? (11)REFERENCES (12)Table of FiguresFigure 1: Contact the Z-Wave Certification Manager (11)INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 1ABBREVIATIONSINS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 2INTRODUCTION2.1PurposeThe purpose of this document is to give an overview of the Z-Wave Certification process for the Z-Wave 700 products.The document is created with the intention to keep it short while describing both benefits of the certification program and highlight the steps in the process of certifying a product.This document will also serve as a guide in where to find additional information.2.2Audience and PrerequisitesThe audience is Z-Wave partners and OEM integrators. The document can be used by stakeholders to explain the benefits of the Z-Wave ecosystems as well as developers to guide them in completing the certification.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 3Z-WAVE IS INTEROPERABILITYMany people understand different things for the word ‘Interoperability’. Interoperability is not just having various nodes joining one network. A Wi-Fi thermostat and printer may operate on the same home network, but they don’t talk to each other. When a consumer leaves his or her home, they want to push one button that will lock all doors, arm the alarm system, set the temperature, and switch off all the lights. The products are likely from different vendors, so just having them join the same network is not interoperability. They all need to speak the exact same language. This is called Application Layer Interoperability.Z-Wave requires application interoperability in all products and has put in place a stringent certification program that all products go through to ensure correct commands are being used in products.Each product must follow the Z-Wave Plus v2 specification to be able to pass the certification program and ensure interoperability in the ecosystem of existing products. The primary focus is ease of use for consumers, which can be summarized into:∙Shopping does not require intensive knowledge about which products work with other products.∙Installation is as simple as possible and intuitive.∙Operating the products does not require any technical knowledge.∙No tricky maintenance procedures such as exclude/include.The certification program is executed by independent certification laboratories, and the process is simple:1)Join the Z-Wave Alliance2)Download the Self-Certification Tool on 3)Access and fill out the online form and documentation4)Submit the product to the third-party test house5)Once the product passes certification and product and packaging labels are approved, the Z-Wave Cert Logo is awarded, and the product can go to the market.These steps are further described in a later section.Consumers and channel partners will recognize that the product is Z-Wave certified and will work seamlessly with other Z-Wave products. Z-Wave gives the freedom to choose devices from different vendors giving end users a choice and enabling manufacturers to leverage the ecosystem of devices.Z-Wave is interoperability.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 4Z-WAVE CERTIFICATIONInteroperability between all Z-Wave products is the cornerstone of the brand. To make this brand promise to developers, customers, and consumers, there is a straight-forward certification program in place. All Z-Wave products must be certified before commercial launch. When the certification requirements have been met, products can feature the Z-Wave interoperability logo badges.4.1Certification Process OverviewBecause the product must meet specific certification requirements, consider the technical requirements for your device early in the process.Scope the technical requirements prior to starting the development process as it is easier to ensure that the device will meet the requirements to pass certification if they have been incorporated from the beginning. A tip is to use the certification form as a guideline.Use the resources available to your disposal to work as efficient as possible. For example, the Compliance Test Tool (CTT) [11] and Wiki test specification pages [6].The certification process is simple, just follow these steps:1.Create a Silicon Labs user account to get access to the Z-Wave technical site where all thespecifications for certification [1] are available.2.Request access to the web-based Z-Wave Plus Certification Portal [5] and start a devicesubmission to help identify all the certification requirements.3.The company whose brand will appear on the product MUST join the Z-Wave Alliance as a fullmember, as this is a requirement for market certification. Consider this step early in yourdevelopment process, to take advantage of benefits the Alliance provides that can speed your time to market. Login to the Z-Wave Alliance member website [10] to review the latest Market Certification requirements and guidelines.4.Hardware specific (see “4.2 Z-Wave 700 Hardware”): If your product is using a SoC module youmust also achieve QFN Certification before you can finalize your certification form. For moreinformation, refer to the Compliance Test Tool [11] tool and use it during product development to testand verify your Z-Wave implementation and that all mandatory device and command classrequirements have been implemented properly.6.After ensuring a compliant product, finalize and submit your form on the portal. A case numberis automatically assigned as soon as it is submitted. You can start working with the test house as soon as your submission has been reviewed and approved. For more information, refer to 4.3.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-177.Start your Market Certification on the Z-Wave Alliance’s website as soon as you have a casenumber. For more information, refer to 4.4.8.Device certifications are issued after the device has passed the technical tests AND the MarketCertification has been approved by the Alliance.9.After approval, launch your product into the interoperable Z-Wave ecosystem, which enjoysover 70% market share in the smart home. The Z-Wave brand guidelines can be found here[12].4.2Z-Wave 700 HardwareThe certification process is slightly different depending on which Z-Wave 700 product you are developing. It is therefore important to understand the main differences of the Z-Wave 700 hardware. The Z-Wave 700 series consist of two hardware components:∙Z-Wave 700 EFR32ZG14 SoC ModuleThis modem SoC part is suitable for Z-Wave gateways only and cannot be used for end-devices.The EFR32ZG14 consists of a simple serial port to communicate with the host controller, and a sub-GHz radio for RF communications to Z-Wave end devices. The Z-Wave protocol stack is fully implemented on chip, and a simple serial API is used for data and control.∙Z-Wave ZGM130S SiP ModuleThis general-purpose module combines a SoC with a built-in microcontroller and RF transceiver, crystal, & passive RF components into one SiP module. It is mainly used for end-devices but can also be used for controllers.4.2.1QFN CertificationQFN Certification is used for certifying products where the SoC module is used in the design. This means designs using the SiP module do not have to go through QFN Certification. As such, an end-device do not need to pass the QFN Certification as end-devices can only be based on a SiP module. Only controllers based on a SoC module must pass this certification.A QFN Certification involves comprehensive RF testing. This testing is conducted at Silicon Labs’ facilities in Singapore and fees are paid to Silicon Labs.The device must achieve QFN Certification before it is submitted for Z-Wave Plus v2 certification.Fill out the QFN Certification Form [8] and contact the SiLabs Certification Manager to start the certification.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 4.3Z-Wave Plus v2 CertificationZ-Wave Plus certifications include stringent technical compliance testing and is carried out using the Z-Wave Plus Certification Portal. The forms in the portal should also be used during the definition stage of product development. Cases can be saved for completion at a later date, so it is easy to get started even if you don't have all the details.Use the integrated Wiki to see the test specifications for your device. Question Mark icons “” are located throughout the certification form. Clicking on these icons opens a Wiki page with more information and in many cases, the related test specification.Certification cases are identified as being in one of the following phases:1.Initial Form Selection – Developer identifies and selects what is being implemented.2.Self-Certification – Developer conducts self-certification tests and verifies compliance.3.Initial Review – Case has been submitted by the developer and is pending initial review.4.Wait for Verification Test – Case has passed initial review and developer needs to pay the feesand submit required documentation and test samples to the selected test partner.5.Verification Test – Test Partner has received everything (all required documentation, testsamples and fees) and the device is ready to be tested. At the completion of testing, results will be submitted to the Certification Manager for review and processing.6.Wait for Ad Hoc Test – Initial testing resulted in minor issues and the developer needs tosubmit fixes to the test partner. (Ad Hoc is a 30-day period during which the developer worksdirectly with the test partner to resolve all issues.)7.Ad Hoc Test – The test partner has received everything needed to re-test the device and verifythe issues have been resolved. At the completion of testing, results will be submitted to theCertification Manager for review and processing.8.Market Certification – A case may be in this phase for either of the following reasons:a.This is a review-only recertification that has passed the initial review. It will remain inthis phase until the Z-Wave Alliance has approved the Market Certification for thisdevice.b.The test results for this case have been received from the test partner; however, theMarket Certification for this device has not yet been approved by the Z-Wave Alliance.A device certification cannot be issued until the Market Certification has been approvedso this case will remain in this phase until that has been accomplished.9.Certification Finished – The certification case has been closed. Possible outcomes are:a.Passed and certification issued.b.Failed - Device must be resubmitted as a new case.c.Cancelledd.Expired – Developer has exceeded the allowed time for ad hoc issue resolution.e.RevokedRefer to the Z-Wave Certification Portal Getting Started Guide [6] for more information.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 4.4Z-Wave Alliance: Market CertificationThe Z-Wave Alliance consists of over 700 companies and over 2400 products, all interoperable with each other.Market Certification ensures that your product carries the proper logo and certification marks. Market certification is mandatory for all Z-Wave Plus products and is administered by the Z-Wave Alliance. Market Certification verifies:1.The placement and size of the Z-Wave Plus mark on your product and product packaging.2.The placement, size, method, and material for the Z-Wave Security 2 Device Specific Keyinformation on your product.3.That the common and key information is present in the user guide/manual for your product.4.That the image, description, and features of the product are accurate and helpful to consumers. Start your Market Certification on the Z-Wave Alliance’s website [10] as soon as you have a case number.INS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 5QUESTIONS ON CERTIFICATION?To get access to the online Certification Portal or if you have any questions regarding certification, reach out to the Certification Manager.Create a new case on and make sure to select “Z-Wave Certification-Wireless-“ as the part number.Figure 1: Contact the Z-Wave Certification ManagerINS14284-2Prepare for Z-Wave Certification Tests2019-02-17 REFERENCESThis section will summarize and link to important information to give the complete overview.[1]Z-Wave SpecificationSpecification documents.[2]Get Certified with Z-WaveA short overview of the certification process similar to this document.[3]Z-Wave Plus Certification ProgramA short overview of Z-Wave Plus Certification similar to this document.[4]INS10638 – Z-Wave Certification OverviewDocument describing the entire Z-Wave Certification in a much greater detail than this document.[5]Z-Wave Certification PortalThe Z-Wave Certification Portal is where you submit your device for certification.[6]Z-Wave Certification Portal: Wiki Getting StartedA walkthrough guide for how to fill in the Certification Form.[7]Z-Wave Certification Portal: Wiki Test OverviewAn overview of all the test cases.[8]INS12202 - Z-Wave QFN Certification FormThe certification form needed for QFN Certification.[9]INS12578 - Z-Wave Certification Fee ScheduleOverview of fees applied to Z-Wave Certification.[10]Z-Wave AllianceHome of the Z-Wave Alliance.[11]Z-Wave Compliance Test Tool (CTT)A tool to assist in performing the self-certification tests required for verification that CommandClasses (CCs) have been implemented correctly.[12]Z-Wave Brand GuidelinesLogo usage and brand guidelines.。

M320-03 沥青胶结料性能分级标准规范

M320-03 沥青胶结料性能分级标准规范

性能等级 10 平均 7d 最高路面设计温度 a, ( ℃) 最低路面设计温度 a,(℃) 闪点温度,T48:最小(℃) 黏度,T316:b 最大,3Pa•s,试验温度, (℃) 动态剪切,T315:c G*/sinδd,最小,1.00kPa 试验温度@10rad/s,(℃) >-10 >-16 16 22
M320-03 沥青胶结料性能分级标准规范
1 适用范围
本规范适用于沥青胶结料性能分级,分级与平均 7d 路面最高设计温度和路面最低设计温度有关。 注 1.――黏稠沥青以 25℃针入度分级,见《沥青胶结料针入度分级规范》 (M20) ;黏稠沥青以 60 ℃黏度分级,见《沥青胶结料黏度分级规范》 (M226) 。 注 2.――《沥青胶结料性能的分级和验证》 (R29)指南提供了关于沥青胶结料性能分级的测定方 法的资料。
PG70 28 <70 >-22 >-28 >-34 >-40 >-10 >-16 34 40 10 16
PG76 22 28 <76 >-22 >-28 >-34 >-10 >-16 原样胶结料 34 10 16
PG82 22 <82 >-22 >-28 >-34 28 34
70 旋转薄膜烘箱残留物(T240)
6 取样
按 T40 方法进行材料取样。
7 试验方法
在 5.3、5.4 和 5.6 中列出的性质要根据下列试验方法确定: R28、T44 或 ASTM D5546、T48、T55、T240、 T313、T314、T315 和 T316。
8 监理和认证
材料的监理和认证应符合采购者和销售者之间的协议,销售商应给采购商提供认证的沥青胶结料 等级的材料处治和贮存方法,特别要求将此作为采购合同的一部分。



行业和研究者指导原则IND和BA/BE研究的安全性报告要求美国公共与卫生服务部食品药品监督管理局药品评价与研究中心(CDER)生物制品评价与研究中心(CBER)2012年12月药品安全行业和研究者指导原则IND和BA/BE研究的安全性报告要求从下面可以获得额外副本:药品信息部,通信办公室,WO51,2201室10903 New Hampshire Ave.Silver Spring,MD 20993-0002电话:301-796-3400;传真:301-847-8714druginfo@/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm或食品药品监督管理局生物制品评价与研究中心通信、外联与发展办公室,HFM-401401 Rockville Pike,Suite 200N,Rockville,MD 20852-1448ocod@;电话: 800-835-4709 或301-827-1800/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm美国卫生与公共服务部食品药品监督管理局药品评价与研究中心(CDER)生物制品评价与研究中心(CBER)2012年12月药品安全目录Ⅰ.简介 (1)Ⅱ.背景和要求的简要概述 (1)A. IND安全性报告要求 (2)B.对于BA和BE研究的安全性报告要求(21 CFR 320.31(d)(3)) (3)Ⅲ.定义(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (3)A.不良事件(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (3)B. 可疑不良反应(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (4)C. 不良反应5 (5)D. 非预期的(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (5)E. 严重的(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (6)F. 危及生命的(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (7)Ⅳ.安全性信息的审查(21 CFR 312.32(a)) (7)Ⅴ.监控安全性数据库和提交IND安全报告 (7)A. 严重和非预期的可疑不良反应(21 CFR 312.32(c)(1)(i)) (8)B. 其它来源的发现(21 CFR 312.32(c)(1)(ii)和(iii)) (13)C. 严重可疑不良反应发生增多(21 CFR 312.32(c)(1)(iv)) (14)Ⅵ. 其它安全性报告问题 (14)A. 可替代的报告准备(21 CFR 312.32(c)(3)) (14)B. 研究者手册 (15)C. 揭盲 (16)D. 研究者报告(21 CFR 312.64(b)) (17)E. 上市药物的调查研究(21 CFR 312.32(c)(4)) (19)F. 向伦理委员会(IRB)报告不良反应 (20)G. 安全性报告期间 (20)H. IND年度报告和标识 (21)Ⅶ. 提交IND安全性报告(21 CFR 312.32(c)(1)(v)) (21)A. 报告识别和格式 (21)B. 提交到哪里或如何提交 (23)C. 报告的时间框架 (23)Ⅷ.后续信息(21 CFR 312.32(d)) (24)Ⅸ. 对于BA和BE研究的安全性报告要求 (25)A. BA/BE研究安全性报告要求(21 CFR 320.31(d)(3)) (25)B. 在非-美国地区进行的BA/BE研究 (26)C. 如何和在哪提交报告(21 CFR 320.31(d)(3)) (26)Ⅹ. 参考文献 (28)附录A:不良反应领域 (29)附录B:研究者和申办者的报告责任 (30)行业和研究者指导原则1IND和BA/BE研究的安全性报告要求本指导原则即代表食品药品管理局(FDA)关于这一主题的最新见解。














快速公交 规划设计指南
New York, NY 10001
United Nations Environment Programme
USA 3rd edition, June 2007
Cover photo:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
编制本指南的目的是为了向各城市从事公共交 通服务行业相关人员提供参考和指引。城市规划 专业人员和设计咨询单位尤其可以从本指南中对 BRT项目研究和实施的逐步阐述中获得收益。此 外,交通、环境和社会发展层面的非政府组织和 市民组织也将可能在本指南中学到更好实现其目 的的知识。此外,商业人士,区域和国家组织机 构或者国际发展机构也会从BRT的专业知识中获 益。
9. 交叉口和信号灯控制. . . . . 278
10. 乘客服务. . . . . . . 316
III. 物理设计
11. 基础设施 . . . . . . . 343
12. 科技. . . . . . . . 406
IV. 整合
13. 不同出行方式的整合. . . . . 463
Walter Hook Executive Director
Institute for Transportation & Development Policy
本研究T得he到e以di下to单rs 位th的e 支Bu持s R:apid Transport Planning Guide take full responsibility for the ●● 威廉co和nt弗en洛ts拉o休f t利he特d基oc金um会ent. The sponsoring organisations are not responsible for ●● 全球an环y 境err基or金s o/联r o合m国iss环io境ns项re目sulting from the publication of this document.



病因:各种器质性心脏病(尤其是冠心病) 非器质性心脏病 遗传性心律失常促发因素:心肌缺血(最常见) 电解质紊乱,急性心衰 药物影响(抗心律失常药,精神科药,利尿剂) 自主神经的影响,处于应急状态。
非同步除颤(双向200J/单向360J) CPR。
是指严重威胁生命的心律失常。室性心动过速、心室颤动。长QT综合征伴发多形性室速。极短联律间期的多形性室速。心房颤动伴预激。严重窦性停搏、Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞。 持续性室速、室颤是最常见的心律失常。
在短时间内引起严重血流动力学障碍,导致患者晕厥甚至猝死的心律失常。它是根据心律失常的程度及性质分类的一类严重心律失常,也是一类需要紧急处理的心律失常。 -----2007年国际长城心血管会议
心室电风暴(ventricular electrical storm, VES)
是由于心室电活动极度不稳定所导致的最危重的恶性心律失常,是心脏性猝死(SCD)的重要机制。2006ACC/AHA/ESC将其定义为:24h内自发的VT/VF≥2次,需紧急处理(通常需电复律/除颤)的临床综合症。因为其本质主要是由于交感神经过度激活所导致的恶性心律失常,故又称为交感风暴,儿茶酚胺风暴等。 不间断VT/VF:是指复律后仅维持几个窦性搏动,然后又继续发作,呈VT/VF持续状态。




2.开机:接通电源按顺序开机:空压机→主机→电脑;3.转子控温:将主机内转子调到居中位置,并调节转速使转子平稳转动;4.温度设置:在控制面板中点击图标设置试验温度,然后点击“set up”勾选控温选项;5.载荷校准:点击图标开始校准,根据电脑屏幕上所提示的步骤逐步进行;PS:调整空气轴承刚好与试样接触技巧为:调节zero旋钮使空气轴承处于悬浮状态(先调整到轻轻触碰会回弹,然后zero轻微逆时针转动至正好不回弹,同时观察显示屏中force约为10mN);6.可信度检验:根据机器指示,取下厚梁换成薄梁,按照显示屏提示完成可信度检测;7.温度校准:在实际温度达到设定温度之后,用标准温度计测试主机箱中无水乙醇的实际温度,点击图标,将actual中的温度改为实际测试温度,完成温度校准;8.制样:将液态沥青倒入装好的模具中,冷却30~40min后刮平,然后放入到冰箱中5︒C冷却20~30min后脱模,游标卡尺测量并记录试件宽度与厚度,随后放入主机中保温1h,完成制样。




附 录 C(规范性附录)外观检验标准15
附 录 D(规范性附录)检验报告模板16
动态时(转速4000RPM)电流=850MA±20% 功率因数:cosφ>0.92
4) 检测数码管显示是否正常,亮度是否均匀,是否有缺笔少画。
5)检测按键是否正常 ,能否正常的弹起,按下,力度是否均匀,按键功能是否正常。



bbr试验操作流程English Answer:BBR Experimentation Workflow.1. Define the problem: Identify the specific performance issue or bottleneck that you want to address with BBR. This could be high latency, low throughput, or packet loss.2. Setup the testing environment:Deploy a Linux or BSD operating system on the test servers with kernel 4.14 or higher with BBR enabled.Configure the network interfaces and routes to ensure that the test traffic flows through the path where you want to apply BBR.3. Create test traffic:Use a traffic generator tool such as iperf or netperf to generate controlled network traffic.Set up a test scenario that simulates the traffic characteristics and load conditions that you expect in production.4. Enable BBR:On the test servers, enable BBR using the sysctl command.For example, run the following command:sysctl -wnet.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr.5. Run the tests:Start the traffic generator and let the test run for a sufficient duration to collect meaningful data.6. Monitor and collect metrics:Use tools like tcpdump, Wireshark, or perf to monitor the network traffic and collect metrics such as latency, throughput, packet loss, and congestion window size.7. Analyze the results:Compare the metrics collected before and after enabling BBR to determine if there are any improvements in performance.Identify any potential issues or bottlenecks that may be limiting BBR's effectiveness.8. Tune BBR parameters (optional):If necessary, adjust BBR's parameters to optimize performance.BBR has several tunable parameters, such as the initial congestion window size and the minimum congestion window size.9. Deploy BBR in production (optional):If the BBR experimentation proves successful, you can deploy BBR in your production environment.Make sure to monitor the network performance after deployment to ensure that BBR continues to provide the desired improvements.中文回答:BBR试验操作流程。



bbr试验操作流程BBR Experimentation Workflow.1. Define Experiment Goals.a. Identify the specific performance metrics to be improved.b. Set clear targets for the desired improvements.c. Establish a baseline performance level against which progress will be measured.2. Configure BBR Parameters.a. Determine the appropriate congestion control algorithm tuning parameters.b. Adjust parameters such as min_rtt_ms and cwnd_gain to optimize for the network environment.c. Consider using BBRv2 for improved performance inhigh-bandwidth, high-latency networks.3. Implement and Deploy BBR.a. Enable BBR in network interfaces using kernel parameters or software tools.b. Verify BBR activation by checking TCP socket options.c. Ensure that all network devices are configured with compatible BBR settings.4. Monitor and Analyze Performance.a. Collect performance metrics such as bandwidth, latency, and packet loss.b. Compare performance with the baseline to identify improvements.c. Analyze data to determine the impact of BBR on different network topologies and traffic patterns.5. Iterate and Optimize.a. Fine-tune BBR parameters based on performance analysis.b. Adjust configuration and deployment strategies to maximize benefits.c. Repeat the monitoring and analysis process to continually optimize BBR performance.6. Evaluate and Report Results.a. Quantify the performance improvements achieved through BBR experimentation.b. Prepare a report summarizing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.c. Share results with stakeholders to demonstrate the benefits of BBR deployment.中文回答:BBR试验操作流程。
















表1含同种抗体的患者选择输注血液的原则血型系统抗体推荐原则abo 抗-ai 37ciat法交叉试验相合rh抗-d、-c、-c、一e、-e抗原阴性且交叉试验相合rh抗-cw iat法交叉试验相合*kell 抗-k、一k抗原阴性且交叉试验相合kell 抗-kpa iat 法交叉试验相合*kidd 抗-jka、jkb抗原阴性且交叉试验相合mns抗一m(37c反应)抗原阴性且交叉试验相合mns 抗-m(37c不反应)37ciat法交叉试验相合mns 抗一n37ciat法交叉试验相合mns 抗一s、一5、一u抗原阴性且交叉试验相合duffy抗-fya、fyb抗原阴性且交叉试验相合p抗-p137ciat法交叉试验相合lewis 抗一lea、-leb、lea-b37c iat法交叉试验相合lutheran 抗一luaa 37c iat法交叉试验相合diego 抗-wra(抗-di3)iat法交叉试验相合h抗一hi(ait和aib患者)37ciat法交叉试验相合全部其它在37ciat反应性抗体咨询血液中心1.3.6可以考虑应用抗体卡,该卡由实验室或血站填写而由患者携带。

behavioral brain research分区

behavioral brain research分区

behavioral brain research分区根据期刊引导指南的分类要求,本文在以下方面如何进行分区取决于文献评估人员和编辑的决定。

下面是一些可能将Behavioral Brain Research (BBR) 分区的基准和指导原则。


Behavioral Brain Research (BBR) 是一本专注于行为神经科学和大脑功能方面的学术期刊。



基于以上特点,可以按照以下分类进行分区:1. 神经科学(Neuroscience):考虑到BBR的关注点是大脑功能和行为相关的研究,它很可能被归为神经科学领域的期刊,与其他专注于神经科学的期刊一起分类。

2. 行为科学(Behavioral Science):BBR强调行为与大脑功能的相互作用,因此在此分类下,它可能与其他关注行为科学的期刊并列。

3. 心理学(Psychology):考虑到BBR关注认知和行为,它在心理学领域也有一定的相关性,可与其他心理学期刊一起分类。

此外,BBR也可能被划分到一些交叉学科或专业领域的特定分区中,比如认知神经科学(Cognitive Neuroscience)、计算神经科学(Computational Neuroscience)或临床神经科学(Clinical Neuroscience)。




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7: 按照提示将主机控制模式改成 REMOTE, 点击确定
8: 提示放入试样,放入后确定
9: 试验结束后自动显示试验报告
提示: 试验数据可以在设定的文件夹 内找到
本文仅供公司内部或特定客户使用 版权所有,翻录不究
1:BATH 水浴温度设定,在对话框中输入目标温度,但要使设定起作用 需开启温度控制,该功能在SETUP菜单中,点击ENABLE TEMPERATURE CONTROL即可。
2:EQUIPMENT 输入设备序列号,温度传感器序列号及常数系数 A0,A1,A2, 以上数值在标定证书中查询
3:GAGE BLOCK 输入高度标定块四个点的高度,数值在标定证书中
d: 在出现的对话框中输入高精度温度计读取的水浴 温度,然后点击OK结束标定;其他温度点的标定步 骤相同
1:在水浴中放入厚梁,在LOCAL状态下选 择ZERO,然后调节ZERO压力调节阀并观察 软件菜单中的FORCE项,调至35正负10mN
2: 将ZERO拨至LOAD,调节LOAD 压力到980正负50mN
1:打开气源,调节LINE压力为40psi, AIR BEARING为25psi
2:打开主机电源,打开控制台(电脑),如 下图,选择BBRW软件,双击打开
若软件重新安装,第一次打开后会出现下 图提示框,提示需要输入的仪器参数,如 果不是第一次打开软件则不会出现提示框, 该步骤可以略过,但仍然可以在SETUP菜 单中点击INSTRUMENT SETUP进入仪器 参数设定或查看
b: 放高度标定块(TOP端),并在轴承梁上加100克砝码, 稳定后点击NEXT; 接着依照提示将TOP端换成红、白、蓝颜 色标记的高度端,然后继续下一步
放置高度标定块和砝码示意图 (TOP端)
c: 移除砝码和高度标定块,放入厚 梁
d: பைடு நூலகம்节ZERO压力,直到加载架刚 好接触到梁
4:ARCHIVE 设定数据存储文件夹,默认为C:\, 如需自行指定则在指定路 径中先建立文件夹(比如BBRDATA为名称的文件夹),然 后点击BROWSE选择即可。
5:PORT 设定通讯端口,默认为COM1, 如果使用了其他端口 则需要在此选中该端口
6:BEAM DIMMENSIONS 输入薄梁厚度、宽度,厚梁厚度,数值在标定证书 中查找
7:CONFIDENCE TEST 校验测试上下限值设定,参考标定证书中数 值
点击CALIBRATION菜单选择标定项目,或, 若第一次打开软件,在设定完参数后会自 动出现标定提示框开始标定
a: 按照提示在主机中设定控制模式和加载模式为 LOCAL和ZERO,移除水浴中的梁(如果有)
b: 在加载梁上放100克砝码,稳定后 点NEXT
c: 再放入2个100克砝码使得总重为 300克,NEXT
d: 上一步结束后出现下图菜单,提 示移除所有砝码和薄梁
e: 结束测试,出现下图标定结果
a: 在SETUP菜单中选择仪器参数设定,输入目标温 度
b: 打开温度控制
c: 待温度稳定至设置的温度后,在 标定菜单中选择第二项标定
e: 在加载架梁上放100克砝码,下一步,然后按照 提示逐步加砝码,每次加一个100克,直到最后一 步的400克总重
f: 完成上述步骤后移除所有砝码,然 后移走厚梁
g: 上一步结束后点击下一步即完成 该项标定,出现标定结果如下图
a: 标定完成后自动出现下图菜单, 按照提示设置主 机模式为LOCAL和ZERO, 在水浴中放入薄梁
3: 选择TEST菜单中的RUN A NEW TEST开始新的测试
4: 在提示框中输入浸浴时间,试样名称,文 件名称,项目名,操作者等信息
5: 如果目标温度(即测试温度)未经过标定,则出现以下对 话框,选择确定继续试验或选择取消退出试验进行温度标定, 若目标温度经过标定不会出现下图对话框
6: 如果当前温度未稳定在目标温度正负0.1度,则出现下图 对话框,选择确定继续或选择取消退出,等待温度稳定后再 做试验,如果温度在要求范围内开始试验不会出现下图对话 框