三只蝴蝶 英语剧本
The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
The sun comes out,and the rhe red and white ones go away."
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the white flower."White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go together.”
Red/yellow/white flower,please let us come in! Red/yellow/white butterfly,please come in,the others go away.
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the yellow flower."Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
Three butterfliesThere are many beautiful flowers in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, One is blue. hello , I’m red flower.”hello, I’m yellow flower.”hello, I’m blue flower.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden。
They’re very happy.Look! Butterflies are coming! One is red , one is yellow, one is blue.hello! I’m red butterfly.”hello! I’m yellow butterfly.”hello! I’m blue butterfly.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden. They’re very happy.Suddenly , it rains !Then ,they fly to the red flowers and ask,“knock, knock, knock, may I coming ?may I coming ?”no, no, no. red butterfly coming, red butterfly coming, you and you, go away, go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the yellow flowers and ask,“knock , knock , knock , may I coming?may I coming ?”no , no , no . yellow butterfly coming , yellow butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the blue flowers and ask , “knock , knock , knock , may I coming ?may I coming ?”no , no , no . blue butterfly coming ,blue butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”Just then. the sun comes out. he smiles and stops the rain. it’s sunny now. the butterflies dance and play in the garden. they are very happy !从前,有三只红、黄、白小蝴蝶,它们从来都和睦相处。
英文故事:Three Butterflies 三只蝴蝶【推荐下载】
书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟英文故事:Three Butterflies 三只蝴蝶In the garden there are three beautiful butterflies.花园里有三只美丽的蝴蝶One is red, one is yellow, there is only one white, they areevery day together, playing games, dancing very happy.一只是红的,一只是黄的,还有一只是白的,他们天天在一起做游戏,跳舞非常快乐。
One day, they play in the grass, suddenly, it began to rain.有一天,他们在草地上玩,突然,下起了大雨来。
Together, they flew to safflower, where the chorus to the safflower plea: safflower sister, sister, safflower, heavy rainour wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us hide underthe leaves of your sheltering bar.他们一同飞到红花那里,齐声向红花请求说:红花姐姐,红花姐姐,大雨把我们的翅膀淋湿了,大雨把我们淋得发冷了,让我们到你的叶子下躲躲雨吧。
Safflower said; red color of a butterfly like me, please comein, yellow butterfly, white butterfly.红花说;红蝴蝶的颜色像我,请进来,黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶。
Do not come in!别进来!Three Butterfly chorus: “We three are good friends, loving专注下一代成长,为了孩子。
三只蝴蝶英语故事 文字版
;’.The three butterfliesthere are three butterflies in a garden.One is red,one is yellow andanother is white.Everyday,they play and dance in the garden.They are very happy.One day,when they are playing,it rains.They fly to the red flower.:"Red flower,red flower,please let us come in, please let us come in.""The red flower can come in.The yellow and white ones go away.""We are good friends. We will come together and go together."Then they fly to the yellow flower."Yellow flower, yellow flower, please let us come in, please let us come in."The yellow one can come;the red and white ones go away.""We are good friends. We will come together and go together."Then they fly to the white flower."White flower, white flower, please let us come in, please let us come in."The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away." "We are good friends. We will come together and go together."The sun comes out, and the rain stops. The three butterflies are playing and dancing again.They are happy and gay./gei/快乐的。
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower,黄花:I am yellow flower蓝花:I am blue flower五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sun shine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
英语童话剧:六只蝴蝶six Butterflies适用年龄:3.5—4.5岁活动准备:1、红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶、红花、黄花、蓝花、太阳、雨点的头饰、2、花丛的背景板、3、舒缓的钢琴曲,(背景)4、英文歌《Fly Fly the butterfly》、《Rain,rain,go away》剧中角色:红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶、红花、黄花、蓝花、太阳、雨点剧中音乐:舒缓的钢琴曲,(背景)《Fly Fly the butterfly》《Rain,rain,go away》《togeter》Scene One(场景一):(舒缓的钢琴曲)三色花分散在舞台,蹲下做花状红蝴蝶: I am red butter e on!Come on!(招手)黄蝴蝶: I am yellow butterfly. Come on!Come on!蓝蝴蝶; I am Blue butterfly.蝴蝶们: We are good friends.(欢快的音乐配简单动作的1分钟的小舞蹈,《Fly Fly the butterfly》)Scene Two(场景二):(舒缓的钢琴曲)太阳:It will be raining.I must go away.(小跑上台,手指天空做下雨的动作,说完后下台) 下雨歌舞:<<Rain,rain go away>>(雨点上台,散落在花朵和舞台四周不规则)三只蝴蝶四处飞,歌舞音乐停,飞向红花蝴蝶们: Red flower,red flower,may I come in?(请求)红花: Red butterfly,come in,blue butterfly,yellow butterfly,go away,go away.(站起来说,笑眯眯---厌恶)蝴蝶们: No,no. We are good friends.We come together,we gotogether.(在红花旁,摇头,来走动作)蝴蝶们: Bye-bye.(摆手)红花: Bye-bye.(说完后蹲下)Scene three(场景三):舒缓的钢琴曲作背景音乐)三只蝴蝶绕场一周,飞向黄花.蝴蝶们: Yellow flower,yellow flower may I come in,? (请求)黄花: Yellow butterfly,come in,red butterfly,blue butterfly,go away, go away。
(蝴蝶随着音乐自由飞)There are three butterflies in the garden. They are red, yellow, and white.太阳:太阳出来了。
The sun is rising.三只蝴蝶:(轮流介绍)我是红蝴蝶,我是黄蝴蝶,我是白蝴蝶。
I’m the red butterfly. I’m the yellow butterfly. I’m the white butterfly.红蝴蝶:你们看,太阳出来了。
Look, the sun is rising.黄蝴蝶:天气真好!What a nice day!白蝴蝶:我们一起跳舞吧!(它们非常快乐地在花园里跳舞、游戏。
)Let’s dance together.旁白:有一天,它们正在草地上玩,突然下起了大雨来。
One day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly it’s raining.(乌云将太阳赶下台)乌云:我来啦!I’m coming.白蝴蝶:哎呀,下雨了,我们怎么办?Oh, it’s raining, what should we do?黄蝴蝶:快找找避雨的地方呀!Find the shelter.红蝴蝶:瞧,前面是红花姐姐的家,我们一起去问问吧?Look, it’s the red flower sister’s home. Let’s go!旁白:它们一同飞向红花那里,齐声向红花请求说They are flying there.众蝴蝶:红花姐姐,红花姐姐,大雨把我们的翅膀淋湿了,大雨把我们淋得发冷了,让我们到你的叶子下避避雨吧!”Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves.红花:红蝴蝶的颜色象我,请进来!黄蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来!The red butterfly looks like me, please come in!三只蝴蝶(互相看了看)齐声说:我们三个是好朋友,相亲相爱不分手;We are good friends.要来一块来,要走一块走。
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three littleflowers,four little five little six little flowers,sevenlittle eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower,黄花:I am yellow flower蓝花:I am blue flower五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
(三只蝴蝶随音乐在花间草丛中游戏,花儿和草一起做不同的动作) 黄蝴蝶:听,那是什么声音?(风声音乐)好像是大风来了。
大雨大雨,请尽情的.下吧!(大风吹倒了花儿,吹得草儿乱摇晃) 大雨:好的,等等我,我马上来!(大雨随音乐上场)(花儿,草儿全部搭起了自己的房子)三只蝴蝶:大雨淋湿了我们的翅膀,我们没有地方避雨,我们怎么办呢?蓝蝴蝶:我们可以去找花儿姐姐帮忙啊。
道具:服饰、等(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower,黄花:I am yellow flower蓝花:I am blue flower五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my shine ,my sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are!红花:Hello ,I am red flower, 黄花:I am yellow flower 蓝花:I am blue flower 五色花:I am colorful flower.(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha , 太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning.合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning.太阳公公:Are you happy today? 合:Yes ,we are happy!(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场)you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away!红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly 黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly 蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends 红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day!黄蝴蝶:Look!many beautiful flowers!蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ? 合:Ok!背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
三只蝴蝶英语故事three butterflies
will fly to
and ask:
“White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in.”
Then the
“White butterfly,please come in,the others go away.”
Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go to flower,please let us come in! Red/yellow/white butterfly,please come in,the others go away.
The three butterflies are playing and dancing again.
They are happy and gay./gei/快乐的
will fly to
and ask:
“Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in”
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the yellow flower."Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
Three butterfliesThere are many beautiful flowers in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, One is blue. hello , I’m red flower.”hello, I’m yellow flower.”hello, I’m blue flower.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden。
They’re very happy.Look! Butterflies are coming! One is red , one is yellow, one is blue.hello! I’m red butterfly.”hello! I’m yellow butterfly.”hello! I’m blue butterfly.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden. They’re very happy.Suddenly , it rains !Then ,they fly to the red flowers and ask,“knock, knock, knock, may I coming ?may I coming ?”no, no, no. red butterfly coming, red butterfly coming, you and you, go away, go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the yellow flowers and ask,“knock , knock , knock , may I coming?may I coming ?”no , no , no . yellow butterfly coming , yellow butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the blue flowers and ask , “knock , knock , knock , may I coming ?may I coming ?”no , no , no . blue butterfly coming ,blue butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”Just then. the sun comes out. he smiles and stops the rain. it’s sunny now. the butterflies dance and play in the garden. they are very happy !从前,有三只红、黄、白小蝴蝶,它们从来都和睦相处。
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the white flower."White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in." The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
there are three butterflies in a garden.One is red,one is yellow and another is white.Everyday,they play and dance in the garden.They are very happy.
will fly to
and ask:
“Red flower,red flower,please let us come in, please let us come in.” Then the answer: “Red butterfly,please come in,the others go away.” Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go together.”
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
The sun comes out,and the rain stops. The three butterflies are playing and dancing again. They are happy and gay./gei/快乐的
三只蝴蝶 话剧
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower,黄花:I am yellow flower蓝花:I am blue flower五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha haha, I am laughing ha haha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are grey, you have know dear, how much I love you ,please don’t t ake my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
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(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !
红花:Hello ,I am red flower.
黄花:I am yellow flower.
蓝花:I am blue flower.
五色花:I am colorful flower .
(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,
太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .
合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .
太阳公公:Are you happy today?
合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)
(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have know dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !
红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly.
黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly
蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.
合:We are good friends
红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !
黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !
蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?
合:Ok !
背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
红蝴蝶:Oh ,it is going to rain ,
黄蝴蝶:Where shall we hide ?
蓝蝴蝶:We can hide behind the flower.
红蝴蝶:Red flower , red flower , can we hide here ?
红花:Red butterfly come in ,yellow and blue butterfly go away . 红蝴蝶:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
黄蝴蝶:Yellow flower , yellow flower , can we hide here ?
黄花:Yellow butterfly come in ,red and blue butterfly go away . 黄蝴蝶:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye
bye !
蓝蝴蝶:Blue flower ,blue flower , can we hide here ?
蓝花:Blue butterfly come in ,yellow and red butterfly go away . 蓝蝴蝶:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
五色花:Hey , come here , you can hide here.
合:Thank you !
太阳公公:Rain rain go away , rain rain go away,
合:Yeah , thank you grandpa sun !
(合唱,花和蝴蝶一起唱歌跳舞)rain rain go away, come again other day ,little butterfly want to play , rain rain go away(两遍) byebye !
老师总结:电视机前的小朋友你们看懂这个故事了吗?有什么感想呢?Miss Liu 的感想是在我们的日常生活中,每个人都会遇到困难,就像剧中的蝴蝶一样,所以当别人有困难的时候,我们要毫不犹豫的帮助他们,就像剧中的五色花一样,这样当我们自己有困难的时候别人才会来帮助我们。