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外高桥保税区是中国大陆第一个自由贸易区, 它是以出口加工和自由贸易相结合的一个综合型对外开放区域。位于浦东新区东北端, 濒临长江口, 距市中心20公里。外高桥保税区规划面积10平方公里, 1995年前计划开发4平方公里。从1992起的3年内, 该区域的建设将以外高桥大厦为中心, 向南北俩侧推进, 与外高桥港区连成一片。外高桥保税区将按国际惯例逐步建成太平洋西岸的一个大型自由贸易区

Chapter Three

Schools of translation theory I. literarily oriented branch of

translation theory.

Time: before the 20th century Representatives:

1.Cicero in the first century BC

who departed from the dogma that translation necessarily consisted of a word-for-word rendering.By far the most influential concpte in the history of translation is that age-old dichotomy of word and sense, which traditional translation theory never manage to overcome .For the next two thousand years traslation theory was mainly limited to a heated discussion of this dichotomy.The concept leads to the debate over the merits of the faithful( literal ) and the free translation ,later to the linguistically oriented branch of

translation theory and literarily oriented branch of translation theory.

2. John Dryden(1680): three types of



word for word translation


opposite to metaphrase,which is

confined by neither word nor

sense but represents a loose

approximation of an authord’s

emotion or passaion.


which expresses the thought or sense of the original without

being enslaved by the words. 3. Alexander Tytler: Three laws of


* That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas

of the original work.

* That the style and manner of writing should be of the same charater with that of the original.

* That the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

II.linguistically oriented branch of translation theory—


Representative based on Applied Linguistics:

Wolfram Wilss; Katharina Reiss: Werner Koller in western Germany.This branch of translation studies is linguistically oriented and was for a long time clearly defined as a subdiscipline of Applied Linguistics.

Representative based on Linguistics: ( in the 1960s, the boom of the

linguistic theories)

Eugene A. Nida in the U.S. developed a theory of translation which included concepts from transformational grammar—“formal vs. dynamic equivalence”

J.C.Catford in England based histranslation theory on the systemic grammar concept of the British linguist M.A.K. Halliday.—“formal correspondence and textual equivalence”

III. Manipulation School Representative: James Holmes (literary polysystem )

Andre Lefevere

Susan Bassnett (view translation studies as a branch of comparative literature)

Israeli Scholars: Gideon Toury

( descriptive translation studies)
