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The traditional enterprise profitability analysis only a single financial index to the profit ability analysis and evaluation, no financial indicators of organic combination. It can not form a complete profitability analysis framework. And the DuPont financial analysis system through the return on equity will be several to evaluate the operational efficiency and financial ratio the status of the enterprise according to their internal links organically, form a complete index system to help managers to see more clearly the determinants of the return of equity, debt ratio relationship between, for managers to take measures. High level of profitability of enterprises specified path. The profitability of this system were analyzed by DuPont financial analysis of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, Harbin Pharmaceutical Group of nearly three years of operation were analyzed.

This paper first introduces the background of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, industry and company strategy; then summarizes the meaning and content of

DuPont analysis system; secondly, through the use of DuPont analysis system of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group from 2021 to 2021 earnings were analyzed, found the existing problems; finally according to the Harbin Pharmaceutical Group existing problems and puts forward related suggestions.

Keywords: Harbin pharmaceutical group; Dupont financial analysis system; profitability


1 绪论 (1)

1.1研究的背景及意义 (1)

研究的背景 (1)

研究的意义 (1)

1.2文献综述 (2)

国内文献综述 (2)

国外文献综述 (2)

1.3研究的主要内容及方法 (3)

研究的主要内容 (3)

研究方法 (4)

2 相关理论概述 (5)

2.1杜邦财务分析体系概念 (5)

2.2盈利能力概述 (5)

3 哈药集团盈利能力分析 (7)

3.1哈药集团相关介绍 (7)

哈药集团背景 (7)

哈药集团的现状 (7)

3.2哈药集团盈利能力分析 (8)

盈利稳定性分析 (8)

盈利持久性分析 (9)

主要盈利指标数据 (10)

3.3哈药集团杜邦分析 (11)

权益报酬率的分析 (12)

资产报酬率的分析 (12)

销售净利率的分析 (13)

全部成本 (13)

4 提升哈药集团盈利能力的建议 (14)

4.1减少同业竞争,实现工商业协同发展战略布局。.. 14

4.2优化销售资源,提升网点连接。 (14)

4.3优化产品结构,提高市场竞争力。 (15)

4.4构建专业的招采系统,降本增效。 (15)

4.5加强利润考核力度,健全体制制度。 (15)

参考文献 (16)

致谢 (18)

附录 (19)
