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Can you figure out the total number? I can’t figure him out.
risk: She is too sensible to take/run a risk when driving. We’ll take /run the risk of being late. He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life. v. risk+ n. risk+-ing To save that traveler, they had to risk getting caught in the storm.
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. It is one of the earliest English settlement in North America.
start n.[c] sudden movement of surprise, fear etc. He sat up with a start. The news gave him a start.
startle vt. give a shock or surprise to She was startled to see that man so pale. What startling news it was that the building caught
She is now on a diet to keep her figure. 4). person , esp. person of influence
a great historical figure 5) figure… out: calculate; think about until one understands
blink the fact that… (fig) refuse to consider; ignore There is no denying the fact…
Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent.
Ausable was not at all what a secret agent should look like.
Language understanding
figure: 1). symbol for a number He has an annual income of six figures.
2). diagram The blackboard is covered with geometrical figures like squares and triangles. 3). human form: I saw a figure approaching in the darkness.
concerning: prep. This book deals with questions concerning China’s diplomatic policies. synonyms regarding
with reference to with respect to
It was … hardly a setting for a romantic figure.
It is not the kind of place suitable for a romantic person like a secret agent.
…he had never lost his New England accent…
the day? 3. How did Ausable deal with the situation? 4. How did Ausable finally outwit Max?
-Fra Baidu bibliotek
Structure of the text
Part 1 (para. 1- 5 ) about: Who Ausable is & why Fowler wants to see him
He said in a commanding tone. He is now in a commanding position.
blink: vt & vi. shut and open the eyes quickly blink one’s eyes blink away one’s tears
Part 2 (para. 6-16 ) about: The unexpected visit of Ausable’s adversary Max
Part 3 (para. 17-26) about: How Ausable outwits Max and makes him jump on the “balcony”
command: 1). order The officer commanded his men to fire.
The officer commanded that his men (should) fire. 2). control; hold back command oneself / one’s temper commanding adj.
Unit 4 The Midnight Visitor By Robert Arthur
Warming-up Discussion
1.What was Fowler’s first impression of Ausable? 2. How did Fowler get his first thrilling experience of