





)1. 下列函数中,哪一个是奇函数?A. f(x) = x^2B. f(x) = x^3C. f(x) = x^2 + 1D. f(x) = x^3 - 3x答案:B2. 已知数列{a_n}满足a_1=1,a_(n+1)=2a_n+1,那么a_5等于多少?A. 21B. 31C. 41D. 51答案:A3. 一个圆的半径为3,那么它的面积是多少?A. 9πB. 18πC. 27πD. 36π答案:C4. 函数y=x^2-6x+5的顶点坐标是?A. (3, -4)B. (3, 4)C. (-3, 4)D. (-3, -4)答案:A5. 已知集合A={1, 2, 3},B={2, 3, 4},则A∩B等于?A. {1}B. {2, 3}C. {1, 4}D. {3, 4}答案:B6. 一个等差数列的前三项分别为2,5,8,那么它的公差d是?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:C7. 函数y=2^x的反函数是?A. y=log2(x)B. y=2^(-x)C. y=x^2D. y=√x答案:A8. 已知一个三角形的两边长分别为3和4,且夹角为60度,那么第三边的长度是多少?A. 2B. 5C. √7D. √13答案:D9. 一个正方体的体积为8,那么它的边长是多少?A. 2B. √2C. √8D. 3答案:A10. 已知方程x^2-6x+9=0,那么x的值是多少?A. 3B. -3C. 9D. -9答案:A二、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。

)11. 已知函数f(x)=x^2-2x,那么f(-1)的值为______。

答案:312. 一个等比数列的前三项分别为3,9,27,那么它的公比q是______。

答案:313. 已知一个圆的直径为8,那么它的周长是______。



2022成考语文b卷试题及答案2022年成人高考语文B卷试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,书写完全正确的一项是:A. 翻云覆雨B. 翻云复雨C. 翻云复雨D. 翻云覆雨答案:D2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 通过这次活动,使我们对环保有了更深的理解。

B. 他不仅学习好,而且品德高尚。

C. 这本书的内容很丰富,值得一读。

D. 他虽然年纪大了,但是精神依然饱满。

答案:C3. 下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是:A. 他总是喜欢对他人指手画脚,真是令人不齿。

B. 他虽然年事已高,但仍然老当益壮。

C. 他的成绩一直名列前茅,真是鹤立鸡群。

D. 他虽然失败了,但仍然坚持不懈,真是锲而不舍。

答案:D4-20. (略,根据题目类型,继续编写类似题目及答案)二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. “海内存知己,天涯若比邻”出自唐代诗人王勃的《送杜少府之任蜀州》。

2. “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”是宋代文学家苏轼的《水调歌头》中的名句。

3. “不以物喜,不以己悲”是《岳阳楼记》中的名句,表达了作者对人生态度的思考。

4-10. (根据题目类型,继续编写类似题目)三、阅读理解(每题5分,共30分)(一)现代文阅读阅读下面的文章,回答问题。

文章(文章内容略)1. 文章中提到“时间就是金钱”,你如何理解这句话?2. 作者认为如何合理利用时间?3. 根据文章内容,你认为作者提倡的是什么时间观念?(二)古文阅读阅读下面的古文,回答问题。

古文标题:《岳阳楼记》(古文内容略)1. 请简述《岳阳楼记》的主要内容。

2. “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”在文中表达了什么思想?3. 你认为《岳阳楼记》中哪些句子最能体现作者的忧国忧民之情?四、作文(40分)题目:《我的梦想》要求:1. 字数不少于800字。

2. 可以结合个人经历,谈谈你的梦想是什么,以及你为实现梦想所做出的努力。






2021成人高考语文模拟试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列句子中,成语使用不正确的是:A. 他做事总是半途而废,没有恒心。

B. 他不学无术,却喜欢班门弄斧。

C. 面对困难,他总是迎难而上,从不退缩。

D. 他虽然年事已高,但仍然老马识途,经验丰富。

2. 下列句子中,没有语病的是:A. 经过大家的共同努力,我们终于完成了任务。

B. 他因为生病,所以没能参加比赛。

C. 这个问题值得我们深思熟虑。

D. 他不但学习优秀,而且品德高尚。


文章文章内容:(此处省略文章内容)问题:1. 文章中提到的“秋天的怀念”主要指的是什么?(5分)2. 作者通过哪些细节描写来表达对秋天的怀念之情?(10分)3. 你认为文章的主题是什么?请简要分析。

(15分)三、文言文阅读(共20分)文言文材料:(此处省略文言文材料)问题:1. 解释文中划线词语的意思。

(5分)2. 翻译文中划线句子。

(5分)3. 分析作者在文中表达的主要观点。



2021成人高考语文模拟试题答案一、选择题答案:1. B2. A...(此处省略其他选择题答案)二、阅读理解答案:1. 文章中提到的“秋天的怀念”主要指的是作者对过去秋天美好时光的回忆和对逝去亲人的思念。

2. 作者通过描写秋天的景色、丰收的景象以及与家人共度的温馨时光等细节来表达怀念之情。

3. 文章的主题是怀念与感恩,通过回忆秋天的景象和人物,表达了作者对家乡和亲人的深情怀念,以及对生活的感恩。

成人电大统考大学英语B模拟真题 考前试题

成人电大统考大学英语B模拟真题 考前试题

成人电大统考大学英语B模拟真题大学英语B5一、交际英语1.- I've passed the examination.- _______A.What a pity.B.I hate the exam.C.Congratulations.e on.答案:C2.I think he is a good lecturer.-- _________A.Sorry, it doesn't matter.B.So do I.C.Yes. It's a good idea.D.I don't mind.答案:B3.- Could I borrow your car for a few days?- ________A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.D.It doesn't matter.答案:C4.Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?-- _________A.Who's there?B.Who's that speaking?C.Who are you?D.Who wants to speak to Mark?答案:B5.Thank you for calling.-- _________A.Don't mention it.B.That's fine.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.答案:C二、阅读理解Now, you'll be coming back here to brush up your English, so you'll want to make as much conversation as possible. Whatever you do, don't stay in a place full of overseas students, especially if they come from our country. This is fatal. Don'tbelieve all the stories you hear about how unfriendly the English are. It's just that many of them are a little shy, and they have this idea about minding their own business. In a train, or restaurant, for example, or anywhere else they will talk to you; but you must break the ice first. Then see them talk! Any subject will do--the weather, their dogs,food. Pardon me, not any subject. Don't be nosy (爱打听的) about their private life, their incomes and expenditures, or their ages. These English worship (尊重) their privacy. Avoid religion too. The best place to talk is in pubs, but as you are a girl, go with someone else, and don't go to the pubs in Piccadilly, Leicester Square and so on. Find one near where you are living and go there regularly. Someone's bound to talk to you. Oh! Make sure to let them see you are a foreigner. Pretend to have difficulty in ordering, or something. That should be easy enough.6.The writer suggests that they had better not stay in a place where there are a lot of young people.答案:B7.According to the passage, we should believe the English are mostly friendly.答案:A8.We can talk about anything with English except their dogs.答案:B9.According to the passage, if you want to talk with the English, usually you have to talk to them first.答案:A10.The best place to talk to the English is in a restaurant.答案:BIn the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a callduring sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.11.What is the main idea of this passage? ________A.It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning and in sleeping hours in the U.S.B.The role of time in social life over the world.C.If people are late, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S.D.Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.答案:B12.What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours? _______A.A matter of work.B.A matter of life or death.C.You want to see him or her.D.You want to make an appointment with him or her.答案:B13.Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend in the U.S. A.?A.at 7:00 amB.at 4:00 pmC.at the midnightD.at 4 am答案:B14.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ________A.In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or fourdays before the party date.B.No misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures about the concept of time.C.It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A..D.Promptness is valued highly in American life.答案:D15.From the passage we can safely infer that _______A.it’s a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time.B.the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.C.it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party.D.if a person is late for a date, he needn’t make some explanation.答案:B。



成人高考卷模拟卷一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 成人高考的主要目的是()A. 提高国民整体素质B. 拓宽就业渠道C. 促进终身教育发展D. 提高高等教育入学率A. 1822岁B. 2330岁C. 3140岁D. 4150岁A. 高中起点专科B. 专科起点本科C. 高中起点本科D. 硕士研究生4. 成人高考的考试科目一般包括()A. 政治、英语、数学B. 语文、数学、英语C. 政治、语文、历史D. 数学、物理、化学A. 北京B. 上海C. 广州D. 深圳A. 具有高中毕业证书B. 具有中专毕业证书C. 具有本科毕业证书D. 具有外国护照7. 成人高考的录取方式主要是()A. 按照分数从高到低录取B. 按照志愿优先录取C. 按照地区优先录取D. 按照专业优先录取B. 获得全国五一劳动奖章C. 获得全国优秀教育工作者称号D. 获得全日制普通高等教育本科毕业证书A. 学历层次B. 教育形式C. 证书效力D. 学习年限10. 成人高考的学制一般为()A. 2年B. 3年C. 4年D. 5年二、填空题(每题4分,共40分)1. 成人高考是我国一项重要的教育制度,旨在为成年人提供继续教育的机会,提高他们的______。

2. 成人高考的报名对象主要包括在职人员、______、待业人员等。

3. 成人高考的学历层次分为高中起点______、专科起点本科和高中起点本科。

4. 成人高考的考试科目一般包括政治、英语和______。

5. 成人高考的录取原则是“公平、公正、公开”,录取过程中,考生可填报______个志愿。

6. 成人高考的毕业证书由教育部统一印制,证书上注明“______”字样。

7. 成人高考的学生在学期间,可申请转专业,但需在入学后______个月内提出申请。

8. 成人高考的学生在规定年限内完成学业,成绩合格,可获得______证书。

9. 成人高考的学生在学期间,可参加学校组织的各类活动,如社会实践、______等。



成人统考模拟卷BII. Vocabulary and Structure11. This was a good harvest. The fruit()the branches down.A. pressedB. pushedC. broughtD. weighed12. I think that he has all the()of a successful writer.A. qualitiesB. termsC. quantitiesD. conditions13. It's rude of you to have no()for their feelings.A. regretB. regardC. regionD. reward14. She outgrew her clothes so her mother()her for a new suit.A. boughtB. madeC. tailoredD. measured15. We must()our best to help her to overcome the difficulties.A. attemptB. tryC. exertD. make16. What he said was too()for me to understand.A. completeB. complicateC. complexD. compound17. Unfortunately my purse has been()in the taxi.A. left behindB. left outC. left aloneD. left for18. The train()at half past twelve—about twenty minutes late.A. drew upB. drew inC. called upD. called in19. Can you tell me()those boys were from?A. which wayB. whereC. whatD. that20. The manager is interested in()his men have()these difficulties.A. What…got overB. how…overcameC. what…get overD. how…overcome21.()he said is quite different from()we heard.A. That…thatB. That…whatC. What…thatD. What…what22. I()the robbery. I was at home that night.A. had something to sayB. had nothing to do withC. had to keep awayD. had everything to deal with23. They all agree at the meeting that everyone is equal and the privilege(特权)must be()in this club.A. done away withB. watched outC. run away withD. kicked out24. According to recent tests people have found that no one could()sleep for very long.A. do withoutB. wake fromC. leave behindD. throw away25. The swimming pool is().A. the same wide and longB. as wide as longC. the same wide as longD. as wide as it is long26.()you start,()you'll finish.A. The earlier…the soonerB. The earlier…the more quicklyC. The earlier…the fasterD. Earlier…sooner27. The more you argue with him, the less().A. his notice takesB. he takes notesC. notice he takesD. notes he takes28. Xiao Wang has some good old friends to().A. fall backB. fall overC. fall illD. fall back on29. He()in the hospital for half a year since he broke his leg.A. livedB. livesC. has beenD. has been being30. The team()the game is from Beijing.A. winningB. having been wonC. wonD. being wonIII. Reading Comprehension.1Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.Finally successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.What kind of language learners are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.31. Why language learning is easier for some peopleaccording to the first paragraph?A. Because they are much more clever.B. Because they use some good methods in their learning.C. Because they learn things more quickly.D. Because they are good at guessing the answers to the teacher’s questions.32. What does “knack” in paragraph 1 mean?A. Success.B. Taste.C. Skill.D. Interest.33. The main idea of paragraph 3 is().A. Successful language learners are active learners.B. Successful learners always look for a chance to use the language.C. Successful learners are not afraid to make mistakes.D. The purpose of language learning is to communicate with people.34. The purpose of this passage is to().A. show that language learning is not so difficult as some people might thinkB. show the importance of communication in language learningC. encourage the readers to use some learning techniquesD. tell the readers what kind of language learner the author is35. It is implied in the last paragraph that().A. you are a successful learnerB. you are not a successful learnerC. less successful learners should use some of the techniquesmentioned in the passage.D. if you learn independently, actively and purposefully, you will learn successfully2A modern bank provides many services. One of the most important of these is regular passbook savings.If you went to a bank to open a savings account, first you would be asked to fill out a signature card. Then you would be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded. All deposits and withdrawals from your account are entered into your passbook.With a regular passbook savings account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you needed it. All banks pay interest on savings accounts. The interest rate varies from bank to bank, but the general range is from 4.5 to 6 percent.Another important service that banks provide is traveller's checks. If you went on a vacation or travelled onbusiness to another city or state, you would probably want to bring some travaller's checks with you. They have two important advantages over cash. One is that your money is always safe. If the checks are lost or stolen, you can receive a refund for the total amount. Another is that they are more convenient. For this service the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the check.Still another service that banks provide is safe-deposit boxes, where you can keep important documents and valuable jewelry. To get a safe-deposit box, you would have to fill out a signature card and pay a yearly rental fee. Before you can open your box, you must sign a slip of paper. Your signature is compared with the one on your signature card. You will not be allowed to openyour box unless the employee at the bank is satisfied that the signature is genuine.One other important service, one which many businessmen who travel a great deal take advantage of, is the credit card. Credit cards are a convenient way of paying hotel bills and other expenses. To get a credit card, you must fill out an application that requires you to supply such personal information as your monthly salary and other income. If your credit is not good, the bank will not issue you a credit card.Most of the services described above do not provide a major source of income for the bank. How, then, does the bank itself make its money? Its largest source of income is through loans. The majority of loans made are known as commercial loans--loans made to businesses and not to individuals. In addition, banks make real estate loans to individuals for the purchase of houses or land, and they also give personal loans to people who want to buy a new car or a new appliance.It is hard to imagine how the complex business affairs of our modern world could be carried out without the many services that a bank provides.36. Which of the services described in the passage is a major source of income for the bank?A. Regular passbook savings.B. Traveller's checks.C. Safe-deposit boxes.D. Loans.37. If you travelled on business to another city or state, you would probably want to bring some traveller's checks with you instead of cash because().A. you can receive a refund for the total amount if the checksare lost or stolenB. the interest rate ranges from 4.5 to 6 percentC. the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the checkD. your money is always safe by using checks and checks are more convenient38. If you want to take your important documents or other valuable things out of the safe-deposit box you have applied for in a bank, you must().A. sign a slip of paperB. open your box firstC. offer your passbookD. show your bankbook39. The bank will not issue a credit card to()A. a person who hasn't applied for a credit card beforeB. a person who is not credibleC. a person who does not have a lot of moneyD. a person who does not have any bankbooks.40. Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?A. You can earn interest by opening a savings account in the bank.B. Making loans is the only important service provided by a bank.C. Banks make loans not only to businesses but also to individuals.D. You can put your important things in the bank.3The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth. For thousands of years these gases have kept the planet’s temperature at about 15°C. How? By trapping some of the sun’sheat. But no w, because of pollution, there are more and more hot gases released into the atmosphere. This means that the Earth is getting hotter. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason. Its glasses lets the sun’s heat pass through, then stops some of it from lea ving. That’s why scientists call the problem of the Earth’s rising temperature “the Greenhouse Effect”.Many scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect will add between 1.5 °C-4 °C to the Earth’s temperature by 2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise. If it rises one meter by 2030 there will be serious floods in manycountries.Then there is the problem of food. When the climate changes, there will be less food in the world. At the moment areas like the Midwest of America and Russia become too dry for farming. Other countries (like Canada and Sweden) will become wetter, but that won’t help. The soil there isn’t as rich. It won’t be possible to grow the same amount pf food as before.We can’t stop the Greenhouse Effect. However, we can slow it down if we use less fossil fuel, protect rain-forests, use more natural energy from the sun, sea and wind, and ban Freon in our lives.41. The atmosphere around the Earth helps to keep the temperature of the Earth constant by().A. trapping some of the gases around the EarthB. keeping the planet’s temperature at about 15 °CC. forming a blanket of gases around the EarthD. tr apping some of the sun’s heat42. A greenhouse becomes hot because().A. its glass lets the sun’s heat pass through, then stops some of it from leavingB. its glass traps the heat from the sunC. pollution takes placeD. the Earth’s temperature is rising43. The level of the sea will rise because().A. Greenhouse Effect will change the weather everywhereB. there will be serious floods in many countriesC. the ice at the North and South poles will start to meltD. the Earth’s temperature will rise44. There will be less food in the world because().A. the Midwest of America and central Russia will be dryB. Canada and Sweden will be wetterC. the soil in Canada and Sweden isn’t richD. the climate will change45. The purpose of this passage is to()?A. explain why the earth is getting hotB. call people’s attention to environ ment pr otectionC. warn people of the danger of the serious floods in many countriesD. tell people of the problem of food4Footprints on The Moon. On the lonely, lifeless surface of the moon, a strange-looking vehicle squats(蹲伏)motionless under th e sun’s glari ng(刺眼的)rays. On one of its four legs is attached a small, stainless steel plaque (匾)which reads: HERE MEN FROM THE PLANET EARTHFIRST SET FOOT UPON THE MOONJULY,1969 A.D.WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKINDThe vehicle, the cast-off(丢弃的)lower half of a lunar landing craft, is a monument(纪念)to the historic event on July 20, when two American astronauts planted the first human footsteps on the moon. The man who took the first step was NeilA. Armstrong, the 39-year-old civilian commander of the Apollo11. As he reached the bottom of the landing craft’s ladder and extended his booted left foot to touch the moon’s powdery surface, he said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”He was followed down the ladder minutes later by Edwin B. Aldrin, Jr., a 39-year-old Air Force colonel. For 2 hours and 21 minutes, the two men, carefully at first and then boldly, wandered about on the barren, rock-strewn surface. They tested their ability to move about on this strange world. They took photographs of the landscape. They set up scientific experiments and collected rock and soil samples. They set up a television camera so the whole world could watch. All the while, the third member of the crew, Michael Collins, 38, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, piloted the Command Ship in lunar orbit 70 miles above the surface, waiting for the two explorers to rejoin him for the trip back to the earth. Altogether, the visit to the moon lasted 21 hours and 37 minutes.Though the mission(任务)was completed almost without flaw(瑕疵), it was filled with suspense and anxiety. The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man. And, as with all space flights, chances of failure and disaster were ever present—the blast-off(发射)of the giant Saturn(土星)rocket at Cape Kennedy, the entry ofthe spaceship into earth and lunar orbits, the never-before-attempted landing and lift-off from the moon, the link-up ofColumbia and Eagle, the re-entry into the atmosphere(大气层), and the splash-down(溅落). An error or failure of any of the millions of individual parts anywhere along the way could have ended the mission short of the goal. An equipment failure or accident on the moon could have left the astronauts stranded (陷入困境).But they made it. After eight days in space, they splashed down in the Pacific to a presidential(总统的)greeting aboard the recovery carrier, the USA Hornet. They were the heroes of the nation and the world. It was a journey that took man beyond the earth to walk on another world.46. What was left on the moon after man’s first landing on it?A. Two astronaut’s footprints.B. A monument built by man.C. The cast-off lower half of a lunar landing craft.D. A flag.47. When did man first set foot on the moon?A. 1969.B.1961.C. 2001.D. 1984.48. What is the name of the astronaut who first landed on the moon?A. Neil A Armstrong.B. Dennis Tito.C. Apollo.D. Gagarin.49. Armstrong said “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, because().A. that is a historic step for mankindB. one step on the moon equals one leap on the earth.C. that step is very importantD. that step is really great50. Judging from the facts that()we can easily conclude that the landing was seen as a great success.A. the three astronauts won a large amount of prizeB. their return was greeted in a presidential level and their names soon became household names at that timeC. man feels proud of their performanceD. they were all promoted to a higher positionIV. ClozeLearning English is difficult for any non-native speaker, but the Japanese find it particularly difficult even after 6 years of English education.(51)twenty years ago Mr. Watanabe(52)to England to study radio production at the BBC. Although he was(53)of the class in English literature at(54)university, he couldn't make people(55)him when he(56)English and he didn't understand English people(57)they spoke to him.(58)the simple task of ordering lunch(59)him, so he asked for help. Someone advised him(60)"Fish & Chips and a cup of coffee." After practicing the(61), Mr. Watanabe went to the BBC canteen(餐饮部)and he(62). After some weeks he wanted to have a (63)so his friend suggested, "A ham salad and a cup of tea." So Mr. Watanabe(64)the waitress the(65)words the next day, but the waitress asked,"(66)you want salad dressing on it(调匀)?" Mr. Watanabe did not understand (67)he repeated the order. The waitress(68)so Mr. Watanabe finally (69)and said, "Fish & Chips and a cup of coffee." The next day he enrolled at an English language school. He had learnt his(70).51. A. Over B. Within C. More D. Beyond52. A. was taken B. was carried C. was sent D. were brought53. A. bottom B. top C. good D. high54. A. its B. her C. his D. my55. A. understand B. remember C. realize D. recognize56. A. spoke B. said C. told D. asked57. A. after B. why C. how D. when58. A. Even B. Because C. Yet D. As59. A. frightened B. heartened C. dared D. encouraged60. A. to talk B. to say C. to speak D. to tell61. A. experience B. message C. information D. phrase62. A. succeeding B. successful C. succeeded D. success63. A. charge B. challenge C. change D. range64. A. said in B. said to C. said with D. said on65. A. different B. similar C. familiar D. same66. A. Do B. Will C. Are D. May67. A. so B. that C. however D. or68. A. was worry B. felt sorry C. looked sad D. got angry69. A. held up B. put up C. gave up D. took up70. A. course B. class C. lesson D. subjectV. Translation(E-C,C-E)71. Once dreaded infectious diseases are now usually curable.72. Please make sure that you have your passport with you.73. The speed of Email allows people to work at great distances from each other.74. Usually some pages of the daily paper are devoted to discussing sports events.75. It is estimated that the figure will continue to go up in the future.76. 他如此生气,结果一句话也没说便离开了办公室。



成考模拟考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题,总分20分)1. 成人高等教育的办学形式包括哪些?A. 函授教育B. 业余教育C. 脱产教育D. 以上都是答案:D2. 成人高考的报名条件是什么?A. 具有高中或同等学历B. 年满18周岁C. 具有完全民事行为能力D. 以上都是答案:D3. 成人高考的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 以上都是答案:D4. 成人高考的录取方式是什么?A. 择优录取B. 按分数线录取C. 按志愿录取D. 以上都是答案:A5. 成人高考的考试时间通常在每年的什么时候?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:C6. 成人高考的学历层次有哪些?A. 高起专B. 专升本C. 高起本D. 以上都是答案:D7. 成人高考的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 机试D. 以上都是答案:A8. 成人高考的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 以上都是答案:D9. 成人高考的考试合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到分数线B. 单科成绩合格C. 按照排名录取D. 以上都是答案:A10. 成人高考的学历是否被国家承认?A. 是B. 否C. 部分承认D. 以上都不是答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题,总分15分)1. 成人高考的报名资格包括以下哪些条件?A. 具有高中或同等学历B. 年满18周岁C. 具有完全民事行为能力D. 具有工作经验答案:ABC2. 成人高考的考试科目中,哪些是必考科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 政治答案:ABC3. 成人高考的录取方式包括哪些?A. 择优录取B. 按分数线录取C. 按志愿录取D. 按地区录取答案:ABC4. 成人高考的学历层次包括哪些?A. 高起专B. 专升本C. 高起本D. 硕士答案:ABC5. 成人高考的考试形式除了笔试还有哪些?A. 口试B. 机试C. 实践操作D. 面试答案:ABC三、判断题(每题1分,共5题,总分5分)1. 成人高考的学历层次不包括硕士。

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模拟试卷 BII. Vocabulary and Structure11. This was a good harvest. The fruit _____ the branches down.A. pressedB. pushedC. broughtD. weighed12. I think that he has all the of a successful writer.A. qualitiesB. termsC. quantitiesD. conditions13. It's rude of you to have no __ for their feelings.A. regretB. regardC. regionD. reward14. She outgrew her clothes so her mother her for a new suit.A. boughtB. madeC. tailoredD. measured15. We must __ our best to help her to overcome the difficulties.A. attemptB. tryC. exertD. make16. What he said was too for me to understand.A. completeB. complicateC. complexD. compound17. Unfortunately my purse has been in the taxi.A. left behindB. left outC. left aloneD. left for18. The train at half past twelve -- about twenty minutes late.A. drew upB. drew inC. called upD. called in19. Can you tell me ______ those boys were from?A. which wayB. whereC. whatD. that20. The manager is interested in __ his men have these difficulties.A. What... got overB. how ... overcameC. what ... get overD. how ... overcome21. _______ he said is quite different from _______ we heard.A. That ... thatB. That ... WhatC. What ... thatD. What ... what22. I __ the robbery. I was at home that night.A. had something to sayB. had nothing to do withC. had to keep awayD. had everything to deal with23. They all agree at the meeting that everyone is equal and the privilege(特权)must be in this club.A. done away withB. watched outC. run away withD. kicked out24. According to recent tests people have found that no one could __ sleep for very long.A. do withoutB. wake fromC. leave behindD. throw away25.The swimming pool is______A. the same wide and longB. as wide as longC. the same wide as longD. as wide as it is long26. ____________ you start, _______you'll finish.A. The earlier ... the soonerB. The earlier ... the more quicklyC. The earlier ... the fasterD. Earlier ... sooner27. The more you argue with him, the less____A. his notice takesB. he takes notesC. notice he takesD. notes he takes28. Xiao Wang has some good old friends to __A. fall backB. fall overC. fall illD. fall back on29. He in the hospital for half a year since he broke his leg.A. livedB. livesC. has beenD. has been being30. The team _____ the game is from Beijing.A. winningB. having been wonC. wonD. being wonIII. Reading Comprehension.1.Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.Finally successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.What kind of language learners are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the otherhand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.31. Why language learning is easier for some people according to the first paragraph?A.Because they are much more clever.B.Because they use some good methods in their learning.Because they learn things more quickly.Because they are good at guessing the answers to the teacher’s questions.32. What does “knack” in paragraph 1A. Success.B. Taste.C. Skill.D. Interest.33. The main idea of paragraph 3 is “.”A. Successful language learners are active learnersB. Successful learners always look for a chance to use the language.C. Successful learners are not afraid to make mistakes.D. The purpose of language learning is to communicate with people.34. The purpose of this passage is to .A.show that language learning is not so difficult as some people might thinkB.show the importance of communication in language learningC.encourage the readers to use some learning techniquesD.tell the readers what kind of language learner the author is35. It is implied in the last paragraph that .A.you are a successful learnerB.you are not a successful learnerC.less successful learners should use some of the techniques mentioned in thepassage.D. if you learn independently, actively and purposefully, you will learn successfully2.A modern bank provides many services. One of the most important of these is regular passbook savings.If you went to a bank to open a savings account, first you would be asked to fill out a signature card. Then you would be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded. All deposits and withdrawals from your account are entered into your passbook.With a regular passbook savings account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you needed it. All banks pay interest on savings accounts. The interest rate varies from bank to bank, but the general range is from 4.5 to 6 percent.Another important service that banks provide is traveller's checks. If you went on a vacation or travelled on business to another city or state, you would probably want to bring some travaller's checks with you. They have two important advantages over cash. One is that your money is always safe. If the checks are lost or stolen, you can receive a refund for the total amount. Another is that they are more convenient. For this service the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the check.Still another service that banks provide is safe-deposit boxes, where you can keep important documents and valuable jewelry. To get a safe-deposit box, you would have to fill out a signature card and pay a yearly rental fee. Before you can open your box, you must sign a slip of paper. Y our signature is compared with the one on your signature card. Y ou will not be allowed to open your box unless the employee at the bank is satisfied that the signature is genuine.One other important service, one which many businessmen who travel a great deal take advantage of, is the credit card. Credit cards are a convenient way of paying hotel bills and other expenses. To get a credit card, you must fill out an application that requires you to supply such personal information as your monthly salary and other income. If your credit is not good, the bank will not issue you a credit card.Most of the services described above do not provide a major source of income for the bank. How, then, does the bank itself make its money? Its largest source of income is through loans. The majority of loans made are known as commercial loans--loans made to businesses and not to individuals. In addition, banks make real estate loans to individuals for the purchase of houses or land, and they also give personal loans to people who want to buy a new car or a new appliance.It is hard to imagine how the complex business affairs of our modern world could be carried out without the many services that a bank provides.36. Which of the services described in the passage is a major source of income for the bank?A. Regular passbook savings.B. Traveller's checks,C. Safe-deposit boxes.D. Loans.37. Ifyou travelled on business to another city or state, you would probably want to bring sometraveller's checks with you instead of cash becauseA. you can receive a refund for the total amount if the checks are lost or stolenB. the interest rate ranges from 4.5 to 6 percentC. the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the checkD. your money is always safe by using checks and checks are more convenient38. If you want to take your important documents or other valuable things out of the safe-deposit box you have applied for in a bank, you mustA. sign a slip of paperB. open your box firstC. offer your passbookD. show your bankbook39. The bank will not issue a credit card toA. a person who hasn't applied for a credit card beforeB. a person who is not credibleC. a person who does not have a lot of moneyD. a person who does not have any bankbooks.40. Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?A. Y ou can earn interest by opening a savings account in the bank.B. Making loans is the only important service provided by a bank.C. Banks make loans not only to businesses but also to individuals.D. Y ou can put your important things in the bank.3.The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth. For thousands of years these gases have kept the planet’s temperature at about 15°C. How? By trapping some of the sun’s heat. But now, because of pollution, there are more and more hot gases released into the atmosphere. This means that the Earth is getting hotter. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason. Its glasses lets the sun’s heat pass through, then stops some of it from leaving. That’s why scientists call the problem of the Earth’s rising temperature “the Greenhouse Effect”.Many scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect will add between 1.5 °C-4 °C to the Earth’s temperature by 2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise. If it rises one meter by 2030 there will be serious floods in many countries.Then there is the problem of food. When the climate changes, there will be less food in the world. At the moment areas like the Midwest of America and Russia become too dry for farming. Other countries (like Canada and Sweden) will become wetter, but that won’t help. The soil there isn’t as rich. It won’t be possible to grow the same amount pf food as before.We can’t stop the Greenhouse Effect. However, we can slow it down if we use less fossil fuel, protect rain-forests, use more natural energy from the sun, sea and wind, and ban Freon in our lives.41. The atmosphere around the Earth helps to keep the temperature of the Earth constant by ___.A. trapping some of the gases around the EarthB. keeping the planet’s t emperature at about 15 °CC. forming a blanket of gases around the EarthD. tapping some of the sun’s heat42. A greenhouse becomes hot because ___.A. its glass lets the sun’s heat pass through, then stops some of it from leavingB. its glass traps the heat from the sunC. pollution takes placeD. the Earth’s temperature is rising43. The level of the sea will rise because ___.A. Greenhouse Effect will change the weather everywhereB. there will be serious floods in many countriesC. the ice at the North and South poles will start to meltD. the Earth’s temperature will rise44. There will be less food in the world because ___.A. the Midwest of America and central Russia will be dryB. Canada and Sweden will be wetterC. the soil in Canada and Sweden isn’t richD. the climate will change45. The purpose of this passage is to ___?A. explain why the earth is getting hotB. call people’s attention to environment protectionC. warn people of the danger of the serious floods in many countriesD. tell people of the problem of food4.Footprints on The Moon. On the lonely, lifeless surface of the moon, a strange-looking vehicle squats(蹲伏)motionless under the sun’s glaring(刺眼的)rays. On one of its four legs is attached a small, stainless steel plaque(匾)which reads:HERE MEN FROM THE PLANET EARTHFIRST SET FOOT UPON THE MOONJUL Y,1969 A.D.WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKINDThe vehicle, the cast-off(丢弃的)lower half of a lunar landing craft, is a monument (纪念)to the historic event on July 20, when two American astronauts planted the first human footsteps on the moon. The man who took the first step was Neil A. Armstrong, the 39-year-old civilian commander of the Apollo 11. As he reached the bottom of the landing craf t’s ladder and extended his booted left foot to touch the moon’s powdery surface, he said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”He was followed down the ladder minutes later by Edwin B. Aldrin, Jr., a 39-year-old Air Force colonel. For 2 hours and 21 minutes, the two men, carefully at first and then boldly, wandered about on the barren, rock-strewn surface. They tested their ability to move about on this strange world. They took photographs of the landscape. They set up scientific experiments and collected rock and soil samples. They set up a television camera so the whole world could watch. All the while, the third member of the crew, Michael Collins, 38, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, piloted the Command Ship in lunar orbit 70 miles above the surface, waiting for the two explorers to rejoin him for the trip back to the earth. Altogether, the visit to the moon lasted 21 hours and 37 minutes.Though the mission(任务)was completed almost without flaw(瑕疵), it was filled with suspense and anxiety. The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met byman. And, as with all space flights, chances of failure and disaster were ever present—the blast-off(发射)of the giant Saturn(土星)rocket at Cape Kennedy, the entry of the spaceship into earth and lunar orbits, the never-before-attempted landing and lift-off from the moon, the link-up of Columbia and Eagle, the re-entry into the atmosphere(大气层), and the splash-down(溅落). An error or failure of any of the millions of individual parts anywhere along the way could have ended the mission short of the goal. An equipment failure or accident on the moon could have left the astronauts stranded(陷入困境).But they made it. After eight days in space, they splashed down in the Pacific to a presidential(总统的)greeting aboard the recovery carrier, the USA Hornet. They were the heroes of the nation and the world. It was a journey that took man beyond the earth to walk on another world.46、What was left on the moon after man’s first landing on it?A. Two astronaut’s footprints.B. A monument built by man.C. The cast-off lower half of a lunar landing craft.D. A flag.47、When did man first set foot on the moon?A. 1969.B.1961.C. 2001.D. 1984.48、What is the name of the astronaut who first landed on the moon?A. Neil A. Armstrong.B. Dennis Tito.C. Apollo.D. Gagarin.49、Armstrong said“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, because .A. that is a historic step for mankindB. one step on the moon equals one leap on the earth.C. that step is very importantD. that step is really great50、Judging from the facts that we can easily conclude that the landing was seen as a great success.A. the three astronauts won a large amount of prizeB. their return was greeted in a presidential level and their names soon becamehousehold names at that timeC. man feels proud of their performanceD. they were all promoted to a higher positionIV. ClozeLearning English is difficult for any non-native speaker, but the Japanese find it particularly difficult even after 6 years of English education. 51 twenty years ago Mr. Watanabe 52 to England to study radio production at the BBC. Although he was 53 of the class in English literature at 54 university, he couldn't make people 55 him when he 56 English and he didn't understand English people 57 they spoke to him.58 the simple task of ordering lunch 59 him, so he asked for help. Someone advised him 60 "Fish & Chips and a cup of coffee." After practicing the 61 , Mr. Watanabe went to the BBC canteen (餐饮部) and he 62 . After some weeks he wanted to have a 63 so his friend suggested, "A ham salad and a cup of tea." So Mr. Watanabe 64 the waitress the 65 words the next day, but the waitress asked," 66 you want salad dressing on it(调匀)?" Mr. Watanabe did not understand 67 he repeated the order. The waitress 68 so Mr. Watanabe finally 69 and said, "Fish & Chips and a cup of coffee." The next day he enrolled at an English language school. He had learnt his 70 .51. A. Over B. Within C. More D. Beyond52. A. was taken B. was carried C. was sent D. were brought53. A. bottom B. top C. good D. high54. A. its B. her C. his D. my55. A. understand B. remember C. realize D. recognize56. A. spoke B. said C. told D. asked57. A. after B. why C. how D. when58. A. Even B. Because C. Y et D. As59. A. frightened B. heartened C. dared D. encouraged60. A. to talk B. to say C. to speak D. to tell61. A. experience B. message C. information D. phrase62. A. succeeding B. successful C. succeeded D. success63. A. charge B. challenge C. change D. range64. A. said in B. said to C. said with D. said on65. A. different B. similar C. familiar D. same66. A. Do B. Will C. Are D. May67. A. so B. that C. however D. or68. A. was worry B. felt sorry C. looked sad D. got angry69. A. held up B. put up C. gave up D. took up70. A. course B. class C. lesson D. subjectV. Translation(E-C,C-E)71. Once dreaded infectious diseases are now usually curable.72. Please make sure that you have your passport with you.73. The speed of Email allows people to work at great distances from each other.74. Usually some pages of the daily paper are devoted to discussing sports events.75. It is estimated that the figure will continue to go up in the future.76. 他如此生气,结果一句话也没说便离开了办公室。
