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wording from what you would use in writing to university stud源自文库nts even if the
subject is the same. And when you write a formal legal document, you will have to use those formal set phrases as “upon termination of the trust”(在终止信托财产 时), and it will be inappropriate for you to change it into such informal
① a fond/ loving look, my fond/ loving mother
fond ② A ______ mother may spoil her child. (fond/ love) ③ In spite of his failure, he has a fond belief in his intelligence. (fond/ love) _____
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The denotative meaning is also called “explicit meaning” and connotations can be called “implicit meaning”. A certain “implicit meaning” arises in a certain context when a word, a phrase or a sentence is used by the writer or speaker, and this is the figurative use of the word, phrase or sentence. For example: It was a blow between the eyes. (那是一个沉重的打击。) If the sentence is used to describe a boxing match(拳击赛), the word“ blow” is used literally and is in its denotative sense: a hard hit with a hand. In another context, however, the word may be used in a figurative way to express
English Rhetoric
Chapter Three The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations: Choice of Words
By Song Pingfeng
Contents of This Chapter
• 1. Three levels of rhetorical operations • 2. Choice of words 2. 1 Using suitable words 2. 2 Denotation and connotation 2. 3 General words and specific words 2. 4 Abstract words and concrete words 2. 5 Short words and long words
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2.2 Denotation and connotation
1) Definitions: Denotation is the specific, direct, and literal meaning of a word, as described in a dictionary definition. It is also called denotative meaning or explicit meaning. 直接意义:一个词最特定的或最直接的意义;或字面意义 E.g. cheap / inexpensive: low in price, costing little money 价格低的;便 宜的; 花钱不多的(表示价格便宜点基本意思) cheap tickets(特价车票); cheap seats in a theatre(票价低的座位) yellow: n. the color yellow 黄色 adj. of the color of sth.黄色的(表示物体颜色 的基本意思) E.g. A man was killed and his son was seriously injured in an automobile accident. The boy was rushed to a hospital. The surgeon took one look at him and said, “This is my son! I can’t operate on him!”
“Epigram” is often used in reference to a witty statement.
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cheap: adj. Its connotative meanings are:
insincere; shallow; mean; ; despicable; contemptible; stingy 不真诚的;肤浅的;小气的;卑鄙的;下流的;低级的
process can be broken into three basic levels:
Level One: words and phrases Level Two: sentence variety Level Three: organizing paragraphs into a complete text
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2. Choice of words
2. 1 Using suitable words
1) Characteristic of English vocabulary: include over a half-million words, and thousands of new ones are added every year. 2) Principles of choosing words: To communicate our ideas precisely and effectively, we should choose the right words that are exact, fresh, vivid, and appropriate. E.g.
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2. 1 Using suitable words
(1) Choose the most appropriate words: E.g. (1) Mother Teresa is notorious for her work with the poor and sick in India. (2) Because he did not know either party, the arbitrator was able to take an uninterested view of the dispute. (3) The businessperson has upheld支持 a reputation for deception and deceit. E.g. If there’re four of us in the car, it’ll be cheaper/ less inexpensive to drive than to go by train. During times of mass unemployment, there is a pool of ______ labor cheap for employers. I wish you’d stop making _______ jokes about my friends. cheap
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Connotation is the associative or suggestive meaning of a word. It often implies attitudes, emotions, etc. of the speaker or writer, and is also called implicit meaning.内涵或言外之意:包括单词字面意思之外普通意义的全部内涵 的意义。(Connotation指该词语一定搭配或上下文中出现的其他意义,往往比较 含蓄,带有词语的使用者的主观态度或感情色彩 )
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1. The three levels of rhetorical operations
Rhetoric involves choice of words, sentence patterns, figures
of speech, organization of paragraphs and composition. This
expressions as “by the end of” or “when / once the trust is over”. Similarly,
although the need of “ exactness”(确切性) and “accuracy”(准确性) has been stressed in general cases(在一般情况下), you should also note that on certain occasions(在某些场合), you have to use vague language so as to moderate your tone(缓和语气) or to be more tactful(策略), or roundabout (间接性).
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(2) Be aware of the audience or readers and suit to the occasion:
E.g. Jack’s house was destroyed by fire. Jim went to comfort him and asked him to contact the insurance company. “Cheer up, my friend,” he said, “your insurance claim will be proceeding like a house on a fire, I’m sure.” For instance, when you are writing to children, you will certainly use different
E.g. “Proverb” would be the appropriate word to use in reference to saying
from the Bible. “Saw” is often used in reference to the wisdom handed down to us
e.g. cheap flattery; a cheap remark; a cheap trick; a cheap crook
假意奉承,下流的话,卑鄙伎俩,卑鄙小人 yellow: n. the color yellow (denotation) Its connotative meanings are: Some people use “yellow” for pornographic literature. The oriental people are called “yellow race” because their skin are yellow. When “yellow” is used to refer to one’s character (性格), it means “cowardly”. In traffic lights, “yellow” suggests a warning.