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一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
(一) 船舶管理合同约定的船舶管理人的业务 范围(scope of business provided in standard forms)
目前实践中关于船舶管理人的业务范围多是以波罗 的海国际航运公会于1998年制定了船舶管理的标 准合同,即波罗的海国际航运公会标准船舶管理 合同(代码BIMCO SHIPMAN,最新版本 Shipman 2009)和波罗的海国际航运公会标准船 员管理协议(代码 BIMCO CREWMAN,最新版 本Crewman A/B 2009 ) 为蓝本的。 船舶管理人主要从事以下一种或几种业务:
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
国际船舶管理人协会(ISMA)在其制定的《船舶管 理标准规则》(Code of Shipmanagement Standards)中将船舶管理人定义为,通过合同 等具有法律约束力的文件,接受委托人的委托, 负责船舶管理或船员管理的公司或组织。有学 者认为,船舶管理人是指接受船舶所有人、承 租人或者经营人的委托,管理他人船舶的人。
6、商务管理 ( Commercial Management ) 船舶管理人主要负责:
(1)安排代理人; (2)安排装卸工人; (3)安排船舶检查; (4)按照船东指示提供租船服务,例如:寻找租家及负 责谈判、订立租船合同等等; (5)负责航次估算、计算运费、租金、滞期费、速遣 费。
(1) appointing agents; (2) appointing stevedores; (3) arranging surveys associated with the commercial operation of the ship; (4) in accordance with the owner‟s instructions providing chartering services, such as seeking charterers and negotiating employment for the ship and the conclusion (execution thereof) of charter parties or other contracts; (5) voyage estimating and accounting and calculation of hire, freights, demurrage and/or despatch monies due from or due to the charterers; assisting in the collection of any sums due to the owners.
(1) supervising the maintenance and general efficiency of the ship; (2) arranging and supervising dry docking, repairs and maintenance of the ship to the standards agreed with the owners; (3) arranging the supply of necessary stores, spares and lubricating oil; (4) appointing surveyors and technical consultants as the managers may consider from time to time to be necessary; (5) ensuring that the ship complies with the requirements of the law of the Flag State, the ISM Code and the ISPS Code etc.
第九章 船舶管理人和经营人 Ship manager and operator
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
船舶管理人,在我国也被称作“船舶管理经营者” 或“船舶管理经营人”。相比于船舶经营人 (Ship Operator)来说,船舶管理人的概念出现的 要更晚一些,其技术性和专业性也显得更强一 些。 目前,我国的《海商法》没有对船舶管理人的定 义作出规定。 In China Maritime Code, there is no definition of ship manager.
See art.3 of SHIPMAN2009, “Subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, during the period of this agreement the managers shall carry out the management services in respect of the vessel as agents for and on behalf of the owners”
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
2、技术管理(Technical Management) 船舶管理人主要负责: (1)监督船舶的状况和船舶营运效率; (2)安排和监督船舶入干坞、修理、保证船舶达到船舶所 有人要求的标准; (3)安排船上物资的供应、储备; (4)在船舶管理人认为必要的情况下,委派检验员与技术 顾问; (5)船舶管理人应当满足船旗国法律的要求,船舶管理人 视为ISM规则中的“公司”,承担船舶所有人的船舶 营运责任,并在承担此种责任时同意承担本规则规定 的所有责任和义务。
(1) crew engagement/employment; (2) ensuring that the applicable requirements of the Flag State law in respect of rank, qualification and certification of the crew and employment regulations, such as tax and social insurance, are satisfied; (3) ensuring that all crew have passed a medical examination certifying that they are fit for the duties for which they are engaged; (4) ensuring that the crew shall have a common working language and a command of the English of a sufficient standard to enable safe performance of their duties; (5) training of the crew; (6) conducting union negotiations.
The legal relationship (right and obligation) between ship manager and ship owner, charterer or operator are usually subject to ship management contract. By its character, the contract of ship management should be a contract for commission. Under Chinese law, such contract should be determined according to chapter 21(contracts for commission) of the contract law.
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
3、安排船舶保险 (Insurance Arrangement ) 船舶管理人应当按照船东的指示,办理船舶保险。 4、船舶买卖(Sale or purchase of the Vessel) 5、供应燃油( Bunkering )
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
综合上述,可以将船舶管理人定义为: 船舶管理人是指接受船舶所有人、光 船承租人或者船舶经营人的委托,专门 负责船舶机务、海务、装备、检修保 养以及船员配备等保证船舶技术状况 和正常运行的海运管理企业。
Ship manager is a kind of shipping enterprise which is entrusted by ship owner, bareboat charterer or operator to be specifically responsible for ship machinery, navigation, equipment, repair and maintenance and crew so as to enable a normal operation of the ship.
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
(二) 船舶管理人的权利义务 船舶管理人与船舶所有人、承租人或者船舶经营 人之间的权利义务关系通常是由船舶管理合同 来确定的。船舶管理合同是船舶所有人、承租 人或者船舶经营人将船舶管理事务委托给船舶 管理人而签订的合同,从性质上来说,船舶管 理合同应当属于委托合同,在我国,首先应当 遵循 《合同法》第21章关于委托合同的规定。
Art.30 of the Regulations on international ocean shipping provides: International ship management operators (国 际船舶管理经营者 )may accept the entrustment of ship owners, ship charterers, or ship operators to operate the following businesses:
1. sale, purchase and charter of ships and management of other ship-related assets; 2. dealing with ship affairs, ocean affairs and arranging for ship repair and maintenance; 3. employing, training and manning ship crew; 4. other services guaranteeing the normal technical and sailing state of ships.
但是,相关的行政法对“船舶管理经营者”作了 一些界定。 如《国际海运条例》第30条规定:“国际船舶管理 经营者接受船舶所有人或者船舶承租人、船舶 经营人的委托,可以经营下列业务:
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
(1)船舶买卖、租赁以及其他船舶资产管理; (2)机务、海务和安排维修; (3)船员招聘、训练和配备; (4)保证船舶技术状况和正常航行的其他服 务。” 另外,在交通部《国内船舶管理业规定》中也作 了类似的规定。这些规定,主要是从经营范围 等方面对船舶管理人作出了规范和界定。
一、船舶管理人(ship manager)
1、船员管理 (Crew Management) 在船员管理的业务中,船舶管理人主要负责:
(1)船员招聘; (2)保证管理船舶在人员配备、船级、船员资格与证 书、船员保险等方面满足船旗国法律的要求; (3)保证船员通过健康检查,证明适应其工作; (4)保证船员为完成其工作,熟练地使用英语; (5)船员培训,监督其工作效率; (6)与工会进行谈判。