CSA502-P044T01S 电流传感器使用说明书

CSA502-P044T01S 电流传感器使用说明书V1.4本手册为湖南银河电气有限公司产品CSA502-P044T01S电流传感器用户手册,本手册为用户提供安装调试、操作使用及日常维护的有关注意事项,在安装、使用前请仔细阅读。
!安全警示 电流传感器不允许开路使用,即母线有电流或传感器已上电的状态下,都不允许断开输出端;仅母线无电流且传感器未上电的状态下,才可以断开传感器的电流输出端或主机与探头的连接,否则有感应高压,发生电击的危险!1. 产品概述CSA502-P044T01S 一种能在原边、副边完全隔离条件下测量直流、交流、脉冲以及各种不规则波形的电流传感器,它主要用于要求准确度高的计量检定和计量校准领域,以及要求高灵敏度、高稳定性和高可靠性的电能质量分析、功率分析仪、医疗、航空航天、导弹、舰艇等领域。
2. 技术特点● 极高的准确度 ● 极好的线性度 ● 极高的稳定性 ● 极高的灵敏度 ● 极高的分辨率 ● 极低的温度漂移 ● 极低的失调电流● 极低的插入损耗 ● 抗干扰能力强 ● 响应速度快 ● 极低的噪声 ● 极小的角差 ● 宽频带 ● 模拟量输出 3. 应用场合● 计量检定与校准 ● 实验室电流测量● 仪器仪表(如功率分析仪) ● 医疗设备(如核磁共振MRI ) ● 电池组检测 ● 电力控制 ● 电源 ● 舰船 ● 新能源 ● 轨道交通 ● 航空航天 ● 工业测量4. 电气性能项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大原边额定电流 I PN -- -- ±5000 -- Adc 测量范围 I PM 1分钟/小时 -- -- ±6000 Adc 工作电压 V c 全范围 90 220 260 Vac 电源消耗 I PM 范围内 -- 150 -- W 电流变比 K N 输入:输出 5000:1 --额定输出电流 I SN 原边额定电流-- ±1 -- A测量电阻R M0 -- 1 Ω5. 精度-动态参数项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大精度 X e 输入直流,25±10℃ -- -- 10 ppm 比差误差 X Ge 输入交流50Hz/60Hz ,25±10℃-- -- 100 ppm 角度误差 X Pe -- -- 0.01 crad线性度εL-- -- -- 2 ppm温度漂移系数 TCI OUT -- -- -- 0.1 ppm/K时间漂移系数 TT -- -- -- 0.2 ppm/month供电抗干扰 TV -- -- -- 1 ppm/V 零点失调电流 I o 25±10℃ -- -- 2 ppm 零点失调电流 I oT 全工作温度范围内-- -- ±10 ppm纹波电流 I n DC-10Hz -- -- 0.5 ppm 动态响应时间 t r di/dt=100A/us 上升至90% I PN-- -- 1us电流跟随速度 di/dt -- 200 -- -- A/us 频带宽度(- 3 dB)F-- 0 -- 20 kHz6. 一般特性项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大工作温度范围 T A -- -10 -- +70 ℃ 存储温度范围T S-- -25 -- +85 ℃电流探头检测信号 -- 正常工作时,红色探头检测灯常亮,DB9插座第4脚和第9脚处于无信号输出的开路状态。
DMD1080 电压 电流传感器说明书

DMD1080 DMD1080-DCDC Input Alarm TripsM-5245/0818DC Input Ranges24 field selectable ranges via switch settings See chart on next page Voltage: 0-50 mVDC to 0-10 VDC Bipolar Voltage: ±5 VDC or ±10 VDC Current: 0-1 mADC to 0-20 mADC, 4-20 mADC Input Impedance and Burden Voltage: 250 k Ω minimum Current: 50 Ω typicalVoltage burden: 1 VDC at 20 mA current input IsolationPower to input isolation: 1200 VCommon mode protection: 600 VAC p or 600 VDC Input Loop Power Supply15 VDC ±10%, regulated, 25 mADC, max. ripple, <10 mV RMS May be selectively wired for sinking or sourcing mA input LoopTrackerVariable brightness LED indicates input loop level and status Relay OutputSingle setpoint dual DPST contact sets, field configurable 2 Form A (NO) and 2 Form B (NC) contact sets (8 terminals) May be field wired for Form C operationRelay Contact Ratings 8 A @ 240 VAC resistive load5 A @ 240 VAC inductive load (cos f = 0.4) 8 A @ 30 VDC resistive load3.5 A @ 30 VDC inductive load (L/R = 7ms)See diagram on other sideExternal contact protection such as an RC snubber is recom-mended for inductive loadsSetpoint12 turn potentiometer adjustable from 0 to 100% of span Deadband12 turn potentiometer adjustable from 1 to 100% of span Output Test/Reset ButtonToggles relay to opposite state when pressedResets latching relay if latching relay mode is selected Response Time 70 milliseconds typicalAmbient Temperature Range and Stability –10°C to +60°C operating ambientBetter than 1% of span over operating temperature range Better than 0.02% of span per °C Power85-265 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 60-300 VDC, 2 W maximumD versions: 9-30 VDC or 10-32 VAC 50/60 Hz, 2 W maximum Housing and ConnectorsIP 40, requires installation in panel or enclosure For use in Pollution Degree 2 Environment Mount vertically to a 35 mm DIN railFour 4-terminal removable connectors, 14 AWG max wire sizeDescriptionThe DMD1080 accepts a DC voltage or current input and provide visual alarm indication and alarm relay contact outputs. 15 voltage and 9 current input ranges can be field-configured via external rotary and slide switches. Offset ranges such as 1-5 VDC and 4-20 mADC are also included.Heavy-duty relay contacts allow the module to directly control high capacity loads. F ront-accessible potentiometers are used to adjust the alarm setpoint from 0 to 100% and the deadband from 1 to 100%.The DMD1080 provides a single setpoint adjustment of the two DPST relay contacts. The alarm output can be field configured for HI or LO operation, latching or non-latching, and normal or reverse acting. Deadband control can be adjusted from 1 to 100% and the alarm setpoint from 0 to 100%.Sink/Source Input and Loop SupplyFor maximum versatility, a current input can be selectively wired for sinking or sourcing. This allows the DMD1080 to work with powered or unpowered mA inputs. A regulated 15 VDC loop excitation supply can be used to power passive input devices eliminating the need for an additional DC loop supply.Input and Alarm Status LEDsThe input LED varies in intensity with changes in the process input signal. A red/green bi-color alarm status LED visually indicate alarm status. These LEDs provide a quick visual status of your process at all times.Output Test / UnlatchA functional test button can be used to verify the alarm and system operation and also provides the additional function of unlatching the alarm when the latching mode has been selected.The output test button greatly aids in saving time during initial startup and/or troubleshooting.S w i t c h i n g C u r r e n t (A )Switching Voltage (V)Relay Contact Ratingse-mail:**************For latest product manuals:Shop online at User’s GuideWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals includ-ing nickel, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to Range SelectionIt is generally easier to select ranges before installation. See the model/serial number label for module information, options, or if a custom range was specified.Set input selector switch A to “I” for a current input or to “V” for a voltage input.Switch settings B and C determine the input range. Switch D determines the alarm configuration.Electrical ConnectionsWARNING! All wiring must be performed by a qualified electri-cian or instrumentation engineer. See diagrams for terminal designations and wiring examples.Avoid shock hazards! Turn power off to signal input, relay wiring, and module power before connecting or disconnecting wiring.Module Power TerminalsCheck white model/serial number label for module operating voltage to make sure it matches available power.When using DC power, either polarity is acceptable, but for consistency with similar products, positive (+) can be wired to terminal 13 and negative (–) can be wired to terminal 16. Signal Input TerminalsPolarity must be observed for input wiring connections. If the input does not function, check switch settings and wiring polarity.Voltage inputs are connected as shown in the table below.The input can be used with either sinking or sourcing milliamp devices. Only one device must provide power to the current loop.For a transmitter with a current output, determine if it provides power to the current loop or if it must be powered by the DMD 1080 module. Use a multi-meter to check for voltage at the transmitter’s output terminals. Typical voltage may be in the range of 9 to 24 VDC. In this case, wire the device to terminals 9 and 11.Relay Output TerminalsSee wiring diagrams for connections. The module does not provide power to the relay contacts.Inductive loads (motors, solenoids, contactors, etc.) will greatly shorten relay contact life unless an appropriate RC snubber is installed.The DMD1080 operates two sets of relays in unison with a single setpoint.The dual DPST contact sets are in a Form A (NO) and a Form B (NC) configuration.They may be field wired for Form C operation as required.Form A Form BJumper 2 & 3 for Form C operation Jumper 6 & 7 for Form C operationTest: Push to toggle relays to oppo-site stateInput LED : Variable brightness green LED indicates input level Bi-Color Alarm LEDGreen = non-alarm condition Red = alarm conditionDeadband: Smaller = counterclock-wise. Symmetrical about setpoint Setpoint: Higher = clockwiseCurrent Sourcing Input DMD1080 provides power to input loop. Typical when using a passive or unpowered transmitter or sensor.Relay Outputs Single setpoint dual DPSTCurrent Sinking Input Typical of a system using a transmitter that is externally powered and provides power to the loop.Current Sinking Input with Separate Power SupplyTypical of a system using a passive transmitter and a loop power supply to power to the loop.DMD1080:85-265 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 60-300 VDCDMD1080-DC: 9-30 VDC or 10-32 VAC 50/60 HzVoltage InputTypical of a system using a transmitter that has a voltage output.13 14 Earth Ground 16 1215InputRelay 1Power Relay 2To maintain full isola-tion avoid combining power supplies in common with input, output, or unit power.To avoid damage to the module, do not make any connections to unused terminals Wire terminal torque 0.5Nm to 0.6Nm (4.4 to 5.3 in-lbs)Mounting to a DIN RailInstall module vertically on a 35 mm DIN rail in a protective enclosure away from heat sources.Do not block air flow. Allow 1” (25 mm) above and below hous-ing vents for air circulation.PrecautionsWARNING! Avoid shock hazards! Turn signal input, output, and power off before connecting or disconnecting wiring, or remov-ing or installing module.Installation1. Tilt front of module downward and position the lower mounts and spring clips against the bottom edge of DIN rail.2. Clip Lower Mount to bottom edge of DIN rail.3. Push front of module upward until upper mount snaps into place.Removal1. Push up on bottom back of module.2. Tilt front of module downward to release upper mount from top edge of DIN rail.3.The module can now be removed from the DIN rail.Setup and CalibrationThe input ranges are factory calibrated and do not require adjustment.The Setpoint potentiometer allows the operator to adjust the level at which the alarm is activated. This control is adjustable from 0 to 100% of the input range.The Deadband potentiometer allows the alarm trip and reset window to be adjusted symmetrically about the setpoint from 1 to 100% of the span. This allows the operator to fine tune the point at which the alarm trips and resets.The deadband is typically used to prevent chattering of the relays or false trips when the process signal is unstable or changes rapidly.To calibrate the alarm section, set the deadband control to the minimum (counterclockwise).Set the signal source to a reference that represents the desired trip point.Adjust the setpoint control to the point at which the relay chang-es state form a non-alarm to an alarm condition. The deadband will be 1.0% of span in this case.If a larger amount of deadband is desired turn the deadband potentiometer clockwise. The deadband is symmetrical about the setpoint; both transition points will change as deadband is increased.Output Test FunctionWhen the test button is depressed it will drive the relays to their opposite state. This can be used as a diagnostic aid during initial start-up or troubleshooting. When released, the relays will return to their prior states.OperationThe green input LED provides a visual indication that a signal is being sensed by the input circuitry of the module. It also indicates the input signal strength by changing in intensity as the process changes from minimum to maximum.If the LED fails to illuminate, or fails to change in intensity as the process changes, check the module power or signal input wiring. Note that it may be difficult to see the LEDs under bright lighting conditions.The bi-color alarm LED provides a visual indication of the alarm status. In all configurations, a green LED indicates a non-alarm condition and a red LED indicates an alarm condition.In the normal mode of operation, the relay coil is energized in a non-alarm condition and de-energized in an alarm condition. This will create an alarm condition if the module loses power.For a normal acting, non-latching configuration, the alarm will activate when the input signal exceeds the setpoint (HI alarm) or falls below the setpoint (LO alarm), then will automatically reset when the alarm condition no longer exists.For a reverse acting alarm, the relay coil is de-energized in a non-alarm condition and energized in an alarm condition. The alarm activates when the input signal exceeds the setpoint (HI alarm) or falls below the setpoint (LO alarm), then automatically resets when the alarm condition no longer exists.When the latching mode is selected, it will be necessary to push the functional test button or remove power from the module to reset the alarm. The alarm will only reset if the alarm condition no longer exists.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affordsour customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© C opyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Havethe following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA C ustomer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUC T(S) TO OMEGA, PURC HASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S C USTOMER SERVIC E DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s C ustomer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENT A TIONS OF ANY KIND W HA TSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THA T OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY : The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theProduct(s) in such a manner.。
CTB系列 高精度电流探头说明书

深圳市知用电子有限公司AC/DC 高精度电流探头CTB500(500A/100kHz) CTB1000(1000A/20kHz)深圳市知用电子有限公司CY BE R TE K前 言首先,感谢您购买该产品。
◆ 请在相对于电路电压具有适当绝缘性的绝缘电线位置上进行测量。
◆ 机器潮湿,或用湿手测定的话,会发生触电事故,请注意。
◆ 最大测量电流因频率而异,作为降低额定值的措施,限制可连续测量的电流。
BE R TE K◆ 请勿使钳口顶端部分夹入异物,否则可能会导致传感器特性降低或者开关动作不良。
◆ 在切断连接仪器电源的情况下,请勿向本设备输入电流,否则可能会导致本仪器损坏。
◆ 为了不损坏电线的外皮,请不要踩踏或者夹住电线。
◆ 请勿在打开钳口部分的状态下触摸芯体部分,如果芯体部分静电放电,则可能会损坏本设备。
◆ 不使用时请关闭钳口,如果长期打开,钳口接触面会附着灰尘,可能会造成测量误差。
◆ 要拔出输出连接器时,请务必在解除锁定后拔出,如果强行拔拉电线,则会造成连接器损坏。
◆ 在0℃以下的环境下使用,电缆会变硬。
LEM LT208-S7 直流、交流和脉冲电流传感器说明书

Page 1/3电流传感器 LT 208-S7原边和副边之间是绝缘的,用于测量直流、交流和脉冲电流。
电参数I PN原边额定有效值电流 200AI PM 原边电流, 测量范围 0 .. ± 300AR M 测量电阻R M min R M max with ± 12 V @ ± 200 A max 0 50 Ω@ ± 300 A max 0 26 Ω with ± 15 V @ ± 200 A max 0 73 Ω @ ± 300 A max0 40ΩI SN 副边额定有效值电流 100 mA K N 转换率1 : 2000V C 电源电压 (± 5 %) ± 12 .. 15 V I C电流消耗28 (@ ± 12V) + I S mA精度 - 动态参数X G总精度 @ I PN , T A = 25°C ± 0.5 %εL线性度 < 0.1 %Typ Max I O 零点失调电压 @ I P = 0, T A = 25°C± 0.20 mA I OM 磁性失调电流 1) @ I P = 0, 通过 3 x I PN 的过载 ± 0.20 mA I OT I O 的温漂 (- 10°C .. + 70°C) ± 0.20 ± 0.64 mA t ra 反应时间 to 10 % of I PN < 500 ns t r 响应时间 2) to 90 % of I PN < 1 µs di/dt di/dt 跟随精度 > 100 A/µs BW频带宽度 (- 3 dB)DC .. 100kHz一般参数T A环境操作温度 - 10 .. + 70 °C T S 环境贮存温度- 25 .. + 80 °C R S 副边线圈电阻 @ T A = 70°C 21 Ωm 质量 79g标准3)EN 50178注释1)磁场的强磁力的结果 2)100 A/µs 的 di/dt3)备有相应的检测清单I PN = 200 A 性能应用霍尔原理的闭环(补偿)电流 ●传感器符合 ●UL 94-V0 标准的绝缘外壳优势出色的精度 ●良好的线性度 ●低温漂 ●最佳的反应时间 ●宽频带 ●无插入损失 ●抗干扰能力强 ●电流过载能力●应用交流变频调速、伺服电机 ●直流电机牵引的静电转换 ●电池电源 ●不间断电源 ●(UPS)开关电源 ●(SMPS)电焊机电源 ●应用领域工业●用霍尔原理的闭环(补偿)电流传感器•符合 UL 94-V0标准的绝缘外壳优势•出色的精度•良好的线性度•低温漂•最佳的反应时间•宽频带•无插入损失•抗干扰能力强•电流过载能力应用•交流变频调速伺服电机•直流电机牵引的静电转换•电池电源•不间断电源 (UPS)•开关电源 (SMPS)•电焊机电源I PN =50 APage 2/3电流传感器 LT 208-S7电隔离性能V d 交流隔离耐压测试有效值 1) , 50 Hz, 1 分钟 3.52kV V w 瞬态耐压 1.2/50 µs 6.5 kVMin dCp 爬电距离 2)10 mm dCI 电气间隙距离 2) 6mmCTI比较路经指数 (group IIIa)275应用参考依据 EN 50178 及 IEC 61010-1 标准,应用条件示范如下:负载电压类别: ●OV 3污染等级: ●PD2非特殊应用领域●注释 1)原副边之间2)原边至外壳表面端子安全事项传感器必须按照使用说明要求安放在符合应用标准和安全要求的电子或电气设备中.注意,小心电击传感器工作时,某些部位可能会承受危险电压(如原边母排,电源)忽视这些将导致损坏和严重危险. 传感器是内置式设备,在安装完毕后其导电部分一定要保证不被外界触及. 可采用保护壳或附加屏蔽铠装. 主电源必须能被断开.EN 50178IEC 61010-1dCp, dCI,额定耐压值额定电压单绝缘600 V 600 V 加强型绝缘300 V300 VV wPage 3/3说明I ●S 在 I P 按箭头方向流动时, 是正向的.原边导体温度不超过 ●100°C.母排完全充满原边穿孔时动态表现 ● (di/dt 和响应时间)为最佳.此模块为标准传感器. 对于不同的应用 ● (电源电压、匝比, 单项测量...)请与我们联系.机械性能自然公差 ● ± 0.5 mm紧固点 ● 2 孔 ∅ 5.4 mm 原边穿孔 ● ∅ 20 mm副边连接 ● 插座 2541 WV-4P(上海嘉仁)LT 208-S7外形尺寸 (in mm)。
青智LCT、MCT、HCT系列电流传感器 使用说明书

LCT、MCT、HCT系列电流传感器使用说明书(版本号 V 1.00)目录一、产品概述 (03)二、产品特点 (03)三、行业应用 (03)四、运行状态 (04)五、参数表 (05)六、外形尺寸 (06)七、应用连线 (09)八、注意事项 (10)一、产品概述多点零磁通技术系统应用于青智高精度交直流传感器,采用激励磁通闭环控制技术、自激磁通门技术及多闭环控制技术相结合,实现了对激励磁通、直流磁通、交流磁通的零磁通闭环控制,并通过构建高频纹波感应通道实现了对高频纹波的检测,从而使传感器在全带宽范围内拥有比较高的增益和测量精度。
五、参数表2:工作环境:-40~80℃,20~80%RH;5六、外形尺寸单位:毫米(mm)图1 LCT200外形图图2 LCT500外形图图3 MCT200外形图图4 MCT500、MCT1000、MCT1500外形图图5 HCT200外形图图6 HCT500、HCT1000外形图七、应用连线图7 LCT系列、MCT系列接线图Array图8 HCT系列接线图测试说明:R M为功率计/功率分析仪的电流端子,通过测量流过R M的测试电流Is,或者R M两端电压Ur,可以得到原边电流IpIp=Kn*Is=Kn*(Ur/R M)八、注意事项1.电流传感器在工作时二次侧不得开路;2.电流传感器二次侧有一端必须接地;3.如果误连接控制端子会造成内部电路损坏,连接时请充分注意。
STK-CTS P系列电流传感器产品说明书

Sinomags Product DatasheetCurrent SensorProduct Series:STK-CTS/PPart number:STK-25CTS/P6,STK-32CTS/P6Version:V1.2Sinomags Technology Co.,LtdWeb site:CONTENT1.Description (2)2.Electrical data STK-25CTS/P6 (3)3.Electrical data STK-32CTS/P6 (4)4.Frequency band width (5)5.Response time&noise with typical circuit (5)6.Frequency delay performace (6)7.STK-CTS/P6Dimensions&Pins&Footprint (7)1.DescriptionThe STK-CTS/P series current sensor is based on TMR(tunnel magnetoresistance)technology and open-loop design.It is suitable for DC,AC pulsed and any kind of irregular current measurement under the isolated conditions.Typical applications●AC Variable speed drives●Electric welder power supply●Inverter●Switched model power supplies(SMPS)General parameterParameter Symbol Unit ValueWorking temperature T_A℃-40~105Storage temperature T_stg℃-40~105 Mass m g10Remark1:The product will not be damaged when used at105℃Absolute maximum ratinParameter Symbol Unit ValueSupply voltage Vcc V6ESD rating(HBM)U ESD kV4Remark2:the unrecoverable damage may occur when the product works on the conditions over the absolute maximum ratings.Long-time working on the absolute maximum ratings may cause the degradation on performance and reliability. Isolation parameterParamete Symbol Unit Value Comment RMS voltage for AC test50Hz/1min Ud kV4Impulse withstand voltage1.2/50µsÛw kV6Clearance distance(pri.-sec)dCI mm>8Space shortest distanceCreepage distance(pri.-sec)dCp mm>8Shortest distance along the bodyShell material V0according to UL942.Electrical data STK-25CTS/P6Condition:T_A=25℃,Vcc=5VParameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment Primary nominal current I_pn A25Primary current measuringrangeI_pm A-2525Supply voltage Vcc V 4.755 5.25Current consumption Icc mA510Rated output voltage V_FS V±2(Vout@±I_pn)–VoffInternal output resistance R_outΩ1@Vout Quiescent voltage Voff V 2.48 2.5 2.52Vout@0A Theoretical gain G_th mV/A802V@I_pn Non-linearity Non-L%I_pn0.5±I_pn reaction time t_raµs0.5@10%of I PN Step response time t_resµs1@90%of I PN Delay time t_delayµs1@400kHz-3dB band width BW kHz400Back-end non-RCcircuitNoiseDC~10kHz DC~100kHz Vnoise mVpp1525Accuracy@RT X%of I_pn-11@25℃Accuracy X_TRange%of I_pn-2.5 2.5-40℃~105℃Note:1.Accuracy@RT,X=((Vout@In@25℃)–(G_fit*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,Here In is the current test current.G_fit is the normal temperature fitting gain.2.Accuracy,X_TRange=((Vout@In@T_x)–(G_fit@25℃*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,The fitting gain of the product at G_fit@25℃is25℃.3.Electrical data STK-32CTS/P6Condition:T_A=25℃,Vcc=5VParameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment Primary nominal current I_pn A32Primary current measuringrangeI_pm A-3232Supply voltage Vcc V 4.755 5.25Current consumption Icc mA510Rated output voltage V_FS V±2(Vout@±I_pn)–VoffInternal output resistance R_outΩ1@Vout Quiescent voltage Voff V 2.48 2.5 2.52Vout@0A Theoretical gain G_th mV/A62.52V@I_pn Non-linearity Non-L%I_pn0.5±I_pn reaction time t_raµs0.5@10%of I PN Step response time t_resµs1@90%of I PN Delay time t_delayµs1@400kHz-3dB band width BW kHz400Back-end non-RCcircuitNoiseDC~10kHz DC~100kHz Vnoise mVpp1525Accuracy@RT X%of I_pn-11@25℃Accuracy X_TRange%of I_pn-2.5 2.5-40℃~105℃Note:1.Accuracy@RT,X=((Vout@In@25℃)–(G_fit*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,Here In is the current test current.G_fit is the normal temperature fitting gain.2.Accuracy,X_TRange=((Vout@In@T_x)–(G_fit@25℃*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,The fitting gain of the product at G_fit@25℃is25℃.4.Frequency band widthFig.1the band width of STK-CTS/P series current sensors.The bandwidth of the sensor is in the range of DC~400kHz(-3dB).5.Response time&noise with typical circuitFig.2the step response time of STK-CTS/P current sensors.The light blue is primary current,while the dark blue is output signal of current sensor.。
ETCR 007AD 直流 交流钳形漏电流传感器 用户手册说明书

ETCR 007AD 直流/交流钳形漏电流传感器用户手册一. 产品简介ETCR 007AD 直流/交流钳形漏电流传感器是专为在线测量600V 及以下直流、交流漏电流、电流而精心设计制造的,采用最新CT 及数字集成技术,钳头细长设计,特别适合于排线密集的场所(电力计量系统、高铁系统、汽车电路检修等),钳形非接触测量,确保操作安全。
二. 技术规格功 能 交直流漏电流、电流测试电 源 9V DC 6LR61碱性干电池,连续使用100小时,可以根据需要引出电源线,外接电源,便于长时间连续工作测试方式 钳形CT ,非接触测量钳口尺寸 φ7mm(可钳导线外径)输入量程 0mA ~60.0A AC/DC输出电压 10mV/A ;100mV/A(两档对应输出)输出范围 1V peak max分 辨 力 1mA AC/DC精 度 ±3%FS(23℃±5℃,75%rh 以下)相位误差 ≤3°(AC 50Hz/60Hz ;23℃±2℃)调 零 调节ZERO 键可以调零,消除地磁场及外电场的干扰输出接口 φ3.5mm 音频插头/BNC 插头/4.0mm 双香蕉插头(按客户要求) 输 出 线 2芯屏蔽线,线长2m尺 寸 高宽厚:168mm ×65mm ×34mm频率响应 AC :45Hz ~400Hz DC :DC ~10kHz导线位置 被检测导线处于钳口中心位置线路电压 600V 及以下线路测试仪表质量 170g(含电池)工作电流 5mA工作温湿度 -10℃~50℃;80%rh 以下极限温度误差 -10℃~0℃及40℃~50℃,误差最大增加2%FS存放温湿度 -10℃~60℃;70%rh 以下绝缘强度 AC 3700V/rms(铁心与盒之间)适合安规 IEC1010-1、IEC1010-2-032、污染等级2、CAT Ⅲ(600V)基本配置 传感器1台、电池(6LR61 9V)1个、包装盒/用户手册/保修卡/合格证1套三.原理及结构采用分割式铁芯和霍尔元件(hole element)组合,能同时检测交流和直流漏电流、电流,当被测电流I通过传感器时,霍尔元件感应输出一个霍尔电压V H,可以通过检测霍尔电压V H,来计算被测试电流I,霍尔电压V H比例于被测试电流I。
Honeywell 电流传感器 CSN 系列 闭环线性 说明书

电流传感器特点:●最大测量电流1200安培● 可测量交流、直流、脉冲电流● 最高的性能价格比● 快速响应,无击穿现象● 高过载能力● 初级与次级电路高度隔离● 外形小巧● 竞争力的价格闭环传感器CSN 系列电流传感器是基于霍尔效应及零磁场平衡原理(反馈系统)来测量电流的。
订货指南型号CSNA111CSNB121CSNB131CSNC241CSNE151CSNE151-100CSNF163CSNF173CSNP661CSNP661-002CSNT651CSNT651-001CSNF161CSNF161-002CSNF151CSNF151-001CSNR161CSNR161-002CSNR151CSNJ481CSNJ481-001CSNJ481-002CSNJ481-003CSNK591CSNK591-001CSNK591-002CSNK591-003电流(A )rms/peak50/7050/10050/10050/9025/3625/50100/150100/15050/9050/9050/15050/150100/150100/150100/180100/180125/200125/200125/200300/600300/600300/600300/600500/1200500/1200500/1200500/1200供电电压VDC ±5%±15±15±15±13±15±12~15±15±15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~18±12~18±12~18±12~18±12~24±12~24±12~24±12~24线圈特性匝数100020002000100010001000100020001000100020002000100010002000200010001000200020002000200020005000500050005000电阻@70℃90Ω160Ω130Ω50Ω110Ω66Ω30Ω80Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω100Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω100Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω25Ω25Ω25Ω25Ω50Ω50Ω50Ω50Ω输入/输出电流比50mA /50A 25mA /50A 25mA /50A 50mA /50A 25mA /25A 25mA /25A 100mA /100A 50mA /100A 50mA /50A 50mA /50A 25mA /50A 25mA /50A 100mA /100A 100mA /100A 50mA /100A 50mA /100A 125mA /125A 125mA /125A 62.5mA /125A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 测量阻值最小值/最大值ohms*40/10040/10040/10040/100100/32054/36030/8520/15070/10070/10040/5040/5030/4030/4010/2510/2530/3530/3510/3020/2520/2520/2520/2510/2510/2510/2510/25壳体材料111111331111111111111111111初级线圈连接穿孔穿孔穿孔穿孔10针8针穿孔穿孔穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流次级线圈连接3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头工作温度0℃— 70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃-40℃—85℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃0℃—70℃0℃— 70℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃0℃— 70℃0℃— 70℃壳体材料1: 聚碳酸/ABS 混合物 2:聚酯 3:尼龙/ABS 混合物,15%玻璃纤维最大到最小负载电阻可以忽略而不会损坏内部的三极管;所示电阻值均为最大供电电压和峰值初级电流条件。

Voltage applied to leadframe (IP+ pins)
Pins 1-3 and 4-5; 60 Hz, 1 minute; TA = 25°C VIOUT to GND VCC to VIOUT Range K Range S
Rating 8
–0.5 353 28 –0.5 3000
sampled current, IP , within the range specified. CF is for optimal noise management, with values that depend on the application.
ACS756-DS, Rev. 3
Typical Application
4 IP+
+5 V
CBYP 0.1 μF
Application 1. The ACS756 outputs an analog signal, VOUT , that varies linearly with the uni- or bi-directional AC or DC primary
pins 1-3 to pins 4-5 ▪ 3.0 to 5.0 V, single supply operation ▪ 3 μs output rise time in response to step input current ▪ 20 or 40 mV/A output sensitivity ▪ Output voltage proportional to AC or DC currents ▪ Factory-trimmed for accuracy ▪ Extremely stable output offset voltage ▪ Nearly zero magnetic hysteresis
HIC-C21 系列电流传感器说明书

HIC-C21系列电流传感器1.产品介绍HIC-C21 系列电流传感器是一种利用霍尔闭环(磁平衡)原理将被测电流转换成按比例跟随输出的电流或电压的测量模块,原副边之间高度绝缘。
★交流、直流、混合电流均可测量 ★ 响应时间快★高线性度 ★ 盘式安装 ★ 原副边高度绝缘HIC-C21-300P2O102.选型信息(见右图)额定测量:300 Arms额定输出:O10:±100mA供电电源:P2: ±12-±15Vdc3.电参数Ip n额定电流值(Arms) 300I P对应测量电流范围(Arms) 150% x IpnKN 原副边变换比率 1:3000Isn 额定输出电流(Irms) 100mAX 精度(Ta =+25℃) 0.5%线性度误差 0.2%E LVc 电源电压 Pn (±5%)Ioff 失调电流(Ta =+25℃) 0.25mATr 响应时间 ≤ 1uSdi/dt di/dt跟随速度 >100A/uSf 频率范围 DC-100K HzIc 耗电 20mA + Is负载电阻(@IpN,@ ±15V) 70ΩR LRs 副边电阻31Ω工频耐压(50HZ,1min) 6KVVdRi 绝缘电阻 大于20MΩ@DC500VADD:北京林河工业开发区林河大街28号101300 Web: TEL : Fax: 508 Ext Email:- 1 -4.常规参数:Ta 工作温度 -25 - +70 ℃Ts 贮存温度 -45 - +85 ℃W 重量 约250gSt 执行标准 EN50178Hw 工作湿度 20-90% 无凝露外壳材料 符合UL94-V05. 结构图基本尺寸误差 ±1mm原边孔径 Φ32mm盘式安装 2个Φ5.0mm孔侧面安装 2个Φ4.8mm孔6.接线图端子号 定义1 + 电源正2 - 电源负3 M输出端4 / ADD:北京林河工业开发区林河大街28号101300 Web: TEL :************/89494923/89494630/89494662/89494772 Fax: 508 Ext Email: ********************.cn- 2 -7.输出曲线(图1:0±100mA输出)8.安全事项1.接线时注意接线端子的裸露导电部分,尽量防止ESD冲击,需要有专业施工经验的工程师才能对该产品进行接线操作。
电流传感器BLYK-S6A系列 说明书

为提高传感器质量,LEM保留对此传感器随时修改的权利 恕不提前通知。
• DC 4~20mA 输出
• DC 12±8mA 输 出 • +24V或+48V电源输入
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
g Ω
北京莱姆电子有限公司 空港工业区B区标准厂房1号楼 北京,中国,邮编:101300
北京空港工业区B区标准厂房1号楼 网址: http: //
E-mail: BJL@
± 1 mm
MOLEX 5045−4 2孔∅5, 孔 间 距 离 20×90mm 电位器 1:增益 电位器 2:失调
• 当原边电流沿传感器箭头方向流动时,在输出端M获得同相电
• 原边母排温度不得超过100°C • 原边母排充满孔径时,可获得最佳动态特性 • 原边额定电流值 IPN 及副边额定电压 VSN 可由用户指定生产
电话: + 86 (10) 80483178 传真: + 86 (10) 80484303
BLYK-S6A系 列 外 形 尺 寸 (单位:mm, 1 mm = 0.0394 英寸)
1. +15V 2. -15V 3. Vout 4. GND
• 常规误差 • 原边穿孔 • 副边连接 • 安装 • 调整
精度 线性度 失调电压 重复误差
温度漂移 反应时间 di/dt 跟 随 精 度 频带宽度
±2×Ipn ±1 ± 40 ±0.5
< ±10-3 /℃
< 20 50 DC .. 500
% % mV %
VSN µs A /µ s Hz
直流漏电流传感器-霍尔电流传感器 产品说明书

技术指标直流漏电流传感器辅助电源±15V(±13V~±17V)响应时间≤300mS失调电压40mV准确级1级工作温度-25~70℃温度系数400ppm输出负载≥10k输入过载能力输入量程最大值10倍/3S;输入量程最大值3倍/2h工作电流≤15mA耐压 2.5kV执行标准JB/T11205-2011直流漏电流传感器外观结构及选型说明:霍尔(闭环)电流传感器根据外形分为三种类型:AHLC-LTA、AHLC-EA、AHLC-EB,外观如下:直流漏电流传感器安装方式环境要求:1、工作场所:无雨雪直接侵袭、无腐蚀性气体和剧烈震动的场所;2、工作环境温度:-25℃~+70℃;贮存环境温度:-40℃~+80℃;3、工作环境相对湿度:<95%RH,不结露;4、海拔高度:≤2000m;5、采用螺丝固定安装;6、接线端子采用绿色可插拔端子范例型号:AHLC-LTA辅助电源:DC ±15V输入:200mA输出:5V作者简介:戴金花,女,本科,江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司,主要研究方向为电量传感器设计,Email:2880157871@ 手机:188********QQ:2880157871分类AHLC-LTAAHLC-EA AHLC-EB输入信号1010~~1000mA 1010~~1000mA 1010~~1000mA 输出信号5V 5V 5V。

C O N T E N T SATR 0, 1 & 2 SeriesTrue RMSAC Current Transducers2–3AT 0, 1 & 2 SeriesAC Current Transducers4–5ATR 3 & 4 SeriesHigh Current Transducers6–7DT 1, 2, 3 & 4 SeriesDC Current Transducers8–9AS1 Series Current Operated Switches 10–11ASM Series Self CalibratingCurrent Switches12–13AS3 Series Current Operated Switches 14–15AS3M Series Multi-poleCurrent Operated Switches16AG 1, 2 & 3 SeriesGround Fault Sensors17–19DS3 Series DC Current Switches 20–21Accessories s PBR SeriesPowerBASE™ Relays 22s Power Supply23s DIN Universal Rail Clips 23s Instrument Tags23For expert technical help, contact your localAuthorized Representative or Authorized Distributork now your power . . .because with knowledge comes control.PAGEContact us for:s Product Guide s Application Guides Power Transducers, CTs and PTs s Current Transducers and Transmitters s Current Switches sCurrent Fault SensorsDo you have other needs?Industrial Current SensorsA pplicationsVFD Controlled LoadsVFD output indicates how the motor and attached load are operating.SCR Controlled LoadsAccurate measurement of phase angle fired or burst fired (time proportioned)SCRs. Current measurement gives faster response than temperature measurement.Switching Power Supplies and Electronic BallastsTrue RMS sensing is the most accurate way to measure power supply or ballastF eaturessTrue RMS OutputTrue RMS technology is accurate on distorted waveforms like VFD or SCR outputs.s Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.s Isolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.L I N ETrue RMS AC Current TransducersSelecting the right transducer:VFD and SCR output waveforms are rough approximations of a sine wave.There are numerous spikes and dips in each cycle. ATR transducers use a mathematical algorithm called “True RMS,” which integrates the actual waveform over time. The output is the amperage component of the true power (heating value) of the AC currentwaveform. True RMS is the only way toaccurately measure distorted ACwaveforms. Select ATR transducers for nonlinear loads or in “noisy” power environments.The current waveform of a typical linear load is a pure sine wave. AT transducers measure the peaks of these sine waves,then calculate the average amperage.This works well on constant speed linear loads in a “clean” powerenvironment. Select AT transducers for strictly linear loads on “clean” power.‘ATR’ transducers from NK Technologies combine a currenttransformer and a True RMS signal conditioner into a single package.The ATR Series provides True RMS output on distorted waveforms found on VFD or SCR outputs and on linear loads in “noisy” power environments. Available in a solid or split core case.Instrument Tags allow users to individually identify each NK Technologies sensor in their system. IT Tags are permanent and non conductive. Traditional stamped stainless steel tags present a safety hazard and are not recommended for electrical sensors. Please provide a list of tag numbers with your Purchase Order.Dimensions 0.5" x 1.125"Characters2 lines of 18 characters (8 point).Spaces and dashes count as characters.Power SupplyS pecificationsInput 85–264VAC, 47-400Hz DC Output 24VDC, 25W (1.05A)DC Regulation +/–0.2% (0.048VDC)Dimensions 5.1" x 3.85" x 1.5", 1.5 lb.(13 x 9.8 x 3.8 cm, 700 gm)Environmental 14 to 140°F (–10 to +60°C), 20–90% RH PS series switching power supplies provide highlyregulated 24VDC for NK Technologiestransmitters and switches.Sensor and DIN rail not included in DIN-2 kit.ATR SeriesAccessoriesA pplicationsTotal Loop Impedance (Ohms)Notes:s Pressure plate screw terminals.s 12–22 AWG solid or stranded.s Field adjustable setpoint.Example: DS1-SDT-24UDS current switch, low range with SPDT relay contacts and 24VAC/DC power supply.O rdering InformationPower Supply Isolated Relay Output Isolated Solid State Output 34–20, 10–50 and 15–100A, Jumper Select C Custom (consult factory)SDT SPDT Relay (Form C)NOU Solid State N.O. AC/DC DS24U +24VAC/DC0%utput Operation‘AT’ Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine a current transformer and signal conditioner into a singlepackage. The AT Series has jumper selected currentinput ranges and industry standard4–20mA, 0–5VDC or 0-10VDC outputs. The AT Series is designed for application on ‘linear’ or sinusoidal AC loads.Available in a split core case or two types of solid core cases.A pplicationsAutomation SystemsAnalog current reading for remote monitoring and software alarms.Data LoggersSelf-powered transducer does not drain data logger batteries.Panel MetersSimple connection displays power consumption.L I N EAC Current TransducersAT SeriesAT Current TransducersF eaturessAccurateFactory matched and calibrated single piece transducer is more accurate than traditional two-piece field installed solutions.s Average Responding“Average Responding” algorithm gives a RMS output on pure sine waves. Perfect for constant speed (linear) loads.s Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.s Isolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.I nput RangesMAXIMUM Model Range Continuous 6 Sec. 1 Sec. AT02A80A 60A 100A 5A100A 124A 250A AT110A80A 125A 250A 20A 110A 150A 300A 50A175A 215A 400A AT2100A200A 300A 600A 150A 300A 450A 800A 200A400A500A 1,000A1m Ω Recommended 100k Ω AcceptableC AC Current TransducersA pplicationsElectric Heating ElementsInstant indication of heater status.Power SuppliesSignals over-current before equipment fails.Machine OperationInstant status of motors, lamps and other loads.Telecom SitesMonitors battery output.‘DS3’ Current Switches from NK Technologies Hall effect sensor, signal conditioner and a limit alarm into a single package. The DS3 Series has three jumper selected current input ranges and frequency response from DC to 400Hz. Available in a top terminal solid core case with either a relay output or a universal solid state output.F eaturessCompact, One-piece DesignFits in crowded motor starters, power supplies and control panels.s Input IsolationMuch safer than shunt/relay combinations.s Output InstallationIsolated output greatly simplifies wiring.s ToughDesigned to handle harsh industrial environments.s Adaptive Hysteresis— Hysteresis is 5% of setpoint.— Allows closer control than fixed hysteresis.s ReliableSolid state design.s Built-in Mounting BracketSolid, secure mounting that inspectors want to see.DC Current SwitchesDS3 Seriess –FT Case : 0.75" (19mm) dia.s –SP Case: 0.85" (21.5mm) sq.CaseUL 94V-0 flammability ratedEnvironmental –4 to 122°F (–20 to 50°C), 0–95% RH, non-condensing ListingsUL 508 Industrial Control Equipment (USA & Canada), CErdering InformationExample: AT1-005-000-SPAC current transducer, 10/20/50A range, self-powered with a 0–5VDC output in a split core case.Ranges 02 & 5A 110, 20, 50A 2100, 150, 200A 4204–20mA 0050-5VDC 0100-10VDC 24L 24VDC Loop-powered (4–20mA output ONLY)000 Self-powered (0–5/0–10VDC output ONLY)ATFF Fixed Core,Front Term.FT Fixed Core,Top Term.SP Split CoreP L o o p P o w e r (V D C )Normally Energized Models (–FS Option)Protection from faultsand loss ofcontrol power.No Power No Fault Fault N.C. Normally Closed Closed OPEN Closed N.O. Normally OpenOpenCLOSEDOpenNormally Deenergized Models (–NF Option)Protection from faultsonly when control poweris applied.No Power No Fault Fault N.C. Normally Closed Closed CLOSED Open N.O. Normally OpenOpenOPENClosedLatching (–LA Option)Latching models initially power up in the Reset position.If there is a fault or the test button is pressed, the output switches and is latched. The output will remain latched after the fault is cleared, even if control power is removed. To reset the output, apply a momentary contact across the “Reset” terminals (6–7).O utput TableControl Power Applied Control Power Applied S pecificationsSetpoint Ranges “Single-Set” Models Factory adjusted and sealed(field adjustment possible)s AG1: 5–100mA, specify when ordering s AG2: 80–950mA, specify when orderings “Tri-Set” Models 5, 10 & 30mA jumper select Output Isolated dry contact (solid state or relay,see Ordering Information)Output Ratings Solid State AC Switch: 1A @ 240VAC s Solid State DC Switch: 0.15A 30VDC s Relay: 0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @VDCOff State Leakage NoneResponse Times 200mS @ 5% above setpoint s 60mS @ 50% above setpoint s 15mS @ 500% above setpointIsolation Voltage Up to 1,250VAC (monitored circuit)Frequency Range 50–400Hz (monitored circuit)Sensing Aperture 0.75" (19mm) dia., up to 4" (100mm) dia.available, consult factory.Power Supplys 120, 200, 208, 220, 240VAC, 50-400Hz, operates from 55–110% of nominal voltage s 24VAC & 24VDC, operates +/–10%s Green LED = power (all models)Case UL 94V-O Flammability rated Environmental 5 to 158°F (–15 to 70°C),0-95% RH, non-condensing‘AT/ATR 3 & 4’ transducers from NK Technologies combine a high capacity current transformer and a signal conditioner into a single package. The AT version is Average Responding for use on linear(sinusoidal) loads. The ATR version is True RMS for use on distorted waveforms found in VFD or SCR outputs.Available in a solid or split core case.A pplicationsLarge PumpsDetect dry run electronically.GenerationMeasure the output of generators.Electric Heating Elements — Monitors heater load.— Faster response than temperature sensors.F eaturessLarge ApertureAccommodates large conductors or wire bundles.sSelect the Right OutputTrue RMS technology is accurate on distorted waveforms like VFD or SCR outputs.Average Responding—for linear,sinusoidal waveformss Three Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.IsolationMagnetic isolation protects installers and systems.Easy InstallationSingle piece with integral mounting brackets makes for a simple, solid installation.UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.Selecting the right transducer:The current waveform of a typical linear load is a pure sine wave. AT transducers measure the peaks of these sine waves,then calculate the average amperage.This works well on constant speed linear loads in a “clean” powerenvironment. Select AT transducers for strictly linear loads on “clean” power.VFD and SCR output waveforms are rough approximations of a sine wave.There are numerous spikes and dips in each cycle. ATR Transducers use a mathematical algorithm called “True RMS,” which integrates the actual waveform over time. The output is the amperage component of the true power (heating value) of the AC currentwaveform. True RMS is the only way to accurately measure distorted ACwaveforms. Select ATR transducers for nonlinear loads on “noisy” power.LI NEAT/ATR 3 & 4 SeriesShown withsolid core case.Example: AG1-NOAC-120-005-FSGround fault sensor with normally open solid state output, 120VAC power supply, 5mA setpoint, fail safe version.24U 24VAC/DC 120120VAC 200200VAC208208VAC 240240VAC NCAC Normally Closed 1A @ 240VACNOAC Normally Open 1 A @ 240VACNCDC Normally Closed 0.15A @ 30VDC NODC Normally Open 0.15A @ 30VDCNCR1Normally Closed Relay,0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDC NOR1 Normally Open Relay,0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDCCR1Form C Relay (SPDT) 0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDC(available only with LA Latching Option)TR3Tri-Set Models 005Factory AdjustedSetpoint in mA 950AGO rdering Information15–100mA, Adjustable 280–950mA, Adjustable35, 10 & 30mA, Jumper SelectFS Normally Energized NF Normally Deenergized LA Latching (available only with CR1 Output Option)k now your power . . .because with knowledge comes control.Specifications Output Signal 4–20mA, Loop-powered Output Limit 23mAAccuracy1.0% FS accuracy, True RMS Measurement True RMS or Average Responding (see Ordering Information)Response Time 500mS (to 90% of step change)Frequency Range s ATR: 10–400HzsAT: 50–60Hz, SinusoidalPower Supply 24VDC Nominal; 40VDC Maximum Isolation Voltage 600VACInput Ranges s AT/ATR3: 375, 500, 750A s AT/ATR4: 1000, 1333, 2000A Sensing Aperture 3.0" (76mm) dia.CaseUL 94 Flammability rated Environmental –4 to 122°F (–20 to 50°C),0–95% RH, non-condensingListingsUL 508 Industrial Control Equipment s Observe polarity.Example: ATR4-420-24L-FLTrue RMS AC current transducer, 24VDC powered with a 4–20mA output, 375, 500 and 750 amp range in a fixed core case.*R True RMS—Average Responding (Blank)420 4–20mAFL Fixed Core ATO rdering Information24L 24VDC Loop-poweredC onnectionsTypical of Latching VersionTypical of Auto-reset VersionTotal Loop Impedance (Ohms)L o o p P o w e r (V D C )P Ranges 3375, 500,750A41000, 1333,2000A*Split core version available in the Spring of 2000.for Tri-Set ModelsTypical of Latching VersionTypical of Auto-reset Version Notes:s Dead front terminals.s Connections are not polarity sensitive.AG Series Latching version shown.A pplicationsBattery Banks— Monitors load current.— Monitors charging current.— Verifies operation.TransportationMeasures traction power orauxiliary loads.Electric Heating Elements Faster response than temperature sensors.ToDC Current TransducersDT SeriesA pplicationsPersonnel Protection (typically 5mA)Senses low fault currents and alarms to shut power before injury occurs.Equipment Protection (typically 30mA)When personal protection is not an issue, select a higher setpoint to protect equipment or product Regulatory ApprovalMeet requirements by industry groups and governments for Ground Fault Protection.Operating Principal: Under normal conditions, the current in the hot leg of a two-wire load is equal in strength but opposite in sign to the current in the neutral leg. These two currents create magnetic fields that are also equal but opposite. When the wires are next to each other, the fields cancel,producing a “Zero Sum Current”. If any current leaks to ground from one wire (Ground Fault), the two currentsbecome imbalanced and the result is a net magnetic flux or field. AG Series ground fault sensors monitor this field and alarm when leakage rises above setpoint. This concept applies togrounded 3-phase delta and wye systems.Ground Fault SensorsF eaturessOperation to Match Your Application:Latching—For controlling contactors.Auto-Reset—For controlling shunt trip breakers.s Setpoint Options to Match Your Needs:Tri-Set —Field select 5, 10 or 30mA.Fast and convenient. (AG3 only)Single-Set —Factory adjustedsetpoint. Specify 5–100mA (AG1) or 80–950mA (AG2) when ordering.s Compatible with Standard EquipmentWorks on 1φ or 3φ power. Controls standard shunt trip breakers or contactors. Tie into Emergency Circuits (EMO/EPO).s IsolatedMagnetically isolated from themonitored circuit and control power s UL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.L I N EEasy to Apply on 1φ or 3φ AG Series‘AG’ Series sensors from NK Technologies protect people, products and processes from ground faults by monitoring all current-carrying wires in grounded single or 3-phase systems.DC Current Transducers‘DT’ Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine aHall effect sensor and signal conditioner into a single package. The DT Series has jumper selectable current input ranges and industry standard 0–20mA, 4–20mA, 0–3VDC, 0–5VDC or 0–10VDC outputs.Available in a split core package.F eaturessThree Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.sIsolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s Internal Power Regulation— Works well, even with unregulated power.— Cuts installation costs.s Easy InstallationSplit core design with built-inmounting brackets makes installation a snap.Auto-reset version shown.A pplicationsPump ControlIndividually adjustable indication of overload (jam) and underload (suction loss).Dual AlarmEasy setup for dual level alarms.F eaturessMulti-pole OutputMonitor two setpoints with one sensor.s Self-poweredCuts installation and operating costs.s Easily Adjustable Setpoint Speeds startup.s Solid or Split Core CaseChoose the right version for each installation.s Built-in Mounting Bracket Provides the solid installation inspectors want.s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.I Over/Under Current Alarm Over/Under Current Alarm with One Input (JumperIExample: AS3M-CCDC-FFAdjustable multipole current switch, “Super”Form C output, fixed core with front terminals.Output Rating AADC Dual Normally Open,Individually Adjustable,0.15A @ 30VDC CCDC “Super” Form C SPDT,Individually Adjustable,0.15A @ 30VDCCase Style FF Fixed Core,Front Term.AS3MO rdering InformationAS3M Series‘AS3M’ Current Switches are a multi-pole version of the popular AS3 Series. The AS3M Series combines a current transformer, signal conditioner and two limit alarms into a single package. The AS3Series has three jumper-selected current input ranges, solid-state DC output and a wide frequency range. Available in a front terminal solid core case.S pecificationsSee page 15, “AS3 Series” specifications and dimensional drawings.Multi-pole Current Operated SwitchesO utput PolarityDC Current Transducers0–95% RH, non-condensing10050020–50 VDC or Output loop is powered byDT Transducer. No loop power supply required.Notes:s Deadfront captive screw terminals.s 12–22 AWG solid or stranded.s Observe polarity.U UnipolarExample: DT2-420-24U-USplit core DC/DC current switch, mid range, 24VAC/DC powered with a 4–20mA output that is unipolar.O rdering Information1 50, 75, 100A2 100, 150, 200A3 150, 225, 300A4 200, 300, 400A C Custom Range0200–20mA 4204–20mA 0030–3VDC 0050–5VDC 0100–10VDCDT24U +24VAC/DC *Bipolar version available in mid 2000.AS1 Series‘AS1’ Current Switches fromNK Technologiescurrent transformer, signalconditioner and limit alarm intoa single package. The AS1 serieshas an extended current inputrange, universal solid-stateoutputs and a wide frequencyresponse. Available in a splitCurrent Operated Switchess Terminals are #6 screws.s DC contacts are polarity sensitive.Current Operated SwitchesA pplicationsElectronic Proof of Flow— No need for pipe or duct penetrations.— More reliable than electro-mechanical pressure or flow switches.Conveyors— Detects jams and overloads.— Interlocks multiple conveyor sections.Lighting CircuitsEasier to install and more accurate than photocells.Electric HeatersFaster response than temperature sensors.selected current input ranges,solid-state AC output and a widefrequency range. Available in asplit core or front terminal solidcore case.LINEF eaturess Choice of Outputs— Solid state switch N.C. or N.O.— 1A @ 240VAC.— 15A @ 120VAC.s Self-poweredCuts installation and operating costs.s Adjustable SetpointSpeeds startup.s Solid or Split Core CaseChoose the right version for eachinstallation.s Built-in Mounting BracketProvides the solid installationinspectors want.s UL, CUL and CE ApprovalAccepted worldwide.Example: AS1-NOU-SPNOU NormallyOpenNCU NormallyClosedFF Fixed Core, Front Term.FT Fixed Core, Top Term.SP Split CoreAS1O rdering InformationNotes:s Terminals are #6 screws.s Normally open contacts shown (NOU).s Normally closed contacts similar (NCU).Typical ofModels with LEDTypical ofGo/No-Go ModelsResponse Time0.120 SecondSetpoint Range s Fixed Core: 1–150As Split Core: 1.5–150AHysteresis5% of SetpointOverload MODEL CONTINUOUS 6 SEC 1 SECs–GO250A500A1,000A (NOU)s–GO150A400A1,000A (NCU)s All Other150A400A1,000AIsolation Voltage UL Listed to 1,270VAC, tested to 5,000VACFrequency Range6–100HzSensing Aperture s–FF Case: 0.55" (14mm) dia.s–FT Case: 0.75" (19mm) dia.s–SP Case: 0.85" (21.5mm) sq.Case UL 94V-O Flammability ratedEnvironmental–58 to 149°F (–50 to 65°C),0–95% RH, non-condensingListings UL 508 Industrial Control EquipmentGO Go/No-Go Version(Fixed Setpoint)NL No LED—With LED (Blank)ASM SeriesSelf-Calibrating Current Switches。
3015-9005 电流传感器使用说明书

Instruction ManualP/N: 3015-9005Revision 2November 2017 Product Leadership ∙ Training ∙ Service ∙ ReliabilityNOTICE Specifications and information contained in this document may change without notice due to product improvements and enhancements.Bacharach, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Bacharach, Inc.!WARNING: This product is considered to be Group 1 Class A equipment as defined by EN 55011 standards and is suitable for use in industrial environments. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments (e.g., domestic environments) due to conducted as well as radiated disturbances.Register your warranty by visitingCopyright © 2017, Bacharach, Inc.,all rights reserved. BACHARACH is a registered trademark of Bacharach, Inc. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.Section 1. Overview1.1. IntroductionThe H-10 Pro is the most versatile, high performance leak detector available in the industry today. It detects refrigerants to pinpoint small, medium, and large leaks quickly and efficiently. Review this manual carefully and completely to assure satisfactory product performance and a long service life.1.2. Safety Warnings! WARNING: For your safety, DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks of refrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-rated refrigerants).!HAZARDOUS AREA WARNING: This instrument has not been designed to be intrinsically safe for use in areas classified as hazardous locations. For your safety, DO NOT use it in hazardous (classified) locations.1.3. General Warnings!WARNING: This device is not to be used in any application that is beyond its intended purpose or beyond the scope of its specifications. For details on appropriate use, refer to the rest of this manual. Before risking equipment damage or personal injury, contact Bacharach if you are unsure of the validity of a particular application.!IMPORTANT:This analyzer is not intended to be used on a continuous basis.!WARNING:Except for replacement of consumables such as sensors, filters, and battery, this analyzer should only be opened and/or serviced by authorizedBacharach personnel. Failure to comply may void the warranty.!WARNING: Do not store instrument or its sensors with solvents or products that contain solvents.!IMPORTANT:Equipment Damage HazardsA.Submerging the probe in liquid willdamage the pump.B.Exposing the probe to pure refrigerantwill severely reduce the life or destroy the sensor. Life of the sensor is directly proportional to the amount of refrigerant that it is exposed to.C.Exposure to high concentrations ofrefrigerant may require adjustment of sensor heat. Refer to section Specifications[1]Based on normal use. Consistent and/orconstant exposure to high levels of refrigerantwill deteriorate the sensor life more quickly.Increasing the sensor heater will also impactsensor life.[2]DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks ofrefrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-ratedrefrigerants).[3]Sensitivity for R12, R22, R134a, R410a, R404a andR507 when unit is set to small leak setting,manual mode.[4]This warranty does not cover sensors, referenceleaks, filters, airflow balls, lamps, batteries, orprobe tips. This warranty does not coverdamages caused by the user.∇∇∇Section 2. Operation2.1. OverviewThe H-10 Pro sensor uses positive ion emission technology, commonly known as a heated diode. It is very sensitive to only halon substances (refrigerants) making this product highly resistive to false alarming, while retaining superior sensitivity for pinpointing the most difficult to find refrigerant leaks.A pump inside the unit draws air through the probe to the sensor. The presence of refrigerant(s) causes the H-10 Pro to sound a speaker and illuminate an LED in the probe. Sensitivity to pinpoint small, medium, and large leaks can be controlled by setting the Leak Size switch (see Section 2.2).2.2. Panel Controls2.3. Before First Use…Before you use the unit the first time: 1.Remove the sticky-label disc from thecap of the calibration reference bottle.This disc can be reused to help seal the vial when the leak detector is not in use, or it can be discarded. DO NOT attempt to unscrew the cap, you may damage the bottle. The calibration reference bottle should last approximately six months.2.With the Power switch in the OFFposition, charge the battery using the wall adapter. Charge time is 3-4 hours or until the Full Charge LED turns green.2.4. Adjusting the SensitivitySet the Leak Size switch as follows.SMALL switch position is the highest sensitivity. The unit will indicate leak rates of 0.006 oz/yr or greater and is used for fluorine-based (HFC) gases like R134a. This position also assures highest repeatability for locating 0.1 oz/yr (or greater) leaks per SAE J2791 moving probe test conditions. It must always be used to verify performance and calibration when using the calibration reference bottle.When using the small leak range position, a leak of HFC causing an audible signal equal to that produced by the leak vialhas a leak rate of approximately 0.5 oz/year.MEDIUM switch position is used for chlorine-based (CFC and HCFC) gases like R12 and R22. The medium setting will indicate approximately a 0.1 oz/yr (or greater) leak rate. This position supports finding leaks of approximately 0.5 oz/yr (per SAE J2791) or greater. It is also useful for locating larger HFC leaks.When using the medium leak range position on a CFC or HCFC system, this leak rate would also be approximately 0.5 oz/year.LARGE switch position is used to zero in on large leaks of any refrigerant. The large leak setting should be used in conjunction with manual mode.2.5. Auto Mode vs. Manual ModeAuto mode enables the H-10 Pro to block out background levels of refrigerants. This greatly reduces and/or eliminates false alarms while retaining sensitivity to quickly locate small or medium size leaks. Pinpointing leaks in this mode requires continuous probe movement.If the probe is held stationary over a leak, the unit will zero out the leak, going into the idle 1 tick/second condition. Briefly moving the probe away from the leak (1-2 seconds) permits the unit to re-establish sensitivity. Returning to the leak site, the unit will alarm again. Continuing thisprocedure will reliably and repeatedly pinpoint the leak with each pass over the leak site.If a large leak is present, the auto zero circuit may reduce sensitivity to an unacceptable level to find small and medium sized leaks. If this condition exists, use the manual mode to pinpoint a large leak. The manual mode is also an effective means to determine if a large leak of any refrigerant exists prior to searching for leaks (see Section 2.4).In Manual Mode the auto-zero circuit is disabled. The unit will not zero the leak if the probe is held over the leak site. This mode may require frequent readjustment of the Manual Balance control to maintain the required 1 tick per second that indicates proper adjustment and calibration for all three sensitivity switch positions. Manual mode provides greater sensitivity than auto mode.2.6. Setup1.Turn the unit on.2.Slide mode switch to AUTO position.3.Slide the sensitivity switch to theSMALL position.4.Check Low Battery LED. If it glows red,the battery needs charging, or youmay operate the unit using the supplied wall adapter.!NOTE: The sensor does not operate when the low battery LED is on.5.Check for sufficient airflow by pointingthe probe tip toward the floor, covering it with your finger, then releasing your finger. If proper flow exists, the red ball should noticeably rise up into the probe when you uncover the probe tip. Note that the actual height and final resting position of the red ball are not important. If the airflow ball does not rise:a.Tap the probe lightly to ensure theball is not sticking.b.Check the filter in the probe tip,per Section 4.1. If the flow is stillinsufficient, then the unit shouldbe sent for repair to the nearestAuthorized Service Center.6.Allow two minutes for the sensor towarm up, after which the flashing probe light and sound indicator will idle at approximately 1 click per second.7.Test operation by quickly touching theprobe tip to the top of the calibration reference bottle (make sure sticky label is removed). The unit should respond with a rapid flash rate and sound verifying correct operation and optimum sensitivity. If the unit does not respond correctly, see Section Checking for Leaks! SAFETY WARNING: For your safety, DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks of refrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-rated refrigerants). 1.Set the range switch to theappropriate range to ensuremaximum sensor life. If the leak sizeis unknown, start at the Large leaksetting. This protects the sensor if alarge amount of gas is present.!IMPORTANT:Exposing the sensorto large amounts of refrigerant orholding the probe over a leak for along period of time will significantlyshorten sensor life.2.Check for leaks in a logicalprogression through the entiresystem.3.If surfaces are dirty or wet, wipethem off with a clean, dry cloth toreduce filter clogging and extendsensor life. DO NOT allow the unit todraw in moisture. Use of the suppliedrubber probe tip helps preventmoisture from being drawn into theunit. Check for moisture beforeinserting the probe into areas to bechecked for leaks.4.If leaks have not been detected usingthe large leak setting: Try using themedium or small setting asappropriate.If leaks have been detected using thelarge leak setting: After locating andrepairing any leaks requiring the useof the LARGE switch setting, switchto the MEDIUM setting and verify thesystem is free of leaks. For HFCrefrigerants (such as R134a), verifythe system is leak free using theSMALL setting. For CFC and HCFCsystems (such as R12 and R22), theMEDIUM setting is typically sufficientto verify that the system is free ofleaks that require repairing.After a leak is located and repaired,clear the area with shop air, set theunit on the small leak sensitivity, anddouble check equipment for smallleaks.∇∇∇Section 3. Calibration andPerformance3.1. Heater AdjustmentsThe sensor heater circuit can be adjusted to control the sensitivity of the unit. A heat setting that is too high causes instability due to excessive sensitivity and shortens sensor life. A heat setting that is too low causes decreased sensitivity. The heater adjustment LEDs, heater adjustment, and calibration reference bottle is a unique system for setting the correct sensor heat (sensitivity) for optimum performance and long sensor life. To check the heater setting:1.Slide the mode switch to AUTO, slidethe leak switch to SMALL, turn ONthe unit and allow it to stabilize(approximately 2 minutes).2.When stabilized (at approximately 1click per second), briefly touch theprobe tip to the calibration referencebottle with the probe (ensure thesticky label disc is removed from thetop of the bottle.3.If adjusted properly, the red LOWLED will go out and the green OK LEDwill briefly glow. This indicates thesensor’s heat/sensitivity is adjustedfor optimum performance.If the red LOW LED remains on whenyou briefly touch the bottle, thesensor heat is set too low and theHeater Adjustment must be turnedslightly clockwise using a smallscrewdriver. Allow unit to stabilizeabout one minute and retest. Repeatthis procedure until the green OK LEDbriefly glows.If the red HIGH LED glows, the heat isset too high and the heateradjustment should be turned slightlycounterclockwise using a smallscrewdriver. Allow the unit tostabilize for about 1 minute and thenrepeat the test. Repeat thisprocedure until the proper green OKLED is indicated.!NOTE:After initial check for correct heater adjustment, disregard the calibration LEDs. Their indication is meaningless during subsequent leak testing activity.!NOTE:Check for proper heat adjustment on a daily basis. This assures the H-10 Pro is calibrated for the correct sensitivity for your daily test activity.!NOTE:Frequency of sensor heat adjustment is a function of how much exposure the sensor has to refrigerant. Adjustment may be required every couple of weeks for heavy duty service and once every few months for light duty service. !NOTE:Over the usable sensor life, when heater adjustment is fully clockwise and the green OK LED will not come on, it is time to replace the sensor. (See Section 4.3.)∇∇∇Section 4. Maintenance4.1. Replacing the FilterTo protect the pump from damage due to foreign particles and moisture, replace the filter as it becomes dirty. With moderate use (15 to 30 minutes a day), it is recommended that the filter be replaced once per month. In dirty environments or with heavy use, replace the filter more frequently. Always replace the filter when it is visibly dirty or wet. To replace the filter, follow the steps below.1.Remove the black rubber probe tip.2.Pick out the filter with a pin ortweezers. A fine screen will remain in the tip of the probe nozzle (behind where the filter sits).3.Insert the new filter in the probe tip.Make sure that the filter is firmly seated against the screen.4.Replace the rubber probe tip.4.2. Replacing the Airflow Indicator1.Remove the clear plastic section of theprobe tip by gently pulling and twisting.2.Turn the probe tip upside-down andtap on it to remove the old airflow indicator ball.3.Insert the new airflow indicator ballinto the tip.4.Reattach the probe tip to the probeassembly.4.3. Replacing the SensorThe sensor needs to be replaced when the H-10 Pro no longer responds to the calibration reference bottle, even with the heater adjustment turned fully clockwise (make sure the reference bottle contains some refrigerant).1.Turn the leak detector OFF.2.Turn the heater adjustment to itsfull counterclockwise position.3.Unplug the power cord and openthe sensor cover.4.Allow the sensor to cool beforetouching it.!WARNING: Sensor temperaturemay cause a burn if not allowed tocool.5.Unplug and discard the sensor.6.Insert a new sensor and close thesensor cover.7.Adjust the heater per Section 3.1.∇∇∇Section 5. Troubleshooting 5.1. Diagnosing IssuesP=Problem C/S=Cause/Solution(s) P No response to calibration reference bottle.C/S Heat Adjustment is set too low or bottle is empty. Readjust heater (see“Heater Adjustment” section) orreplace bottle (3015-0864).No air flow (indicator ball in probedoesn’t float). Replace filter in probetip (3015-0784). Check for properpump operation.Sensor exposed to excessive amountsof halogen gas. Move probe to cleanatmosphere for several minuteswhile sensor purges itself.Water is in the probe. Turn unit offand disconnect probe from chassis.Remove screws and take out chassis.Look at the underside of the leakdetector and follow the probe to thepump. Remove this hose from thepump. Blow clean air (5 psi) into theprobe tip for one or two minutes.Reassemble unit and replace thefilter (3015-0784).P Erratic response occurs in all leak positions.C/S Filter is clogged. Replace the filter (3015-0784).Dirt is in the sensor. Remove sensorand blow it out with clean air (notover 10 psi). If unsuccessful, replacethe sensor (3015-0486). Replace thefilter (3015-0784).Sensor has a short circuit. Replacesensor (3015-0486).Atmosphere is contaminated withexcessive refrigerant gas. Ventilatethe area.P Response is continuous (especially in SMALL leak switch position).C/S Detector sensitivity is excessive.Readjust heater (see “HeaterAdjustment” section).5.2. Limited WarrantyThe purchaser is warranted that this leak detector will be free of defects in material and workmanship for 3 years from date of purchase. This warranty does not cover sensors, reference leaks, filters, airflow balls, lamps, batteries, or probe tips. Damages caused by the user will not be covered.If any defects are discovered during the warranty period, an Authorized Service Center will repair or replace the unit at their option. The foregoing limited warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether written or implied, and no warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose will apply.5.3. Repair InformationShould it become necessary to repair your H-10 Pro, please contact an authorized service center. Units should be carefully packed to prevent shipping damage and shipped prepaid.5.4. Spare Parts5.5. Authorized Service Centers Replacement parts and service can be obtained by contacting one of the following Bacharach Service Centers.United StatesBacharach, Inc.621 Hunt Valley CircleNew Kensington, PA 15068Phone: 724-334-5051Fax: 724-334-5723Email: ******************** CanadaBacharach, Inc.10 West Pearce Street, Unit 4 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1B6CanadaPhone: 905-470-8985Fax: 905-470-8963Email: ******************∇∇∇Bacharach, Inc.621 Hunt Valley CircleNew Kensington, PA 15068 USA Phone: 724-334-5000 • Fax: 724-334-5001 Toll Free: 1-800-736-4666Website: E-mail:********************。

Application Manual1800.888.5538 : Relay and Current Sensor in OneDirectly start/stop load and current sensing all in one package (no external ring is needed.) Wire colors to “Load” and “60 Hz ac” differ depending on the model being used. Configurations are either YELLOW & ORANGE, BLUE & YELLOW, or ORANGE & ORANGE.Internal 20 AmpRIBX24BF RIBX24SBF RIBX24BA RIBX24SBAInternal 10 AmpRIBXLCF RIBXLSF RIBXLCA RIBXLSAInternal 5 AmpRIBXLCEA RIBXLSEAMotor StarterAllows relay to control a motor starter while sensing current flowing to the motor.External Sensor RingRIBXLCRF RIBXLCRA RIBXLCJF RIBXLCJA RIBXLSRF RIBXLSRA RIBXLSJF RIBXLSJASensor only for 1.25 Amp to 150 Amp LoadUse sensor only devices without relay where start/stop is not required.External Sensor RingRIBXRA RIBXRFPanel Mounted Relay and Internal SensorStart/Stop Relays with Internal Current Sensors measure current flow through the relay contacts, no external ring is needed. Senses current as low as .50 Amp.Internal 20 AmpRIBMX24BFRIBMX24SBFRIBMX24BARIBMX24SBAInterlocking LoadsSome RIBX current sensor relays can be used to sense 1 or more loads to turn on another.Internal 10 AmpRIBXLCRFRIBXLCRARIBXLCJFRIBXLCJARIBXLSRFRIBXLSRARIBXLSJFRIBXLSJAInterlocking Loads (No Transformer)Self-powered Current Sensors of the RIBX Series and relays of the Dry Contact Input RIB® Series may be applied to interlock Load 2 to Load 1.Dry Contact Input RelaysRIB21CDCRIB01BDCRIB01SBDCRIB02BDCRIB02SBDCRIBM01ZNDCRIBM02ZNDCRIBM013PNDCRIBD01BDC (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC (Time Delay)RIBD01BDC-DOB (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC-DOB (Time Delay)Current SensorsRIBXKFRIBXKTFRIBXKARIBXKTARIBXGARIBXGFRIBXGTARIBXGTFRIBXGFLRIBXGTFLRIBXFRIBXARIBXRFRIBXRARIBXJFRIBXJARIBMXFRIBMXARIBMXRFRIBMXRA2Functional Devices, Inc. : American Made. American Owned.3800.888.5538 : Damper Motor Control with True-HOAThe damper motor can be stopped in mid position for debugging. When auto/manual selector is in auto, relay controls the load. When in manual, use the manual switch to control the load.24 Vac From Controller10 & 15 Amp RIBU1SC RIBH1SC RIBTU1SC RIBTH1SC RIBMU1SC RIBMH1SCRIBU1S vs. RIBU1SCStock model RIBU1SC for relay control applications that require true-HOA on either N/O or N/C. No jumpers and no wrong orders.20 Amp RIB2401SBC RIB2402SBC RIBT2401SBC RIBT2402SBC RIBM2401SBC RIBM2402SBC10 & 15 Amp RIBU1SC RIBH1SC RIBTU1SC RIBTH1SC RIBMU1SC RIBMH1SC 20 Amp RIB2401SBC RIB2402SBC RIBT2401SBC RIBT2402SBC RIBM2401SBCRIBM2402SBCManual Analog Override SwitchInitial installation or trouble shooting can be smoother and much less costly by adding the RIBMNA1D0. It allows you to manually control an analog output without accessing complicated algorithms in a controller. An indicator is provided for visual confirmation of percentage output. When you are finished, you can switch back to auto to put the controller back in control.4Functional Devices, Inc. : American Made. American Owned.Limit Extra Transformers with Dry Contact Input RelaysEliminate the expense of extra transformer(s) and associated wiring.Detect Water Levels with Dry Contact Input RelaysIf the water touches the wires, the relay will turn on (closes COMMON to N/O and opens COMMON to N/C.)Uses UL Approved low-voltage to sense water and activate relay.Enclosed Relays RIB21CDC RIB01BDC RIB01SBDC RIB02BDC RIB02SBDCRIBD01BDC (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC (Time Delay)RIBD01BDC-DOB (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC-DOB (Time Delay)Track Relays RIBM01ZNDC RIBM02ZNDC RIBM013PNDCEnclosed Relays RIB21CDC RIB01BDC RIB01SBDC RIB02BDC RIB02SBDCRIBD01BDC (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC (Time Delay)RIBD01BDC-DOB (Time Delay)RIBD02BDC-DOB (Time Delay)Track Relays RIBM01ZNDC RIBM02ZNDC RIBM013PNDCMonitoring Switch Position with a ControllerDigital In 1 and 2 of the controller can be used to monitor the position of the HOA switch. The controller can be programmed to log the status of the HOA and provide a warning if the switch is in an override position.Enclosed Relays 10 Amp RIBU1SM RIBH1SMTrack Relays 15 Amp RIBMU1SM RIBMH1SM RIBMNU1SM RIBMNH1SMHigh Voltage Optoisolated RelaysOptoisolated relays help isolate noisy loads from the controller. Good for controlling power relays from analog outputs.Enclosed RelaysRIBTE01BRIBTE02BRIBTE01SBRIBTE02SBRIBTE01PRIBTE02PLow Voltage Optoisolated RelaysOptoisolated relays help isolate noisy loads from the controller. Good for controlling power relays from low powerdigital or analog outputs.Enclosed RelaysRIBTELCRIBTELSRIBTE24BRIBTE24SBRIBTE24PPolarized RelaysRelays are polarized to work in a supervised system and may be turned on and off by reversing polarity.For fire alarm systems, smoke control systems, etc.Track RelaysRIBME2401BRIBME2402BRIBME2401SBRIBME2402SBRIBME2401PRIBME2402PTrack RelaysRIBME2401BRIBME2402BRIBME2401SBRIBME2402SBRIBME2401PRIBME2402PEnclosed RelaysRIB12C-FARIB24C-FARIB12S-FARIB24S-FARIBT24B-FARIB24P-FATrack RelaysRIBMN12C-FARIBMN24C-FARIBMN12S-FARIBMN24S-FA5800.888.5538 : 6Functional Devices, Inc. : American Made. American Owned.Condense Work Space and Wiring (Power Control)Power Control Centers allow you to save large amounts of time, space, and wiring throughout your panel.By using one of Functional Devices' Power Control Centers you will greatly reduce installation time, as well as save space in your enclosure.There is a lot of extra wiring in this enclosure which not only takes up space but also increases the di culty and time associated with installation.Enclosed 4 Amp PSPT2RB4PSPW2RB4Condense Work Space and Wiring (Power Supplies)The PSC, PSH, and PSB Series Power Supplies allow you to save large amounts of time, space, and wiring throughout your panel.By using one of Functional Devices' Power Supplies you will greatly reduce installation time, as well as save space in your enclosure.There is a lot of extra wiring in this enclosure which not only takes up space but also increases the di culty and time associated with installation.Power SuppliesAny models ending in “B10” in the PSC, PSH, or PSB Power Supply SeriesSwitch in a Box Enclosed ControlsPre-labeled 20 Amp switches are great for new installations or last minute corrections to controls jobs. Switch labels may be custom selected when ordering.2 Position SIB04S SIB05S3 Position SIB02S SIBLSEnclosed 10 Amp PSPT2RB10PSPW2RB107800.888.5538 : Electronic Air CleanerModels RIBXGHF, RIBXGHTF, RIBXGHA, or RIBXGHTA can be used to control an electronic air cleaner based on whether or not the blower motor is turned on.Humidifier ControlSolid and split core current sensors can be used along with a humidistat for control of a humidifier based on whetheror not the blower motor is turned on.Enclosed Mini Current Sensors RIBXKF RIBXKTF RIBXKA RIBXKTA RIBXGF RIBXGTF RIBXGA RIBXGTAOccupancy Sensor on Open Protocol NetworkA LonMark® certified or a BACnet® compatible relay with a digital input can be used with an occupancy sensor in a room and turn on and off loads based on that status. This saves the cost of buying a LonMark® compatible or BACnet®compatible occupancy sensor by utilizing the digital input on our device.LonMark® Certified Relays RIBTW2401B-LN RIBTW2402B-LN RIBTW2401SB-LN RIBTW2402SB-LNBACnet® Compatible Relays RIBTW2401B-BC RIBTW2402B-BC8Functional Devices, Inc. : American Made. American Owned.Loop-Powered RIBXK420 Series and RIBXG420 Series (High-Accuracy)Enclosed Mini Current Sensors RIBXK420-20RIBXK420-50RIBXK420-100RIBXG420-20RIBXG420-50RIBXG420-100Hands and tools exposed to high voltage while adjusting potentiometer ofcurrent sensor( OLD WAY )DangerHands safely away from high voltage becauseSCAL adjusts itself( NEW WAY )SafeSelf-Calibrating Current Sensors RIBXGA-SCAL RIBXGTA-SCALSelf-Calibrating Current SensorsThe self-calibrating current sensor begins its 30 second self calibration process the first time current is applied within the operating range. This procedure uses the user selected differential to set the trip threshold at a 15% or 25% level. Selection is completed prior to install using the appropriate DIP switch setting, keeping the installer’s hands away from possible shock hazard, as well as saving installation time.Enclosed Mini Current Sensors RIBXK420-20RIBXK420-50RIBXK420-100RIBXG420-20RIBXG420-50RIBXG420-100Enclosed Relays RIBTELC RIBTELS RIBTE24B RIBTE24SB RIBTE24PTrack Relays RIBME2401B RIBME2402B RIBME2401SB RIBME2402SB RIBME2401P RIBME2402PControl Optoisolated Relay with 4-20mA LoopAdd 250Ω across Optoisolated Relay 5-25 Vdc control input. Relay turns on at approximately 10mA and off at 8mA.Echelon® Thermistor-In ApplicationA thermistor is used to read the temperature of a room or area. That data is fed back to the LonWorks® system. When the temperature is out of range, the relay is commanded by the network, activating the exhaust fan, heater, or other device. A current sensor is used to feed back load status to the network. If there is a command and status mismatch, the network can issue an alarm to the operator’s console.Enclosed RelayRIBTW24SB-LNT2RIBTW24SB-LNT3Track RelayRIBMW24SB-LNT2RIBMW24SB-LNT3Enclosed Mini Current SensorsRIBXKFRIBXKTFRIBXKARIBXKTAEchelon® Relay / Current Sensor ApplicationSave time, money, and messy wiring. LonMark® certified relay contains an internal current sensor for load status. Relay control andload status are easily accessible from the FT-10 Network.Enclosed ModelRIBTWX2401SB-LNRIBTWX2402SB-LNTrack ModelRIBMNWX2401SB-LNRIBMNWX2402SB-LNRIBXGFRIBXGTFRIBXGARIBXGTARIBXGFLRIBXGTFL9800.888.5538 : Delay on Break (DOB) Time Delay Load 2 stays on selected amount of time after load 1 goes off.In this example, voltage can beSelect RIB® with coil inputappropriate to sense Load 1.Time Delay Relays RIBD2421CEnclosed RelayRIBTW24SB-LNAITrack RelayRIBMW24SB-LNAIEnclosed Mini Current SensorsRIBXKFRIBXKTFRIBXKARIBXKTA Echelon® Analog-In ApplicationSimple and easy load control and status along with analog input provide everything needed to control andinterface to your HVAC application. Save the expense of a controller for smaller remote jobs or complete largerjobs, as well.RIBXGFRIBXGTFRIBXGARIBXGTARIBXGFLRIBXGTFLEnclosed RelaysRIBD01BDCRIBD02BDCActivate Load for Pre-Determined Time Using Dry Contact Input / Time Delay Relay and Normally Closed Switch• Activate (open) switch until load comes on.• Release switch.• Load will be powered until time delay exprires.AM578M 05.21.1510Functional Devices, Inc. : American Made. American Owned.。

TJ(max) Tstg
Voltage applied between pins 1-3 and 4-5; tested at 3000 VAC for 1 minute according to UL standard 60950-1
Working Voltage for Reinforced Isolation
Forward Output Voltage Reverse Output Voltage Output Source Current Output Sink Current
Nominal Operating Ambient Temperature
Thermally Enhanced, Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
Features and Benefits
▪ Industry-leading noise performance through proprietary amplifier and filter design techniques
ACS758-DS, Rev. 3
4 IP+
+3.3 or 5 V
霍尔传感器 HS01-C 系列电流传感器 说明书

霍尔传感器·HS01-C 系列电流传感器 “BingZi 兵字”/传递品质安全典范HS01-C 系列电流传感器一、特点1.立式卧式两种穿芯方式,接线端子引出,使用灵活方便,外形美观;2.利用霍尔效应及磁补偿原理,被测回路与测试回路绝缘度高;3.用于测试直流、交流、脉动电流;4.全封闭,机械和耐环境性好,电压隔离能力强,安全可靠。
二、使用环境条件1.工作温度范围:-20℃~+75℃;2.相对湿度:温度为40℃时不大于90%;3.大气压力:860~1060mbar (约为650~800mmHg)。
三、工作频率范围:0-150kHz 。
四、绝缘耐热等级:B 级(130℃)。
五、安全特性:1.绝缘电阻:常态时大于1000M Ω;2.抗电强度:可承受工频6000V/1分钟;3.阻燃性:符合UL94-V o 级。
5.副边连接:+:+15VDC -:-15VDC M:电流输出端0:±15电源相对零点九、典型应用●直流变频调速,伺服电机牵引●直流电机牵引的静态转换●不间断电源(UPS)●开关电源(SMPS)●电焊机电源。
Sensata Technologies 电流传感器产品说明书

1-DCL | SERIESFeatures• R atings from 7 A to 40 A @ 200 VDC and from7 A to 10 A @ 500VDC • Mosfet Output• UL Approved, CE Compliant to EN60950-1• Improved SEMS screw and washer• Redesigned housing with anti-rotation barriers • DC control• EMC Compliant to Level 3• Epoxy Free DesignPRODUCT SELECTIONOUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS 2INPUT SPECIFICATIONS2GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 2WIRING DIAGRAM*Inductive loads must be diode suppressed.EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAMS-DC +DC-DC+DCInput Current vs Input Voltage Standard Regulated “DC” InputsI n p u t C u r r e n t (m A )DC Input VoltageMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS2(2 places)Tolerances: ±0.02 in / 0.5 mm All dimensions are in: inches [millimeters]Screw TerminationHex Standoff Termination (“K” Option) 1S u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D2D07LS u r g eC u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D2D40LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D4D12LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )D5D10LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D1D40LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )S u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D1D20LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )Duty Factor 10%Duty Factor 20%Duty Factor 50%For Pulse Wide Modulation applications selectthe curve according duty factor and pulse duration as following.(i) for Single Surge Pulse Tc=40°C ;Tj 175°C(ii) for Repetitive Surge Pulse Tc=40°C ;Tj 130°CDuty Factor=Pulse Wide Periodx100 (%)S u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D2D12LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D4D07LS u r g e C u r r e n t (A m p )Surge Duration (msec )D5D07L(iii) SSR metal base plate acting as heat sink, it must be exposed to free ambient air.Ambient Temperature (ºC)D1D07L5°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)D1D12L3°C/W5°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)Ambient Temperature (ºC)D1D20L2°C/W3°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)Ambient Temperature (ºC)D1D40L1°C/W3°C/W5°C/WAmbient Temperature (ºC)D2D07L3°C/W5°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)Ambient Temperature (ºC)D2D12L3°C/W5°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)Ambient Temperature (ºC)D2D40L0.7°C/W1.5°C/W5°C/WAmbient Temperature (ºC)D4D12L1°C/W2°C/W5ºC/WAmbient Temperature (ºC)D4D07L2°C/W3°C/WNo Heat Sink(iii)Ambient Temperature (ºC)D5D07L1°C/W3°C/W5ºC/WAmbient Temperature (ºC)D5D10LAmbient Temperature (ºC)0.7°C/W2°C/W5°C/WACCESSORIESAVAILABLE OPTIONSNot all part number combinations are available.Contact Crydom Technical Support for information on the availability of a specific part number. Array * Required for valid part number**For options only and not required for valid part numberPage 8CONTACT USAmericas+1 (877) 502 5500************************Europe, Middle East & Africa +44 (1202) 416170***********************Asia Pacific*************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006 ext 2808Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, WARNINGS(1)Option “K” is designed and tested for use with printed circuit boards or ring/fork terminals having a thickness between 0.031 and 0.093 inches (0.79 to 2.36 mm).(2)All parameters at Tc=25°C unless otherwise specified.(3)Heat sinking required, see derating curves. (4)Low current loads and high ambient temperature can affect turn-on time.(5)8VDC Minimum control voltage. Resistive loads only. Consider switching losses; at maximum frequency reduce to 75% output current.(6)Increase minimum voltage by 1V for operations from -20 to -40°C.(7)Decrease maximum control voltage 1.35V/°C above 80°C ambient temperature.(8) A ll parameters at 50% power rating and 100% duty cycle (contact Crydom tech support for detailed report).For additional information or specific questions, contact Crydom Technical SupportGENERAL NOTESAGENCY APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONSEN60950-1: Meets the requirements of sections1.5: 1,7: 2.9: 4.2: 4.5: 4.7:IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Level 3IEC 61000-4-4 Electrically Fast Transients Level 3IEC 61000-4-5 Electrical Surges Level 3E116950RISK OF MATERIAL DAMAGE AND HOT ENCLOSURE• The product’s side panels may be hot, allow the product to cool before touching • Follow proper mounting instructions including torque values • Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter this productFailure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury, or equipment damage.HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION OR ARC FLASH• Disconnect all power before installing or working with this equipment • Verify all connections and replace all covers before turning on powerFailure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.。

Instructions for Installation of a 5 Amp Current SensorPlease read these instructions completely before installing or removing device. Improper installation could be hazardous to personnel and/or equipment. Veuillez lire les presentes directives au complet avant d’installer ou de retirer le dispositif. Une mauvaise installa-tion pourait causer des blessures au personnel et/au endom-mager I’equipement.Por favor lea estas instrucciones en su totalidad antes de instalar o mover el aparato. Una instalacion inapropiada puede ser peligrosa para el personal y/o el equipo.Installation InstructionsCS005 Current Sensor is for use in the installation with exist-ing 5 A Secondary Current Transformer. Connect the wire from polarity side of 5 A Secondary Current Transformer to H1(+) terminal of the CS005 Current Sensor and connect the wire from non-polarity side of the 5 A Current Transformer to H2(-) terminal of the CS005 Current Sensor. We recom-mend using a shorting block between 5 A Secondary Current Transformers and CS005 Current Sensors.The Current Sensors plug into the current sensor Inputs 1 through 16 on the IQ Multipoint Energy Submeter II or A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, or C2 on PXMP Meter Module. Plug loca-tions are clearly marked. The plugs are keyed, so they cannot be plugged incorrectly. Refer to the installation instruction leaflet included with the IQ Multipoint Energy Submeter II or PXMP Meter and to an installation schematic for the configu-ration of the inputs.In some applications, a PXMP-SC-XOVER Crossover Cable is required when using the CS005 in order to measure watts with the proper polarity. Refer to Page 2 for detailed informa-tion.Figure 1. CS005 to 5 A CT Connection Diagram for PXMP Metering Applications.Instruction Leaflet IL02601003E Rev DEffective May 2015Instructions for Installation of a 5 Amp Current SensorEaton Electrical Sector 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2015 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. IL02601003E Rev D / TBG00871Part No. 66A2156H05May 2015Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.PXMP: See Figures 2 and 3.Figure 2. CS005 with H1/H2 T erminal Markings for PXMP Applications.Figure 3. CS005 with T1/T2 T erminal Markings for PXMP Applications Requires PXMP-SC-XOVER-3 Sensor Cable Crossover Kit (Kit Includes Three Crossover Cables).IQMESII: See Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4. CS005 with H1/H2 T erminal Markings for IQMESII Applications Requires PXMP-SC-XOVER-3 Sensor Cable Crossover Kit (Kit Includes Three Crossover Cables).Figure 5. CS005 with T1/T2 T erminal Markings for IQMESII Applications.CS005 to 5A CT Connection Diagrams**Old CS005 Style New CS005 Style ** Applications illustrated in Figures 3 and 4 require the use of a PXMP-SC-XOVER Crossover Cable with CS005 for proper polarity.New CS005 StyleOld CS005 Style。
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AIT400-SG 高精度电流传感器
◇医疗设备:扫描仪、MRI ◇轨道交通:高速列车、地铁、有轨无轨电车◇电力:变流器、逆变器◇测试仪器仪表:功率分析仪、高精密电源◇新能源:光伏、风能◇汽车:电动汽车
◇计量:检定与校准◇智能电网测量:发电、电池监测、中低压变电站◇工业控制:工业电机驱动、UPS 、焊接、机器人、吊车、电梯、滑雪升降机
项目符号测试条件最小值标称最大值单位原边额定直流电流I PN_DC— — ±400 — Adc 原边额定交流电流*I PN— — 282 — Aac 原边过载电流I PM1分钟— — ±480 Adc 工作电压V C— ±14.2 ±15 ±15.8 V 功耗电流I PWR原边额定电流±30 ±230 ±270 mA 电流变比K N输入:输出2000:1 2000:1 2000:1 — 额定输出电流I SN原边额定电流— ±0.2 — A 测量电阻R M见图1 0 5 12 Ω
* :指交流有效值
项目符号测试条件最小值标称最大值单位准确度X G输入直流,25±20ºC — — 10 ppm 线性度εL— — — 2 ppm 温度稳定性T C— — — 0.1 ppm/K 时间稳定性T T— — — 0.2 ppm/month 供电抗干扰T V— — — 1 ppm/V 零点失调电流I O@25ºC — — 1(用户可调零)ppm 纹波电流I N DC-10Hz — — 0.5 ppm
动态响应时间t r di/dt=100A/us,上升至90%I PN— — 1 us 电流变化率di/dt — 100 — — A/us
频带宽度(-3dB) F — 0 — 500 kHz
零点失调电流I OT全温度范围— — ±5 μA
项目符号测试条件数值单位隔离电压/ 原边与副边之间Vd 50Hz,1min 5 KV
瞬态隔离耐压/ 原边与副边之间Vw 50us 10 KV
爬电距离/ 原边与外壳之间dCp — 11 mm
电气间隙距离/ 原边与外壳之间dCi — 11 mm 相比漏电起痕指数CTI IEC-60112 600 V
项目符号测试条件最小标称最大单位工作温度范围T A—-40—+85ºC 质量m—1060±20g
N.C Interlock(-) GND
I_Output Interlock(+)
通过测量流过R M的测试电流I s,或者R M两端的电压U R,
可以得到原边电流I P:
I P=K N∗I S=K N∗(U R/R M)
图A: 传感器正常运行时低电平输出
+VCC : +3…+35V
传感器 用户
联通:互感器正常工作,Vout 输出电压为Gnd 断开:互感器工作不正常,Vout 输出电压为Vcc
D-Sub9 Pin
D-Sub9 Pin
+VCC : +3…+35V
传感器 用户
联通:互感器正常工作,Vout 输出电压为Vcc 断开:互感器工作不正常,Vout 输出电压为Gnd
D-Sub9 Pin
D-Sub9 Pin
3.光电耦合器中引脚Vout的输出,与用户端设计电路有关,如下表所示:项目Vout 描述
图A <0.2V 传感器运行状态正常
Vcc 传感器运行状态异常,处于过载模式或供电电源异常
图B <0.2V 传感器运行状态异常,处于过载模式或供电电源异常Vcc 传感器运行状态正常
本产品为模塑件,材料为PC+PBT,外形与安装尺寸公差按照GB/T14486-2008 MT6执行。
0~3 3~6 6~10 10~14 14~18 18~24 24~30 30~40 40~50 50~65 65~80 80~100 100`120 120~140
MT6 ±0.23 ±0.26 ±0.29 ±0.33 ±0.27 ±0.41 ±0.45 ±0.50 ±0.57 ±0.65 ±0.74 ±0.84 ±0.96 ±1.10。