



教学目标:1. 让学生了解跨文化交际的基本概念和重要性。

2. 培养学生对不同文化差异的敏感性和理解能力。

3. 提高学生的跨文化交际意识和实际操作能力。

教学重点:1. 跨文化交际的概念和重要性。

2. 不同文化差异的识别和应对策略。

教学难点:1. 学生对不同文化差异的理解和适应。

2. 学生在实际跨文化交际中的沟通技巧。

教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍跨文化交际的概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 提问:同学们认为跨文化交际在我们的生活中有哪些重要性?二、基础知识讲解1. 教师详细讲解跨文化交际的概念、特点、原则等基本知识。

2. 通过案例分析,让学生了解不同文化差异的具体表现。

三、文化差异对比1. 教师引导学生分析中西方文化差异,如:时间观念、空间观念、个人主义与集体主义等。

2. 学生分组讨论,对比中西方文化差异,分享各自的观点。

四、实际操作训练1. 教师设计一个跨文化交际场景,如:商务谈判、旅游交流等。

2. 学生分组扮演不同角色,进行实际操作训练。

3. 教师观察并指导,帮助学生提高跨文化交际技巧。

五、总结与反思1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调跨文化交际的重要性。

2. 学生分享自己在实际操作训练中的收获和体会。

3. 教师针对学生的表现进行点评和指导。

教学资源:1. 多媒体课件:跨文化交际基本知识、文化差异对比案例等。

2. 文化差异对比表格:中西方文化差异对比。

3. 跨文化交际场景模拟案例。

教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、讨论和实际操作表现。

2. 知识掌握情况:通过课堂提问和课后作业检查学生对跨文化交际基本知识的掌握程度。

3. 实际操作能力:评价学生在跨文化交际场景模拟中的表现,如沟通技巧、应对策略等。

教学反思:1. 教师根据学生的反馈,调整教学策略,提高教学效果。

2. 教师关注学生在跨文化交际中的实际需求,提供针对性的指导。

3. 教师鼓励学生积极参与跨文化交际实践,提高跨文化交际能力。



重点1 Definition of cultureCulture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, institutions and munication patterns that are shared, learned and passed through the generations in an identifiable group of people.重点2 Characteristics of culture(10) 1、Culture is sharedCulture is a system of shared values beliefs or patterns of behaviors held in a group ,organization or society.It is not property of any individual.2、culture is cumulativeHuman beliefs, arts etc. are results of many generations.Every generations can discover the new things.The new knowledge are added to what was learned in previous generations.3、culture is learnedCulture is not inherent with any people.Culture can not be genetically and automatically passed down from previous generations.And it should be taught and learned by people.4、culture is adaptiveCulture is created by humans. Humans have to adapt the environment . thus is in development bears the trait of being adaptive5、culture is dynamicAt the same time that new culture are added, and the old ones are lost because they are no longer useful.6、culture is symbolicSymbols generally serve as municative tools for a multitude purposes, on a persons as well as culture level.7 、culture is relationalCulture is an organic whole. All the ponents of culture are interlinked.8 、culture is implicit and e*plicitSome layers culture are easy to be observe, like eating ,dressing, talking. But the ideas underlying the behaviors are generally hard to know. Many scholars label the culture as iceberg.9、 culture is universal10 、culture is diversified重点3 Hall,s dimensionsHigh conte*tHigh-conte*t munication relies heavily on nonverbal, conte*tual and shared cultural meanings.The meanings are not fully e*pressed.Meanings are determined by 〞 things are said , rather than 〞 is said.日本欧洲东部和南部阿拉伯CollectivismLow conte*tVerbal codes rather than the information impliesClear straight and to-the-point munication美国德国斯堪的纳维亚IndividualismMonochromic cultureDo one thing at one time, Concentrate on the job, take time seriously, low-conte*t and need information, mit to the job, religiously to the plans, not disturbing others, seldom borrow or lend things, emphasize promptnessPolychromic cultureDo many things at once, subject to interruptions, consider time mitments an objective to be achieved, high-conte*t and already have information. Change plans often. Emphasize the relationships.重点4 Triandis,s individualism & collectivismIndividualismFosters independence and individual achievement,Promotes self-e*pression ,personal choice, individual thinkingAssociated with egalitarian relationships and fle*ibility in rolesUnderstand the physical world as knowable apart of human lifeCollectivismInterdependence and group successPromotes adherence to normsAssociated with stable, hierarchical rolesShared property, group ownership重点5 Elements of municationSource (sender)EncodingMessageMedium(channel)ReceiverDecodingResponseFeedback重点6 Grice,s cooperative principle Quantity ma*imMake your contribute as informative as is required for the current purpose of e*change.Do not make your contribution more information than isrequired.〔量的准则——话语提供充分而不多余的信息〕Quality ma*imMake your contribution is ture〔质的准则——话语的容是真正的〕Relation ma*imBe relevant〔关系准则——话语与话题有关,即与所要实现的意图有关〕Manner ma*imBe perspicuousAvoid obscurity of e*pressionAvoid ambiguityDe brief and orderly(方式准则——说话要清晰明白、简洁而有条理)重点7 Brown & levinson’s face theoryFace is something that is emotionally invested, can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be often attended to in municationPeople cooperate while maintaining face in interaction. Face theory : face threatening acts (FTAs)Politeness strategiesPoliteness 子威胁行为威胁行为strategies: bald on-record不使用补救措施赤裸裸的公开实行面off-record indirect strategy 非公开的实行面子negative politeness 消极礼貌策略Positive politeness 积极礼貌策略Face: negative facePositive face重点8 Thought patternsField dependence场依存性Holistic thinking eastern peoplePerspective of the whole, all the relevant parts take into account.Easily influence by othersField independence场独立性Analytic thinking western peopleDivinding the whole into parts to analyze the features or relations between the partsHardly influence by othersEastern: field-dependence, holistic thinking, high-conte*t Western: field-independence, analytic thinking, low-conte*t 重点9 Phases of negotiationPreparation 准备Non-task sounding 非任务测探Task-oriented e*changePersuasion 劝说ConcessionConclusion重点10 ponents of a brandBrand name 品牌名称〔产品〕Brand mark 品牌标志〔产品〕Trade name 商号〔公司名字〕Trade mark 品牌商标重点11 SWOT analysisStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats重点12 Intercultural advertising strategiesStandardization strategyConvey and e*tend the same advertising message to different markets and culturesKey point:Deal with the different markets using the same massageE*ample:MarlboroPhilips优点: reinforce the corporate imageSaving energyBe convenient to manage pared with several ads缺点: unlikely to be adaptive without change to all foreigncultureResult in misunderstanding or conflict even ruin a businessLocalization strategyStresses the specialties of the local market and adaptation to the local market environment重点13 Three meaning layers of adsthe surface meaningthe intended meaningthe cultural meaning。



跨文化交际考试重点归纳work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR题型:part I, True or False,30% (提醒学生在答题时要正确的画A,错的画B)15x2 (除第八章)part II. Multiple Choices 20%, 20x1.(2,4,5细节)Part III. Cultural Puzzles 10% (与课后习题中的cultrual puzzles 类似,不过是四个选项,范围为课后习题中的cultural puzzles 和我们在每个单元划出的重点案例)5X2.Part IV. Term Matching 15%(名词解释,从备选的terms 中选择与其对应的definitions,要考到的terms 都已经发给大家) 15x1.Part V. Short-Answer Questions 15% (简答题,范围在我们划过的重点内) 5X3. Part VI. Case Study 10% (课外案例分析,阅读一个案例,回答三个小问题,题目不会超出课内讲解的内容)10 x1.要补充的重点为p114, (E. Discover the meaning of some common gestures in English), p129, (B. What are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively)另外让学生深入研究unit 5 和Unit 2,Unit 4(culturally-loaded words),以及每单元的重点案例,以及单元后面的练习A, B(划过的问答题),C (Euphemism Understanding), 以及E (cultural puzzles)TermsUnit 11. Economic globalization:经济全球化 the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.2. Global village:地球村 All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet.3. Melting pot:大熔炉a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities.4. Cultural Diversity:文化多样性the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong.5. Intercultural communication:跨文化交际communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.6. Culture:文化 a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.7. Enculturation:文化适应all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation.8. Acculturation:文化传入 the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.9. Ethnocentrism:民族优越感the belief that your own cultural background is superior.munication:交际to share with or to make common, as in giving to anothera part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge.(以下为components of communication)PS: what is the difference between encoding & decodingEncoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.Decoding is the process of assigning meaning to the symbols received.11. Source发送信息的人The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.12.Encoding编码Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea you desire to communicate. Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.13.Message信息The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object.14.Channel渠道The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication. 15.Noise噪音The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.16.Receiver接的人The receiver is the person who attends to the message.17.Decoding解码Decoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver is actively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received.18.Receiver response反馈The receiver is the person who attends to the message. Receiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message.19.Feedback反馈Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning. 20.Context语境The final component of communication is context. Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication.精讲案例Case 1 (p.1) case 2 (p.2)思考题1、what are the four trends that lead to the development of the global villageP8-9+简要说明convenient transportation systemsinnovative communication systemseconomic globalizationwidespread migrations2.What are the three ingredients of culture?Artifacts(the material and spiritual products people produce)Behavior(what they do)Concept(what they think)3.How to understand cultural iceberg? P7The aspects of culture that are explicit,visible,taught.The aspects of culture that are intangible and not taught directly.4.What are the characteristic of culture?Shared ,learned,dynamic,ethnocentric(文化中心主义),5.What are the characteristic of communication?Dynamic,irreversible,symbolic,systematic,transactional,contextualUnit 2-411. Pragmatics:语用学the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behavior.12. Semantics:语意 the study of the meaning of words.13. Denotation:字面意思 the literal meaning or definition of a word --- the explicit, particular, defined meaning.14. Connotation:弦外之音the suggestive meaning of a word --- all the values, judgments, and beliefs implied by a word, the historical and associative accretion of the unspoken significance behind the literal meaning.15. Taboo:禁忌语 some objects, words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons.16. Euphemism:委婉语 the act of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.精讲案例Case 1, case 2(p.17) case 4 (p. 19) Case 2 (p 43) case 3 (p.45) Case 1 (p.67) case 3 (p.69)思考题6. How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing? (p.33)The Americans tend to address only with given names while the Chinese may use the full name. Even when the full names are used in some formal occasions by the Americans,the given names would be placed before the surname while the Chinese would do the opposite.Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage while the Americans seldom do so.The Chinese tend to address the people with titles but in English only a few occupation or titles could be used.7. What are the social functions of compliments (p.60) (答案p50 第一段)Compliments have a series of social functions: creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment. Unit 517. Chronemics:时间学 The study of how people perceive and use time.18. Monochronic time:一元时间概念paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.19. Polychronic time:多元时间概念being involved with many things at once.20. Proxemics:空间学the perception and use of space.21. Kinetics:身势学the study of body language22. Paralanguage:辅助语言involving sounds but not words and lying between verbal and nonverbal communication.精讲案例case 1 (p. 85) case 3 (p.87) case 5, 6 (p.90) case 7 (p.91)思考题8. What are the different features of M-time and P-time? (p97)M-time means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.M-time is noted for its emphasis on schedules, segmentation and promptness. It features one event at a time. Time is perceived as a linear structure and something concrete tangible.P-time means being involved with many things at once.P-time is less rigid and clock-bound. It features several activities at the same time. It is more flexible and human-centered.9. what is the meaning of common gestures in English P114 (答案P233-234)Unit 6精讲案例 case 1 (p.115) case 2 (p.116) p.124-126中的小案例思考题9. How is gender different from sex? (p.129) (答案P.119/120)10. What has influenced the gender socialization?There are two primary influences on gender socialization: family communication, particularly between mothers and children and recreational interaction among children.11.What are the six principles for effective cross-gender communication (p. 129) (答案127-128)Suspend judgement, recognize the validity of different communication styles, provide translation cues, enlarge your own communication style, suspend judgement.12.what are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively?P123Unit 7精讲案例case 1 (p.137) case 3 (p.139)13.Discuss the concepts of high context culture and low context culture (p153) (结合最后一个单元中ppt的讲解,了解high-context culture 和low-context culture 两个概念)A high-context communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message. In high-context cultures, verbal messages have little meaning without the surrounding context, which includes the overall relationship between all thepeople engaged in communication. (沉默是金;一切尽在不言中;心有灵犀一点通)A low context communication is the just the opposite; i.e. the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code.High-context culture low-context cultureJapanese Chinese Korean American ………….. German German-SwissUnit 923. A planetary culture:行星文化a culture that integrates eastern mysticism with western science and rationalism.24. Intercultural person:跨文化的人 represents someone whose cognitive, affective, and behavioral characteristics are not limited but open to growth beyond the psychological parameters of his or her own culture.思考题13. What are the American/Chinese cultural values like in terms of Cultural Orientation put forward by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?(ppt中的补充内容)As far as the human nature is concerned, American culture holds that it is evil but perfectible through hard work. As to the relation of man to nature, they think mankind can conquer nature. They also have a linear time concept and therefore they are future-oriented. They focus on doing and think that only actions can solve the problem. They are quite individualistic and therefore they focus less on the benefits of the group.As far as the human nature is concerned, Chinese culture holds that it is good but corruptible without proper education. As to the relation of man to nature, they think mankind can live in harmony with nature. They also have a cyclical time concept and therefore they are past-oriented. They have a being-and-becoming attitude towards activity and think that man should keep an inner peace as nothing is eternal. They are quite collective and therefore they focus more on the benefits of the group. 14. Identify the features of each of four Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and use them to analyze the cases (案例分析)。



Culture: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.Objective Culture: history, religion, literature, language, food, etiquette, law, and customs.Subjective Culture: feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be –the concept of time, spaces, friendship, love, family, communication pattern, etc.Characteristics:Learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, dynamic, ethnocentric.Doing Culture: It is meant to be a contrast to learning “about” culture underscores the idea that communicating across cultures is a process of making meaning, of people understanding one another so they can get to know one another, build relationships, and solve problems together. It should not be words on paper, but ideas in practice.Communication: Human communication is the process through which individuals –in relationships, groups, organizations and societies –respond to and create messages to adapt to the environment and one another.Characteristics: Dynamic and interactiveIntercultural Communication: Generally speaking, it refers to interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds, such as interactions between people from America and China, between whites and African Americans, between Hispanic and Japanese AmericansThe form of Intercultural Communicationa. Interracial communication –people from different racesb. Interethnic communications –the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins.c. Intercultural communication –communication between members of the sameculture, in which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple memberships.(gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or female)Communication Competence (ICC competence)The cognitive component –how much one know about communication.The affective component –one’s motivation to approach or avoid communication The behavior component –the skills one has to interact competently. Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make sense of them.Pattern of Thought: The way people in a culture think influences the way they interpret strangers’ messages.World views: The grid (decentralized. This pattern does not have a fixed center) The radiating star (highly centralized. In this pattern important things are at the center and everything else radiates out from the center)The inside/ outside pattern (圈子)female maleprivate publichome market, mosque, coffee housethe outside is plain, not welcoming, even forbidding. The walls are thick to protect what is inside.highly centralized pattern: important people sit in the front middle;decentralized pattern: people sit equally.Stereotyping: People generalize to make sense of his experience. The result of the process of over generalizing based on limited or inaccurate information.The classification of stereotypes1. Negative stereotype of other cultures: Prejudice (severe prejudice)2. Positive stereotype of one’s own culture: Cultural superiority Characteristics: universal, unavoidable, stable, variable, ethnocentrismHigh context communication & Low context communicationHC culture (察言观色): Relies mainly on the physical context or the relationship for information, with little explicitly encoded.LC culture: provide most of the information in the explicit code itself.Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make sense of them.High contact and low contact culture:In high contact cultures people want to get close enough to one another and to objects to sense them in these ways.People in these countries stand closer, touch more, engage in more eye contact and speak more loudly than people do in lower-contact cultures.In a low contact cultures, people rely more on sight, and especially sight at a far distance. People are most likely to stand a certain distance away to get the whole picture, without actually feeling or sensing the other person’s body heat or subtle smell. So in low contact culture as America, one is taught not to breathe on people.However, this visual space seems unfriendly and indifferent to those from high contact cultures, which favor tactile space.When a person from a high contact culture goes to a low contact culture, he or she is likely to feel that people are cold, lack human warmth, and are indifferent and pay no attention to them.low-contact: Asia ; moderate-contact: Australia, Northern Europe, United States high-contact: South America, Mediterranean, the Arab worldLarge and smell Power Distancespower distance is an attempt to measure cultural attitudes about inequality insocial relationships.In high power distance cultures, position in a hierarchy is considered to benatural and important. People are expected to show only positive emotions toothers with high status and to display negative emotions to those with low status;tend to decrease gaze in the presence of powerful people.Low Power Distance Culture: Minimize and eliminate the differences in power and status; more emotional display, increase the amount of gaze. People believe that the differences in power between boss and workers should be reduced and not mphasized.Individualism VS CollectivismThe individualism index measures the extent to which the interests of the individual are considered to be more important than the interests of the group. People from individualist cultures are more likely to act on principles that apply to everyone, principles that are universal and apply to associates and strangers alike. Collectivists are not unprincipled, but when making decisions they tend to give a higher priority to relationships than individualists do. They expect people who are involved in a group relationship to have duties and obligations to one another. Masculinity (Toughness) VS Femininity (Tenderness)Masculinity means everyone in society embraces values that have traditionally been associated with men, that is assertiveness, competitiveness and toughness. On the feminine side of the scale we find societies in which people generally embrace values that have traditionally been labeled as feminine, that is modesty, cooperation and tenderness.Strong and weak Uncertainty AvoidanceThe Uncertainty Avoidance Index seeks to measure the extent to which people in a particular society are able to tolerate the unknowns of life. In high uncertainty avoidance countries people experience more stress and a sense of urgency as they go through their daily routines. Relationships are guided by strict rules. People from low uncertainly avoidance countries do not have a strong need to control things, people, and events by clearly defining and categorizing them. Relationships are guided by strict rules.Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationGenerally speaking, it refers to interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds, such as interactions between people from America and China, between whites and African Americans, between Hispanic and Japanese Americans The form of Intercultural Communicationa. Interracial communication –people from different racesb. Interethnic communications –the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins.c. Intracultural communication –communication between members of the sameculture, in which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple memberships.(gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or female)Language&CulturePeople pay attention to basic language in cross-culture communication because of the essential role these codes play in communication and they are part of object culture. The same word may stir up different associations in people under different cultural background, e.g. the word “dog”. In eastern culture, dogs are dirty, brutal and stupid. But in western culture, dogs are lovely, loyal and obedient. They are faithful friends and compassionate animals.Language reflects culture. Language expresses cultural reality, reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks, etc. For example, American businessmen often encode their meanings in metaphors and images from these sports.Chinese traditional sport culture emphasizes the harmony between human beings and oneness between man and nature. It is morality, benevolence, entertainment and longevity. But western sports culture is competition and sportsmanship.Culture shock: Troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture.U-Curuemodel:Excitement→Confusion→Frustration→Effectiveness→Appreciation。






3.1959年Edward Hall出版的《无声的语言》看作是跨文交际学的奠基之作。


















17.Let’s keep our fingers crossed.表示希望事情能够成功。



跨文化交际重点归纳Unit 1 Intercultural CommunicationWhat is culture?Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. Generally speaking, culture is the way of life.Culture is everything and everywhere.Thanks to culture, without it we can’t survive in societyA metaphor比喻of cultureWe compare culture to iceberg.It suggests that only small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.Habits, dress and manners are visible.Worldview, value systems, ways of thinking, national character and any other deep concepts are foundation of visible part.“Where are you going?”in China ,we give a general answer to it.Chinese culture emphasizes on social relationship and the heavy interdependence between Chinese people.In western countries, it may be interpreted as an intrusion into one’sprivacy.The underlying individual-oriented relationship is the invisible part of the iceberg.exercise1. If you are a tourist guide, what are you expected to say when you are showing the foreign visitors to another site?A. This way, please.B. Come here, please.C. Follow me, please.D. Move on.2. A visitor stops you in the corridor of your head-office probably to ask for the way. What is your most likely reply to the visitor’s “Excuse me”?A. What’s the matter?B. Yes?C. That’s all right.D. Don’t worry.3. At a fair, a visitor, accidentally having knocked down your poster, says, “I’m terribly sorry.” What should you reply?A. It doesn’t matter.B. Never mind.C. Don’t worry.D. That’s all right.What is Intercultural communication?“Intercultural communication is contact between persons who identify themselves as distinct from one another in cultural terms.” (Collier & Thomas, 1998)intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar & Porter)To further understand “intercultural communication”, please read the section of “Intercultural Communication Reading” on P.2 and answer the questions:1 In the story, why does Pete could not communicate well with Chinese students?Language problemCulture problemThe way Pete handled the intercultural communication situation2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication? Language difference.(If we understand others’ language or dialect, but not their communication rules, we can made fluent fools of ourselves.) Nonverbal communication: gestures, postures, facial expression etc. Stereotypes: like culture, religion, idea, value, etc.Watch a video and get a deeper understanding.Classifications of Communicationverbal /nonverbalDirect /indirectInterpersonal / interorganizational / mass media-basedIntracultural /interculturalIntrapersonal / interpersonal/…Case studyRead the passage of “ an Intercultural Classroom”. This is the beginning of this passage:It was a hot day. Since it was still too early to use the air-conditioner, according to the regulations of the university, every class kept its door open to make the classroom cooler. While I was lecturing on Chinese grammar in Class 4, waves of laughter came from the neighboring Class 5. A German student named Stephen raised his hand and stood up. “The laughter from Class 5 is bothering us. I think we should go to their class to protest,” he said….1 How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?2 what is the mode of communication favored by Asians? What cultural values underlie it?Asian people are very courteous and indirect in their communications. They put great emphasis on group harmony, they are very tolerant, even when they are offended. These collectivistic values, shaped by Confusion teachings, were spread from China to many Asian countries.3 what is the mode of communication favored by Westerners? What cultural values underlie it?Westerners are generally very direct and frank in their mode ofcommunication. And they have a strong sense of protecting their own rights. Individualistic values are the underlying principles governing their behavior.Classroom activity 11. Read the story on P1 and answer: Why do you think the driver is asking for $50 instead of $32.5?2. Work in groups and write down 5 ways to deal with the situation. Some likely interpretationsThe taxi driver is trying to cheat Lee.extra charges for luggage that Lee doesn’t know about.Extra charges for tolls that Lee doesn’t know.There is an honest misunderstanding.L ee misunderstood what the driver said, or didn’t hear what he said clearly.The driver has included a tip for himself –an unreasonably large one. Culture NoteTaxi charges: in taxis in the us, it is quite normal to have a small extra charge for each of luggage. In the us there are also sometimes tolls for bridges, tunnels and certain roads. and the taxi driver will pay these first and then add them to the cost of the ride.Tipping: in the us it is normal to add a tip of 10%-15% to the cost of a taxi ride. (tipping is not normal in fast-food restaurants where customs gettheir own food.Taxis in the Us: while taxis can often be found at Us airports, taxis are rare in all but the largest American cities, and to get a taxi people often need to call a taxi company. This is because most Americans drive their cars. (in large cities, taxi drivers are often immigrants form other countries who do not speak English as their first language.)Classroom activity 2Read Letter to Fran: Not Eating and answer the following questions.1. Why did Nancy eat so little?2. Tell the possible reasons for Nancy’s problem.Possible reasonsOn the whole, American cooking tends to be somewhat more bland than the cooking in most parts of China.Some westerners have allergic reactions to MSG(often used in Chinese cooking) and get headaches if they eat food containing it.Some Christians won’t drink alcoholic beverages.Read Fran’s Response: Not Eating after class and get more information. Discuss the differences of table manners between Chinese and Westerners.Chinese people often use words like color 、smell 、taste、shape to describe the food.Westerners usually pay more attention to the calories、vitamins、proteinsand so on.we would invite many people “the more the better”If the host respect you ,he will give you a seat at first and sit on the left chair .The host will prepare all the things ready. The host will get delicious food into the guest’s bowl .Westerners would like to keep quiet. They regard the right as a symbol of respect.The host will let the guests choose what to eat or drink.Individualist and CollectivistWhat are the characteristics of Individualist and Collectivist? Classroom activity 3Read the passage Individualist and Collectivist Cultures and finish the following tasks.What are some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Assignment:Review unit 1 and Preview unit 2Work in teams of 6 and deliver a presentation on following topics:What are differences between an individualist culture and a collectivistone?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Unit 2Review: Interpretation解释、翻译of greetings上哪去?Where are you going?It’s none of your business!去哪啦?Where have you been?吃过了吗?Have you had your meal?Are you going to invite me to dinner?Acceptable Greetings中文出去呀?吃饭去?回来了?忙着呢?忙什么呢?在洗车呀?这衣服真漂亮,新买的吧?你看起来气色不错。

跨文化交际 知识点整理

跨文化交际 知识点整理













跨文化交际发展:《无声的语言》Edward Hall,1959,被看作是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。














•背景:1 急剧变化的国际形势(现代高科技/传播通讯技术;交通技术;经济全球化)缩小了全球的时间、空间距离,为全人类带来了全球意识;人们产生了基于不同文化、社会的跨文化交际需求。

2 低效率的交流和沟通,相互间的误解及其他形式的跨文化交际障碍导致文化冲突、心理障碍,乃至无穷的灾难。

3 如何成为具有跨文化交际能力的现代人构成跨文化交际研究兴起和发展的强大动力。


1 人类学。

2 社会学、社会语言学和语用学——语言与社会。

3 符号学;文化学;交际学;哲学;交际民族学;传播学等。

跨文化交际研究的理论建构•三种观点:1 以经验研究为基础,排斥了与相关学科合作的可能。

2 综合研究;多学科性。

3 以普通交际理论为核心建立跨文化交际研究理论,认为其与普通交际基本一致。

•两种并行的研究:1 微观社会语言学/语用学——普遍性。

2 社会语言学/民族交际学——特殊性。


交际与文化•交际的定义:数量繁多(126种):1 是符号(p9)活动,它是一个动态多变的编译码过程。

(交际的媒介、过程)2 当交际者把意义赋予言语或非言语符号时,就产生了交际。

3 交际不一定以主观意识为转移,可能是无意识的和无意向的活动。

(交际发生的界定)4 交际受制于文化、心理等多种因素。

(交际的规则)•组成交际的要素:1 信息源/行为源——交际需要和意愿(有意识与无意识/有意向与无意向)。

2 编码——交际信息的符号化过程。

3 信息。

4 渠道。

5 信息接受者/反应者——有意识与无意识/有意向与无意向。

6 译码——交际信息的赋义过程。

7 反应——决定与选择。

8 反馈——与反应关系密切。





Culture: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.Objective Culture: history, religion, literature, language, food, etiquette, law, and customs.Subjective Culture: feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be –the concept of time, spaces, friendship, love, family, communication pattern, etc.Characteristics:Learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, dynamic, ethnocentric.Doing Culture: It is meant to be a contrast to learning “about〞culture underscores the idea that communicating across cultures is a process of making meaning, of people understanding one another so they can get to know one another, build relationships, and solve problems together. It should not be words on paper, but ideas in practice.Communication:Human communication is the process through which individuals –in relationships, groups, organizations and societies –respond to and create messages to adapt to the environment and one another.Characteristics: Dynamic and interactiveIntercultural Communication: Generally speaking, it refers to interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds,such as interactions between people from America and China, between whites and African Americans, between Hispanic and Japanese AmericansThe form of Intercultural Communicationa. Interracial communication –people from different racesb. Interethnic communications –the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins.c. Intercultural communication –communication between members of the sameculture, in which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple memberships.〔gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or female〕Communication Competence (ICC competence)The cognitive component –how much one know about communication.The affective component –one’s motivation to approach or avoid communication The behavior component –the skills one has to interact competently. Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make sense of them.Pattern of Thought:The way people in a culture think influences the way they interpret strangers’ messages.World views: The grid (decentralized. This pattern does not have a fixed center) The radiating star (highly centralized. In this pattern important things are at the center and everything else radiates out from the center)The inside/ outside pattern (圈子)female maleprivate publichome market, mosque, coffee housethe outside is plain, not welcoming, even forbidding. The walls are thick to protect what is inside.highly centralized pattern: important people sit in the front middle;decentralized pattern: people sit equally.Stereotyping:People generalize to make sense of his experience. The result of the process of over generalizing based on limited or inaccurate information.The classification of stereotypes1. Negative stereotype of other cultures: Prejudice (severe prejudice)2. Positive stereotype of one’s own culture: Cultural superiority Characteristics: universal, unavoidable, stable, variable, ethnocentrismHigh context communication & Low context communicationHC culture (察言观色): Relies mainly on the physical context or the relationship for information, with little explicitly encoded.LC culture: provide most of the information in the explicit code itself.Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make sense of them.High contact and low contact culture:In high contact cultures people want to get close enough to one another and to objects to sense them in these ways.People in these countries stand closer, touch more, engage in more eye contact and speak more loudly than people do in lower-contact cultures.In a low contact cultures, people rely more on sight, and especially sight at a far distance. People are most likely to stand a certain distance away to get the whole picture, without actually feeling or sensing the other person’s body heat or subtle smell.So in low contact culture as America, one is taught not to breathe on people.However, this visual space seems unfriendly and indifferent to those from high contact cultures, which favor tactile space.When a person from a high contact culture goes to a low contact culture, he or she is likely to feel that people are cold, lack human warmth, and are indifferent and pay no attention to them.low-contact: Asia ; moderate-contact: Australia, Northern Europe, United States high-contact: South America, Mediterranean, the Arab worldLarge and smell Power Distancespower distance is an attempt to measure cultural attitudes about inequality insocial relationships.In high power distance cultures, position in a hierarchy is considered to benatural and important. People are expected to show only positive emotions toothers with high status and to display negative emotions to those with low status;tend to decrease gaze in the presence of powerful people.Low Power Distance Culture: Minimize and eliminate the differences in power and status; more emotional display, increase the amount of gaze. People believe that the differences in power between boss and workers should be reduced and notmphasized.Individualism VS CollectivismThe individualism index measures the extent to which the interests of the individual are considered to be more important than the interests of the group. People from individualist cultures are more likely to act on principles that apply to everyone, principles that are universal and apply to associates and strangers alike. Collectivists are not unprincipled, but when making decisions they tend to give a higher priority to relationships than individualists do. They expect people who are involved in a group relationship to have duties and obligations to one another. Masculinity (Toughness)VS Femininity (Tenderness)Masculinity means everyone in society embraces values that have traditionally been associated with men, that is assertiveness, competitiveness and toughness. On the feminine side of the scale we find societies in which people generally embrace values that have traditionally been labeled as feminine, that is modesty, cooperation and tenderness.Strong and weak Uncertainty AvoidanceThe Uncertainty Avoidance Index seeks to measure the extent to which people in a particular society are able to tolerate the unknowns of life. In high uncertainty avoidance countries people experience more stress and a sense of urgency as they go through their daily routines. Relationships are guided by strict rules. People from low uncertainly avoidance countries do not have a strong need to control things, people, and events by clearly defining and categorizing them. Relationships are guided by strict rules.Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationGenerally speaking, it refers to interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds, such as interactions between people from America and China, between whites and African Americans, between Hispanic and Japanese Americans The form of Intercultural Communicationa. Interracial communication –people from different racesb. Interethnic communications –the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins.c. Intracultural communication –communication between members of the sameculture, in which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple memberships.〔gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or female〕Language&CulturePeople pay attention to basic language in cross-culture communication because of the essential role these codes play in communication and they are part of object culture. The same word may stir up different associations in people under different cultural background, e.g. the word “dog〞. In eastern culture, dogs are dirty, brutal and stupid. But in western culture, dogs are lovely, loyal and obedient. They are faithful friends and compassionate animals.Language reflects culture. Language expresses cultural reality, reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks, etc. For example, American businessmen often encode their meanings in metaphors and images from these sports.Chinese traditional sport culture emphasizes the harmony between human beings and oneness between man and nature. It is morality, benevolence, entertainment and longevity. But western sports culture is competition and sportsmanship.Culture shock: Troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture.U-Curuemodel:Excitement→Confusion→Frustration→Effectiveness→Appreciation。





1. 尊重不同文化背景:在写作中,我们应该尊重不同文化背景的人,并避免使用带有歧视或偏见的语言。

2. 理解文化差异:在写作中,我们应该了解不同文化之间的差异,并在表达时考虑到这些差异。


3. 使用适当的语言风格:在写作中,我们应该根据读者的文化背景选择适当的语言风格。


4. 避免使用俚语和隐喻:在写作中,我们应该避免使用俚语和隐喻,因为这些语言形式可能会被不同文化背景的人误解或不理解。

5. 考虑读者的需求:在写作中,我们应该考虑读者的需求和文化背景,以便更好地传达信息并达到预期的效果。

跨文化交际 祖晓梅读书笔记

跨文化交际 祖晓梅读书笔记



四、跨文化交际定义的几个重点1、不同文化背景的人们之间的交流2、通过象征符号来实现的3、是一种动态过程4、是一种双向的互动5、其目标是创建共享的意义(美国社会语言学家Tannen 《You Just Don’t Understand》)五、跨文化交际的特点1、跨文化交际主要指人与人之间面对面的交际:非语言、双向、互动vs大众传媒2、跨文化交际中涉及很多差异性:深层文化、行为方式、习俗3、跨文化交际容易引起冲突语言、交际风格、非语言行为、思维模式、社会准则、价值观4、跨文化交际的误解和冲突大多属于“善意的冲突”(well-meaning clash)5、跨文化交际常常引起情感上的强烈反应(文化休克、焦虑管理理论)6、跨文化交际是一种挑战更是一种收获第二节跨文化交际学一、定义跨文化交际既是一种社会现象,也指对这种现象进行研究的学科,“cross-cultural communication”与“intercultural communication”,文化如何影响人类行为的平行研究和对比研究,跨文化交际研究主要研究的是来自不同文化背景的人们是如何交往的,特别是面对面的交往。



跨文化交际重点归纳Unit 1 Intercultural CommunicationWhat is culture?Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.Generally speaking, culture is the way of life.Culture is everything and everywhere.Thanks to culture, without it we can’t survive in societyA metaphor比喻of cultureWe compare culture to iceberg.It suggests that only small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.Habits, dress and manners are visible.Worldview, value systems, ways of thinking, national character and any other deep concepts are foundation of visible part.“Where are you going?”in China ,we give a general answer to it.Chinese culture emphasizes on social relationship and theheavy interdependence between Chinese people.In western countries, it may be interpreted as an intrusion into one’s privacy.The underlying individual-oriented relationship is the invisible part of the iceberg.exercise1. If you are a tourist guide, what are you expected to say when you are showing the foreign visitors to another site? A. This way, please. B. Come here, please.C. Follow me, please.D. Move on.2. A visitor stops you in the corridor of your head-office probably to ask for the way. What is your most likely reply to the visitor’s “Excuse me”?A. What’s the matter?B. Yes?C. That’s all right.D. Don’t worry.3. At a fair, a visitor, accidentally having knocked down your poster, says, “I’m terribly sorry.” What should you reply? A. It doesn’t matter. B. Never mind.C. Don’t worry.D. That’s all right.What is Intercultural communication?“Intercultural communication is contact between persons who identify themselves as distinct from one another in cultural terms.” (Collier & Thomas, 1998)intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar & Porter)To further understand “intercultural communication”, please read the section of “Intercultural Communication Reading” on P.2 and answer the questions:1 In the story, why does Pete could not communicate well with Chinese students?Language problemCulture problemThe way Pete handled the intercultural communication situation2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication? Language difference.(If we understand others’ language or dialect, but not their communication rules, we can made fluent fools of ourselves.) Nonverbal communication: gestures, postures, facial expression etc.Stereotypes: like culture, religion, idea, value, etc.Watch a video and get a deeper understanding.Classifications of Communicationverbal /nonverbalDirect /indirectInterpersonal / interorganizational / mass media-based Intracultural /interculturalIntrapersonal / interpersonal/…Case studyRead the passage of “ an Intercultural Classroom”. This is the beginning of this passage:It was a hot day. Since it was still too early to use the air-conditioner, according to the regulations of the university, every class kept its door open to make the classroom cooler. While I was lecturing on Chinese grammar in Class 4, waves of laughter came from the neighboring Class 5. A German student named Stephen raised his hand and stood up. “The laughter from Class 5 is bothering us. I think we should go to their class to protest,” he said….1 How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?2 what is the mode of communication favored by Asians? What cultural values underlie it?Asian people are very courteous and indirect in their communications. They put great emphasis on group harmony, they are very tolerant, even when they are offended. These collectivistic values, shaped by Confusion teachings, were spread from China to many Asian countries.3 what is the mode of communication favored by Westerners? What cultural values underlie it?Westerners are generally very direct and frank in their mode of communication. And they have a strong sense of protecting their own rights. Individualistic values are the underlying principles governing their behavior.Classroom activity 11. Read the story on P1 and answer: Why do you think the driver is asking for $50 instead of $32.5?2. Work in groups and write down 5 ways to deal with the situation.Some likely interpretationsThe taxi driver is trying to cheat Lee.extra charges for luggage that Lee doesn’t know about. Extra charges for tolls that Lee doesn’t know.There is an honest misunderstanding.L ee misunderstood what the driver said, or didn’t hear whathe said clearly.The driver has included a tip for himself –an unreasonably large one.Culture NoteTaxi charges: in taxis in the us, it is quite normal to have a small extra charge for each of luggage. In the us there are also sometimes tolls for bridges, tunnels and certain roads. and the taxi driver will pay these first and then add them to the cost of the ride.Tipping: in the us it is normal to add a tip of 10%-15% to the cost of a taxi ride. (tipping is not normal in fast-food restaurants where customs get their own food.Taxis in the Us: while taxis can often be found at Us airports, taxis are rare in all but the largest American cities, and to get a taxi people often need to call a taxi company. This is because most Americans drive their cars. (in large cities, taxi drivers are often immigrants form other countries who do not speak English as their first language.)Classroom activity 2Read Letter to Fran: Not Eating and answer the following questions.1. Why did Nancy eat so little?2. Tell the possible reasons for Nancy’s problem.Possible reasonsOn the whole, American cooking tends to be somewhat more bland than the cooking in most parts of China.Some westerners have allergic reactions to MSG(often used in Chinese cooking) and get headaches if they eat food containing it.Some Christians won’t drink alcoholic beverages.Read Fran’s Response: Not Eating after class and get more information.Discuss the differences of table manners between Chinese and Westerners.Chinese people often use words like color 、smell 、taste、shape to describe the food.Westerners usually pay more attention to the calories、vitamins、proteins and so on.we would invite many people “the more the better”If the host respect you ,he will give you a seat at first and sit on the left chair .The host will prepare all the things ready. The host will get delicious food into the guest’s bowl .Westerners would like to keep quiet. They regard the right asa symbol of respect.The host will let the guests choose what to eat or drink. Individualist and CollectivistWhat are the characteristics of Individualist and Collectivist? Classroom activity 3Read the passage Individualist and Collectivist Cultures and finish the following tasks.What are some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Assignment:Review unit 1 and Preview unit 2Work in teams of 6 and deliver a presentation on following topics:What are differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Unit 2Review: Interpretation解释、翻译of greetings上哪去?Where are you going?It’s none of your business!去哪啦?Where have you been?吃过了吗?Have you had your meal?Are you going to invite me to dinner?Acceptable Greetings 中文出去呀?吃饭去?回来了?忙着呢?忙什么呢?在洗车呀?这衣服真漂亮,新买的吧?你看起来气色不错。



Components of communication:Communication is a dynamic, systematic process, in which meaning are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols.Characteristics of communication1.No direct mind-to-mind contact2.We can only infer3.We seek to define the worldmunication is self-reflective5.The brain is an open systemmunication has a consequence7.We are like and we are differentUnderstanding culture:People learn to think, feel, believe, and act as they do because of the messages that have been communicated to them, and those messages all bear the stamp of culture.Basic functions of culture:Culture makes “things easy” for two important reasons. First, culture helps facilitate the transition from the womb to this new life by providing meaning to events, objects, and people--thus making the world a less mysterious and frightening place. Second, culture makes life less confusing because, as we shall see later, most of culture is automatic and subconscious.In addition to making the world a less perplexing place, cultures have now evolved to the point where they are people’s primary means of satisfying three types of needs: basic needs (food,shelter, physical protection), derived needs, (organization of work, distribution of food, defense, social control), and integrative needs (psychological security, social harmony, purpose in life). Definition of culture:We define culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes,meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generation through individual and group striving.Characteristics of culture1.Culture is learneda.We learn our culture through proverbsb.We learn our culture from folk tales, legends and mythsc.We learn our culture through artd.We learn our culture through mass media2.Culture is transmitted from generation to generation3.Culture is based on symbols4.Culture is subject to change5.Culture is integrated6.Culture is ethnocentric7.Culture is adaptiveA definition of intercultural communicationIntercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.Dominant American Cultural Patterns : Individualism, Equality, Materialism, Science and Technology, Progress and change, Work and Leisure, CompetitionDiverse Cultural Patterns:Hofsted's Value Dimensions, Based on Kluckhohn, Kluckhohn, and strodtbeck's Value Orientations, Hall’s High-Context and Low-Context CommunicationLanguage and Culture关系:We begin our preview of language by noting that it is impossible to separate our use of languagefrom our culture. language is a reflection of culture, by way of symbols and rules as well as our perceptions of the universe. Equally important is the fact meaning shifts from culture to culture. Nonverbal Communication and Culture:1.Body Behavior :(General Appearance and Dress,Body Movement: Kinesics 动作学、举止神态学,Posture,Gestures,Facial Expressions,Eye Contact and Gaze,Touch, Smell,Paralanguage )2.Space and distance:(Personal space,Seating,Furniture Arrangement)3.Time:(Informal Time, Past, Present and Future, Monochronic (M-time) and Polychronic (P-time) Classifications4.Silence: Silence cues affect interpersonal communication by providing an interval in an ongoing interaction during which the participants have time to think, check or suppress an emotion, encode a lengthy response, or inaugurate another line of thought, Silence also helps provide feedback, informing both sender and receiver about the clarity of an idea or its significance in the overall interpersonal exchange. Silence cues may be interpreted as evidence of agreement, lack of interest, injured feelings, or contempt.。
























”4、1871年爱德华·泰勒爵士的定义(第一次使用这个术语):"这个复杂的整体包括知识,信仰,艺术,道德,法律,习俗以及人类作为社会成员所获得的其他能力和习惯"5、Kroeber and Kluckhohn (1952) 克罗伯和克拉克洪。


6、Porter & Samovar 波特和萨莫瓦尔“知识、经验、信仰、价值观、态度、意义、等级、宗教、时间观念、角色、空间关系、宇宙观念、物质对象和财产的积累,这些都是一群人通过个人和群体几代人的奋斗过程中获得的。





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《无声的语言》Edward Hall,1959,被看作是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。













传播模式:Harold Lasswell提出,通常被称为5W模式,Who,Says What,in What channel,to Whom,with What effect。



1949,Claude Shannon,Warren Weaver共同提出了另一个线性模式,即:

50年代,Charles Osgood,Wilbur Schramm提出循环式的模式,加入反馈这一要素。












Ishii 认为这两种思维模式反映了每日不同文化,美国是“低语境”国家,一切都要靠用语言讲清,而日本是“高语境”国家,很多意思都包括在语境之中个,不需要每一点都明白无误地讲出来。





























