酒店Ade问题在于:预订部、前台、销售部都没有在意第二天de客房供给.酒店A内上至经理下至员工几乎没有人意识到客房出租率预测de 重要性,进而导致预订部与前台在不知晓客房供给de情况下,持续不断地接纳订单,以致于多订了一个团,使其自己de酒店进入一种尴尬de 困境.酒店B则处理得很好,在保证自己持续稳定运营de基础上,不但帮助了别人,得到了别人de感激,同时自己也获得了收益 由此案例可以看出:如果预测意识不强或者对房间de控制不是很好会给酒店带来很大de损失.任何一家酒店都应该以预测为基础,将预测 作为一个非常重要de数据
有些酒店接旅游团队或会议团 队是因为酒店de需求不足或者 在淡季或者该时间段房间销售 不出去,所以接一些旅游团队 或会议团队来充出租率,最后 可以提高酒店de收益
门市价散客 Rack
门市价散客de出租率不是 很高,但是收入很高,一间 房可能卖到团体de两间房 de价格
其他散客 Individual Others
其他散客即不属于以上市场类别de散客. 这是因为有些酒店在客户de开发上还不 是很完全,因而把这些归入其他散客.然 后再从这些散客中进行归类、分析,有目 de性地将其拉回为自己de顾客
协议公司会议团体 Corporate Meetings
客房需求量 < 客房供给量 待售客房de价值消失
客房需求量 > 客房供给量 无法满足顾客需求,潜在de收益消失 平衡供给和需求之间de矛盾一直是酒店业研究de 重要课题,因此,准确估计需求和合理分配资源de 迫切引发了收益管理de出现
对于管理de价值 只有了解了收益目标,才能根据收益目标采取措施 来提高管理de水平和服务de水准
酒店行业酒店收益管理系统方案第一章酒店收益管理概述 (2)1.1 收益管理的定义与重要性 (2)1.1.1 定义 (2)1.1.2 重要性 (2)1.2 收益管理的发展历程 (3)1.2.1 起源 (3)1.2.2 发展 (3)1.2.3 现状 (3)1.3 酒店收益管理的目标与原则 (3)1.3.1 目标 (3)1.3.2 原则 (3)第二章市场分析与预测 (4)2.1 市场需求分析 (4)2.2 市场竞争分析 (4)2.3 市场趋势预测 (4)第三章数据收集与处理 (5)3.1 数据收集途径与方法 (5)3.1.1 数据收集途径 (5)3.1.2 数据收集方法 (5)3.2 数据清洗与整理 (5)3.2.1 数据清洗 (5)3.2.2 数据整理 (6)3.3 数据分析与挖掘 (6)3.3.1 数据分析 (6)3.3.2 数据挖掘 (6)第四章收益管理策略制定 (6)4.1 价格策略 (6)4.2 促销策略 (7)4.3 产能策略 (7)第五章预订与渠道管理 (8)5.1 预订系统优化 (8)5.2 在线旅行社(OTA)合作管理 (8)5.3 预订渠道分析与优化 (9)第六章收益管理实施与监控 (9)6.1 收益管理方案实施 (9)6.1.1 实施准备 (9)6.1.2 实施步骤 (9)6.2 收益管理效果评估 (10)6.2.1 评估指标 (10)6.2.2 评估方法 (10)6.3 收益管理风险控制 (10)6.3.1 风险识别 (10)6.3.2 风险防范措施 (10)第七章人力资源管理 (10)7.1 员工培训与激励 (11)7.1.1 员工培训 (11)7.1.2 员工激励 (11)7.2 团队协作与沟通 (11)7.2.1 团队协作 (11)7.2.2 沟通机制 (12)7.3 人力资源优化配置 (12)第八章技术支持与创新 (12)8.1 收益管理技术发展 (12)8.2 人工智能在收益管理中的应用 (13)8.3 技术创新与行业变革 (13)第九章酒店收益管理案例解析 (14)9.1 成功案例分享 (14)9.1.1 项目背景 (14)9.1.2 收益管理策略实施 (14)9.1.3 成果展示 (14)9.2 失败案例剖析 (14)9.2.1 项目背景 (14)9.2.2 收益管理策略实施 (14)9.2.3 原因分析 (15)9.3 案例总结与启示 (15)第十章酒店收益管理未来发展趋势 (15)10.1 行业发展趋势 (15)10.2 收益管理新理念 (15)10.3 酒店业发展机遇与挑战 (16)第一章酒店收益管理概述1.1 收益管理的定义与重要性1.1.1 定义收益管理(Revenue Management),作为一种旨在最大化企业收益和利润的经营管理策略,通过科学的方法对产品或服务的价格、库存、需求等因素进行优化配置。
为酒店群体顾客而设的技术收益管理系统Pablo Cortés, Luis Onieva, Jesús Muñuzuri 西班牙塞维利亚大学(作者承认由Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,Spain.所给的财务支持)文章信息文章历史:2008年4月1日投稿2009年3月1日收到修订版2009年4月1日接受发表关键词:收益管理顾客群体酒店摘要这篇文章讨论了收益管理:一种关注在决策环节使每个销售单位利润最大化的技术。
©2009 Elsevier Inc。
跟随着美国航空公司在1978年违反规定的行为,现今各个航空公司能够采用它们自身选择的任意航线任意时间的任意价格,Smith, Leimkuhler 和Darrow (1992)。
RevenueManagement酒店收益管理Introduction to Revenue Management收益管理简介What is Revenue Management?什么是收益管理?Components ofRevenue Management收益管理的组成部分Necessary Conditions必要条件Relatively fixed Capacity相对固定的库存量Time-perishable Inventory非耐久性产品Time-variable Demand季节性需求量Appropriate Cost Structure合理的成本结构Segmented Market市场细分化AdvanceBooking预订What is Revenue Management?什么是收益管理?Selling the right PRODUCT for the right PRICE to the right PEOPLE at the right TIME through the right DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL in order to MAXIMIZE REVENUE for the hotel在适当的时间、通过适当的分销渠道、以适当的价格、向适当的客户销售适当的产品,以此最大化酒店的收益。
PRODCUT: RoomTypes, Room Nights, F&B, Meeting Space 产品:房型,房晚, 餐饮, 会议设施PRICE:Group,Transient, Wholesale, etc价格:团队价、散客价、批发价及其他PEOPLE:Corporate, Leisure, etc客户:商务客、休闲客及其他TIME:Seasonality, Weekday vs. Weekend, LOS时间: 季节性,周中 vs. 周末,住客时间长短DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL分销渠道Call Center电话预订中心On property酒店直接定房GDS (Global Distribution System)全球分销系统 品牌网站3rd Party Channels (Ctrip, Elong, Expedia)第三方渠道(携程、易龙、Hotwire)Components of Revenue Management收益管理的组成1. CompetitiveAnalysis 竞争分析2. Forecasting 预测3. Pricing 定价4. InventoryControls 客房控制5. PerformanceMeasurement 考核指数RM Component—Competitive Analysis竞争分析Helps Determine the“Competitive Set”帮助确定“竞争对手组”A hotel’s closest competitors in terms of product, geography,and/or type of business在产品、地理位置以及/或客户方面最接近的竞争对手Primary and secondary competitive sets主要竞争对手组以及次要竞争对手组Macro-Level: Determine the value of the hotel in the overallmarketplace based on the product positioning 宏观层面:根据产品确定酒店在市场中的定位及价值Micro-Level: Benchmark performances against competitors 微观层面:衡量与竞争对手表现差异RMComponent—Forecasting预测Why do we forecast?我们为什么要预测?Determine pricing确定价格Based on UNCONSTRAINE DDEMAND基于”无限制的需求”Unconstrained demand = the number of people who would have stayed at the hotel if it had an infinite number of rooms.无限制需求 = 假设酒店无房间数限制情况下的住店客人数Must measure unconstrained demand to determine price sensitivity of the customer.All customers have different price sensitivities based on product, market, and individual needs.必须通过衡量无限制的需求来了解客人的价格敏感度。
著名的万豪酒店集团是世界酒店业第一家引进收益管 理策略的酒店公司,也是世界第一家投资订做收益管理 电脑系统的酒店公司。该公司董事长、首席执行官比尔 · 马里奥特称,在收益管理实施的头三年,该公司平均每 年有约 1 亿美元的收入直接来源于收益管理。收益管理的 实施为万豪提高利润率起到很大作用。随后,美国的希 尔顿、喜达屋、凯悦等酒店巨头以及法国的雅高、英国 的洲际等集团公司也实施了收益管理。
Confidentiel 2014
(1) 顾客分类及需求预测:不同的顾客对酒店的要求 往往不同。尽管每一酒店有其自己的市场定位,但 顾客的性质,来源渠道以及消费特点仍有许多不同 之处。收益管理的一个重要功能就是通过科学的方 法对不同的顾客进行分类,并得出各种行为模式的 统计特性,然后再对每一类顾客的未来需求进行精 确的预测,包括预订的迟早,入住 的长短,实际入住和预订的差异,提前离店和推迟 离店的概率等等。有了这些精确的预测,再根据各 种客人对价格的敏感度等,酒店就能很好地控制资 源,提高收益。
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Confidentiel 2014
(6) 团体和销售代理管理:团体销售几乎是每 一酒店都有的业务,且多数情况下有一定的 折扣。但如何定量地对这项业务进行分析并 有效地控制折扣程度,则是收益管理的很重 要部分。相应地,对代理销售及批发代理等 ,也都可通过抽象的模式来进行优化控制。
Smart Prices.
Titreof Contents Table
Sections 内容简介 酒店价格与收益管理主要功能 行业专家介绍 收益管理在中国的发展状况
酒店管理系统 外文文献 外文翻译 中英翻译
Hotel Management System Integration Services1.IntroductionIt is generally accepted that the role of the web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortium's Xtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Xtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program. In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Management System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hot el officer’s experiences in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems no difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there are so many heterogeneous systems already exist and scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge to be overcome. From our study on Group Hotel Integration Reservation System (GHIRS), there are still challenges to integrate Enterprise Information System (EIS), Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together because of standardization, security and scalability problems, although GHIRS is one of few integration solutions to add or expand hotel softwaresystem in any size of hotel chains environment.We developed this system to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using web services and software integration technologies. In this paper, firstly we describe a scenario of hotel reservation and discuss the interaction between GHIRS and human. Secondly we analyze details of design and implementation of this system. The result and implications of the studies on the development of GHIRS are shown in the later part. Finally we discuss some problems still need to be improved and possible future directions of development.2. Hotel Reservation: A Business Case StudyOur initial thinking to develop GHIRS is to minimize the human interaction with the system. Since GHIRS is flexible and automated, it offers clear benefits for both hotel customers and hotel staff, especially for group hotel customers and group hotel companies. Group hotel companies usually have lots of hotels, restaurants, resorts, theme parks or casinos in different locations. For example, Shangri-La group has hundreds of hotels in different countries all over the world. These groups have certain customers who prefer to consume in hotels belong to the same group because they are membership of the group and can have individual services.The first step of a scenario of hotel reservation is that the consumer plans and looks for a hotel according the location, price or whatever his criteria and then decides the hotel. Then he makes a reservation by telephone, fax, internet, or mail, or just through his travel agent. When hotel staff receives the request, they first look if they can provide available services. If there is enough resource in the hotel, they prepare the room, catering and transportation for the request and send back acknowledgement. At last the guest arrives and checks in. The business flow is quite simple; however, to accomplish all these tasks is burdensome for both the consumer side and the hotel side without an efficient and integrated hotel management system.Telephone may be a good way to make a reservation because it is beyond the limit of time and space. Guests can call hotels at any time and any place. However, itcosts much when the hotel is far away from the city where guest lives; especially the hotel locates in a different country. Moreover, if there is a group of four or five people to make reservation together, it would take a long time for hotel staff to record all the information they need. Making reservation by travel agent saves consumers’ time and cost, but there is still millions of work for agent to do. They gather the requirements from consumers, then distribute to proper destination hotels. Because these hotels don’t use a same system (these thousands of hotels may use hun dreds of management systems), someone, agent or hotel staff, must face the problem how to handle information from different sources with different hotel management systems to different destinations.Web service becomes the tool to solve these problems. Our web services integrate the web server and hotel management system together, and everyone gets benefit. Booking a room easily anywhere and anytime becomes possible by using GHIRS. Consumer browses websites and finds hotel using his PC, PDA or mobile phone (WAP supported), after his identity is accepted, he can book a reservation. Two minutes later he can get the acknowledgement from the hotel by mobile phone text message or multimedia message, or email sent to his email account or just acknowledgement on the dynamic web page, if he hasn’t leave the website. The response time may take a little longer because when the hotel receives the quest, in some circumstance, hotel staff should check if there is clean and vacant room left. The web service is a standard interface that all travel agents can handle, gather and distribute the reservation information easily through internet. When the reservation request is acknowledged, hotel staff prepares the room, catering, and transportation for guests. Since the information already stored in the database, every part in the hotel chains can share it and work together properly. For example, staff in front office and housekeeping department can prepare room for guests according to the data, staff in back office can stock material for catering purpose and hotel manager can check business report in Enterprise Information Portal integrated with GHIRS by his browser. Then room rent-ratio reports, room status reports, daily income reports and other real time business reports are generated. Managers of the group can access anyreport of any hotel by the system. In the later part of this paper, we will show how consumers, agents, and hotel staff can efficiently work together by GHIRS.GHIRS is scalable for small-to-large hotel chains and management companies, especially good for hotel group. It truly soars with seamless connectivity to global distribution systems thereby offering worldwide reservation access. It also delivers real-time, on line reservations via the Internet.3. Integration of Hotel Management System3.1 Existed SystemGHIRS is developed on the base of an existed hotel management system called FoxhisTM. FoxhisTM shares the largest part of software market in hotel industry in China. FoxhisTM version 5 has distributed Client/Server architecture that the server runs SCO-UNIX and client runs Microsoft Windows and it use Sybase database on UNIX. The system includes Front Office system, Property Management system, Quality Management system, Human Resource Management system, Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM).This system is largely based on intranet environment. Most of the work is done in a single hotel by the hotel staff. It’s no customer self-service. If a consumer wants to book a room, hotel staff in local hotel must help the guest to record his request, although FoxhisTM system already done lots of automatic job.When the systems are deployed in different hotels that are parts of a group, sharing data becomes a problem. Just as an example, if the group has ten hotels, there would be at least ten local databases to store the consumers’ data. Because hotels need real time respond of the system, so these ten hotels can’t deploy a central database that does not locate in the same local network. Thus one guest may have different records in different hotels and the information cannot be shared. By web services as an interface, these data can be exchanged easily.3.2 DesignRecall that our initial thinking to deploy GHIRS is to save hotel staff, travel agents and consumers’ labor work the system is to link all the taches of hotel business chains. Figure1 shows how consumers, agents, hotel staff cooperate together efficiently with the system.Consumers could be divided into two categories. One is member of hotel group, who holds different classes of memberships and gains benefits like discount or special offers. These consumers usually contribute a large part of the hotel’s profit then are looked as VIP. The hotel keeps their profiles, preferences and membership account status. The other category is common guest. All these two kinds of guests and travel agents who may trade with many other hotels face the web-based interface that let them to make a reservation. For common guest, the system just requires him to input reservation information such as guest name, contact information, arrival and departure the system. The central processing server then distributes the information to appropriate hotel. Since web services technology is so good for submitting documents to long running business process flows, hotel staff could easily handle this data in and out of database management system and application server. As the membership of hotel, a user just inputs his member id and password, room information, arrival and departure date, then finish the request. Because hotels keep members’ profile, and systems exchange profile across all hotels of the group by web services, hotel staff in different hotels could know the guest’s individual re quirement and provide better services.The agents work for consumers get benefits from GHIRS as well. They may also keep the consumers’ profile and the web services interface is open to them, it is easy to bridge their system to hotel management system. Before GHIRS is deployed, the agents should separate and process the reservation data and distribute them to different hotels, which is an onerous job. But now the agents could just press one button and all the hotel reservation is sent to destination.Hotel staff receives all request from different sources. Some policies are appliedto response the request. For example, some very important guest’s request is passed automatically without confirmation, the guest could get acknowledgement in very short time. The request triggers all chains of the hotel business flow and all the preparation work is done before his arrival. But for the common customer, hotel staff would check on the anticipate date if there is vacant and clean rooms available. Because all the FoxhisTM components are integrated together, staff users needn’t change computer interface to check he room status. If it is a valid request with enough guests’ information and there is enough room left, a confirmation is sent back. If there is not enough vacant room, hotel staff will ask if guest would like to wait a time or transfer to other hotels in the hotel group or alliance hotels. In order to transfer guest’s request, data flows from local database to the central server through local web server, then it is passed to another hotels database by web services interface.3.3 ImplementationToday there are lots of platforms that could provide capabilities to integrate different system and offer other features such as security and work load balancing. The two main commercial products are Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and . They offer pretty much the same laundry of list of features, albeit in different ways. We choose .NET platform as our programming environment, however, here we don’t advo cate which platform is better or not. Our target is to integrate these decentralized and distributed systems together. In fact, both of these platforms support XML and SOAP to accomplish our task.We use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) as web server and Sybase database server. The firewalls separate the local networks from the public networks. This is very important from the security point of view. Each hotel of the group has a database server, an application server and a web server to deploy this multi-tier system that includes the user interface presentation tier, business presentation tier, business logical tier, and the data access tier. C# is adopted as the programming language for the core executable part. XML is the data exchange standard format.酒店管理系统集成服务1.简介人们普遍认为,网络服务角色在企业中无疑是重要的。
浅谈收益管理(Yield Management)在中国饭店中的应用
浅谈收益管理(Yield Management)在中国饭店中的应用一、引言随着物质生活水平的提高和旅游业的发展,人们对于饮食住宿需求的多样化和个性化逐渐增加,饭店经营环境也越来越复杂和变化多端,所面临的竞争压力也越来越大。
其中,收益管理(Yield Management)不仅是饭店营销管理的重要手段,也是提高饭店经营效益的关键因素之一。
二、收益管理的概念和目的收益管理(Yield Management),是指在保证服务质量和客户满意度的情况下,通过策略性的定价、商品组合、容量控制等方法,以达到最大的收益利润(Rosenthal, 2003)。
1. 行业环境的复杂性饭店经营的环境,尤其在中国这个餐饮人口大国,饭店经营管理面临的竞争环境要比其他国家的饭店经营竞争更为激烈和复杂。
2. 管理者的收益管理理念不够成熟还有一部分饭店管理者所采取的收益管理方式,往往只是定价,很难全面维护饭店的盈利能力。
上世纪八十年代,收益管理(Revenue Management 或Yield Management) 这种谋求收入最大化的新经营管理技术出现了。
收益管理系统在酒店业的应用作者:陈文力刘志华来源:《商场现代化》2008年第21期[摘要] 在当今竞争激烈的环境下,收益管理系统为酒店提高收益提供一种先进的管理思想和方法。
[关键词] 收益管理酒店业团队散客当今酒店之间的同业竞争日益加剧,尤其是后奥运时代的北京地区酒店之间的竞争将更加激烈。
酒店收益管理系统操作指南第一章概述 (4)1.1 系统简介 (4)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.2.1 数据集成 (4)1.2.2 价格管理 (4)1.2.3 房源管理 (4)1.2.4 预订管理 (4)1.2.5 客户关系管理 (4)1.2.6 报表统计 (4)1.2.7 系统集成 (4)1.2.8 安全保障 (4)1.2.9 用户权限管理 (5)1.2.10 系统维护与升级 (5)第二章系统登录与设置 (5)2.1 登录操作 (5)2.1.1 登录界面 (5)2.1.2 输入用户名与密码 (5)2.1.3 登录按钮 (5)2.1.4 登录成功与失败 (5)2.2 用户权限设置 (5)2.2.1 用户角色管理 (5)2.2.2 用户权限分配 (5)2.2.3 用户角色绑定 (5)2.2.4 用户权限变更 (6)2.3 系统参数配置 (6)2.3.1 系统参数概述 (6)2.3.2 参数配置界面 (6)2.3.3 配置参数 (6)2.3.4 参数生效与重启 (6)2.3.5 参数备份与恢复 (6)第三章预订管理 (6)3.1 预订查询 (6)3.1.1 查询条件设置 (6)3.1.2 查询结果展示 (6)3.1.3 查询结果导出 (7)3.2 预订操作 (7)3.2.1 预订新增 (7)3.2.2 预订确认 (7)3.2.3 预订变更 (7)3.3 预订修改与取消 (7)3.3.1 预订修改 (7)第四章房源管理 (7)4.1 房源信息录入 (7)4.1.1 登录系统 (7)4.1.2 选择房源管理模块 (7)4.1.3 录入房源信息 (7)4.2 房源状态管理 (8)4.2.1 查看房源状态 (8)4.2.2 修改房源状态 (8)4.3 房源调整与优化 (8)4.3.1 房源调整 (8)4.3.2 房源优化 (9)第五章价格管理 (9)5.1 价格策略设置 (9)5.1.1 策略制定 (9)5.1.2 策略实施 (9)5.2 价格调整与审批 (9)5.2.1 价格调整 (9)5.2.2 审批流程 (10)5.3 价格优化分析 (10)5.3.1 数据收集 (10)5.3.2 数据分析 (10)5.3.3 优化建议 (10)第六章收益分析 (10)6.1 收益报表查询 (10)6.1.1 功能概述 (10)6.1.2 操作步骤 (10)6.1.3 注意事项 (11)6.2 收益分析图表 (11)6.2.1 功能概述 (11)6.2.2 操作步骤 (11)6.2.3 注意事项 (11)6.3 收益预测与优化 (11)6.3.1 功能概述 (11)6.3.2 操作步骤 (11)6.3.3 注意事项 (12)第七章客户管理 (12)7.1 客户信息录入 (12)7.1.1 功能概述 (12)7.1.2 操作步骤 (12)7.1.3 注意事项 (12)7.2 客户关系维护 (12)7.2.1 功能概述 (12)7.2.2 操作步骤 (12)7.3 客户消费分析 (13)7.3.1 功能概述 (13)7.3.2 操作步骤 (13)7.3.3 注意事项 (13)第八章营销活动管理 (13)8.1 营销活动策划 (13)8.1.1 策划目的 (13)8.1.2 策划原则 (13)8.1.3 策划流程 (14)8.2 营销活动实施 (14)8.2.1 实施准备 (14)8.2.2 实施过程 (14)8.3 营销活动效果评估 (14)8.3.1 评估指标 (14)8.3.2 评估方法 (14)8.3.3 评估结果运用 (15)第九章数据报表 (15)9.1 日报表 (15)9.1.1 报表概述 (15)9.1.2 报表内容 (15)9.1.3 报表操作流程 (15)9.2 月报表 (15)9.2.1 报表概述 (15)9.2.2 报表内容 (16)9.2.3 报表操作流程 (16)9.3 年报表 (16)9.3.1 报表概述 (16)9.3.2 报表内容 (16)9.3.3 报表操作流程 (17)第十章系统维护与升级 (17)10.1 系统备份 (17)10.1.1 备份目的 (17)10.1.2 备份策略 (17)10.1.3 备份操作步骤 (17)10.2 系统升级 (17)10.2.1 升级目的 (17)10.2.2 升级策略 (17)10.2.3 升级操作步骤 (18)10.3 故障处理与售后服务 (18)10.3.1 故障处理 (18)10.3.2 售后服务 (18)第一章概述1.1 系统简介酒店收益管理系统是一款针对酒店行业特点研发的智能化管理软件,旨在帮助酒店提高收益、优化资源配置、提升客户满意度。
外文文献翻译原文及译文标题:酒店收益管理中动态客房分配的解决方法中英文2019文献出处:N. Aydin, S. I. Birbil[J]European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 271, Issue 116 , November 2018, Pages 179-192译文字数:4700 多字原文Decomposition methods for dynamic room allocation in hotel revenue managementN.Aydin,S.I.BirbilAbstractLong-term stays are quite common in the hotel business. Consequently, it is crucial for the hotel managements to consider the allocation of available rooms to a stream of customers requesting to stay multiple days. This requirement leads to the solving of dynamic network revenue management problems that are computationally challenging. A remedy is to apply decomposition approaches so that an approximate solution can be obtained by solving many simpler problems. In this study, we investigate several room allocation policies in hotel revenue management. We work on various decomposition methods to find reservation policies for advance bookings and stay-over customers. We also devise solution algorithms to solve the resulting problems efficiently.Keywords:Revenue management,Hotel,Capacity control,Decomposition methodsIntroductionHistorically, the airline industry played the steering role in revenue management (RM). Today, however, there is a wide range of applications in different industries with volatile demand, requesting fixed and perishable capacity (Kimes, 1989). Although the hotel industry is one of the typical application areas of revenue management, the research in this particular area lags behind the work produced for other service industries. In their recent work, Ivanov and Zhechev (2012) and Ivanov (2014) present a review of the methods proposed in the hotel RM literature and point out the gaps.In general, well-known airline RM techniques, such as booking control and pricing, can be applied to hotel RM problems. However, it is important to consider several constraints that are unique to hotel reservation systems. First, multi-day stays in hotels are quite common. While a flight itinerary includes, on average fewer than three legs, the number of nights a typical customer spends in a hotel can be a week oreven more (Zhang & Weatherford, 2017). Second, the demand process is different. Hotel customers may decide to stay longer and extend their reservation while they are staying in the hotel (Kimes, 1989). Third, airline customers generally make advance bookings but a number of hotel customers consist of walk-ins. Moreover, the early reservations in the booking interval are even allowed to cancel their bookings at no extra cost.In this paper, we focus on the room allocation decisions for a hotel. The optimal policy to accept or reject an arriving customer can be obtained by analyzing the stochastic nature of the customer arrival process. In hotel reservation systems, the customers are classified as the advance bookings, the stay-overs and the walk-ins. While the advance bookings make room reservations before they arrive at the hotel, the walk-ins show up without any reservation. The stay-overs are the customers who ask for an extension for their reservations during their stay in the hotel. Recently, hotel reservation systems have started offering extended stay as an option due to high customer demand (Tepper, 2015). For instance, Priceline (2017) and Hotwire (2017)present “add-a-night” and “add to your stay” options to their existing customers. The arrival process of the advance bookings and walk-ins are similar. The only difference is that the walk-in customers arrive after the reservation period ends. However, the stay-over requests depend on the accepted advance bookings. To simplify our notation, we ignore the walk-in customers and formulate our problem by considering the advance bookings and the stay-overs. Then, we explain how one can easily incorporate the walk-in customers to our proposed models. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic model of stay-over customers in a network setting has not been previously studied in the literature.The research contributions in this paper come from the application and the analysis of two decomposition approaches. These are the day-based and the period- based decompositions. Our day-based decomposition is similar to the one proposed by Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2010). We simplify their decomposition method and show that our proposed model provides a lower bound to their model. We set forth a dynamic model for the advance bookings and formulate a linear program for theproblem. The resulting model is then solved with the constraint generation method. We also propose alternate approximate models, which provide upper and lower bounds on the optimal expected revenue of the original model. To manage the stay- over requests, one needs to keep track of the number of reservations in each booking type. A day-based method, however, decomposes the network problem into independent days, and this decomposition approach causes loss of information on the number of customers in each booking type. Our solution to this hindrance is a period- based decomposition method, which is an extension of another approach recently proposed by Birbil, Frenk, Gromicho, and Zhang (2014). First, we focus on the single-day stay-over problem, as the request for an additional night is the most frequently realized stay-over case in real-life (Talya, 2016). Though our model is different than the one set forth by Birbil et al. (2014), we successfully build on their decomposition idea. Second, we consider the multi-day stay-over problem and present a two-period approximation, which combines the pair-based decomposition with the deterministic linear programming approach. In period one, we observe the reservation activity of the advance booking customers. In period two, we take into account the stay-over requests of the customers whose bookings have been accepted. To test the performances of the proposed decomposition approaches, we conduct simulation experiments and compare our results with those obtained by several well-known models from the literature. Our computational study indicates that the proposed decomposition approaches are apt to effective room allocation in hotel RM.Review of related literatureWe begin by reviewing the related work on hotel RM. Then, we summarize the decomposition approaches frequently applied to the network RM problems.Ladany (1976) works on a single-day stay model for a hotel with two types of resources. The aim of the model is to find an allocation policy to maximize the daily expected revenue. He develops a dynamic programming formulation and obtains the decision policy for each resource. Williams (1977) works on the single-day stay model during the peak demand period. In this model, he assumes that demand arrives from three different sources: the stay-overs, the reservations and the walk-ins. Hecomputes the reservation policy for each customer type by comparing the costs of underbooking and overbooking. Bitran and Leong (1989) focus on the multi-day problem by considering the walk-in and stay-over requests. They model the multi-day reservations as a series of independent, single-day reservations. Bitran and Mondschein (1995) develop a dynamic programming model for a single-day stay problem with multiple products. Since the resulting model is computationally intractable for the real size problems, they utilize several heuristics when searching for the optimal allocation policy. Weatherford (1995) focuses on the effect of the length of stay. He proposes a heuristic method based on a static model and compares this method with the other booking policies developed for the single-day stay problems. Bitran and Gilbert (1996) work on a single-day stay and single-room problem. They assume that during the service day, three types of customers show-up: the customers with guaranteed reservations, the customers with reservations and the walk-ins. They develop a dynamic model and propose a heuristic method to obtain the room allocation policy. Baker and Collier (1999) extend the study of Weatherford (1995) as well as the work of Bitran and Mondschein (1995) by allowing cancellations, overbooking and stay-overs. They develop two heuristics that integrate overbooking with the capacity allocation decisions. They compare the performances of these heuristics against the other booking control policies in the literature. Through this comparison, Baker and Collier (1999) discuss the advantages of each policy under different operating environments.Later studies focus on multi-product and multi-day stay problems. Chen (1998)presents a general formulation for a deterministic problem and discusses that it can be transferred to a network flow problem. Moreover, he shows that the optimal solution of the linear program is always integral. Goldman, Freling, Pak, and Piersma (2002) propose deterministic and stochastic linear programming models to find the nested booking limits and the bid prices for the multi-day stay problem. They follow the work of Weatherford (1995) to develop the deterministic model. For the stochastic model, they extend the work of De Boer, Freling, and Piersma (2002)on the airline revenue management problem. However, unlike the models proposed by Weatherford(1995) and De Boer et al. (2002), they use the booking control policies over a rolling horizon of decision periods. Lai and Ng (2005) work on a stochastic programming formulation for a multi-day stay problem. They apply robust optimization techniques to solve the problem on a scenario basis. They also consider the risk aversion of the decision maker and use the mean absolute value to measure the revenue deviation risk. Koide and Ishii (2005) work on the optimal room allocation policies for a single- day stay by considering the early discounts, the cancellations and the overbookings. They examine the properties of the expected revenue function and show that it is unimodal on the number of allocated rooms for early discount and overbooking. As with Lai and Ng (2005), Liu, Lai, and Wang (2008) present revenue optimization models for a multi-day stay problem by considering the revenue risk. They propose a stochastic programming model with semi-absolute deviations to measure the risk. Guadix, Cortes, Onieva, and Munuzuri (2010) present a decision support system for forecasting and room allocation decisions. They work on the deterministic and stochastic programming models by considering group arrivals. The proposed decision support system integrates these models for room allocation and pricing decisions. Nadarajah, Lim, and Ding (2015) study dynamic pricing policy for a single type of room by considering the multiple day stays. Since the resulting model is computationally intractable, they propose pricing heuristics based on fluid approximation and approximate linear programming. They analyze the properties of the pricing policy under the peak demand.The solution approaches considered in this study build on the literature on decomposition methods in network revenue management. The output of a decomposition method is used to construct various capacity controls, such as bid- prices and nested booking limits. Adelman (2007) develops an approximation method to compute the dynamic bid prices. He first formulates the network problem as a dynamic model, which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Thus, he derives a standard linear program by approximating the dynamic programming value functions. This approach provides an upper bound on the optimal expected revenue. Zhang (2011) proposes a nonlinear, non-separable approximation to the dynamicprogramming model that leads to a tighter upper bound. Topaloglu (2009)focuses on a Lagrangian relaxation method to decompose the network problem into many single capacity problems. Erdelyi and Topaloglu (2009) work on the overbooking problem in an airline network and develop separable approximations to decompose the problem by individual flights (legs). This approach constructs capacity dependent bid prices. However, it becomes quite difficult to compute the value functions for each leg as the size of the problem increases. To reduce the computational burden, Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2011) develop a stochastic approximation algorithm that provides a set of capacity independent bid prices. In this approach, they formulate the total expected profit as a function of the bid prices and use stochastic gradients to obtain a good bid price policy. Recently, Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2010) propose a new leg- based decomposition method for the airline revenue management problems that involve the customer choices. In this method, they first allocate the revenue of each itinerary among the legs covered by the itinerary. Then, they define a penalty term to incorporate the network effect. They view the revenue allocations and the penalty terms as decision variables, and use subgradient search to find the optimal solution. Although this solution approach is manageable in small size networks, it can be impractical for the problems of substantial size networks. Hotel network revenue management problems are also tackled with the decomposition methods. Zhang and Weatherford (2017) work on a dynamic pricing problem. They generalize the approximation method of Zhang (2011) and decompose the problem into independent single-day problems by approximating the value functions with nonlinear non- separable functions. They test the proposed approach by using the data from a hotel. Aslani et al. (2013) also propose a decomposition method for a pricing problem in hotel revenue management. They develop an approach to estimate the effective arrival rate for each day by considering the stock-outs and the customer losses due to high price levels. They decompose the network problem into single- day subproblems by using these daily arrival rates. Our study has several distinguishing features compared with the earlier work. To begin with, we focus on the multiple day problem and propose several decomposition methods to attack theproblem. In particular, our aim is to find a dynamic capacity allocation policy that takes into account the advance bookings and the stay-over customers. We first study advance bookings and propose day-based decomposition methods. We work on a fare-allocation strategy where the reservation fares are allocated on day basis depending on the time of the booking. Our method is based on dynamic programming formulations for the single-day revenue management problems, hence it can capture the temporal dynamics of the reservation requests more accurately compared with the static models. We also present alternate solution methods to improve the computational time for the large-scale problems. Later, we study stay-over requests in hotel RM and propose a pair-based dynamic programming method. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic model of stay-over customers in a network setting has not previously been studied in the literature. We also discuss the applicability of the proposed models to several cases, such as late checkout and overbooking. Finally, our computational experiments demonstrate that the proposed methods can generate significantly higher profits than the well-known benchmarks in the literature. The performance gaps are especially significant when the daily hotel capacity is tight and the stay-over probability is high. In addition, day-based decomposition methods perform significantly better when the hotel controls the fares on a per-day basis and does not offer discount for long-term stays.ConclusionIn this study, we work on the dynamic room allocation problem in hotel revenue management. Due to the complexity of this problem, we concentrate on several approximation methods. We analyze the structural properties of the problem and present day- and pair-based decomposition approaches that can handle the walk-in and the stay-over customers. First, we work on the day-based decomposition methods. Day-based decomposition generates independent subproblems for each day and, hence, it cannot store the number of reserved rooms for each product. Therefore, incorporating the stay-over customers becomes a challenge. In the second part, we work on the stay-over extension. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic programming model that includes the stay-over customers has not been proposed inthe literature before. We first focus on the single-day stay-over problem. By extending the work of Birbil et al. (2014), we propose a solution method. Second, we consider the multi-day stay-over problem and present a two-period approximation, which combines the pair-based decomposition with the deterministic linear programming. We conduct a thorough computational study and investigate the performances of our proposed models along with some well-known approaches used in the literature. Our computational experiments indicate that the proposed policies perform well. The performance gaps are especially significant when the hotel’s daily capacity is tight and the stay-over probability is high.As we mentioned in Section 5.2, our stay-over models can be extended to several other applications in hotel RM. Recently, hotel reservation systems have started to offer late checkout option to their customers. Late checkout requests can be considered as a special case of stay-over problem where the customers can extend their stay until the allowed time specified by the hotel. Following the same construction as for the stay-over model, we can obtain the reservation policies for late checkouts. Another important issue in hotel revenue management is overbooking. Similarly, the overbooking option can be incorporated in the multi-day stay-over model and it can also be solved in two stages. However, it is important to note that preallocating the hotel capacity to even more pairs and determining the individual overbooking limit for each pair may poorly affect the control of hotel capacity network-wide. Incorporation of the overbooking option is a potential topic for future research.译文酒店收益管理中动态客房分配的解决方法摘要长期住宿在酒店行业中很常见。
酒店收益管理中动态客房分配的解决方法中英文2019原文Decomposition methods for dynamic room allocation in hotel revenue managementN.Aydin,S.I.BirbilAbstractLong-term stays are quite common in the hotel business. Consequently, it is crucial for the hotel managements to consider the allocation of available rooms to a stream of customers requesting to stay multiple days. This requirement leads to the solving of dynamic network revenue management problems that are computationally challenging. A remedy is to apply decomposition approaches so that an approximate solution can be obtained by solving many simpler problems. In this study, we investigate several room allocation policies in hotel revenue management. We work on various decomposition methods to find reservation policies for advance bookings and stay-over customers. We also devise solution algorithms to solve the resulting problems efficiently.Keywords:Revenue management,Hotel,Capacity control,Decomposition methodsIntroductionHistorically, the airline industry played the steering role in revenue management (RM). Today, however, there is a wide range of applications in different industries with volatile demand, requesting fixed and perishable capacity (Kimes, 1989). Although the hotel industry is one of the typical application areas of revenue management, the research in this particular area lags behind the work produced for other service industries. In their recent work, Ivanov and Zhechev (2012) and Ivanov (2014) present a review of the methods proposed in the hotel RM literature and point out the gaps.In general, well-known airline RM techniques, such as booking control and pricing, can be applied to hotel RM problems. However, it is important to consider several constraints that are unique to hotel reservation systems. First, multi-day staysin hotels are quite common. While a flight itinerary includes, on average fewer than three legs, the number of nights a typical customer spends in a hotel can be a week or even more (Zhang & Weatherford, 2017). Second, the demand process is different. Hotel customers may decide to stay longer and extend their reservation while they are staying in the hotel (Kimes, 1989). Third, airline customers generally make advance bookings but a number of hotel customers consist of walk-ins. Moreover, the early reservations in the booking interval are even allowed to cancel their bookings at no extra cost.In this paper, we focus on the room allocation decisions for a hotel. The optimal policy to accept or reject an arriving customer can be obtained by analyzing the stochastic nature of the customer arrival process. In hotel reservation systems, the customers are classified as the advance bookings, the stay-overs and the walk-ins. While the advance bookings make room reservations before they arrive at the hotel, the walk-ins show up without any reservation. The stay-overs are the customers who ask for an extension for their reservations during their stay in the hotel. Recently, hotel reservation systems have started offering extended stay as an option due to high customer demand (Tepper, 2015). For instance, Priceline (2017) and Hotwire (2017)present “add-a-night” and “add to your stay” options to their existing customers. The arrival process of the advance bookings and walk-ins are similar. The only difference is that the walk-in customers arrive after the reservation period ends. However, the stay-over requests depend on the accepted advance bookings. To simplify our notation, we ignore the walk-in customers and formulate our problem by considering the advance bookings and the stay-overs. Then, we explain how one can easily incorporate the walk-in customers to our proposed models. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic model of stay-over customers in a network setting has not been previously studied in the literature.The research contributions in this paper come from the application and the analysis of two decomposition approaches. These are the day-based and the period-based decompositions. Our day-based decomposition is similar to the one proposed by Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2010). We simplify their decompositionmethod and show that our proposed model provides a lower bound to their model. We set forth a dynamic model for the advance bookings and formulate a linear program for the problem. The resulting model is then solved with the constraint generation method. We also propose alternate approximate models, which provide upper and lower bounds on the optimal expected revenue of the original model. To manage the stay-over requests, one needs to keep track of the number of reservations in each booking type. A day-based method, however, decomposes the network problem into independent days, and this decomposition approach causes loss of information on the number of customers in each booking type. Our solution to this hindrance is a period-based decomposition method, which is an extension of another approach recently proposed by Birbil, Frenk, Gromicho, and Zhang (2014). First, we focus on the single-day stay-over problem, as the request for an additional night is the most frequently realized stay-over case in real-life (Talya, 2016). Though our model is different than the one set forth by Birbil et al. (2014), we successfully build on their decomposition idea. Second, we consider the multi-day stay-over problem and present a two-period approximation, which combines the pair-based decomposition with the deterministic linear programming approach. In period one, we observe the reservation activity of the advance booking customers. In period two, we take into account the stay-over requests of the customers whose bookings have been accepted. To test the performances of the proposed decomposition approaches, we conduct simulation experiments and compare our results with those obtained by several well-known models from the literature. Our computational study indicates that the proposed decomposition approaches are apt to effective room allocation in hotel RM.Review of related literatureWe begin by reviewing the related work on hotel RM. Then, we summarize the decomposition approaches frequently applied to the network RM problems.Ladany (1976) works on a single-day stay model for a hotel with two types of resources. The aim of the model is to find an allocation policy to maximize the daily expected revenue. He develops a dynamic programming formulation and obtains the decision policy for each resource. Williams (1977) works on the single-day staymodel during the peak demand period. In this model, he assumes that demand arrives from three different sources: the stay-overs, the reservations and the walk-ins. He computes the reservation policy for each customer type by comparing the costs of underbooking and overbooking. Bitran and Leong (1989) focus on the multi-day problem by considering the walk-in and stay-over requests. They model the multi-day reservations as a series of independent, single-day reservations. Bitran and Mondschein (1995) develop a dynamic programming model for a single-day stay problem with multiple products. Since the resulting model is computationally intractable for the real size problems, they utilize several heuristics when searching for the optimal allocation policy. Weatherford (1995) focuses on the effect of the length of stay. He proposes a heuristic method based on a static model and compares this method with the other booking policies developed for the single-day stay problems. Bitran and Gilbert (1996) work on a single-day stay and single-room problem. They assume that during the service day, three types of customers show-up: the customers with guaranteed reservations, the customers with reservations and the walk-ins. They develop a dynamic model and propose a heuristic method to obtain the room allocation policy. Baker and Collier (1999) extend the study of Weatherford (1995) as well as the work of Bitran and Mondschein (1995) by allowing cancellations, overbooking and stay-overs. They develop two heuristics that integrate overbooking with the capacity allocation decisions. They compare the performances of these heuristics against the other booking control policies in the literature. Through this comparison, Baker and Collier (1999) discuss the advantages of each policy under different operating environments.Later studies focus on multi-product and multi-day stay problems. Chen (1998)presents a general formulation for a deterministic problem and discusses that it can be transferred to a network flow problem. Moreover, he shows that the optimal solution of the linear program is always integral. Goldman, Freling, Pak, and Piersma (2002) propose deterministic and stochastic linear programming models to find the nested booking limits and the bid prices for the multi-day stay problem. They follow the work of Weatherford (1995) to develop the deterministic model. For the stochasticmodel, they extend the work of De Boer, Freling, and Piersma (2002)on the airline revenue management problem. However, unlike the models proposed by Weatherford (1995) and De Boer et al. (2002), they use the booking control policies over a rolling horizon of decision periods. Lai and Ng (2005) work on a stochastic programming formulation for a multi-day stay problem. They apply robust optimization techniques to solve the problem on a scenario basis. They also consider the risk aversion of the decision maker and use the mean absolute value to measure the revenue deviation risk. Koide and Ishii (2005) work on the optimal room allocation policies for a single-day stay by considering the early discounts, the cancellations and the overbookings. They examine the properties of the expected revenue function and show that it is unimodal on the number of allocated rooms for early discount and overbooking. As with Lai and Ng (2005), Liu, Lai, and Wang (2008) present revenue optimization models for a multi-day stay problem by considering the revenue risk. They propose a stochastic programming model with semi-absolute deviations to measure the risk. Guadix, Cortes, Onieva, and Munuzuri (2010) present a decision support system for forecasting and room allocation decisions. They work on the deterministic and stochastic programming models by considering group arrivals. The proposed decision support system integrates these models for room allocation and pricing decisions. Nadarajah, Lim, and Ding (2015) study dynamic pricing policy for a single type of room by considering the multiple day stays. Since the resulting model is computationally intractable, they propose pricing heuristics based on fluid approximation and approximate linear programming. They analyze the properties of the pricing policy under the peak demand.The solution approaches considered in this study build on the literature on decomposition methods in network revenue management. The output of a decomposition method is used to construct various capacity controls, such as bid-prices and nested booking limits. Adelman (2007) develops an approximation method to compute the dynamic bid prices. He first formulates the network problem as a dynamic model, which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Thus, he derives a standard linear program by approximating the dynamic programming valuefunctions. This approach provides an upper bound on the optimal expected revenue. Zhang (2011) proposes a nonlinear, non-separable approximation to the dynamic programming model that leads to a tighter upper bound. Topaloglu (2009)focuses on a Lagrangian relaxation method to decompose the network problem into many single capacity problems. Erdelyi and Topaloglu (2009) work on the overbooking problem in an airline network and develop separable approximations to decompose the problem by individual flights (legs). This approach constructs capacity dependent bid prices. However, it becomes quite difficult to compute the value functions for each leg as the size of the problem increases. To reduce the computational burden, Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2011) develop a stochastic approximation algorithm that provides a set of capacity independent bid prices. In this approach, they formulate the total expected profit as a function of the bid prices and use stochastic gradients to obtain a good bid price policy. Recently, Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2010) propose a new leg-based decomposition method for the airline revenue management problems that involve the customer choices. In this method, they first allocate the revenue of each itinerary among the legs covered by the itinerary. Then, they define a penalty term to incorporate the network effect. They view the revenue allocations and the penalty terms as decision variables, and use subgradient search to find the optimal solution. Although this solution approach is manageable in small size networks, it can be impractical for the problems of substantial size networks. Hotel network revenue management problems are also tackled with the decomposition methods. Zhang and Weatherford (2017) work on a dynamic pricing problem. They generalize the approximation method of Zhang (2011) and decompose the problem into independent single-day problems by approximating the value functions with nonlinear non-separable functions. They test the proposed approach by using the data from a hotel. Aslani et al. (2013) also propose a decomposition method for a pricing problem in hotel revenue management. They develop an approach to estimate the effective arrival rate for each day by considering the stock-outs and the customer losses due to high price levels. They decompose the network problem into single-day subproblems by using thesedaily arrival rates. Our study has several distinguishing features compared with the earlier work. To begin with, we focus on the multiple day problem and propose several decomposition methods to attack the problem. In particular, our aim is to find a dynamic capacity allocation policy that takes into account the advance bookings and the stay-over customers. We first study advance bookings and propose day-based decomposition methods. We work on a fare-allocation strategy where the reservation fares are allocated on day basis depending on the time of the booking. Our method is based on dynamic programming formulations for the single-day revenue management problems, hence it can capture the temporal dynamics of the reservation requests more accurately compared with the static models. We also present alternate solution methods to improve the computational time for the large-scale problems. Later, we study stay-over requests in hotel RM and propose a pair-based dynamic programming method. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic model of stay-over customers in a network setting has not previously been studied in the literature. We also discuss the applicability of the proposed models to several cases, such as late checkout and overbooking. Finally, our computational experiments demonstrate that the proposed methods can generate significantly higher profits than the well-known benchmarks in the literature. The performance gaps are especially significant when the daily hotel capacity is tight and the stay-over probability is high. In addition, day-based decomposition methods perform significantly better when the hotel controls the fares on a per-day basis and does not offer discount for long-term stays.ConclusionIn this study, we work on the dynamic room allocation problem in hotel revenue management. Due to the complexity of this problem, we concentrate on several approximation methods. We analyze the structural properties of the problem and present day- and pair-based decomposition approaches that can handle the walk-in and the stay-over customers. First, we work on the day-based decomposition methods. Day-based decomposition generates independent subproblems for each day and, hence, it cannot store the number of reserved rooms for each product. Therefore, incorporating the stay-over customers becomes a challenge. In the second part, wework on the stay-over extension. To the best of our knowledge, the dynamic programming model that includes the stay-over customers has not been proposed in the literature before. We first focus on the single-day stay-over problem. By extending the work of Birbil et al. (2014), we propose a solution method. Second, we consider the multi-day stay-over problem and present a two-period approximation, which combines the pair-based decomposition with the deterministic linear programming. We conduct a thorough computational study and investigate the performances of our proposed models along with some well-known approaches used in the literature. Our computational experiments indicate that the proposed policies perform well. The performance gaps are especially significant when the hotel’s daily capacity is t ight and the stay-over probability is high.As we mentioned in Section 5.2, our stay-over models can be extended to several other applications in hotel RM. Recently, hotel reservation systems have started to offer late checkout option to their customers. Late checkout requests can be considered as a special case of stay-over problem where the customers can extend their stay until the allowed time specified by the hotel. Following the same construction as for the stay-over model, we can obtain the reservation policies for late checkouts. Another important issue in hotel revenue management is overbooking. Similarly, the overbooking option can be incorporated in the multi-day stay-over model and it can also be solved in two stages. However, it is important to note that preallocating the hotel capacity to even more pairs and determining the individual overbooking limit for each pair may poorly affect the control of hotel capacity network-wide. Incorporation of the overbooking option is a potential topic for future research.译文酒店收益管理中动态客房分配的解决方法摘要长期住宿在酒店行业中很常见。
收益管理系统(Revenue Management System)是根据收益管理原理设计开发的一种计算机辅助决策管理系统。
顾客对于酒店的房价往往存在一个期望和现实的差异,按照传统办法,酒店平均1200元的销售价,3天合计房价为3600元;酒店根据最合适的可售房价的原理,前两天因为客房宽裕房价为1 000元,第3天因客房紧张房价为1500元,3天合计房价为3500元。
三、结语 Байду номын сангаас
收益管理目录收益管理概述原理收益管理前提和工作内容收益管理在实践中需注意的问题展开收益管理概述收益管理(Revenue Management 或Yield Management)是一种谋求收入最大化的新经营管理技术。
其核心是价格细分亦称价格歧视(price discrimination),就是根据客户不同的需求特征和价格弹性向客户执行不同的价格标准。
在信息产业技术革命大潮和航空运输业发展需求的共同推动下,收益管理 理论和实践取得了大量成果,通过逐步深化运用,国外航空运输业和酒店业获 得了丰厚利润。国内航空公司和酒店业虽然也对收益管理逐步重视,但多停留 在理论,实践应用不多,效果有限。如何让收益管理更贴近中国民航的实际需 要,将收益管理的先进理念和方法贯彻到公司经营活动的各个领域,是这些公 司目前急切要解决的一个问题。 国内少数航空和酒店公司开始使用国外收益管理系统,绝大部分公司没有 建立系统,收益管理还处在相对初级、原始的状态,绝大多数具体工作还是通 过人工进行处理和调整,虽然也在运用收益管理的某些手段,但还无法达到依 靠系统数据辅助经营管理,量化经营决策。管理的准确性、及时性、全面性不 足。未建立起收益管理系统的主要原因在于缺乏有效的工具和及时稳定的数据 来源。不过,随着我国信息服务水平的逐步提升,一些国内公司已经准备建立 收益管理系统,将现行的经验管理改进为建立在历史数据基础上的自动处理为 主、人为修正为辅的管理模式。1
李文丽,陆亚刚.收益管理在酒店业的应用策略. 《社会科学家》.2006,(11):140
共 22 页
25%,税前利润上升 250%,从 30 亿升为 75 亿,增加的 45 亿中,有 30 亿来自 于应用了收益管理方法和系统。1 收益管理是相对较新的技术,从它首次被提出至今也就 20 年左右。目前它 已经成为服务产业广泛应用的一项创新。 收益管理广泛适用于,航空公司、酒店、旅游度假地等不可储存资产的管 理,以及易腐商品的管理的场合。甚至广播公司也运用收益管理技术,管理其 广告时段,以决定有多大比例预留给高端客户,多大比例留给散户。对于制造 能力不可储存的情况,制造商也可以运用收益管理技术对其进行管理。 航空公司在 20 世纪 70 年代末解禁之后首次实行收益管理。它们对一些时 段的价格进行了限制,潜力在乘客要么按所给价格预订机票,那么选择其他的 交通工具。这种大胆的市场政策碰到了一些问题,但是却建立了飞机票价的经 济结构。
基于经济学基础的酒店收益管理研究酒店收益管理(Revenue Management)在全球范围内已经成为了酒店运营中的重要环节,其目的在于通过对消费者的行为及市场需求的分析,提高酒店的收益。
三、酒店收益管理的策略——动态定价酒店收益管理的一个最关键的策略就是动态定价(Dynamic Pricing)。
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为酒店群体顾客而设的技术收益管理系统Pablo Cortés, Luis Onieva, Jesús Muñuzuri 西班牙塞维利亚大学(作者承认由Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,Spain.所给的财务支持)文章信息文章历史:2008年4月1日投稿2009年3月1日收到修订版2009年4月1日接受发表关键词:收益管理顾客群体酒店摘要这篇文章讨论了收益管理:一种关注在决策环节使每个销售单位利润最大化的技术。
©2009 Elsevier Inc。
跟随着美国航空公司在1978年违反规定的行为,现今各个航空公司能够采用它们自身选择的任意航线任意时间的任意价格,Smith, Leimkuhler 和Darrow (1992)。
Bodily 和Weatherford (1995)也考虑了过度预订的情况,以及提出了允许乘客进行调整的建议。
Belobaba 和Weatherford (1996)完成了一项不同决策制定合并乘客调整规则的比较。
Rothsein (1971)进行了酒店预订系统过量预订的最早应用。
Liberman 和Yechiali (1978)考虑了顾客在24小时之内的取消预订。
Orkin (1988)为酒店提出了一些收益管理之外的意见并提供了不同类型计算的例子。
Bitran 和Mondschein (1995)设计出酒店预订模型,其中包括了停留天数。
Bitran 和Gilbert(1996)拓宽了先前的模型并合并加入不确定顾客。
Donaghy、McMahon-Beattie和McDowel (1997) 提出了一个分为10个步骤、强调技术管理在市场细分以及每个细分市场的特的应用的模型。
Emeksiz、Gursoy 和Icoz (2006)展示了一个分5步比较运用技术管理与没有运用技术管理的酒店的模型。
因此,Noone、Kimes 和Renaghan (2003)提出,必须应用CRM系统来实现收益管理,在将来的发展中保证服务质量以及顾客忠诚度。
使用ICTs 和英特网的顾客可以查到同一部电影(DVD)的不同价格。
(Guzman、Moreno 和Tejada (2008)提出)TRM 系统研究重点以马贝拉城市的酒店为对象,以上这些酒店都是常年开放的,其组织者在马贝拉城市内都拥有另一间同样的酒店。
(Fullard (2007)提出)在另一篇论文中,Lindenmeier 和Tscheulin (2008)以航空业为例,展示了相同的原理。
2.方法论Jones 和Lockwood (1998)指出,TRM系统由3个管理层级组成:战略层面关注长期以及主要的管理层。
(Arribas 和Vila (2007)提出)TRM系统数据确定了短期内的价格以及预订量。
与在酒店所使用的价格改变策略不同,Shoemaker (2003)认为应该在“战略管理”加入“战术水平”。
图1Vinod (2004)提出一个适用于酒店业的收益管理系统,并强调了其组成模块的技术需要。
依据同样的看法,Chiang, Chen 和Xu (2007)强调了技术管理在收益管理领域中的重要性。
这是很多学者对预测模型的看法,包括McGill 和Van Ryzin (1999), Talluri 和Van Ryzin (2004), Pai 和Hong (2005) or Fernández-Morales 和Mayorga-Toledano (2008).TRM系统使用输入的顾客需求预测数据来获得一个房间的最优配置。