口译教程 U6

(六)词汇预习嘉宾distinguished guests明月当空moon-lit全体同仁all my colleagues百忙中拔冗光临take the time off busy schedule新春联欢晚会Chinese New Year's party远道而来come all the way from尽情品尝enjoy…to your hearts' content美酒佳肴robust wine and delicious food才华横溢talented纯正authentic无所拘束informal, casual中华民族伟大复兴the great renaissance of Chinese nation热门话题hot topic至高无上的愿景the supremacy of vision几代人的夙愿the long-cherished of generations新生revitalize万事如意the very best of luck in everything梦想成真dreams come true董事长president装饰华丽magnificently decorated良辰佳时 a wonderful time融洽harmony奉献dedication全年的亮点 a high point of the year生活的真谛key to life信念faith尽兴尽致enjoy every minute of销售额sales volume务实practical辉煌业绩brilliant achievements年终岁末之际at the end of the year宣布……开幕declare open论坛forum市民社会civil society文化多样性cultural pluralism筹委会organizing committee开幕式opening ceremony社区工作者协会Community Social Worker’s Association社会各界来宾guests from various circles日新月异ever-changing知识更新update the structure of human knowledge多元化pluralism社保体制social welfare and security system政府职能governmental functions政府包揽undertaken by the government民间组织non-government organization宏观管理macro-management分工协作the division of responsibilities借鉴先进经验merit the reference advanced experience取得丰硕成果conclude with abundant accomplishment预祝。
口译教程 U6

• B: We have already got very strong support from the international community, especially on the technical side. And on the domestic front, we recognize that making our people understand and raising their awareness is very important. So, common sense, health education and behavioral changes are the only way for people to avoid HIV infection.
• B: Firstly, I think the government should improve our monitoring system, and secondly, NGOs should try their best to mobilize all the resources we can use to help the people, especially people at the grass roots and the rural areas, to let them know the terrible results of spreading the disease and how to prevent HIV/AIDS. I think we should do more advocacy work among the people.
HU: steel experts cannot develop to EU because tariff quotas too restrictive _____ but EU: HU underuses a lot quotas so quotas not problem

我国的中秋节不仅给人们提供了团聚的机会,其意 义还包含了关怀、融洽和奉献。我为有幸参加这 次中秋聚会,再次表示感谢。 China's Mid-autumn Festival does not only provide an occasion for getting together, but also implies opportunities for care, harmony and dedication. I wish to thank you again for your invitation to / giving me the opportunity to attend this mid-autumn evening party.
在这明月当空的中秋之夜,我很高兴能应邀 出席贵公司的庆祝晚宴,同各位一起度过一 个轻松、难忘的夜晚。// 在这个高度竞争的时代,人际关系越来越紧 张,似乎缺少了传统意义上的那种人间温暖 的关怀。// 我国的中秋节不仅给人们提供了团聚的机会 ,其意义还包含了关怀、融洽和奉献。我为 有幸参加这次中秋聚会,再次表示感谢。
才华横溢 / 拨冗光临/明月当空 talented /take the time off/ moon-lit 尊敬的市长先生,感谢您的精心安排与好客。 Your honor Mr. Mayor, thank you very much for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. 尊敬的… Respectable/Honorable/Respected /Your honor/Your Excellency Mr. Mayor 借此机会…. I would like to take this opportunity to… I would like to avail myself of this great opportunity to…
经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 6 Company Profile

表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.
. (dot) 这个“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样。
“.d”表示yesterday, “.y”表示last year, “”表示two month ago。Wk表示week,“y”表示
this year, “y2.”表示two year later,“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.”
表示转折but, yet, however, etc.
①表示“好的”状态,right/good, famous/well-known, etc.
②表示“同意”状态,stand up for, support, agree with sb., certain/ affirmative, etc.
Ⅰ. Preparing
Interpretation Skill: Note TakingⅡ- Symbols and
(1) Symbols and alphabet
W 表示工作,职业:work, employ 等。 它是work的第一个字母。所以Wo就可以用来表示worker,而“o”在字母上方表 示工人、雇员等,在字母下方表示工作场所如工厂等。
表示追溯到:come/go back to, originate
表示上升:up/upward/rise, increase, arise, ascend, etc.
表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch, open, start, etc.

Do you know the C-E difference in word order?
悲欢离合 Joys and sorrows, partings and reunions 或迟或早 Sooner or later 风雨交加 It's raining and blowing hard. It's wet and windy. Rain and wind come together. 寒来暑往 As summer goes and winter comes
Chances and Opportunities
A chance is a time suitable for doing something you want to do. A chance is a possibility that something desirable will happen. A chance is the likelihood of succeeding in doing something. A chance is luck that may turn in your favor.
Up-to-date Expressions (29)
责权明确 well-defined power and responsibility 出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports 磁悬浮列车 magnetic suspension train 打白条 issue IOU (I owe you.) 打黑 crack down on profiteering 达标活动 target-hitting activities 代职 function in an acting capacity 等外品 off-grade goods 地方保护主义 regional protectionism 恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation 二流选手 scrub, second-rater

(一)1. 美国国债已经达到27000亿美元,占其国内生产总值的56%,年平均利息1500亿美元。加拿大国债占其国内生产总值的69.5%,巴西6.1%, 德国44.1%, 法国37.2%,意大利96.5%, 日本67.3%。2. Growth rate of world population at present is 1.2%, growth rate of most underdeveloped countries is the highest, up to 2.4% while that of developed and less developed countries is 0.25% and 1.46% respectively1. American national debt has added up to US$2700 billion, or about 56% of theUnited States’ gross domestic product, with an annual interest of US$150 billion. Canada’s national debt is 69.5% of its gross domestic product, Brazil, 6.1% Germany, 44.1%, France, 37.2%, Italy, 96.5% and Japan, 67.3%.2. 目前世界人口增长率为1.2%,其中大多数不发达国家的人口增长率最高,达到2.4%, 发达及欠发达国家的人口增长率分别为0.25%和1.46%。(二).1 Hughes, a close friend of the President has once served as President Bush’sWhite House counselor during his presidency from 2001 to 2002. ThePresident asked her to come back in 2005, after he was reelected for secondterm, to serve in her current position.2. Transicold is our transport-refrigeration company, providing truck, trailer andmarine container refrigeration. It is really a global operation and accounts foralmost 20 percent of our global revenues.3. For the third quarter of 2007, the company reported revenue of US$63.7 million,an increase of 35% from US$47.1 million for the comparable period in 2006.Operating income was US$5.5 million in the quarter, a 27% increase over US$4.3 million in the previous year.4. Providence will hold a conference call at 11,00 a.m. on WednesdayNovember 7, 2007 to discuss its financial results and corporate developments.5. In 2002, Unilever has 14 global brands with a turnover of US$0.9 billion or more. The growth rate of the leading brands is 5.4% with foods 4.4% from 1.9% in 2000.6. 2007年前9个月,收入从去年同期的1.359亿美元增长到1.865亿美元, 同比增长 37%。9个月的营业收入同2006年头9个月的1440万美元相比, 增长了17%, 达到 1680万美元。7. 也可以拨打(866)356-3377, 国际长途请拨打(617)597-5392。可在2007年11月14 日之前通过拨打(888)286-8010或(617)801-6888要求重播。8. 2001年债务为669万英镑,占净流动资产的42.3%,只比2000年增加了7.9%。9. 2000年4月,Ben&Jerry’s同意接受联合利华的购买意向,以每股43.6美元的价格出售了公司的840万股份,共计三亿二千六百万美元。10. 2002年北美市场总量为十四亿八千五百万美元,约占联合利华全球冰淇淋销售量的33%。1. 休斯,这位总统的亲密战友,曾在布什总统2001至2002 年任期间担任白宫法律顾问。2005 年总统成功连任后,又将其召回担任如今的职务。2. Transicold是我们的冷冻运输公司,提供卡车、拖车和海运集装箱冷藏服务。它是个全球化公司,约占我们全球收入的20%。3. 2007年第三季度,公司宣布收入6370万美元,2006年同期4710万美元,同比增长35%。该季度营业收入550万美元,去年同期430万美元,同比增长27%。4. 普罗维登斯将于2007年11月7日,星期三,上午11点召开会议,讨论财政问题和管理事务。5. 2002年联合利华拥有14个全球品牌,营业收入达到9亿美元或更多。一流品牌的增长率是5.4%,其中食品从2000年的1.9%增长到4.4%。6. For the first nine months of 2007, revenue increased 37% to US$186.5 millionfrom US$135.9 million for the same period last year. Operating income gained17% to US$16.8 million for the nine month period compared to US$14.4 millionin the first nine months of 2006.7. The call is also available by dialing (866)356-3377, or for international callers(617)597-5392. A replay will also be available until November 14, 2007 bydialing (888)286-8010 or (617)801-6888.8. Debt in 2001 was £6 690 000, 42.3% of the net current asset, only 7.9% over2000.9. In April 2000, Ben &Jerry’s accepted the offer from Unilever of US$43.6 pershare for all of the 8.4 million shares of the company with a total ofUS$326million.10. In 2002, the total North American market of US$ 1485 million amounts to 33%of Unilever’s global ice cream.(三)1. Packing has a close bearing on sales.2. I do hope they can reach us in due time and be on the market for the season.3. We did hope we could be appointed as your agent at the very beginning ofyour putting goods on market.4. It is hopeful that annual turnover for the next 3 years will increase greatly.5. We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.6. 我们来不及更换包装。7. 您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。8. 同时还加固了包装,以便使货物遭到损坏的风险减小到最低程度。9. 我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细研究的。10. 等时机成熟,我们将考虑委托你方为我方在那个地区的独家代理。1. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。2. 我真的希望这些货能准时到达我处,赶上销售季节上市。3. 我们真的希望在将产品投入市场之初担任你们的代理。4. 接下来的3年里年销售量有望快速增长。5. 协议到期后我们可以续签。6. We cannot afford time to change the packing.7. You can find our packing for this product beautiful and quite well-done.8. And we’ll also reinforce the cartons to minimize any possible damage to the goods.9. We’ll give your claim our careful consideration.10. When opportunity matured, we would consider making you our exclusive agent for the region.A: 我们可以提出包装问题来讨论了吗?Shall we bring up packing for discussion?B: Yes, I’d like to know if your contract price includes the packing.可以的。我想知道你们的合同价格是否包括了包装费用。A: 一般来说,合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。但你知道,不同的产品有不同的包装要求。买方通常需支付特殊包装费用。Generally speaking, packing charge is included. But you know, different products have different packing requirements. Buyers usually bear the charges of special packing.B: I see. Packing has a close bearing on sales. If it catches the eye, packing will ofcourse help us push the sales.我明白了。包装直接关系到产品的销售。如果包装醒目,将有助于我们推销产品。A: 是的。这是我们通常的包装和唛头条款。你可以看一下,有没有特殊要求。或者也可以回去跟同事商量一下,然后通知我们。但你们得在装船前通知我们,否则我们来不及更换包装。Yes. This is our usual stipulations about the packing and shipping mark. You can go through it and see if you have any special requirements or you can discuss it with your colleagues and inform us of the result afterwards. But you have to advise us before the shipping date. Otherwise we cannot afford time to change the packing.B: We have no objection to the stipulations. The packing is very advanced andtasteful.我们同意关于包装和唛头条款。包装挺先进的, 十分精美。A: 太好了,您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。That’s great. You can find our packing for this product beautiful and quite well-done.B: Well, I think it can be on a par with that of the international market.我认为它都可以与国际市场上的相媲美了。A: 真高兴你这么说。我们会通知厂商按要求包装。We are glad you say that. We will inform the manufacturer to have them packed as per the instruction.B: OK. By the way, what about the outer packing?好的。对了,外包装怎么样的?A: 我们包装很小心的。我们一纸箱装5打,每箱毛重45公斤。同时还加固了包装,以便使货物遭到损坏的风险减小到最低程度。We pack the goods very carefully. We’ll pack five dozen to one carton, gross weight around 45 kilos a carton. And we’ll also reinforce the cartons to minimize any possible damage to the goods.B: Cartons? Could you use wooden cases instead?纸箱?你们能用木箱吗? A: 为什么用木箱?Why use wooden cases?B: I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a long voyage.我担心纸箱不够结实,经不起长途海运。A: 你没必要担心这个。纸箱很适合海运。在我们运往欧洲大陆港口的货物中纸箱被广泛使用。还从来没有客户提出过申诉。No need to worry about that. Cartons are quite seaworthy. They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports. There are never any complaints from our clients.B: All right, I’ll take cartons. Can you mark wording “Handle With Care” on the cartons?好吧。就用纸箱。你们能在纸箱上标明“小心轻放”字样吗?A: 没问题。No problem.B: I believe this will turn out to the satisfaction of our clients.我相信包装一定会让我们的客户满意的。A: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr. Roberson.罗宾逊先生,我有件不愉快的事跟你说。B: 哦?什么事?Oh? What’s it?A: The goods have been shipped to the destination. They seemed in good condition when we received them the day before yesterday. We unpacked and unfortunately found goods in two cartons did not match the quality of the samples.货物已运到目的地。前天收到货物时状况良好。我们打开包装,结果发现两箱货物的质量跟样品质量不符。B: 很遗憾。我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细研究的。I’m so regretful. We’ll give your claim our careful consideration.A: Thank you.谢谢。B: 有时候,航运公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim.A: I know. But the packages were in sound condition. It was the quality that we claimed for.我知道。但货物包装完整,状况良好。我们是对质量提出索赔。B: 我明白。不过,我向你们保证会及时处理的。我们会调查清楚,尽快给你们答复。I see. Well, I assure you of our prompt attention. We will investigate it and give you a reply soon.B: 怀特女士,我们已调查情况,找出了劣质的原因。Ms. White, we have looked into the case and found the reason for the inferiorquality.A: Yes?是什么?B: 是工厂工人质量检查疏忽了。我们已安排发运正确的货物到你方港口。20天内就会到达你处。希望没给你带来什么不便。There is an overlook on quality check on part of the staff in the factory. We have arranged the dispatch of correct quality to your port. They will reach you in no more than 20 days. I hope it will not cause any inconvenience to you.A: It is good to find the reason. You know these coming two months are the selling season for the goods of this nature. I do hope they can reach us in due time and be on the market for the season.找到原因就好。你知道,接下来的两个月是这种产品的销售季节。我真的希望这些货能准时到达我处,赶上销售季节上市。B: 我真的很抱歉给你们带来了不便。我们已采取措施改正,你放心,不会再出现类似情况了。I’m really regretful for the inconvenience. We have taken measures to put things right and assure you that similar case will in no case happen again. A: Hope so. How about the wrong goods? Shall we deliver them back to you?希望如此。发运错的货物怎么办?我们把它们运回去给你们吗?B: 没必要这么做。如你们接受这些货物,我们可以给你们打6折。No need to do so. If you could accept the goods, we can offer you a 40% discount.A: That’s acceptable.可以接受。B: 希望这次不愉快的事件不会影响我们将来的生意。I do hope this unpleasant incident will not affect our business in future.A: Of course not. We appreciate your positive action towards this affair.当然不会。我们很赞赏你们对此事件采取的积极措施。A: 早上好。很高兴见到你。Good morning, nice to see you.B: Good morning, I’m here to have a face-to-face talk with you about the agency.早上好。我来是想跟你面对面谈谈代理一事。A: 我等着你来呢。I’ve been expecting your coming.: Two years ago we talked about the agency of your products in our local market.两年前我们谈过在我们市场上担当你们产品的代理。A: 是的。我们当时说,等时机成熟,我们将考虑委托你方为我方在那个地区的独家代理。Yes, and we said when opportunity matured, we would consider making you our exclusive agent for the region.B: Yes, we did hope we could be appointed as your agent at the very beginning of your putting goods on market.对。我们真的希望在将产品投入市场之初担任你们的代理。A: 但是这么少的销售量怎么委托你们充当我们的代理啊?我们当时还没准备好考虑代理事宜。所以就暂时把代理问题搁置下来了。But how could we appoint you as our sole agency for such a small quantity? We were not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration at that time. So we left aside the problem of agency.B: I understand. We have made great achievements in the past two years and played an important role in pushing the sale of your products. I’m coming today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our localmarket我明白。在过去的两年里我们取得了很大成绩,在推销你方产品方面发挥了重要的作用。我今天来是为了申请做你方产品在我方市场上的独家代理。A: 好啊。Great.B: I want to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of 3 years.我想和你们签定一项为期三年的独家代理协议。A: 你知道如果你们担当了我们的独家代理,就对你方市场上我们产品的销售全权负责, 年销售量就要提高。You know if you are our sole agency, you will be responsible for the whole sales of our products in your market. The annual turnover shall be improved. B: We have made detailed plan for the marketing and it is hopeful that annual turnover for the next 3 years will increase greatly.我们已做出了详细的营销计划,接下来的3年里年销售量有望快速增长。A: 很高兴听到这些。那么你们建议的协议年销售量是多少?I’m pleased to hear that. Then what annual turnover would you suggest for the agreement?B: The annual turnover at present is US$500,000. How about an annual increase of US$500,000?目前年销售量是50万美元。每年增长50万美元怎么样?A: 听起来很振奋人心啊。有了独家代理协议,市场上你们就没有竞争了,很容易控制市场。肯定会带来更大的销售量。That’s inspiring. With the sole agency in your hand, there will be no competition and you could easily control the market. This would naturally result in bigger sales.B: Yes. We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.是的。协议到期后我们可以续签。A: 太好了。还有一件事。作为我们的独家代理,你们不能经营其他供应商的同类或类似产品,也不允许将我们的货卖到代理区域之外的其他地方。That’s great. One more thing, as our sole agency, you cannot handle the same or similar products of other suppliers, and you are not allowed to resell our goods to any other place outside your own.B: We promise that. When can we sign the agreement?可以保证。什么时候签协议?A: 拟好了就可以签了。As soon as you make it out.1。
大学英语口译unit 6

Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Section 1
汉译英 483 3392 45367 995847 反着说 968 3958 58372 829384 857
Memory Training
29583 388563 475 8673 28574 573658
世纪商务英语 口译教程
Unit 6
Packing, Claim and Agency
Section 1
Memory Training
Directions: Work in groups of six, one acting as the instructor and reading the figures while the others do the figure training exercise according to the requirements. 重复 2980 27389 173895 4738271 9382738471 3742 38275 673820 28174638 4837275627 8472 30998 9685948 382918473 6738291857 1285 273845 3849
Section 2 Note-taking and Interpreting of Figures (II)
Figures Practice 数字训练
Scripts 21.88% 0.00037% 27.49% 0.456% 106.4% 0.8米 0.25公斤 0.72公里 51.74公斤 56.38吨 26.92公顷
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6

6.I had believed that it was an accident, but it seems not. 我本以为这是起事故,但(现在)看来不是。
7.Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity. 不要在过冷、(过)热、灰尘(过多)、湿度(过大)的情况下使用此
1.There is a grand task to perform and a long way to go in solving the environmental protection.
2.It gives me great pleasure to attend this luncheon, meeting all the friends, old and new.
10.They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines and canals. 他们修路、(盖)房、(架)桥、(造)船、(铺)管道、
1.It was strange that though they never had seen each other before, they seemed as brothers.
Without really understanding it, these two businessmen had discovered a previously untapped market: the “mush” market. People just loved their cards. They loved even messages in them. Who cared if they were sloppy and sentimental? Who cared if the verses were childishly simple? The important thing was that they expressed feelings in a way which the sender could understand. It was great to have someone else write a nice little poem for you and put it on a pretty card. After all, we can’t all be poets or artists. This simple idea soon made Hallmark into a billion-dollar business. The company is now the world’s leading manufacturer of greeting cards.

6-3 开幕祝词 An Opening Speech
• 我相信本届年会对于推动中国社区服务事 业的蓬勃发展,促进经济发展和社会稳定, 具有积极的作用和意义。 • I am certain that this annual meeting will prove to be constructive and significant in promoting the prosperous development of China’s community service program as well as China’s economic development and social stability.
第六单元 礼仪性口语(汉译英) Unit Six Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches (Chinese-English)
Unit 6 Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches (C-E)
6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival 圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party 开幕祝词 An Opening Speech 展望未来 Looking Ahead
6-3 开幕祝词 An Opening Speech
• 大会所在地的许多教育人士对本次会议的 成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致 以诚挚的谢意。 • I wish to express our sincere thanks to the people of the local education community, whose generous help has made possible the successful commencement of this conference.
导游英语口译 unit6

Interpreting Skills
在中英文中往往可以找到一些表示相同或相近意思的成语。在口译中,若能 直接引用目标语言中意思相同的成语,是最容易被听众所理解、接受的一种翻译 方法。 例如:雨后春笋译作:Just like mushrooms 宁做鸡头,不为凤尾译作:Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
Sentences: 汉英口译 Chinese-English Interpretation Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chinese into English:
Take it easy. Haste makes waste.
To head a wolf into a house. 译作:引狼入室
Strike while the iron is hot. 译作:趁热打铁
Interpreting Skills
还有些成语带有很强的民族或地方色彩及文化特征,在目标语言中找不到表 示相似意思的成语,直接翻译字面意思又不太好理解其中的含义。因此我们可以 使用意译法进行翻译,略去成语中进行比拟的表象部分,只翻译该成语所要表达 的真实含义。 例如:小巫见大巫译作:To be nothing compared with...
Putting into Practice
1. Listening Interpreting
Sentences: 英汉口译 English-Chinese Interpretation Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6

Section A
Get Your Pronunciation Right
这一部分主要用于训练英语字母组合 “ cr” “gr”的发音,( [kr]中的 [k]读似“ku”音, 例 如,cry; [gr]中的[g]读似“gu”音,例如, green。) 请反复操练。
英汉两种语言有着不同的语言习惯、语法特点、 文化背景知识,翻译时,在意义上、结构上和修 辞上需要增加原文中没有出现但实际内容包含的 词,用恰当的词或词组进行增补,使得译文既忠 实于原文,又通顺流畅。使用增补法必须始终坚 持“增词不增意,增词不解释”的原则。
1.A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 一本书,紧紧合上,只是一堆(废)纸。 2.Success is often just an idea away. 成功(与失败)往往只是一念之差。
19.There still exists racial discrimination in our society.
20.Would you like an ice cream?
பைடு நூலகம் 21.He was staring at the computer screen all the time.
Section B Translation Skills 意义残缺—增词法
16.The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.
17.We have been granted a sum of money for the building of an expressway.
18.Words cannot describe my joy just at this moment.
上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 6

中级口译听力教程第三版3AAn intermediate course of English listening. Third edition.Unit six. Part one. A news summary.3. Exercises. 1. Listen to the broadcast news summary, and then briefly answer the following questions.This is 4 o’clock. Here is the news summary. There has been a serious accident on the M6 motor way in Lancashire, in which as least 6 people have lost their lives. It happened early this morning near Preston, when a coach carrying 45 passengers collided with a heavy lorry. Rescue operations had been going on throughout the day and the section of the motor way has been closed to traffic. Important talks had been taking place at 10 Downing Street today between the prime minister and trade union leaders. They have agreed to work together to find ways of combating inflation and reducing the president level of unemployment in British industry. Meanwhile the government has failed to avert a national a bus strike. And the bus drivers’ union has announced that no buses will run for next Monday. The decision to go ahead of the strike was announced by a union spokesman at the end of a meeting earlier this afternoon, during which government representatives failed to persuade the union and the employers to agree on a new wage plan. The forest fire in southern France. Firemen from 6 different towns had been fighting all day to prevent the fire from spreading further. Latest reports say that the blaze had still not been brought under control. And an estimated 3 million pounds worth of damage has already been caused. Four people have died in the fire so far, and 20 more have been taken to hospital with burns and other injuries. The French government has asked all tourists to avoid the area. Police in Manchester had been continuing their search for the murder of 71 year old Mrs. Jane Symptoms, who was found beaten to death in the kitchen of her home 2 days ago. Articles found at the murder scene had been taken away for examination by police experts. And the detective superintendent in charge of the case has appealed for information from members of the public. This morning detectives began making house to house inquires in the immediate neighborhood.2. Listen again and then supply the missing information in the following passage.Part two. Statements. 2. Exercises. Listen and then choose the answer which is closed in meaning to each statement you hear.1) I haven’t had a ch ance to wear my new shirt yet. I have been meaning to exchange it for a larger size.2) I have tried several times to tell Kao that the concert begins at 8, but the line has been busy. Will you be seeing him anyway?3) At our first meeting I got the impression that Susan was really curious about me. She asked me repeatedly how I earned my living.4) Arther has 3 brothers living on 3 different continents. He gets incredible phone bills every month. They haven’t been able to see each other for years.5) Robert was away from campus the whole week, and thus missed his chance to meet the well-known actress, who gave a speech to the students.6) Apart from meeting her colleagues in the office Jennifer has no one to talk to, she has felt lonely since her son left for the United States.7) Finding employment is not easy these days in this part of the country. If I were you I would be delighted with such a job offer.8) There is a bus that can get you to the airport, but you can’t rely on it. I can give you a r ide if you can wait while I put these things away.9) It seems that we shall have to go without Louise. She was supposed to arrive by 10 o’clock to join us, but it’s already 11:30.10) Since none of us knew that Virginia had gone steady with any young man, the news of her marriage caused us no little surprise.11) Linda was called into the manager’s office this morning, she was told that unless she came to work regularly she will lose her job.12) The due day for our final paper is still 4 weeks away. But the professor said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.13) I’ve been living off campus this year, and I am going to next year too. It’s so much nicer than living in the dormitory sharing the bathroom and the kitchen.14) It looks that I have to pay a fine for this book, the library book must be returned within one week according the regulations.15) They have announced that the flight has been delayed until 4 o’clock. I am just wondering how we are going to kill these 2 hours.16) Fashio ns will always change with time. At first many people didn’t like that kind of music, but after a while it caught on.17) After preparing for such a long time, Barbra finally discovered she was illegible for the song contest to be held in February next year.18) Obviously Carol has been unhappy with her own job. She works as a nurse but she would rather teach at a primary or secondary school.19) Sera used to teach psychology at a good university in Glasgow. But now she is a corporate statistician based in London. She earns much more than before.20) They are going to change the meeting from Wednesday to Friday, but it’s all the same to me. My schedule this week is not tight at all.Part 3. 3. Exercises.1. The introduction of radio. Listen to a short talk about the introduction of radio broadcasting. Choose the best answer to each question you hear.With the introduction of radio newspaper publishers wondered how broadcasting would affect them. Many fear that radio as a quick and easy means of keeping people informed would displace the newspaper industry all together. Others hope that the brief news cast heard on the air would stimulate listeners’ interest in the story so they buy the newspaper to get more information. The second idea turned out to be closer to the truth. Radio and print were not substitutes for each other, but actually support each other. You see the relationship between different media is not always one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. However this is not always the case. Take television and motion pictures for example, with the popularization of TV, the motion picture industry suffered greatly. Movie attendants dropped when audience members chose to stay at home and being entertained. Likewise when a football game was shown on the air, the stands were often empty, because fans chose to watch the game at home.Questions:1) What is the main topic of this talk?2) According to the speaker what is the relationship between the radio and the newspaper industry?3) According to the speaker how did the introduction of television affect motion pictures?4) Why does the speaker mention a football game?2. Weather forecast. Listen to the following weather report and then choose the best answer to each question you hear.M: Now the weather forecast.W: Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather. And if your holiday starts this weekend then southern Spain is the place to be, with temperatures of 34 degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med too, you can expect uninterrupted sunshine, and temperatures of up to 32 degrees Celsius in Greece, and southeast Italy. But further north the weather is not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain and maximum degrees will be around 22 degrees. Very disappointing for this time of the year. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to a cool 17 degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out temperatures could rise to a maximum of 23 degrees. Questions:1) What temperature will be reached in Southern Spain at the weekend?2) What’s the weather going to be in Greece this weekend?3) What will the weather be in many parts of France, Belgium and the Netherlands?4) What about the weather in Scotland and Northern Ireland from much of the weekend?5) What will the weather be across most of England this weekend?3. Dream dates. Listen to an advertisement and choose the best answer to each question you hear.M: I don’t enjoy dating anymore. I can’t seem to find anyone I have anything in common with. W: I am tired of being alone.M: I have tried everything.W: I want to meet Mr. Right.M(host): Can’t meet your perfect match? Well, don’t give up. Get serious. Try our reliable internet match making service. Dream dates has matched up thousands of singles the world over. Whether you are marriage minded or just trying to spice up your life, dream dates has the answer. To begin you will submit a photo and answer some questions as to the type of person you are and the type of person who is your personal dream date. Your information and specifications will be entered into our large computer data base. Note that all of our applicants are screened I saw our background check. Dream dates provide expert dating advice and a place for singles to meet. Let us introduce you to the person uniquely qualify to be your pa rtner. So don’t be alone any longer. Visit our website today and have a look at our personals. You won’t regret it. Enroll in free trial membership. Join dream dates, and make your dreams come true.Questions:1) What kind of service is being advertised?2) Which of the following is not what the dating service can offer?3) If you want to become a member you must do several things. Which of the following is not what you have to do?4) Which of the following statements is not true according to the advertisement?Part four. Listening and translation. 3. Exercises.1. Sentence translation. Listen and translate each sentence you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below.1) Our firm is a joint stock enterprise based in San Francisco, and we employ about 200,000 people around the world.2) This company has a registered capital of 20 million US dollars, and specializes in importing and exporting a great variety of agricultural products.3) A car that was stolen from the supermarket parking lot was found near an old house by the rail road tracks. No one has been arrested yet in connection with the crime.4) Positioned as an ideal platform for light industrial products Hongkong spring fare continued to attract buyers from all over the world. A total of 4,800 buyers attended the four day event.5) The second Asia EXPO was held from 6th to 8th of June 2007 in Warsaw Poland. This year’s show housed the total of 483 boos presented by 436 Asian suppliers. And attracted a total of 40,000 buyers.2. Passage translation. Listen and translate each passage you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below. You may take notes while you are listening.1) We have chosen this wooden construction exhibition since, to our point of view, the exhibition is well positioned and aimed at target customers. Those who would like to buy or build a wooden house instinction from other construction exhibitions which are mainly meant for construction market experts. However, we think it’s importa nt that in the future the exhibition date should include the weekend. This would undoubted attract many visitors and would consequently be appreciated by exhibitors.2) The problem of waste disposal is not going to disappear anytime. In fact it is growing by the minute. In Japan alone consumers throw away some 20 million TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners each year. In Europe 6 million tons of electrical and electronic equipment were produced in 2004 alone. And that volume is expected to increase 3 to 5 percent per year, which means by 2015 it could nearly double. What’s to be done with all these tech trash?Unit sixPart One a News SummaryCoach长途公共汽车(通常指单层的,教练To collide ~ (with sb/sth) (指运动中的物体或人)猛撞某物或互撞To avert from 将(某事物)移开avert one's eyes/gaze/glance from the terrible sight转移目光, 不看那可怕的情景. /防止(某事物); 避免avert an accident, a crisis, a disaster, etc by prompt action 迅速采取行动以避免事故﹑危险﹑灾祸等* He managed to avert suspicion. 他设法避嫌.Superintendent a senior police officer In Britain/ the head of a police departmentTo appeal 委托求助吸引Lancashire兰开夏英格兰西北部城市纺织业煤炭工业Preston Lancashire的政府所在地Downing Street 唐宁街(伦敦街道名, 英国首相官邸所在地Manchester 木头,棉花,文化,金融中心Part twoIncredibleTo catch on理解, 了解, 懂(某事物)、受欢迎; 变得流行If you catch on to something, you understand it, or realize that it is happeningIf something catches on, it becomes popularIneligible ~ (for sth/to do sth) 不合格的; 无资格的CorporateStatisticianPart threeThe Med =Mediterranean / medɪtəˈreɪnɪən/地中海Uninterrupted continuous:MaximumMatchmaking is the activity of encouraging people you know to form relationships or get married.To spice up加入(幽默成分等)以增添趣味﹑新鲜感等Database数据库To screen(用隔板﹑屏﹑幕等)隐藏﹑掩护或遮蔽某物[某人/包庇; 袒护/ 检查或测试某人[某事物](有无疾病﹑缺陷等)(the) Netherlands尼德兰正式名称荷兰王国Holland是其中一部分capital:Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹Government: Hague海牙Part fourTo wear off disappears slowlyTo adjustTo figure outWarsaw华沙1.7m/popu the capital of Poland 38m/popu* sentence1.Firm a joint-stock enterprise 合资企业employ2. registered capital 注册资金Specialize in 专营3. a supermarket parking lotRailroad tracks 火车轨道No one has been arrested yet in connection with the crime. 至今尚未逮到涉案人员4. Positioned as an ideal platform for light industry products, Hong Kong Spring Fair continued to attract buyers from all over the world. A total of 4,800 buyers attended the four-day event. 作为轻工业交流的理想平台,香港春交会。
口译UNIT 6 第六单元教案

UNIT 6 第六单元STENOGRAPHY (III)口译笔记技巧(三)Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the characteristics of stenography for interpretation.☆ find the difference between stenography and classroom noting or dictation☆ master the principles of stenographyWarm-up (准备)1. Two students are ordered to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpreters of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation (口译理论)口译笔记的要义:分析内容、暗记要点;注意框架、理解细节;把握深层结构、做到“准、顺、快”。
Memoria Technica (记忆法)Listen to the following passage, and try to catch the key words and details, then retell them in your own words:丽水学院院标创意源于丽水的青山绿水,这里山水秀丽、人杰地灵。
// 水,孕育滋养万物,象征学院博大的胸襟、宏伟的气度,体现“有容乃大”的概念,寓意丽水学院是一所学科全面、设置合理的求学育人殿堂。

Examples Analysis
中国一贯主张裁军,反对一切军备竞赛, 既反对常规军备竞赛 更反对 军备竞 军备竞赛,更反对 既反对 军备竞赛 更反对核军备竞 既反对地面上的军备竞赛 也反对 军备竞赛,也反对 赛;既反对 既反对 军备竞赛 在太空进行的军备竞赛 军备竞赛。 军备竞赛 China consistently stands for disarmament and is opposed to all kinds of arms race, whether it is conventional or nuclear, on the ground or in outer space.
Examples Analysis
任何人不得将个人利益 利益置于国家利益 利益和 利益 利益 社会利益 利益之上。 利益 Nobody shall place his own interests above those of the state and the society.
Examples Analysis
Coherence – 3 Types
1) Morphemic Coherence (词素连贯) 词素连贯) 词素连贯 词素连贯不仅要求词素与词素之间能 构成有效的形式和语义连贯, 而且还要 求这一语义连贯能同原文概念所指的实 物、行为或特征之间构成有效的语义关 联。
Coherence – 3 Types
Cohesion vs. Coherence
Cohesion refers to the linguistic devices by which the speaker can signal the experiential and interpersonal coherence of the text, and is thus a textual phenomenon. Coherence, on the other hand, is in the mind of writer and reader: it is a mental phenomenon and cannot be identified and qualified in the same way as cohesion. (Thompson, 1996:7, Introducing Functional Grammar )

高口口译E-C Unit 6.Dating and Wedding 约定终身Passage 1The american concept of love and romance begins with dating. The you ng americans date in different ways. At first they might have group date s, with several boys and girls together. Later they start goning on single date, with only one boy and one girl. They might go to movie, go to p arties at a friends home or go out to eat.When two couples go out together, we call is a double date.Sometimes a friend may even arrange a blind date for you with someone you dont know.It doesnt mean that you must keep your eyes closed the whole ev eing, It only means that you dont know who your partner will be until t he time for date. If someone invite you to any kind of dates, but you do nt woant to, you can politely say, No thanks.a blind date 盲约double date group datePassage 2The americans view Dating quite differently from people of other countrie s. The american young people see date as a time just to have a fun, th ey dont't always have a romantic interest in mind. They might date with one person this week, than with another person the next. After a while, i f a boy and a girl decide they want to ge steady, to think of each other as the boyfriend and girlfriend, it also means that dont want ot date wit h anyone else. The romantic love is blooming. Love is very much a partof american culture. Movies, TV-shows and books in America all picture people falling in love. The americans do know there is no romance is p erfect. but still they try to find an ideal person. Actually, love is a part of every culture , not just in american culture. People all over the world ar e searching for happiness in a loving relationship.view sth differently from... 不同地看待go steady 稳定下来Romance is blooming 爱情开花be very much a part of sth 是...的重要组成部分Passage 3I do , To americans these wo words carry great meaning, They can eve n change your life, especially when you speak them at your own weddin g ceremony. Making marriage vows is like signing a contract. Now Ame ricans dont really think marriage is a business deal.But marrigeis a serio us business.It all begins with engagement. The young man traditionally aske the fath er of his sweetheart for permission to marry her..If the father agrees, he later proposes to her. The man often tries to surprise her by popping t he question in a romantic way.Sometimes the couple decide together that the time is right to get marri ed, the man will gives his fiancee a diamond ring to simbolize their en gagement.They ay ne engaged gor weeks months or even years.As the bid day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's party will provide the m with lots of useful gifts.Nowadays many young engaged will recevie acounseling during the engagement. That will prepare them good for the challenges in married life.At last it's time for wedding.Although the most weddings follow the long-held traditions , there's still room for american individualism.For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church, yet many couples choose to hold ceremony outdoors in scenic spots. Even few o f them celebrate while skydiving or riding on horsebacks. The couple may invite hundred s of guest sor only a few of their close friends.They may choose their o wn styles of colours, decorations and music during ceremony.However sth rarely change, the bride traditionally wears a beautiful long white wedding dress.the groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Some of hos close friends will participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with minist er, facing the audiences.The music signals the entrance of the brides att endants, followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple rep eat their vows, They promise love to each other traditionally for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or health But sometimes they c an compose their own vows. They give each other a gold ring to symb olizew their marriage commitment. Finally the minister announces the big moment I now pronounce you man and wife, now you may kiss your bride.At wedding reception, the bride and the groom greet the guests and cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. The guests mingle each other while enjoying cakes, punches and other treats Later the bride t hrows the bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls and the traditionsays that the one who cathches the bouquet will be the next to marry. During the reception , the playful friends decorate the marriage car with tissue papers, tin cans and a Just Marrid sign. When the reception is ov er ,the newlyweds run to the car and speed off. Many will take a honey moon, a one- to twoweeks vacation, to celebrate their new marriage. Almost every culture has its rituals to signal a change in life. Marriage is one of the most basic changes for people of all cultures. It's no surpris e to find so many trations about getting married,even as americans. Yet each couple follows traditions in a way that is uniquely their own.i do 我愿意carry great meaning 具有重要意义at wedding ceremonya serious business 一件严肃的事ask by sb for permission 请求某人的同意propose to sb/pop the question to sb 向...求婚a symbol of engagement be engaged for weeks months years th e big day approachs 大喜之日临近receive counseling 得到咨询服务follow long-held traditions 沿袭长久以来的传统outdoors in scenic spots 在旅游景点wear a formal suit/tuxedo穿正式的西装/燕尾服participate in ... as attendants the best man and the maid of honor 伴郎/伴娘signal the change of life signal the entrance of...to symbolize a marriage commitmentannouces a big moment I now pronunce you man and wife, you may kiss your bridePromise to love each other for better for worse, for richer , for poorer, in sickness and healthpledge to strict with us in sichness or health, in poverty or prosperity greet the guest cut the wedding cake feed each other a bite enjoy the cake punches and other treatsthrow the bouquet of flowers toward sb 投花向sth rarely change 有的事不变speed off take honeymoon celebrate t he new marriageone of the most basic changes it's no surprise to ...follow the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own 以自己特有的方式...结婚典礼wedding ceremony结婚纪念日wedding anniversary新郎/新娘groom/bride主婚人officiater伴郎/伴娘the best man/the maid of honor蜜月honeymoon拜访call on订婚engagement 约会appointment与某人有个约会have an appointment with sb make/change/keep/cance l confirm an appointment重新安排约会reschedule an appoinment推迟约会postpone/put off an appointment婚姻登记所marriage register office婚姻法law of marriage婚姻授权协议marriage settlement。
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• 2. There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. This sentence can be put into Chinese as “专家说所有的香烟都是不安全的”, or “任何香烟都有害健康”.
6.5 艾滋病的防治
• • • • • • HIV/AIDS 受到感染 采取有效措施 预防 缺乏常识 有效药物
• B: First, because of poverty, people lack education and information about the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Second, ignorance. People do not pay much attention to this problem. Third, they lack proper resources, things like training, money and information. According to reports, we still do not have an efficient medicine to cure HIV/AIDS.
• Briefings are potentially a very useful part of advanced preparation. They are meetings organized for the interpreter, with the participation of the organizer and experts in the field. At the briefing, general information is given to the interpreter, who can ask specific questions, generally on concepts and terminology.
6.4 International treaty on tobacco control
• Framework Convention on Tobacco Control • The World Health Organization
• 1. They must place controls on secondhand smoke, smoke from other people’s tobacco. This sentence can be put into “他们必须采 取措施减少公共场所被动吸烟”. There is no need to translate the later part “smoke from other people’s tobacco”.
Last minute preparation • For organizational reasons, the conference documents are not always available before the conference. Sometimes, many documents are only available at the very last moment, yet a significant amount of knowledge acquisition may revolve around them. The interpreter should be ready to deal with the situation.
be infected with take efficient measures prevention ignorant effective medicine
• • • •
take concrete measures 采取具体措施 curb the rapid spread of 控制……蔓延 监控系统 monitoring system 民间组织 NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) • 调动 mobilize • 基层 grass roots • 宣传 advocacy
Note-taking (2)
The use of left-hand margin The left-hand margin is all-important, since in this section of the sheet the subjects of and the links between the sentences are to be noted. Some interpreters may choose to leave a lefthand margin of one to two centimeters for links only.
• B: We have already got very strong support from the international community, especially on the technical side. And on the domestic front, we recognize that making our people understand and raising their awareness is very important. So, common sense, health education and behavioral changes are the only way for people to avoid HIV infection.
HU complained—steel experts to EU can’t develop because too strict tariff quotas But EU rep—quotas underused by HU a lot So quotas not prob
Note-taking: Example 2
HU: steel experts cannot develop to EU because tariff quotas too restrictive _____ but EU: HU underuses a lot quotas so quotas not problem
• Vocabulary and reference translations for interpreting texts • 6.3 Eating problems begin in early childhood • irregular eating patterns • consistent under-eating • junk food • clues • dietitian • mimic • on a low-calorie diet • exert
Lesson 6 Professional interpreters’ notes system
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overview of the lesson Section 1 Theory and skills Professional interpreters’ notes system Section 2 Skills practice 6.1 怎样建设世界一流大学? 6.2 A brief introduction to APEC Section 3 Interpreting exercises 6.3 Eating problems begin in early childhood 6.4 International treaty on tobacco control 6.5 艾滋病的防治 Section 4 Get to know Preparation (I) Section 5 Bit by bit Don’t interpret compound nouns without real understanding
Preparation in interpretation
Advanced Preparation • Before the meeting, the interpreter should ask the conference organizer to provide a full set of documents, which include the conference program, list of participants, background information about the conference, and most important, documents on the content of the conference (including drafts of papers to be read or presented, abstracts, etc.)
• B: Well, in China, HIV/AIDS has become a very serious problem related to social development. There’ve been cases of people being accidentally infected with HIV/AIDS, through accepting polluted blood from hospitals, babies acquiring the disease from their mothers. Having improper sexual relationships. From the time we discovered the first AIDS patient in 1985, our country has entered a period of rapid development in AIDS infections. Experts estimate that more than 900,000 people had been infected with HIV by the end of last year. If we don’t take some efficient measures, this number will: Firstly, I think the government should improve our monitoring system, and secondly, NGOs should try their best to mobilize all the resources we can use to help the people, especially people at the grass roots and the rural areas, to let them know the terrible results of spreading the disease and how to prevent HIV/AIDS. I think we should do more advocacy work among the people.