
第二部分 拼读基础知识一、英语国际音标学习英语,首先是掌握英语国际音标,掌握正 确的英语发音。
1.元音和辅音第一节 元音分类元音分双元音和单元音。
请看以下的元音分类表: 元音分类表第二节 辅音分类英语辅音共有28个。
请看以下的辅音分类列表: 辅音分类表2.发音器官要想掌握好英语音标,我们要了解发音器官和发音部位,并学会运用舌、唇、软腭、硬腭等位置和形状的变化,正确地发出各种不同的音。
为了更好地理解各小节的发音方法描述,从而以正确的方式调动所需发音器官,我们必须仔细学习下面的发音器官图: 发音器官图及说明发音主要分为三部分:喉部、口腔、鼻腔。
A.喉部的发音器官: 1.气管2.声带(包括声门) 3.会厌软骨B.口腔的发音器官: 4.舌:a.舌端 b.舌前部 c.舌后部d.舌根 5.硬腭 6.软腭7.上齿龈 8.牙齿 9.唇 l0.小舌 C.鼻腔3.元音的发音Ⅰ单元音第一节 前元音发音方法描述: 发音时舌尖轻抵下齿,前舌部向上腭抬起,口形扁而平。
例词:l ea f 树叶 ch ee se 奶酪t ea 茶 th ie f 贼 b ea ch 海滩 w ee k 星期t ea m 队 m ea t 肉 sh ee p 羊 词组:Green Street 格林街 iced tea 冰茶Chinese and Japanese food 中国和日本菜发音方法描述:发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,口形扁平,发音时间短促。

十、英語語音名詞解釋[m] [n] [] [l]a- be- de- re- in- ex--ic或-tion,-sion的詞,在字組概念的引入字母指的是二十六個字母。

4、在视觉上不能够将相对的音与相对的形(音标 )相对应。
1、语音的学习是一个长期的任务,小学阶段只是 培养学生初步的语音能力。
2、小学英语的语音学习不仅仅是单词,还应包括 正确的语音语调。
小学阶段语音能力在词汇方面是:听音知形,见 形知音,根据发音规则读出单词。
这种练习比较适合于元音后面发音相同的单词, 比如:make, cake, bake, take
3)拼读训练先从单音节词开始,然后再拼读双 音节词和多音节词。如果是拼读双音节或多音节 词的时候,要注意重音。
4)拼读训练时要注意与听的练习相结合。可以 采取两种方式,一种是先听,再看音标练习拼读 ;另一种是先看音标拼读,再听一听自己是否拼 对了。这样做有助于学生正确拼读。
1、新课标从未提淡化。 2、与母语学习概念相混。 3、科学、辩证地去看。 4、初、高中英语评价改革的新形势和要求
小学阶段英语教学的重点是要放在听、说、 读、写训练上;
要放在引导学生养成良好的读音、正确地听 、说、读、写习惯和运用英语的习惯上。
学好语音是学好英语的基础,良好的语音基 础是提高听力水平和阅读能力的关键。
phonics是初学英语者的 最直接、最不费力的途径
在现存各种“活着”的文字中,几乎都具有某种特殊的“内 在”机制,来呈现其文字符号和语音之间的关系,以方便使用 者使用;以中文为例,在中文“六书”中,占一般文字极高比 例的“形”与“声”两个部分,前者大略指示“意义”,后者指示“ 语音”;中文字这种“文字符号”和“语音”之间的准确性如何, 有待考证,但国人常有“有边读边,没边读中间”是不争的事 实;另一个明显的例子是日文,日文是标准的拼音文字,只 要熟悉片假名的五十音,即便初学者也可以由文字符号掌握 其语言。

学习音标的作用•打好音标基础是学好英语的基本条件•提高听说能力,培养良好的语感•有助于依靠读音记单词•••••26语音知识•1)•2)•3)•4)•5)•6)•a)•b)•7)•a)•b)•8)音标分类••••短元音/?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/•双元音/e?/ /a?//??/ /??//e?//??//??//a?/•辅音(28个)•轻辅音/p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s//?/ /h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/?•浊辅音/b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/? /z/?/?/ /r/? /dz/?/d?//dr/•鼻音/m/ /n/? /?/?•半元音/j/ /w/•边音/?/长元音[i:]•发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵上齿龈;•发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音。

音标得装在“/ /”或“[ ]”中以区别于字母。
现在这套教材中严式音标与以往使用的宽式音标的区别主要是在五个元音上:/ i /-- / І/ / u / --/ʊ/ / ɔ/ --/ ɒ/ / ə:/ --/З://εə / --/ eə /英国英语与美国英语在以往300年左右的时间里,由于政治,经济,地理,历史等原因,彼此之间产生了一定的差异,这些差异体现在语音,词汇和语法的不同方面,其中英国英语发展变化较大,但并不影响彼此之间的交流。
如:/aI / 不同于拼音中“爱”的发音,但也不能发成“阿姨”。
其中“/ n /”与“/ l / ”有两种发音,它们在元音前发做“/ n /”与“/ l / ”,相当与拼音中的“ n ”与“ l ”音,如,net, let, 它们在元音后则会发成“/ n /”(恩)与“/ l / ”(欧),如,ten, little。
要读准音素,我们还得克服南方人方言的干扰,南方人说普通话没有“zh, ch, sh, r”音,且“n”“l”不分,那么我们就得多听,多模仿,多说,来标准我们的语音。

英语学习讲义语音+语法一.语音部分(一)国际音标(48个)1.元音(20个)单元音:长元音:/i:/ /ɜ:/ /a:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/短元音:/i/ /ə/ /ʌ/ /ɔ/ /u/ /e/ /æ/双元音:/ei/ /ai/ /ɔi/ /əu/ /au/ /iə/ /ɛə/ /uə/2.辅音(28个)清辅音:/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/ /tʃ/ /ts/ /tr/浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /r/ /dʒ/ /dz/ /dr//j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /l/注:一.48个国际音标的发言方法(1)/i:/ 长元音:①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量抬高。
E [i:] green [gri:n] see [si:](2)/i/ 短元音:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高双唇扁平分开,牙床近于全舌。
是字母i或y 在单词中的发音,发此音要短促而轻快。
big [big] little ['litl](3)/ɜ:/或/ə:/ 长元音:①嘴扁平。
word [wə:d] her [hə:](4)/ə/ 短元音:①嘴微微张开。
later ['leitə] mother ['mʌðə](5)/a:/ 长元音:双唇张而不圆,牙齿大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后升缩微微离开下齿,发阿之长音。
map [mæp] cat [kæt](6)/ʌ/短元音:双唇平放,牙床半开,舌尖抵住下龈,舌后微微升起,嘴张至小指宽度。

音标课讲义国际音标简介•广义:国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”,简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定•狭义:英语国际音标(DJ音标,由英国语音学家Daniel Jones创立)。
•5) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。
•6)开音节:•a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e 如:name, bike, home, house 等•b) 辅音+元音如:he,go, hi 7)闭音节:•a) 辅音+元音+辅音如:bad,bed,sit,hot,cup•b)元音+辅音如:it•8)重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节.音标分类•英语国际音标共有48个•元音(20个)•长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/•短元音/ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/•双元音 /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ •辅音(28个)•轻辅音/p/ / t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s//ʃ/ /h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/ •浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /r/ /dz/ /dʒ/•鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/•半元音/j/ /w/•边音 /ǀ/长元音[i:]•发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵上齿龈;•发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音.•me•sheep•teach•people•receive[i:] 常见的字母组合•ee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek•ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please•e: he she me we be•ie ei (eo ey i): people piece receive ceiling•绕口令:A: Tea or coffee? B:Tea for Lee and coffee for me,please.长元音[ε:]•发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌身平展,舌中部稍微抬起•发音方法:双唇扁平,向左右略微拉开,成微笑状•气流从口腔中冲出微振声带,发出此音。

浊辅音[dʒ][dr][dz]鼻音(浊辅音)[m][n][ŋ]舌则音(浊辅音)[l][r]半元音(浊辅音)[w][j]二:单元音的拼读长元音[i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,口腔肌肉紧张,面部表情呈微笑状。
[i:t] eat 吃 [bi:] bee 蜜蜂 [si:]see 看见pea(豌豆), bee(蜜蜂),eat(吃),beat(敲打),deep(深的)短元音[i] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,口形偏平,开口度比[i:] 大。
[big] big 大的 [iz] is 是eg: bit(少量),tip(顶端),fit(合适的),sit(使坐)短元音[e] 发音时舌尖抵下齿,嘴形扁平,上下齿之间距离为小指的宽度。
(这个音容易忘记,忘记时想想字母 F, L ,M ,N )[bed] bed 床 [get] get 到达eg: egg(鸡蛋),get(到达),send(送)短元音[] 舌尖抵下齿,嘴要故意张很大,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指的宽度。
eg: fat(肥的),bag(包),fact(事实)注意:开口度[] ﹥[e] ﹥[i] ﹥ [i:]长元音[]发音要领: 嘴形扁平,上下齿分开,舌头平放,中部微微抬高。
(忘记了怎么发,可借助“饿”)[b d] bird 鸟 [s] sir 先生短元音[] 发音时舌身平放,双唇扁平,口腔自然放松,发音干脆利索。

疯狂发音秘诀∙ 1.发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平。
∙ 2.上下齿分开,距离约能容纳一个火柴棍。
∙ 3.舌部及下颚肌肉紧张,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起。
∙ 4.嘴角尽量往两边移动,像微笑的样子。
∙ 5.在发音的时候要尽量拉长,就像古人喝醉酒以后吟诗的感觉。
∙ 6.这个音非常容易同汉语里“一”搞混,要注意:“一”的发音实际上是/ji/,是以半元音/j/开头的,而我们学的这个“长衣音”是直接以元音开始的。
音标[iː]音的发音规则通常情况下,元音字母在重读开音节中都发字母本身的音,所以字母e在重读开音节中发/iː/,例如:he [hiː]他me [miː]我be [biː]是此外字母组合ee,ea,ie,ei在重读音节中都可以发/iː/,例如:sh ee p [ʃiːp] 绵羊 gr ee n [griːn] 绿色 f ee[fiː] 费s ea t [siːt] 座位 st ea m [stiːm] 蒸汽 m ea n [miːn] 用意ach ie ve[ə'tʃiːv] 完成bel ie ve [bi'liːv] 相信bel ie f [bi'liːf] 信任rec ei ve [ri'siːv] 收到conc ei t [kən'siːt]想法dec ei t [di'siːt] 欺骗发音方法∙1、舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,抬起高度比[iː]低∙2、舌的两侧抵住上牙的两侧∙3、舌头肌肉松弛∙4、嘴唇向两旁伸开疯狂发音秘诀∙ 1.发音时,口形扁平,嘴唇稍松开。

• wh
What什么 where哪里 white白色的
• /j/ 半元音 • y yellow 黄色的 yes是的 you你 your你(们)的 year年
• 本次共22课时,感谢大家配合学习。 • 希望你们英语取得好成绩!
• 学乐双语教育祝您成才! • 2015.8
第15讲 英文字母组合发/ɔ:/音
• al all每个,全体 ball球 tall高的 small小的 walk步行
• or sport运动 short矮的 morning上午 for为,给,对
• • • •
ar warm 暖和的 oor door 门 our four四 your你的,你们的 au autumn 秋天
• o
who 谁 to向……
• u blue蓝色的 • /ʊ/ oo book书 foot 脚 look看 good好的
第21讲 英文字母组合发/ts//dz/音
• /ts/ • ts(一般用作名词复数和第三人称动词单数)
• Cats 猫points指 sits坐 coats外套 eats吃 hats帽子 shirts 衬衫skirts裙子 sports运动
• a
第10讲 英文字母组合发/s//z/音
• /s/ s ss se ce
sit 坐 pass传递 nurse护士 rice米,米饭 • /z/ z s se zoo has his please nose
做、进行、从事 他的
第11讲 英文字母组合发/ɵ/ /ð/音
• /ɵ/ th thank three birthday mouth thin maths
初高中英语衔接语音知识 单元音(12个)讲义

初高中衔接语音知识——单元音I.Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aim:Students can master the pronunciation rule and learn how to spell the words by themselves.2.Ability aim:Students can enrich their expressions and learn the importance of using proper pronunciation rule.3.Emotion aim:Students will improve their confidence about learning English.II.Teaching key and difficult points:1.Teaching key point: Students can master the usage of thePronunciation rule.2.Teaching difficult: Students can feely use the pronunciation in dailylife.III.Presentation巧记口诀:开着c ar[ka:](汽车),向着st ar[sta:](星星),路途f ar[fa:](遥远的)。
4. [i]【发音技巧】:嘴向两边张开,舌尖抵下齿,类似汉字“衣”发长音。
sl ee p[sl i:p](睡着)。
5.[u:] [发音技巧]:嘴形小而圆,微外突,舌后缩,类似汉字“呜”发长音。
二.短元音(7个)巧记口诀举着gun[gΛn] (枪),向着sun[sΛn](太阳),不停run[rΛn](跑)。
巧记口诀:一个driver['draivə(r)] (司机) ,掉进river ['rivə(r)],生命over['əuvə(r)](结束)。

//--/C/ work--walk word--ward worm--warm first world war the worst storm worth much more
/B/-- /Q/
mask-must heart-hut father-mother cut-cart come-calm duck-dark park the truck a hard nut such a market hurry to the farm rush to the park How much wood would a woodchuck(美洲旱獭) chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
He sees a ship. She sees a sheep. A ship and a sheep. This is a ship.
bed—bad met—mad men—man said—sad mess—mass merry—marry led—lad lend—land beg—bag a red flag get mad very bad weather felt very sad help his dad sat on the bed never come back get to know that Don‟t let the cat out of the bag. I guess they want gas. Can you bend that iron band? What daddy said made me sad.

(二)小学英语语音培训项目(自《英语课程标准》(实验稿)2001)1、基本读音(1)26个字母读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音: a e i(y) o u(3)常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音eg:eeea oi oy ie ei ay ereauetc.(4)常见的辅音字母(组合)的读音eg:thtchch shph gh etc. (5)辅音连缀的读音和浊化eg:bl cl gl fl pl sl br cr sksm sp st strspl spr scr pr qu etc.(6)成节音的读音eg:ble ple clegledle tle sin sin ften ven etc.(7)后缀变异eg:house ……houses say……says mouth…mouthsbreathe……breath etc.(8)读音与语法的联系:a.名词复数受读音的影响eg:清辅音字母结尾的名词加后缀后读【s】,元音字母和浊辅音字母结尾的名词加后缀后读【z】; 动词过去时和过去分词加ed读音,清辅音结尾单词后ed读【t】,浊辅音和元音结尾的后读【d】。
b.重读闭音节形容词和动词词形变化的特殊性:条件是重读闭音节结尾只有一个辅音字母hot……hotter big……bigger wet……wetter etc.shop…shopping…shopped stop…stopping…stopped etc. c.元音音素开头的名词前不定冠词应为an而不是a,弱用冠词the应读作[i]2、重音(1)单词重读音节:重音符号----音标里音节左上方的小竖线(2)单词在句子中的重读实词重读(副词重读),虚词轻读(冠词,单音节介词,单音节连词,人称代词,反代词,物主代词,关系代词,相互代词,助动词,情态动词和系动词be。

英语语音知识点总结Phonetics is the study of speech sounds, and it is an important aspect of understanding and analyzing language. In linguistics, phonetics is divided into three main areas: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, and auditory phonetics. Articulatory phonetics focuses on how speech sounds are produced by the human vocal tract, acoustic phonetics deals with the physical properties of speech sounds, and auditory phonetics is concerned with how speech sounds are perceived by the human ear.In this paper, we will discuss the key concepts and principles of phonetics, including the classification of speech sounds, the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and the various processes involved in speech production and perception. We will also explore the practical applications of phonetics, such as speech therapy, language teaching, and forensic phonetics.Classification of Speech SoundsSpeech sounds can be classified based on their manner of articulation, place of articulation, and voicing. Manner of articulation refers to how the airflow is obstructed in the vocal tract to produce speech sounds, and it includes categories such as stops, fricatives, affricates, nasals, and approximants. Place of articulation refers to where in the vocal tract the airflow is obstructed, and it includes categories such as bilabial, alveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal. Voicing refers to the vibrations of the vocal cords during the production of speech sounds, and it distinguishes between sounds that are voiced (e.g., /b/, /d/, /g/) and sounds that are voiceless (e.g., /p/, /t/, /k/).International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)The IPA is a standardized system of symbols used to represent the sounds of human speech. It was developed by the International Phonetic Association in the late 19th century and has been revised and expanded over the years to include symbols for all known speech sounds in the world's languages. The IPA is used by linguists, speech therapists, language teachers, and many other professionals to transcribe and analyze speech sounds.The IPA includes symbols for consonants, vowels, and other speech sounds, as well as diacritics and suprasegmental symbols to indicate variations in pronunciation, stress, intonation, and other phonetic features. The IPA symbols are based on the principles of articulatory phonetics, and they are designed to be as precise and unambiguous as possible in representing the sounds of human speech.Processes of Speech ProductionSpeech production involves a complex series of processes in the human vocal tract, including respiration, phonation, articulation, and prosody. Respiration refers to the inhaling and exhaling of air, which provides the airflow necessary for speech production. Phonation refers to the vibration of the vocal cords, which produces voiced speech sounds. Articulation refers to the movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, and other speech organs toshape the airflow into specific speech sounds. Prosody refers to the variations in pitch, loudness, and duration of speech sounds that convey meaning and emotion in spoken language.The coordination of these processes in speech production is a remarkable feat of human physiology and neurology, and it is essential for the production of clear and intelligible speech. Individuals with speech disorders or speech impairments may have difficulties with one or more of these processes, leading to challenges in communication. Speech therapy and other interventions can help to improve speech production and reduce the impact of these challenges.Processes of Speech PerceptionSpeech perception refers to the process of recognizing, interpreting, and understanding spoken language. It involves the auditory system, the brain, and cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and language comprehension. Speech perception is a rapid and automatic process for most individuals, allowing us to understand speech in real-time and under various listening conditions.The human auditory system is sensitive to the acoustic properties of speech sounds, including their frequency, intensity, duration, and temporal patterns. The brain's auditory cortex processes these acoustic signals and extracts the linguistic information contained in the speech sounds, such as phonemes, syllables, words, and sentences. Cognitive processes such as top-down processing, context-based guessing, and categorical perception also play a role in speech perception, allowing us to fill in missing or ambiguous information and make sense of speech in noisy or challenging listening environments.Practical Applications of PhoneticsPhonetics has numerous practical applications in various fields, including speech therapy, language teaching, forensic phonetics, and speech technology. Speech therapists use phonetic knowledge to assess and treat individuals with speech and language disorders, such as articulation disorders, phonological disorders, and aphasia. They may use tools such as the IPA, spectrograms, and other phonetic transcriptions to analyze clients' speech and track their progress in therapy.Language teachers use phonetics to help students learn the pronunciation of a foreign language and to improve their listening comprehension skills. They may use phonetic transcription exercises, minimal pairs, and other phonetic activities to help students develop their phonetic awareness and accuracy in pronunciation. Understanding phonetics can also help language teachers diagnose and address pronunciation errors and difficulties among their students.Forensic phonetics is the branch of phonetics that deals with legal and forensic applications of speech, such as speaker identification, voice recognition, and acoustic analysis of audio recordings. Forensic phoneticians may use techniques such as spectrographic analysis,voice comparison, and acoustic phonetic analysis to provide evidence in legal cases involving disputed speech recordings, anonymous threats, or voice disguise.Speech technology, including speech recognition, speech synthesis, and voice biometrics, relies on phonetic principles to develop and improve automatic systems for analyzing and generating speech. These technologies are used in applications such as virtual assistants, language translation, assistive communication devices, and security and authentication systems.ConclusionIn conclusion, phonetics is a fundamental and multifaceted discipline that plays a crucial role in understanding, analyzing, and utilizing speech sounds in human language. By studying the classification of speech sounds, the International Phonetic Alphabet, the processes of speech production and perception, and the practical applications of phonetics, researchers, educators, and practitioners can gain valuable insights into the nature of spoken language and its diverse manifestations in human communication.phonetics is an essential tool for enhancing language acquisition and communication, improving speech therapy and language teaching practices, and advancing forensic and technological applications of speech analysis and synthesis. As an interdisciplinary field, phonetics brings together advances in linguistics, psychology, physiology, acoustics, and engineering to deepen our understanding of the human voice and its significance in spoken language.。

《英语语音》课程标准课程名称:英语语音课程类别:专业基础课教学学时:36课程学分: 2先行课程:英语语音适用专业:英语专业参考教材:《英语语音》上海外语教育出版社 2008年3月(主编:汪文珍一、课程性质《英语语音》是英语专业的必修课。

英语语音授课讲义I.辅音1./p/ /b//p/ map pen apple/b/ bag bike bus blue/t/ /d//t/ it what white ten/d/ desk dad day played /k/ /g//k/ cake card quick back/g/ good bag go guess/f/ /v//f/ fine five face off/v/ evening vest very five /s/ /z//s/ spell thanks six student /z/ please jazz nose busy[ʃ] [ʒ][ʃ] English she ship fish [ʒ] pleasure vision treasure prestige /θ/ /ð//θ/ thank three math think/ð/ this that they mother/m/ /n//m/ morning name me/n/ no nice in[θ]thank think sing ring/ r/ / h// r/ read red bread real/ h/ hand hot who whose/w/ /j/ /l//w/ win wall what white/j/ you yes yard young/l/ lead light place clean/l/ tell till milk table [tʃ] [dʒ]/tr/ /dr//ts/ /dz/2.Consonant cluster3.辅音发音规则II.元音(20个)传统1.单元音/i/ /i://i/ in it this sit six milk /i:/ he tea teacher bee three/e/ /æ//e/ bed let pen desk/æ/ Alice map black thank[ʌ]/ɑ:/[ʌ]mum bus cup lunch/ɑ:/ are car far farmer[ɔ][ɔ:][ɔ]not box dog hot clock [ɔ:]for sport short all ball /u/ / u://u/ good look book cook/ u:/noon too moon food [ə][ə:][ə]ago forget polite doctor [ə:]her girl bird nurse word 2.双元音合口双元音/ei/ /ai/ [ɔi][əu]/au//ei/ say day eight they name/ai/ fine like light sign[ɔi]boy toy noise[əu]boat coat goat/au/ mouth house how now集中双元音[iə][εə][uə][iə]dear idea deer here[εə] pear care there fair[uə]tour poor3.元音发音规则开音节闭音节4.如何利用发音规则记忆单词III句子重音和连读--What can I do for you?--I would like to buy a pair of gloves for my mother.--What material would you prefer? Cotton or wool?--Wool may be better.--How about this white pair?--It wears comfortable.--Yes, it is very good for old women.强读式(Strong forms)与弱读式(Weak forms)1. I am a student. /əm/ Simple statementI am a student. /æm/Not a teacher or anything else.2. Give him a seat. /im/ Simple statementGive him a seat. /him/ Not anybody else3. He comes from America. /frəm/ Simple statementHe comes from America. /frɔm/ Not anywhere else.4. The child can swim. / kən/ Simple statementThe child can swim. / kæn/ He surely can swim.听辨音练习(强弱读0831-1031.MP3)听以下句子,注意虚词的弱读.1. It is not an easy decision to make.2. No one can pass the test.3. What is her name?4. They have been here the whole afternoon.5. Can I have some more?6. He was good, wasn’t he?7. We will wait till the end of the party.8. She opened her eyes and saw the girl at the door.9. She told me that she had lost her voice.10. That’s a pity but we can go another time.11. They told us to leave.12. First of all, let’s look at the map.13. It is from overseas.14. Jack and Jill are at the concert.15. These are for a different purpose.16. The others were at the front.17. Everything was for the best.18. Let’s have fish for a change.19. I am going away for the day.20. I would rather have a drink than asmoke.意群中单词的连读(Linking)1.辅音—元音连读,2. 辅音—辅音连读,若是两个相同辅音,只读一辅音;若是两个不同辅音或是多个不同辅音,当辅音连缀处理3. /t/--/j/连读,要读成/tʃ/,/d/--/j/,要读成/dʒ/听辨音练习(连读0011-0156.MP3)1. a lot of work2. as soon as possible3. the dog outside4. I have quite enough5. Both of us went out.6. The fish is excellent.7. Come along home if you like.8. John won an award.9. He fetched it for me.10. Tell us all about it.11. Is he ill again?12. We’re going to put it off.13. Would you like a walk now?14. Are we going to leave at eight?15. Who is going to wash it?16. Can I offer you an apple?17. Is Alice at home?18. Let’s leave the cat at home.19. Is the boss in the office?20. I’m afraid he’s out.自主朗读练习1. He has a lot to say about the new tower.2. John is going to sail the boat.3. Do you really care about the lost opportunity?4. Are your parents leaving together?5. The person is dangerous.6. They were excited about the new game.7. Where did you see the sheep?8. Do you like cod?9. He works in the White House.10. They were having a meeting about the blue print.English Intonation英语语调(Intonation)的种类降调(the falling tune)是英语中最常用的语调。

目录目录-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-33第一部分·脚踏实地---------------------------------------------------2-3 口语精华篇-------------------------------------------------------2疯狂励志篇-------------------------------------------------------3第二部分·咬牙切齿—锻造纯正美语---------------------------------------4-32 元音篇-----------------------------------------------------------4-20 前元音[i] [I] [e][æ]------------------------------------------------------------------4-7中元音[ə:][ə][^] ----------------------------------------------------------------7-10后元音[α:][ɔ:] [ɔ][ u ][µ:]-------------------------------------------------------10-13合口双元音[ ei ] [əu ] [ ai ] [ au ] [כֿi ]----------------------------14-18集中双元音:[ iə ][ uə][ εə ]-----------------------------------------------------18-20 辅音篇-----------------------------------------------------------20-32 部分经典辅音手势一览---------------------------------------21-22爆破音:[ p ][ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ]--------------------------------------------23-24摩擦音:[ f ][ v ][∫][ З ][ θ ][ ð ][ s ][z][ r ][ h ]-----------------------------25-28破擦音:[ t∫] [ dЗ ] [ tr ] [ dr ] [ ts ] [ dz]-------------------------------------28-29鼻音:[ m ][ n ][ ŋ ]-------------------------------------------------------------29-30舌侧音:[ l ] -----------------------------------------------------------------------30-31半元音:[ w ][ j ]------------------------------------------------------------------31-32第一部分·脚踏实地—纯正语音的开始------口语精华篇精华之一:句子就是一切!句子就是财富!英语学习单位是句子,句子简单明确,容易掌握,并马上可以用于交流!感觉棒极了!味道好极了!强烈的呼吁:学习精读的时候,一定要把课文中实用的句子总结出来,并脱口而出!这才是真正的学习语言!冲天的信心:学习英语没有什么了不起!你的征服对象不过是一句话,最多也就是一、两条语法,十来个单词!任何人都可以学好英语!1、 You have my word.(向你保证)2、 To get ahead(出人头地)you'll have to work long hours and take short vacations. (多流汗,少享受)3、 No sweet without sweat.精华之二:三最口腔肌肉训练法!学习外语就是训练口腔肌肉,使之轻松地发出陌生的外国声音,变以成灵活的国际肌肉;学习外语就是苦练脱口而出!只有这样才是真正地拥有语言!作法:用最大声、最清晰、最快速的办法反复操练句子或小短文直至脱口而出。

第一讲元音字母在重读开音节中的读音目标: 1. 知道单词由一个或几个音节组成;知道音节有重读和非重读之分,元音字母在重读音节和非重读音节中按照不同的规律发音。
2.掌握元音字母a, e, i, o, u 在开音节中的读音,一眼看出并立即读出开音节词;3. 掌握发音单一的辅音字母b, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, t, v, w, y, z 在单词中的发音; 4. 会拼读5个元音音素[ei], [i:], [ai], [ əu], [u:]; 16个辅音音素[j], [b], [d], [f], [h], [dʒ], [k], [l], [m], [n], [p], [r], [t], [v], [w], [z]一单词的音节英语26个字母中,有5个元音字母:。
(a, e, i, o, u)字母y在其后无元音字母时,充当元音字母,发音与i相同,称为半元音字母。
如big[big], face[feis], teach[ti:t];双音节词:由两个音节构成的单词。
如china['t ainə], teacher['ti:tə], apple['æpl];多音节词:由三个或三个以上的音节构成的单词。
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英语语音授课讲义I.辅音1./p/ /b//p/ map pen apple/b/ bag bike bus blue/t/ /d//t/ it what white ten/d/ desk dad day played /k/ /g//k/ cake card quick back/g/ good bag go guess/f/ /v//f/ fine five face off/v/ evening vest very five /s/ /z//s/ spell thanks six student /z/ please jazz nose busy[ʃ] [ʒ][ʃ] English she ship fish [ʒ] pleasure vision treasure prestige /θ/ /ð//θ/ thank three math think/ð/ this that they mother/m/ /n//m/ morning name me/n/ no nice in[θ]thank think sing ring/ r/ / h// r/ read red bread real/ h/ hand hot who whose/w/ /j/ /l//w/ win wall what white/j/ you yes yard young/l/ lead light place clean/l/ tell till milk table [tʃ] [dʒ]/tr/ /dr//ts/ /dz/2.Consonant cluster3.辅音发音规则II.元音(20个)传统1.单元音/i/ /i://i/ in it this sit six milk /i:/ he tea teacher bee three/e/ /æ//e/ bed let pen desk/æ/ Alice map black thank[ʌ]/ɑ:/[ʌ]mum bus cup lunch/ɑ:/ are car far farmer[ɔ][ɔ:][ɔ]not box dog hot clock [ɔ:]for sport short all ball /u/ / u://u/ good look book cook/ u:/noon too moon food [ə][ə:][ə]ago forget polite doctor [ə:]her girl bird nurse word 2.双元音合口双元音/ei/ /ai/ [ɔi][əu]/au//ei/ say day eight they name/ai/ fine like light sign[ɔi]boy toy noise[əu]boat coat goat/au/ mouth house how now集中双元音[iə][εə][uə][iə]dear idea deer here[εə] pear care there fair[uə]tour poor3.元音发音规则开音节闭音节4.如何利用发音规则记忆单词III句子重音和连读--What can I do for you?--I would like to buy a pair of gloves for my mother.--What material would you prefer? Cotton or wool?--Wool may be better.--How about this white pair?--It wears comfortable.--Yes, it is very good for old women.强读式(Strong forms)与弱读式(Weak forms)1. I am a student. /əm/ Simple statementI am a student. /æm/Not a teacher or anything else.2. Give him a seat. /im/ Simple statementGive him a seat. /him/ Not anybody else3. He comes from America. /frəm/ Simple statementHe comes from America. /frɔm/ Not anywhere else.4. The child can swim. / kən/ Simple statementThe child can swim. / kæn/ He surely can swim.听辨音练习(强弱读0831-1031.MP3)听以下句子,注意虚词的弱读.1. It is not an easy decision to make.2. No one can pass the test.3. What is her name?4. They have been here the whole afternoon.5. Can I have some more?6. He was good, wasn’t he?7. We will wait till the end of the party.8. She opened her eyes and saw the girl at the door.9. She told me that she had lost her voice.10. That’s a pity but we can go another time.11. They told us to leave.12. First of all, let’s look at the map.13. It is from overseas.14. Jack and Jill are at the concert.15. These are for a different purpose.16. The others were at the front.17. Everything was for the best.18. Let’s have fish for a change.19. I am going away for the day.20. I would rather have a drink than asmoke.意群中单词的连读(Linking)1.辅音—元音连读,2. 辅音—辅音连读,若是两个相同辅音,只读一辅音;若是两个不同辅音或是多个不同辅音,当辅音连缀处理3. /t/--/j/连读,要读成/tʃ/,/d/--/j/,要读成/dʒ/听辨音练习(连读0011-0156.MP3)1. a lot of work2. as soon as possible3. the dog outside4. I have quite enough5. Both of us went out.6. The fish is excellent.7. Come along home if you like.8. John won an award.9. He fetched it for me.10. Tell us all about it.11. Is he ill again?12. We’re going to put it off.13. Would you like a walk now?14. Are we going to leave at eight?15. Who is going to wash it?16. Can I offer you an apple?17. Is Alice at home?18. Let’s leave the cat at home.19. Is the boss in the office?20. I’m afraid he’s out.自主朗读练习1. He has a lot to say about the new tower.2. John is going to sail the boat.3. Do you really care about the lost opportunity?4. Are your parents leaving together?5. The person is dangerous.6. They were excited about the new game.7. Where did you see the sheep?8. Do you like cod?9. He works in the White House.10. They were having a meeting about the blue print.English Intonation英语语调(Intonation)的种类降调(the falling tune)是英语中最常用的语调。
升调(the rising tune)降升调(the falling-rising tune)降调一般表示肯定、坚决、果断、完结。
听音、模仿练习1(语调2036-2111.MP3)A: Excuse me. I think I’m lost.B: Oh. Where do you want to go?A: I’m looki ng for the shortest way to the post office.B: That’s not too far. It’s on Zhongshan Street.A: And where is Zhongshan Street?B: Go straight for two blocks. Then turn left.A: Is it near the bus station?B: Yes, right next to it.A: Thank you. I think I can find it now.听音、模仿练习2(语调2117-2208.MP3)A: What can I do for you?B: I’ve lost my way. I’m looking for the Garden Hotel.A: That’s not in this neighbourhood. You have to take a bus.B: Which bus goes there?A: I think it’s the No. 30 bus.B: Where do I catch the No. 30 bus?A: There’s a bank at the corner, right?B: That’s right.A: And the bus stop is right there next to the bank.B: Is the bus stop on this side of the street? A: Yes, it is. You don’t have to go across the street.B: And where do I get off the bus?A: Just ask the driver. He knows the way. B: Thank you very much.A: You’re welcome.自主练习朗读以下句子,注意语调。