综合英语二Lesson 9课后习题翻译答案

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2. Use the “useful expressions”

1. 无论出于什么目的,用皮肉之苦吓唬囚犯都是错误的。

It is wrong to threaten prisoners with torture on any pretext.

2. 如果你买了一台29英寸的电视机,商场会赠送一台小电扇。

If you buy a 29 television set, the department store will throw a small electric fan.

3. 外面太冷了,孩子们只能在屋里玩。

It is too cold outside, the children had to be content with playing


4. 他们对政府感到失望,因为政府在一些不必要的工程上浪费


They were disappointed with the government because it wasted a lot of the tax payer’s money on a number of unnecessary projects.

5. 评估了公司赢得合同的可能性之后,总裁立即采取了措施。

After sizing up the possibility of the company’s winning the contract, the president took measures straight away.

6. 多数市民不赞成这个核工程,因为他们认为它会造成环境污


Most residents don’t approve of the nuclear project because they

believe it will result in environment pollution.

7. 难民们急切的盼望着能回到故土的那一天。

The refugees long for the day when they can return to their homeland.

8. 这对夫妇在40岁出头时喜得一个千金。

The couple were blessed with a daughter in their early forties.

9. 我们认为他不适合这项工作,因为他缺乏搞研究的经验。

We think he is not fit for the job as he lacks research experience.

10. 据报导,外长于今天下午开始了他的亚洲之行。

It was reported that the foreign minister had embarked on his Asian trip this afternoon.

3. Use help, hope and want.

1. 这些老人感到自豪,因为他们1958年参加了人民大会堂的修


Those old people are very proud that they helped build the Great Hall of the people in 1958.

2. 我希望你们都能认识到在语言学习中基本功训练的重要性。

I hope that you will all see the importance of the training in basic skills

in language learning.

3. 他想要他的孩子们能够独立地面对自己的困难。

He wants his children to be able to come to terms with their difficulties/

4. 她希望在年底完成在国外的学习。

She hopes to complete her studies abroad by the end of this year.

5. 他在运动会上的成功帮助他重新获得了在学习上的信心。

His success at the sports meet helped him to regain confidence in his studies.

6. 我们都希望北京能主板2008年的奥运会。

We all hope that Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.

7. 外语能帮助人们更快地了解外面的世界所发生的事情。

Foreign languages help people to learn more quickly about what’s

happening in the outside world.

8. 你看那边的乌云,我觉得天好像要下雨了。


Look at the dark clouds over there, I think it is going to rain.

9. 当问到他想要些什么作为他全心全意服务的回报时,那位清


When asked what he wanted in return for his wholehearted service, the garbage man- replied : Your appreciation of it.”


1. 这个问题在我们上几次会议上讨论过。

The issue was discussed at our previous meetings.

2. 只到他给我写信时我才知道他已经参军了。

I didn’t know he had joined the army until he wrote to me.

3. 科学家们预言大约10亿年以后太阳就会冷得不能维持地球上


Scientists predict that in about one billion years the sun will grow too cold to maintain on life on earth.

4. 他没有把我的话当真,以为我是在开玩笑。

He thought I was joking, and didn’t take me seriously.

5. 每当回想起在林教授实验室工作的日子,他心里就充满了成


Whenever he looks back on the days when he was working in Professor Lin’s laboratory, he is filled with a sense of fulfillment.

6. 自从大学毕业以来我弟弟一直为一家计算机公司工作。

Even since he graduated from college, my young bother has been

working for computer-company.
