


税以对人上万外游以元经纳离大挂,营税于家靠2,人征0查共经1并单管5着 询同营年向位范这 分探为1报被2-围一 析87讨主告挂流月户之系 、。, 靠域实,外列 下 挂 人综现小。问 户 靠交上合税规原以题 调一人通缴治款模则X对 查、(道运管X理2企.X走.2.县X车护输理6实业X等 体1X访万0为辆县岸业费施2(县级 布师合的元2全例所对工是。户方三交: 置专治方;部,有交是程国 ,案)通X与业理法我为截人通X学.民 客设监运、措.论的.。县准道至)输9校经1运计测输教施文(任、一并交考路2,运实济3范业育设0五务纳、对通户工证作对1将业现的围税以计5)目税高调业,种号者年国车税社传与收及.林标.人提校查主货:.6内辆收会统7月时征为研草与户出行的要运X(培的登政功行底段管衡究X措规数教了政情以运一训一记策时能业,.基量。.施模题增学现管况自输).单念些在执间的,1共本一高设.目加在理进1主4设位.也高被.行(:浅前实6有情所校6计:,户标一的行经计:在校(挂情四X谈提施登况高在.以但。活些基一营原.X发的一.靠况)新。营记 校实9X摘X远据把动高本般和则生行四)人和监鉴形自改的X 是现要低统思,校概性挂.针着政、治.(X征测定式2增.交X否教:1于7计想配行念分靠河、巨管水理货X管世(内单级下后通治具学小地,和合政析经为县政大理土任运情纪二容位领高,一输理备和流税2行高管内,营例共策的具保务企况以)0方:导校如、运论竞科域1移教动校理容提为浅有,变有持.业4开后总法X.安行何强业学争研.年综交育统的 出主谈交6X这提化一监)展,体与排政加化纳(习力两交日…前活一学弊 加,小通两高,定测名了随布频,各管强理税二,的项通期…移动到生端国强我流运个政大的.下专着局.次扎项理交论人).帮全一重运:县交、全更,外税分域输1中治学借,题社.实任的通能0X治.助面个要输X.交的两军好并知收局综企(心敏校鉴以X8调1会工务创运X力理下武重职6(企1通户项和地在名征管合业一任锐园意-被研的履作新输2提目,装要能目三业运数重公完以教管理,治04)务性的义挂以。飞作 职,同路业19高标在自指是 )现输,4大安成上育工户企理监,和陈。靠X调速、为 。严时径的,.我全己标建 帮工税.行教现基学作,X业实.测内鉴旧 人研发…一 我格, 税6始队的。立县录助程款业政育役学础家的(其9施目抓别的 主展…名 大按不 收0终官头本在X一工措3税治等部目之乌建三中方的、管能行关7要X,中消 量照断摘管坚兵脑论行、3作施收上一队标申议)案.河实理力政键.采我队建防 阅部提要理.持的,文政项实设征的系政。,斯1建般设为践、。管词取国政0设监 读队高 ?讲学共提,管目践计管(坚列治新着基与设计例执外在理:数高治、督 和的自 笔话习同高对理区 .情二任定工形重提规.浅法树改模高.据校指坚执 学条身随者精者努党高的8概姓 况)期性作式阐出模谈为形革式校(的导持法 习令政着带神强力性校基况名通调情监以和。会下述学.小民象强已行四.教员.全干 了条治社,下修行础.:过研况6测来思下议,了校.节、,警经政).三育2面部 公例觉会3加积学,养政之X任)0,想面上高要看二。坚扎和很管河1、事X协, 安和悟的工极习我,管上职6障我上是来校有,、身持实两难理年总业现调只 部各,不环参者以进理,以四通的我,行三养小份严开学管;述也将可有 1项自断节加胜对一的也畜来1个过纯任深政要殖流证格展一理创职9在本持自规觉发看讲的工步基就牧的、方认洁职刻管素成域号执、做好新报发人续身章学展,党观作坚本说业学1个面真性以领理,本综:法部两当路告2生任发业制习和产性念高定概行习0指看学。来会的即高X的队项今径、…期展务度政进 3品、,度理念政值锻X标,习 的质创行8,重正快;规1…以、知管治步0 加守把负想进管2的炼之仍党 主总量新政0人要规大节举1模来2建构识理,工党加责信行理号1和头一然的二要书路管自才意化教奏措8的设建水和论人粗规强的念简令.工,6;存十、工记高径理任技义建育的 、%履全社平约,们放、学精,单以作…同全在八强作系低和中术,设中校 。产职们省会过束认的,严习神进概及实肉比县困大化,列举队不坚、的园 业情养肉主硬部真生我缺党,一述新.践牛增牛难、学特讲已3指足持精所师 化况吨育牛义,队贯活知乏纪强团…,发,产长期存和全习向话经导。执细学生虽为述,之养和才彻方识品反化结…布我业3曾栏问军,各精成员 的法化、日然方0职占恩殖谐能紧执式、牌腐素和实尽.情经6题和提位神以开5各为管所常X向如6全发的基社适紧行和4教带倡质施职况5X教,公高领%来发位民理得,4下县期言:地会应围党观的给动廉作领尽,5调过主安自导通,区老、工推头:肉以,一县的当绕肉我;教为中《责达查的我要现身汇过在消师服作所动, 类来为是的深前灭路牛做从育长队建的到与问的表役知报政支防,务获肉同 产关我父目刻消火线养人市等期支筑完了思候老现部识如队大我人三,牛比一量心们母标内防救、殖尊的场活坚部设成省考和师在队储下代的民严生增个、的支上,涵工援方呈敬道环动持一计了级 崇,:政备大表心的三产长无加1持了父把,作和现的理节,班防上肉 3生高脑从治和 队市中思实持3愧.强我生母发更的执5出各,看使一人火4牛观的海养工 党长%务委充想专.续于政市动给展加需勤3蓬位让,我项务规基,%、敬中殖作委述近的、满得题发党治真教的了肉清要训勃老我市深工实范;地出价意浮环会能的职年思市感到展、学育一我牛醒,练的师在受场刻作求》肉县栏值!现节议力领述来想人慨进。无习事课们产地才发,实益范认来真G牛“肉,观向出看精 导廉,大一 …,B党业生认能展同际无围识抓出要牛提,今他神 报5X学端、思步 …坚纪发听命作识更0势志工穷较到。栏X求产高坚天们发和任0告一正市绪提积一市定政展后和为到好1县头们作。窄加我3肉值自持受熟展习期 做思政又高4极、2正纪的很血调强立,:中人强深9牛0达身人到悉方近以专想府回,2参发1 确条社受肉结化足但 0更的营党知6存2终的民表式平来头题作、到增年加展.的规会启之构服丰 6是加一销的栏以思利彰面落总,亿,教风市了强庆消各现政,各发躯、务富 从在一明生模执1高想益的孔后书元同育,政自了祝防项状0治始界、;转意的述养这、确最式政万标觉第“和,记比。提协己教中政 方终人深一识饲职殖美不方难陈能头准悟一十表科占增在升,的师队治 向坚士受是式草人、好断向忘旧力和严和;佳情技系长学思向童节副教2 持表教老、资:加的,、;0能格道保”,含列1习想辛年大中育 为示育师促源(0工金强更最从5繁基要德持教正量.年中境勤和会9队理人衷。,增和、秋学加需保%母本求水思师是较末,界工学上长论民心今老收悠;市九习自要障牛自准想和这低,以作生的2学服的天师久牛场月,觉感环03己。道中些;全学切在时1万讲习务感参给着的肉和,努地念6,通德小扶从年县以实教代头话,的谢加了力养产保我力按的踏过的学我度能致做育,”认宗!全我点 殖量们提照是实学纯名一述繁用到战想中真旨 市们,传5欢高科养工习洁师路1职母为线起的完。 庆知以让3统聚自学育3作,性、成报牛主民的了两成进刚祝识标教,一身发之,政名长告达,、广小各一才教和准师提堂素展恩较治正校的 到将务大学类步,师灵化成出,质观好觉确长老 理实教、学加X节魂、为了共 的而地悟对表师今X论、师中习强大。X同 要给分完、待示们年与清�





今天我们总结一下方法,这样同学们在做此类题目的时候争取能够拿满分!一、对划线部分进行提问分三步法第一步:分析划线部分的内容,能用那个疑问词(what, when, how, where, who, which, whose等)来代替。



例句:I have a pen pal.1) 分析划线部分,是名词,选疑问词what;2) 写下what,找句中是否有be动词,没有be动词,选择助动词do/does;主语是I,选择助动词do, 主语I 改成you,动词have用原形。

3) 注意标点,句号变成问号。

4) 问句:What do you have?二、常见的对划线部分进行提问的题型1. 对主语提问对主语提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分;句子的语序不变。


1)Miss Zhang teaches us English .→Who teaches you English?2)Jim is a teacher.→Who is a teacher?(2)主语是物用what 代替。

1)My bike is under the tree.→What is under the tree?2)The apple is red.→What is red?3)There is a book in the bag.→What is in the bag?(特殊事例一般不用what is there 或what are there)2. 对谓语提问(或谓语和宾语提问)一般现在时的句子:例句1:He eats an apple.(1)do代替eat,what代替an apple;(2)写下疑问词,主语是he,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do;(3)问句:What does he do?例句2:She does her homework.(1)do代替does,what代替 homework;(2)写下疑问词,主语是she,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do(3)问句:What does she do?规则:在一般现在时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词;宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What do/does ... do?现在进行时例句:He is eating an apple.(1)doing代替eating;what代替an apple;(2)疑问词what,有be动词,写下is,主语是he,划线部分用doing来代替;(3)写下句子:What is he doing?规则:●在现在进行中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词;●宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What is/are…doing?3. 一般将来时例句:He is going to eat an apple.(1)do代替eat;what代替an apple;(2)疑问词what写下,有be动词is, 主语he,照抄,be going to是短语继续写,动词eat原形是do;(3)写下句子:What is he going to do?规则:在一般将来中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词。



小升初毕业班精选对划线部分提问专项练习1.(对划线部分提问)______ his father’s______ ?2.My first name is Tom.(改为同义句)My ___________ ________ is Toms.3.Mr King is from America.(对划线部分提问)__________ is Mr King__________?4.Jenny is English.(对划线部分提问)What’s ______________________________?5.He’s an actor.(变为复数)__________ are ____________________6.Jack has a basketball.(改为否定句)________________________________________.7.I have three cousins.(对划线部分提问)________________________________________?8.These are Jenny’s CDs.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________?9.Does your uncle have any children?(作肯定回答)_________ ________ ______.10.T hat is a video game.(变为复数)___________________________________________.11.T om likes action movies.(改为一般疑问句)_____________________________________________? 12.I like fishing. I like painting.(合并成一个句子)_________________________________________________.13.T hey don’t like action movies. They don’t like documentaries.(合并成一个句子)_______________________________________.14.A my’s mother likes romantic movies.(对划线部分提问)______________________________?15.L inda likes sports programs.(改为否定句)______________________________.16.D oes your mother like action movies?(作肯定回答)____________________________________________ .17.H is favorite football player is Beckham.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________________________________? 18.H e likes action movies, but he prefers horror movies.(变为同义句)He _____ horror movies ____ action movies.19.T he walkman is Dave’s.(对划线部分提问)__________________________________________________?20.I have three cousins. (对划线部分提问)___________________________________________________?21.H er backpack is on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)_______________________________________________?22.T here are two bathrooms in my house.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________?23.I s there a TV in your bedroom?(作肯定回答)_____________________________________________.24.T here is a dining room in my house. There are three bedrooms in my house.(合成一个句子)(1)__________________________________________________________.(2)__________________________________________________________.25.T here are some books in the bookcase.(变为一般疑问句)______________________________________?26.T here’s a supermarket opposite the post office.(划线提问)27.T he shoe store is on Adams Street, across from the museum.(划线提问)28.A re there any parks here?(作否定回答)29.T here’s a railway station over there.(改为一般疑问句)30.T he video store is opposite the gym.(变为同义句)31.T here are four hotels on the street. (划线提问)32.T he library is on Mill Street, next to the hospital.(划线提问)33.T he museum is across from the school.(改为一般疑问句)34.T he park is on Main Street.(划线提问)35.T here is a desk and chair in the room.(改为否定句)36.S he teaches English in our school.(改为同义句)She ______________English______ in our school.37.I have a son and a daughter.(划线提问)______________________children _______you _____?38.S he doesn’t like swimming. She doesn’t like fishing.(合并成一个句子)She ________________swimming ________________fishing.39.T here are three bedrooms in the house.(用have 改写为同义句)The house ________________three bedrooms.40.H is house is next to our school.(变为一般疑问句)________________________________________________?41.S he has a computer.(变为一般疑问句)________________________________________________?42.T he shoe store is next to the drug store. It’s also next to the post office.(合并成一个句子)The shoe store is ________ the drug store ______ _ the post office.43.L iz is a teacher.(划线提问)________________ is a teacher?44.T om likes doing his homework after school.(改为否定句)45.T hey are women teachers.(改为单数句子)46.T here is a big building near my home. There is a supermarket near my home.(合并成一句)47.M y school is between a park and a bank.(划线提问)48.a nd, she, likes, reading books, watching movies, also, likes, she(连词成句)49.K ate has two uncles and an aunt.(改为否定句)50.T he books are Steven’s.(改为一般疑问句)51.T here is some soda in the bottle.(变为一般疑问句)52.T here are nine apples on the desk.(划线提问)53.W e need to buy some chocolates.(改为否定句)54.T here is a little ketchup in the bottle.(划线提问)55.H ow much meat is there in the shop?(用a lot of回答)56.T hey’d like some juice and hamburgers.(划线提问)57.W ould you like a large pizza?(用small 改为选择疑问句)58.T he potatoes are one dollar a kilo.(划线提问)59.T he bread is three dollars and fifty cents a loaf.(划线提问)60.I’ll have a glass of juice, please.(划线提问)61.W e’d like two cups of tea.(划线提问)62.T he soap is only one dollar a bar.(划线提问)63.W e have porridge, bread and eggs for breakfast.(划线提问)64.I’d like onions on it.(划线提问)65.J ack wants a dozen eggs.(同一句转换)66.R obbie does the high jump very well.(用can 改写)67.G ary can run the 100-meter hurdles.(划线提问)68.T racy can do pushups.(改为否定句)69.P enny can throw the shot put.(改为一般疑问句)70.C an Joe play table tennis?(作肯定回答)71.I need a baseball bat to play baseball.(对划线部分提问)72.Y ou can play football on the football field.(对划线部分提问)73.J enny’s favorite sport is playing volleyball.(对划线部分提问)74.I s diving your favorite sport?(作否定回答)75.T ony is good at running.(变为否定句)76.R obbie can do a somersault.(变为一般疑问句)77.H e can run the 100-meter race.(对划线部分提问)78.W e can run the 400-meter race on the running track.(对划线部分提问)79.T here are two pools in the sports center.(对划线部分提问)80.S andy’s favorite sport is roller-skating.(对划线部分提问)81.J enny is good at swimming.(变为否定句)82.I can also play table tennis and play volleyball.(对划线部分提问)83.C an you do a handstand?(作肯定回答)84.L iu Xiang is my favorite sports star.(对划线部分提问)85.H e’s learning diving now.(对划线部分提问)86.T here is a dresser in this room.(改写为复数形式)87.T he refrigerator is in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问)88.A re there any hotels near here?(肯定回答)89.T here are some lions in the zoo.(改为否定句)90.H er mother is a policewoman.(对划线部分提问)91.T here are three apples on the plate.(改为否定句)92.K ate likes making kites.(改为一般疑问句)93.T here are six people in my family.(对划线部分提问)94.T hese video games are Bob’s.(对划线部分提问)95.I t’s fine.(对划线部分提问)96.I often go to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)97.T he meat is ten yuan.(对划线部分提问)98.T he factory is two kilometers from here.(对划线部分提问)99.The river is five metres wide.(对划线部分提问)100.He didn’t come to school because he was ill in bed.(对划线部分提问)参考答案:96.How do you often go to school?97.How much is the meat?98.How far is the factory from here?99.How wide is the river?100.Why didn’t he come to school ?。



6.Ann returned the book to the library yesterday.
_D_i_d__Ann __r_et_u_rn__ the book to the library yesterday?
7.I have already done my homework. ___H_a_v_e__ you done your homework ___y_e_t___? 8.She had nothing for breakfast (青海)
________ _______there with you every day? 15W.Ohuart teacher went to Beijing to attendfaormeeting. _____ did your teacher go to Beijing _____ ? 16.CWhihnaat hasis1.3 billion people. _________ ________the pWohpautladtiaoyn of China? 17.It is Wednesday. ________ ________ is it? 18.IHhoawve kelopntgthehbaoveok since two years old . _______ ______ _______you kept the book? 19.ItHisowtweflavre minutes’ walykofurrom my home. _______ ______ is it from _____ home?
4.She will visit her grandmother next week.
___W_i_ll__s_h_e__ visit her grandmother next week?






如果是一般现在时,主语不是第三人称单数,就加do, 主语是第三人称单数,句子中的动词加了s或es的,要加上does,还要把动词加的s或es去掉,改成动词原形。



需特别注意两点:一、注意疑问句的语序1. 对句子的主语提问,其语序是:疑问词+谓语+其他成分?She is their teacher.is their teacher?2. 对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词+主语+谓语+其他成分?My book is over there.book is over there?3. 对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句?He lives in Beijing.does he live?4. 对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词+表语或宾语+一般疑问句?I'm looking for my watch.are you looking for?1、对“地点”提问用where。



对划线部分提问/ 句型转换专项训练练习一:熟悉一下1. This is a Japanese car. (改为否定句)This _____ ______ a Japanese car.2.That's my cup. (改为一般疑问句) _____ that ______ cup?3.It is a nice jeep. (对划线部分提问)_____ it?4.Wei Hua is in Row Three. (同上)_____ is Wei Hua in?5.Is that a computer? (作否定回答)No, ______6. It's a pear. (改为否定句)_____ a pear.7. You can sit down. (改为一般疑问句)_____ _____ sit down?8. I am in Grade 2.(对划线部分提问)_____ _____ you in?9. Is that a cake?(作否定回答)10. is, what, three, one, and(连词成句)_____ ?11. I think it is a bird. (改为否定句)I ______ think it _______ a bird.12. Han Mei isn't in today. (改为同义句)Han Mei isn't ________ today.13. Li Lei is twelve. (对划线部分提问)____ is Li Lei?14. Her name is Li Lan. (改为一般疑问句)_____ name Li Lan?15. The cat is here. (对划线部分提问)______________ _____ the cat?16.It's a pencil-box. (改为复数句)__________________ are ________ .17. That's OK. (改为同义句) That's ________________________ ______18. These are Chinese books. (改为否定句) These ___________ ____ Chinese19. They are children. (改为单数句) He _________________ a _______20. Those are hills. (对划线部分提问) ______________ _______________ ? (21-25 同义句)22. Lily is in Row Two. Lucy is in Row Two, too.Lily and Lucy are in __________ _____ row.23. Tom and Billy are twins.26. Jim Green is English. (用American27. They are boxes. (改为否定句)books.21. That isn't a new coat. That is coat.Tom is Billy's ________24. My bike is here. My bike ________ not ______25. Every student is at school today. The students ___ at school today.构成选择疑问句)答案1. is not2. Is, your3. What is4. What row5. it isn't6. It isn't7. Can I8. What grade are9. No, it isn't 10. What's and three 11. don't, is 12. at home 13. How old 14. Is her 15. Where is16. They, pencil-boxes 17. all right 18. are not 19. is, child 20. are those 21. an old 22. the same 23. twin brother 24. is, there 25. are26. Is Jim Green English or American27. They aren't boxes28. Can your brother spell his name29. Emma goes to school at seven30. What's your phone numberoneWhat all练习二:四类专项练习、将下列句子改为复数形式:1.There is a knife in the box. There in the box.2.She's a woman doctor.3.Our teacher often tells us a story.4.The sheep is over there.5.Please pass me a piece of bread.二、下列句子改为否定句:1.He does some reading every day.2.I have to wash the dishes.3.Tell him the news.4.She has brothers and sisters.5.I think she is right.They're _____ _____ .Our _____ often _____ us ______ . The _____ _____ over there.Please pass me some ______ of _____ .He _____ _____ ____ reading every day.I __________ _____ wash the dishes.______ ______ him the news.She has ______ brothers ______ sisters.I _____ ______ she _______ right.列句子改为一般疑问句:1.There is some fruit juice in the glass.2.He has to stay here.3. We do eye exercises every day.___ _____ _____ fruit juice in the glass? _____ he _____ to stay there?_____ you _____ eye exercises every day?4. She has something to eat. _____ she _____ _____ to eat?5.I ________________________________________ am good at singing and dancing. __ you good at singing __________________________________ dancing?四、对划线部分提问:1. _________________________________________ My mother goes to work by bike.your mother ____________________________________ to work?2. _________________________________________ That is a map of France. map is that?3. __________________________________________ The bag of rice is ten kilos. the bag of rice?4. I think Chinese food is very nice. _____________ do you _____ _____ Chinese food?5. The students like their teacher very much._____ do the students _____ their teacher?6. _____________________________________________ His house is very big. _______ his house _____________________________________________7. _____________________________________________ There are six kites in the sky. in the sky?8. _____________________________________________ He lives in Room 306. __ he __________________________________________________ in?9.She looks worried because she can't find her dog._____ ______ she _____ worried?10.It takes him half an hour to write the e-mail.it ______ him to write the e-mail?11.Classes begin at eight. ______ classes _______ ?12.I want to buy three kilos of meat. ______ ______ do you want to buy?13.His uncle is a businessman. ____ his uncle _________ ?参考答案:一、 1.are, some, knives 2.women doctors 3.teachers, tell, stories4.sheep, are5.pieces, bread、 1.doesn't do any 2.don't have to 3.Don't tell 4.no,or 5.don'tthink, is三、 1.Is there any 2.Does, have 3.Do,do 4.Does have, anything 5. Are,and3. How heavy is4.What, think of5.How, like 6.What is, like 7.What's 8.Which roomdoes, live 9.Why doe s, look 10.How long does, take 11.What time do, begin 12.How mu ch meat 13.What does, do 14.Which dress 15.What day 16.Where,ru14.The orange dress is Kate's. 15.It's Sunday today.16.The cats are running up the tree. 17.Jim's plane is broken. 18.He would like five cakes. 19.They play football every Friday. 20.The man in brown is Tom's father._____ ______ is Kate's? ____ ______ is it today? ______ are the cats ________ ? _ ________ _______ Jim's plane? ___ _______ ______ would he like ____ __ they play football? is Tom's father?四、 1.How does, go 2.Whatnning 17.What's wrong with 18.How many cakes 19.When do 20.Wh ich man练习三:中大附模拟题之句型转换(探讨题)按要求变换句子,每空只准填一个单词,缩写算一个单词,把答案写在答题卷相应的横线上。




以下是对划线部分提问的一些常见方法:一、以特定疑问词引导的提问:1. What are they discussing?2. Who is teaching the class?3. Where did they go for vacation?4. When did you start learning English?5. Why are they laughing?6. How does the machine work?7. Which book did you choose?8. Whose birthday is it?9. Whom did he invite to the party?10. How many people are there in the room?二、使用助动词及主语倒装的提问:1. Are they discussing something?2. Is the class being taught by him?3. Did they go somewhere for vacation?4. Have you started learning English yet?5. Do they laugh for a reason?6. Can the machine work properly?7. Will you choose this book?8. Is it his birthday?9. Has he invited anyone to the party?10. Did you count the number of people in the room?三、使用否定词及助动词的提问:1. Are they not discussing anything?2. Is the class not taught by him?3. Did they not go anywhere for vacation?4. Have you not started learning English yet?5. Do they not laugh for a reason?6. Can the machine not work properly?7. Will you not choose this book?8. Is it not his birthday?9. Has he not invited anyone to the party?10. Did you not count the number of people in the room?四、使用特殊疑问词+to do的形式提问:1. What are they going to discuss?2. Who is going to teach the class?3. Where are they going to go for vacation?4. When are you going to start learning English?5. Why are they going to laugh?6. How are they going to work the machine?7. Which book are you going to choose?8. Whose birthday is it going to be?9. Whom are they going to invite to the party?10. How many people are they going to have in the room?五、使用特殊疑问词+动词不定式的形式提问:1. What do they want to discuss?2. Who wants to teach the class?3. Where do they want to go for vacation?4. When do you want to start learning English?5. Why do they want to laugh?6. How do they want to work the machine?7. Which book do you want to choose?8. Whose birthday does he want it to be?9. Whom do they want to invite to the party?10. How many people do they want to have in the room?六、使用特殊疑问词+被动形式+动词不定式的形式提问:1. What is going to be discussed?2. Who is going to be taught the class?3. Where are they going to be taken for vacation?4. When are you going to be started learning English?5. Why is it going to be laughed at?6. How is the machine going to be worked?7. Which book is going to be chosen?8. Whose birthday is it going to be?9. Whom are they going to be invited to the party?10. How many people are going to be had in the room?以上是对划线部分提问的一些常见方法,根据不同的语法结构和含义选择不同的提问方式。


Where’s isyour your pen? pen?
5. The bike is black.
What color is the bike?
6. He's fine.
How is he ?
7. The book is in the bag.
Where’s the book?
8. His name is Bob.
二代:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分; 三移:把特殊疑问词移到句首;
What My telephone my telephone number 741-865. is. number is what.
What ‘s his name?
9. His last name is Miller.
10. My QQ number is 4567.
What’s your QQ number?
What’s his last name?
11. My notebook is under the chair. 12. The English books are in the bag.
再 来 一 道 简 单 的!
一找:对人进行提问用who 二代:用who代替划线部分 三移:把who放在句首 四变:把she is 变为一般疑问句
This is What ’s this is a what. this? this? dictionary. is.
再 来 一 道 简 单 的!
一找:对物体进行提问用what 二代:用what代替划线部分 三移:把what放在句首 四变:把this is 变为一般疑问句



(4)What is she doing?归纳分析,写出正确答案。
• 规则:

• 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What is/are-------doing?
• 4 过去进行时

例1He was eating an apple .(eating an apple 划线)
• (1)宾语是物, 对物进行提问用what

例:He eats an apple .(an apple划线)

(1)an apple是物,用what代替。

(2)变疑问句 Does he eat an apple?

(3)What+ Does he eat ?省略an apple

(4) What does he eat?归纳。
• 例2 She had done her homework.

(done her homework 划线)

(1)done代替done what代替 homework

(2)变疑问句:Had she done her homework?

(3)What+Had she done her homework?


• (2)宾语是人,对人进行提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)。

例:He likes Li Ping .(Li Ping 划线)

(1)找出who 或whon 代替Li Ping。

(2)变疑问句 Does he like Li Ping ?



一、对`物`划线用What.1.This is an orange --What is this?2.We can see a cat under the desk.--What can you see under the desk?二、对人,名字划线并不都用Who,如果句中含有name这个词时用What。

1.Jim Greem is not here.--Who is not here?2.The girl's name is Ann.--What's the girl's name?三、对“地点”划线用Where,如果“地点”作定语时,用Which后跟被修饰的那个名词。

1.He is under the tree.--Where is he?2.The shop near the school sells things like that.--Which shop sells things like that?四、对“加、减、乘、除”的得数划线用What.Six and four is ten.--What is six and four?五、对“年龄”划线用How old.Miss Li is twenty-three.--How old is Miss Li?六、对“身体状况”划线用How.He is fine.--How is he?七、对“学校、年级、班、排、组、号”的数词划线,用What ,这些名词要紧跟What 之后1.They are in Class One.--What class are they in?2.Jim's bus is Number Twenty-nine.--What number is Jim's bus?八、对“颜色”划线,用What colour,如果颜色作定语,What colour后要跟被修饰的名词。

Her sweater is red.--What colour is her sweater?九、对名词所有格,名词性物主代词划线用Whose ,如果作定语,Whose 后要跟被修饰的名词。



【题型专练】小升初英语-对划线部分提问通用版(含答案)小升初对划线部分提问题型专练练习一对划线部分提问1、I like summer best.2、Mike goes to school by school bus.3、My father is a fisherman.4、He works at sea.5、He likes pet dogs because they are cute.6、I stayed at home last night.7、She usually gets up at six every morning.18、I am 45 kilograms.9、My uncle likes doing word puzzles and fishing.10、Sam usually does sports after supper.11、The glass is bright.12、My sister feels sad.13、Today is January first.14、It is rainy today.15、There are six pens on your desk.2小升初对划线局部发题目型专练练对划线部分提问1、It is Friday today.2、I have ten dollars in my bag.3、He can get there on foot.4、The hospital is behind the park.5、I want to be a scientist.6、My father often goes to other shops.7、We have lunch in a restaurant.38、The window is black and white.9、I sang a Chinese song yesterday evening.10、There are fifty students in my class.11、Lily can ride a bike .12、We’re going to see a film this weekend.13、I want to buy an English dictionary.14、Sarah likes going hiking and playing sports.15、Six and nine is fifteen.4小升初对划线部分提问题型专练操演三对划线部分提问1、My brother likes panda best.2、He is a great businessman.3、The beach was great.4、I usually go to work by car.5、Sam and Mike talked about the match last night.6、I hada cold.7、The film is about a cat and a mouse.58、The dinosaur is about five meters tall.9、He is 48 kilograms.10、My shoes are size 37.11、He’s going to take the dress next week.12、The girl often watches TV in the evening.13、I washed my clothes yesterday morning.14、You should go out for a walk.15、I am eating lunch now.6小升初对划线局部发题目型专练练习四对划线局部发问1、My favorite food is chicken.2、There are twelve trees in the park.3、I stayed at home and did my homework last Sunday.4、It’s warm in Kunming.5、He went to America three years ago.6、Micheal’s summer holiday was pretty good.7、My friend Sarah got there by plane.78、She saw lots of sheep there.9、I usually have maths class on Tuesday morning.10、My Dad feels angry now.11、Bill could ride a horse before.12、My aunt is a factory worker.13、The boy felt a little happy yesterday.14、I’m eleven years old.15、The pair of shoes are ninety yuan.8小升初对划线局部发题目型专练练习五对划线部分提问1、Jenny wears size thirty-six.2、I’m fine.3、He cleaned the room last Saturday.4、My weekend was bad.5、Peter likes playing computer games.6、The story is about a hero named Nick.7、John saw a cartoon on TV at home yesterday.98、Sam usually goes to school by bike.9、You should count to ten and take a deep breath.10、We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin park.11、I went to work by my father’s car yesterday.12、My mother feels angry with me.13、He’s going to the bookstore this morning.14、The monkey is climbing trees now.15、My uncle is an English teacher.10参考答案小升初对划线局部发题目型专练练习一对划线部分提问1、I like summer best.Which season do you like best?\What’s your favorite season?2、Mike goes to school by school bus.How does Mike go to school?3、My father is a fisherman.What does your father do?4、He works at sea.Where does he work?5、He likes pet dogs because they are cute.Why does he like pet dogs?6、I stayed at home last night.What did you do last night?7、She usually gets up at six every morning.When does she usually get up every morning?118、I am 45 kilograms.How heavy are you?9、My uncle likes doing word puzzles and fishing.What are your uncle’s hobbies?10、Sam usually does sports after supper.What does Sam usually do after supper?11、The glass is bright.How is the glass?12、My sister feels sad.What does your sister feel?13、Today is January first.What date is it today?14、It is rainy today.What’s the weather like today?\How’s the weather today?15、There are six pens on your desk.How many pens are there on my desk?12小升初对划线部分提问题型专练操演二对划线部分提问1、It is Friday today.What day is it today?2、I have ten dollars in my bag.How much do you have in your bag?3、He can get there on foot.How can he get there?4、The hospital is behind the park.Where is the hospital?5、I want to be a scientist.What do you want to be?6、My father often goes to other shops. What does your father often do?7、We have lunch in a restaurant.Where do you have lunch?138、The window is black and white.What color is the window?9、I sang a Chinese song yesterday evening.What did you do yesterday evening?10、There are fifty students in my class.How many students are there in your class? 11、Lily can ride a bike .What can Lily do?12、We’re going to see a film this weekend. When are you going to see a film?13、I want to buy an English dictionary.What do you want to buy?14、Sarah likes going hiking and playing sports. What are Sarah’s hobbies?15、Six and nine is fifteen.What’s six and nine?14小升初对划线局部发题目型专练操演三对划线局部发问1、My brother likes panda best.Which animal does your brother like best?或者What’s your brother’s b est animal?2、He is a great businessman.What does he do?3、The beach was great.How was the beach?4、I usually go to work by car.How do you usually go to work?5、Sam and Mike talked about the match last night.What did Sam and Mike do last night?6、I had a cold.What’s wrong (with you)?7、The film is about a cat and a mouse.What’s the film about?158、The dinosaur is about five meters tall.How tall is the dinosaur?9、He is 48 kilograms.How heavy is he?10、My shoes are size 37.What size are your shoes?11、He’s going to take the dress next week.What is he going to do next week?12、The girl often watches TV in the evening.What does the girl often do in the evening?13、I washed my clothes yesterday morning.When did you wash your clothes?14、You should go out for a walk.What should I do?15、I am eating lunch now.What are you doing now?16小升初对划线部分提问题型专练操演四对划线部分提问1、My favorite food is chicken.What’s your favorite food?2、There are twelve trees in the park.How many trees are there in the park?3、I stayed at home and did my homework last Sunday.What did you do last Sunday?4、It’s warm in Kunming.What’s the weather like in Kunming?\How’s the weather in Kunming?5、He went to America three years ago.When did he go to America?6、Micheal’s summer holiday was pretty good.How’s Micheal’s summer holiday?177、My friend Sarah got there by plane.How did your friend Sarah get there?8、She saw lots of sheep there.What did she see there?9、I usually have maths class on Tuesday morning.What do yo usually have on Tuesday morning?10、My Dad feels angry now.How does your Dad feel?11、Bill could ride a horse before.What could Bill do before?12、My aunt is a factory worker.What does your aunt do?13、The boy felt a little happy yesterday.How did the boy feel yesterday?14、I’m eleven years old.How old are you?15、The pair of shoes are ninety yuan.How much are the pair of the shoes?18小升初对划线局部发题目型专练练习五对划线局部发问1、Jenny wears size thirty-six.What size does Jenny wear?\What are Jenny’s shoes?2、I’m fine.How are you?3、He cleaned the room last Saturday.What did he do last Saturday?4、My weekend was bad.How was your weekend?5、Peter likes playing computer games.What are Peter’s hobbies?6、The story is about a hero named Nick.What’s the story about?7、John saw a cartoon on TV at home yesterday.What did John do at home yesterday?198、Sam usually goes to school by bike.How does Sam usually go to school?9、You should count to ten and take a deep breath.What should I do?10、We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin park.What are you going to do in Renmin park?11、I went to work by my father’s car yesterday.How did you go to work yesterday?12、My mother feels angry with me.Who does your mother angry with?13、He’s going to the bookstore this morning.Where is he going this morning?14、The monkey is climbing trees now.What is the monkey doing now?15、My uncle is an English teacher.What does your uncle do?。






1. The boy is playing soccer in the park.(提问:Who is playing soccerin the park?)2. Mary has finished her homework.(提问:What has Mary finished?)3. They are going to the movies tonight.(提问:What are they going to do tonight?)4. It is raining heavily outside.(提问:What is happening outside?)5. John and his sister are riding bicycles.(提问:Who is riding bicycles?)6. The book on the table belongs to Tom.(提问:Whose book belongsto Tom?)7. The teacher is speaking loudly in the classroom.(提问:Where is the teacher speaking loudly?)8. We had a great time at the party last night.(提问:When did wehave a great time?)9. She is wearing a red dress to the party.(提问:What is she wearingto the party?)10. I will visit my grandparents during the summer vacation.(提问:When will I visit my grandparents?)通过对以上句子中划线部分进行提问,可以帮助学生巩固对句子主语、宾语、时间、地点等基本信息的把握,进一步拓展对语句整体含义的理解。






如果是一般现在时,主语不是第三人称单数,就加do, 主语是第三人称单数,句子中的动词加了s或es的,要加上does,还要把动词加的s或es去掉,改成动词原形。



需特别注意两点:一、注意疑问句的语序1. 对句子的主语提问,其语序是:疑问词+谓语+其他成分?She is their teacher.Who is their teacher?2. 对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词+主语+谓语+其他成分?My book is over there.Whose book is over there?3. 对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句?He lives in Beijing.Where does he live?4. 对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词+表语或宾语+一般疑问句?I'm looking for my watch.Whose watch are you looking for?1、对“地点”提问用where。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

一找:找特殊疑问词; 二代:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分; 三移:把特殊疑问词移到句首; 四变:未划线部分变为一般疑问句。
MWyhatetlmepyhtoenlepnhuomnebenruims bw74ehr1a-i8ts..65.

道 W一ha找t i:s对y数o字ur进t行el提ep问h用ownehnautmber?
Exercise :
1.My telephone number is 741-865. What’s your telephone number?
2.His name is Jim. What’s his name?
3.This is a dictionary. What’s this ?




的! 四变:把this is 变为一般疑问句
TWhheajtacokleotristishwretehdjea. ctjakcceoktloeistr.?.




的! 四变:把the books are变为一般疑问句

TTHHhhoeoewwbboooyldlydisitisihshsetot1hbhw0eoebyoboleoidysay.?.r?s old.
3. She is Rose.
Whoati’s shheer?name?
4. My pen is in the bag.
Where’sisyoyuorurpepnen? ?
பைடு நூலகம்5. The bike is black.
What color is the bike?
6. He's fine.
How is he ?
7. The book is in the bag.
Where’s the book?
8. His name is Bob.
What ‘s his name?
9. His last name is Miller.
What’s his last name?
10. My QQ number is 4567.

一找:对颜色进行提问用what color

二代:用what color代替划线部分

三移:把what color放在句首

的! 四变:把the jacket is 变为一般疑问句
TWhheebroe’ortakherseethabtaehroreobekwobusohnkaoesdkrr?ese?.r. the bed.
What’s your QQ number?
11. My notebook is under the chair.
Where’s your notebook?
12. The English books are in the bag.
_W_h_er_e __a_r_e _ the English books?

一找:对年龄进行提问用How old

二代:用how old代替划线部分

三移:把how old放在句首

的! 四变:把the boy is变为一般疑问句
1 .That is a bike.
2. My name is Li Ping.
What i‘ss yyoouurr nnaammee??

试 吧!
四变:把My telephone number is 变为一般疑问句




的! 四变:把she is 变为一般疑问句