教学课件 商务英语阅读(第2册)

Lead-in Discussion
2. Do you have an experience that you have a business idea and want to turn it into a business?
Lead-in Discussion
3. Which kind of business idea do you like? Why?
Structural Analysis
Para. Main Topics
Para. 1 Business ideas are all around you.
Para. 2- Some ways to help you get
business ideas
Para. 21- Get ready to transform your
Part I Words and Expressions
viable (Para. 4)
adj. being capable of doing what it is intended
to do 可行的(CET-6, TEM-8)
Cash alone will not make Eastern Europe’s banks viable. 单靠现金不可能使东欧的银行维持下去。
Part II Words and ssions
process (Para. 10)
n. a series of actions which are carried out in
order to achieve a particular result 过程(CET-4, TEM-4)
There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible. 全体同意尽快启动和平进程 。
教学课件 商务英语阅读(第二版)王艳

Phrase Translation
Give the English equivalents to the following Chinese terms.
• 经济双赢 _____________ • 收入不平等 ___________ • 解雇工人 _____________ • 双边协议 _____________ • 市场准入 _____________
Phrase Translation
Give the English equivalents to the following Chinese terms.
• 关税壁垒 _____________ • 劳动生产率 _____________ • 生产要素 _____________ • 回归分析 _____________ • 世界经济复苏 _____________
Phrase Translation
Give the Chinese equivalents to the following English terms.
• full employment _____________ • in-depth analysis _____________ • free-trade agreement ___________ • product differentiation________ • determinative factor ____________
Sentence Translation
这一监控体系最终将取代美国政府对古巴雪 茄进口的上限。
墨西哥和美国之间的争执不会有任何作用, 并可能导致北美自由贸易协定中关税解除的 中断。
在召开部长级会议之前,将举行一次经济合 作商业论坛,重点探讨如何减小全球经济失 衡的纠正对中国的冲击。

Chapter 11.这一监控体系最终将取代美国政府对古巴雪茄进口的上限。
The monitoring system will finally substitute the U.S. government’s cap on cigar imports from Cuba.2.墨西哥和美国之间的争执不会有任何作用,并可能导致北美自由贸易协定中关税解除的中断。
The quarrel between Mexico and the U.S. will be of no avail and it may disrupt the lifting of the agricultural tariffs under the North American Free Trade Agreement.3.在召开部长级会议之前,将举行一次经济合作商业论坛,重点探讨如何减小全球经济失衡的纠正对中国的冲击。
An economic cooperation business forum, which will discuss how to minimize the negative impact of global economic imbalance adjustment on China, will take place shortly before the ministerial conference.4.只有少数美国人将此问题归咎于这些明显的因素,即美元贬值或经济周期。
Few Americans attribute this to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the business cycle.5.最新的科学研究揭示了这样的事实,即为减少温室气体排放所采取的必要措施会带来沉重的经济和政治成本。
Recent research has shed light on the fact that there are heavy financial and political costs associated with the measures necessary to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.6.有传言称上个月政府和这家公司的总裁秘密达成一笔交易。

商务英语口译教材王艳电子版chapter1sluggish economy萧条的经济full employment 充分就业trade deficit 贸易赤字in-depth analysis深入的分析industrialized countries 工业化国家free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定international specialization 国际专业化 product differentiation 产品差别trade surplus 贸易盈余determinative factor决定性因素chapter2consumer-goods消费品 discount retailers折扣零售商brand equity品牌资产价值advertising budget 广告预算real-time sales data 实时销售数据sales promotion 促销profit margin盈利scanner data 扫描数据 chapter3 privileged minority 享有特权的少数人gas station 加油站marketing research 市场调查professional petence 专业技能a sales point 卖点product design 产品设计potential consumer 潜在顾客business disaster 商业灾难chapter4mobility of people 人口流动supplier works 供应商网络standardized items 标准零配件specialist manufacturing technology 特殊制造技术 plementary economies 互补经济体anti-japanese sentiment 反日情绪foreign affiliates外方合伙人,外国附属公司go public 上市二、汉翻英 chapter1经济双赢economic win-win关税壁垒tariff barrier收入不平等 wage inequality劳动生产率labor productivity 解雇工人lay off works 生产要素factor of production双边协议bilateral deal 回归分析regression analysis市场准入market access 世界经济复苏world economic recovery chapter2价格溢价price premium 基线销售base-line sales减价price reductions广告支出advertising spending 营销组合marketing mix 销量溢价quantity premium产品数量(种类)product-line variety美元分配allocation of dollarschapter3日常生活 daily life广告活动advertising caigns物理特征physical characteristic 视觉想象visual imagination 国内媒体national media 销售增长sales increase销售渠道distribution system 产品到导向型的广告product-orientated advertising chapter4企业并购mergersand acquisition 海外扩张overseas expansion全球化战略globalization strategy保护主义措施protectionist measures 市场准入access of market知识产权intellectual property right 贸易伙伴trading partners三、完形填空 chapter 17.revival 8.emerging chapter 21.blame2.damaged 6.arm 7.boosts chapter 31.sincere2.privileged 6.resort7.instead chapter 41.ambivalent2.integration 6.shortage 7.options 11.craft资本投入capital investment3.deficit4.budget5.expanding6.recovery9.innovation10.property 3.short-term 4.building 5.profiability 8.orientation 9.moreover10.lowering3.led4.constitutes5.intellectual 8.reduce 9.clients 10.divert3.hindered4.from5.by 8.acquisitions9.strategy10.alliance。

《商务英语阅读》第二版Chapter1-Why-China-Works-(网上私人独家翻译).Why China WorksA look at bright spots in the recession begins with Beijing, where state control is looking smart.经济衰退中的一线光明开始于国家宏观调控看起来明智的北京。
The construction site of the China Pavilion, host to the World Expo Shanghai 2010By Rana Foroohar | NEWSWEEKPublished Jan 10, 2009From the magazine issue dated Jan 19, 2009China is the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, because it is the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook. In fact, the main reason China is not slowing as fast as the other big five economies is its capacity for macro-control.中国是今年唯一一个可能取得亮丽增长的主要经济体,因为它是世界上唯一一个惯常打破经济教科书每一个原则的国家。
Why does China's market economic system work? Now that the United States and Europe are moving toward macro-economic control—by nationalizing the banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry—the question has a new urgency.China looks like the one best positioned to navigate what may be the worst global downturn in seven decades.为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及强制对金融业的管理,走向宏观调控,但问题更加紧迫。
体验商务英语综合教程1第二版 unit1(ppt课件)

Listening 1.1
Business English
1. Do Listening exercises 1.1 on the text book
2. Listen again and complete the introductions. Use the words from the box
descending order, depending on their professional position.
2. When possible, stand up when introductions are being made.
3. If clients are present, they should be introduced first.
BALTPROF Consulting Group
Nikolai Ivanov Accountant
Company’s name Name of the person Job title Address
P.O.Box 103 St.Petersburg, 193015 RUSSIA
Tel: (812) 275-5626 Tel/fax: (812) 101-4046 E-mail:
Key Words
Business English
Business terms
consulting group accountant Gmbh
product manager S. A.
senior manager
Proper Names
St. Petersburg Russia
Hamburg Germany

“hard landing”
• The risk of hard landing of China‘s economy is not foreseen at a Group of Twenty (G20) ministerial meeting as the country has seen increasing vitality, Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said Saturday.
• “We see a lot of new players, like hedge funds, as well as corporates, who use the renminbi for hedging purposes,” said Ms Wang, who added that central banks and private bank clients had also shown strong interest.
What do I know or do not know about the subject before I read? Know: renminbi, UK, previous trade of renminbi in UK Don’t know: reasons

Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
6. Stories can support change initiatives, enhance fund raising,, and establish deep and lastiengage employees and other stakeholders, and establish deep and lasting connections with the community and constituent groups. 故事可以支持变化举措,加强资金筹措,吸引员工和其他利 益相关者,与社区和组成团体建立深入持久的联系。
Voice of Courage
Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
4. The employee used his snow mobile to drive seven miles in 20 feet of snow to get to the airport to free up a plane for take-off. 这位员工用雪地车在20英尺厚的积雪里 行驶了七英里,到达机场让飞机起飞。

Voice of Courage
1933年7月24日,为了彻底解决童工和劳动时间问题,罗斯福 发布了第三次“炉边谈话”。
1933年10月22日晚,罗斯福向全国做了第四次“炉边谈话”,他 回顾了3月份以来“足以自豪的事实和行动”,并高度概括了“第一 次新政”所致力于实现的目标。
Voice of Courage
Background Infromation:
Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话
炉边谈话是美国总统罗斯福利用大众传播手段进行政治性公关 活动的事例之一。20世佛,4年任期内正碰上全球性经济危机,美 国经济在短短几个月内几乎崩溃,至1932年冬天,全国至少有
4. In the middle of the speech, Roosevelt said simply, “I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.”
Effective Communication
1. During difficult times, a leader is supposed to encourage his or her people to pull through. This requires one to have some charisma. What can be the effctive methods to call forth people’s spontaneous enthusiasm and cooperatoin?

Business English reading has the characteristics of professionalism, practicality, and cross-cultural communication, requiring readers to have a high level of language proficiency, business knowledge, and cross-cultural communication skills.
Select different types of business reports, such as market analysis reports, financial reports, project reports, etc., to help students fully understand the structure and content of business reports.
Background knowledge
The onging process of expanding one's vocabulary through exposure to new words and their contextual usage A rich vocabulary improves comprehension and supports effective communication in business English
Collaborative learning
Collaborate with classmates, colleagues, or mentors to improve business English reading skills through discussions, communication, and other means.

整体教学法 任务型阅读教学法 教 学 速记教学阅读 方 法 拓展教学法 段落提问教学法
高中阶段:整体教学法、段 落提问教学法 大学阶段: 自主学习、丰富 信息、个人观点,团队意识 商务英语专业: 背景知识, 团队项目任务 ,口译笔译
更多的互动学习 更多的信息来源 更多的实践 更多的个性化学习
Step 5 归纳总结 评价分析
3.4 教学团队 (Teaching Team)
副教授 1名 讲师 1名 稳定的外聘3名讲师
助教 1名
3.5 教学资源(Teaching Resources)
商务英语教材 (陶霞、吴翠华)重庆大学出版社 商务英语阅读教材 (吴翠华、张宝玉等)
A. Text A Is Your English Too English
Task 1. Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words
Task 2. Word Formation Learning
B. Text B Who Needs English
体现高职教育的职业性(Professionalization)、实践性 (Practice) 和开放性(Openness)
阅读教学互动式(Role Play and Change), 信息来源的多 元化 (Text Information、Media Information、Individualized Information),多层次、多元化、交互式往返联系的英语阅 读教学模式
Unit 1 Business Language
Part 1 Reading Skill Focus

Exhibit the work ethic, attitude, and values you expect from your team. Leading by example can inspire your team and establish a strong benchmark for performance and behavior.
Team building
1 Are there any great team leaders in ancient or modern times that you admire? Tell their stories and analyze the reasons for their success.
2 Suppose you were a team leader in a company. What would you do to build a productive team?
1) Define clear goals and objectives Start by establishing clear, achievable goals that align with the company’s broader mission and objectives. Ensure that every team member understands these goals and how their individual roles contribute to achieving them.
Team building skills are capabilities that help leaders form interactive, supportive, and highfunctioning teams. To become an excellent team builder, you probably need to develop a variety of soft skills, such as: goal setting & role assigning, communicating, listening, reflecting, matchmaking, problem solving, delegating, giving & getting feedback, organizing, resolving conflict, time management, decision-making, creative thinking, etc. The purpose of these skills is to support teamwork and team development.
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Read for Gist
Scan Text A and get some main ideas about the following questions.
What does this text tell us about? What are the popular theories about
Why is freer trade rather than protectionism a better option for world economic growth?
Vocabulary Preview
Scan the text again and write down the key terms related to the topic.
ratio of export (para.23)出口比例 anti-dumping (para.35)反倾销 market access (para.38)市场准入 supply chain network (para.40)供
Answer the following questions according to
Read and Talk
Sum up the main ideas of the text by referring to the key phrases and exchange ideas in groups.
encapsulate (para.1) linchpin (para.1) ire (para.2) bust (para.2) pact (para.4) offshore (para.4) pertain (para.5)
the impact of U.S. trade policy with developing countries? Are they valid? Why (not)?
Read for Gist
According to the text, what revitalized trade policy may lead to a stronger U.S. economy?
outlay (para.32) leverage (para.33) moribund (para.36) retaliatory (para.40)
Special Terms
trade deficit (para.3)贸易赤字
wage differentials (para.6)工资差
free-trade agreement (para.6)自由
regression analysis(para.9)回归
trade surplus (para.11)贸易盈余
labor productivity (para.15)劳动力
Special Terms
factors of production (para.20)生 产要素
Chapter 1
Government and Trade
U.S. exports of manufactured goods reached $952 billion in 2009 and grew strongly in 2010. The goal of increasing exports substantially is feasible, given favorable economic conditions and policies. It may even be possible to bring some off-shored production back to the United States, a possibility some manufacturers have been exploring, in order to remediate cost, quality and delivery problems. But policymakers must recognize that:
Background Information
Today’s trade deficit is not a technology problem.
Technology may become a problem in the future.
Policymakers must work with the private sector to identify and reduce barriers to U.S. exports.
Background Information
The policy debate must focus on the right issue, and not be drawn down blind alleys.
Companies should focus on innovation and cost reduction and avoid dragging policymakers and themselves along time-wasting tangents.
vexing (para.6) emblematic (para.7) invoke (para.7) time-out (para.7) redeploy (para.13) tumble (para.15)
aggregate (para.16) spurt (para.18) peripheral (para.18) respite (para.18) homogeneous (para.20) mute (para.20)