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A job at Google. It's career heaven, right? How could a gig at the biggest, most ambitious tech company on the planet possibly be bad?


Well, take a look at this Quora thread, which is being used by current and former Google employees to dish the dirt on working for Big G。

来瞧瞧Quora 网站跟帖,不论从前还是现在,谷歌员工都在这里发牢骚。

We've edited some of the standout comments into this excerpt。


Everyone is awesome, so they can hire the very best people to do even the most mundane jobs


"The worst part of working at Google, for many people, is that they're overqualified for their job. Google has a very high hiring bar due to the strength of the brand name, the pay & perks, and the very positive work culture. As a result, they have their pick of bright candidates, even for the most low-level roles."


"There are students from top 10 colleges who are providing tech support for Google's ads products, or manually taking down flagged content from YouTube, or writing basic code to A|B test the color of a button on a site."


Google staff are so outstanding that there's an internal joke about it


"… I used to joke with my colleagues that Larry & Sergey go out on their yachts - tie them together, sit back on the same recliners you'll find on their jumbo jet, each on his own yacht/set of yachts, smoke cigars, and put up pictures of Googlers with little snippets like "was a GM at muti-national telecomm company, got a Harvard MBAand is now answering Orkut tickets." and then they would erupt in laughter and clink their cigars & Scotch together in celebration. This, of course, is highly unlikely given neither of them would ever smoke a cigar or drink Scotch. Remainder is plausible."


短说明的照片,例如:某某曾是跨国通信公司总经理,哈佛大学工商管理硕士,目前回复社交网站Orkut 的申请。”随后,他们发出爆笑,碰一下雪茄或苏格兰威示忌以示庆祝。不过,两人既不抽雪茄也不喝威示忌,所以此情节纯属虚构,其他的貌似可信。

•Google is not a startup any more. It's a big, big corporation


"Google was not a start-up environment by the time I left. The same office politics. It was easy to get promoted if you worked on the right projects and projected your work in the right way."


Many of the engineers are arrogant


"Unfortunately, in spite of the common belief, I think the average level of Google engineers is mediocre. With a lot of arrogance, too. Everybody believes he (males dominate) is better than his neighbor. So it is really hard to discuss any issue unless it is your friend you are talking to. Objective discussions are pretty rare, since everybody's territorial, and not interested in opinions of other people unless those people are Important Gods."
