第八讲 商务文体的翻译(一)
1. 董事长
Board Chairman
2. 总经理
General Manager
3.副董事长 Vice Chairman
5. 财务总监 Chief Financial Controller (CFO)
6. 售后部经理 After-sales manager
Tel: +86-
Fax: +86-
Email: Web:
汉语 路
环路 中路
街 大街/正道
英语 Road (Rd.)
Feeder Rd.
Ring Rd. Central/Middle Rd. East/South Rd.
Street (St.) Main Street
E-mail: Web:
Johnny zhou
Sales manager
Ningbo Art Furniture Co., Ltd. Cixi Antique Furniture Trading Co., Ltd.
ADD: No. 188 Tianyuan Developing Avenue, Cixi, Ningbo 315325, China
Chief engineer/engineer-in-chief 总经济师
Chief economist 主编
“副…..”——deputy, chief, vice, associate
deputy——manager, director, chairman, editor, minister, secretary-general, ambassador, governor
实用文体翻译教程(英汉双向)第八章 商务文本的翻译
![实用文体翻译教程(英汉双向)第八章 商务文本的翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ce700ea8cc22bcd126ff0cc4.png)
商务合同是在商务活动中签署的具有法律效 力的文件,是一种非常庄重的文件。总体而言, 商务合同具有篇章结构程式化与表述结构条目 化、句式结构复杂、用词正式规范、内容完整 具有针对性等文体特点。因为商务合同用词准 确明晰,文体正式,多格式化结构和表达方式, 所以翻译时应该把忠实原文放在首位,主要采 取直译的方法,同时要注意细节的处理。译者 在翻译过程中应该遵循以下步骤及翻译要点。
(1)通读全文,从宏观上把握合同的总体概貌 和篇章结构。翻译过程中保持原文程式化、规范化 和条目化的篇章结构和行文,力求周密严谨、纲清 目明、凝练规范。 (2)细心研读每个章节,可逐字、逐句、逐条、 逐段、逐章地仔细研读,反复推敲,以求达到细致 深入的理解。商务合同句式讲究、条理清晰、长而 不乱、逻辑性强的特点,翻译时要耐心推敲。 (3)准确表达。翻译过程中要力求译文与原文内 容保持等值,尤其是词汇中古体词、外来词、法律 术语、并列词语等的准确翻译,避免出现歧义或差 错。
第一节 商务英语的语言特点
2.具有商务意义的普通词语 & 一词多义 人们熟知的英语单词,在商务英语中往往被赋予 新的、特殊含义,很容易让翻译工作者望文生义,掉 入陷阱,如:
例3: Upon receipt of these sellers’ delivery advice, the buyers shall, 15-20 days prior to the delivery date, open a transferable, irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the sellers for an amount equivalent to the total amount of the shipment.
6) 该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出, 41 天后抵达鹿特丹港。 The good shall be shipped per M.V. "Dong Feng" on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rotterdam after 140 days. (M.V.= motor vessel)
4.2.1限定责任 合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英 译出双方责任的权限与范围,常常使用 连词和介词的固定结构。 The use of and/or
例1:如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船 上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负 全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.
投资某项工程应为invest in a project, 在被动语态中不能漏去前置词in。应译为: The Haikou Power Station Project invested in(在某些情况下可用 financed or funded) by the Hongkont Co., Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.
例 1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之 日生效。 This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.
4.2、慎重处理合同的关键细目 比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免 出差错,在英译合同时,常常使用一些 常常使用一些 有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的 确切范围。 确切范围。
3. 统一的原则与运用
– 中国特有的新生术语
• • • • • • • 化解金融风险 温饱问题 小康 脱贫 扶贫 解放思想 一刀切 Defuse financial risks Problems in finding enough food and clothing A relatively comfortable living for all Eliminate poverty Help for the poor Emancipate minds Impose uniformity
• 五谷香酥片配以麻辣、五香、奶油、巧克力、 芝麻、咖哩、海鲜等各种调料,方便即食, 营养丰富,老少皆宜。 • Crisp Cereal chip is adopted with condiment as hot pepper, spices, cream, chocolate, sesame, curry, seafood so on and so forth, it is nutritious and tasty to every one, convenient to eat at once, ideal for children and the old. • Crisp Cereal chip, ready-to-serve food nicely flavored with condiment such as hot pepper, spices, cream, chocolate, sesame, curry, and seafood extract, is nutritious and suits the taste of both old and young .
• “任何不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语 境下表示完整语义的自然语言”。 ————胡壮麟 P.18
A few decades ago, earth dams which were only used for relatively small reservoirs, were considered unsuitable for high head development, but with the recent advances in soil mechanics and construction methods, earth dams are being built to a height of several hundred feet, and these dams are now considered as safe as any other type of dams.
几十年来,人们认为土坝只适用于较小的水库而不适 用于高水头开发,但是随着土力学和施工方法的新发 展,人们现在不仅可以把土坝修建到几百英尺高,而 且认为这些土坝和其他任何类型的堤坝一样安全可靠。
一、商务文体的分类及其特点 二、常见的商务文本翻译 1. 名片翻译 2. 企业商号翻译
Mary White, Ph.D. Professor
Tel: +1-906-135-2355
Northern Michigan University
2208Presque Isle Ave.
E-mail: Marquette, MI 49855 University Street, Troy, New York, 12180-4199, USA Tel: 518-3765 Fax:518-271-8765 E-mail:
Unit 8 商务信函翻译
![Unit 8 商务信函翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b66d1d77da38376baf1faecc.png)
• Task III 请讨论中英文商务信函结构方面的异同。
英文商务信函和中文商务信函在格式上大致相同,只是日期的位置不同,英文信 函放在信件开头,而中文信函日期放在信件结尾处。
商务信函在篇章结构和行文风格上都有具体的要求。一封正式的商务信函一般由 固定的组成部分按照顺序组成完整的篇章。
下面我们以商务信函中最通用的格式——齐头式 (block style) 信函为例,这种格 式的主要特征就是每行均从左边顶格写,信中各段落之间均空一行。
• 本单元首先介绍商务信函的格式,然后通过翻译实践让读者了解 信函的文体特点,总结商务信函翻译的基本原则和注意事项。
01 0 Introduction
本章重点 1. 商务信函的语言特点; 2. 商务信函的翻译技巧; 3. 商务翻译中的正反交替翻译技巧。
本章难点 商务信函中专业词汇和套语的翻译。
0101 Part 1: 商务信函的分类、功能及其篇章结构
Mr. Zhao Xiao Production Manager Guangdong Yingsheng Electric Appliance Corporation 68 Jixiang Road Guangdong Guangzhou 510000 P. R. China
封内地址 (Inside Address) 收信人的姓名和地址。收信人名称地 址的格式和பைடு நூலகம்头的格式相同,但必须 把收信人的姓名一并写出。
商务合同的翻译练习一参考译文一、商务合同的基本概念、分类与结构1. 概念2. 分类3. 结构二、合同英语的词汇特点及翻译策略1. 用词专业,具有法律意味:(1)根据不同的专业来确定词义例1:a. The premium rates vary with differed interests insured. ______________b. If the buyer fails to pay any account when due, the buyer shall be liable to pay the seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount. _________________c. The articles of our immediate interest are your Agricultural Washing Machines. _______析:a. 出自保险业,意思“被保险的货物”;b. 源于国际贸易,意思是“一方由于未能支付到期的应付款项而向另一方支付的过期利息”;c. 属于营销业,应译为“对什么产品、品牌感兴趣”。
例2:Party B shall train Party A’s technical personnel so as to enable them to master Party B’s design, mould design, performance test and technology in machining, erection and inspection of the contracted product, so that Party A can use the technical documents and know-how supplied by Party B to produce the same product and mould in Party A’s factory.乙方须负责对甲方技术员进行培训,以便甲方受训人员掌握合同产品的设计、模具设计、性能测试、加工工艺、装配工艺和质量检验技术,进而使甲方能利用乙方提供的技术资料和专门知识在甲方的厂内制造出相同的产品和模具。
以实物出资为“investment in kind” “依照合同相关规定”一般说“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein” “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述 为 “Neither party hereto may assign this contract”, 其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”
2、正式用语(formal term) “因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ",远远多于 “due to”一般不用“because of ”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用 “before”; “关于”常用“as regards”, “concerning”或 “relating to”,而不用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”; “开始”用“commencement”,而不用“start”或 “begin”;
A certificate of the Borrower shall, e form set forth in Appendix 4, and the attachment specified therein. 借款人证明书,其格式基本上应遵循附录4规定的 格式及其规定的附件。 The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself. 承包人应被视为对现场和周围环境以及提供的相 关资料进行了考察和研究,并感到满意。
• 现另封寄上我方价格单,望能使贵方感兴趣。
• We are now pleased to send you, under separate cover, our price list which we hope might be of interest to you/ might interest you.
• a. When his dad died, Pete had to get another job. • 老皮他爹一死,他只好换个事干。 • b. After his father’s death, Peter had to change
his job. • 他父亲死后,彼得不得不改变一下工作。 • c. On the decease of his father, Mr. Brown was
• As requested, we are sending our quotation sheet in triplicate, and wish you would place your (long-term) order with us as soon as possible.
• 我方报价是经精确计算而且相当合适的。由于产 品质量优异,在欧洲市场上十分畅销,我们已按 此价格与其他客户做成了可观的生意。
• 本报盘有效期五天。
• This offer holds good/ remains firm/open/valid for 5 days.
• 在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天。
• In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for 3 days.
• 以上报盘为虚盘(无约束力),所有订货将以我 方书面接受为准。
1 Product: Seagull brand energy-saving battery2 Model: DMC3 Specification: 72V/200 Ah4 Height: 47.5mm5 Width: 115.5mm6 Length: 215.5mm7 Features of the products: Safe, environmental protection and easy to carry with8 Using Instruction: Please charge no more than 6 hours each time and no less than 12 hours for the first charging.9 Warning: Please don’t put the battery into the fire nor store it in the high temperature environment.1 品牌:海鸥牌节能电池2 型号:DMC3 规格:72伏特/200 安4 厚度:47.5毫米5 宽度:115.5毫米6 长度:215.5毫米7 产品特色:安全环保、携带方便8 使用说明:一次充电时间不超过6小时;首次充电至少12小时。
9 警告:严禁将电池放入火中,不要将电池储存在高温环境。
No.2Lotus Slippers, BuyOne and Get One Free!The Lotus slippers made by our company are reasonable in price and excellent in quality, which are extremely suitable for all ages. Our products have various colors as well as abundant types with different styles. The slippers are made of environmental protection materials which have neither pollution nor special smelling with exquisite workmanship. In order to show our appreciation for the new and old customers, we’ll hold promotion activities in October, during which you can buy one and get one for free. Welcome to select and purchase our products!莲花牌拖鞋,买一送一!我公司莲花牌系列拖鞋价格合理、品质一流,适合各种年龄层使用。
Yours sincerely, Jim Sales Manager of ABC Co., Ltd.
敬启者: 关于贵方4月23日的对白兔牌雨衣的询盘,我们很 乐意向贵方报盘。 我方报价为1,000打白兔牌雨衣每打48美元CIF马 赛价,船期为8月,支付条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用 证。该报盘以你方恢复1周内达到我方为准。 如你同意上述条件,请尽快确认以便我方进行必要 的安排。 期盼早复。 谨上
quality. We accept the payment by confirmed irrevocable sight L/C. As to delivery, we usually deliver all our order within 2 months after receipt of the covering L/C. If you would like to have more information, please let us know.
We learn from the White Co. that you are a leading exporter of raincoats.
Would you please send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors, prices? We are large dealers in raincoats and believe there is a promising market for your products here. If your prices are competitive and your goods are fine, we shall order on a regular basis. When quoting, could you give the following details: 1. Terms of payment 2. Discount 3. Delivery time if we purchase 2000 dozens of raincoats We hope to hear from you soon.
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• A number of key themes were raised during the dialogue as summarized below: • 与会者在会上讨论了许多关键主题,特总 结如下: • Each year our research attempts to understand some of the challenges facing organizations in the China market. • 每年,我们的调查研究都努力了解众多企 业在中国市场面临的挑战。
• This year’s leaders came from a variety of industries including: Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications, Consulting, Retail, Education, Automotive and also a Training Provider. All executives were at a Director level or higher and responsible for leading a business unit or function. • 今年参加圆桌会议的领导人来自于各行各业, 包括制药、通讯、咨询、零售、教育、汽车 和一家培训机构。所有高管均为主管级别及 以上,负责某个业务单元或职能部门。
• 经营业绩:对许多公司而言,提高整体经营业绩仍是重中之 重,这一点在跨国公司表现得尤为明显。他们对“中国市场 的良好业绩”满怀期望,主要因为其他地区(特别是欧洲和 北美)的市场不太景气。另外,研究也发现,许多公司在中 performance was focused on delivering improved results in the following areas: • Revenue (sales) • Profit • Market share • Profit contribution • Cash flow • Meeting shareholder expectations
3.总公司(Headquarter/Home Office,或用 central、national、international、general corporation表示总公司的含义) 分公司(Branch/Branch Office) 母公司:(parent company) 子公司(Subsidiary) 附属公司(Affiliated Company/Affiliate) 办事处(Office) 例如:(1)General Transport Company 运输总公司(英国) (2)3M China Ltd. Hangzhou Branch Office 3M中国有限公司杭州分公司 (3)北京丽文贸易公司上海办事处 Beijing Leewen Trading Company Shanghai Office
The goal from our research is to provide the reader with major trends and learning’s that may add value when making decisions pertaining to the training industry. 我们的调查研究旨在为读者提供培训行业的 重要趋势和信息,帮助其做出相关决断。
商号是企业特定化的标志,经工商部门核准登记后, 可以在牌匾、合同及商品包装等方面使用,其专 有使用权不具有时间性的特点,只在所依附的厂 商消亡时才随之终止。 Canon Inc.佳能公司 Procter & Gamble(P & G)宝洁公司(美国) (1)British Petroleum PLC. (BP) 英国石油公司 (2)American International Assurance Co., Ltd 美国友邦保险有限公司 (3)Compaq Computer Corporation 康柏电脑公司(美国) (4)天津丽明化妆品工业公司 Tianjin Liming Cosmetics Industry Company
• Talent Availability: Year over year we see a consistent theme in the search for talent. There was a resounding message from buyers that there exists the challenge of attracting and retaining talent. Companies indicated that the need for talent is on the rise in particular for engineers and highly technical staff. It was also indicated that in the area of sales and customer service there was an increase demand for talent. There continues to be staff turnover despite providing higher wages.
industry, the training industry, industry leaders Universal Ideas Executive Roundtable talent management, Talent Availability Director a business unit function organizations Business Results performance, poor performing markets
1. Co. ←Company(英)公司 Corp. ←Corporation(美)股份有限公司 Co., Ltd. ← Company Limited有限(责任)公司 Corp. Ltd (X) Corp. Inc. ←Corporation Incorporated 股份有限公司 Holding 控股集团公司 Group (company) 集团公司 JVC ←Joint Venture Company 合资公司 firm 小公司,事务所等(常用于法律公司或咨询公司) Eg. (1)Hillsdown Holdings 希尔斯顿控股公司(英国) (2)Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group 皇家太阳联合保险 集团(英国) (3)Pepsi Co., Inc. 百事公司 (4)武汉中百集团股份有限公司Wuhan Zhongbai Group Co., Ltd.
• 2. 工业/实业公司(Industries/Industrial Corporation),企业/实业公司(Enterprise), 产品制造、销售公司(Products),航空或海运 公司(Airlines/Airways, Lines/Line),百货公 司(Store(s)),制药公司(Laboratories),保 险公司(Insurance/Assurance Company),系 统公司(System),服务公司(Service),代理 公司(Agency),通讯/通信公司 (Communications),网络公司 (Net/networks)等。 例如:(1)Imperial Chemical Industries 帝国化 学工业公司(英国) (2)Solarise Enterprise 感光企业公司(美国) (3)Tesco Stores 坦斯科百货公司(英国) (4)上海嘉扬信息系统有限公司Shanghai Kayang Information System Co., Ltd.
• • • • • • • 提升业绩主要体现在以下方面: 收益(销售额) 利润 市场占有率 利润贡献 现金流转 满足股东期望
第八讲 商务文体的翻译(I)
2012-5-6 张伟红
• 一、商务文体简介 • 二、商号的概念、构成及分类 • 三、商号的翻译 • 四、企业简介的内容及形式 • 五、企业简介的翻译
• 人才储备:研究发现,人才需求是每年不变的主题。买方多次 表示,如何吸引并留住人才仍然是一大挑战。各公司表示,对 人才的需求,特别是工程师和高级技术人员的需求不断增加。 此外,销售和客服领域对人才的需求也有所增长。尽管企业提 供高薪,但人才流动现象仍屡屡发生。
• Business Results: Increased performance in overall business results continues to be an area of focus for many companies. This was found in particular with MNCs where the expectation was for the ‘strong performance for the China market. This was largely driven by poor performing markets found in other regional businesses in particular Europe and North America. It was also noted that many companies were faced with increased competition in the China market.
2011 is the second year Universal Ideas hosted the Executive Roundtable. It provided an opportunity for industry leaders to discuss the issues they were faced with from both a talent management and training perspective. 2011是万佳公司举行行政领导圆桌会议的第 二年,旨在为行业领导搭建平台,讨论他 们所面临的人才管理问题及对培训的观点 看法。