Informal Letter of InvitationDear Mary,We are having a dinner party for some of our special friends and wonder if you and Jerry can come. It is on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at our home. Please say you can come as no party is complete without you two!Accepting the InvitationAugust 23, 2013 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green,We will be delighted to dine with you at your home on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at your home. Thank you so much for your kind invitation. We are looking forward to seeing you both.Very sincerely yours,MaryFormal Letter of InvitationMr. and Mrs. Henry Turnerrequest the pleasure of your presence恭请光临at the marriage of their daughterHelentoMr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of Julyat half past six o’clock p.m.58 Water RoadHong KongR.S.V.P.请赐复Mr. and Mrs. ×××request the pleasure of the company ofMr. and Mr. ×××at ×××(in celebration of)××××××(time) ×××(place) ×××R. S. V. P.Formal Letter of declining an InvitationMr. and Mrs. Bill Douglasregret exceedingly thatowing to a previous engagementthey are unable to acceptMr. and Mrs. Henry Turner’skind invitation to be presentat the marriage of their daughterHelen Turnerto Mr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of JulyAt half past six o’clock p.m.Informal Letter of Declining an InvitationDear Henry,We are so sorry that we cannot come to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your daughter’s wedding. Unfortunately, we have a previous engagement that day which we really can’t change.We do appreciate you asking us and hope that you will have a very happy day. Very best wishes to the young couple and we look forward to seeing you before too long.1. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.2. May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture.3. Request the pleasure of the company of …/ Request the honor of your presence.4. My family and I would feel honored if you could come5. I really hope you can make it.6. I’d like you to come to dinner at …on …7. Will you have a party with us in my house on …?8. Will you do me a favor by joining our party?9. We would be delighted to have dinner with you on …10. I hope you’re not too busy to come.11. We are looking forward to …1. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 是否参加,请早日告之。
3) 大量使用套语 ·表示自己收到对方的来函时可常用: we are in receipt of your letter; we admit receipt of your letter; we acknowledge receipt of. ·表示自己是在回复某份函电时使用: regarding your letter of; in reply to your letter of; referring to your letter of. ·说明自己是从何处得知对方时可用: we owe your name and address to; your name and address has been given by; … has referred us to you
Labels Pty Ltd.
Canterbury 8633, New Zealand Tel: 04-4721388 E-mail: Labels@ November 10, 1996 Mr. J. Turner Production Manager ABC Bottles Pty Ltd Kirra Road Ashtown 1124 Dear Mr. Turner, Late deliveries of stocks Thank you for your letter of October 31 about late deliveries of our labels. We have had a series of industrial disputes at our Canterbury factory which have greatly delayed production of our labels. There
二,商务信函的行文格式商务信函有自己固定的行文格式,一般有七个部分组成:1.函头,heading2.受函人地址,inside address3.称呼,salutation4.函件正文,body5.结束语,closing sentence6.函尾套语,complimentary closing7.和致函人签名。
signature除上述七部分外,有些商务信函还会根据具体情况在函头下方注明以下特别内容:参考编号(Reference Number)如:Your ref.: 123 HBC/DS●“事由标题”( Regarding / Subject)在称呼下面写上“事由标题”,用以概括函件内容。
如:Re: receipt of invoice(发票收讫)●“经办人”名称( Attention Line)在受函人与称呼之间写上“经办人”名称(Attention),如For the attention of Marketing Manager●附件(Enclosure)在签名下方写上“附件”如:Encl. 3 catalogues●抄送(Carbon Copy)在签名之后写上“抄送”。
C/C: Mr. George Brown●附言(Postscript)在抄送下面写“附言”。
如:P.S.If you renew your subscription in the next two weeks, we’ll send youa nice gift.在现代商务信函中,这些特别内容常被省略。
三,商务信函的写作原则:●Completeness●Clearness●Correctness●Conciseness●Courtesy汉语怎么译?1.内容完整Completeness2.叙述清楚Clearness3.语言规范Correctness4.文笔简洁Conciseness5.语气委婉Courtesy商务信函所谈的都是公事, 因此其语言正式,结构严谨,用词简洁讲求纪实(factual),不宜使用口语,俗语,俚语或方言。
商务英语在进行一般叙述时多使用日常用词, 但涉及商 贸活动时则大量使用专业词汇和商贸术语。商务语言在词
汇上的最大特 点就是对专 业词 汇的精确使用 , 且这 些词汇还
具有特定的专业意义, 经常给译者造成理解或传译上 的困
难 。商务语 言灵 活丰富 , 不 同的介词 、 词 序 以及单 复数变化 都会导致词义发生重大变化 , 而不 同搭 配也可能会 给理 解造 成 困难 。我们在翻译 时一 定要对 原文 用词 上的细 微差别 加 以认真分析 , 确保对原 文的 准确解读 , 才能译 出既 忠实 又通
2 . 1 词汇的特 点
的全部问题或要求; 简洁: 商务信函应当在涵盖各种必须陈 述的信息的基础上做到言简意赅、 文字简洁; 具体 : 商务文书 应力求具体、 明确、 形象, 力避含糊、 空泛、 抽象, 在给对方做 出明确反应的信或答复对方的要求或问题的信中尤其需要
做到表述具体化 ; 正确 : 商务 文书 内容必 须 以准 确的语 言和 商务套语加 以表达 , 不得 出半 分差错 , 否则 会给 己方公 司带
2 0 1 3年 9月 第3 2卷第 9期
黑龙江教 育学院学报 J o u na r l o f H e i l o n l  ̄ i a n g C o l l e g e fE o d u c a t i o n
S e p . 2 0 1 3 V0 1 . 3 2 N o . 9
必须再现原 文传 递的所有 内容 以及 原文 的语 气、 文体特征与 专业特点 。
关键词 : 商务英语语篇 ; 文体特点 ; 翻 译 中图分类号 : H 3 1 5 . 9 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 1 — 7 8 3 6 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 9- 0 1 5 0—0 2
Please let us have your quotation in USD on the basis of CIF Port Shanghai including our 5% commission. 请用美元报上海港到岸价,包括我方5%的佣金 佣金。 佣金 The decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties. 仲裁委员会 委员会所作的决定应视为终局决定,对双方都有 委员会 约束力。 正确理解原文结构,理清全文的句法结构和逻辑关系。 The goods we received contrary to our instructions are paps. 收到的货物是包装在没有铁箍的木箱里,而这种包装 和我们的指示不符。
Stylistic features and translation: business letters
词汇使用特点 (1)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语 代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如以inform或advise代替tell, 以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise 代替or;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以as for,in respect to,in connection with和with regarding to等代替 about等。
(3)大量的专业术语、行话、外来词、缩略语以及一般 词语在商务英语语境中的特殊用法。 (1)专业术语类: Trimming charges 平仓费 insurance policy 保险单 coverage 保险项目 establishment 开证 counter-suggestion 反还盘 surcharges附加费
摘要: 目的论是功能翻译理论的核心理论。
把翻译目的论和商务广告、商务信函、商务合同、商品说明书等不同文体的商务翻译结合起来, 有助于译者在进行商务翻译时采取灵活的翻译策略和技巧, 实现商务交际的目的和效果。
关键词: 目的论; 商务文体; 翻译原则与方法On the Translation of Business Materials from the Angle of Skopos TheoryAbstract: Skopos Theory is the core of functional approaches to translation. The combination of Skopos Theory with different business materials such as business advertisements, business letters business contracts and business adscriptions, etc. , helps translators adopt more flexible translating techniques, thus achieving the purpose and effectiveness of business communication. This paper amis to analyze different styles of business materials under the guidance of Skopos theory.Key words: Skopos Theory; business materials; principles and techniques in translation目的论( Skopos Theory)认为, 所有翻译遵循的首要规则就是/目的规则0, 翻译的目的决定翻译策略与具体的翻译方法。
Practical Writings (2)
I. Review and homework checking II. Business letters III. Notices and notes IV. Summary V. Assignment
I.IIR. Geevnieerwal aInntrdodhuoctmioenwtooprrkacctihcaelcwkirnitigngs
you to examine it and to see if there are any mistak顺es致therein. I h敬o意pe you will favor me with a reply at your earliest convenience.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
IO. nReevdiaeyw, Maenndchiuosmceawmoerbkacchkebcekfionrge school let out. His
mother called him to the loom and let him watch her AwwWscfotcoFeevhhmrreaMoeonvap孟很mnooilnwelltM母长ohgthtihneet.eah把一egdr孟nl’fn.sact”他 段w子iiomwkuan叫 时ns逐oey,ir,,fa到 间hde渐isstes,h织 ,ki成mseswet布孟dul长eusikcrudh机母eeh,diiesdfm旁突td一ioremmy,然anM次oscllyyte让用suh未nicbtedt他刀curi到runaitueog看子nt放sxuhdt,p自把sehe学blleaydce己布时ilcnawionl织 割ento间ihlddtth布 断h,就esbe“hrb。 ,eIm回sefecoyfe织 孟ah家ononmar’u了 子tse了d.eqmit,auiiinst d.
• 如能速报你方产品最低价,我方将不胜 感激。 • We shall be obliged if you will quote us the rock-bottom prices for your products at your earliest convenience.
• 相信贵方会按期发货,因迟误势必给我 们造成很大不便和经济损失。 • We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial loss.
We look forward to your early reply.
Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Buyer
• 请求建立商业关系的回复 • ----先生: 非常高兴收到贵公司本月二十日有关建立商务关系的 来函。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单。 款项须请以不可撤销保兑信用证支付。如欲订货,请 寄电子邮件或传真为盼。 出口部主任 托尼.斯密思谨上 2000年5月22日
• 鉴于你方违约造成我方不应有的损失,我方很 遗憾地撤销此约,并保留对我方损失的索赔权。 • In view of the fact that your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses, we regret to say that we have canceled the contract, and we reserve the right to claim damages.
❝翻译方法和技巧(一)❝翻译的基础知识❝一、翻译的定义❝“translation” : “The conversion of one language into another, often used specifically with reference to written texts, as opposed to the interpretation of spoken language.”二、翻译的标准❝Alexander F. Tytler 提出了翻译三原则:❝First general rule: A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original.❝Second general rule: The style and manner of writing in a translation should be of the same character with the original.❝Third general rule: A translation should have all the ease of original composition.❝严复的信达雅翻译标准❝用今天的话说,“信”为忠实准确,“达”为通顺流畅,“雅”为文字优美。
❝例1:Treasury securities are revalued daily.❝珍宝的安全每天都在重新估算。
(误译)❝这个译文的错误主要在于对securities 一词的理解。
作为普通用词,security 意为“安全”例如The Security Council,但在商务背景中,可以理解为“抵押、担保”或“证券、债券””等。
3、保持礼貌和尊重:商务信函是正式的公函文体,因此在翻译过程中要始 终保持礼貌和尊重。用词要得体,语气要缓和,避免使用过于直接或冒犯的语言。
4、注重细节和格式:商务信函的细节和格式非常重要。在翻译过程中,要 严格遵循原文的格式和结构,包括信头、日期、收件人、称呼、正文、结尾、签 名等部分。同时,要注意标点符号的规范使用和字母的大小写等问题。
功能对等原则是由美国翻译理论家奈达提出的,强调目标语言和源语言之间 的动态对等,而非形式上的对等。这一原则强调理解原文的深层含义和文化背景, 然后在目标语言中寻找最接近的对应表达。
1、语义对等:在翻译过程中,要确保源语言和目标语言在语义层面的对等。 对于商务信函中涉及的专业术语、特定词汇和复杂句式,译者需要深入理解其语 境含义,然后在目标语言中找到准确的对应表达。
3、遵循规范格式:翻译英语商务信函时,应遵循规范的格式,包括信头、 日期、收件人、正文、结尾等部分。每个部分都有其特定的格式和要求,翻译时 需要准确把握。
4、准确表达:翻译英语商务信函时,应使用准确、具体的词汇和语句结构, 以确保信息的准确性和传递的效率。同时需要注意语言的简练性和清晰性,避免 使用复杂的语句结构或难懂的词汇。
通过对商务信函翻译文体的对等研究,我们可以更好地应用于商务实践。以 下是一些具体的建议:
1、熟悉专业词汇和术语:在翻译商务信函之前,要充分了解相关领域的专 业词汇和术语。这样,在翻译过程中才能准确表达原文的含义,避免误解或歧义。
2、遵循规范的语法和句式:在翻译商务信函时,要尽量遵循规范的语法和 句式,尤其是在表达复杂的概念和逻辑关系时。同时,要注意使用被动语态和复 杂句型等商务英语常见的语言特征。
格式及其规定的附件。 The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and
payable only after the seller has received the full amount of all payment due to the seller.
纽约成本,保险,运费价为每打25美元,其中包 括你的佣金3%。在卖方收到所有的应付款项后,
即付佣金。 货物的价格以美元FOB净价计算,其中不包括买 方的佣金。若双方另有规定或同意则另作别论。
古体词 thereinafter 其后,从那以后 therein 在那里;在那点上,在那方面 hereinafter 以下,在下文 thereof 在其中 hereby 特此;因此;兹 hereto 至此;对此 herein 此中,与此 hereunder 在此之下 hereof 关于此点,在本文件中
通则》 (INCOTERMS2000)规定的贸易术语分类 Trade terms
第一组:E组术语 启运,卖方在其所在地把货物交给买方 Ex Works 工厂交货价
第二组:F组术语 主要运费未付,卖方须将货物交至买方指定 的承运人 FCA: Free Carrier 货交承运人 卖方须将货物交给买方指定承运人,从交货 地至目的地的运费由买方负担
指定装运港 FAS: Free Alongside Ship 船边交货 FOB: Free On Board 离岸价(船上交货)
国际商务合同的文体与翻译chapter 1
Commercial Contract
(International) Commercial Contracts
International Commercial Contract
International sales of goods and/or services between parties from different countries a dispute settlement clause should be inserted, or a third-party settlement is needed for the disputes
SEC 3பைடு நூலகம்
Offers and counteroffers
Contractual relations involved:
the consignor or the shipper (who sends goods), the carrier (who carries the goods), the consignee (who receives the goods at the destination).
Commercial Contracts Commercial Contracts usually refer to contracts of daily businesses and contracts involving economic constructions such as mining construction, railway construction and tapping of natural resources, etc.
Yours sincerely, Jim Sales Manager of ABC Co., Ltd.
敬启者: 关于贵方4月23日的对白兔牌雨衣的询盘,我们很 乐意向贵方报盘。 我方报价为1,000打白兔牌雨衣每打48美元CIF马 赛价,船期为8月,支付条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用 证。该报盘以你方恢复1周内达到我方为准。 如你同意上述条件,请尽快确认以便我方进行必要 的安排。 期盼早复。 谨上
quality. We accept the payment by confirmed irrevocable sight L/C. As to delivery, we usually deliver all our order within 2 months after receipt of the covering L/C. If you would like to have more information, please let us know.
We learn from the White Co. that you are a leading exporter of raincoats.
Would you please send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors, prices? We are large dealers in raincoats and believe there is a promising market for your products here. If your prices are competitive and your goods are fine, we shall order on a regular basis. When quoting, could you give the following details: 1. Terms of payment 2. Discount 3. Delivery time if we purchase 2000 dozens of raincoats We hope to hear from you soon.
四、商务信函的文体特点及翻译 1.词汇特点及其翻译
(1)用词庄重规范 例1:We are sending you herewith our quotation sheet for cotton tablecloth Article Nos.510 and 514. The respective quantities available for prompt shipment are indicated therein.
• (二)功能: 具有信息功能和祈使功能。商
务信函主要用来向商务伙伴提供有关公司、 产品规格、性能、价格、付款、装运、保 险等方面的信息,所以商务信函的信息功 能不可忽视。同时,商务信函在提供有关 信息的同时,主要促成对方采取行动,如 购买产品、装运产品、支付货款等,所以 商务信函具有祈使功能。
In reply to your enquiry of June 7, 2009, I respectfully offer my latest quotation herewith.
兹回复贵方1999年6月7日来函, 特随函奉 上我方最新报价。
(3) 用词准确专业
例1:The credit shall be payable against presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Article 13 hereof.
一、商务信函的定义与功能 (一)定义: 商务信函属于应用文体,是指商务往来中
的信件,是“人们互相联系,彼此交往、交 流思想、沟通信息、洽谈事物所使用的一种 应用文”。商务信函既有一般公务信函的性 质,又兼有一般书信的特点。但总体上,商 务信函要求特别准确和规范。
商务合同的文体与翻译chapter 6
品质条款 Specification
实物表示法:买卖双方在洽商时,由卖方或买方提 供一种或少量足以代表商品质量的实物作为样品, 先请对方确认,样品一经确认,便成为买卖双方交 接货物的质量依据。这种方法又被称为 凭样品买卖(sale by sample)
买方样品Buyer’s sample 卖方样品Seller’s sample 对等样品Counter sample (卖方按买方复制)
(三)数量条款 Quantity 1、计量单位: ① 数量 件package (pkg.) 个、只 piece (pc.) 箱 case (c/s), chest, crate (crt.) 纸箱 carton (ctn.) 匹 piece 包 bale 桶 drum (dr.), barrel (bl.; br.), cask (ck.), keg 袋 bag, sack (sk.) 捆 bundle 筐(篓)basket 坛 jar 双 pair 打 dozen (dz.) 罗 gross
1. Help students to review the background information and basic knowledge they have learnt in Chapter one to four. 2. Help students to learn related terms and conditions of commercial contract and techniques for establishing it. 3. Students can make a purchase contract according to the information given to them after class.
In no way can the contract be put to an immediate end.
无法立即终止合同。 The plan for removing the barrier lake(堰塞湖) has been approved, and a flood relief channel (泄流槽), measuring 5 meters wide and 8 meters deep, will be excavated on the top of the barrier. 清除堰塞湖的计划已经得到审批,将在堰塞体顶部开凿一个宽5 米、深8米的泄流槽。
An acceptance (承诺)may be withdrawn. The withdrawl notice of the acceptance shall reach the offeror(要约人) before or at the same time as the acceptance notice (承诺通 知)reaches the offeror.
被动句式(1):译成汉语的主动式 ⑥ 以it为形式主语的被动句的翻译 有些以it为形式主语的英语被动式句子,在翻译成汉语的 时候常要改变成主动形式。译文有时不用加主语,有时则 需要加入一些不确定的主语,比如:“大家、有人、人们、 我们”等,或者将其处理成独立句。例如: It was rumored that Dec. 31 of 2012 would be the world’s doomed day
Passengers are requested to line up to get on board. 乘客请排队上车(船)。
Greece was offered financial support from other EU member nations.
• 要使用灵活的翻译策略、翻译思路和翻译 方法。 • 在处理英汉两种语言以及国际和汉语商务 文化时,要灵活机动地在译文中予以对应 在翻译过程中要善于从不同视角去观察、 审视、切入并最终解决翻译问题。
--We continue to make essential investments in our drive for more competitive products and services, delivered on shorter cycles. 译文一:寻求于更短时间内推出更具竞争力产品和 服务的驱使之下,我们持续进行重要的投资。 译文二:由于一心想着要提供周期更短、竞争力更 强的产品和服务,我们就不断进行着各种基础的 投资。
• 商务活动直接涉及交易双方的经济利益。任何 一方都想从谈判、合同、协议及随后的交易中 获取最大的利益。而商务文体又涉及双方的权 利和义务, 双方在言辞中要尽可能地礼貌客气。 基于这些原因, 商务体裁的文章、资料无论从措 辞、结构及行文方式上都格外严谨和正式。对 于这种情况, 译者应忠实地模拟原作内容及原文 的语气和文体, 从而避免产生歧义现象, 避免由 于措辞不严谨而引起贸易纠纷。
( 一) 术语规范 术语规范是初探商务英语翻译者首先要关注的问题。由于商务英语 翻译涉及到经济、贸易、法律等多个方面, 而每一个领域都会有 其独特的术语表达, 跨行业者难以理解。在翻译过程中, 更应倍加 注意。对于无法理解的术语, 不能想当然地进行翻译, 而是要查找 资料或是咨询相关行业内人士, 避免出现“差之毫厘, 谬以千里” 之结果。比如说贸易谈判中最常见的offer 和counteroffer 这两个 单词就不能按照字面常规意思翻译成“提供”和“反提供”, 而 应翻译成“报盘”和“还盘”。如: We are in receipt of your fax reminder dated today . The remittance from our bank to yours was made yesterday and you should be able to confirm receipt in your account today. 译文: 我们已收到贵方今日的传真催款单。汇款已于昨日由我方银 行汇给贵方银行, 贵方确定能在今日贵方的帐户上收到汇款。 如果不知道行业表达, 译者很容易把reminder 翻译成提醒者, 让ange is the core concept of marketing. For an exchange to take place, several conditions must be satisfied. Of course, at least two parties must participate, and each must have something of value to the other. Each party also must want to deal with the other party and each must be free to accept or reject the other’s offer. Finally, each party must be able to communicate and deliver.
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The Attachments to this Contract shall be deemed a part hereof and shall be effective as any other provision hereof.
本合同的附件应被视为本合同的一部分,与其他 条款有同样效力。
In the event that there shall be newly increased items of work, the Parties hereto shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of such items. 如果需新增加工程,双方应另行协定该项新增工 程的单价。
诱导功能,措辞严谨,修辞多变,以劝说为 目的
推销信 (sales letter) 产品广告 (product ads) 商标 (trade mark) 产品说明 (instruction) 索赔函 (claim letter) 催款函 (collection letter)
主要的价格术语 国际商会出版的《2000年国际贸易术语解释 通则》 (INCOTERMS2000)规定的贸易术语分类 Trade terms 第一组:E组术语 启运,卖方在其所在地把货物交给买方 Ex Works 工厂交货价
古体词 thereinafter 其后,从那以后 therein 在那里;在那点上,在那方面 hereinafter 以下,在下文 thereof 在其中 hereby 特此;因此;兹 hereto 至此;对此 herein 此中,与此 hereunder 在此之下 hereof 关于此点,在本文件中
语气委婉,语言简洁,语法简明,语体非正 式
询盘(enquiry letter) 报盘 (offer) 还盘 (counteroffer) 订货单 (indent) 市场报告 (market report) 销售报告 (sales report) 备忘录 (memorandum) 会议记录 (minutes)
We have received your letter of June 9, enquiring about the best terms of the goods. Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated. Pursuant to your request, we are airmailing you two copies of our latest price-list covering various minerals. All expenses and risks thereinafter shall be born by your side. Payment by draft payable 90 days after sight, documents against acceptance.
“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”; “何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb. 其 中“召开”不用“hold 或call”,而用“convene”; “主持”不用“chair”或“be in charge of ”,而用 “preside”; “其他事项”用“miscellaneous”, 而不用“other matters/events”; “理解合同”用“construe a contract” 或 “comprehend a contract”,而不用 “understand a contract”; “认为”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用 “think”或“believe”; “愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”
A certificate of the Borrower shall, substantially, comply with the form set forth in Appendix 4, and the attachment specified therein. 借款人证明书,其格式基本上应遵循附录4规定的 格式及其规定的附件。 The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself. 承包人应被视为对现场和周围环境以及提供的相 关资料进行了考察和研究,并感到满意。
3. 用词专业(Technical Terms) “赔偿”用“indemnities”,而不用“compensation” “不动产转让”用“conveyance”,而不用 “transfer of real estate” “房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用 “lease of property” “停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名词是 cessation) a business”,而不用“end/stop a business” 专利许可中的“特许权使用费”只用“royalties” 还款或专利申请的“宽限期”英文“grace”, “当事 人在破产中的和解”用“composition”
第二组:F组术语 主要运费未付,卖方须将货物交至买方指定 的承运人 FCA: Free Carrier 货交承运人 卖方须将货物交给买方指定承运人,从交货 地至目的地的运费由买方负担
指定装运港 FAS: Free Alongside Ship 船边交货 FOB: Free On Board 离岸价(船上交货)
2、正式用语(formal term) “因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ",远远多于 “due to”一般不用“because of ”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用 “before”; “关于”常用“as regards”, “concerning”或 “relating to”,而不用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”; “开始”用“commencement”,而不用“start”或 “begin”;
以实物出资为“investment in kind” “依照合同相关规定”一般说“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein” “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述 为 “Neither party hereto may assign this contract”, 其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”
US$25 per dozen CIF New York, includes your commission 3%. The commission should be payable only after the seller has received the full amount of all payment due to the seller. 纽约成本,保险,运费价为每打25美元,其中包 括你的佣金3%。在卖方收到所有的应付款项后, 即付佣金。 货物的价格以美元FOB净价计算,其中不包括买 方的佣金。若双方另有规定或同意则另作别论。 Price should be based on FOB, net in U.S.dollar without the buyer’s commission unless otherwise
第四组:D组 运抵,卖方必须承担把货物交至目的地国家 所需的全部费用和风险
指定地点 DAF: Delivered at Frontier 边境交货 指定目的港 DES: Delivered ex Ship 船上交货 指定目的地 DEQ: Delivered ex Qnpaid 未完税交货 DDP: Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货
词语叠用 叠用确保了合同所用词语意思不会被曲解 常见叠用词 able and willing能够与愿意 alteration, modification or substitution 变更、修改或替代 be null and void and of no effect 作废并无效 insufficiency or inadequacy 不足 loss or damage 灭失或损坏
negligence, fault, or failure in the duties and obligations 未履行责任和义务
stipulations and provisions 条款 terms or conditions 条款 use, misuses or abuse 使用、误用或滥用 void and voidable 无效的和可以撤销的 just and due 合理与正当的 sole and absolute 完全的 It is the intent of the parties that all documents and annexes forming part hereof shall be read and taken together and that each and every provision or stipulation hereof be given full force, effect and applicability. However, in the event that one or more provisions or stipulations herein be declared null and void by the courts, or otherwise rendered ineffective.