
五、分译法分译法(山vi sion)就是将原文的。
例如:·He wiBhedtlc we比d home? oRUnori生,he WuN have been the比LkRe houn ago.他真愿意那时候已在家里。
Mr MYleB九U 5miled b皿N3voice had a1山1G bit ofikltatlonin it,LlJ型金L2么些麦尔斯先生仍然而带微笑,叮是他的口了,这种情况罗布很少见到。
为了叙述清楚,现分述如下:(一)主语分泽The toW boasb a1)e删t6u11ake.镇巫有个美丽的湖,人人引以自豪cHi s wcalth cnaNcs htm to do eve吁thing.他有钱,什么事都能干。
川is compKhensive work covers the entire hi劝)g nL(这部著作内容丰富多彩,包括了巾国整个历史c(::)宾语分译B山k5s aMiGs had DutNn their 5up吵eL但是他的军队进展很快,给养供应木上。
1aLWays avoid the kmPt山on b cxak the Pe刚nnH叮myse贬[o ahsew;nS hEm.我总是兑制白d不之吹捧这个人,而只限于对他进行观察。
I 5hoUd L1e sorV to knMNG you.如果订扰您的话,实在对不起。
A1bc6nn5teiH hal Leen Proved[o比[hc greate5t Physiciu ofthe 20th centu可事实已经证明,爱阅斯坦是20世纪最伟大的物理学家c(二)定语分译翻译公司H;announ(:cmG毗got a mtxed reachon对他的声明啊反府,不过有好有坏。

出,为了使前后语气衔接,可增加必 要的词语。例如:
I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile.
汉语长句呈现出一种竹式结构。在表 达一些较复杂的思想时,往往借助动 词,按动作发生的顺序,或逻辑顺序, 逐步交待,层层展开,有如一根竹子, 一节节连下去。
在表达复杂思想时,英语往往是判断或结 论等在前,事实或描写等在后,即重心在 前;汉语则是由因到果、由假设到推论、 由事实到结论,即重心在后。例如:
And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.
在表达阶段,先将每个划开的单 句逐一翻译,然后将译出的句子 进行调整和组合,最后对译文进 行加工润色。
长句翻译的处理方法有两种:一是 大致按原文句子结构顺序进行翻译 (简称顺序法),二是按照汉语的 逻辑顺序进行翻译(简称变序法)。
12 省译法

By OMISSION we mean we properly omit some words or expressions in order to make the translated version brief, concise, and clear.
省略法就是减词法,省略是指原文中有些 词在译文中不译出来,因为其在译文中是不言 而喻的。换言之,省略是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词。 但省略并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。
• 通过上述的讨论,我们不难看出:把 原句每一部分加在一起,并不等于原 句的全部意义。
• 所以,有时省略原句中一些次要的部 分,使所译文字简洁明了,文笔流畅 自然,从而更加突出原句的主要部分, 这正是省略法的精髓所在。
Poison to a snake is merely a luxury; it enables it to get its food with very little effort, no more effort than one bite. 毒液对于毒蛇来讲,只不过是如虎添翼;有了 毒液,蛇就能够毫不费力地咬上一口,猎到食 物。 • 该例中,no more effort than one bite 中的effort是 为呼应强调前面的with very little effort。effort显 然是one bite的上义词,译出下译词one bite的含 义可表示effort的含义,故可将effort省略,这样 既忠实原文,又可保持行文的简洁。
因此,英译汉时,在很多情况下不必把连 接词译出来。 并列连接词, 主从连接词……
1.省略并列连接词 在并列连接词中,比较常见的是and, or,but 和for的省略。

分译法Nov. 22nd—Nov. 25th 英语中长句较多, 句中修饰语多且长,使句子结构复杂,所以英译汉时,不能照样克隆复制,而是得根据汉语语法的特点,灵活处理。
例如:(1)We recognize that China's long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth.我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。
(2) Then and there he named the startled General lying wounded on his cot the new Commander in Chief of the Airforce…他就在当时当地任命这位躺在榻上治伤的将军为空军总司令,使这位将军吃了一惊。
(3) A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.我离开那个猫儿洞的速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。
(4) Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.显然,数百万美国人从来没有想过自己会违法,更不用说犯罪了,而就是他们正在越来越肆意歪曲旨在保护和培育这个社会的法律条文,这真令人痛心。

(一) 分句法
2. 把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两 个或两个以上的句子。 1)分词短语 They were at home in the home of the people, moving confidently without fear. 他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。 She sat with her hands cupping her chin, staring at a corner of the little kitchen. 她坐在那儿双手托着下巴,眼睛凝视着厨房的一角。 Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows. 阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽 影。
(一) 分句法
3. 把原文中的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success. 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未 成功。 But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations. 但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使国际关系处于紧 张状态。 His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. 因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。

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课堂互动2: 翻译句子, 注意肯定译否定(参考译文)
5.We may safely say so. 【译文】我们这样说万无一失。 6.He laughed till his side split. 【译文】他把肚子都要笑破了。
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课堂互动2: 翻译句子, 注意肯定译否定(参考译文)
12.1.1 反话正说,否定译肯定
英语中有一些否定句,可根据词句的涵义、 逻辑关系,按汉语表达习惯,把否定译肯定,才 符合汉语思维和行文习惯。
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例1:An opportunity is not likely to repeat itself.
例2:Such things are of no rare occurrence.
其他用于表达否定意义否定形式: ● 大量使用否定词缀; ● 形式肯定意义否定的动词等; ● 介词和副词等; ● 形容词等; ● 相关的名词等; ● 短语等以及其他结构等。
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汉语的否定词比英语少得多,在表达否定意 义时,汉语没有严格意义上的形态变化,表达形 式比较简单,易于辨认,几乎所有表达否定意义 的词语中都含有明显的标志性否定词,以副词居 多,个别形容词或少数动词。
12.3 按词汇意义译
12.3.1含有否定意义的动词,译为否定句 12.3.2含有否定意义的名词,译为否定句 12.3.3含有否定意义的代词,译为否定句 12.3.4含有否定意义的形容词,译为否定句 12.3.5含有否定意义的连词,译为否定句 12.3.6含有否定意义的副词,译为否定句 12.3.7含有否定意义的介词(短语),译为否定句 12.3.8 含有否定意义的句子结构,译为否定句

1. 顺译法 Translation in Original Order
1.1 顺译成被动句 1.译成“被”字句 They are deprived of their rights. 他们被剥夺了权利。
He was beaten black and blue. 他被打得青一块紫一块。
一部分光或全部的光可能给挡住其去路的东西或 物体说反射、吸收或投射。
Our roof was damaged in last night's storm. 在昨夜的暴风雨中,我家的屋顶遭到了破坏。
Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world.
2. 译成“挨”字句 This time he was tipped over by his
buddies. 这次他挨了哥儿们一顿揍。
The little boy was criticized three times last week.
3. 译成“给,叫,让,由,受,遭到,受到,予 以,加以,为...所“等
1.2 顺译成主动句 1. 顺译成形式上是主动,意义上是被动的句子 He was assassinated in a theater last night. 他昨晚在一家剧院遇刺身亡。 His leg was broken in an accident. 他的腿在一次事故中折断了。
This new theory has now been adopted by many scientists who are searching life in outer space.
自考英语笔译教材lesson 12

Lesson 12
1004 汉英段落 中国将努力促进国内粮食增产,在正常情况下, 中国将努力促进国内粮食增产, 在正常情况下,粮食自 给率不低于 不低于95%,净进口量不超过国内消费量的5%。 不超过国内消费量 给率不低于 ,净进口量不超过国内消费量的 。
• China endeavors to increase its grain production so that its self-sufficiency rate of grain under normal conditions will be above 95% and the net import rate 5%, or even less, of the total [domestic] consumption quantity. 翻译技法: 翻译技法:反说正译
Lesson 12
翻译技法: 翻译技法: 分译 目前,中国的粮食单产水平与世界粮食高产国家 世界粮食高产国家相比也 目前 ,中国的粮食单产水平与世界粮食高产国家相比也 是比较低的,中国要在短时间内达到粮食高产 粮食高产国家的水 是比较低的 , 中国要在短时间内达到粮食高产国家的水 平难度较大,但经过努力是完全可以缩小差距的 可以缩小差距的。 平难度较大,但经过努力是完全可以缩小差距的。
Lesson 12
2006/4 选择题,是根据课文的句子变化来的 选择题, 原文: 年相比, 倍多, 原文:1995与1949年相比,粮食总产量增长了 倍多,年均 与 年相比 粮食总产量增长了3倍多 递增3.1%。 递增 。
A. The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 3.1 a year. B. The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled, comparing the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 3.1 a year. C. The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled 1949, compared with its output figure, or an average increase of 3.1 a year. D. 1995 and 1949 were in comparison that the former quadrupled the latter in terms of the total grain output figure, or an average increase of 3.1 a year.

试译以下句子: 1. He, not surprisingly, did not come at all.
2. He is honest. He is straightforward.
3. About one hundred elements, two thirds of which are metals, have been found.
My chances of getting to revolutionary China are very slim, although I have not given up my efforts to get a passport that will enable us to visit the countries of Socialism.
一般说来,英语长句比较多,汉语 句子一般比较短。
因此,在很多情况下,原封不动地对 原文中的长句进行汉译,往往会使译 文读者感到费解。
分/拆译法(Division):为了符合汉 语表达习惯, 也为了更清楚地表达 原文意思,在翻译时可以改变原 文结构,把原文的某个成分从原 来的结构中分离出来,译成一个 独立成分、从句或并列分句。
他往常做礼拜的时候,总坐在固定的座位 上,可是那天他们发现他不坐在老位置了 。
There is a universal tendency of every body to move towards every other body.

I do not believe in fatter what we do,
but,I do believe in fate that will
长句翻译的处理方法有两种:一是 大致按原文句子结构顺序进行翻译 (简称顺序法),二是按照汉语的 逻辑顺序进行翻译(简称变序法)。
In Africa I met a boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.
汉语长句呈现出一种竹式结构。在表 达一些较复杂的思想时,往往借助动 词,按动作发生的顺序,或逻辑顺序, 逐步交待,层层展开,有如一根竹子, 一节节连下去。
在表达复杂思想时,英语往往是判断或结 论等在前,事实或描写等在后,即重心在 前;汉语则是由因到果、由假设到推论、 由事实到结论,即重心在后。例如:
1. I came back home yesterday from Baidaihe where I had spent my vacation after the training course that I had taken in Tianjin.
我先在天津参加一个培训班;后 来到北戴河度假;昨天才回到家。
原译:他清楚他该有多尴尬,如果她知道 他有这样的母亲,知道他出生在这样的

一.拆分法(一)把原文中的一个单词译成句子1.副词1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.2)Incidentally, I hope to get better treatment in these countries than I was treated in the United States.3)They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.1)中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。
2.形容词1)Alice and Mary stood in quiet sorrow for some time. 2)Chairman Mao might have spoken withunderstandable pride of his policy of “self-reliance”.3)The room was all very neat and christmasy.4)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 5)He had long been held in cordial contempt by his colleagues; now that contempt was no longer cordial.1)爱丽丝和玛丽难过地站在那儿,半天没说一句话。

汉译英句子分译法1. 汉译英句子分译法,这可是翻译中的神器!比如说,“他身体虽弱,但意志坚强。
但咱们用分译法,把它变成“He is weak physically. But he is strong-willed.” 这样是不是清晰多啦?难道你不觉得分译法超有用?2. 汉译英句子分译法,那简直是翻译路上的指明灯!就像“她很善良,总是乐于助人。
用分译法:“She is very kind. And she is always ready to help others.” 这不就更生动了?你还不赶紧试试?3. 汉译英句子分译法,真是个神奇的法宝!好比“这个城市很大,也很繁华。
”咱们分译:“This city is very large. It is also very prosperous.” 是不是瞬间感觉翻译得更地道?难道你不想掌握这妙招?4. 汉译英句子分译法,如同翻译世界的金钥匙!像“他工作努力,成绩出色。
” 分译成“He works hard. His achievements are excellent.” 是不是效果超棒?你能不心动吗?5. 汉译英句子分译法,简直是化腐朽为神奇的魔法!比如说“她很漂亮,性格也好。
” 分译一下:“She is very beautiful. Her character isalso good.” 难道这样不好吗?你不想用用?6. 汉译英句子分译法,这就是解决翻译难题的灵丹妙药!比如“这孩子聪明,学习也刻苦。
” 分译为“This child is intelligent. He studies hard as well.” 这不就完美了?你还在等什么?7. 汉译英句子分译法,绝对是翻译的绝佳技巧!就拿“爷爷年纪大了,身体却还硬朗。
”来说,分译成“Grandpa is old. But his body is still strong.” 难道不好吗?你难道不想学?8. 汉译英句子分译法,那可是翻译领域的秘密武器!像“天气很冷,风还很大。

一般说来,英语长句比较多,汉语 句子一般比较短。
分/拆译法(Division):为了符合汉 语表达习惯, 也为了更清楚地表达 原文意思,在翻译时可以改变原 文结构,把原文的某个成分从原 来的结构中分离出来,译成一个 独立成分、从句或并列分句。
In a dispute between two states with which one
is friendly, try not to get involved. 当两国发生争端时,如与两国都友好,第三国
My chances of getting to revolutionary China
4. He did not remember his father, who died when he was only three years old.
他三岁时父亲就去世了,因此,他不记得父亲。 5. I’m not the first person who has made mistakes.
are very slim, although I have not given up my
efforts to get a passport that will enable us to
visit the countries of Socialism. 我到革命的中国来的希望相当小,虽然我并没
有放弃努力来争取一张护照,以便访问社会主 义国家。
拆译法大致有三种形式:顺拆法、倒拆 法、抽词拆译法。

⏹E-C 翻译整段,注意下画线的句子。
⏹Standardized tests should be considered in this context. Theyprovide a quick, objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a person learned, the skill he has developed, or the kind of person he is. The information so obtained has, qualitatively, the same advantages and shortcomings as other kinds of information. (1) Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.⏹(2) In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualitiesto be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can not be well defined. Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. (3) For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.9. Whether to use tests,other kinds of information,or both ina particular situation depends,therefore,upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.要点这是一个简单句。

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(F)She waited, but in vain. 译文:她白等了。(并列复合句合译为 单句) (G) I’ll be damned, if I’ve done something wrong. 译文:我绝对没有干坏事。(合译,主 从复合句译为单句)
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采用合句译法时,都是根据原文之间 的逻辑关系,在译文的句与句之间加上 连接词语,如汉语译文中的“因为”、 “如果”、 “但是” 、“又…… 又……”以及英语译文中“and”、 “while”、“when” 、“so”、“but” 、 “because”、“for”、“as”、“who”等.
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(H) They were at home in the home of the people, moving confidently without fear. 译文: 他们在群众家里感到自在, 行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。(分 词短语(状语)转句)
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(I)Their power increased with their number. 译文:他们人数增加了,力量 也随之增加。(介词短语(状 语)转句)
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(G) A schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy’s essay, would be justly indignant. 译文: 小学校长要是在学生的作文 里发现那样的错误也一定会生气, 而生气是完全应该的。(副词(状 语)转句)
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(C) It is very easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job. 译文:从书店和图书馆带一些书回来是轻 而易举的。然而,从书中学得知识并把 这些知识用到实践中去就不是那么简单 的事情了。(拆开并列句)

七. 分译时应遵循以下两个原则
1. 当分则分,当合则合,不可硬行拆分,否则 效果不好
2. 正确把握始分点,严格按汉语的表达习惯来 组织句子,否则,可能造成译文结构紊乱。
To cure cancer, it is , however, necessary for the medical personnel as well as the patients first to criticize the erroneous idealist view that regards malignancy as “incurable” so as to build up confidence in fighting and eradicating cancer and gain better therapeutic results.
* 英语常常用一个词或短语表达一层意思。 * 汉语一般用包含动词的小句表达一层意思。
* 英语里状语大多在动词后面,后置定语用的很多, 有关系代词、关系副词、分词和像that那样可以 引导多种从句的连词,因而一句话里常常是一个 从句(或短语)套一个从句(或短语),一连套 许多从句(或短语),可仍然层次分明,逻辑清 楚。 *汉语则往往用若干小句表达一句话的意思。
• there was in the old library at Queen’s Crawley a considerable provision of works of light literature of the last century, both in the French and English languages…
她常提到她在意大利碰到一位老先生的事。她见 他愁容满面这样的。

分句译法——课后练习I protest to you, Gentlemen, that if I had to choose between a so-called University, which dispensed with residence and tutorial superintendence, and gave its degrees to any person who passed an examination in a wide range of subjects, and a University which had no professors or examinations at all, but merely brought a number of young men together for three or four years, and then sent them away as the University of Oxford is said to have done some sixty years since, if I were asked which of these two methods was the better discipline of the intellect,—mind, I do not say which is morally the better, for it is plain that compulsory study must be a good and idleness an intolerable mischief,—but if I must determine which of the two courses was the more successful in training, moulding, enlarging the mind, which sent out men the more fitted for their secular duties, which produced better public men, men of the world, men whose names would descend to posterity, I have no hesitation in giving the preference to that University which did nothing, over that which exacted of its members an acquaintance with every science under the sun.When a multitude of young men, keen, open-hearted, sympathetic, and observant, as young men are, come together and freely mix with each other, they are sure to learn one from another, even if there be no one to teach them; the conversation of all is a series of lectures to each, and they gain for themselves new ideas and views, fresh matter of thought, and distinct principles for judging and acting, day by day.Here then is a real teaching, whatever be its standards and principles, true or false; and it at least tends towards cultivation of the intellect; it at least recognizes that knowledge is something more than a sort of passive reception of scraps and details; it is a something, and it does a something, which never will issue from the most strenuous efforts of a set of teachers, with no mutual sympathies and no inter-communion, of a set of examiners with no opinions which they dare profess, and with no common principles, who are teaching or questioning a set of youths who do not know them, and do not know each other, on a large number of subjects, different in kind, and connected by no wide philosophy, three times a week, or three times a year, or once in three years, in chill lecture-rooms or on a pompous anniversary.1。

分译练习1. I had unforgivably, in a stealthy manner, peeped at her correspondence.我偷偷摸摸地看了他的信,这实在是难以宽恕的行为。
2. We recognize that China's long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth.我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。
3. Bushing throngs, blinded by the darkness and the smoke, rushed up on a street and down the next, trampling the fallen in a crazy fruitless dash toward safety.在黑暗和浓烟中狂奔的人群,践踏着倒下的躯体,沿着大街小巷慌乱而徒劳地向着安全的地方冲闯。
4. It was our mistake to have kept nagging you.我们老是唠叨着催你,是我们不对。
5. His residence in a small town limited his knowledge of the outside world.他在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。
6. Her wish to have a pair of blue eyes and become pretty can never come true but in fairy tales.她梦想能拥有一双蓝色的眼睛,变得漂亮起来,但这样的愿望只有在童话世界里才能实现。
7. Nixon was greatly impressed by Stassen’s firm handshake.史塔生紧紧和他握手,尼克松对此印象很深刻。

分译和合译练习一、分译法1、It’s China’s sincere wish and also to the interest of the United States to expand bilateral trade and economic co-operation.【译文】扩大中美贸易和经济合作是中国方面真诚的愿望,也是美国的利益所在。
2、Ghanaian family took him in temporarily, and Tomwaited in vain to hear from his aunt.【译文】一个加纳家庭暂时收留了他。
3、In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. (O.Henry, The Last Leaf )【译文】他们在房间里瞧着窗外的那根藤,心里充满恐惧。
4、I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature.【译文】我是一个乐天派,这是出于天性,同样也出于选择。
5、As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists.【译文】他(福克纳)是一位勤于探索的心理学家,在众多在世的英美小说家中,他堪称无人匹敌的大师。
【评析】译文将名词短语“unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists”拆译成一个分句,使原文一分为二,第一个分句道其身份,第二个分句是作者对他的评价,表述层次清晰,符合汉语行文习惯。

分译法练习答案分译法练习36.He visited many places, in all of which he was received with the usual enthusiasm which attended his arduous labors.他访问了许多地方,到处受到热烈的欢迎。
)37.They try to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country. 他们企图扑灭反抗,结果反抗愈来愈猛,遍及全国。
38.But, occasionally, through haste and carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash, the other long.但是,偶尔也有这种情况,由于仓促匆忙或者粗心大意而造成错误,结果当天停业结算时,有的出纳会少了现金,而有的会多了。
39.But they had become nomads of the desert, living on the ground and under the sky, and they loved it.可是,他们都变成了沙漠里的牧民了,生活在苍天之下,黄土之上(风餐露宿)。
40. They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。
(分译副词)41. He tried vainly to talk us into agreement with the unrealistic proposal. 他试图劝说我们同意接受这项不切实际的建议,但还是白费了力气。
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. For all its great size, the machine moves noiselessly. 尽管这台机器体积很大,运转起来却没有噪声。 Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能创造,也不能毁灭,这是一条公认的 规律。 This was to be the beginning of London's "Great Fear". 伦敦陷入了“大恐慌”,现在,仅是个开始。 .Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。
有人要零件,乔治找慢了,人家就不耐烦; 找得快了,又忙中出错。 If we do a thing, we should do it well.
2.把原文中的主从复合句译成一个单句/复 句。 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people,we are not merely being polite. 我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅 是出于礼貌。
When one is awake, he cannot fix his eyes or his attention constantly on a single object. He must blink, if nothing else. 一个人在清醒时不肯能老是盯着或注视某 一物体,他至少会眨巴眨巴眼晴。
• This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that lay in the house that Jack built. • 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。老鼠偷吃 了放在屋里的蛋糕。房子是杰克盖的。
Not surprisingly, he was constanly receiving complaints from all of them about his not giving valure for money. He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. He had ong been held in cordial contempt by his peers. Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 hundred years old. For all its great size, the machine moves noiselessly. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. This was to be the beginning of London's "Great Fear" .Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.
She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill. 她回家去照料病重的丈夫。 The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dared not smoke. They would not move. 这四个人聚在那儿不说话,不敢抽烟,也不 愿走开。
Because the young man frequently came to the lady''s house, he was regarded as the mistress''s lover. 这个小伙子经常来到夫人的家。因此,别 人都以为他是这女主人的情人。
It is certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO. 人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。这一 点是可以肯定的。
In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became
Hale Waihona Puke friends. 1844年恩格斯与马克思相遇并成为了好朋 友。
July and August are the months when the weather is hot. 七八月份是天气很热的月份。
Some people got impatient when he was slow in finding a part they needed. When George hurried, he made mistakes.
12.4.2 合句法
Overwork may cause physical decline. Then insomnia may result. 工作过度会导致体力下降。然后会出现失眠的 结果。 工作过度会导致体力下降和失眠 The river is very wide. One cannot see the opposite bank. 那条河很宽。一个人看不到对岸。 河宽的看不到对岸。
Not surprisingly, he was constanly receiving complaints from all of them about his not giving valure for money. 他们常常议论他的不是,说他光拿钱不干活, 这一点毫不奇怪。 He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. 他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十 分苦恼。
Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War. She wasn't really thinking. She was thinking about something else. In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends. July and August are the months when the weather is hot. Some people got impatient when he was slow in finding a part they needed. When George hurried, he made mistakes. If we do a thing, we should do it well.
It (the People’s Republic of China) must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future; who believe in man and his glorious man-made destiny. 伟大的中华人民共和国必须用我们大家的 鲜血和工作来缔造。我们这些人相信未 来,相信人们,相信人们能够掌握自己 的命运—---- 光辉灿烂的命运。
1.把原文中两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单 句。 He was very clean.His mind was open. 他为人单纯而坦率。 There are men here from all over the country.Many of them are from the South. 这里有从全国各地来的人,其中有许多是南方人。
3.把原文中的并列复合句译成一个句子。 It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun. 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 Stir and you are a dead man. 你动一下就别想活命。 The time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light. 十点三十分的时候街上来往的车辆稀少了。
Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War. 她的父亲,二次世界大战的元凶,竟当上 了这个市的市长。 She wasn't really thinking. She was thinking about something else. 她没有认真听,脑里想着别的事情。
第二天,我又接到一个电报。这个电报有34 个字,比前一个电报说得更详细。 The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details. 对我来说,我的水族馆就像我自己的一个小 王国。我就是里面的国王 To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.
主从复合句的分译 A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the cmpany he keeps, for there is a companionship of books as well as of men. 我们通常可以从一个人所阅读的书籍以及 所交的朋友来了解他的为人。这是因为 书有伴侣,人有伙伴。
Friday night, in my New Jersey family, was "bowling night", and I still recall once asking my mom if we could go out for pizza one Friday. 在我们新泽西州的家里,每周星期五晚上 是“保龄球之夜”。我仍记得有一次, 我问妈妈我们能不能那个周五出去吃比 萨饼。