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I、D o you know?

A.Tom lives where

B. where does Tom live

C. where Tom lives

2^ She asked me.

A.whose pen it is

B. whose pen it was

C. whose pen was it

3、Don't worry. I will show you get there.

A.how you can

B. how can you

C. where you can

4、一It's raining. Maybe we can go out when the rain stops.

—But do you know?

A.when the rain will stop

B . when the rain stopped

C. when will the rain stop

5^ Tom's birthday is coming. Do you know tomorrow?

A.where he had a party

B. where he will have a party

C. where did he have a party

D. where will he have a party

6、一Dad, can you tell me? I miss her very much.

一Next month, dear.

A.when will my mum come back

B. when my mum will come back

C. how my mum goes to work

D. where will my mum go

7、—What did the teacher say to you ?

-一He asked me.

A.why I look unhappy then

B.when did I go home last night

C.how could I solve the problem

D.if I had got everything ready

——Could you tell me every morning?

-—Sure. I have to catch the school bus.

A.why you get up early

B. why do you get up early

C. why did you get up early

D. why you got up early

9、一David, look at the man in black over there. Can you tell me?

——He is an engineer.

A.who is he

B. who he is

C. what he does

10、T here are so many foggy days recently, we all wonder.

A.how is the air polluted

B.why the air is seriously polluted

C.what can we do to prevent that bad weather

D.what are the real reasons

II、They solved the problem in the end. Yet I really don't know.

D. how did they make it B. how they made it C. why did they make it 12> - Mr. Black, could you tell me?

-At 10: 00 tomorrow morning

A.where we'll go hiking

B . when we'll have a meeting

C. whether you'll come to my birthday party

13、一Look at the man in blue! Do you know?

一Oh, he is a policeman.

A.what does he

B. what he does

C. how he does

14> No one knew.

A.she will come

B. if she would come

C. if she would come or not

D. whether she will come or not

15N— Does anybody want to share on Father's Day?

一I bought a tie for my father. He loves it.

A. what you did

B. where you went

C. when you shopped

16、-What did Max just say to you?

A. if I would like to go skating

B. when did I buy this CD
